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t 1T;T;;'i=;i-tca63, 'ad16! ratc. i TIT'NEsT XIBRT, 5OR} XAYNE, IXUANT Juno 6 - ;1i16: !- Dl.x EneElbrink.Psr 4!t6.5 $n;-?; tl.k Pond. ucTc, itto? {1o6t trv a 3iriit6}, f. cail Raidi uastern !,ltcblsani b. Jls 80B6!3, tl1. 5. "dtcL Kiit' ;ayton. ithe i'loto.ord Deoe16 fI€' !he:r conaany Ptan. to irev-Yo!* to l)tc* rp !9 East€rn .unn€r: ' s6 th.y cai1.d rt ih. ilotoroia lill€.1 3-tlll., !. fla1 Eted.n, JCTC! l4:25'6t ir.TC, 'r:?6t 1. F6nri r. C^r uilltds. t-€vtn. llYU. l4il1i a. Don ilan.o.k' i. /arves!.;n $tohtean rFosh, li!lii old ltalrt3. M1no1!, 1r:0o: 6' {r..k Hedecock. Jcrr 15t07. lnf- Korr' Ps, ,:roin^ ' 1r , .c 4r&a- cloe€1v tollored bv """u-itzt i.6d K6ir of Penn Stat6. Tlehtlv t'!nct! ed behind theo vore litedon & 1t111i.n3 of tho l]C'fei t(en A.o-n and Har.id Har!13 nllo- of;lt.; -2^a e J.d Dav6 R6ddlns ot v65te.n irl.hi & fi6nrv L6rlh of NYU. K€!! took ths 16ad not€rtar11y aftq. ttr€ nll€ but Han.cck re65tn€C it on tho n6rt lap, Th+n aft.r ttr€ st16 and a hall tr 7r15r wlllt.rs 3Fu.tod to a 15 Yd. 16ad & tho ra.k ,{ledon thrnned out. g€ ,a3 fa1lo{6d by at th6 tlo rllo 1n 9i40' l.st gh€ load to hrF titb 3llaPs to 60' r€sa1n'd tt at tho dun lalr only !. 1os6 out on tho flnal 3tralshta{ay' i'11ottrtg th€ ra'€' {i1l1ams dtdn,€ ltck rp ri5 p!!ze sln.e h. o.iin ltrv t.et^r: c copl n6dals and trophl"s 'savr h6 rdn3 ror fun. nor 16ot). nredon talked htF tnto tlry colla cLvG Dlcitne uh it """i ui *'. n€tt r'r1dH.st Rnc !ac6. Vlltlanr aer6od, ah6ro stll b6 s .ocotd hand.16ct!tc ilzor off.r6d as ftrst dv.3t RPc !ac6' D.1' 6-F;-=F;;T-trt chlok xrng, P6nn stat6, .an tha aao t. tho !.co.d tlse of 1r5O'7',h116 G.org6 {€!., n1l1not3. capt!!6d th6 44o tn 46.1, also a *€? !93! lecord, LAKE ERIE .g.ss AAU- Jrre 6' C16!eland, ohlo-at Baldrln-Val1a.e Co11eA6 itac&. 8AO: 1. Bl1t rry, ollto siats, i:j5'3 r:'o Bob caIt6r, ;v.. ul!€j Eh.r! . !4rdt U. ,! 2?,: l{q; '. -2. A*od ;c. rq;:5;tlrRi '. !6srt€ H6e6du:, cl.v.land vasjars, ljir5! l, G6o.s6

1lqsgrr-s3.43s!eq-]tl:- - ---

(EI'EY BREAiS 1O-IIILE RECORD Whltlnsrilla. ilas3. Jun€ 6 - adedcan n,nrathon .h.nil.n Johnnv Kerl€v sFashad a lro-y.ar-old t.cord t oataY s€'on'3lO mllas tn,<o otnutes' 5l'6 Th..rd soord va! h.ld bv

ai 52t32" tr 'as so! ltack in 1919. Efr11 Zatopok s6t th€ ro'Id iark ol 48.!2 ln l9Jl th bls natito czechos{6116yt3 ndrk srtl be suh'ifted as ad s.rtoan oatk a cv.rythlng lhou1d r. c,x.'4 ttn€.3, sco!6.3. judees' rr.ck :p!ltcatlon blanni 6t. ' ) 6 !cart.r!' 5 llnt.Eod' 'reaP. ?4" It61lovt e Paos! 4t5:},9.52, r1{r5a) r9t55, 24r5A, 1O;04. lStl?.{, !c'26, 45:39. 50 r 5r.5 '.J I r c'rPen finrehed s6.6nd, also ande. !a1t6ttr narn. ir0J" 10: l l, i5:lo, 20.t!5, 2:6 ta5, )t | 25. 15 | tt?.1!' 42 toi6 112 t22"\. 52t)O strong atnlslrl 5rr:02: l. ra,-n {' L Ar conT;l;;o, K011oy. j5:rl l5t yoa13-oIdl )i 5. 60rtn.+ --id!rn DlcoBe€orc; .ut at at n1163. and.sa "6rry, all oaflc:alr ag.e€d trlai voun€ J.hn can bf6ak 50 mtnlt6s on a fast tlaok & undc. cool.! voather condtt_ rqIrs.

20tr, rnnual

Frlday! Juno 5 (7,Jco fan3, jOOOh! r, \ia ! i[;i-:81 2. Lr!z1o rab.rr, !r :, 3. Bot' Soth, Strtd€rr! 14.22 ti '. A16: sro.k6nrtd€o, Quanttoo x'r lnee t\t,12rtt 5. l.t11.s Elr€nrai, lkla'sti4'37,j+ {TQ€r tim€d rn 13;la 7 fo. 1ooo.. s'.b..6t I. t€aco. Jon.s ;i=-i;;-E;51:o-h4F, old r.cord 5 03! by Hora.6 Ash6nf6ltor' l{\nc. :955ir ?. Pbll co1€oan' UCTC, 9:65,0i l, cha!. c]^rk, unatt.! 9:11.6i 4. K6n Rtdl.a, UcLA. 9:r4.5; J. 9€ter xundI . . : . r i d . r 5 , 9 : 2 2 . :) 3a6: 1. Da"r scurlock, NC' I:rr9.ai ?:-rnlo cunrlff., sta.r_od, 1' 50,2 i 3. Mtkt ?6ak6, Colotado, trJo.f i 4' Tos Ann.rson, usc, l:50,1r; .t, i{ol 5b6n.6. A.1!.st", l:J1.4 rrit.: t, Jorom. l{'rt€rs, st!rd..3. foz:? | 2. Rob 5h6nkland usa 4:08.7;

:6astll9-Lt!-!3:-19!e!j-:t!., "l1tl' 85, vtot lta

in th' {Archl. Jt. , wiih iil s lrt}cr j!nal rr4o jran(i!, ,n.ork.d a:7.i n6t catch th. iP. n6n but.o!ld ah6ad ol hr$.)! !, R6n. Eo€.r5. USC! 4.rc-6: t. Da1€ story, ora.a€ Hs,

Ir:rr"2 (rhe;:.1?;iiii! ar. out of

440: 1. Mik. Larlaboe! Strtde.t' rr6.l! 2. chucr Crrlson, color.do! i+6.3t l. Eddlo south€H, 1€r.5' 46.lti 4. crenn Davt3, ohlo rc, +6.5i 5' uonro.. strtd6r!, lTr {45'9 for aoon r6r Ld;!ab€o) !Lrro F€1av: rora. f,oa?

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