Runta August 2016

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August, 2016


This is brought to the community by King County E-911 Program Office


Gabadha lagu magacaabo Ilhaan Cumar waxa ay u taagan tahay doorashada kama dambeysta ah ee aqalka Senatoorada Minnesota. Haddii ay guuleysato waxa ay noqoneysaa qofkii ugu horreeyey ee Soomaali ah oo kursi noocaasi ah ku fariista iyadoo weliba gabar ah. Waxa ololaheeda doorashada hormuud ka ahaa Saadiq Saalax Dhagweyne oo magaalada Seattle ku nool. Saadiq wuxuu isna ololeyntaa ku noqday xiddig soo ifay sida Ilhaan ugu soo baxday tartankii Maxamuud Nuur oo imika la haray islaanta kursiga muddo ku fadhiday ee oo Soomaalida u taqaano Falis Khaan laakinse magaceeda saxda uu yahay Phyllis Kahn.

Emery All Stars Program Teaches Kids about 9-1-1 M

ore than 5,000 9-1-1 calls are made every day in King County; only about half are for real emergencies. With interactive activities, King County’s new Emery All Stars program will help kids at Somali Youth and Family Club in King County learn all about how to call 9-1-1. “You never know when you’re going to have to call 9-1-1. Emergencies are unexpected events and happen to people of all ages. That’s why we want to make sure that all residents of King County know how to call 9-1-1,” says Kayreen Lum, Program Manager III at King County E-911. Many residents in King County, especially children, are either not comfortable calling 9-1-1, or do not know how to call 9-1-1. With the goal to help kids learn the how, when, and where of calling 9-1-1, King County’s E-911 Program Office launched a new program called the Emery All Stars program, named after Emery the Emergency Penguin. In 2015, Emery the Emergency Penguin launched his very own storybook, Emery and the Ice Carnival, aimed at teaching preschoolers about the do’s and don’ts of 9-1-1. This summer, Emery’s All Stars program will reach kids ages 6-10 with new, engaging activities at four participating organizations’ summer programs: El Centro de la Raza, Southwest Youth & Family Services, Chinese Information and Service Center and Somali Youth & Family Club. “More than a quarter of our residents over the age of five speak a language other than English at home. King County government is committed to ensuring that our increasingly diverse populations are receiving culturally-appropriate services and information,” said Arun Sambataro, Program Manager for King Advertisement County’s Office of Equity and Social Justice. “Emery’s 9-1-1 All Stars Program is an example of how King County and community-based organizations are partnering to equip children and families in all our communities lead healthier, safer lives.” Kids will take a 9-1-1 quiz before and after the class to measure how much they learned. The top-scoring students will be featured on [insert media here]]. But every kid who goes through the class is an Emery All Star, says Lum, who points out that the important piece is that kids take what they learn and share it with parents and friends. The class will provide them with tools they can use outside of the classroom. The Emery All Stars program will teach kids the following fundamentals of calling 9-1-1: Know how: Understand exactly how to use your phone to dial 9-1-1. Know when: Only call 9-1-1 if there’s a real emergency. Know where: Always know exactly Advertisement

where you are. Do you know the address? “Early education for children on when to call 9-1-1, how to call 9-1-1-, and what to know when they call 9-1-1 is important not only for their safety, but their family and community,” says Lum. “By teaching kids the do’s and don’ts of calling 9-1-1 with Emery, we want them to go home and share what they learned with their parents and family members.”

emergency responders have been dispatched. Follow the instructions from the 9-1-1 call taker and don’t hang up until told to do so, unless there is a threat to your safety.

9-1-1 Facts

Tips for parents:

• Old, disconnected phones are often given to children as toys, but even without service the phones can still dial 9-1-1. When children accidentally call, this ties up the 9-1-1 line and takes away from actual emergencies. • offers many tools for parents to practice calling 9-1-1 with their children. • Emery’s own coloring book. Learn the do’s and don’ts of calling 9-1-1. • Emery’s 9-1-1 Emergency Song. Sing along with Emery to learn the how, when and where of calling 9-1-1. • Emery’s 9-1-1 Phone Pad. Print this page to practice dialing 9-1-1 on a smartphone!

