SEPTEMBER 2014 Sunday
Monday 1 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards 7pm - AA Meeting
2 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping Morning Melodies RADCA AGM 7.30pm At hall
7 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church BBBLC BBQ 5pm
14 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 6.30pm Beaches Church
8 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards
9 Lions Club 7pm at the Hall
7pm - AA Meeting
15 9am - Line dancing
3 9-12 Indoor Bowls Rasmussen Seniors Visiting
10 9-12 Indoor Bowls Seniors Sports Day
11 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping
9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall
9am Cards
17 9-12 Indoor Bowls 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 9.30 Sue Blom at RTC 7pm at HQ SES TRAINING
22 9am - Line dancing
7pm - AA Meeting
28 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 6.30pm Beaches Church
23 Lions Club 7pm at the Hall
9 am - Cards
29 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards
Play Group 9.30am
21 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
4 9am Cards
9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall
9 am - Cards
7pm - AA Meeting
24 10am Seniors Expo RSL Stadium 9-12 Indoor Bowls 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm at HQ SES TRAINING
5 Zumba Gold 9am
11am-1pm Computer literacy with TCC A Musical Morning 10.30 am Community Hall
6 Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm BINGO 1.30
12 Zumba Gold 9am
13 Pineapple Festival 9.30am
18 8-3pm Community Bus shopping Visiting Vet Margaret 9-12 Hall 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup held at Rollingstone Primary School
19 Zumba Gold 9am
20 Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm
25 8 to 3pm Community Bus shopping
26 9am Zumba Gold
Play Group 9.30am
Nth Beaches Seniors Luncheon at Bluewater
9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup
Fishermans Landing Fishing & Social Club BBQ 6pm
1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm - AA Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated. Meeting
Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.
Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre. Front Cover photo thanks to Peter Spears from Toomulla who was lucky enough to capture this Osprey eating his lunch in his backyard tree.
RAINFALL REPORT Monthly rain totals as at 25th August 2014
Rainfall – 25.6 mls Wet days so far – 3 Temperatures - max 28° 17/8 min 11° 8/8 The yearly rainfall to date is - 1246.8mls
Notice to the Public
Road Closure Saturday 13 September 2014 For the Pineapple Festival Parade From 9.15am – 10.15am Mystic Avenue from the corner of Armidale Street Turning into Community Crescent. The Pineapple Festival Committee apologised for an inconvenience incurred during this time.
Paluma Market day Sunday 5th October
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 7:30pm Rollingstone Community Hall
Thank you to every one for the well wishes - they were gratefully appreciated, from Mavis
Northern Beaches Festival FINAL EVENT Toomulla Beach Junior Fishing Comp Sunday 14th September Toomulla Park 8 am Registration 8am Presentation 1pm Fishing from Toomulla Beach and foreshores Categories: Preschool, Primary & Secondary $5 entry fee which includes FREE sausage sizzle and drink
For up to date information, photos of events and current happenings please visit our newest initiative to keep everyone informed our Facebook Group page ( please note this site is not for comments or chatting just to keep the community up to date with what is happening here at the Centre) Rollingstone and District Community Association
MAJOR Raffle drawn at 1.30pm NORTHERN BEACHES MAJOR RAFFLE PRIZES 1ST PRIZE 3.95 Metre Boat and accessories 2ND PRIZE $1000 Gough Plastics Voucher 3RD PRIZE $500 Stockland Gift Card
Letters to the editor are always welcome : please email or drop off your letter to Chris at the Community Centre or to the box at the back of the coverway at the centre !
BINGO at the Community Centre SATURDAY 6th September 1.30pm
For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community
Balgal Beach News look us up through Facebook This service is not associated with the Rollingstone Rag
Ray Jennings donated a replica of the HMB Endeavour as reported last month in the Rag, it is now nestled in a substantial glass case to keep it safe. A plaque is being ordered saying who donated it and the year. Thank you Ray for your wonderful gift. We also need to thank the person/s who donated the lectern to the Community Centre. After last month’s request for a lectern, one magically appeared at the hall 2 weeks later. This is also a wonderful gift and it will be very much cherished. I have attached a photo of both gifts. Thank you Stuart H for putting protection guards on the trees around the Station. For information regarding Turtle Strandings: contact Sea Turtle Foundation on this email address: Did you know that the Endeavour Foundation accepts old electronic equipment for example - PCs, laptops and TVs to dismantle; the parts are shipped out to be recycled? And that there is gold in your computer. Wanting to buy a computer but cannot afford a new one. Workventures – offers cheap computers to Centrelink and DVA cardholders, people who can verify their low income status, Schools and not-for-profit organisations. I have brochures available at the RTC or call 1800 112 205 for more information. Please note the Road Closure Notice in this month’s issue. Mystic Avenue and Community Crescent will be closed to traffic from 9.15am for the Pineapple Festival Float Parade on 13th September. The Community Centre flew the Australian flag at half-mast to observe the National Day of Mourning for the souls lost on MH-17 on 7 August. Ian D is pictured below, observing a minutes silence for the victims. Bingo dates have changed for September and October. Bingo will now be held on September 6 and October 18. Hope no one is inconvenienced by the date changes. Kiddies Pool has been drawn and was won by D Greene. Thank you to everyone who supported this raffle. Until next month keep safe and look after your mates.
We are looking for expressions of interest to gauge the need for an additional bus run to either Townsville or Ingham per week. We would need to have at least 5 people constantly using the bus on an alternative day to Thursdays. Please call me if you are interested in this extra run.
ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Day/Date: Tuesday 2nd September 2014 Time: 7:30pm Venue: Rollingstone Community Hall
Bluewater Community Centre Twilight Market Fruit & Veg Fence Peekers Massage Hot Food Cold Drinks Entertainment Kids Clothes 2nd Hand Goods Raffle
Saturday the 13th of September 2pm-6pm All Enquiries:
Rollingstone Local Disaster Management Group MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB SUNDAY 31 August 2014 9 hole - 4 Ball Ambrose competition Register your 4 person team at the Mystic Sands Golf Club In person or on 4770 7355 Great prizes, heaps of fun, BBQ lunch $25.oo per head registration. Come as a team or join a team on the day 8.30 am for tee off at 9 am P4
BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month From 8 am - 1pm
3rd & 17th September
COFFEE on BORTON st Held in the Park near Fishermans Landing proudly presented by the Fishermans Landing Fishing Club
Saturday and Sunday 10 to 4.30 Wednesday to Friday 10 to 2.30 Geoff and Wendy Cooke Borton St.
