Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated.
Farewell and Thankyou lt was with reluctance that Helen and I had to say goodbye to the wonderful community of RollingstoneBalgal-Mystic Sands. As many of you know, it was mainly due to my increasing health problems and the distance between Mystic Sands and our health providers. I had many trips to the hospital and doctors beginning back in December last year, and because I do not want to omit any of these wonderful volunteer drivers, I will give a blanket thankyou - you know who you are - thanks. Thanks go to our neighbours who we miss very much. Over that period I had several admissions to the hospital, and was visited by Ewan Cameron, known to many of you as the State President of the RSL. Before Anzac Day, he obtained a jacket and cap, like I used to wear, and then two days before Anzac Day I ended up in hospital. Coming up to the VP 70, Ewan arranged for Helen and I to attend three of the functions, including the parade. He transported us to and fro and was our carer. Thanks Ewan. And everyone. Helen and Rick EUREKA CARE COMMUNITIES WULGURU 195 - 217 STUART DRIVE WULGURU QLD 4811
Private Carissa Calvo with our very own Eric “Ric” Dyer . Celebrating VP 70 ( Victory in the Pacific ) Townsville Bulletin Sat August 15th
CARAVAN OR BOAT STORAGE Do you have a caravan or boat you would like to store under cover? I have space in a large shed, open at the front. $40 per month Margaret 0407769100
From the Chair of the Committee: John Holliday
Saturday 12th of September is fast approaching. Have you checked out our Web page or Face book site: Rollingstone Pineapple Festival We are constantly reviewing our festival and this year promises to be the best yet. We will even have a booth where we would like you to record your thoughts. How fortunate we are that this joint project of the Rollingstone Community Association and the Rollingstone & Dist Lions Club showcases our little community to locals and visitors alike. Last year my sister was up from Melbourne and was blown away as our festival reminded her of community fun days when she was a child. We have many hard working contributors to the success of our Big Day. The local growers are so generous, as are our sponsors who provide prizes for the various events. Did you know that the proceeds from the Lions and the various raffles etc. are directed to the provision of the 75kva generator that is now installed at our community complex ready for emergency needs. We need your help Would you like to make a contribution to our local community but not in a position to make a full commitment to the Lions Club or volunteer for the Community Association in the Op Shop, Railway Station, Hall maintenance or Garden? We need extra hands for the busy week leading up to our Festival, Could you volunteer for any of the following: Friday 4th September 1.00pm start Assist with placing the big tent in position and setting pegs. Could you bake a cake / homemade biscuits or help out with a 3.00pm afternoon tea for the workers ? Saturday 5th September 8.00am start Heavy lift day, swinging on tent ropes or help out with morning tea and a light lunch for the work party. Wednesday 9th September 8.00am start Set up stage, marquees, and other ground duties, not forgetting the importance of a light lunch, morning & afternoon tea for the volunteer workers. Friday 11th September 8.00am start Final check on electrical and sound equipment and last minute detail work also morning tea and a light lunch. Sunday 13th September 9.00am start It’s all over so we have to disassemble everything; again we need assistance with morning tea and a light lunch for the hard working team. P2
Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.
Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.
We had an impromptu travelling CIRCUS which came to Balgal on 25th August for 1 show only (see back page) It was a really old fashioned Circus with lots of laughs and fun. It was loved by all who went and we hope that they will come back and visit us again another time (with a little more notice)!!!
This is the time of the year where fires become a reality. Especially at the moment whilst everything is so dry. Clean up your yards and gutters and be vigilant. If you suspect a fire please call 000
Front Cover : This is the time of year when some amazing orchids are coming out. This beauty is one from Sue Von Walds collection
Road Closure Sat 12th September 9.30 to 10.30 MYSTIC AVE from Golf Course to Community Centre At this time the PINEAPPLE FESTIVAL Floats will be passing down the street
OPEN DAY at the Queensland Ambulance Service. Sunday 6th September This should be an interesting and fun day See pg 18
We are really lucky to have some amazing businesses opening here recently! NQ MOBILE WOODFIRED PIZZA (see page 24) on Mystic Ave and ANDJENITA MOBILE CATERING (see ad page 6) is also doing coffees from time to time on the Esplanade at Balgal Beach. Watch out for the flags and come try the coffee as well as have a relaxing walk on the beach or just sit and take in the views!!!
The Rural Fire Brigade are out and about at the moment doing controlled burns to make sure we all stay safe this season!
For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community
Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service
SEPTEMBER 2nd, 16th & 30th 11.30-1pm
NOTES FROM THE R.T.C Snake Presentation
6 September 2015
Community Centre
Rollingstone Pineapple Festival
12 September
Community Centre
Drumming Workshop and Drum Circle
3 October
Community Centre
The Snake Presentation is being presented by John Rathbone QAS officer from the Northern Beaches Ambulance Station. This will be a very interesting workshop and will include specimens for viewing. Pineapple Festival – nomination forms are available from the Community Centre or you can sign up on the day. It is not too late to nominate for the Pineapple Festival Princess. A reminder that Mystic Avenue and Community Crescent will be closed from 9.30am until the parade passes through. Check out the Rollingstone Festival Webpage at . There is a schedule of events to check out. As you will see we have a great line up of entertainers as well as the athletic challenges of the Pineapple challenges eg the Tractor Pull, Tug-of-War, Pineapple Throw, and the Pass and Dash. This year we also have some games for the not so athletic and younger festival goers. Come and try the Wheelbarrow Race, Pineapple Knock’ems and Bowls. There is prize money for those the winners. Kid’s Korner is presenting a Jumping Castle, Polly’s Craft and for the youth and the young at heart try your aim in the Laser Skirmish. For the chefs out there present your best Pineapple Dessert at the NQ Paradise Pines tent for the Dessert Baking Competition. Drumming Circle – The first 20mins will be a drumming workshop learning techniques to be used in the Drumming Circle after the workshop. The Workshop is open to 20 participants while the Drumming Circle is open to as many interested participants on the day. Workshops and Activities – We are always on the lookout for activities to present to the community centre – Your ideas would be wonderful. You can email me on or phone 47707855 – We have presented workshops lately and while they were very valuable to the participants the numbers of participants have been rather low. This is an issue as we like to think we can ask the instructors/ presenters to come again at a later date – when numbers are low the presenters/ instructors will think twice about driving this far for a couple of people. Our Book Station is looking fabulous, our Volunteers have worked tirelessly to sort, stack, alphabetise, sort and stack again to present the books so they are easy to scan through. The fiction section is sorted by author while the non-fiction section is sorted by their reference. Come in and have a look. As always your generous donations are very welcome. Thanks to our wonderful Volunteers it has been a mammoth task to get it to this far. Thanks also to Len and Wendy for the donation of a beautiful clock, it has been fixed and is now pride of place in the centre room of the station. Thanks to John H for the maintenance on the Community Bus your efforts are keeping it looking like new. Thanks also to Ben our dependable Bus Driver. Ben does all the checks and ensures the vehicle has all the proper checks and is neat and tidy. The Bus is a credit to both of you. Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy? See you at the Festival Chris
Sunny Days Carer's
Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information
At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm P4
BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st & 3rd SATURDAY’S OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac etc NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Always need Car boot * Bric a Brac etc
Call Dan 0417
Presented by
SEPTEMBER RAINFALL REPORT Monthly rain totals as at 26.8.15 Rainfall for SEPTEMBER 10.7 ml 2 wet days recorded 2015 Rainfall Year to date: 709.8 mls
For online information on what's on look up
Max Temp: 27 deg (6.8.15) Min Temp: 5deg (6.8.15)
Maureen O’Donnell passed away during July. No doubt blessed relief, as she’d been unwell for a long time. She and Brian have lived locally for many years. Vale, Maureen. On the “not-so-well” list: Tony Richards, Phil Ryan, Linda Cleaver, Gail Blackley, Leiticia McDonald and no doubt others of whom we’re unaware. Get well soon – our thoughts are with you. Len & Wendy Clark gave us an antiquated Wall Clock to hang in the Book Station for “old times’ sake” and because it fitted with the time frame/history of the building. However, it wasn’t working. Well, it is now: ticking and chiming most comfortably and charmingly and we’ve been informed it’s now worth a tidy sum. Thanks to the Clarks for such a lovely gift and asset. It’ll be treasured – and hopefully, admired for a long time to come. We’ve received the planks for the new Australia Day Awards Board and they are just so beautiful. They were milled, finished, and donated by Doug and Mrs. Sharp from Crystal Creek and we’re blown away by the generosity of their gesture. Thanks are not enough, so we must find a way to make these folk understand how deeply indebted to them we are. Sad to see so few of the community attend the Vietnam Veterans’ ceremony once again. The men who fought in that theatre of war really do need more recognition than they receive, so we’ll continue to spread the word each year and hope that more will come along next year to say a well-deserved “thank you” to them for helping to make our lives so good. Also sadly, only two (2) of us turned up for the Yoga Meditation Workshop. It was great value all around and most worthwhile, and with so many people these days (supposedly) under some form of personal distress/disruption/disarray, it’s amazing that more didn’t take the opportunity to make their lives more livable. Oh well, yet again we tried and failed………… “The Budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome will become bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance.” (Cicero, 55 BC) So, evidently we've learnt buggar-all over the past 2,070 years! 2 Ingredient Strawberry Banana Ice Cream 4 very ripe bannanas, sliced and frozen and 1/2 cup strawberries Blend the bananas and strawberries in a blender or food processor until smooth. This may take a bit so just scrape it down and keep blending. Live well, love much, laugh often..
