A pocket guide to everything you need to know about Royal High School Bath
Contents 3 Vision and Aims 4 Contact Us 5 Girls’ Day School Trust 6 Communication at Senior School 8 Boarding 10 The School Day 15 Absence from School 16 Homework and Independent Study 17 Reports and Grade Sheets 19 RHS Be-Active 20 Houses 21 Medical Centre 24 Pastoral Care 25 Expectations of Behaviour 26 Rewards and Sanctions 27 Anti-bullying 28 School Uniform 29 Lost Property 30 Mobile Devices, Laptops and Phones 32 ICT and E-safety 33 School Trips 34 Digital Learning 38 Accessing the School’s Policies 38 Fees, Extras and Lunches 39 Finance 40 Senior Leadership Team 41 Key Staff List 45 Governing Body 45 Student Leadership Team 48 Term Dates 52 RHSB Learner Qualities 2
Royal High School Bath We are an all girls through school for both day and boarding students aged 3-18.
Vision and Aims As part of The Girls’ Day School Trust, our vision is to: Lead in girls’ education and be recognised as providing an outstanding day and boarding education, specifically tailored to the needs of girls in the 21st century We do this with three core aims to: 1) Support girls to be confident, to flourish in every area (academic, social, emotional, moral, spiritual and cultural) and to be a force for positive change, prepared to make their mark in school and as global citizens. 2) Encourage girls to seize every opportunity for academic excellence, innovation and extra-curricular enrichment and so nurturing a love of life-long learning and curiosity. 3) Ensure every girl is known and knows that they are valued, respected and supported for their individuality, and shows mutual respect and kindness to all others through their actions.
Family Forever Skills for the Future Fearlessness for Life
Girls Making Their Mark 3
How to Contact Us Senior School Office Telephone: 01225 313877 Email: Website: Address: Royal High School Bath, Lansdown Road, Bath, BA1 5SZ The office is staffed between 8:00–17:00 Monday to Friday. Office staff are able to direct calls to all departments. Boarding (out of hours): 01225 466861 The first point of contact in an emergency out of office hours is the boarding staff, who will direct you to the relevant member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Prep School Office Telephone: 01225 422931 Email: Address: Royal High Nursery and Prep School, Weston Park East, Bath BA1 2UZ The office is staffed between 8:00 and 16:00 Monday to Friday.
Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) The GDST is the UK’s leading network of independent girls’ schools. It educates approximately 8% of all girls at UK independent schools. There are about 20,000 pupils in 25 schools throughout England and Wales. Running through each one is the belief that each girl is unique and that she should be supported, encouraged and channeled to reach her full potential. RHSB is the only GDST school to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) alongside A Levels and is also the only GDST school to offer boarding. The GDST is the legal proprietor of RHSB and the address of the GDST Head Office is: 10 Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DH. The telephone number is: +44 (0) 20 7393 6666. The website is: The Chief Executive Officer of the GDST is Cheryl Giovannoni, and the Chair of Council is Juliet Humphries. To contact either of these, please use the telephone number above, or email
Communication at Senior School Parent Portal (Firefly): This is the ‘one-stop-shop’ for all you need to know about RHSB. You will have been sent an email about this at the start of term. For existing families; including those whose daughters are moving from the Prep School into Year 7, your Firefly login details remain unchanged - there is a ‘reset password’ prompt if you have forgotten it over the summer. For new families, once your daughters have been admitted, the SIMS database will update overnight (please allow 24 hours). SchoolPost: Weekly mailing via SchoolPost – this will be on a Friday evening, unless urgent when communications will be sent as required. Weekly Bulletin: Sent to parents on Friday in the School Post drop; this Bulletin is an overview of the following two weeks and includes topical notices or reminders. Senior School Newsletter: Published fortnightly and is a review of news from the last two weeks. Prep School Newsletter: Sent to Prep School parents weekly with an overview of news and updates. The RHSB Hub: This is for Senior School students and Staff as a portal for key information and news. Some curriculum resources can be found here such as past papers. Microsoft Teams: All student classes have a Microsoft Team. This is where homework will be set for students as well as a place for students to ask questions about the subject. School Calendar: This can be found on our Parent Portal and can be filtered by Prep/Senior School, year group, subject etc. Sport: All our sports fixtures, team sheets and venues are found here: Please bookmark this page. 6
Student and Parent Contact Details It is essential that we have up to date contact details for all our students at all times. Each academic year we will ask parents or guardians to update information. However, please do not wait for this reminder. Please advise the Office at either the Prep or Senior School of any changes, including your address, email address and telephone numbers and family circumstances. It is also possible to update your contact details using the Firefly Parent Portal.
Boarding Community Our boarding houses are home to girls from across the world and we are very proud to have a wide range of nationalities join our UK boarders. Our diversity means our students learn about different cultures and traditions, and have the opportunity to live in a thriving, international community before embarking on their journey into the adult world. Our Senior School students have a wealth of pastoral and academic support in their boarding houses. School House (Years 7-11) boarders learn vital independent skills and make lasting friendships, for our Sixth Formers (Years 12 and 13), living with friends, taking on responsibility and developing in maturity form the basis of life in Gloucester House. Our boarding community extends beyond school life, and our boarders become part of a family making lasting memories and friends for life.
