Signs of Life and Life of Signs

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The New born by Constantin Brancusi.

From this collection of quotes, we get some hints on what art really is. Knowing what art is, in fact, does not matter; we want to know what we can do to bring artistic elements in our publications, in our presentations; whether it is a PowerPoint presentation or an advert for a product. So far we retain:

- color is the first what is being noticed. - to create something of esthetical value is craft. - the ritual play with shapes might evolve to what we mean to express. - it is not the artist who makes a piece of art, the object itself reveals what it wants to show; the artist is only the intermediate. - what is clear is the fact that the process of influence is indirect and acts from the unconscious.

We made some progress in our goal to discover the mechanisms of the best eye catcher, and it turns out that it is not a simple formula or algorithm. Let’s go somewhat further. It is too important to know more about semiotics and its core of how the signs stir our feelings, how the signs affect our lives and how we can make use of the signs which dominate life. We know that understanding art can bring us closer. But our objective is to create works that become a point of attraction for groups of people or even for masses of people, what is the aim of advertising. Besides the process of creating an eye-catcher, we learn from art that you 171

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