Sancho Panza”.
Merry We Meet! Thought I would get in early this year to remind you it is only a little over a month before we commence Aquarobics for the 2015/2016 season. Time to air out the togs and towels and psyche ourselves up to plunge into that invigorating water. 9am Friday the 9th of October is starting day and will be on every Tuesday and Friday morning at 9am till Friday the 22nd of April 2016. Christmas Day the 25th of December and Good Friday the 25th of March excepted. Have been in touch with the very nice new Owner/Managers at Rollingstone Caravan Park and they are quite happy for us to carry on as usual Tuesday and Friday mornings. I will put another reminder in the October Rag and hopefully we will start the season off with a bang (or a splash). Meanwhile Stay Healthy & Keep Fit. Babz. P6
Bluewater Community Centre
Twilight Markets 2nd Saturday of each month
CALL TODAY and receive your complimentary treatment and facial - experience the new ‘Energise’ skin care range June Booking Gift -
Receive a free body scrub, shower gel or body lotion when you book your complimentary treatment by Wednesday 17th June. CALL Carol - 0428 892029 or Email Visit my online store and have your goods delivered to your front door. Carol’s Nutrimetics
Meals, drinks and bar available Kids activities and a wide variety of Market Stalls, Petting Farm and so much more !!! Future Markets: October 10th, Nov 14th, Dec 12th Contact Elaine 47886193 or Val 47513354 for stallholder enquiries
ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*
$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00
Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.
RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers. Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST) Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST) Important document scanning $5.00
P8 P 10
Local SES clean roof & gutters at local Rollingstone primary school.. We welcome new recruit Jeni Maxwell who joined in January this year. She has now finished most of her training.. Meet the SES crew at the Pineapple Festival and if you are interested in joining there are currently 6 members and more are always welcome!!
Boot Camp Exercise Class presented by Jo Scott Tuesday Evenings 6.00pm Rollingstone Community Centre $10 per class For all fitness levels Ladies and Gents For more info call Chris on 47707855
Because there is so much fresh fruit and veggies around at the moment, I thought this might be a timely insert into the next newsletter for new mums and younger parents – and some older ones for that matter. It’s from our Recipe Book and contributed towards that by Helen Dyer who really was a prolific jam and preserves maker: JAM MAKING Use any fruit available. The easiest way to make jam is to peel & chop fruit and to 1 kg of prepared fruit, add some water (if fruit is juicy, you don’t need much water) up to a cup and simmer gently until fruit is cooked. Then measure 1 cup of fruit pulp to 1 cup of sugar and boil rapidly until setting point is reached (usually from 10-20 minutes depending on type of fruit). Lemon or lime juice can be added to improve flavour and help jam set. Always add alcohol after jam is ready to bottle, stir into jam before bottling, just leave a few minutes then bottle. Always use warm sterilized jars and clean lids; never fill jars right to the top; leave at least 1/2” (1cm – 2cm) at top; seal whilst hot. This helps to make the vacuum seal (you’ll hear a ‘pop’ as the jar cools down). Store in a cool dry place. Refrigerate after opening in our warmer weather….from Sue Von Wald
Gidday Rollingstone I’ve deliberately held off writing this one until today (the deadline is this arvo) so I could finally introduce you Shaun Sutton and his better half Jenny Clegg. Shaun’s first day at work was today (an 8.00am to 4.00pm shift), and after a thorough and exhaustive tour of the office (8.00am to 8.03am), the formalities of station keys, alarm codes and safe combinations, I decided to expose him to some of the most unsavoury and suspect characters in Rollingstone. He was thrown in the deep end and marched to the Rollingstone State School for the Monday morning parade where, in spite of his best efforts to be introduced as “Sutto”, the terrorists had him labelled as “Shaun the Sheep”… and his fate was sealed. His better half, Jen is starting work at Deeragun later this week. Right now she’s up to her armpits in cardboard boxes and bubble wrap while she unpacks their house. I plan to do a frank and hard hitting interview with each of them in the next few weeks… once Sutto has remembered where the light switches are and Jen has finished nagging him to put up the curtains. Now… let me just switch hats for a second and take this from the “Coppers Log” to the “P&C President’s Paragraph” (calm down kids… we always knew this wasn’t going to be just about police stuff). Two quick things to bring up – the Rollingstone State School P&C are having a Produce Stall at the upcoming Pineapple Festival (12 September 2015) and we need your support in the way of any fruit, veggies, home-made jam, preserves, chutneys, craft items… anything we can sell to raise funds to support the kids and the school. The second thing – next year – 2016 – is the Rollingstone State School 100 year anniversary. We’re looking for any and all support that we can muster to make it a monumental event worthy of being celebrated. So, if you have items to donate or ideas to offer, drop into the police station and see Christine (Monday to Thursday 9.30am till 2pm) and have a chat. So… there I was, minding my own business, not bothering anybody… when BANG – right out of the blue, I tear one the tendons in my elbow (it was actually the bicep tendon – but let’s not get too technical). Ok, so it was a little more involved than that – the autobiography will have extensive details about how the injury happened whilst hanging on for dear life to a cliff face, returning fire at Jihadist terrorists who were seeking revenge for the way I foiled their plot to destroy life as we know it in the raging metropolis of Rollingstone (and a few other details about the number of lives that were saved, nuclear weapons, the love and respect of a grateful nation… all the usual stuff). What I can tell you for an absolute fact is that it hurt like #*%#. I’d have been happier to just break the arm and get it over with. At least that way you get a cool plaster cast that people can sign and everyone that sees it, knows that you’ve damaged yourself. All I’ve got now is a big “band-aid” looking thing on my arm – no scars, no bruises, no glory. And let me just mention my new best friend, NOT… my physiotherapist – a smiling assassin who is the love child of Attila The Hun and the Marquis de Sade. This kid knows things about inflicting pain that would have made Tomás de Torquemada (the Grand Poo-Bah from the Spanish Inquisition) giggle like a school girl – and he does it all with the most pleasantly, sympathetic smile. Our relationship has developed to the point now, where he insists that I empty my pockets before each session – just in case I’m hiding any weapons to fight back with. On the up side however… in spite of the discomfort and inability to lift anything heavier than a biro for a few weeks, I had heaps of fun getting my terrorist to run around doing all the little chores that I couldn’t manage. The BEST bit was getting her to help pull up my pants. It was like I’d asked her to feed a mouse sandwich to a taipan or handle nuclear waste – once she realised what I needed her to do, she turned up with an apron on, rubber gloves (that got a bit scary) and tongs. THEN, even at arm’s length, she wanted a face mask – just in case I farted from laughing too much. Anyway… I’m on what they call “light duties” for a few more weeks until this heals up properly. I’ll still be out and about but until it comes right, I’ll have Shaun the Sheep (sorry mate… Sutto) with me. Stay Safe
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P 11
47786444 Or make your booking ONLINE via our website or Google: Doctor Appointments in Bluewater and you can use Health Engine to make your appt. We have 8 General Practitioners, 2 Nurse Practitioners and the services from the following Allied Health Dietitian, Podiatry, Psychologists, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Psychologist, Natural Massage Therapist and Counsellor. Visiting Cardiologist attends monthly. There is a pharmacy and Physiotherapists on site.
