Istorii de succes - english.

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Foreword Small and Medium Enterprise Sector represents the engine of the economic development, the driver for innovation and modernization, a place where everyone meets his/her aspirations and manages to apply successfully his/her talent and creativity . In the Republic of Moldova the portion of SMEs out of the total turnover constitutes 97.8%, thus involving almost 58.7% of the overall employment in the country. Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development (ODIMM) comes to support local entrepreneurship, especially beginners, and the brochure "Business Success Stories" presents the best practices of local entrepreneurs who have benefited from ODIMM projects and are successful in their businesses. The brochure "Business Success Stories" may serve as an incentive for you, may generate an idea, a response to a number of questions, or even useful tips from entrepreneurs regarding initiation and development of a business. In the same time we encourage you to check our web pages and where you can find a number of Projects and Programs intended for SMEs, news about different events for and with the participation of SMEs, public-private dialogue application which will help you ask and get answers from our experts, etc. We wish you great success in your entrepreneurial activity and we are confident that together we can build Moldova as an economically strong country. With profound respect,

Iulia Iabanji, ODIMM General Director

,,To start a business one needs money” Victoria Branişte

,,Albinuţa Fermecată” S.R.L. Registration: 2008 Founder: Victoria Branişte Field of activity: apiculture, including mother bee breeding and beehive production Number of employees: 3 Place: Hârtopul Mare village, Criuleni district If you want to see a place where life is as sweet as honey, you should go to Hartopul Mare village, Criuleni district, to "Albinuţa Fermecată" SRL (transl. „Fairy Bee”) After graduating the university Victoria Braniste returned to her home place. Given her love for bees and the fact that her parents had a family activity, Victoria founded an enterprise dealing with the production of beehives and honey. At first Victoria Braniste’s business was more of a family hobby, with few bees and beehives, but in 2008, with the support of National Program for Youth Economic Empowerment (PNAET) she purchased equipment for hives manufacturing in the amount of 80,000 lei. Now "Albinuţa Fermecată" SRL possesses 50 hives producing about a ton of honey per year, which is being sold on the market, on command, and the remaining part serves as food for bees, instead of sugar. Victoria’s business is successful throughout the whole year. During warm seasons honey is produced and mother-bees breeding is carried out, whereas in winter beehives are manufactured for those who want to keep bees. According to Victoria, the most important role in beekeeping belongs to high skilled employees that are very hard to find. Not everyone can work with hives and only few people know the specifics of working with bees. Victoria works mainly with her family members, and in the same time she allows the students from the vocational school to conduct their business practice at her enterprise. For Victoria Braniste’s activism in apiculture development in the Republic of Moldova and for the merits she performed, in 2010 International Organization for Migration offered a grant of 1,000 Euro to purchase a stainless steel honey extractor which made honey extraction from hives more easy. The young entrepreneur mentioned that her success in business depends a lot on knowledge and hard work, but also to a great extent on the understanding and support from her parents and her husband who support her at any time.

Tips for young beginners: The first step while starting a new business should be ambition and passion for the field one has chosen. Make an analysis of the market and regional competitors. Make a draft of your project. ~2~

,,The secrets of business should be learned in high school” Viorel Voinu

,,Puişorul de Aur” S.R.L. Registration: 2007 Founder: Viorel Voinu Field of activity: layer breeding Number of employees: 8 Place: Stoianovca village, Cantemir district Unlike other young people nowadays do staying in Europe, Viorel Voinu decided to bring Europe home. After 11 years of hard work in Russia, Germany and Italy, Viorel returned home to his native village - Stoianovca, Cantemir district, to realize the dream he had from school: building a poultry farm according to European standards. The business started with only 6 incubators which had been sent from Italy. In 2008, upon learning about the National Program for Youth Economic Empowerment (PNAET), he decided to participate and once being accepted, he purchased a factory for compound feed production which was brought from Italy at a cost of 300,000 lei, of which 40% returned as non-refundable grant. Currently, Viorel Voinu has a poultry farm with a capacity of nine thousand eggs a day and a feed mill with a capacity of eight tons of forage per day. "We started by marketing one-day chickens, in 2008 we managed to build a hall to breed chicken for sale", Viorel Voinu says. In 2009 he opened a hall for layers and in 2010 – the hall for chicken breeding transformed in a hall for raising layers producing diet eggs. "Now we produce only eggs", Mr. Voinu states. The farm has been built according to new technologies and produces organic eggs. The eggs are packed in special boxes directly from the carrier. Mr. Voinu is working to reduce as much as possible physical work of his 8 employees, creating favorable working conditions for them. Taking into account the success in the development of his business, upon participating in the grant contest provided by the International Organization for Migration, "Puisorul de Aur" SRL (transl. "Golden Chiken") received a grant of 1,000 Euro which was used to purchase modern fans for the halls. "Puisorul de Aur" SRL is a successful business, aiming to a future expanding thus becoming one of the largest poultry farmes in the region. Slowly but surely people with ideas and ambition, through hard work and honest business development, achieve their goal and ensure themselves a decent living and a happy future for their children.