Statement of Boarding Principles and Practice Within boarding we aim to ensure that all boarders enjoy a living environment which is supportive, caring and safe, and which supports their physical, intellectual, spiritual and moral development including: — Learning about human nature — Understanding people that they live and work with — Respecting differences, learning compromises and tolerance — Looking out for one another and caring for each other
We understand that joined up pastoral care underpins personal development and ensure that we have a strong school-home link so that boarding parents are kept informed of all issues relating to their daughters’ physical, intellectual, spiritual and moral development. We also aim to ensure that boarders enjoy equitable rights of access to all areas of school activities with day girls, and that the school’s ethos and values are upheld within the boarding environment.
Flexible Boarding If you would like to book an occasional boarding night, please email the Head of Boarding to check availability, giving as much notice as possible. Please note that spaces in some year groups may be limited, but we will always try to accommodate girls.
The School Day Timetable Period
Tutor Time/Assemblies
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lunch Rota Sixth Form “4a” Club Activities
Free time
13.45–14.40 Lesson 4
14.50–15.50 Lesson 5
After School Activities
Thursdays: The timing of the morning is slightly altered so that Period 1 starts at 8.45 and all subsequent timings are 15 mins earlier until lunch. Lunch will include an additional period either in the first half of lunch from 12.15 – 13.15 for KS3 or 12.45 – 13.45 for KS4. Buses: Bus Departures will be 16:30 Monday - Thursday and 16:10 on Fridays. Prep School students who have been booked onto buses will remain with other Prep School students until 16:10 Monday-Thursday and 15:50 on Fridays. *Students taking part in after school activities must register in the Rebecca Barrell Room at the end of the day, before heading for their co-curricular activities and clubs.
Transport Services We are pleased to offer a number of services to assist our students getting to and from our senior school site on Lansdown Road safely each day. Our transport service is designed to complement those already offered by the public transportation system.
Services operated by Vectare Price per journey 1–3 trips per week
4–9 trips per week
10 trips per week
Zone A
Zone B
Zone C
Bookings and payments for the service can be made online at our dedicated web portal: — Go to to locate your nearest bus stop and book ad hoc or regular travel — Make your booking and get instant confirmation — Contact Vectare via the website if you have any questions — Please note that the Vectare website has the latest information regarding transport and travel to RHSB
The start of the day The school day begins at 8:30. Day students may be in school from 8:00 when they should either be in Southside, the library, common room or their tutor room. Staff will be available in school but students will not be directly supervised until 8:30. If your daughter requires breakfast which is served until 8:15, she may go to the main school dining room. Students are welcome to join our boarders for breakfast; the charge for this will be made via students’ cashless catering cards. Please be sure to top these up through your ParentPay account in advance as cash cannot be accepted at the till point.
Traffic on site Due to the nature of our site, it is extremely difficult to manage large numbers of cars at the beginning and end of the school day. We encourage you to drop off your daughter at one of our entrances on either Lansdown Road, Richmond Road or Charlcombe Lane. It is essential that you do not drive onto the site between 8:00 - 9:30 or in the afternoon between 15.30 - 16.30.
Lunch School lunches are compulsory for students in Years 7 to 11, and optional for those in Years 12 and 13. The cost of these lunches will be charged by the GDST and appear on the school fees bill. Please note that absences, for whatever reason, cannot be reimbursed by the catering department. When students are requested to have a packed lunch for an off-site trip, these will be arranged by the school. 12
After School If your daughter travels home by bus, she needs to register in the Dining Room by 16:00 with the staff on duty. She will have the opportunity to purchase a snack and drink and can wait there until 16:20, when she should go to her bus stop. Your daughter should ensure that she is in good time for her bus departure, but if for any reason she doe miss her bus, she should return to the School Office and ask for assistance. If your daughter is collected from school at 15:50 please ensure that she knows exactly where she is to be met. Parents or guardians collecting students between 15:50 and 17:00 should not drive onto the school site. No students should be waiting alone for more than a few minutes in unattended areas of the school or outside the school gates, particularly during the darker winter months. Day students may stay at school until 18:00 to take part in an activity or to do homework in Supervised Study; however, they must always be under the supervision of a member of staff or another adult approved by the school. If students are staying in school but not attending a club, they must be booked into Supervised Study in advance. A link to a booking form will be sent each week in SchoolPost, or last minute bookings can be made through the School Reception. Supervised Study takes place from 16:00–17:00 in the main school library and 17:00-18:00 in boarding, and students must sign out when they leave. If your daughter is booked to attend either a club or Supervised Study and does not show up, we will contact parents. In case of a fire or other emergency, it is essential that students remaining at school after 16:00 are in the care of a member of staff until they leave the site.
After 18:00 Students are welcome to have supper at school if, for example, they are taking part in a school play or concert, and are in the care of the member of staff in charge and supper will be charged to the student’s cashless catering card. See information about cashless catering on page 37 for more information on purchasing supper.
Day Boarding After school day students become members of the appropriate boarding house and follow the boarding routine until 21:00 at the latest, by which time they must be collected from school. This means that they stay at school beyond 18:00 for supper and do homework and/or activities with boarders. They can be collected at any point after supper by prior agreement with the staff concerned. The charge is £10.00 per student per day. The in-house snack at 16:00 is included. Supper is additional and will be charged to the student’s cashless catering card. For planning reasons, day boarding must be booked and paid for in advance. Please contact the School Office for details.
