The Doctrine of Truth

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It is unreasonable to allow anyone the power over you to experience Anger, Sorrow, Frustration or Guilt, particularly with an Acquaintance who has very little significance in your World. Only Reason will ever draw the reasonable conclusion that the intensity with which you feel Emotion must diminish the further away from your Core you experience. Assess your World and be civil and kind to everyone, but be selective with the level of reasonable Worlds you merge with when building a relationship, or your ignorant choices will lead to Conflict, and Conflict is never in your best interest for Survival. Believers in the Doctrine of Truth must not mix with Believers in the Doctrines of Oppression, Greed and Religion. Their lives will never be harmonious and there will never be Joy because the doctrines are too vastly different. As Time evolves us forward, the more natural pressure there will be to conform to the Truth. Those who stand for the Truth in the Time of Transition must be strong. For, the stronger you stand, the faster they will awaken. Peace Peace is a state of being like Joy and Love. Peace is what stills you when you are alone or when you’re in danger. Peace reasons first then assures you stay calm. Peace lives on every level from global proportions to inside you, and is the space that you create inside you first that will grow to unlimited heights. Peace perceives all things in Reason and gives way to Hope that awaits. Peace is what appreciates perfect Beauty, and perfect Beauty does not depend on how you perceive it to be. Peace is the Tone and the standard for your Self and your family to live. Peace is what ever you’re offering, and is the least that we can give. Economic situation or the environment you live in need not determine the space you create in your Home. You can create perfect Beauty in Peace everywhere you look if you choose to create it that way. Create your beautiful space aligned in Order. Understand how Color affects Mood and Emotion. Understand the design and feel and flow of your Space because now we all can. The beautiful space you create becomes a standard for Peace by which you measure all Space. You will more keenly see Danger when you don’t feel Peace. You will more keenly know Confusion when you don’t feel Peace. You will more keenly feel Anxiety when you don’t feel Peace. The beautiful space you create creates Peace around you that permeates through to the Space you’ve created for your family and provides Assurance for another day. Peace, Perfect, Peace. *** We must be rid of Discrimination. We must be rid of Societal Greed and Self-Absorption. We must be rid of Corporate Profits at the expense of Humanity.


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