What if you had to call 9-1-1? 1. Know your location. Knowing the location of the emergency situation is critical in getting you help. This is especially important when calling from a cell phone. If you know your address, give it immediately. Otherwise look for street signs, landmarks or mile markers. 2. Identify the emergency. Do your best to stay calm, speak clearly and state the reason you need emergency help. Tell the call taker what type of help you need: police, fire or medics. 3. Give your name and phone number. 9-1-1 call takers will need your name and number in case your call is dropped, and emergency responders

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will also use it if they need to contact you. 4. Stay on the line. You may be asked a series of questions even after

• 9-1-1 is for emergencies only. Call your local police or fire department business line or other appropriate agency if you do not need a 9-1-1 emergency response. • What if I call 9-1-1 by mistake? Stay on the line and let the call taker know it was an accidental call. That way the call taker will not have to call you back or send police to your house to check on you. • 9-1-1 is accessible to everyone. Interpreter services are available in more the truth than 170 languages and call takers are trained to use TTY and relay services for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities.

Prevent Accidental 91-1 Calls Every day in King Co un

ty, more than 5,000 calls are made to 9-1 Only about half of the -1. se are for actual em ergencies, the rest are cidental or for non-e acmergency situations . 1 in 5 calls made to King County are ac cidental, caused by your phone in your keeping pocket, bag or by let ting a small child pla your phone. y with “For parents, it’s im portant to supervise their children if the playing with phones, y’re ” says Lum. “Adults need to be aware of phone could acciden ways a tly dial 9-1-1 and do what they can to pre Many King County vent it.” residents are alarmed when they discover have accidentally ca they lled 9-1-1. If this ha ppens, says Lum, yo stay on the phone an u should d let the 9-1-1 opera tor know it was a mi The reason for this, stake. she says, is that call takers are obligated back any “hang-ups to call .” If there is no answ er and they can’t co call was accidental, nfirm the they may send law enforcement to the location to check on believed the caller. Much time and resou rces, both by 9-1-1 call centers and first sponders, are waste red because of acciden tal 9-1-1 calls and ha “It’s critical that ev ng-ups. eryone, regardless of how old you are, kn basics about calling ow the 9-1-1,” says Lum. “K nowing when to call and when not to can 9-1-1 save lives.”


White House Education Official to Address Summer Interns


EATTLE –Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Education Excellence for African Americans, David J. Johns addressed several hundred Seattle Youth Employment Program participants annual event to celebrate the end of the summer session. Johns spoke to the interns about President Obama’s desire to restore the country to its role as a global leader in education and to improve educational outcomes for African Americans of all ages. Johns will talk about how the City’s investments in youth—which span, education, employment, violence prevention and health—prepare young adults for college, productive careers, and satisfying lives. The City of Seattle Youth Employment Program (SYEP) supports participants with comprehensive internship opportunities aimed at meeting the employment needs of underserved youth and young adults in our community. The program promotes work readiness and ultimately strengthens career development. In 2015, the City launched the Mayor’s Youth Employment Initiative (MYEI) which generated 2,000 job opportunities for underserved youth and young adults in Seattle in 2015, doubling the previous year’s efforts by leveraging partnerships with private-sector employers. Mayor Ed Murray remains steadfast in our commitment to ensuring youth and young adults in Seattle are achieving

academic success, have opportunities for meaningful employment, are safe and free from justice system involvement, and are healthy, physically, socially, and emotionally. The Human Services Department invests more than $13M annually in youth services, including the Seattle Youth Employment Program.

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9-1-1 waxa ay tahay inaad u yeerato kaliya marka aad garab uga baahan tahay booliska, shaqaalaha qeybta dab damiska ama kuwa qeybta caafimaadka. Wixii aan ku saabsaneyn xaalad deg-deg ah non-emergencies, u wac qeybta booliska ee degmada ama qeybta dab-damiska ama hey’adaha ugu habboon ee ku caawimi kara. Tusaale ahaan marka aad wici karto 9-1-1 waxa ka mida:

i. ii. iii. iv.

Caafimaad darro khatar ah sida (laab xanuun, qalal, dhiig bax, iwm.) Nooc kasta oo dab ah sida (dhisme ama guri, gaari, dhir, iwm.) Dambi kasta oo socda sida (dhac, guri jabsi, qof u muuqda inuu wax xadayo ama dhacayo, dagaal, iwm.) iv. Wax kasta oo xaalad khatar ku ah nolosha sida (shil gaari oo dhaawac keenay, iwm)


Haddii aadan ku hadal luqadda Ingiriiska ama aadan ku gudbin karin warbixin loo baahan yahay afka Ingiriiska, waxa jira turjumbaanno diyaar ku ah xarumaha 9-1-1 ee degaanka King County. Durba ugu sheeg af Ingiriis qofka teleefanka qaabilsan luqadda aad ku hadasho si ay kuugu helaan qof turjumaan ah.







a. Haddii aad dhego la’ dahay ama maqalku kugu adag yahay, xarumaha 9-1-1 waxa ay leeyihiin qalabka TTY iyo dad teleefanka qabta oo loo carbiyey isticmaalkooda. Waxaad kalood isticaali kartaa fiidiyow ama adeegga IP Relay Services kaasi oo u gudbin doona wicitaankaaga xarunta 9-1-1 ee deegaanka ku magacaaban yahay isla markaana tarjumi doona wicitaanka.