Absence from School Parents should not take a student out of school during school time for anything other than an emergency, and certainly not for extended family holidays. A letter or email requesting leave of absence must be sent to the Head at least a week before the planned absence at Parental requests for absence required for medical appointments during the course of the school day should be submitted to tutors. The request must be made in writing or by email. Students should always sign in and out at Reception. For absence due to illness, parents should notify the School Office by telephone or email to by 8:30 on the first and each subsequent day of that absence. If a prolonged absence is anticipated, the tutor and Head of Year should be contacted and parents should send a note or email for the tutor when the student returns to school. The tutor or Head of Year may contact parents if absence notes are not forthcoming, or if a pattern of absence is emerging. If nothing has been heard on the first day of absence or there is concern about a student’s absence, the tutor or the office will be in contact to follow up any absence. Students in Years 7-10 and 12 are expected to attend our Open Day on Saturday 7 October 2023 to attend as ambassadors, tour guides or subject advocates. If your daughter is unable to attend please write to the Head to request an authorised absence.
Homework and Independent Study Each subject teacher will set a specific amount of homework per fortnight with guidelines on how long this may take. A homework timetable is produced for Years 7–9. For Years 10 and 11, there are guidelines on the amount of homework to be set each week, however, there is no rigid timetable due to the varying demands and nature of each course. Each student has a copy of her daily timetable and homework. This information can also be found on The RHSB Hub student information platform. Parents, and boarding staff in the case of boarders, support students as they learn to take responsibility for completing their homework. If you have a concern about homework, please contact the relevant teacher, Head of Department or Head of Year.
Reports and Grade Sheets Assessment is continuous and staff are constantly monitoring work, letting Heads of Department or Heads of Year know about any concerns. A teacher may contact a parent to give positive feedback or to express concern about a student at any time, but there are certain key points in the assessment of each student. The reporting process involves teachers not only writing about students, but also the tutor and student meeting regularly to discuss progress. Students are involved in considering their standard of work, their attitude to their work, any relevant examination performance, and what they need to do to improve things. Students are also encouraged to attend the relevant Academic Evening with their parents so that staff, student and parents (or guardians) are all working together. Years 7 – 9 have a report in the Summer Term and a Grade Sheet is published in the Autumn Term. Year 10 have a Grade Sheet in the Spring Term and a report in the Summer Term. Year 11 have a report in the Spring Term following their mock examinations. Year 13 have a short report with targets in the first half of the Autumn Term followed by an Academic Evening in the second half of the Autumn Term. A full report follows in the Spring Term. Year 12 have an academic evening in the second half of the Autumn term and an academic evening in the Summer Term which focuses on University Applications. There is also a specific online Academic Morning for parents of Boarders that should better suit those in different time zones. This will take place on Thursday 15 December 2022.
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Grade sheets after half term
Year 7 Academic Evening Sports Hall 27/2/23
Full Report End of term
Year 8 Academic Evening Online 21/3/23 Year 9 Academic Evening Sports Hall 19/1/23 10–11 Year 10 Academic evening Sports Hall 14/11/22 Year 11 Academic Evening Online 22/11/22 12–13 Year 12 Academic Evening Sports Hall 09/11/22 Year 13 Academic Evening Online 01/12/22
Year 10 Grade sheet After half term Year 11 Full Report End of term
Full Report
Year 10 Full Report Year 11 External exams
Year 12 Academic Evening HE Focus Sports Hall 22/6/23
RHSB Be-Active Programme One of the real strengths of Royal High School is that we recognise that student life is about much more than academic success and we encourage our students to balance their academic work by taking part in our wide range of enrichment, extension and co-curricular activities. Students are expected to sign up to at least three co-curricular activities that are run before, during and after school. The sign up process is completed by students through our co-curricular software and once clubs have been confirmed, Students are expected to commit and attend. Their attendance at their chosen activity is tracked by staff. Our extensive co-curricular programme offers a diverse range of activities which allow our students to develop their skills in areas of strength, try new things and be creative to find new ways of expressing themselves. Our RHSB BE-ACTIVE programme encourages students to be courageous and stretch themselves by taking risks in a safe and friendly environment. It also enables students to communicate and develop friendships outside of academic lessons and to make mistakes and learn from them in order to develop commitment, compassion, perseverance and organisational skills. You can view the full 2023–2024 RHSB BE-ACTIVE programme on the co-curricular activities noticeboard as well as on the co-curricular calendar on the Parent Portal.
Each girl is allocated to a House as she joins the school. The Houses are led by staff Heads of Houses and Sixth Form House Prefects, and there are House meetings arranged during assembly times throughout the year. Being part of a House encourages our students to work together with other year groups, promoting teamwork and a healthy, competitive spirit. The Houses take part in a wide range of events including a House Dance and Drama performance, Sports competitions, Young Musician and Young Actor of the Year competitions and other House competitions. Everyone gets involved to gain valuable House points. Another way of getting House points is by being rewarded with Merits and Commendations. At the end of the school year the House with the most points is awarded a special House Shield.