Tips for young beginners: Doing business one has to risk, whatever may happen. Life is a struggle, and in this struggle it is necessary to assume the risks.


,,To start a business one needs not only knowledge, but also organizational spirit ” Valeriu Arnăut

,,Arnacon Bas” S.R.L. Registration: 2008 Founder: Valeriu Arnăut Field of activity: wood processing Number of employees: 10 Place: Bascalia village, Basarabeasca district

Valeriu Arnaut was brought in Bascalia village, Basarabeasca district. Being a schoolboy at the village school, he worked hard helping his parents. After that he decided to become a lawyer and graduated Law faculty in Chisinau. There followed years of work and experience in Chisinau, until he realized that the city is not for him. He returned to his native village, where in 2008 registered the enterprise "Arnacon Bas" SRL. The Business is related to the processing of wood necessary for constructions and other purposes. The wood was imported from Ukraine and processed on site. It was mainly manual work. Through the National Program for Youth Economic Empowerment there has been procured an equipment to process wood costing 300,000 lei, of which 40% as non-refundable grant. Due to this fact the company was able to diversify its fields by: raw processing of wood and wood impregnation; manufacture of goods from plastic materials; intermediation in the sale of wood materials and building materials; retail trade in non-specialized stores. At the present moment this is a family business. The enterprise has a market big enough to cover all southern area of the country, the largest one being Gagauzia. In 2010 Mr. Arnaut received a grant of 1,000 Euro within the framework of the Project of International Organization for Migration, which was used to purchase a straightening and jointing equipment MSP. Mr. Arnaut wants to expand his business. "The future of the country is in the hands of youth", the founder states.

Tips for young beginners: Be careful in selecting the team you will be working with. Listen to the specialists, learn from their experience.


”Only through work you can get the success you desire” Andrei Colţa

GŢ ,,Colţa Andrei” Registration: 2004 Founder: Andrei Colta Field of activity: production of sheep and goat milk Number of employees: 6 Place: Cărpineni village, Hâncesti district

After 10 years of working abroad, Mr. Andrei Colta decided that his future is at home, in his native village, near his family and children, his fellow villagers. Having big experience of working abroad and possessing funds accumulated in England, he decided that he can make a business out of a hobby, an enterprise that will generate a running income to support his family. In his farm there are over 700 cattle, 100 Dutch goats and more than 50 fancy pigs. Mr. Colta is at the very beginning, and the National Program for Youth Economic Empowerment offered him the opportunity to purchase milk processing equipment that is worth 300,000 lei. The equipment has made the expensive milk processing work easier, as well as fastened its separation into several components, in such a way as finally to make possible production of cheese or Telemea cheese. In present Mr. Colta is one of the largest producers of goat milk in the region. He created six jobs and intends to expand his business; he also wants to buy more goats. He had signed contracts for cheese delivery with such commercial centers as „Metro” and „Green Hills”, he has several shops at the Central market. "I want to do something useful, something that will help me financially and also will be beneficial to others. I do not want to go abroad. Moldova is my home", says Mr. Colta. Mr. Colta is an active participant in many events, conferences, roundtables, where the problems of small entrepreneurs in rural areas are discussed. For him future counts.

Tips for young beginners:

Be a fan of your business. Keep in grievances.