If you are interested in having a stall phone REBECCA 0422 198900
Mystic Sands
47707695 P5
The Annual General Meeting of the Community Association is to be held on September 2nd at 7.30 pm in the (big) Hall. Piera Pace had a stint in hospital in August. She’s now doing well and feeling much happier with her problems attended to and removed. Also on the “not-too-flash” and “war wounds” list: David Gurr; Bob Selby; Vonny Wynne; Di Stephan; Matt Ingram; Tommy Ruddick; Wayne McCarthy; Clara Vagara; Bruce Woolard; John Friar; Peter Spratt. Late news is that Clyde Stewart has had an accident at home and is doing it tough. Our hearts go out to them all and our thoughts and best wishes are sent their way. Katrina Blake is ever training for her marathons – you’ll often see her slogging it out on the beach road. Katrina began an exercise and diet regime to become a ‘bit’ fitter, early in 2012. She started by walking in the morning and evening gloom, to escape the public gaze. Over the last 2 years she has developed to the point of training for competitive runs; including 5km and 10km events around Townsville. Katrina’s training includes running up to 60km a week, cycling 30, or so, km and swimming for a couple of hours. An hour or 3 in a gym, a couple of hours on an ocean kayak and maybe a stroll on the beach. (I’m tired just writing this!) Her efforts to compete this year have been somewhat stymied by illness and injury: a case of Dengue Fever prevented her running in the Ayr 10km event and then a Pinched Cruciate Ligament 5 weeks out from the recent Townsville Running Festival put paid to her intended ½ marathon debut. She gained the all-clear a week before the event but felt that she would struggle to build up to the required fitness to complete the run. The pinched ligament was a result of over-doing the cross training due to excessive time in an ocean kayak with incorrect method. Katrina can be seen riding her bike, running and paddling around our community. She also swims in town and attends a gym. Needless to say Michael has no chance of catching her anymore. Her fitness may be quite useful, though, as she takes on grandmother duties of the 2 little boys. Her regime has resulted in her halving her body weight, in that time, and now sees her frustrated with even a milligram increase in weekly weight. Just one of our community getting back into life. If you really care, please act responsibly and GET YOUR PETS DE-SEXED. Then there won’t be any need to be finding homes for all these unwanted (particularly) cats and dogs. You also might like to know it is illegal to give away or sell a dog or cat OF ANY AGE that has NOT been micro chipped!!! You might like to look up this legislation notice: factsheet/lg/fact-sheet-1-getting-a-cat-or-dog.pdf
Big, big thanks to the anonymous donor of the Lectern left at the Hall. We need this item just so desperately and we’re most grateful for its receipt. And thanks also to the Grady Family from Toomulla for their donation of a lectern as well. It will be put to good use, and most appreciated. Thanks also to the 2 Judies: Judie A. and Judyana H., for their efforts to organise and tidy up the books which have been donated to the Library and which are building up in the RTC. Looks heaps better now – much appreciated, girls. Looking for CARD PLAYERS at the Community Centre, 9am Mondays and Thursdays. You don’t have to be a member of the Community Association or the Seniors to join in. You just have to like playing cards! Please consider........... Remember to check your Smoke Alarms to keep them in tip-top working condition!!!!!!
Still waiting, waiting, waiting for work to start on the Railway Station Building. Wondering, quite seriously, if it’ll ever happen. So many hurdles to leap and hoops to jump through. Oh, for the post war years and the simplicity that it brought with it......and the lack of WH&S regulations and insurance liability. We’re considering a second Bus trip to either Townsville or Ingham on a weekly basis, running mostly on a Tuesday. However, we will need to be guaranteed at least 5 passengers before we can put this in place. To place an expression of interest, please call Centre Manager, Chris, on 4770 7855. “Time heals almost everything”. Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”.
Andrew Cripps MP Ph: 07 4776 1428 Member for Hinchinbrook Ingham Qld 4850 Fax: 07 4776 3503
More effective policing on Townsville's Northern Beaches Last month I welcomed the delivery of a new all-terrain vehicle (ATV) which will be used to target vehicles being ridden dangerously or accessing prohibited areas on Townsville's Northern Beaches. I want to stress the point that people doing the right thing and obeying the law have nothing to be concerned about. I have been lobbying for years to secure appropriate equipment for police to respond to local community concerns about trespassing, vandalism and dangerous driving on private property, beaches and in river beds in local communities. This work has now payed off. It's terrific to see Deeragun Police Station take delivery of a new Kawasaki ATV, which is capable of accessing beaches and off-road areas where current police vehicles can't go. I have spoken with officers at the Deeragun Station and they are impressed with the ATV. Officers can now undertake proactive policing of unlawful access or dangerous driving by vehicles in response to the regular complaints both they and I receive about public safety issues, environmental damage and incidents of trespassing. Early use of the vehicle since they took delivery has resulted in a reduction in complaints. Police will also use the new ATV to educate riders on safe and lawful riding practices while enforcing the law, because it's only a minority of people who do the wrong thing on quad bikes and motorcycles. Again, I want to stress that the majority of people who do the right thing have nothing to be concerned about. Many of my constituents will be relieved to hear our local police will now be able to respond to their concerns and I'll continue working to secure another ATV, because I am very aware that police at the Rollingstone Station could benefit from one of these vehicles. In the meantime, they will periodically have access to the ATV from the Deeragun Station. This is a step in the right direction for communities on Townsville’s Northern Beaches.
Call Eamon
PH: 0478 790 134
LINE DANCERS We celebrate fourteen years in September. Our members have increased this past year, so I was keen to learn what motivates all our members to make the effort to attend our Monday activities. The figures clearly show that it is a rich combination of the Music, the Exercise, the Company and Support of each other in both the good and not so good times that are all a part of life’s journey. It has been proven that music reaches our very soul. To put movements to that music requires plenty of brain power and whilst we attempt to get our steps right, it is no great tragedy if we don’t. I would like to thank each of our members for the support you willingly give the sessions each Monday. After fourteen years, you need to give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back. At the same time, I encourage anyone “thinking” about coming, don’t hesitate or doubt yourselves. If you would like any further information you can contact me at or 041 telephone number or turn up at our Monday sessions at the Centre ( see calendar page 31) Paula Gillam
Merry We Meet! We are away at the moment but will be back in time to make the “Big Splash” into the Rollingstone Caravan Park Pool on Friday the 10th of October at 9am. This 2014/15 season will be the same as always. Tuesday and Friday at 9am. Everyone is welcome. We have young and not so young Males & Females who like to keep fit through the hot season with water exercise. So come one come all & join the fun. No shortage of a good giggle and as good a workout as you want to make it. We are all shapes and sizes so don’t be shy. We look forward to seeing lots of “newies” this year as well as all our old friends & partners in the quest to keep as fit as we can for as long as we can. Keep Fit & Stay Healthy. BABZ.