The Medical Centre The Medical Centre is run by our team of three School Nurses, who are supported by the School Doctor, a local female GP. The Medical Centre consists of a treatment room, quiet area, kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms. Parents of both boarders and day students need to complete a student health assessment form for their daughter and if they have a medical condition or require any medication during school time, the Nurse will contact the parent. If you wish to speak to the Nurse on duty regarding a student, you can contact her by telephone on 01225 731007, via the School Office, by email or in person by appointment. Out of hours the parents of boarders can also contact the medical staff via the housemistresses. The School Nurse is available to students during Surgery hours. Students must go to the School Office first, before visiting the Medical Centre.
Boarders Boarders are registered with the School Doctor for the duration of their time at the School. If a boarder needs treatment during the school holidays she will be able to visit her local doctor, but will have to register as a ‘temporary resident’. All boarders receive a medical examination on entry to the school. This is carried out by the School Nurses and the Doctor. If your daughter needs to be seen by a doctor whilst at school, she will normally have an appointment with the School Doctor in the Medical Centre during her weekly visit to school. However, if she needs to be seen urgently, she will be escorted to the Doctor’s Surgery in the centre of Bath by one of the boarding assistants.
We try to keep specialist appointments during term to a minimum to prevent disruption to schooling. However, there may be occasions when it will be necessary for your daughter to attend an appointment during the school day. If you live locally, you may wish to escort your daughter yourself, otherwise she will be taken by a boarding assistant (until she is 16 years of age, when she is considered old enough to organise travel arrangements herself). All medicines must be handed to the Medical Centre or Housemistress for safekeeping. Under no circumstances must girls keep medicines in their rooms. If your daughter is too unwell to attend school, she will be admitted to the Medical Centre. If this happens, the staff will always contact you as soon as possible, and keep in regular contact with you during her time in the Medical Centre.
Day Students If your daughter becomes unwell during the day, the School Nurses are available to provide first aid and basic care for her until you can be contacted. If you have any anxieties about your daughter’s health that may affect her while she is at school, the medical staff would be happy to discuss them with you and provide the necessary care and support. If your daughter has a chronic health problem, suffers from a prolonged illness, or has to be admitted to hospital, it is essential to let the medical staff know so that appropriate support can be offered on her return to school. If your daughter needs to take medication during the school day, she must bring it to the Medical Centre for safekeeping in its original packaging with her name and doctor’s instructions. Please contact the Medical Centre for a copy of the parental permission form found on Firefly. No medication should be carried about in school by girls, except for inhalers and epipens.
If your daughter suffers from asthma and uses an inhaler or an epipen, please ensure a spare is provided to be kept in the Medical Centre. We offer all new girls a school health check which is carried out by the School Nurses. The School Doctor is available if there is a medical problem. The health check comprises a short examination of height and weight, an eye test, and the opportunity for a student to express any health worries she may have. Your written consent is sought on the medical records which you are requested to fill in before your daughter’s arrival at school. You will be given the opportunity to attend the health check if you wish. Routine immunisations are now undertaken by your GP, apart from some immunisations which take place in school for some year groups as part of Government initiatives. The School Nurses will inform parents when they are due to take place and gain consent. Please ensure the School Nurses are informed of dates of boosters outside school to be able to keep the student’s school records up to date. Your daughter should not phone home to ask to be collected if she is unwell. She should be assessed at the Medical Centre and the nurse on duty will phone home if necessary. Please do not collect your daughter under these circumstances without checking with the Medical Centre.
Diarrhoea and Vomiting
Please be reminded that if you daughter has any symptoms of loose stools and or vomiting that they need to be off school for 48 hours from their last symptoms to prevent the spread of illness and cross infection.
A reminder of how to reduce the risk of illness: — wash your hands with soap and water often, for at least 20 seconds — use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available — wash your hands as you get to School, home or boarding house — cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow (not your hands) when you cough and sneeze — put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash hands 23 23
Pastoral Care There are many people in school who are here to listen and help. Students can talk to their form tutor, a teacher, the School Nurses, House staff, Head of Year, the Deputy Head or the Head. From time to time, students may face more persistent or serious issues. At the Royal High School Bath, we have two trained School Counsellors who provide a free, independent and confidential service to our students. They can make an appointment with the Counsellors by emailing their Head of Year, Mrs Cunningham or the School Nurses. They will discuss any issues with students in complete confidence as long as they are sure that they, or someone else, is not in danger of harm. The school’s counselling service may also run group therapy sessions to students experiencing similar problems, and details of these will emerge throughout the year. Each student can have up to six hour-long sessions free of charge. Thereafter, if necessary, they may be referred outside school, or charged for continued sessions within school (with parental consent.) The Wellbeing Hub includes ‘The Hive’, a peaceful area for quiet reflection, a contemplation room and quiet study zone. All students from Years 8–11 have their own dedicated common rooms, built to the WELL Building ™ Standards.
Expectations of Behaviour Our Guiding Principle Students show respect for the feelings and property of others, act with consideration for their environment and uphold the highest standards of dress and behaviour at all times.
Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Alcohol, drugs, tobacco and vaping are forbidden. Failure to comply with this rule is regarded as a very serious matter and may result in permanent exclusion.