„Don’t get the tail down and don’t step back at the first obstacle you face” Sergiu Cucu

,,PromoCons-SV” S.R.L. Registration: 2004 Founder: Sergiu Cucu Field of activity: production of concrete elements Number of employees: 6 Place: Căuseni Mr. Sergiu Cucu learned the art of negotiation in business from his parents. Graduating from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova in 2004 he decided to start an enterprise for concrete elements manufacturing "PromoCons-SV" SRL. Being involved in his father's business, he was aware that that to perform a construction work it is necessary to consume materials which need to be purchased. This led him to start a business related to the production of construction elements. It was not easy at all. To start with he invested in a land plot with some very old buildings on it that were repaired and used as halls for the production of Fortan type bricks. Afterwards there was purchased the dosing equipment for cement bags, and with the support of the National Program for Youth Economic Empowerment (PNAET) in 2008 there was purchased a cement mixer and the equipment for Fortan production. In order to perform direct sales of construction materials that were produced by the enterprise it was decided to build a specialized shop in Căuseni. "PromoCons" SRL is quite successful in the region; the number of customers is constantly increasing. The manager of the enterprise wants to produce and to sell quality construction materials, to expand the number of goods and services provided to clients, to increase the number of loyal customers.

Tips for young beginners: Learn and get inspired from all possible sources. Think carefully at the beginning and go step by step.


,,In order to be sucessful in their business, the entepreneurs have to know what they want from the very beginning” Sergiu Ioniser

,,Ioniser” S.R.L. Registration: 2007 Founder: Sergiu Ioniser Field of activity: milk production Number of employees: 3 Place: Sipoteni village, Hâncesti district. Sergiu Ioniser was born in the town of Hancesti, and following graduation from the faculty of veterinary medicine at the State Agricultural University he worked as a veterinarian in his hometown. At that time he already had a business idea, but he was lacking the necessary financial resources. Mr. Ioniser decided to go to Ireland. There he gained practical knowledge about cattle breeding on a farm with modern technologies. Upon returning home in 2007 he decided to start a dairy farm in Şipoteni village, Hâncesti district. In order to purchase all necessary equipment he participated in the National Program for Youth Economic Empowerment, through which he bought a mixer for animal feed. Having a beneficial production activity he has been selected by the International Organization for Migration to participate in the grants contest. He was selected as one of the winners and got the chance to purchase a milk quality analyzer that worth 1,000 Euro. For two years "Ioniser" SRL was one of the direct providers to the diary production Company "JLC". At the moment the milk is packaged in bottles directly on the farm and is sold wholesale. "The milk is being sold well on the market", Mr. Ioniser stated. This fact made him develop a project meant to create 5 dairy farms using advanced technologies. Upon becoming modern model farms, this will be the place where scientific researches in the field will be conducted, and the students from the faculty of veterinary medicine will be given a place to conduct internships. This project requires considerable financial resources and can be implemented with support of foreign investments.

Tips for young beginners: In order to have the results you desire, it is necessary to follow the 3 principles „I know – I want – I can”. Knock on every door, and one of them will open. ~7~

,,The development of an enterprise depends on the character of the founder” Nicolae Rusu

,,Compania Helix” S.R.L. Registration: 2007 Founder: Nicolae Rusu Field of activity: pastry production Number of employees: 3 Place: Plopi village, Cantemir district Nicolae Rusu was born in Plopi village, Cantemir district. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University "Dunarea de Jos", Cahul. In 2005 he registered the enterprise "Compania Helix" SRL dealing with pastry production. At the beginning Mr. Rusu used bank loans which stimulated him to be responsible and certain of what he is doing. "Helix Company" SRL focuses on the production of cakes, buns, rolls – the demand for these products being quite high during holidays. In 2008 Mr. Rusu learned about ODIMM and PNAET. With the support of the Program he purchased pastry equipment that worth 288,000 lei, of which 40% as non-refundable grant. Later on he rented a room and turned it into a hall for ceremonies. Mr. Rusu intends to produce a variety of wedding cakes which will be made on order. He also plans to build a terrace in front of the Pizzeria that will attract more customers. The diligence and courage of the manager to develop the business helped to highlight the company and thus it was awarded a grant of 1,000 Euro from the International Organization for Migration which was used to purchase a machine to package the pastry, a necessity for the technological process. It should be noted that Mr. Rusu actively participates in youth meetings and that suggests the idea that economic development of the Republic of Moldova really matters to him.