Dhammaan wicitaannada 9-1-1 waxa lagu weydiin doonaa halka aad joogto ee khatarta ka jirto, lambarka telefoonkaaga ee aad ka soo waceyso iyo xaaladda khatarta ah eed ku sugan tahay. the truth b. Marka la ogaado xaaladda khatarta ah, qofka teleefanka qabtay waxa uu ku weydiin doonaa su’aalo la xiriira xaaladda deg-degta ah eed qabto waxana ay ku siin doontaa tusaalooyin caafimaadka la xiriira haddii dhibkaaagu yahay xanuun inta qolada caafimaadka ku soo gaareyso. Advertisement c. Waa muhiim inaad si faseex ah oo deggan aad u hadasho si aad uga jawaabto dhammaan su’aalaha qofka teleefanka kaa qabtay uu ku weydiin doono. Qolooyinka 9-1-1 teleefankeeda qabta waa dad loo carbiyey iney weydiiyaan su’aalo la xiriira nooca khatarta eed ku sugan tahay. d. In kastoo lagu weydiinayo su’aalo badan, haddana la hadalku kaama daahinayo in si deg-deg ah l aguugu adeego inta shaqaalahu ku soo gaarayaan. e. Waxa hubanti ah in shaqaalaha gurmadka deg-degta ah la soo dirayo durba marka la ogaado meesha aad joogto. f. Xarunta 9-1-1 waxa ay sii wadi doontaa iney warbixinta muhiimka ah u gudbiso shaqaalaha gurmadka deg-degga ah inkasoo ay weli kula sii wadi doonaan su’aalo la xiriira xaaladdaada, iyo weliba mararka qaar waxa dhici karta in teleefanka ay kugula sii hadlaan inta gacan siin lagula soo gaarayo. a.

a. Ogow halka aad ku sugan tahay marka deg-degtu ku soo food saarto, gaar ahaan marka aad ka soo waceyso teleefoonka gacanta. b. U sheeg durba qofka kula hadlaya goobta ama adreeska aad ku sugan tahay. c. Haddii kale ka fiir-fiiri hareerahaaga calaamado, dhismayaal caan ah, ama lambarka maayalka ee waddada hareeraheeda ku qoran. Advertisement

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Qofka teleefanka qabtay wuu u baahan doonaa magacaada iyo lambarkaaga si dib laguugu soo wici karo haddii khadku go’o. Kooxda Imerjensiyada ayaa sidoo kale isticmaali doona haddii ay u baahdaan iney kula soo hadlaan. Qofka teleefanka kaa qabta kuma weydiin doono sharciga aad dalka ku joogto.

MAXAAN SAMEEYAA KA DIB MARKAAN KA WARBIXIYO DHIBTA I HEYSATA? a. Ha dhigin teleefanka. Khadka ku sii jir. b. Waxa laga yaabaa in lagu sii weydiiyo su’aalo isdaba taxan xittaa ka dib marka laguu soo diro dad ku caawiya.


Teleefoonka xariga leh ayaa ah midka ugu habboon marka la wacayo 9-1-1, haddaba mar kasta oo ay suuro gal tahay u isticmaal teleefoonka xariga leh wicitaanka 9-1-1. Telefoonnada lacagta lagu rido iyaguna waa laga soo wici karaa 9-1-1 iyadoo wax lacag ah lagu shubin. La soco haddii korontadu maqan tahay in adeegyada telefoonnada ee VoIP/Internet/Broadband aanney shaqeyn karin. Hadii aad leedahay teleefan xarig leh, waa inaad isticmaashaa kuwa caadiga ah een u baahneyn koronto si khadku kugu shaqeyn karo koronto la’aan. Sidoo kale, telefoonnada emerjensiga waxa ay ku rakiban yihiin xarumo badan oo booliiska iyo dab-damiska ah.


the truth a. Koronto tagista: Waxad ugu wacdaa shirkadda korontada haddii aad qabto su’aalo ku saabsan koroto kaa maqan. b. Akhbaarta Jidadka: 5-1-1 ayaa ah lambarka wararka waddooyinka ee gobolka Washington State. Advertisement c. Adeegga Bulshada: 2-1-1 ayaa u diyaar ah gudaha gobolka Washington State si ay kaaga caawiyaan caafimaadka iyo adeegga buslshada eed u baahan tahay. d. Haddii aad ku sugan tahay goob ballaaran oo deg-deg ka jirto, ha isticmaalin teleefankaaga saacadaha ugu horreeya in khatar weyn jirto mooyee oo kugu qasbeysa inaad wacdo 9-1-1.



