Selected Studies on APEC-Related Issues (TDAP Paper Series 1)

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Continuedoperationof thebusiness. The number of years the businesshasbeenin operation. Growth. Expressed in asset increase since the time the companystarted to operate. 8. FOJDl of 'ownership.Thisrefersto soleproprietorship,partnership or corporation. 9. Entrepreneurial personal background. This includes the following demographiccharacteristics: .Age. The age of the entrepreneurat the time of the survey. .Gender. Male or female. .Marital status.Single,married, widowed, or separated. .Education. Classifiedas (a) elementary,(b) high school, (3) college,and (4) graduatestudy. 10. Position in th.e family. Refers to the birth order of li!te entrepreneurin the family.


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