Tips for young beginners: Before starting a business make sure that the money which is meant to be invested really worth it. Advising is welcomed in business.


,,Success is the utmost use of your capacities” Mihail Borş

,,Marineanca – Agro” S.R.L. Registration: 2005 Founder: Mihail and Maria Borș Field of activity: growing and marketing agricultural products Number of employees: 37 Place: Sărata-Veche village, Fălesti district "Marineanca - Agro" SRL was founded in 2004 by two founders, Mihail Bors and Maria Bors. The main field of activity of the enterprise is growing and marketing agricultural products. There are 37 employees working currently at the enterprise. Enterprise’s distribution market are the local and regional ones (town of Fălesti and Bălși city). During 2004-2006 the enterprise has gradually expanded agricultural land for cultivation, but the most of farm machinery (tractors, cultivators, seed drills, plows necessary for the activity was leased. In order to reduce lease costs for the equipment and to increase work productivity, Mihail Bors decided to purchase a combine harvester. The entrepreneur asked for a loan from BC "Fincombanc" SA. The assets that have been pledged were insufficient to cover the total amount of the credit, so the ODIMM came with a credit guarantee for the 42% of the loan amount requested. Upon benefiting from the credit, the enterprise has improved its production capacities and the sales volumes increased considerably. "Marineanca - Agro" SRL is a successful business of the founders.

Tips for young beginners: It is necessary to work hard to see the business growing. Follow your competitors, but don’t try to imitate them.


,,The future belongs to those who cooperate, think, communicate, plan and make changes� Vadim Moscovciuc

,,Paster Lact� S.R.L. Registration: 2008 Founder: Vadim Moscovciuc Field of activity: milk processing Number of employees: 6 Place: Ignătei village, Rezina district "Paster Lact" SRL started milk processing and packaging in 2008, at the initiative of its founder Mr. Vadim Moscovciuc. Thirty years old young man with extensive experience in this field applied his knowledge and skills in a private enterprise. In 2008, considering the conditions of the National Program for Youth Economic Empowerment, Mr. Moscovciuc received a loan of 296 000 lei that was used to purchase the equipment for pasteurization of milk. In addition to that, learning more about other funding opportunities for entrepreneurs he called "Credit Rappid" SRL and received another loan to purchase the equipment to produce butter, rennet cheese, produce kefir. "At the moment the business is successful, and the milk from "Paster Lact" SRL is qualitative and tasty", Mr. Moscovciuc says. The milk does not contain any E substances, it is natural and the consumers like it. The main raw material supplier for "Paster Lact" SRL is Commercial cooperative "Vita-Lact" from Rezina district, a partner from the very beginning. The final product is delivered to distribution markets from Rezina, Soldanesti, Orhei and Chisinau, they have delivery contracts for the products with commercial centers, schools and kindergartens. Once the production volumes has increased and transportation needs became bigger, there appeared necessity to buy a truck, which minimized transportation costs and made milk collection process and delivery of the finished products more efficient. Currently the company has 6 employees. "We enjoy our successes and move forward very firmly", the founder of "Paster Lact" SRL said. In the future it is planned to extend the distribution markets as the demand for products is increasing.

Tips for young beginners: You should try, risk, otherwise you cannot achieve your goal. Create a natural product, this is the only way you can attract customers.

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„Success in business means preparation, discipline and hard work. Otherwise, there are always a lot of opportunities�

Diaciuc Mihail

S.R.L. ,,Agrimonia� Registration: 2003 Founder: Diaciuc Mihail and Rita Field of activity: production and service provision in the field of agriculture Number of employees: 7 Place: Dusmani village, Glodeni district "Agrimonia" SRL was registered in December 2003 by the spouses Diaciuc Mihail and Rita residing in Dusmani village, Glodeni district. From its starting date to the present day the enterprise successfully carries out its activities related to the production and services provision in the field of agriculture, being a leader on the market in the northern regions of the country. At present, the enterprise operates in several sectors of the economy, such as plant growing cultivation of cereals, pulse, beans, maize and technical crops, animal husbandry - poultry farm and eggs incubation (250,000 eggs), wood processing industry - carpentry workshop for tools production. Given the favorable climate and fertile soil the entrepreneur specialized in cultivation of field plants which are economically efficient and environmentally inoffensive, ensure high productivity, imply modern technologies for processing and cultivation of soil. During 2009, after a thorough analysis of all aspects of its work, the entrepreneur intended to develop the existing business by launching a new business activity related to the production and sale of wheat flour and milling services provision for the population from the northern regions. To this end, in February 2010 the company requested a loan from BC "FinComBank" SA, aiming to procure a tractor and a wheat mill to produce flour according to Italian technologies, which has been contracted with the support of ODIMM financial guarantee. Upon purchasing and installation of the wheat mill the enterprise can now extract at least 73% of white flour, produce bran, sell grains and provide milling services, thus increasing sales revenues by almost 30%. Milling services market includes local market and the population from neighboring villages. Moreover, the mill is placed on a track that can be transported to places where there are quantities of wheat to be processed. The success of this business is due to an effective management of the enterprise and productive involvement of the staff. It is important to mention that the enterprise currently has 14 full time employees.

Tips for young beginners: Be active in SME projects, it is an additional source for financing. Hope and you will succeed. The theory of thought really works. ~ 11 ~

„My success in business is due to following counterparts: time, price and quality”

Glavan Ion

S.C. ,,Trimobil-Design” S.R.L. Registration: 2005 Founder: Glavan Ion Field of activity: production of furniture Number of employees: 13 Place: Sărata Veche village, Fălesti district SC "Trimobil-Design" SRL operates since 2005 in Falesti district, Sarata Veche village, being founded by Mr. Glavan Ion. From its starting day up to present the enterprise produces furniture on customers’ orders, including furniture for kitchen, bedroom, office, shop-windows, etc. Distribution market is oriented towards the northern districts of the country and Chisinau city. The things that make customers use again and again the services of the enterprise are quality of the products, manufacturing efficiency, affordability. One of the advantages the enterprise has is the production hall with an area of over 100 square meters, which allows space delineation in areas with special technological purpose, spaces for storage and stock areas for wood, stock areas for finished products etc. By 2007, the enterprise used wood texture pressing services provided by a third party from Chisinau, which significantly increased production costs of furniture. In order to reduce the furniture price and respectively to extend the number of customers the founder identified the need to purchase a modern lathe for wood processing. To this end, in December 2007 Mr. Glavan asked BC "FinComBank" SA for a loan, which has been supported by ODIMM financial guarantee. Following the implementation of new technology and equipment all wood processing works are carried out at the enterprise, which gives the entrepreneur possibility to set market competitive pricing. Currently SC "Trimobil-Design" SRL has increased its sales volumes and reduced the period of furniture production, making it more responsive to the wishes of its customers. To be successful, regardless of the type and size of business, it is necessary to be disciplined, determined, committed, collaborative and trusty. Currently, the company has 15 employees who work seriously and with great commitment.

Tips for young beginners:

We are not born entrepreneurs, but life can make us good ones. It is important to be professional, having perseverance is more important.

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„In order to succeed in life one has to fight every day with the same force and enthusiasm”

Cebotari Ştefan

,,Cito- Gaz – Service” S.R.L. Registration: 1997 Founder: Cebotari Stefan and Avrora Field of activity: production, processing and marketing of agricultural products Number of employees: 7 Place: Singerei "Cito-Gaz-Service" SRL is a family business, founded by Cebotari Avrora and Stehan and headed by their son, Ion. The enterprise was registered in October 1997 in the town Sângerei and deals with production, processing and marketing of agricultural products. At present the enterprise owns and leases about 900 hectares of farmland on which it grows sunflower, corn, soybean, rapeseed and corn, the products being sold on the domestic market (to small farmers from neighboring villages) and 13% on foreign markets (United Kingdom). Given the success on the foreign markets, the entrepreneur tends to increase sales revenue registered from exports, reaching as much as 60% of the total turnover. Simultaneously, it is important to mention that over the years the enterprise has created a modern technical base that consists of cultivators, seed drills, plows, sprayers and other equipment, which allows to provide land cultivation services and agricultural products processing to producers from the region. Another activity of the enterprise is related to the import of fertilizers and seeds from Great the United Kingdom and their marketing in the Republic of Moldova. In order to store and market imported fertilizers, the company rents a room which is directly connected to the railway, the sale thus being carried out with no additional transportation costs. In order to develop its activities, carry out the main objectives and, respectively, increase export turnover the founder requested a loan from CB "Moldova Agroindbank" SA supported by ODIMM financial guarantee. Following the implementation of the investment projects, the turnover of the enterprise during one year has doubled and the net profit increased 5 times. Simultaneously, during one year the enterprise increased by 13% the number of employees having at the present moment 27 people employed.