Haddiiba ay weligeed dhacdo inaad 9-1-1 si qaldan u soo wacdo, ku sii jir khadka una sheeg iney qalad kaaga dhacday, iyo inaadan qabin arrin deg-deg ah. Haddii aad dhigto, qofka teleefanka kaa qabtay wuxuu isku dayi doonaa inuu dib kuu soo waco, kuuna soo diro askari haddii aaney ogeyn ama go’aan ka gaari karin inaad xaal khatar ah ku sugan tahay. Advertisement

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Following through on King County’s Commitment to Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees

Summary: Executive Constantine endorsed recommendations by an immigrant and refugee task force to add resources and build on successful King County programs that welcome new residents and open opportunities.


ing County Executive Dow Constantine endorsed Thursday recommendations by the King County Immigrant and Refugee Task Force to advance equity and opportunity for the more than 400,000 foreign-born residents in the region. “At a time when hateful rhetoric targets men, women and children from around the world who seek safety, hope and a better life, King County proudly upholds the American principle that we are a nation of opportunity,” said Executive Constantine. “The task force has produced recommendations that will help immigrants and refugees in our region flourish, achieve their full potential, and contribute to our region’s prosperity.” The recommendations endorsed by Executive Constantine include a permanent Immigrant and Refugee Commission with a dedicated staff member that will serve as a hub for activities, services and dialogue among elected leaders, community organizations and county employees. Such a hub would align organizations and critical players serving the refugee and immigrant population to achieve greater impact. The commission would coordinate with King County’s Office of Equity and Social Justice. The all-volunteer 13-member task force included representatives from across King County with diverse professional back-

grounds, including nonprofits, local governments, small businesses, health care and clergy. It hosted 20 community meetings to collect input from immigrant and refugee residents representing 18 ethnic cultures and 16 languages. “It was an honor to serve with many passionate, multiethnic, multi-background individuals and the highly dedicated King County staff on this task force,” said Mahnaz Eshetu, Executive Director of the Refugee Women’s Alliance. “I believe the well-researched recommendations we put forward will help King County address the complex needs of refugees and immigrants and will create a more inclusive community. I sincerely hope that our suggestions will lead to a future County Office of Refugees and Immigrants. I appreciate Executive Constantine’s leadership in taking this first very important step.”

Contributing to the region’s economic growth

Local business leaders say that helping the region’s growing immigrant and refugee population succeed as members of the community is important for economic growth. “Immigrants and refugees strengthen King County and contribute significantly to our local economy,” said Maud Daudon, President and CEO of the Seattle Metropolitan

The photo shows the first meeting of creating the Task Force, a group of immigrants met with KC Larry Gossett. From left Michael Neguse, Mohamud Yussuf, Yemane, Mehret, Larry, Ubax, Ethiopia, and Habtamu Abdi.

Chamber of Commerce. “They bring innovation, fresh thinking and entrepreneurial drive: in fact, more than 30 percent of our area’s ‘Main Street’ business owners and 19 percent of all of our local business owners are foreign-born. They also help position our region to compete against all the other parts of the world that would love to have the jobs and the prosperity we have here.” The proposed actions would be the latest in a series of actions King County has taken to make the region more culturally and economically inclusive. King County now requires election ballots to be translated to more languages, and in 2015 it joined more than 60 other local governments across the United States as a Welcoming County that

recognizes that emigration makes regions more resilient and prosperous. King County’s draft Equity and Social Justice Strategic Plan, 2016-2022 lays out specific goals and measures to diversify the county’s workforce at all levels in order to better represent and serve the county’s increasingly racially diverse population and to take further steps in all agencies – such as through increased translations – to better serve and work with immigrant and refugee communities. Last December, during the peak of the Syrian refugee crisis, Executive Constantine rallied elected leaders from 12 other metropolitan regions across the country to reaffirm their status as welcoming communities.

Partner in Employment, a New Born Program that is Already Making Difference! the truth

not only allow South King County emerging communities to earn high wage paying jobs but will also earn them college credits and furthering of their career.


Here is Amina Ahmed and Hien Kieu undertaking Partner In Employment’s first project – one of its kind in Washington State.

