Encode Engage

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Addington, Michelle, and Daniel Schodek. Smart Materials and Technologies for the Architecture and Design Professions. Oxford: Architectural, 2005. Beesley, Philip. Kinetic Architecture & Geotextile Installations. N.p.: Riverside Architectural, 2007. Print. Bullivant, Lucy. Responsive Environments Architecture, Art and Design. London: V&A Publications, 2006. Conrad, Erik. “Embodied Space for Ubiquitous Computing.” Responsive Architecture Subtle Technologies 2006. N.p.: Riverside Architectural, 2006. 60-63. Fox, Michael, and Miles Kemp. Interactive Architecture. New York: Princeton Architectural, 2009. Inaba, Jeffery. “Sensorial City.” Adaptation Architetcure, Technology, and the City: 22-23. 2012 Shepard, Mark, ed. Sentient City. Cambridge: MIT, 2011.

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