Tips for young beginners: Do something different that can attract customers from the region. Make a thorough analysis of every detail.

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„My successes in life are due to the fact that I have always been a quarter of an hour in front of the others”

Filip Serghei

S.C. ,, Fiser- Agro” S.R.L. Registration: 2006 Founder: Filip Serghei and Cazacu Pavel Field of activity: agriculture Number of employees: 44 Place: Dusmani village, Glodeni district SC "Fiser-Agro" SRL has been registered in November 2006 by the founders Filip Serghei and Cazacu Pavel esiding in the town Leova. The administrator, Mr. Filip Serghei is working in agriculture since 1996 and manages the business with great care. The enterprise carries out intermediation between national farmers and customers of agricultural products from abroad (United Kingdom) and, respectively, marketing agricultural products, live animals, textiles etc. However, SC "Fiser-Agro" SRL provides technical services to local agricultural enterprises, according to seasonal contracts and in exchange purchases agricultural products (rape seeds, sunflower, wheat, barley). In order to carry out all works the company owns four tractors, a drill, a cultivator. The company has a rather small segment on the local market, but the volume of services of a variety of ranges helped to establish steady customers throughout the country. Key internal partners are located in Hancesti, Leova, Anenii Noi districts, Chisinau city. Following an economic and financial analysis of the enterprise, the founders stated the necessity to purchase fertilizers (nitra) for agricultural producers. Mr. Filip applied for a bank loan at BC "FinComBank" SA, which was supported by ODIMM financial guarantee. Following the implementation of the project enterprise’s sales revenues have increased and the profit increased 1.4 times. The success of the business results from effective management of the enterprise and productive involvement of staff. It is important to mention that the enterprise has 44 full time employees, all being specialists in the field who demonstrate seriousness and responsibility towards work.

Tips for young beginners: Make a thorough analysis of every detail. Be responsible with the customers and deliver the product in time.

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,,Many people limit their thoughts. You can get everything if you really believe in this”

Corneliu Şapovalov

S.C.,,Sordecor” S.R.L. Registration: 2010 Founder: Corneliu Sapovalov Field of activity: decoration services provision Number of employees: 2 Place: Soroca The founder of the enterprise SC "Sordecor " SRL was fond of design since he was a student at the College of Fine Arts, then worked in his parents’ gift shop, studying very well balloons twisting. Thus his career as a decorator began, and in 2010 he registered the enterprise SC "Sordecor" SRL in the field of arranging the places for ceremonies. At first Corneliu imported balloons, participated in decorating wedding halls and with the support of Soroca Business Incubator, created by the Nervegian project "Entrance to your business" and SME Sector Development Organization, within a contest he had been selected to incubate in the Incubator, which was a practice and a business school for him. Business Incubator from Soroca offered Corneliu a grant to purchase a computer, a printer and new decoration elements. At the time, Mr. Şapovalov that is considered to be the creator of the most spectacular events in Soroca, has a good collaboration with Orhideea Group to carry out joint events - Valentine's Day, New Year, 1st of September, Last School Day, Halloween, birthday parties. Students are always seeking for him. In addition to that, he collaborates with the mayor’s office of Soroca – on the occasion of City Day, other official holidays. SC "Sordecor" SRL enjoys great success in the region thanks to its creative approach to the services provided. At present the enterprise has 2 employees, but once the demand increases it employs part–time workers. Corneliu Şapovalov believes that his success in business depends on everyday hard work with enormous passion for the decorations.

Tips for young beginners: Be careful partners.




Be informed about immediate and future fiscal duties.

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