Rollingstone & District Seniors Dear Readers, Please note, there will be no Seniors’ stall at the markets on the 6th September 2014. Instead, the Seniors will have their stall at the Pineapple Festival to be held on the 13th September 2014. So all donations of cakes, biscuits, chutneys, pickles, jams etc. will be gratefully appreciated for sale at the forthcoming Pineapple Festival. Morning Melodies was extremely good with Simon Gallagher putting on an excellent show with a mixture of old time songs and chatty inter-action with the audience. Like many of us, he has gained a bit of weight over the years but that didn’t deter him from rendering some really lovely songs that we all remembered. Lunch afterwards at the Cowboys was good too. In September there will be Morning Melodies on the 2nd September – Rhonda Burchmore, Bingo on the 6th September, Seniors’ Olympic Games Day on the 10th September, Pineapple Festival on the 13th September, Northern Beaches Seniors’ Lunch at Bluewater on the 19th September. Anyone wishing to attend any of these functions should contact either myself (Claire Spittler) on 4770-7258, or Cheryl Pearson on 4770-7027. And don’t forget our sing-along which is held on the second Friday of each month at the Community Hall at 10.30 a.m. ages welcome.
Kids really brighten a household, they never turn off any lights. Take care of each otherEEEEEEEEEEEE..Claire
Gidday Rollingstone It is with great pain, sorrow and discomfort that I must regrettably inform you all that I have contracted a fatal dose of the Ebola Virus… or at least the Black Plague… and if not one of them, it’s some dreaded dog’s disease capable of changing the course of human history. I apologise for being a little bit hard to find for the past week – I’ve been curled up in the foetal position under the bed with a box of tissues stuffed up each nostril, a jar of Vicks under each armpit and Poppy whispering gently in my ear that if I don’t make it, she’s going to sell my ute to buy this “really cool Barbie outfit that’s on sale for $19 at K-Mart.” I’ve been trying desperately hard to pass this man-killing flu onto someone else – ANYONE else. Jenny refuses to catch it (obviously a sexist thing) and Haggarty doesn’t look as if he’s had a sick day in his life. When I was in my darkest hour and on deaths door, even my loving bride wouldn’t come into the room without a bio-hazard suit, full breathing apparatus and two cans of Glen-20 blazing a cloud of disinfectant in front of her. It was like a scene out of “Gorillas in the Mist” – but you’re a heap better looking babe – honest. Still… in spite of these disabilities, lets push on shall we? Are you sick of hearing about our fund raising yet? I didn’t think so (bahahaha). I’ve posted a few things on social media about the progress we’ve made so far and the more than generous donations from some of the clubs, groups and businesses, not to mention some very generous private donations. If I started to pull out the “thank you” list so far, I’d have no room left in the article (the Facebook posts did get a little wordy). The support from your community has been nothing short of spectacular so far and we’re a very respectable $6,500.oo closer to our target because of it. Our Golf Day is coming up on Sunday the 31st of August at Mystic Sands Golf Club and the team vacancies are almost full, so if you’re keen for a swing, get in soon. But if Golf isn’t quite your style, come and try your hand at Lawn Bowls. The Mystic Sands Bowls Club will be helping us raise funds with a game or two for beginners and seasoned players alike. The bar will be stocked, prizes are set, raffles will be cranking along, the Markets will be there and the Lions are cooking up a storm for lunch. It’s time for some boring stuff – just the routine things that I like to remind you about from time to time – mostly a refresher for the locals and a “heads up” for the newbies and visitors – so if you’re pretty sure you know all this, you can skip down to the part where I talk about how I comforted three naked Swedish women who were back-packing on Balgal Beach. You went looking for it… didn’t you. Anyway, our office is only a two person show and the most reliable way to find anyone here is when Miss Jenny is rostered which is Monday to Thursday from 9.30am to 2.00pm. You can sort all manner of vehicle, vessel and trailer registrations here, weapons licenses and permits to acquire, police certificates, blue cards and applications to plead guilty. Yes… we take cash or cheque but no EFTPOS or credit card. Sorry they won’t allow us to have anything to do with driver’s licence applications or renewals and no, you can’t pay your fines here either. No, we don’t have a JP on site – try the RTC at the Community Hall. Getting hold of us has always been problematic – 2 people total – usually only one working at a time – one car – over 3000 square kms – about 70 kms of beach and around 400 kms of bush track that we can access. Top that off with the fact that they want you to call Police Link on 131444 (complete with recorded message and waiting queue) and I can understand why some people lose patience. Remember that 131444 is there if we’re not and if things are getting scary for you or the situation is out of control, go straight to 000. Face Book seems to be a popular business out here. I’m not a huge fan but I have used it to get a few messages out of late. Please remember that unlike many, many others on social media, I don’t often check up on what’s happening in cyber-space and unless I happen to be right on top of the computer (and at home), I probably won’t even realise that you’ve sent me anything. Plus, I’m a complete gumby with that stuff – plus, I don’t, can’t and won’t do anything related to police business on it sorry. And now, as I contemplate crawling under my desk for a snappy 15 minute kindy nap to stop the gentle buzzing in my head that’s been with me since last Sunday and will probably cause lasting brain damage (no comments please) – thank you all once again for your support of our Disaster Management Group so far, please come to the Golf day, even if it’s just to buy a raffle ticket and have a quiet one with me and as always, stay safe and sing out if you need us………. Cheers………….Goughy
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P 10
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News
G’day Everyone, Our AGM on the 3rd of August along with our monthly BBQ went really well and your elected committee is. Pres. Faye Thompson Committee. Bernice Ivett Vice Pres. Tom Ruddick. Carol Phillips. Sect. Kerrie Cochrane. John Finn. Treas. Joan Ruddick. Vicky O’Brien. Patron: Ken Turner. Weigh Master: Rob Thompson. After the AGM we dined on beautiful food thanks to the cooks and prep people. It is really great how everyone jumps in and helps. We played team Hookey and the winners were team six; Joy, Ken, Anne, Bob and Vicky. Our lucky winner of The Lound’s Fresh Seafood raffle was Rhonda Muller. TOP SEAFOOD by the best in town. Congratulations Rhonda. Fisherperson of the year went to James Baker. The Lynn O Kane trophy was won by Lai Peng Baker. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH ON A GREAT FISHING YEAR. Rob Thompson broke the club record for a Crimson Snapper and Jeff Ivet broke the record for Wahoo. Well caught guys. Fish of the month went to Joy Uprichard with a 63 cm Barra. Well done Joy, keep it up. Join us at our monthly BBQ, usually held at the Community Hall on the first Sunday of each month where you will meet new friends and catch up with old mates. $10 per head for non members and kids under 12 years are free when accompanied by an adult. BYO drinks. Our seniors members fishing trip planned for Magnetic Island on the 29th of July had to be cancelled due to a strong wind warning. Another trip has been planned and all are waiting to hear a date that suits everybody. They always look forward to getting out aboard ROSIE. Check our Web site www. or find us on face book for all the latest news and photos. REMINDER.... Our Fathers Day Celebration will be held at Ken Turners place on Sunday the 7th of September. Backyard cricket starts at 5pm. Great Stew night with a MKR Pumpkin soup competition. BYO plates, cutlery and chairs, Bush ghost ride for the kids. Please advise Bernice on 47707947 of attendance for catering purposes. Lai PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS WHENEVER POSSIBLE SEE YOU ALL ON FATHERS DAY.