Whilst the majority of our GP’s bulk bill please be aware that when booking online you may be selecting a Private Appt. where payment will be required at consultation P 12
Rollingstone & District Seniors Our Seniors Day luncheon has come and gone and it was absolutely fabulous. Ladies and gentlemen, those of you who were instrumental in putting the dinner together, well done you did a wonderful job and on a scale of 1 - 10 I give you 100. The tables were tastefully decorated, the main meal was scrumptious, and the dessert was to die for ( sticky date pudding, everyone's favourite). The drinks flowed freely ( thankyou John Holliday and Dennis Cleaver) and the service from the soup onwards was impeccable. Everyone was happy to meet up with old friends once again and judging from the kissing and hugging that was going on. I think everyone was genuinely pleased to be at the luncheon. A prize for our lovely eldest senior lady went to Clara Varga, and for our handsomest senior gentleman went to Roy Hargreaves. Cr Sue Blom and the Member for Hinchinbrook, Andrew Cripps, also attended and both gave a speech. Cr.Blom, amongst other things, said that the repairs to our little bridge should be completed at the very latest by April next year. Please mark your calendars for the Seniors Sports day to be held on Tuesday 8th Sept. at the Community hall commencing at 9am. This is always a great day and I promise you that none of the sporting events are too strenuous.
RAINFOREST INN PALUMA Licensed CafĂŠ / Restaurant/ Motel New Owners
Open 4 days a week Breakfast & Lunch 8.30-3.30 Closed Tuesdays ,Wednesdays and Thursdays Dinner Saturday nights however Bookings are Essential
We also have spacious well appointed Motel units Why not join us for breakfast ,lunch or coffee and home made sweets and cakes!!!!
Our next Bingo is Saturday 5th September as the following Saturday the Pineapple Festival will be in full swing. BINGO SATURDAY 5th SEPTEMBER eyes down 1.30pm Take care of each other ‌.Claire
Mt Spec Rd Paluma 47708688 www.
4770 7356 / 0412 965 535
0402 084 588
An interesting rescue recently with a call out about a koala playing in traffic along the loop road at Douglas. The koala had been sighted several days earlier but proved very elusive so when this call came in all hands to the deck and one wildlife carers family and keen friends headed out. Another call said it had run across the road and was in a small sapling. The car was positioned strategically as close as possible with one carer on the roof with a net, 4 rescuers on the ground with towels and blankets in hand, and another with welding gloves had the task of trying to grab it. Branches swayed, nets flew everywhere and orders were shouted all around the tree. One of the tall lads was able to grab the tree branch and bend it downwards where then the net could be put over the poor creature and the glove welding lass was able to grapple and tease the koalas arms off of the branch so it fell into the net. Let it be noted that koalas are VERY heavy!!! The koala was lowered into a basket but not before he took a swipe at a rescuers leg but lucky the lad still had his shin pads on from soccer training so no harm done to either. Once covered the animal was left to settle down. He was named Konan as he's a great fighter and was vet checked and is now reclining happily on Magnetic Island. It is thought that he may have come from as far afield as Oak Valley looking for food and got waylaid (nice way of saying lost) The irony of this story is that my daughter works at the TGH and while outside one night sent me a beautiful photo of a koala who was following her around the car park. No- one believed me but we now reckon it was Konan. P13
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News
G.Day All, Those who could not make it to our annual weekend away to Lucinda certainly missed out on a great weekend. We fished Friday arvo in the Herbert River but there was not much on the chew. It was very relaxing with lots laughter and joking. Friday night we had a BBQ at Wanderers in their new rotunda. Again lots of yummy food and good company. We celebrated two birthdays, Vanda Simmons and Joan Ruddick. They had just turned 21 they reckoned. There was a beautiful birthday cake as well. Early Saturday ROSIE left for The Hinchinbrook Channel in very smooth water. Lots of fishing but not much activity. There were lots of boats out, none catching much. We bagged five keepers and a sand crab. Alan Simmons went to the LOO and when he got back he had something on his line and he reeled in a large thong. His face said it all. Everyone was laughing their heads off. SORRY ALAN, IT WAS A GOOD TRICK THOUGH. Cheryl Pearson had something huge on her line, rod bending and running under the boat, she played it for quite a while until she twigged something was wrong, her line had caught Gordon’s and Gordy was playing her from the other side of the boat, meanwhile laughing all the time. Never a dull moment. Well done Gordon it was very funny. Vanda Simmons won the scratchy for the first legal fish landed. She was really excited with her Cod. We all went to the Lucinda Pub for dinner and had a Pizza night as the dining room was closed for a huge wedding. We ate lots of Pizza and enjoyed each others company and returned home on Sunday. Our club AGM and BBQ night at the hall went really well. There were no changes to the committee and all current members were re-elected unanimously. We welcomed two new members Barb and Denis Drew. Good to have you both on board. We ate well again, thanks to the cooks and all who brought along beautiful sweets. Merle Dickenson won the Lynn O’ Kane perpetual trophy for the year and Ken Dickenson won the Fisherperson of the year. Congratulations to you both. WELL DONE. Tom Ruddick won the two nights accommodation raffle at Wanderers Holiday Village. Our next get together will be at Ken Turners place for Fathers Day Celebrations on Sunday 6 th September. It will be a soup and stew night with damper, and a best PUMPKIN SOUP competition. We will be entertained by our very own special singer Judyana with some sing a longs as well. Always good fun.
REMEMBER..... Bring bowls cutlery drinks and a chair. It is a great night sitting around the fire listening to music. Back yard cricket will start at 4.30. All WELCOME. Members meals are free, Visitors $10 children accompanied by an adult are free. Kindest regards from your Committee.
P 14
PLAYGROUP TIMETABLE TERM 3 Term Activities Week1 13th - 16th July Week 2 20th -23rd July Week 3 27th -30th July Week 4 3rd- 6th August
Notes Welcome Back to Term 3
Peg Planes
Monday Playgroup at Re-creativ 20 Orillia Crt Oakdale Heights. Bus available but seats limited. Tuesday Playgroup at Bluewater School. Wednesday playgroup at Bunnings
Egg carton creations
Pendulum Painting
Tuesday Playgroup At Bluewater State school.
Week 5 10th-13thAugust Week6 17th -20th August
Spray painting
Bunnings At playgroup on Tuesday.
Excursion Week
Week 7 24th- 27th August Week 8 31st Aug - 3rd Sept
Father’s Day
Start thinking about where you would like to go, museum, park, Launch Zone, Lollipops ETC!!!!! Bus Available Seats are Limited Bring along a Picture of the kids with dad. Friday the 28th August Daffodil Day Monday playgroup at Bunnings. Tuesday Playgroup at Bluewater state school. Father’s Day 6th September
Week9 7th-10th September
Father’s day
Week 10 14th -17th September
Sand Art
School Holidays
School Holidays
Tuesday Playgroup At Bluewater State School
School Holidays
Welcome back to term 3. I hope you all enjoyed your break and are ready to have some fun and be creative. We will be getting our craft on again this term with the team at Bunnings, and Tuesday playgroup will be again meeting at the Bluewater State School on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. We also have an excursion planned for this term so put your thinking caps on and come up with some exciting places to go. Check your programs and our Facebook page to keep up to date with all the exciting things that we will be doing this term. We are always open for suggestions, so if you have any ideas come and see myself or drop your ideas in the suggestion box in the main reception area. Membership is now due. Please fill in a new membership form and media consent form and return it to me ASAP , membership is still only $20 for the year and only $3 per family per sessions. Let’s go have some fun Till next time keep playing
Nicole Smith Mobile Playgroup Educator North Townsville Community Hub 07 47516511 P 15
SENIORS LUNCH @ ROLLINGSTONE On Friday 14 August, I attended the Rollingstone Seniors Lunch. It was great to see our very active seniors attending from Deeragun to Paluma and everywhere in between on Townsville’s Northern Beaches. The local community groups are very strong in the Rollingstone / Balgal Beach area. I’m looking forward to the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival this month. COWBOYS 20 YEAR HISTORY @ St Anthony’s College and Northern Beaches SHS Recently I presented a copy of Neil Cadigan’s book, ’20 Years In The Saddle’ – North Queensland Cowboys 1995 – 2014, to the School Captains at St Anthony’s College and Northern Beaches State High School. None of the students could remember a time when Townsville and North Queensland didn’t have the Cowboys in the NRL – they are all too young! LABOR DUDS RURAL FIRE VOLUNTEERS In June, the LNP introduced the Protecting Firefighters Bill into the Queensland Parliament. The Bill proposes to provide presumptive coverage to all Queensland firefighters, including Rural Fire volunteers, who contract one of 12 cancers in the course of their work or service. Unfortunately, Labor has introduced an alternative Bill, which would require volunteer firefighters to have attend a minimum of 150 fires before they would be covered by the presumptive legislation. The requirement to attend 150 fires is arbitrary and unjustifiable. COUNTRY MUSIC & RURAL TRAINING @ BLACK RIVER On Saturday 8 August, I visited Geoff and Vicki Toomby at Wonderland Station at Black River. Geoff and Vicki were hosting the Townsville and Thuringowa Country Music Association for a weekend of camping and performing. We also watched the third group of young people graduate from Geoff and Vicki’s rural training program at Wonderland Station. ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB MEETING On Tuesday 28 July, I was the guest speaker at the Rollingstone Lions Club. I spoke about the LNP’s Consultation Paper for a Domestic Violence and Sexual Offences Disclosure Scheme. You can read and make a comment about the proposal via the website Thanks to the Rollingstone Lions Club for inviting me to be their guest speaker.