School discipline A Homework or Head of Year detention at lunchtime or after school may be set if a student fails to complete a set piece of work on time, or if she accrues three or more debits in one term. An after school detention (16:00–17:00), or Head’s detention (9:00–11:00 on a Saturday) may be set for acts of extremely poor behaviour; parents will be informed.
Rewards and Sanctions Rewards take the form of Merits, Commendations and Head’s Commendations which will be awarded for very good work, marked progress, particularly considerate and helpful behaviour, and special contributions to the life of the school. A Merit sticker is worth 1 House point, a Head of Year Commendation Postcard 3 House Points, and a Head’s Commendation 5 House Points. Rewards are recorded electronically and for commendations, a postcard or letter is sent home.
Sanctions Debits may be issued by staff as a result of poor, incomplete or missing work, and anti-social or inconsiderate behaviour. Three debits in a term may lead to a detention and parents will be informed. Unauthorised jewellery, mobile phones etc. being used inappropriately will be confiscated for a fixed period of time. A Homework detention at lunchtime may be set if a student fails to complete a set piece of work on time. An after school detention (16.00–17.00), or Head’s detention (9.00–11.00 on a Saturday) may be set for acts of extremely poor behaviour; parents will be informed.
Anti-bullying We will not tolerate bullying of any kind: — Bullying involves one person or a group hurting or intimidating another person or group; — This might involve emotional or physical bullying; — It might involve the use of social media, texting, email or could even be face-to-face.
What can you do about bullying? Don’t be silent – this gives power to the people who are bullying. Tell a member of the school staff or a Prefect if bullying is happening. If another pupil is being bullied, please support them and encourage them to tell someone.
What can the school do? If you are the victim, the school will listen to you and try to support you, keeping you informed of any action that is taken. If you are thought to be responsible for bullying, the school will listen to your version of events and explain any allegations or suspicions to you. It will try to help you understand that bullying is wrong.
What can parents, guardians or boarding staff do? Listen to you; talk to staff concerned; avoid confrontation with other parents. The School reserves the right to use the sanction of temporary or permanent exclusion in a case of bullying. The school’s anti-bullying policy can be found on the website.
School Uniform Having a sense of belonging to our school is important, and wearing uniform is a symbol of pride in our school. Please take note of the following rules regarding uniform: — School uniform should be named, clean, correct and in good order at all times. — All girls in Years 7–11 must wear their school jacket travelling to and from school and while in school unless advised by a member of staff. — Shoes should be black leather look (no trainers or shoes that look like trainers). — Tights, ankle or knee length socks (not trainer socks) should be plain navy. — One pair of simple, stud earrings is allowed. No rings, bracelets or body piercings are allowed. Fine chains with a religious symbol may be worn around the neck (inside the blouse). — Make-up and nail varnish should not be worn. — Hair should not be obviously dyed and should be one natural colour. Long hair should be tied back with a plain black or navy hair tie. — If students wish to wear a coat over their uniform it must be plain navy and without any logo. From September 2024, all students will be required to own a school coat, which will be the ‘heavyweight puffer’ jacket available from School Blazer. — Sports kit should only to be worn for sport and not as an alternative to, or as an addition to, the school jumper. — When wearing school PE kit to fixtures, students must wear school tracksuit bottoms. — Sixth Form dress should conform to the agreed dress code.
How to buy school uniform School uniform can be bought from SchoolBlazer at www. There will be a two-year phase in period for the new uniform, and by September 2024, all students should be wearing the new uniform exclusively. Between September 2023 and September 2024, students may wear either the old style uniform and PE kit, or the new style, or a combination of both. It is, however, important that during this hybrid phase, students continue to dress smartly and wear their uniform with pride.
Lost Property Parents must ensure that all students’ clothing, shoes, trainers and valuables are clearly named. Valuables must be handed into the School Office for safe-keeping. If a student has lost an item, she should report it to the School Office. If a named item is found, the student will be emailed. Each week photographs or descriptions of any unnamed items will be placed on Teams in the Lost and Found Notices on RHS – Senior School – Staff and Students – Lost and Found A. Periodically, unclaimed respectable items are given to charity; others are disposed of.
Mobile Devices, Laptops and Phones Girls must take note of the following guidelines regarding mobile devices. All students are required to bring their own mobile device to school. The key requirements for this device: — Be able to connect to the school wireless network and the internet — Have a “standby to operational” time of less than 30 seconds — Have a keyboard (possibly Bluetooth if using a tablet) — Have a battery lifetime > 6 hours — Be able to record photos, video and audio — Have installed apps for word processing and other office apps to allow offline working (these can be downloaded for free with the school’s Microsoft licence) — Have a protective case We would advise a Microsoft device with a touch screen between 10–14 inches in size as being the most suitable to get the most educational benefit from the school systems. — The following advice applies to all forms of mobile device i.e. laptops, tablets, mobile phones and wearable technology such as smartwatches: — We highly recommend that parents insure any student devices against loss, theft or breakages as the school insurance will not cover devices. — They should be locked away when not required and never left in an unattended bag. — A passcode or password is enabled to prevent other students misusing the device. — Location services are enabled so that if it is lost, it may be tracked or disabled. — Mobile devices must never be taken into an examination room. Candidates found with unauthorised technology during exams risk facing serious sanctions from the examination board. 30
— Any pupil found accessing websites with inappropriate content will be dealt with according to the Behaviour Policy.
