
Page 14


The absolute price level, P, is a w_ted


of the

.damstlc price indices for importabiesand exportables,wi_h the weights de_

by their _lative shares in cMmes_ic p_uctlon

or consumptlon,A and 1 - _, _spectively. Utillzlng a CobbDouglas function, the domestic price level can be defined as P = _.M l _.X I-_ and its percentagechange as P = X

+ (Z-_)

Since the prices of Importablesand exportablesc_


tlonatelyWith the exchange rate, so will the _neral price level or P =E. The level of real ex_ture

can be expected to decrease

the price level rises after a devaluation. The price increase lowers the real money supply and the2efore,rmal ex_m_ture.

The_centaS_ charf_e in realexpenditure, Z, due to a chanse in the exchange rate is derived to be: A




i_k) V+ I


k) V+ i

where V = PY/M is the income velocity of money. The fall in real expenditurewill bring about a decrease in

a_and for_rtahles andexportables since% = =Z _ and ^ DX =YZ %



....... the

elasticityof demand for Importables,and YZ "

_Dx Z , ........ " --0 x

the expenditureelasticityof demand for exportables_are both asstm_d to be positive. The demand for importablesand exg_rtablesare also functionsof the relative price betweem tl'_,

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