Пам’ятати мертвих, щоб любити живих.Єврейське кладовище смт.Черняхова
Remember the dead, to love the living.
Cherniakhiv Jewish cemetery
Дослідницький проєкт Забродського Богдана, Опанасенка Дениса,учнів 11-Б класу Черняхівського ліцею №1 Черняхівської селищної ради
The research project by Bohdan Zabrodskyy and Denys Opanasenko, students of the 11th grade of Cherniakhiv Lyceum No. 1 Chernyakhiv town council
The history of the town of Cherniakhiv begins in ancient times. The first mention of Cherniakhiv dates back to the 9th century, when this settlement was the part of Kievan Rus. Historical sources testify that Cherniakhiv was the centre of trade and crafts on the territory of Kievan Rus.
The Jews lived in the town from ancient times.
According to the 1847 census, the "Cherniakhiv Jewish Society" consisted of 1267 people. According to the 1897 census, there were 1774 Jews (45.7%) out of 3878 town residents. In the 1930s, Cherniakhiv was the center of the Jewish village counsil. In 1939, 1,482 Jews (20.7% of the population) lived in the town. The Jews, mostly workers, pub (shinok) owners, doctors, lawyers, participated in the development of our town. Some shops belonged to Jewish families .
року "Черняхівське єврейське суспільство"
складалося з 1267 душ. За переписом 1897 року з 3878
мешканців містечка було 1774 євреї (45,7%). У 1930-ті
роки Черняхів був центром єврейської селищної ради.
У 1939 році в містечку проживало 1482 євреї (20,7% від
Cherniakhiv Jewish cemetery is a historical burial place of the Jewish community of our town whose history reaches as far as the 16th century. The cemetery is located on the outskirts of the town and is enclosed by a fence.
The cemetery is a significant historical and cultural object, because it opens the window to life and traditions of the Jewish community of the region.
The cemetery contains over 500 graves, some of which date back to the 17th century. The latest burials date back to 2021.
A lot of graves are decorated with sophisticated carvings on stone and written in Hebrew
On Jewish tombstones, in addition to the text, one can often see various decorative elements.
The texts of the epitaphs are decorated with the following symbols: David's star, menorah, "Koen's Hands", tree trunk, flower... Some symbols carry valuable information about the occupation, the cause of death.
Привернула нашу
Different shapes of the tombstones have attracted our attention as well.
історія сталася 1946 року. Під час окупації селяни розтягли мацеви зі старого єврейського цвинтаря –
як будматеріал.
Після вигнання нацистів євреї хотіли відновити цвинтар, але ніхто віддавати плити не збирався.
An interesting story happened in 1946. During the occupation, the peasants plundered matzevas from the old Jewish cemetery home to be used as building material. After the expulsion of the Nazis, the Jews wanted to restore the cemetery, but no one was going to hand over the slabs.
Then the priest from the local church said: until the tombstones are returned, no service will be held in the church. In a few days, the matzevas were back at the cemetery.
в с. Дівочки в піщаному кар'єрі.
During World War II mass shootings of civilians of the Jewish nationality were carried out on the territory of Cherniakhiv region. Shootings took place in clay quarry ( behind the machine and tractor station, where the railway in the area of Budionnyy (Vyhovskyy) Street is. But the largest place of execution is in the village of Divochky in the sand quarry.
20 листопада
On November 20, 2012, near the village of Divochky, at the place of execution "A memorial sign of the shooting of civilians of the Jewish nationality" was opened
After finding out the 1941-1942, the remains of their bodies were reburied in mass graves of Jewish
The Cemetery is a significant historical and cultural object,because it opens the window to the life and traditions of the Jewish community of the region. However, during the recent years, the place has suffered greatly from neglect and vandalism
Efforts are now being made to restore and preserve the cemetery. Thus, thanks to the efforts of local residents and former citizens of Cherniakhiv who now live in Israel, the USA, Germany, Russia and Ukraine, in 2012 the territory was improved.
Дослідницький проєкт Забродського Богдана, Опанасенка Дениса,учнів 11-Бкласу
Черняхівського ліцею №1
Куратор: вчитель Черняхівського ліцею №1
Сахненко Тетяна Іванівна,Михальчук Олена Борисівна
Research project by Bohdan Zabrodskyy and Denys
Opanasenko, students of the 11th grade of Cherniakhiv Lyceum No1
Curator: teacher of Cherniakhiv Lyceum No1 Tetiana Sakhnenko,Olena Michalchuk
Висловлюємо щиру подяку усім, хто допомагав у
створенні проекту, за консультації й надані матеріали:
директору Черняхівського
краєзнавчого музею Гринь
О.В , учителям, бібліотекарям Черняхівського
We express our sincere thanks to all those who helped in the creation of the project, for consultations and provided materials: to the director of the Cherniakhiv Local History
Museum Olena Hryn, teachers, librarians of Cherniakhiv Lyceum No. 1