MYSTIC SANDS BOWLS CLUB We had something a little different last month when we were visited by Canberra bowler Frank Peniguel, who is establishing a Guinness World Record for the most number of bowling clubs to be played at in 12 months. We were club number 376 that Frank has visited and we wish him well in his quest. “GRAB LIFE BY THE BOWLS” (love it ). This is the slogan adopted by Bowls Queensland for their promotion of the annual - Come and Try Day when we try and attract new bowlers to our great game. This day is currently listed for Sunday October 26 and we can hopefully outdo our effort last year when 28 people came along and had a go.There will be more information provided in the next issue of the Rag. A big welcome to our newest bowls member - Ken Smart from Jensen. Ken had been itching to try our sport for a number of months and once he started has only missed one Sunday morning game. Apparently a few of his neighbours have noted his enthusiasm for his new sport and are keen to come and join him. Brilliant! There are two club championship events on the notice board ( Mens and mixed triples ) which will be closing shortly . Anyone wishing to play is urged to get your name in quickly. Our club has social bowls at 1.00 pm on Saturdays and 9.15am on Sundays. All visitors are encouraged to come and join us and enjoy some Mystical hospitality. Obviously our locals are mentioning the Sunday morning bowls in particular as we are getting new participants each week which is great to see. Please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292 and I look forward to welcoming you to our club………..Thanks.
P 11
BLUEWATER 2 Purono Parkway, Purono Park ,4818 For all Appointments
Ph: 4778 6444
OPEN Monday to Friday from 8.00a.m. At the BLUEWATER MEDICAL CENTRE Dine In and Take Away 2 PURONO PARKWAY, PURONO PARK Phone: 0747 786 077 Specialty Morning or Afternoon Teas Catering by Arrangement Contact Katrina Baumgartner - Manager
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Lynette Dennis
Bluewater Medical Centre, Bluewater Ph 47786444 Northern Beaches Chiropractic, Burdell Ph 47742184 Naturally Healthy, Belgian Gardens Ph 043883442 RN & Midwife, Health Rebates P 12
Chinese Dietary Therapy is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine Chinese Dietary Therapy is another part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is based on the 5 elements and energetic pathology. This means that each food and food combination can be used to enhance your wellbeing. In general ill health such old remedies as chicken broth would be used to nourish the body. In Chinese Dietary Therapy each of the 5 elements has a particular quality and flavour that has certain effect on the body such as; Water element - Salty- densifying and concentrating Wood element - Sour – astringent and contracting Metal element – Bitter – eliminating and descending Earth element – Sweet – expanding and relaxing Fire element - Spicy – accelerating and dispersing Digestion is governed by the earth element which involves the Stomach and Spleen energy. If the spleen energy is weak through stress and overthinking then digestion is poor. The Spleen energy is like the heat below a cooking pot (the stomach) it is further damaged by too many cold raw and damp foods. To nourish it, it needs warming foods. An example of damp foods are avocado, banana, and mango, and dairy foods. An example of a dietary therapy would be to eat drying warming foods to clear the damp in the body, such as root vegetables sweet potato. The cooking process also affects the energetic nature of the food. A Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner can determine your body constitution and recommend which foods to avoid and which ones to use to enhance your well-being. A good place to start would be a basic book on Chinese medicine such as; ‘Between Heaven and Earth’ by H Beinfield and E Korngold. If you would like more information or a consultation, please contact me Lynette Dennis Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner at Acuwellbeing advertised in this paper. Ph 0438834428 or visit website
Megs’ Beachside Hairdressing 47707528 All ladies mens and childrens hairdressing requirements Please phone Mon - Friday 9am-5pm for an appointment 32 Madelaine Dve Balgal Beach
P 11
R.S.L. NEWS Thank you to President Ewan for presenting the August Rolly Rag article. I had started, title only, but ran out of time, so rang Ewan from the airport and he agreed to do the article, which explained some of the history of Rollingstone RSL. Ewan’s article also noted the changes that have occurred with the Sub-Branches, District and State over the past couple of years and the formation of Mates 4 Mates. This program has really taken off and appears to be of valuable assistance to those who have served and suffered some form of injury, be it physical or emotional. Please note the facilities are there for all service members, past and present. At our last committee meeting it was suggested that we encourage all members who have email contact to please supply me with your email address so that I can keep you well informed on what is happening in regards to RSL matters. You should have also received a letter from RSL Qld enquiring as to whether you would like to be on their email circulation list. This initiative came from the last State Congress when a need for more information to be disseminated to members was discussed. So please let me know your email address if you would like relevant information forwarded. I can be contacted on Vietnam Veterans’ Day was held on Monday the 18th. A small crowd was in attendance but I have heard that B SQN 3 /4 Cav. Regt did an excellent job as the Catafalque Party for the day. Thank you to CPL Chris Clarke for organising the troops and CAPT Toby Donald for being guest speaker. Again thank you to John Muller for being our M.C and Bob Zander for his role as Chaplain. Tony, Mick, Dowie and Reg set up for the service and Ewan collected the wreaths, so a good all round effort from our committee (Board) members. Following the service a small group adjourned to the golf club for some refreshments and yummy snacks. Thanks to Steve and Vonny for preparing those. Unfortunately the troops had to return to work so they couldn’t indulge in a beer or two and possibly have a go at the mullet hole, as has occurred in previous years. Whilst away, Faye and Gloria did a wonderful job with the raffles and Goose Club. Thank you to them for their help, and to their assistants for following the roster or helping when it appeared someone was needed to sell. The raffles and Goose Club are our main form of fund raising and something many people look forward to on a Friday night. Our Grey Nomads have won a few prizes over the past few weeks, but that is because they are wonderful supporters. We will be sorry to see them go. The VVA are holding a LIFESTYLE Program in October. If you have been to VVA you are invited to apply for the program which involves you and your partner attending a week long course on Magnetic Island. During the week you attend a variety of courses aimed to improve your lifestyle. They can be quite valuable in that you are away from home and have time for reflection. Please contact myself or VVA if you are interested. The PTSD Initiative Newsletter Issue 1 arrived via email. This, again, is a new idea and they are looking for Vietnam Veterans who have never had PTSD for their research. If you can help please phone 0733987297 or check their website: Wow! As you can see there are a number of new issues. RSL Runner is another new initiative. I will give more information on that in the October edition. Please also remember to contact Ewan, a committee member or myself if you know of any members who are unwell, hospitalised or in need of assistance. Take care. See you at the Pineapple Festival! Cheers, Rhonda.