SPD in Solidarity with Local Muslims!


mina Ahmed, founder of Partner in Employment (PIE) and her cocolleague Hien Kieu, both immigrants and long term residents of South King County, knows first-hand the hurdles that emerging communities of South King County face. It ignited within them the need to conduct research and travel abroad to firsthand experience existing true collaborations and partnerships of other agencies serving low income emerging communities of other states and overseas who have similar needs of South King County emerging communities. Their travel and planning has today led to the formation of Partner in Employment and what Amina Ahmed perceives as Advertisement

“true partnership in economic development services delivery of South King County”. Amina believes that when partners agree on equitable and inclusive services and when leaders of non-profits don’t only pursue their own ends but instead ensure partnerships and collaborations that are formed through mutual respect, they create intangible value for those they serve and intern produces concrete results. Through such believes, partnership and many years of experience of designing, developing and delivering programs both here in Washington State and abroad, the two ladies are taking what they called highest steps in piloting a true partnership that will the truth

Seattle Police Chief, Kathleen O’Toole with her Deputy Carmen Best, and Chief Assistant Robert Merner have assured safety to local Muslims. They have met with the community several times. So far, Seattle is the best haven for those who seek religious freedom. Amaal Abdullahi is one best known community activists in Seattle area specially among women.


Fresh Bucks

A Concerned Seattle South

Makes itEasier to Eat Healthy!

By Robyn Kumar


ating healthy is a challenge for many of us. However, for those who suffer from food hardship, the challenge isn’t one of willpower or planning, but a challenge of affordability. Healthy food, and especially healthy, local food usually costs more than processed food and therefore harder to include in a food budget for people with low incomes. Seattle’s Fresh Bucks program is one solution to help those who struggle to afford healthy food. Fresh Bucks doubles the purchasing power for people with low incomes who use their federal food stamp (SNAP) benefits to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at 29 participating Seattle & King County farmers markets and farm stands. How does this program work? It’s easy! You go to a Fresh Bucks participating farm-

Sudanese Sends a Message!

ers market and swipe your EBT card for whatever amount you would like to spend at the market. You’ll receive EBT tokens to spend with any farmer’s market vendor selling EBT-eligible foods. In addition to your EBT tokens, you’ll also receive a Fresh Bucks match (up to $10) to spend on fresh fruits and vegetables. Spending $10 of your EBT benefit gets you $20 worth of fruits and vegetables at a farmers market. It’s a simple and affordable way for you to increase the amount of healthy food you can buy for your family. And by shopping at a farmers’ market, you are supporting local farmers too! If you haven’t tried Fresh Bucks yet, now is the perfect time. The farmers’ market season is in full swing – farmers market stalls are overflowing with delicious berries, hearty greens and sweet tomatoes. You can find a list of participating markets and farm stands at:

Dear Friends and public The civil war in South Sudan has started again. The fighting broke out on Friday, July 8, during a meeting between President Kiir and Vice President Riek. An estimated 271 bodyguards killed each other within an hour. We need help in demanding that President Salva Kiir leave office immediately and that a no fly zone is established over the entire country. Many people are stranded and are dying from hunger. They don’t have access to water and are unable to reach the safety of UN protection. For two years, we have called for sanctions, an arms embargo, and a freeze of the country’s assets, but our demands have fallen on deaf ears at the United Nations. Russia and China cynically blocked our efforts. Now, innocent civilians are dying again. To put a stop to this conflict, please join me in demanding that South Sudanese President Salva Kiir leave office immediately and that a no fly zone be established over the entire

country and stop Uganda army from fueling more, destroying our country again like they did in 2013. Our citizens are being terrorized by helicopters and guns. Thanks, Peter, Gatkuoth Wadar Kuel Executive Director for South Sudan International Advocacy for Human Rights 206-393-2164

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LA�KULAN�DHAMMAAN XIDDIGAHA�9-1-1! Iyadoo ay soo magacowday Hey’adda Somali Youth & Family Club, afartan ka mida Dhammaan Xiddigaha waxa ay muujiyeen iney yaqaanaan sida, goorta, iyo goobta marka la wacayo 9-1-1 iyagoo keenay darajada ugu sarreysa ee Su’aalaha Emery 9-1-1 iyo sidii wacneyd oo ay uga qeyb qaateen kalaasyada ama fasalladii. Ma dooneysaa inaad caruurtaada barto aqoonta ku saabsan 9-1-1? Qalabka iyo maaddooyinka kaa caawini kara halkan ka raadi




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MEET�9-1-1�ALL�STARS! Nominated by Somali Youth & Family Club, these four All Stars have shown that they know the how, when and where of calling 9-1-1 by scoring a top grade on Emery’s 9-1-1 Quiz and actively participating in the class. Want to teach your kids about 9-1-1? Emery’s tools and materials are here to help, just go to





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Understand�exactly�� how�to�use� your��phone�to�dial�9-1-1.�


�Only�call�9-1-1�if��there’s� a �rea l�emergency.� Advertisement Advertisement


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Alwa ys�know�exa ctly�where� you�are.�Do�you��know� the�address?