Use of mobile phones during the school day In the Prep School, devices must be given to the class teacher at the start of the day and will be returned at 15:30. In the Senior School, students should abide by the mobile device code of conduct, which is: — For Year 7: Mobile phones are not permitted for use in school. Boarders will leave their phones in the house during the day — For Years 8 and 9: Mobile phones may be brought in to school, but they must not be used at all during the school day, and should remain locked away. — For Years 10-13: Mobile phones are permitted for use in common rooms and in designated outdoor areas. — No students will use mobile devices whilst walking along corridors or on stairs. This is because they may cause a danger to themselves or other people due to a lack of attention to their surroundings. This equally applies to crossing roads, etc. — All students will only use mobile devices in lessons with the permission of the teacher. When using devices in lessons they will remain focussed on the task set and not use the device for anything except the work that has been set. — Mobile devices are not to be used in the Dining Hall or whilst queuing to go into lunch as this is an excellent time for face-toface social interaction. Students may also consider applying this at other meals outside of school. All students will use their mobile device with respect to others. This code is in addition to the GDST Acceptable Use agreement which governs student online safety and behaviour which is available on Firefly. For more information on the use of mobile devices in lessons and in the Boarding Houses, please refer to the policies on our website: 31
ICT and E-safety Internet access is an integral part of a dynamic learning environment. We have created ‘acceptable use’ guidelines to ensure safe, sensible and responsible usage to protect everyone in school. Students must: — Only use ICT (on our systems or on their own devices) in school for school purposes. This includes the use of the internet, email, digital video, mobile technologies, etc. — Login only as themselves — Use their school email addresses on school devices — Respect the privacy and copyright of others’ material — Not download or install software on school ICT equipment without permission — Not post or try to access or download offensive, illegal or aggressive material — Not try to bypass the internet filtering system. There is further information about how to help your daughter to stay safe online on The RHSB Hub which tutors will discuss with and signpost students.
Guidelines for School Trips When a student is invited to go on a trip, parents will receive an email with a link to the Senior School Form sent via School Post providing information on the trip. Each Senior School Form will ask your permission for the student to attend the trip. If a cost is involved, you will be asked to pay for the trip using ParentPay. Full payment is required before your daughter takes part in the trip. At the bottom of the form, the date by which you need to respond and pay will be indicated. It is a requirement of the GDST that your response is received. Without a response and payment a student will not be able to participate. Most organisations require payment for a trip in advance as it is essential for the trip leader to know how many pupils are going to attend the trip and whether the trip is viable. Please keep to the reply and payment deadline as the trip may not go ahead if a response has not been submitted and payment not made by the given date. Even if the trip is viable, a student may not be able to attend because the reply and payment has not been received on time.
Digital Learning At RHSB we have a forward-looking approach to using technology in the classroom, whilst recognising the continuing need to train students to use paper and pen in preparation for examinations. All departments will set homework and more extended pieces of work using MS Teams. Parents will see a description of the nature of the work in the Firefly Parent App. If you would like to know more specific details then please ask to look at your daughter’s Teams App. Below is a table which gives an overview of the principal ways of working in each department, please do not hesitate to ask for further information if you require it.
Year 7 - 9
Work is completed in sketch books and on paper and other surfaces in the studios A mixture of online and book work
A mixture of online and book work
A mixture of online and book work
Computer Science and ICT
Resources and work done in one note Resources online, work done in books A mixture of online and book work
Dance Drama Design Technology
Lots of portfolio work linked to book work and online
A Level and IB
Work is completed in sketch books and on paper and other surfaces in the studios A mixture of online and book work
Work is completed in sketch books and on paper and other surfaces in the studios A mixture of online and book/file paper work A mixture of online and book/file paper work A mixture of online and book/file paper work Resources and work done in one note N/A
A mixture of online and book work A mixture of online and book work Resources and work done in one note Resources online, work done in books A mixture of online and book work Lots of portfolio work linked to book work and in line
Resources and work done in one note Lots of portfolio work linked to book work and in line 35
Digital Learning Department
Year 7 - 9
Economics and Business Studies
A mixture of online and book work
A mixture of online and book work
History Maths
Resources online, work done in books A mixture of online and book work
Modern Foreign Languages
A mixture of online and book work
A mixture of online and book work
PE and Sports
Physics PSHE
Resources and work done in one note A mixture of online and book work
R and P
Resources online, work done in books
A Level and IB
A mixture of online and book work
A mixture of online and book/file paper work A mixture of online and book/file paper work Resources and work done in one note Resources and work done in one note A mixture of online and book/file paper work Resources and work done in one note A mixture of online and book/file paper work Resources and work done in one note A mixture of online and book/file paper work A mixture of online and book/file paper work Resources and work done in one note One note and course booklets
A mixture of online and book work A mixture of online and book work Resources online, work done in books A mixture of online and book work A mixture of online and book work A mixture of online and book work Resources online, work done in books Resources and work done in one note A mixture of online and book work N/A Resources online, work done in files and bespoke course booklets.