Hardy's home pet care New to the area we are a locally owned and operated mobile dog wash. Our services include worming and home pet care with more services to come. Dog wash $15 for the first dog and $10 for every other dog Please call Corinne or Colin 0458192041 Bring your dog to the Balgal Beach Markets as we will have the Mobile Dog wash with us too!!!
Jeffs aerials P 15
So I hope everyone has been enjoying the mixed up weather that we have experienced lately! Unbelievable, cold for a couple of days, then the rain comes, and hang on a minute- lets just have some beautiful sunny North Qld weather!! I have lived in Townsville all my life and I cannot recall having such mixed up weather in a winter season. Rudi & I flew to Brisbane last week and it was raining when we left here, raining in Brisbane for two days and when we woke up on Sunday the weather was perfect. How it all changes so quickly. Well what does everyone think of the trial run that Australia Post is doing at the moment with the three-day a week mail delivery?? From what I am hearing it is not going too good. One resident was waiting for a letter from the doctor and received it 3 days after the proposed appointment date. Another resident had to pay a late fee because his bill wasn’t paid on time. Don’t forget you can contact Australia Post and ask them to consider taking it back to the Monday–Friday mail delivery as this would be more suitable and it would insure that your bills arrive in time for payment. I would like to wish Fay Hall a speedy recovery after her operation last week. Fay has had a shoulder reconstruction. I would think that an operation like this will have a slow recovery and Fay would be restricted to what she can do for a while. Well… Peter will be busy, won’t he, with the housework and cooking?? There won’t be much gallivanting around Toomulla for Peter for a while!! I hope Fay loves Fish n Chips & Pizza’s because that’s about all Peter can cook. Ha ha ha! To any other residents that maybe recovering from any illness or an operation, we hope that you feel better soon. And please remember that if you are unable to leave the house to go to the shops or if you need any help, do not hesitate to call me – 47707813. Congratulations to Ben Beazley on getting 2nd Place in the Australian Handicapped Clay Target National Titles for shooting held in Wagga Wagga recently. Ben has been shooting for about 5 years now at the Townsville Gun Club. Ben had also previously made Northern Junior Zone& the Qld Zone teams for Clay shooting, taking home awards. Ben’s passion for Clay shooting comes from his Grandfather who was also a champion in this sport. He was the president of the Townsville Gun Club for over 20 years and helped establish the Gun Club at Killy Moon Creek. He is a Life Member of the club. I bet Grandad is very proud of Ben for his placing. Okay, so we go through this grumbling subject every couple of months. I just don’t understand why people think they can drive along Herald Street at 80km an hour. Do you ever stop and consider that not only is it against the law to drive that fast along a suburban street, but also that someone could be driving out of their yard which would give you no time to stop, or maybe just some innocent person walking along the road. There are a million scenarios that could be used, but the point is you need to ‘ Slow down you bloody idiot’. The speed limit along Herald Street is 50km per hour. The speed limit along the Esplanade is 20km per hour. Please be considerate to other residents that live along the Esplanade. The dust that goes into these residents’ houses from people driving too fast is alarming and is very upsetting to them. Also, there are some inconsiderate visitors to the area that contribute to some of the dust problem for the residents. The Northern Beaches Festival Events have been wonderful this year. There have been three events already including the Bluewater Car Show that was exceptional this year. With rows & rows of impressive cars that were showcased this year there was also motorbikes and fantastic car accessories on display. With lots of activities for the kids there was also heaps of Market Stalls, Food, Drinks and Displays throughout the day. Very successful day and all money raised from these events go back to the Northern Beaches Communities. The next event is the Annual Rollingstone Pineapple Festival on Saturday 13th September down at the community hall grounds and then the very next day is the Toomulla Junior Fishing Competition. The fishing comp is open to preschool, primary and secondary school kids. The $5 entry fee includes Free Sausage Sizzle and a drink for all competitors on the day. Presentation will be at 1pm. For more details or if you would like a nomination form you can email Mick Wellington at The Northern Beaches Festival Raffle will also be drawn on the 14th September down at the Toomulla Fishing Competition. 1st Prize: 3.95m Boat & Accessories 2nd Prize: $100 Gough Plastics Voucher 3rd Prize: $500 Stockland Gift Card. The boat will be on display at 62 Herald Street over the next couple of weeks if you would like tickets in the Raffle. Well until next month Happy Birthday/Anniversary to anyone that is celebrating in September. Don’t forget if you would like to add anything into the next newsletter email or write it out and give it to me and I can add it in. Cheers………….Rhonda P 16
DINNER: Tues & Fri Nights 6pm – 8pm For catering purposes advanced bookings preferred. Weekly Chef's specials Raffles Tues and Fri nights Goose club Fri night; Jackpots each week until won Pic -a box Promo starts 1st week August
Open Daily 9am Saturday: Comps
S. L & V.R.WYNNE ABN: 75737414593 trading as MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB 135 Mystic Avenue` Ph (07) 47707 355
Take away alcohol available
Sunday: Barefoot bowls 9am
Monday,Wednesday & Thursday: pay $20 play 18 holes Tuesday: Vets Comp 8am for 8.30am Friday: Chook run
Saturday: Club comp Sunday 8am: Bushrangers social competition Call us to quote for your small function, birthday, anniversary or just because party. Call for social group or corporate golf / bowls days.