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The Mission and Services of the Iraqi C ommunity Center of Washington!


id You Know that Washington State has welcomed more than 3750 Iraqi refugees since 2003 and they are held together by the Iraqi Community Center which is located in Kent, Washington. The Center’s mission is to develop programs that will empower the Iraqi community members to become self-sufficient and ensure they have successful integration to the American system while they perceive their cultural heritage. The Center is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit which is providing culturally and linguistically competent social services to Iraqi refugees in Washington State to obtain selfsufficiency. The Iraqi Community Center of Washington was established in 1998 as a nonprofit community based organization. We provide numerous human and social services to a wide range of individuals and families in South King County and Seattle area. Last year alone the center served more than 100 families through our case management program alone. They serve primarily Arabic speaking refugees and immigrants in South King County and Seattle to help them obtain services and community resources including: , Housing, Immigration, SSI, DSHS, Medical Assistance, Employment, Driver’s License, Case Management,

Advocacy, Referral to social, medical and legal service providers. Also their programs include: 1. Youth Arabic Classes 2. Early Learning 3. Youth Programming 4. Women’s Support Group 5. Senior Program Address: 1610 SE Kent-Kangley Rd. Suite 207 Kent, WA 98031 Phone: 206.822.8880 Email:

King County Elections and Community Partners Kick-off General Election Voter Engagement Communications Specialist King County Elections

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ing County Elections, the Seattle Foundation and 22 community partners officially kicked-off voter outreach efforts for the November General Election. Together, they plan to reach between 20,000 and 40,000 limited-English Advertisement speaking voters this fall. Earlier this year, King County Elections and the Seattle Foundation launched a pilot program to engage limited-English speaking voters. After soliciting two rounds of proposals, 22 organizations received funding for their voter outreach field plans. In total, the pilot program has awarded nearly $242,000 for community-based voter engagement. Today, those community-based organizations officially kicked-off their work at Elections Headquarters in Renton. “This represents a new way of doing voter outreach and community engagement in general,” said Director of Elections, Julie Wise. “Rather than assuming we know the right way to engage King County’s many diverse communities, we are partnering with and resourcing the organizations who have been doing this work for decades.” Organizations that received funding include: • Asian Counseling and Referral Services • APACEvotes • Eritrean Community in Seattle and Vicinity • Inter*Im Community Development As- Advertisement

Photo by Nancy Standifer

Mehret Tekle and Micheal Neguse of the Eritrean Community in Seattle with Farhiya Mohamed

sociation • International Community Health Services • Iraqi Community Center and South King County Emerging Communities for Equity partners Bhutanese Community Resource Center of WA, Nsanga Corporation and Partner in Employment

• Korean American Coalition • Latino Community Fund and partners South Park • Information and Resource Center and Colectiva Legal del Pueblo • Open Doors for Multicultural Families • Rajana Society

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SeaMar Somali Community Services Somali Family Safety Task Force Somali Youth and Family Club Tasveer White Center Community Development the truth Association and partner Coalition of Immigrants, Refugees and Communities of Color “Together, in this room, we will all work together to raise our voice and create change in King County,” said Farhiya Mohamed of the Somali Family Safety Task Force. The goals of the pilot project include registering more voters in these communities and helping voters who are already registered receive their ballot in their preferred language. As a result of legislation approved by the King County Council last year, King County voters can now receive their ballot in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish or Korean. They can even change their language preference online. “This kind of work – to engage my Samoan community – I’ve been doing it for years,” said Violet Lavatai, a community ambassador. “A lot of people tell me they don’t vote because they don’t know where to start – and that’s where we come in.” The 22 community-based organizations will provide voter education through a variety of mechanisms, including educational workshops, candidate and ballot forums, voter registration drives and other community events. Collectively, they expect to reach between 20,000 and 40,000 limited-English speaking voters this fall.

