But for many eco-friendly salon owners, going green is an extension
that in addition to implementing Green Circle Salons’ environmental
of what they personally believe in. “Since I was little, I’ve always
initiatives, designHouse Salon uses all-recycled paper and has limited
believed we have to reduce, reuse and recycle; it really resonated with
its amount of printing.
me that we have to take care of the planet,” says Bruce Peters, owner of Zazou Salon & Academy in North Vancouver. Going green doesn’t have to put your business in the red. From
When it comes to recycling the salon’s waste through Green Circle Salons’ recycling program, Pasychny says it’s been a seamless transition for her team. “Our staff is excited to help sort it, and
building to remodelling, there are various changes that can help your
everybody works together,” she explains. “It’s not an inconvenience at
salon be more environmentally friendly while saving you money and
all. It fits right in as something you should do.”
helping grow your clientele.
As one of the first salons to join Green Circle Salons since it expanded
Turning your salon into an eco-friendly space can be an evolving
to Vancouver in 2012, Zazou Salon & Academy has always been
process. Chantelle Pasychny, owner of designHouse Salon in Victoria,
mindful of the environment. The salon has incorporated recycled
B.C., opened her eco-friendly salon five years ago—well before going
wood logs, LED lighting and recycled paper and has even started
green became an industry trend.
using iPads to store its clients’ information. In addition, Zazou Salon
“When I was looking into opening the salon, I just wanted to create
& Academy is the winner of Green Circle Salons’ 2016 Earth Month
it sustainably, not really realizing the bigger result it would create for
video competition, which awarded them a forest of 1,500 trees
the industry,” she explains. “My husband and I designed it ourselves,
planted in the salon’s honour.
but we aligned ourselves with a construction partner who sourced
Members of Green Circle Salons implement an Environmental
recycled wood and we figured out how to take care of things ethically.
Contribution Initiative (ECI) fee, which helps increase revenue to
It was the perfect synergy and just kept evolving and growing.”
support the salon’s eco-friendly changes. “I was weary of having to
designHouse Salon was designed as an eco-friendly salon from the
charge people more, but the service fee is a great thing,” explains
ground up, with Pasychny incorporating recycled materials and all-
Peters. “It gives us a different revenue stream and provides a
LED lighting and even adding a living wall, which absorbs emissions
different avenue to offset future expenses, as opposed to raising
in the air. “A lot of people comment that it doesn’t smell like a salon
service prices. It’s a fee that’s going to benefit the company while
when they walk in,” she says. “It’s very fresh and open.” She says
helping the environment.”
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