Upcoming events: Disaster Management Fund Raising Golf Day, 31st August 8.30 am Fathers Day Brunch 10.30 am – 1 pm Holden Scramble Golf Day – 28 September enquires at Mystic Sands Golf Club 47 707 355
The Voice of the VON It’s amazing how quickly the difference a little bit of refreshing rain can make. Since the few showers we have had in the last fortnight, the course has greened up again and looking magnificent. The many visitors over the last weeks have all made positive comments about the course and our unique parcel of paradise. With showers predicted again for the coming w-end (23-24 Aug.) the course shall still be immaculate for the Disaster management charity day on the following w-end 31st Aug. Some great donations and sponsors have already given generously and shaping up to be a great day socially and beneficially for the community and visitors alike. For those not into playing golf, you are most welcome to be here and join in on raffles, live music, wine tasting, barbecue and other activities. The golf card is almost full with maximum teams ready to go. Fathers’ day can also be enjoyed at the club with a brunch from 10.30am - 1.00pm Holden scramble bookings (28th Sept) are beginning to roll in and again will be a big event. This is the last chance that teams will be able to compete in this event before the Nth Qld play-offs begin. Tuesday night menu has a few changes with some new favourites included and the old favourites are still available. It would help us immensely if you could book ahead for our catering purposes. As you may have seen, the area in front of the club and adjacent to the clubhouse looks pretty with the pink streamers attached to the white posts after being recently surveyed in readiness for the new medical centre building. On a parting note, please spare thoughts for Clyde Stewart and his wife Pam and their family as he recovers after his recent fall; a very stressful time for them all and a lengthy recovery time for Clyde. Remember to give us a call if you may require assistance for a function; birthday, anniversary, christening etc. In the meantime keep hitten ‘em straight and far……...Regards Vonnie Thought for the Month In medieval days, the head of a defeated foe was displayed on a stake. In modern days, pepper or mushroom sauce is displayed on a steak. P 17
BACK-YARD BREEDING ‘Aaawww, wouldn’t it be fun to have a litter of puppies’........why? ‘We really want her to have a litter before we get her fixed’...why? Do you think you’ll make some ‘easy’ money? Do you know the hard work and cost if you do it properly? What if the bitch has difficulties and the vet bills are out-of-sight? What humane arrangements do you have in place if you DON’T sell all the puppies? And do you have the ready cash to pay up-front for vaccinations, worming, micro-chipping and food or don’t you intend doing any of that? Before we even attempt to address these issues, you should know it is ILLEGAL to give away or sell a dog or cat OF ANY AGE that has NOT been MICRO-CHIPPED!! For people not familiar with the world of dog or cat-breeding, naivety is that ‘having a litter’ is just something you can do to entertain the kids or make a quick buck. These people usually have no understanding or concern about the welfare and wellbeing of animals, breed standards, genetics, socialisation of dogs, and health maintenance. Backyard breeding is a term used to describe irresponsible animal breeding, so consider this:
Often backyard breeding is due to ignorance or neglect where a dog or cat accidentally becomes pregnant when the owner has failed to have them de-sexed. In some cases animals are deliberately bred so the progeny can be sold.
What distinguishes backyard breeders from responsible breeders is the standards breeders meet, knowing demand for puppies and rules and other conditions governing random and irresponsible breeding aren’t in place.
Backyard breeding is a major contributor to unwanted companion animals. Uncontrolled breeding and overpopulation ultimately leads to frequent euthanasia of healthy animals.
Back-yard breeding is the greatest cause of the disturbing pet overpopulation crisis.
In our local backyard the number of litters being bred and offered for sale (often given away) in the Townsville City Council area is a great concern. Councils have a million excuses why effective controls cannot be implemented. The issue is consigned to the ‘too-hard-basket’ and everyone looks to someone else coming up with a solution that can be copied.
Meanwhile, litters of unwanted puppies and kittens are being churned out. Many of them finish up at the pound, in the hands of rescuers or worse still dumped and left to die. And this disturbing scenario continues to be ignored by authorities. With the advent of ‘Buy, Sell or Swap’ pages on social media, puppies are frequently being put out there without being vaccinated, vet-checked, wormed, micro-chipped or socialised. Backyard breeders expose themselves to personal retribution or legal action. Some asking prices are substantial as well, with no back-up or support from these so-called ‘breeders’. From a pedigreed dog breeder’s point of view, they know what it costs to be allowed to breed animals and also the rules and conditions that must be adhered to. Any of their own dogs that will not be used to breed are neutered. A litter is only ‘done’ once every now and again with animals that will produce quality stock. People producing litters in their back-yard often MEET ABSOLUTELY NO REQUIREMENTS AT ALL!! In other words, they ‘just do it’ whenever the spirit takes them, no conditions, no regulations, no costs, and very little care. Take for example the number of pig dog puppies churned out. How many pig hunters are there in the district and how many dogs do each of them have? But the number of those dogs needing to be re-homed goes on ad infinitum! So, folks, PLEASE get your dogs and cats de-sexed and next time you feel you really DO need to breed – if you do at all – do it only after MUCH due consideration with lashings of commonsense, responsibility and decency. Think of the welfare of the animals and the impact unwanted animals have on your community and our Council rates. In the meantime, also be aware that there are people out there who really do care about this insidious situation being created by a small uncaring percentage of the population, and that those caring few are now taking more interest these days. Councillor Sue Blom has offered to report abuse to Council and the RSPCA. Let her know when your neighbour appears to be puppy or kitten farming – or just breeding indiscriminately and irresponsibly. or 0427 300 364 Sue Von Wald
P 19
MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Hello Golfers, Welcome to spring, I have a bit of news for you avid readers of the Rag. It’s full steam ahead with the makeover of the golf course, Paul Harry has been working tirelessly to remake the new tee off areas. The girls have been planting trees and doing garden work all over the place. Diane Stephan has the front entrance looking really good, that woman never stops it’s hard to keep up with her, if there is anyone out there that could give the club a small amount of time to help out get in touch with Diane or Paul at the club and they will show you where to start. The results from the AUGUST Monthly Medal are as follows. The medal was sponsored by Bluewater Phamarcy. Mens Winner Div 1 Stewart Jones with 72 well done Jonsey R/U Tony Bidgood on 72 JUST MISSED Div 2 Bob Mawhinney with 68 the man with the scissors will be after you R/U Peter Onoprienko with 70 Bridesmaid again come on Pete Div 3 Eddie White with 70 The Tomulla ^^#* rides again good on you Eddie R/U Richard Gammie with 78 Not a good day Richard it wasn’t much fun for me either Ladies Winner as follows Vonnie Wynne with 76 see what you can do on the other side of the bar R/U Rhonda Gurd with 78 that's the girl Rhonda bit by bit. We have had a bit of rain lately it makes the course look a treat and gives the greenkeeper a helping hand. Brett seems to work tirelessly on getting the course up to scratch for our comps and any other golf game that gets played. Welcome to all the Grey Nomads that frequent our course on their travels. Here’s a bit of news from the Vets trip away, they say what happens on tour stays on tour, well that's to bad this Vet is going to break ranks and tell all. Try playing skins with the master skinner Bob Lloyd, you think you have got him when you hit a winning ball and it lands in the biggest Cedar Tree on the course the ball ended up in a crack at the bottom of the tree wasn’t that fun getting that out, should have taken a drop. Another skin goes begging. Day 2 we played at Tully everyone had a good time some very tricky areas, lots of pick ups on that day. Day 3 we played at El Arish guess what the master skinner had another game going and another bad result for yours truly but we all had fun playing with the El Arish people. Then comes the last night at the motel we had a dress up night everyone had to come dressed as somebody starting with the letter P, do you know how hard it is to think of something starting with P. We had the usual suspects I.E.prostitutes and pimps very cute Phil. We had the Pope….guess who that was? The master skinner himself Bob Lloyd he thought everybody would line up to kiss his ring, sorry Bob. We had Pochahontis….wasn't she a treat there were no war dances done that night, I just got too tired sorry about that darling. The party animal was making a mess everywhere with her shiny sprinkly thing. OH sorry Jackie I meant to say things. And her better half the serial pest from the pest control people, all of us nearly got you Bob but we ran out of energy you know what its like when you are old. There was Peter Pan now he/she was a sight to behold beautifully dressed in GREEN and more Green did I mention that Cheryl looks good in Green I’ll bet she was blessed by the Pope that night. Seriously a great night was had by all until that escaped prisoner turned up and tried to STEAL the scene but Ken the Pirate put a stop to that, he had stolen everything before her - better luck next time Merle. Much drink much food much fun was had by all. That's all from the little Indian Stay safe and look after one and other NEWS FLASH There will be a golf day to support the raising of funds to purchase an ATV to be used by our local police to catch the baddies in the bush. The date for this Ambrose golf day is 31/8/14. Be there or be square. Maree K. P 19
Rollingstone Community Centre 2nd & 4th Sunday at 6.30pm Come and join us in the RADCA Community Hall on Community Crescent We are a contemporary family style church with a relaxed North Queensland flavour
Also meeting at: Jensen: 13 Mt Kulburn Drive E Sunday 9.30am (Turn off Bruce Hwy at Len’s Feed Shed just south of Black River bridge)
Saunders Beach: Community Centre E 1st & 3rd Sunday 6.30pm Tea and Coffee to follow For details ring Ps Ian Morgan on 0407 475 161 or the church office 4751 9222 Australian Christian Churches Assemblies of God in Australia
P 20
WILDLIFE CARERS FOR ROLLINGSTONE, BALGAL BEACH and surrounds Hi! My name is Lucky and I am a male possum. I was given this name by my foster mum. I was only a baby, I think they said I weighed 160grams when I was handed over to her after my real mum was killed by a dog. I was thrown off mum’s back into the grass. It seemed like I had been lying there for ever when a human couple found me. I was covered in green ants and I thought I was a goner. Those ants can bite. The couple washed the ants off and I was rushed to the Animal Hospital at JCU where I was treated for my injuries and bites. My little body was numbed with the pain. After 2 days I was handed over to my foster mum with my medication. Mum gave me baths and I was not impressed but I always got big hugs and lovings afterwards. It was along time before I felt better and able to go in a big cage with other Possums. I had gotten over my injuries and the loss of my real mum (that was really hard). Today, I am out and about loving the life. I thank my foster mum, who's name by the way is Chrissie and if it wasn't for people like her and the couple who found me I would not be here to tell this story. I know my real mum thanks them too. I am still a wild animal. We don't lose that when we are in care as it's in our blood. THANKS …. LUCKY
Please keep these phone numbers handy!!!!! GWEN CAHILL
4770 7540 / 0427 074 816
4770 7356 / 0412 965 535
0402 084 588
These carers are all Balgal Beach residents, members of Nth Qld Wildlife and are all Volunteers. Each of the three can assist with any native wildlife !!!
Hi to all from the girls in the Op Shop, we would like to say thanks again for the wonderful donations handed in to the Op Shop last month. Money made goes to the RTC for the bus to town and many other tasks that require funds. This month so far has been quite good and now need more donations of clothing and knick-knacks. My girls and I will be so appreciative. People travelling through have stated that this is a top Op Shop and more like a boutique which says a lot. Some have travelled from as far away as Forrest Beach. The word is out within the Grey Nomads and they are turning up in droves. The Op Shop now has a phone and can be contacted on 47 707 153 at anytime between 9am - 3pm Monday to Friday. The Op Shop is open on Market days from 9am - 12pm. So come along all and you will be surprised of what is available in the clothing side. The clothing racks are always being added to and rotated as new items come in………….Margie (Manager) P 21
ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) $100.00 Half Page (18 x 13cm) $80.00 Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) $50.00 Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) $15.00 Classifieds (up to 20 words) $10.00 Flyers/Inserts $80.00 Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or
RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE • Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers. Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST) Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) Room Hire 1/2 Day $5.50 (incl. GST) Evening $5.50 (incl. GST) Important document scanning $5.00 Centrelink Access Point Centrelink provides phone, fax and photocopier for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. If you want to make a claim or an enquiry please come and make use of the services available through the Access Point. You can also do small amounts of Medicare business.
RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.