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The Link Between the Somali Community and the Healthcare System

by: Ijabo Dahir In a meeting space, twenty members of the Somali Community met with three representatives from King County public health. The objective of the meeting? To explain the specific challenges that the Somali community faces in the health system. “Our main objective [was for] public health in King County to understand the challenges the Somali community [was facing],” said Ahmed Ali, Executive Director of the Somali Health Board. The Somali Health Board is an organization made up of Somali health professionals, who work with community leaders “to promote positive health outcomes” to Somalis within King County with a focus on teaching the community about preventative measures. Founded in 2012 after seeing that a need for an organization such as this was great, SHB has since dedicated itself to being a communication link between a complicated health system and an only recently settled community. “We realized the need and the health disparities that disproportionately affect Somali immigrants [and] refugees. Therefore, we wanted to figure out what is the best way Somali folks can utilize the health system and Advertisement in return, the health system can actually service the Somali population better,” Ali said. The need was there, in fact. While Somali’s are not against the idea of modern medicine, they aren’t used to going to the doctors unless they are sick nor are they comfortable in a medical environment that is culturally and religiously sensitive to them. SHB started off with their annual health fair, which placed an emphasis on preventive health measures and screenings. After the success of the fair, they moved on to training the community to become more self-sufficient and outside health professionals on cultural sensitivity. The health based organization also does its own independent research that values community involvement and collaboration above just data collection. “Traditionally, researchers approach the community [with] experts coming in and getting participants, collecting data and then disappearing with that information and community members can tend to feel like guinea pigs… Our approach will set the community as the experts and those that are knowledge- Advertisement

able and have community members actually be researchers with us,” said Hana Mohamed, a lead researcher for SHB. Data collected is then presented back to the community in an effort to have “some sort of social change that benefits the community”. However, their greatest challenge came not from the aforementioned projects, but rather, from working with and changing an already existing system that doesn’t advocate for recent communities to King County like the Somali population. King County prides itself in promoting social equity and due to this, we’ve seen an increased effort to try to include organizations such as the Somali Health Board in getting feedback on health related outcomes. For example, the Mental Health and Drug Dependency (MIDD) Action Plan, whose goals are to provide services for those with mental disabilities, was recently up for renewal. In collaboration with MIDD officials, SHB asked for community and Somali health professionals feed to ensure that mental health issues were appropriately (culturally) presented. The SHB sought to rectify this by reaching out to MIDD officials and eventually, a meeting with Somali community members was held. “We had about 20 community members take part in a focus group and it changed the whole conversation in terms of what are the next five years is going to be for certain ethnic communities,” Ali said. The impact of this meeting was positive and it resulted in the feedback obtained from the meeting to be included in MIDD’s new action plan. “When I came out of that meeting,” said Ali, “I was invigorated. I felt powerful in the sense that whatever comes out of it, at least our voice was heard.”

the truth

Jeneraal Samatar oo Jimce Geeriyooday


adaxweeyne ku xigeenkii 1aad ee hore ee Soomaaliya, kana mid Golihii Sare ee Kacaankii 21kii Oktoobar 1969kii, Jeneraal Maxamed Cali Samatar ayaa fiidnimadii Jimcihii bisha August aheyd 19ka ku geeriyoodey gobolka Virginia ee dalka Mareykanka. AUN Jeneraal Samatar wuxuu soo kala qabtay jagooyin kala geddisan sida: Madax-

the truth

weyne ku-xigeenka 1aad, Raiisul Wasaare, wasiirka gaashaandhigga iyo abaanduulaha ciidamada Qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya. Wuxuu ahaa waddani geesi ah ee Soomaaliyeed, waxayna taariikhdu qori ka doontaa wax badan oo ayan jiilkan yaryari ka ogeyn iyo waayeelka qaarkiis. AUN Maxamed Cali Samatar oo xilligiisii Soomaali cissi iyo sharaf ku nooleyd

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Ma ahayn markii ugu horeysey oo la isugu yimaado magaalada Seattle tartan ciyaareedkii Somali Soccer Week hadaahaa oo kale sanad walba, balse sanadkan wuxuu lahaa xiiso gaar ah marka loo eego sanadihii tegey, waxan wada ogsoonahay oo aan faaqidaad u baahneyn sida ay wax u dheceen tartankii 2015kii. Tabaabusho iyo wadatashi badan kadib waxaa dib u bilowday tartankii Somali Soccer Week oo si weyn loosoo agaasinmay ayna ka qeybgaleen 12 kooxood oo toddoba ay yihiin kooxaha Seattle sida Banaadir Stars, Iftin Fc, Eagle/Bys Fc, Horn Afric, Obk, Alnuur, iyo Baleen Fc waxaana sidoo kale marti ku ahaa BDX iyo Walaalaha oo Portland ah, iyo sedex ka timid Minnesota oo kala ahaa Communality, Gargdaar fc, iyo Wilmart. Dadweynihii u soo daawasho tegey sanadkan ayaa aad uga badnaa sanidihii tegey sababo la xiriira sida ay xiisaha ugu qabeen in ay mar kale arkaan








