Sameway Leisure《同路人優悠版》216期

Page 29

Driveway ٙൢ

26-11-10 No. 192

75 Years of Jaguar history goes live

To mark the presentation of the stunning C-X75 at the Los Angeles Motor Show, Jaguar has launched an all-new iPad app that, like the supercar, celebrates three-quarters of a century of beautiful, fast cars.

history of groundbreaking road and racing cars. The app leads users through the iconic designs behind the Jaguar legend and the passionate people that created them.

Fittingly, the story begins with the fastest and possibly most beautiful Jaguar concept car ever, the 205mph hybrid C-X75. This latest in a long line of iconic Jaguars is brought to life in the app through the use of exclusive imagery, videos of it in action and interviews with the men behind it including Design Director Ian Callum and Head of Research Tony Harper.

Beautiful newly commissioned photography of such famous cars as the C and D-Type racers, mighty Mk II and elegant E-Type are interspersed with heritage images, archive video and the stories of the men behind the marque.

Entirely forward-looking, the C-X75 has been informed by Jaguar's rich

The Jaguar 75 iPad app is available for free download from the iTunes store by searching for 'Jaguar 75 HD'. iPhone users can download their own version of the app exclusively designed for the smaller device.

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