Accessing the Senior School’s Policies All schools in England and Wales are required to make certain information available to parents and guardians of pupils and prospective parents. There are a large number of policies covering: General (including the Complaints Procedure); Curriculum and Extra-curricular Activities (including Health and Safety on Educational Visits); Assessment (including Specific Learning Difficulties and External Examinations); Pastoral Care (including Safeguarding Young People); Discipline (including Alcohol, Smoking and Illegal Substances). Parents can apply to the School Office for a paper copy of any policy. Key policies are available on our website:
Fees, Extras and Lunches We operate a cashless catering system which is linked to your ParentPay account. On your ParentPay account you will see a line: Catering – Morning Break and Lunch Time Top Ups. Please top up your daughter’s account via this method. For Years 7–11, lunches are included within tuition fees – you will only need to top up this line if your daughter has breakfast, supper or requires a snack at morning break or after school in the dining hall . Years 12 and 13 have two options; either to use the Sixth Form Café and pay as you go for the Café and morning break offer, or eat in the Dining Room. In order to pay for food you will need to top up your daughter’s catering card via Parentpay.
Finance The Royal High School Bath operates an internet payment platform called ParentPay. This is completely separate from the school fees which are administered directly from the GDST. All chargeable expenses and activities that your daughter takes part in must be paid for through our ParentPay portal, except Nursery sessions. Nursery sessions are invoiced locally by us and are paid in advance. We operate a cashless catering system to enable students to pay for breakfast, breaktime snacks and supper. Please top up their cards via ParentPay. It is important that this happens in advance of the activity so that we are able to secure a place for your daughter and ensure that we have all the necessary staffing in place for her safety. Unfortunately, if payment is not made then your daughter will not be able to participate. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Helen Flint, Finance Manager, at:
How to Make a Complaint In our school we want to be able to talk openly and honestly with each other about issues. However, if you and your family feel that a matter has not been resolved, then you are entitled to make a complaint and the school has a complaints procedure which is made available to all families. In addition, boarders have the right to make a complaint through the RHSB complaints procedure or to the Office of the Children’s Commissioner should they choose. You can call 0800 528 0731 or email:
Senior Leadership Team Head
Mrs K Reynolds
Head of Prep School
Mrs C Lilley
Academic Deputy Head
Mr H Briggs
Pastoral Deputy Head
Mrs E Cunningham
Head of Sixth Form
Mr L Benedict
Assistant Head – Curriculum
Mr J Moyle
Head of Boarding
Mrs E Custodio
Director of Finance and Operations
Mrs E Wilson
Director of Admissions and Marketing
Mrs S Taylor
Key Staff List Pastoral Head of Year 7
Mrs M Ladbury-Webb a.ladbury-webb@rhsb.
Head of Years 8 and 9
Mr A Leather
Head of Years 10 and 11
Ms R Hollingsworth
Senior Teacher, Pastoral and Head of RHSE
Mrs H Morton h.morton@rhsb.
Sixth Form and Careers Head of Sixth Form
Mr L Benedict
Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Mrs K Newman
IB Coordinator
Ms J Taylor
Head of HE Support
Mr T Hardcastle
Head of Careers
Mrs M Whalley
Sixth Form Administrator
Mrs V Charlton 41
Boarding Head of Boarding (School House)
Mrs E Custodio
Resident Housemistress (Gloucester House)
Mrs A Pullen
Deputy Housemistress (School House)
Ms P Leipold
Mrs S Carter
Other Key Contacts Head’s PA
Mrs R Prutton
Miss E Symonds
Senior Nurse
Sister R Purchase
School Counsellors
Ms L Reeves Mrs R Harwood
IT Operations Manager
Mr S Nicholas s.nicholas@rhsb.
Exams Officer
Mrs K Schofield
School Receptionists
Mrs E Steele
Ms N Sparkes
Finance Manager
Mrs H Flint
Alumnae and Community Liaison Officer
Mrs F Orr
Heads of Departments Head of Maths
Mr C Graham
Head of English
Mr J Owen
Head of Science and Biology
Miss S Duignan
Head of Chemistry
Dr T Nobbs
Head of Physics
Mr B Redman
Head of MFL and Spanish
Miss J Cossey
Head of German
Mrs A Wilkie
Head of French
Mr V Roca-Gisbert Mrs C White
Head of History
Mrs H Pagnamenta
Head of Geography
Mr R Heath 43
Head of Religion and Philosophy
Ms E Bridgman
Head of Classics
Mrs C Binney
Head of ICT and Computer Science
Mrs K Lycett
Head of Psychology
Mrs S Looker
Head of Business and Economics
Mrs S Rao
Head of Technology
Mrs V Gill
Learning Support Coordinator
Mrs S Smillie
