A Guide for wellness

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and rejuvenation process. When we eat and go to sleep at once, most of the energy is diverted for digestion, instead of cell rejuvenation.

10 Habits 1. Eating fruits before food :

6. Check Your Words Your words make or break relationships in your life. You feed and take care of our body, but ignore your mind. Your mind is responsible for your body, and decides your future. Hence, feed positive thoughts to your mind to stay healthy. 7. Vibrate Love We are born with Love, to Love. We have abundance of Divine Love within us. The more Divine Love we give, the more we receive. Live life as Love. Say,"I Love You" to yourself and to everyone. 8. Live Gratitude

We are normally used to eat fruits, after a meal. This is an illness habit. Fruits are predigested by Nature and do not require much energy for digestion. Food we eat, takes more than three hours to digest. If we eat fruit after food, the fruit waits for food to get digested in the stomach. In the meantime, the fruit gets fermented and it produces gas. It also contaminates the food that is being digested. Eating fruit on empty stomach, before a meal, is a Wellness Habit. 2. Avoiding Water while eating:

We need to be thankful to the Universe, our parents and all people around us, for their contributions to our life. When we live a life of Gratitude, we will be blessed many times, in many ways. 9. Manage Your Stress Stress is inevitable in our daily life. We should learn to manage our stress, instead of avoiding it. Observe and experience the stress, instead of resisting it. In life, what you resist persists. What you experience will disappear. 10. Care for Mother Earth If we harm or abuse Mother Earth, we will be harmed back. We have to harvest what we sow. To save and protect us, we need to care for Mother Earth.

When we put food into our mouth, our body senses the quality of food and secretes appropriate digestive juice in our stomach. If we drink water while eating, this digestive juice gets diluted and hampers digestion. When undigested food passes into the intestine, it produces harmful gases, creating illness. Drinking water, half an hour before food is a Wellness Habit. 3. Avoiding drinking RO processed / filtered water: By reverse osmosis filtering, all the minerals are removed from water, and it becomes dead water. When we drink this depleted water, it drains the minerals from our body. Hence, it is advisable to drink spring water or UV treated water. 4. Cleaning bowl 3 times a day: We have to clean our bowl, the number of times we eat every day. We can learn from infants how to follow the Natural way of cleaning



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