P 16
TOWNSVILLE TO CAIRNS CHARITY RIDE Vicki O’Brien Like a lot of people the first time I learned to ride a bike I was a young child. Little did I realise, back then, that learning to ride was introducing me to some of life’s most important lessons—such as learning to channel the power and strength of my physical body, the creation of opportunities to experience adventure and freedom and a space where worry and stress were left far behind me. But then as life progressed, the carefree time spent riding during childhood and early adolescence came to a halting stop. Now as an adult, I have relearned the joys of cycling, for different, but also reinforcing reasons. Riding creates opportunities for moments of reflection or to ponder problems, dilemmas, stressors or the greater meaning of life. Most of the time though it is simply time to enjoy my surroundings and appreciate the beauty around me while exercising my physical body and releasing stress from my busy mind. Registering for the Townsville to Cairns charity ride became a sort of personal challenge. Initially when friend Katrina urged me to join her I put it off and set it as a goal to tackle in 2016. But then the noisy voice in my head argued there were no valid reasons why I couldn’t challenge myself to attempt the ride in 2015. After some reflection I realised it was an important opportunity to role model that which I ask of others. I work in the mental health sector and encourage all who I work with to incorporate exercise into their daily lives. Research now clearly shows that thirty minutes of exercise every day can have the same effect as taking anti-depressant medication. Experts now know that exercise enhances the action of endorphins, chemicals that circulate throughout the body. Endorphins improve natural immunity and reduce the perception of pain and may also be responsible for improvements in mood. Another theory is that exercise stimulates the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which may directly improve mood. Besides lifting your mood, regular exercise offers other health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, protecting against heart disease and cancer, and boosting self-esteem. How often or intensely you need to exercise to alleviate depression is not clear, but for general health, experts advise getting half an hour to an hour of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, on all or most days of the week. Of equal importance I was riding to support Katrina who works for Education Qld and in her role she delivers professional support to children with vision impairments some of whom have such impairments as a direct result of cancer. Furthermore, during my period of time working at The Women’s Centre I supported two women with their grief and loss as a result of their child dying from cancer. One woman in particular that I supported changed me forever. Her only child died from Leukaemia around the age of thirteen and part of our work together was creating a safe space for her to talk about her daughter and her daughter’s death. Her family and friends were not able to support her with her grief and so it was in counselling sessions that we unravelled her pain and her loss. It was some of the most difficult work I have ever done and probably ever will. In one particular session she shared with me, in detail, a moment by moment description of the day her daughter died. It nearly broke me. So I chose to ride so that the money that is raised from this event will support the development of a greater understanding of childhood cancer, continue research in improving diagnosis and treatments and the ongoing development of programs for cancer survivors. It is a loss that no parent should have to bear. So I challenged myself to action. I acquired a bike and the training began. I put rubber to the road and commenced many a long ride slowly building strength and stamina. I supplemented my road riding with long sessions on my cross trainer aiming to increase my aerobic fitness and leg strength. Our riding group ‘Team Frogs’ gathered for a number of group rides and I will never forget the morning we all groaned our way up Goicoechea Drive at Bushland Beach. Riding my bike has helped me to find a new inner toughness, a way to work out my own problems and worries and to push myself to open up to new and challenging experiences. Choosing to start riding again was kind of a metaphor for how I live my life—no matter what, I just keep on going. It is an exhilarating experience where you become finely tuned to your body, breath and surroundings. The Townsville to Cairns charity bike ride raises money for the Children’s Cancer Institute located at the world-renowned Lowy Cancer Research Centre at the University of New South Wales because every year more than 640 Australian children will be diagnosed with cancer and every week nearly three children will die from cancer. In 2015 the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride will have raised over $300,000. This money really does make a very real difference and is enough to fund 3 senior researchers for a whole year to complete their work or 115 children to receive the minimal residual disease test which helps identify which children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia are at highest risk of relapsing from their disease in time to change their treatment and improve their chance of survival. The money raised really does change lives. The Townsville to Bike ride has now contributed over $5M in fundraising to the Children's Cancer Institute since the first Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride in 1999. I feel incredibly privileged to have been part of ‘Team Frogs’ and for me I had the joy of seeing humanity at its best .. people joining together for a higher purpose and caring and supporting one another every step of the way .. I feel blessed to have met some fabulous people with hearts of gold .. first and foremost our Froggy Team Leader Neil and Frog Princess Sharon who both led us with great passion and commitment. Not only did Neil keep us all safe and rolling .. but he and Sharon also made sure we all made our $500 fundraising target. And then there were the ongoing acts of kindness on display from everyone in the Froggy team .. from keeping team spirits high when the going got tough, being sure not to leave anyone behind, to helping each other fix flats and other maintenance issues (although not me I just watched because I’m useless in that department lol) feeding & hydrating one another, fixing shoes with electrical tape and cable ties, attending to car mechanical issues .. and of course none of our team members will ever forget the incredible spirit of generosity and selflessness on display from our team member Ruth who so readily loaned her equipment to whomever needed it .. Ruth truly has a beautiful spirit and was so deserving of the Spirit of the Ride Award for the Froggies. I had the best time and met some truly wonderful people. Please consider supporting this event in 2016. Find yourself a bike and start training, volunteer your time or donate money to a person participating in the ride. A big thank you to Katrina who got me started on this riding adventure and to Col Cattle and Kerrie Cochrane who supported the event as volunteers. Also many thanks to the Rollingstone students who showed their support as we rode into Rollingstone, our Rollingstone Lions who hosted a magnificent lunch at Frosty Mango and Frosty Mango for donating an icecream to every rider and volunteer. And lastly a special thank you to the small business people in Ingham who generously donated funds to ‘Team Frogs’ JK'sDeli, Bossi Boots, Green Jelly, J S And K A Venables Plumbing, plus a transport company in Townsville. P 17
QAS NORTHERN BEACHES LOCAL AMBULANCE COMMITTEE Contact sandie Gawn 0438 734 977 for any questions
P 18
P 17
Call Eamon
PH: 0478 790 134
Rollingstone State School Whew…. Half way through another incredibly busy term! We have had a lot going on at our little school. And we have HEAPS to be proud of! Our NAPLAN results have come in and we have seen some fantastic improvement across the school. Our year 3 results have been amazing, and we are very proud of our student achievement. We have had great growth from our students in grade 5 from their grade 3 results. We even made the Townsville Bulletin in their article about Townsville’s Top Performers in NAPLAN! We participated in the Interschool Athletics Carnival, at the Townsville Sports Reserve, a couple of weeks ago. Our wonderful students were a credit to our school and to their families. It was great to see all of the children that tried their best in every event. Thank you to the students who tried their best in all of their events. Rollingstone State School won the carnival! And our girls team won the Girls Trophy! We also had a number of students selected to trial for the NQ Athletics team to represent Townsville! Congratulations to Callum Morgan, Hayden Long, Chloe Hooker, Kaylee Fitzsimmons, Phoebe Adlard and Gabriella Marocchini for being asked to trial for the representative team. They will all be heading back to the Sports Reserve on Tuesday 1 st of September! Ms C And now a word from some of our students: On 18th August we had our cross country. We all had to run our school oval several times, for example prep, ones did one lap the twos and threes did three and so on. We had water stations and everything it was so fun but a couple of people got hurt from all their hard effort. I had to run eight laps and I was really only supposed to do six, I felt like dying. By Haden Long On 23rd August Rollingstone State School went to the Rollingstone Hotel and cheered on the bike riders going from Townville to Cains to fundraise for cancer. Kids collected autographs from the riders and got gifts in return, while the lions handed out icy poles. Rollingstone School Junior Leos are doing butt tins to keep the water ways clean. We are doing this for our little day out our but tins are a donation from at least a dollar. Please donate and don’t litter. By Poppylilac Gough Science week was celebrated on 17th to 21st August. The students did four different Science activities in their Peer Support Groups. The students answered some Science questions like: What is spit? Why don’t milk and food colouring mix? How does metho help to show up colour from leaves? How do we bubble paint? By Abby Waghorn
OP SHOP OPEN 9am - 3pm Monday to Friday
The volunteers kindly open the Op Shop on the days that the Balgal Beach Markets are running.