Head of EAL and International Students
Ms N Cheers
Head of Drama
Mrs L Vincent-Norgate
Head of Art
Ms H Wilson
Director of Music
Mr M Bradbury
Director of Sport
Miss H Baber
Governing body Governors can be contacted via the Head’s PA at r.prutton@rhsb.gdst. net Chair of Governors
Mr Richard Hall BSc Hons, FRSA
Vice Chair of Governors
Mrs Stella Pirie OBE, FCA, FCT, BA (Econ) Hons
Miss Lynda Bevan BA Hons, PGCE Mrs Marilyn Cass MA,BA Hons, PGCE Mrs Samantha Newton LLB Hons, LPC Dr Chris Stephens Mrs Arlene Stone Miss Alexandra King Ms Imogen Pudduck Mrs Peta Dyke
Student Leadership Team Head Girl
Jess Lewis
Deputy Head Girls
Pelagia Beekma and Natasha David
Prefects Charities
Georgia Hally Jess Knechtli 45
Liv Nelson Megan Rieger
Abi Lovelock-Blair Amelia Greenwell
Student Voice
Billie Huitric Famille Gwenzi
Student Voice (Undivided)
Lily Dunford Jenna Chiu
Careers & Futures
Daisy Jackson Liv Payne
Karena Cheng Imogen Oliphant
Mya Harvey Sofia Skidmore India Vance
Community & Communication Coco Hiatt Science
Eloisa Lunn Iris Muscroft
House Prefects Austen
Emily Jones and Eva Helly-Osborne
Anastasia Slastikova and Ashleigh Wigley
Du Pré
Jess Rood and Kopika Kathirgaminathan
Kashuf Rehman and Grace Adams
Sixth Form Mentors Austen
Y7 Mentor Poppy Robinson and Emily Whitely Y8 Mentor Lottie Ravenhill and Chloe Moorhouse
Y7 Mentor Chloe Luton and Mary Meng Y8 Mentor Izzy Moore and Hannahn Jauss
Du Pré
Y7 Mentor Lottie Silverton and Stephanie Wong Y8 Mentor Elly Boardman and Cerys Lee
Y7 Mentor Ting Meng and Annabelle Douch Y8 Mentor Chloe Mak and Catherine Cross
Term Dates 2023/24 Autumn Term 2023 Tuesday 5 September
Y7-Y11 Boarders Return
Wednesday 6 September Autumn Term Begins for Prep, Y7, 10, 12 & 13 and New Y8&9 Thursday 7 September
Autumn Term Begins for All Students
Friday 22 September
Exeat Begins 17:30
Sunday 24 September
Boarders Return 17:30
Friday 6 October
Senior Staff Inset Afternoon. Senior School ends at 12:30
Friday 6 October
Sixth Form Open Evening
Saturday 7 October
Open Morning
Friday 20 October
Half Term Begins (15:30 Prep, 15:50 Senior)
Sunday 5 November
Boarders Return
Monday 6 November
Term Resumes
Friday 24 November
Exeat Begins 17:30
Sunday 26 November
Boarders Return 17:30
Thursday 14 December
Autumn Term Ends (15:30 Prep, 15:50 Senior)
Friday 15 December
Catch-up sessions for Senior School students and Boarders’ Academic Morning
Spring Term 2024 Wednesday 3 January
Staff Inset Day (Prep and Seniors)
Wednesday 3 January
Boarders Return
Thursday 4 January
Spring Term Begins for All Students
Friday 19 January
Exeat Begins 17:30
Sunday 21 January
Boarders Return 17:30
Friday 9 February
Half Term Begins Nursery and Prep 15:30 Senior and Sixth Form 15:50
Sunday 18 February
Boarders Return 17:30
Monday 19 February
Term Resumes
Wednesday 22 March
Spring Term Ends Nursery and Prep 15:30 Senior and Sixth Form 15:50
Monday 25 March
Staff Moderation Day
Tuesday 26 March
Staff Planning Day
Summer Term 2024 Monday 15 April
Staff Inset Day (Prep and Seniors)
Monday 15 April
All Boarders Return 09:00
Tuesday 16 April
Summer Term Begins for All Students
Friday 3 May
Bank Holiday Exeat Begins Nursery and Prep 15:30 Senior and Sixth Form 15:50
Monday 6 May
Bank Holiday. Boarders Return 17:30
Friday 24 May
Half Term Begins Nursery and Prep 15:30 Senior and Sixth Form 15:50
Sunday 2 June
Boarders Return
Monday 3 June
Term Resumes
Friday 5 July
Summer Term Ends Nursery and Prep 15:30 Senior and Sixth Form 15:50
50 46
Holiday Arrangements Please adhere to the school holidays when arranging your own holiday. It is exceedingly disruptive to the school routine to take a student away from school and it can seriously affect their progress. Absence for illness is unavoidable and the staff will give every help to the student to make up any work missed, however this will not be available for unauthorised absences.
RHSB Learner Qualities Our educational philosophy is rooted in the RHS learner qualities – Brave, Reflective, Collaborative, Inquisitive, Sparky, and Kind – the combination of which helps girls blossom into well-educated, well-rounded global citizens with confidence, self-belief and a good moral compass and so they thrive in INQUISITIVE all their academic, personal and future professional pursuits.
REFLECTIVE Improving Refining Developing Finding a balance Adapting
BRAVE Persevering Risk taking Daring to be different Challenging Disciplined
Exploring Investigating Evaluating Questioning Researching
COLLABORATIVE Communicating Discussing Convincing Respecting Presenting
KIND Listening Including Helping Understanding Empathising
SPARKY Problem-solving Creating Imagining Innovating Collecting ideas
Senior School and Sixth Form Lansdown Road, Bath BA1 5SZ +44 (0)1225 313877
Royal High School Bath