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It would appear, from the paucity of back-page news, that the Sports Editor w i l l shortly be relegated to Sport Ed. Everyone i s remarkably reticent concerning their athletic and allied defeats, and the Hockey Club, having lost three eonseoutive games, flatly refused to appear i n print at a l l . I.C.W.S.C., faced with the prospect of having a season f u l l of cancelled matches "owing to inclemency of weather", have begun arranging "ghost fixtures" i n which they pretend to wipe their opponents off the map. This i s good for morale and costs nothing i n fares and broken sticks. We hear that the Cross-Country Club are going en bloc to the Carnival. These gentlemen are fast off the mark and have a very strong finish. Should the Carnival be handicapped?

F The Golfing Association i s once more having a most successful season. Having been undefeated last season the team has so far had very convincing wins i n the five matches played to date, and i s looking forward confide ently to the remaining games to be played. Many beginners haws i»rofitj2d. from the series of group lessens which has been arranged with the professional at Highgate. Some have shown outstanding progress and w i l l probably do very well i n the Captain a Cup khook-out competition where they can take f u l l advantage of their handicap allowance. 1

Golf i s somewhat dormant at the moment, mo3t people being content with an odd game now and then to keep i n practice. Competitive events to be held later i n the season include the Spring Meeting ('.Tentworth) on March 22nd, the 'Weekend' (Cooden Beach) on April 20th-22nd and the Summer Meeting (Camberley Heath) on June 22nd. The'Annual Dinner w i l l be held on February 27th when i t i s hoped that some personality of the golfing world w i l l be present. Further information concerning these events w i l l be given at the General Meeting an February 2nd. (Committee Room A. 1.15 p.m.)

The I.C.W.A. Table Tennis Team played their f i r s t league match against Westfield's 1st. three last Tuesday unfortunately the match was lost, 7-3, but Jennifer Haywood i s to be congratulated on winning two out of three of her games. The doubles match resulted i n an easy win for Westfield, due possibly to the fact that the I.C. pair have very limited opportunity far practice.

s At the xast meeting of the A t h l e t i c Clubs Committee the L i n k s Memorial Trophy was awarded to the Swimming Club as b e i n g , i n the Committee's o p i n i o n , the a t h l e t i c c l u b w i t h the most Improved r e c o r d d u r i n g the past y e a r . To c e l e b r a t e t h i s , the 2nd team beat N.E.C. 1st team 5-2 a t S t . Mary's H o s p i t a l hatha e i g h t days ago.

Y Perhaps the f i r s t mention 3hould be the glorious last week of the autumn term when the 1st. X7 beat NSC 62-0, setting up an unofficial record and followed i t by trouncing university vandals to the tune of 53-0, making a total of 115 pts. to n i l i n one week. Since then has been the Christmas vac. and a v i s i t from Delft - already reported - , the result was that a much too confident team went to Reading to play the university. We were rather flattered by the result winning 18-8. In much the same confident vein the team allowed!Kingjs to gain a half time lead of 3-0 at Jlitoham. Just as the forwards began to pull their weight Pete Kale was injured and the last 25mins were contested with only seven forwards. The rest of the game reflects ^reat credit an the team for they several times almost scored and finally lost 8-0. The 2nd and A XV's both wan their games with Kings 3-0, 20-3, redeeming the s i t uation slightly. The next few weeks w i l l show whether the lesson has been learnt, for this terms fixtures are extremely hard.

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v- Goldsmiths' jfgn 5-^

For this match I.C. had to travel to meet Goldsmiths' College. About half of the team had been to the Guilds' Carnival the previous night, many players sti 11 showed signs of a hangover, and consequently there was some doubt about the eventual result of this important game. However,I.C. played together very well i n what was a very exciting game. At half-time Goldsmiths' held a 3-1 lead, but I.C. fought back strongly and Gordon Green clinched matters in the last minute with a well-taken goal. I.C. now meet L.S.E. on February 15th i n the semi-final of the cup. The f i r s t XI have played only, two matches so far this term. Westminster defeated us by 4 goals to 2 i n a game Where I.C. were definitely outplayed, although at the same time i t should be mentioned that Dennis Moore was injured in. the i n i t i a l stages of the game and had to continue on the wing. This injury was mo3t unfortunate i n that i t i s most unlikely that he w i l l be f i t for the Cup semi-final on February 15th. Although L.S.E., our opponents i n this match, have beaten us 5-1 i n the League, i t i s felt that we have a sporting chance of reaching the final King's trounoed the L.S.E. team 5-1 t»vo week3 ago, and I.C. were unlucky to lose to King's by the only goal last week, when a deflaite improvement was noticed i n the side. We hope that a l l members Trill endeavour to support the team on Feb. 15th, and that with more fitness and sobriety i n the side they w i l l give a good account of themselves. Although the A.C.C. do not provide a tour grant unti l next year, i t i s hoped that a tour can be arranged i n the forthcoming Easter vacation. We have already written to Delft concerning this but unfortunately no reply has yet been received. Those of the Club who had the pleasure of entertaining the Delft. Student en Club da Bugby oa their recent v i s i t w i l l realise that a v i s i t to Delft is.the obvious choice for such a tour. Bbwever, the Secretary would be very oleased to received any alternative suggestions. A letter has been received from Bsmptan b m u r School thanking the 2nd. XI far the two enjoyable fixtures. I t appears that a l l the school sides enjoy these fixtures as much is we do, and i t i s certainly a f i t t i n g way to prepare them fcr University sooner.

Apologies to the C XV for the cancellations this term but the answer lies i n better and more consistent support for the lower sides.

) On Saturday, Feb. 11th (the day a f t e r the C a r n i v a l ) the U n i v e r s i t i e s A t h l e t i c Union Crosscountry Championships w i l l be h e l d on Wimbledon Common. I t i s hoped t h a t London w i l l win t h i s event, and t h a t the i n d i v i d u a l winner w i l l be Evans o f I.C. F u r t h e r d e t a i l s w i l l be p u b l i s h e d l a t e r .

T Saturday 28th. January. Rugger. v. R.A.E. Farnborough H. Hockey. v. Keble C o l l e g e (Oxford) A. Cross Country v. " Q.M.C. I.C.W.S.C. N e t b a l l V. M a r i a Grey H Tuesday 31st. January. _squash v. S t . Georges (A) Wednesday I s t . February football Tech. Cup R.C.S. v. R.S.M. Saturday 4 t h . February Rugger v. S t . Johns (Camb.) (H) Football v. S t . Marks & S t . Johns (H) Hockey v. High Wycombe (A) Cross Country v. B r i s t o l (A) Wednesday t h . February Hotkey G. v. R^C.S. Cross Country v. Q.M.C. (H) Football v. E.S.E. (A) Thursday 9 t h . February Squash v. I b i s (A) Chess v. u.C. (H) 8

PublishedfcyFELIX BOARD, Imperial College Union. London, S.W.7 Printed by VM. WOUS PLAIT Ltd.. 307s, Telephone Place. London, W.I4.

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