S41 Local - 12 Winter 2020

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After you have pushed through though, you are rewarded by being in your learning zone. This is the place where you start to see things more systematically and approach your goal head on. It will materialise by you doing some research into the subject you wish to improve, or if research doesn't apply to your goal, then this could also be you learning more about yourself and how you make the most progress with the least resistance. Lastly comes your growth zone, here is where you will reap what you have sown and begin to see the improvement in yourself. Which could be you stepping on the scales and seeing yourself 6 pounds lighter, taking a sigh of fulfilment after finishing that book you were given for Christmas, or seeing a clean and empty email inbox. You will have found purpose and feel confident in your ability to continue improving yourself. I hope that came across as clear as I intended, but please also remember that this isn't a linear process and will be a journey of ups and downs.

Unfortunately understanding and recognising your current position in your journey is only a small part of achieving a goal, the rest is simply hard work. I know at the start of a new year it also almost like there is something in the air (the winds of change if you want to get poetic about it). But always remember that with each passing day, hour, and minute there are new possibilities and space to achieve your full potential as a human being. Now I understand that there is a lot of new information to take in there and nothing really to guide you in creating goals, so here are a few things that I found helped me in getting stuff done. The most effective tool I use is setting 'S.M.A.R.T targets': Specific, Measurable, Attainable, and Time Based. In a world where everything is becoming 'Smart': Smart TV's, Smart meters, Smart lights, and Smart houses. It is vital to ensure you keep with times and make your targets smart as well. An example of a SMART target would be - I will go to Queen's Park gym three times a week before/after work. This is specific because I've stated a date

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