We have been receiving some really amazing donations lately and everything is selling really well! We are getting lots of travellers snapping up the bargains so get in quick!!! The Op Shop will be open in the Hall for the Pineapple Festival. We have a huge range of stock which we have kept back especially for this day so don't forget to come and visit and snap up some pretty amazing bargains! P 21
Council Clippings - Division One Hello again and I hope this finds everyone well. To those whom I saw at the seniors events over the past few weeks what a great time this was. It is always with great pride that I have the pleasure of attending all the senior events and I can tell you there are quite a lot. VP70 was another great event and I spent that weekend celebrating our lifestyle in our city that is a legacy to the men and women who have gone off to war to give us the opportunities we have all had and it was my sincere pleasure to say thank you to them. On local news I have a few people in the area who believe they have issues with their water namely excessive water bills which is never a good thing and can come as a shock if not expecting it. I have been told that there is much talk of possible faulty water meters. Can I urge you to contact council if you believe that your meter is faulty so you may have it checked. There are many ways you can check your water consumption and council can assist with these ways. I know my husband is using more to keep our yard green at the moment due to the fact that we have had no rain. We also had a leak which caused us some grief so you need to eliminate all of these possibilities as well. Water restrictions have been put in place and watering with sprinklers will only happen on 2 days a week now, evens Tuesdays and Saturdays odds Wednesdays and Sundays morning from 5am until 7am and 6pm until 8pm. Our dam is getting low and we will all have to do our bit to help protect what water we have in case this dry carries on. Please if you would like me to help give me a call and I will do my best to get to the bottom of any issues you have with council. I will be back at the Community Centre on 30th Sept 10 til 1
Please note: Slight changes to the timetable may be made on the day P 22
Tae Kwon Do Display
Pineapple Knock Ems Game
Pineapple Lawn Bowls Pineapple Throw Heats Wheel barrow race
Pineapple Harvest demo
P 23
MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Hello golfers, well another month has passed and the weather’s hotting up. The golf course is looking very dry. Greg is using the water mainly for tee boxes and greens and he is doing a really good job. Scores are getting better as the run is getting longer. Monthly medal results for August are: Mens division 1 winner Paul Harry with 69. Good work Paul . runner up Wayne McCarthy with 71 . Sneak on up there Macca. Mens division 2 winner Greg Ryding with a score of 66. Its all about knowing your course. runner up Bob Lloyd with 74. Come on Bob you can do it. Mens division 3 winner Bill Kirkwood with 69. Those numbers seem to be just the ticket, good on you Bill. runner up Nick Walker with 71. Played good honest golf, well done Nick Ladies division 1 winner Merle Dickinson with 67. Thank god for the run on the course, well done Merle. runner up Sue Thompson with 71. Come on Sue you can do it. Ladies division 2 winner Cheryl Lloyd with 74 . What's with the 74 ? Keeping it in the family! runner up Pat Onoprienko with 75. Just missed by that much. Later on in the month we held Vietnam Veterans Day sponsored by the Rollingstone RSL. The day was a great success with some very good scores from the people who participated. The Mens Winner was Phil Thompson with a very good score of 42, closely followed by Grahame Starkie with 41. The Ladies Winner was Merle Dickenson with 39 closely followed by Pat Onoprienko with 38. Well done to all and thanks to Rollingstone RSL. Our old fossils known as the Vets went away to greener courses and played some very good golf. They had a terrific time and behaved themselves for a change. They couldn't get over the green grass but that's what rain will do. Perhaps we need to do a rain dance before every game. That's all for now, stay safe and look after one and other, also get well very soon Pam Mac, the second shot is missing your name. Cheers Maree K.
Unfortunately our Midday Service for 3 &4th October will no longer be available _____________________________________________________________________
P 24
S. L & V.R.WYNNE ABN: 75737414593 trading as
MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB 135 Mystic Avenue` Balgal Beach, 4816
Ph (07) 47707 355 Fax: (07) 47707 445
Tues & Fri Nights 6pm – 8pm. Meals from $12 #For catering purposes advanced bookings preferred. #Weekly Chef's specials #Raffles Tues and Fri nights #Goose club Fri night; Jackpots each week until won
#Take away alcohol available #Bar open 9am
#Sun Barefoot bowls 9am
GOLF: #Môn, Wed & Thurs pay $20 play 18 holes #Tues Vets Comp – 8.30am # Wed – Ladies Beginners – 8.30 am #Chook run – Friday #Club comp - Saturday #Bushrangers social comp – Sun 8am #Fri – Sun 18 holes golf - $25. 9 holes - $17.50 #Golf Carts – 18 Holes - $25. 9 holes - $17.50 Call us to quote for your small function, birthday, anniversary or just because party. Call for social group or corporate golf / bowls days.
P 21
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Hello, have you ever wondered what goes on at our Lion’s Den ? Well everybody that wears our yellow shirts works extremely hard at helping our local community, National Lion’s projects such as childhood cancer and even Global projects I would like to introduce each members of our local Club to you but it would take up too much of our column here, you will ha ve a chance to meet them all working away at our Rollingstone Pineapple Festival, so say hello as you order your meal, buy a drink at the bar or see us assist with the field activates and the raffles As covered elsewhere in the Rolly Rag the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival is a joint project of the Community Association and the Lion’s Club to maintain the large generator installed for emergencies such as cyclones opposite the Op –Shop What makes up a productive Lions Club such as we have here at Rollingstone Our members who volunteer their time meet on the 2 nd Tuesday evening of the month for a business meeting where they catch up with the latest happenings and plan our fundraising activities then on the 4 th Tuesday evenings of the month we have a more social dinner meeting where we have a light meal together and often hear from a local guest speaker, a visit from our District Governor, Zone Chairman or other leaders in our clubs Our club is not run by one person, every member has a voice; We have elected officers (usually a 12 month term) who ensure that our club runs effectively The President Currently myself Tel 0414808483 Club 1st Vice President- Past President Ian Dow. Tel 47707696 Club 2nd Vice President- Kerrie Cochrane. Tel. 47707034 Club 3rd Vice President- Linda Cleaver. Tel. 47707991 Club Secretary- Our Immediate Past President John Muller OAM. Tel 0407114687 Club Treasurer- Denis Cleaver Tel. 0417223788 Club Membership Chairperson – Shirley Muller Tel 47707510 Please feel free to contact any one of our Officers for information relevant to their Club Position Next month I would like to tell you about our Clubs Aims and Aspirations for the 2015- 2016 year and everything you wanted to know about Lions, but afraid to ask John Holliday- Club President
Line Dancers Celebrate 15 years Around 15 years ago, Gail Blackley returned to our community. A chance meeting with a local resident, a friendly chat and a suggestion that starting a line dancing group would be fun ensued and the Rollingstone Line Dancers Group was formed at the beginning of September 2000. There were initially around 7 participants. In January 2001, the group performed its first public engagement to help celebrate the centenary of Federation. 11 dances were performed. This was a great effort considering that the group had only started 3 months earlier. The line dancers still meet every Monday at 9 o'clock at the community centre and welcome anyone who would like to come along for some great exercise, mental stimulation and friendship. Now there are around 30 dancers and 150 dances in the repertoire. Many of the dancers have been attending for most of those 15 years which shows how beneficial line dancing is to keep everyone so young and healthy.Come along and see for yourselves. Join the group and stay young and fresh just like the current dancers! P 26 P16
on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184
The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.