sanadlaha,Tartankan oo 16 jirsaday oo soo bilowday 2001 oo aheyd markii ugu horeysay oo la yagleelay marxalado iyo maamulo kala duwana soo maray. Labada kooxood oo ugu weyn magaalada Seattle oo ah Banadir iyo Iftin ayaa si wanaagsan isku duubni iyo isusoo dhowaansho muujiyey sanadkan taasoo qeyb lixaad leh ka qaadatey horusocodka dhamaadkan quruxda badan leh. Tartanka wuxuu ku bilowdey dardar iyo ismaquunin kooxiba ay kooxda kale guul kaga raadineyso, waxaana siddeeda usoo gudbay kooxihii ugu adkaa oo ahaa 5 reer Seattle 2 Portland ah iyo 1 Minnesota ah. Waxaa la yaab ku noqotey dadweynihii ciyaarahaa usoo daawasho tegayey Ciyaar aad u xiiso badneyd oo dhex martey Iftin FC oo ah kooxaha ugu adag uguna fiican ka mid ah iyo Gorgor FC oo ku soo gabagabowdey 2-2 isla markaana rigoorayaal ay Gorgor guushii ku raacdey, waxaana afartii ugu danbeysay isugu soo haray 3 kooxood oo Seattle ah oo kala ahaa Banadir Stars, Eagle Fc, Horn Afric iyo BDX oo Portland ah waxaana finalka isugu soo haray Banadir Stars, iyo Eagle Fc. Ciyaartaas oo aheyd mid aad iyo aad u xiiso badneyd dadweyne fara badana ayaa garoonka soo buux dhaafiyey si ay marqaati uga noqdaan hanjabaadyada ay Eagle Fc hawada u marineysay Banaadir Stars taasoo aheyd iney ku suuldaari doonaan 7 Gool iyo wax ka badan halka Banadir Stars-na laheyd Xidigaha banadir waxey balan qaadayaan in ay Eagle baroor ay garoonka kala bixi doonaan. Hadaladaa la is dhaafsanayey iyo

the truth qaar kaloo badanba waxey sabab u noqdeen in garoonkii Foster High School uu buuxdhaafiyo


taageerayaashii labada kooxood iyo dadweyne kalaba. Maxamed Jaceeloow oo magaalada Seattle iyo North Amerikaba si fiican looga yaqaano koobab hore oo gudaha iyo dibadaba ahna horey ugu soo guuleystey ayaa ahaa kabtanka kooxda Banadir Star iyo Maxamed Qowdhan oo runtii ah ciyaarryahanada ugu wanaagsan Seattle Washington. Advertisement

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Dhinaca kalana Cabdulaahi Yare oo u ciyaarayey Eagle ayaan isaguna aheyn ciyaar yahan la dhayalsan karayo, Waxey aheyd Ciyaarta Finalka mid si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimay oo aan horay u dhicin. Ciyaaryanada labada kooxoodba waxey garoonka la soo galeen iyagoo caruur yar yar ah gacanta heysta sida ciyaaraha caalamiga ah oo kale Astaanta calanka Soomaliyeedna qaatey, taasoo ay daweynihii usoo daawashada tegey ay la dheceen, waxaana taa fududeeyey oo mahaddeeda iska leh Companion Atleticis oo caruurtaa yar yarka tababar u sameeya, ciyaar qurux badanna FINALKA ka hor ku soo ban dhigay isla garoonkaa waalidiintooduna ay u riyaaqeen. Weerar iyo weerar celis ciyaartii waxey kusoo gabagabowdey 3 iyo 3 waxaana Rigoorayaal ay guushii ku raacdey kooxda BANADIR STARS oo noqotey Horyaalka Somali Soccer Week ee Seattle Washington 2016. Ugu danbeyn waxan u mahadcelinayaa GUDIGII ciyaaraha oo howl adag hayey suurto geliyeyna iney si wanagsan ku dhamadaan , sidoo kale bahda saxaafada, gaar ahaanna RUNTA, IYO Fanaanka weyn ee Cabduqaadir Cumar Macallin JUBBA oo u yimaada 3 sanadood ee ugu danbeeyey magaalada Seattle si uu uga qeyb qaato FAN ahaan bandhig faneedkaa ku qabta magaaladan Seattle, Washington.

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