Hand in Hand - July

Page 5

I hear a lot of talk about “Primary Health Care”. I am unsure I have a thorough understanding of the concept: Primary health care refers to the basic tools for health improvement, illness care, and the gateway to other healthcare services. It describes the services we receive at first contact to the health care system. This may be in a physician’s office, wellness clinic, pharmacy, or community health centre. Well- baby clinics, public health – disease screening, telephone help services are also examples of this type of care. Many providers can and do contribute to the primary health care team in multiple settings. The ultimate goal is continuous promotion of health with continuity in the services provided. Below is a comparison of medical care and primary health care.

Medical Care

Primary Health Care

Focus on illness

Focus on health

Focus on cure

Focus on prevention, care, and cure

Focus on treatment

Focus on health promotion

Provides episodic care

Provides continuous care

Care focuses on specific problems

Care is comprehensive

Care provided by physicians in solo practice

Care provided by teams of health professional

Health care system responsible for outcomes

Multiple systems and the patient collaborate to improve health outcomes

Don’t forget to wear your name tags! The SALPN encourages the use of a name tag displaying your first and last name with professional designation. Be proud of who you are and the care you provide.


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