We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm
P 27
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome. It is said that life is a roller coaster ride, a series of ups and downs, highs and lows and that hit home to me recently when I finally received a response to my continued requests (read pleas) for a new Club Scribe. I hit a high! The young lady said that my spelling was awful, my tenses (obviously been talking to my dear wife), up to putty and don’t even mention syntax! I showed my ignorance by asking what horse race syntax was in next Saturday, I might have a couple of bob on it. Gleefully I began to hand over the hallowed ink well, quill pen and blotter when her mum turned up to remind her that her prep class was having a big day tomorrow and she had to help mummy make the cup cakes and fairy bread. Her mother said when she was about 6 or 7 in a couple of years she could come back about the job. I hit a low! I was left a blubbering wreck as I am on Friday nights after a session at The Landing. Oh well, such is life. We had a rather busy month in the club in July culminating in perhaps one of the better club end of month BBQ functions for some time. Not only did most of our members attend but we had the pleasure of a lot of guests and visitors. The food was prepared and served up by Robert Pratt in his usual first class style with delicious steak donated by Col and Gladys Pace who donated a second rump for a raffle. Their huge bowl of fruit salad, a tray of watermelon and ice cream was also the popular choice of everyone. We thank Col and Gladys for their very kind donation of the steak and other goodies. Other items on the menu were fish, sausages, salads and chat potatoes. Thank you Robert for your fine effort at the hot plate.. Dan Dale won the monthly club fishing competition in the senior category, there was no junior or mystery prize winner. President Garry Luff presented a donation on behalf of all club members to Ken Turner of the Leisure Accessibles Club of $1,500 toward the maintenance costs of equipment for “Rosie” Ken gave a short presentation on what they actually accomplish especially for the incapacitated and children with disabilities. On Saturday 1 August 15 of our members attended the Member for Hinchinbrook Inter Club Fishing Challenge presentation dinner at Toomulla. The Toomulla Club has to be congratulated for putting on an excellent night. Also to be congratulated are Brooke Palmer who won the junior category and Dan Dale who secured second place in the senior category. This is the second year in a row one of our junior girls has picked up the trophy so well done to all concerned. Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Saturday 8 August where a new committee was elected containing a lot of the old faces and some new members. Garry Luff was elected President for a third time, Di Thompson moved from Treasurer to VicePresident and Christine Ruston took on the Treasurer’s position. Neil Thompson retained the Secretary role and that of Club Scribe (sigh!) The new faces on the committee are Tony Richards, Mick McMahon, Geoff Fischer and Graham Milliken. Dick Charleston was honoured with the granting of Life Membership for over 22 years of outstanding service and dedication to our club as well as his effort in securing infrastructure for the benefit of the local community. There was even a hint of a tear in his steel eyes when he accepted his certificate and plaque and gave a short but emotional speech. For a change, he seemed stuck for words. Congratulations Dickie. As always, it is a pleasure to welcome new club members, Duane (Dunga) and Gina Davies and their children, Tony Richards and Julie-Rose Perrot. Welcome to you all. This month our unfortunate Tale of Woe winner is Dan Dale who had the unpleasant experience of one his motors catching fire while “out there” with no other craft in sight but he did have radio contact with the Coast Guard. Dan now wants to meet the bloke who invented the fire extinguisher to shake his hand and no doubt buy him a beer. I am pleased to report the incident ended well without Coast Guard assistance but quite an exciting time for Dan not to mention the expensive repair bill. I have made a mistake! I know Kerrie it is hard to believe. The second mistake in my short life as I recall, the first one was back in late 1946 (yes kids, the world does go back that far), my dear Mum thought I was smiling at her friends but actually I was not aware then that one was supposed to be serious while filling one’s nappy with sticky goo like substance that overflowed from the bounds of the oversized nappy that encrusted my small body and smelled rather on the pong. I am pleased to advise that I did not continue with this tradition in later life except, a few years ago when…., oh hang on a minute, we’ll let that one rest. My second error was to incorrectly report in the July issue of this fine family magazine that Babz’s name and the operation of a motor vehicle should not used in the same sentence. What I was meant to say was that I heard that Babz drove Richard to drink and for that Babz we all heartily chorus “God bless you”! Lucky Richard. Remember the Balgal Beach markets are on the first and third Saturday of the month from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm. Dan Dale has worked hard to entice more stall holders so come on down and support your club. The last market day for this year will be Saturday 5 December when we plan to turn it into a special event to celebrate the end of the market year. They will resume again around April next year on a date to be advised. If anyone would like to book a stall for any of our markets or have a question please ring Dan Dale on 0417076742 or 0448274228, he would love to hear from you. On Saturday 3 October we will be screening the AFL Grand Final on the big screen at The Landing with hot dogs to enjoy. Then on Sunday 4 October the NRL Grand Final will feature again with yummy hot dogs so make it a sporting weekend and come to The Landing for a great time.
Dickie’s Fishing News Hello Folks, well here we are in August and the whale season is upon us with some good sightings not far off shore from Balgal and Mystic Sands. If travelling at night keep your speed back because if you hit one of these beautiful animals while travelling at 20 knots or more you will probably come away worse for wear. Some basic rules to follow if you are lucky enough to encounter a pod of whales whilst out boating are as follows. Do not approach any closer than 100 m of a whale or 50 m for a dolphin. The caution zone for vessels is the area within 300 m of a whale and 150 m from a dolphin. Whales and dolphins should be approached from parallel to and slightly to the rear and not from directly behind or head on. If a whale approaches your vessel, put the engine into neutral and let the animal come to you or slow down and continue on course or steer a straight course away. The full Dickie Charleton receiving clubs membership for list of rules can be obtained from the Fisheries Department. P 24 life award from Fishermans Landing Fishing & Social Club
Lisa McMahon
Ken Turner receiving donation for the upkeep of Rosie from the President of Fishermans Landing Fishing & Social Club
There have been good catches of Doggie and Spotted Mackeral all along the inner reefs from Cattle Creek to Bluewater and good Grunter, Bream and Winter Whiting in the creeks and creek mouths. Rattlesnake, Herald and Ackeron Islands have all produced excellent bags of Spanish and Spotted Mackeral, Sweetlip and Coral Trout. The best bait is squid and pilchards and also jigging soft plastics. The crabbing has been fluctuating for some reason in the creeks probably due to a lack of rain and good flush outs being required. Cattle, Olera, Scrubby and Hencamp Creeks are providing a few legal crabs but there are a lot of undersized or females being returned to the water. That is all for this month, please, safe boating always and tight lines. Don’t forget to put in a trip sheet before setting out or let a responsible person know your destination and approximate Brooke Palmer Hinreturn time. The Landing monitors VHF Channels 16 and 22 also chinbrook Challenge 27MHZ Channels 88 and 90. You can deposit your out of date flares and EPIRBS at The Landing for safe disposal. Junior Trophy And finally, our congratulations and best wishes go out to Club Members Graham and Therese Milliken who recently retired in Paradise from the workforce. We all hope you both ease into retirement mode gracefully and smoothly and that soon you will get that caravan hooked up to begin your long awaited trip around the block. Apparently, the hold up in getting away is because Graham cannot find a spot in the caravan to put his 4.5 litre bottle of rum he received as a retirement gift.
