Sage Magazine Issue 6

Page 56

SAGE magazine

to be able to put themselves into a ‘human suit’ with an emotional body. And to have the ability to experience with such depth and tangibility a tear on our cheek, the sun on our body or the touch of a loved one, makes this dimension one of immense sensations and beauty in which to physically feel love. Having been given the blessed gift to talk directly to a person’s Soul, I have heard over and over again the Soul begging its ‘human extension’ to surrender to its guidance and grace, however the human mind usually has other ideas and will project the very real sensations of fear and apprehension through the physical body to stop a connection to this divine powerhouse within us.

Start to question your thoughts, face them head on and be brutally honest with yourself, asking if the thought is really true? Sense how it makes you feel within yourself and turn the thought around into a positive one. Observe your thoughts and please do not judge them, give yourself compassion and understanding and know thoughts are only real if you make them so. Imagine them to be no more than clouds that cross the vastness of your magnificent consciousness. Another helpful practice is to stand outside and face the Sun and with pure intent direct its golden rays into your third eye center in the middle of your forehead. See your mind fill with golden light and imagine a pearl in the center of your brain also filling with this golden light. 
Now consciously take your breath up through your nostrils into what is now a golden pearl just under your crown chakra and witness this ball expand and contract with each breath.

Even if it is inherited and stored genetically within us, or appears as a chemical or hormonal imbalance in it’s nature, the invisible prison of depression is created from the foundation of self judgment and the belief that our thoughts are our reality. In addition the expectations and judgments placed upon us by our families, our society and our own ego’s sets before each Do this for as long as you feel comfortable and repeat of us the huge challenge of maintaining our self worth daily. while trying to be all we can be, or worse, who we are supposed to be within the eyes of others. The pearl in the center of your brain is the Pineal Gland and what my guides refer to as the Gateway to your And the harder we try to live up to these artificial Divine Consciousness and by activating this gland with expectations, the further down into the deep well golden sunlight and conscious breath, it will assist you of disappointment and despair we fall, becoming to reconnect to your own divine intelligence and the disconnected from our soul’s inner guidance, divine pure life force of love. intelligence and intuition. Life becomes joyless and pointless and an unexplainable sense of homesickness and alienation is created, we begin to judge and control our emotions and so through more judgment of the original negative beliefs, which are passed down generation after generation, we continue on an endless cycle of turmoil and anxiety that then controls us. So begin to remind yourself daily of some of the basic truths of your existence; 1. At your core you are pure love, or you could not exist. 2. You chose to have this human experience to assist in your own evolution and that of God’s. 3. You are a unique and precious aspect within the Web of Life. 4. You are a universal blessing within the eyes of Spirit. Here are two simple exercises, which can assist in the positive upliftment of your thoughts and your moods:

Jennifer Starlight is an internationally renown Trance Medium and Author for Spirit and offers Soul readings and One on One sessions with her guide Amun-Min. She is available in person on the Gold Coast or via Skype. Please go to the website for more information or to book an appointment.

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