AGM at the Landing
Brett & Mark wirth some of their August catch
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 Time:
Venue: Rollingstone Community Hall
P 29
R.S.L. NEWS Another beautiful day in Paradise for our Vietnam Veterans’ Day Service. Thank you to the RSL and Rollingstone community members for attending. The weather was just lovely and we’re sure those who attended appreciated the efforts of the Catafalque Party from 9 Transport SQN. LT Joshua Smith presented a very appropriate address for the day and Private Samuel Abernethy took on the responsibility of guard commander very well, at short notice. Special thanks to John M, for efficiently and thoughtfully performing the MC duties, and to Chappy Jess, who fills in when Bob Z is on his mail run. Jess admirably filled the role as Chaplain and she also explained how she was glad to be further involved in the community. Jess is a wonderful asset to Rollingstone State School and it is lovely to have her taking on other roles in our area. Thank you to the RSL committee- Ewan, Mick, Dowie, Des and Tony, plus member Reg, for their efforts in setting up for the day, and thank you to the service members and campers who assisted with the packing up following the service. A number of the campers, as well as RSL members returned to the golf club. Paul, C1 of the cooking duo, presented a lovely variety of hot snacks and delicious sandwiches, which we all appreciated. Thank you to Paul, Sharon and Emma for their friendly, efficient service. Thanks must also go to RADCA for the loan of chairs and to the Townsville City Council for the park and switching off the sprinklers so our equipment did not get wet. A special mention to Des W, who came onto the committee this year. Des replaced the halyards on the flagpoles and is determined to keep up the tradition of flying the flags each day as Fossie did for many years. He is also going to be our publicity person and put us on Facebook. Thanks Des! On Saturday the 15th of August, Rollingstone RSL sponsored the Vietnam Veterans’ Golf Day. We had over 40 players and with a shot -gun start all finished around the same time. Winners were Merle Dickenson with 39 points in the ladies and Phil Thompson with 42 points in the men’s division. Great scores! Thank you to all who participated. Chris from the RTC has placed information on the Balgal Beach Facebook page, but for those like me, who don’t go on Facebook, I would like to inform you of upcoming courses through the VVCS. The VVCS programs aim to improve the quality of life for veterans, eligible ADF members and their families. Upcoming programs include: Mastering Anxiety (November); Doing Anger Differently (September); Relaxation Workshop (September); Residential Lifestyle Management Program (October); 123 Magic and Emotion Coaching Parent Course (October) and Stepping Out- ADF Transition (Sept/Nov). Whilst there do not appear to be a lot of service people in our area it is important to get the message out that there is help available. Please contact me for further information on exact dates if you are interested. The Pineapple Festival is coming up on Saturday 12th of September! This is a great day and one which attracts quite a number of people. Rollingstone RSL intend setting up a booth, so if any members can volunteer to man the booth for a couple of hours, your help would be most appreciated. I will be helping Lions with the food, and that is virtually a full day job, so please can we have others to volunteer! Please contact me if you are available and I can make a roster. We have folders containing pamphlets to hand out, plus membership forms, so it won’t be too onerous a task. The benefits- you will be under a new RSL marquee, you will be in the fresh air, you get to meet lots of wonderful people and you can spend some money to assist RADCA, who do a great job in providing numerous activities, and a great venue, in our prized area! Goose Club News!! On Friday 14th August, Tony G (alias M5) won $400! Well done Tony. He has been part of the Goose Club since its inception, so it is a well deserving win. We have returned to $200, but hopefully that will climb over the next few weeks. Christmas seems a long way off, but we all know that time flies, so we have booked Saturday 21st November for our RSL Christmas Party. We are continuing with an earlier date as we know so many parties occur with the various groups in our community. C1 and C2 are doing a great job with the catering at the club, so we look forward to a delicious dinner and a fun evening. More information in the Oct. / Nov. editions. Well, sometimes I sit and think- what can I write, but I have prattled on for quite a deal in this article. Thank you to those who have lasted through and I hope to see you all at the Pineapple Festival or at the golf club, “home of the Rollingstone RSL”.
P 30
Paluma based workers was held at the Community Hall and was an opportunity for a debrief on the day’s activities and the ART EXHIBITION consumption of steak and sausages to provide sustenance. That’s The Art Exhibition held as part of the Northern Beaches Festival it for 2015 but now we can look forward to next year from 15th to 21st August was quite a success although the MARATHON weekend crowds were small due, no doubt, to the clash with the The Paluma Community Centre acted as a checkpoint for the 8th VP70 celebrations in Townsville. There was, however, a very wide Marathon Adventure organised by XPD Geocentric on 6th & 7th selection of art on display largely from local artists, some from Mt August. The course involved kayak to Magnetic Island walk Fox and Ingham but, sadly, not from other areas of the Northern around it, kayak to Balgal, walk to Paluma, mountain bike to Beaches. Sunday was the best day with perfect weather and a Hidden Valley walk to the Burdekin, kayak to Charters Towers steady flow of visitors in the morning. All were given a voting slip and return on mountain bike via Ravenswood to Townsville. There for the “People’s Choice Award’ which was won by Colwyn were 36 teams of four making 144 participants in the 700km Campbell with her rendition in Oil called “A Quiet Place” - a very course, which is kept secret until 24 hours before the start. Teams attractive creek scene. This year there was a good sale of the works have come from other parts of the world as well as Australia. XPD on display with 10 of the 60 being snapped up. The Sunday says it is “ as much an expedition as a race”. We must agree ! markets did not do as well due to the smaller crowd than usual. PALUMA PUSH GARDEN COMPETITION Due to a computer glitch I could not report on the Paluma Push in Bunnings have once again agreed to sponsor our popular garden last issue and although a bit late here it is. The “Paluma Push” competition and we are very grateful for their continuing support. mountain bike race this year was the largest ever with the ceiling The judging date will be Friday 11th September. The winners will on competitors raised from 500 to 750. In the event there were 739 be announced at a wine and cheese evening at 6.30 p.m. on starters ! There were several changes in the race this year which, Sat.19th at the Community Centre. So its time to don the garden from the standpoint of Checkpoint 1, were all positive. First there gloves and sharpen the secateurs for a garden tidy up. All were three instead of two categories: Competition, Intermediate properties are entered unless you contact Lynn on 47737675 or and Recreational all following different courses yet all using the to say you wish to have your property same basic track e.g - the Competitive and Intermediate did a excluded. The staff from Bunnings are accompanied by members longer course by the addition of various loops along the route. of the PDCA during the judging whilst on each property. So lets all Secondly, the loop around Lake Paluma was ridden anti-clockwise say a silent prayer for a little rain to freshen our gardens before the and this made it possible for number takers to concentrate on the judging date. loop first and the “straight through” second. It also was much safer WATER SUPPLY as heretofore competition riders clashed with the slower We are extremely pleased to hear from Townsville City Council recreational riders at high speed on completion of the loop. The that the installation of a water treatment plant has been fastthird was that the groups started 15 [not 10] minutes apart and this tracked. It was budgeted to be completed in the 2016/17 financial meant a much more even flow of riders arriving at Lake Paluma. year but it is now hoped that it will be completed by mid An absolute boon at this checkpoint, as was the abundance of 2016. Our present concern is that the continuing lack of rain will number takers. You can just about run Checkpoint 1 with 8 but the completely deplete the supply. No fall of any consequence has luxury of having 10 was extremely pleasant. As always most of been recorded since the 27 mm on 3rd July and in June there was the personnel were provided by the rural fire brigades of Paluma & only 43mm in total. Hidden Valley but the few extras were able to be deployed to good effect. There were a few, but not many, injuries to riders and they MARKETS all seemed to be dealt with fairly expeditiously by the two The next Market Day will be on the Sunday of the October long ambulances which were also deployed differently this year. weekend - the 4th. As always we could do with a few more Communications were reasonably good at most of the checkpoints stallholders - charge of $5 for a table is kept low as we realise it although the abundance of messages being handled by the Race costs petrol to get here. Contact Lynn on 47737675 or 47708681 Convenor at Hidden Valley became an avalanche at times and the by Monday 28th September to book a table. retention of Paluma base throughout the whole day is probably a necessity rather than a luxury. After the race a barbeque for the
Paluma In the Clouds
Natures Notes - Roy Mackay There are lots of Satin Bower Birds around these days. While several people will try to find a bower they will find it is not easy. In Paluma where dozens of these birds are found it was believed that they had no bower. However, the writer did locate one - in his own backyard. Very soon the Winter migrant birds in the Rollingstone/Balgal area will be leaving and the migrants for Summer will be arriving. Grey Fantails that have been with you for the last few months will be leaving and Figbirds, Drongos, Channel-bill Cuckoos, Koels, Bee-eaters and others will be arriving soon. Also in September, more reptiles will be seen coming out of hibernation. Water Skinks are already coming out for a sunning. Strangely, there have been several sightings of pythons over the Winter months - Carpet Snakes and Amethystine Pythons. You should see more of them and other snakes from now on over the Summer months. We will all be aware of the changing of the season. The Mozzies, the ticks, the cockroaches and other pests will make their presents known. Be aware. Of course, the Spring months will be the main breeding months too. The Brush Turkeys and Jungle Fowls will be building their nesting mounds. Be careful when wandering our beaches as many shorebirds will be nesting and their nests are not always easy to see. Nature is everywhere. So, be careful when you go into your garden shed for the Huntsman Spiders or for the rats or possums or Brown Tree snakes in your house roof. Firebugs have already let us know they are around these last couple of months. Have you seen a Frillneck Lizard these past few years? Nature lovers will all be in anticipation of what they hope to see in Spring or what they are determined to see. Best of luck to you. P 31
JP AWARD FOR KEN TURNER Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, recently presented Balgal Beach resident, Ken Turner, with a certificate from the Government of Queensland in recognition of 25 years of volunteer service to the community as a Justice of the Peace. Mr Cripps said Mr Turner had first been appointed in 1979 and had actually served as one of a network of volunteer JP’s across the State for 36 years, for which the Government of Queensland was very grateful. “When I visited Ken last month to present his certificate to him in person, I asked himwhy he had become a JP and he indicated that it was through a desire to provide a service to the local community” said Mr Cripps. “This answer was no surprise to me, as Ken Turner has always been and still is a strong contributor to his community through a range of local organisations and groups, as a former State MP and Thuringowa City Councillor” he said.Mr Cripps congratulated Mr Turner and thanked him for his many years of voluntary service as a Justice of the Peace, a role that often goes unnoticed in the community but is highly valued by those who need assistance and advice.
WATER RESTRICTIONS New levels of water restrictions will take immediate effect in Townsville after being formally adopted today. A full meeting of the Townsville City Council approved the revised water restrictions policy of four new levels proposed by Townsville Water with one change. Hours for the use of sprinklers in the evenings will be an hour earlier from 6-8pm following feedback from pensioners and seniors. With the Ross Dam at 38%, Level 1 restrictions will kick in straight away allowing the use of sprinklers between 5-7am and 6-8pm on an odds and evens system. Odds apply to Wednesday and Sunday and evens on Tuesday and Saturday. Level 1 allows hand held watering anytime. Measures also include council’s irrigation of parks also being progressively cut in line with the proposed restrictions from 14% at Level 1 to an 84% reduction at Level 4. Townsville Water and Waste Committee chairman Cr Ray Gartrell appealed to the community to follow the restrictions to stretch the city’s water reserves. “It’s important we begin water restrictions now to make our reserves last longer, before we have to resort to costly pumping of water from the Burdekin,” Cr Gartrell said. “With the dam level falling, we need the community to reduce water use and that goes for the council as well.” Adopted restrictions which take effect today (also on the council’s website): Odds and evens system – to apply to Level 1 to 4 Odds – Wednesday and Sunday Evens – Tuesday and Saturday Level 1 Ross Dam is at 40%. Sprinklers only 5-7am and 6-8pm. Odds and evens system applies. Hand watering anytime TCC Parks and Gardens irrigation – reduced by 14% Level 2 Ross Dam is at 30%. Sprinklers only 6-8pm. Odds and evens apply. Handheld water any time TCC Parks and Gardens irrigation – reduced by 24% Level 3 Ross Dam is at 20%. Ban on sprinklers. Hand held water 6-8pm. Odds and evens apply TCC Parks and Gardens irrigation – reduced by 44% Level 4 Ross Dam is at 10% . Ban on sprinklers or hand held watering. Water by can/bucket only. Odds and evens apply.
Pumping from Burdekin Dam system also begins TCC Parks and Gardens irrigation – reduced by 84%
P 32
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. Lot 1 Community Cres, Mystic Sands 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, P.O. Box 35 Rollingstone Qld 4816 COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGER Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail:
AMBULANCE C/o Northern Beaches Station
4778 6033
BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB INC. President Faye Thomson 4770 7616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 4770 7034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB
4751 6511
FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB INC. President Garry Luff 47707008 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427240472 PLAYGROUP North Townsville Community Hub
COMMUNITY HALL PHONE (M-F 9AM-3PM) 47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact: Rag office 47707799 Janine Jones 0407882009
POLICE 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Principal Kacey Constantine
4770 7285 4770 7348 4770 7619
13 2500 4770 7498
47707 313
ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL P & C President Brad Gough Secretary MUTARNEE STATE SCHOOL Principal Lydia Jamieson
4770 8131
47715 411
PALUMA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION President Lynn Hyland 4773 7675 Vice President Colwyn Campbell 4770 8559 Secretary Michael Drew 0428 779 302 Email: Treasurer John Tubman ROLLINGSTONE RSL President Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043 Secretary Rhonda Coulson 4770 7058 ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB President John Holliday Secretary John Muller
0414808483 0407114687
ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT SENIORS INC. President Rhonda Muller Secretary Claire Spittler
47707957 47707258
ANIMAL CONTACT NUMBERS Animal Refuge 4774 5130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 4774 5130 RSPCA Inspection 4774 4714 Straying Stock 4773 8411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 4721 2399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414 717 374 Bird Rescue 47707356 / 0412965535 Margaret Preston (Vet) 0403 262 212 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Nellie Berra After 4pm 47707 352 Chris Martin B/H 47707 855 P 33
Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week
Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards
Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470
Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce
Eggs Bananas Pineapples
Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham
Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!
Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon
PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist
NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly
Going Fishing?
Rosco, Olga,, Tanya and Mieka PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470
We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions
Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 34
SEPTEMBER 2015 Sunday
6 pm Boot Camp
9 am Indoor Bowls
6.30 pm Lions Club at the Den
9 am Craft Group
Thursday 3 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9 am Cards
7.30PM AGM RaDCA at Hall
Friday 4 9 am Weight Circuit Class 11 am Computer Class 1pm Assistance required placing big tent at Centre (see pg 2)
11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY
6 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 12 noon What Snake is that? Comm.Hall
7 9 am - Cards
5.30 pm Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club BBQ
6.45 SES Meeting
13 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
14 9 am - Cards
9 am - Linedancing
6 pm Boot Camp
9 am - Linedancing
9am Seniors Sports Day
6.30pm - Yoga
6 pm Boot Camp
7 pm - AA Meeting
6.30 pm Lions Club at the Den
9 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group
21 9 am - Cards
16 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY
9 am - Line dancing
2pm Board Games at the Hall
6.30pm - Yoga
6pm Boot Camp
7pm - AA Meeting 6.45 SES Meeting 27 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
28 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing 6.30pm - Yoga 7 pm - AA Meeting 6.45 SES Meeting
5 8 am -1 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9 am -12 pm Op Shop 1.00 pm BINGO Community Hall 5pm -7pm Lion's Club's Happy Hour
PINEAPPLE FESTIVAL 10am - 5pm see pg 23
6.45 SES Meeting 20 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
11 9 am Weight Circuit Class
9am Cards
6.30pm - Yoga 7 pm - AA Meeting
10 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping
23 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group
17 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9am Visiting Vet 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 24 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9 am Cards
18 9 am Weight Circuit Class
19 8 am -1 pm Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing 9 am -12 pm Op Shop
25 9 am Weight Circuit Class
6 pm Fishermans Landing Fishing & Soc BBQ
11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY
6.30 pm Lions Club Dinner Meeting 29 6 pm Boot Camp
30 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 10-1 Sue Blom at Centre
1st October 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards
2nd October 9am Weight Circuit Class
3rd October 10 am DRUM CIRCLE Community Hall
11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY
P 35
EDEN BROS GOODTIME FAMILY CIRCUS 1 evening only 25th August Seems everyone who went had a fantastic time and they will be back again next year hopefully!!! Photos thanks to Brad Gough
Our Rural Fire Brigade were amazing controlling this fire on Hencamp Creek Rd recently. All homes were saved although it did get close! Make sure this fire season you have no rubbish lying around to help fuel a fire!
Incase you haven't noticed its officially really dry when the there is no water under the Bridge !! Thanks to Barry Elsworth for the photo. Please send your “out and about photos to!!