P 22
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Another month of service by Lions to our community, with some of the highlights being:-
Support to the Northern Beaches Festival “Car Show” at Bluewater Continued our “Cook’s Night Off” Wednesday night barbecues at the Rollingstone Beach Caravan Resort Installed a further concrete pathway for a local family – he is a Vietnam Vet and it really was a pleasure to be able to help this gentleman who has given so much of himself in service to our country Had a visit to, and guided tour of, the new Ywam (Youth With A Mission) Medical Ship currently berthed in Townsville. Our Lions Club has been a regular supporter of the old existing vessel which is currently in PNG providing health services to the villages and communities which are only accessible by boat. The new ship will increase their capacity by 600% Lions Ian Dow & John Muller also supported the RSL with Vietnam Veterans Day commemorations, with Dowie also supporting our Lions International Youth Camp for a week at Lions Camp Kanga near Proserpine. Seems he now realises that he is not as fit as he used to be – hard work keeping up with a whole bunch of 18-20 year olds from right around the world.
On Saturday 16th August we were also very privileged to be asked to provide catering support to a fundraiser at Yabulu to support Matty Turner – a young 17 yr old lad who was seriously injured earlier this year in a motor vehicle roll-over. Matty was a passenger in the vehicle and as a result of his injuries he is now a quadriplegic, however he has a very positive outlook on life and a strong support team to help him through this difficult period in his life. Really reinforced one of our Lions Code of Ethics – “To aid others by giving my support to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substance to the needy.” Our efforts resulted in a sizeable donation to his fund and will assist with his on-going rehabilitation. Last month we welcomed new members John & Rhonda Gurd into our Lions Club, and already they have been active participants in our Lions projects. We wish John all the best with his upcoming knee operation. As this article goes to press, Lion Shirley & I will be in Adelaide where I will be a presenter at several sessions of our Lions ANZIPACIFIC Forum. Our Constitutional Area includes Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia and PNG, and is an ideal way for Lions from these countries to meet and learn more about Lions and our humanitarian programs. We look forward to meeting up with those intrepid Lions travellers Jan Fennell and John Holiday who have now reached SA on their trip south. Elsewhere in the Rag ( page 25) you will find advice of the joint Lions/RADCA sponsored fundraiser – “Longest Dinner Table” to be held on Saturday 8th November - and will greatly assist our local Disaster Management Group in their efforts to purchase an “All Terrain” vehicle to assist them in their duties. We will provide full details following the completion of the Pineapple Festival. Talking of the Pineapple Festival, we need many young, strong hands on Saturday Morning 6th September to assist erect the large RADCA Marquee and several other smaller ones. Anyone (male or female) who can assist will be most welcome. Start time is 8.30 am, with morning tea provided. The arrangements for the Pineapple Festival are now almost complete, and an action packed day of fun and entertainment supported by good food, licenced bar, Markets and games for young and old alike is guaranteed. Hope to see many participants in the Parade to start the day, and please stay and enjoy the day’s activities with us. Till next month, take care, and if you can – give a little of yourself to help your local community. Lions do just that - would you like to be a part of us? Just give me a call on 0407 114687 John Muller - President
PLAYGROUP Welcome to Playgroup Term 3. What a start to term 3 - we have been very busy. I would like to say a BIG “Thank You” to everyone that helped out while I was away in Melbourne. For those of you that don’t know I went down there for a conference about mobile services. I had a great time down there talking with others that do a similar role, and got some insight into the world of mobile services. We do a fantastic job on limited funding and resources. We have been on excursion. We went to Saunders Beach and had a fantastic time. What a great place! We also ventured into Launch Zone and got our bounce on. We all had a great time, if you have never been to either place go check them out. Guaranteed the parents and children will have a ball. This term will have also been “getting to know our local community”. We have joined 2 of our local schools by hosting playgroup there once a month, and what a exciting time we are having. The kids are really enjoying the change. We meet at our local schools on the 3rd Tuesday at Bluewater State School and the 2nd Thursday at Rollingstone State School each month. We have also teamed up with Bunnings Warehouse and they have hosted some of our playgroup sessions at our centres and we have travelled for some of our sessions to Bunnings Warehouse North Shore. Memberships are due now. Please fill in a new membership form and media consent form and return it to me A.S.A.P. Membership is still $20 a year and only $3 a session for a family. Let’s go have some fun. Till Next time keep playing……………...Nicole P 23
Local Characters
By Rolly Polly
Gloria Bowgett is a long time resident who is a common sight walking her little dog Rodney on the beach and I have heard that he loves to swim in the river. Q: Gloria, don’t you worry about Rodney swimming in the river? A: No he just races down there and plunges in. I don’t think he knows about ‘Snappy Tom’. Q: So how did life start off for you? A: I was born to teenage parents (lots were in those days). We lived on farms and moved seventeen times in seventeen years! I preferred to work in the paddocks with my dad. Unfortunately I didn’t spend much time learning domestic things and by the time I married I couldn’t even boil an egg. After school I worked in offices and did some part time modelling. Q: I have heard that you have partied with the Royals. A: Yes but probably not the Royals you are thinking of. My husband played representative masters hockey which took us to seventeen countries. In Malaysia the Royal family threw a reception for us. The young prince, in his early twenties, danced with all the ladies, me included. He was gorgeous, like a young Kamahl. We made great friends all over the world through hockey. Q: Gloria, pretend you are having a dinner party. Out of all the people in the world dead or alive who would you invite? A: Oh perhaps Nelson Mandela for inspiration, Ava Gardner for her beauty and charm and lets throw in Peter Cook and Dudley Moore for a few laughs. Q: Lastly if you came back as an animal, what would you like it to be? A: Mmmm there are so many wonderful animals in the world. If I had to choose I think I would be a cat. They are independent and survivors. Those things are important to me.
P 24
Rollingstone And District Lions Club Inc
Rollingstone And District Community Association Inc
MAJOR FUNDRAISER –“ROLLINGSTONE’S LONGEST DINNER TABLE” SATURDAY 8th NOVEMBER 2014 @ PACE PARK As all residents are now aware, our Local Disaster Management Committee under the leadership of Sergeant Brad Gough is actively seeking financial support to assist with the funding of an “All Terrain” vehicle to be held by the local Group and used locally in case of emergency in our local area. The projected cost of this vehicle is $28,000. Following discussion with Sergeant Gough, the Rollingstone and District Lions Club together with the Rollingstone And District Community Association have agreed to join forces and stage a major fundraising event where all members of the community can come together to support this fantastic initiative. Through the Australian Lions Foundation Matching Community Grant Scheme, we also believe that if the community through the involvement of Lions can raise half of the funds (i.e. $14K), then we should be able to finalise a grant for the remaining funds to acquire this vehicle. Family Fun Afternoon on Saturday 8th November 2014 at the Community Centre which will incorporate a monster Barbecue Dinner Table, entertainment, novelty games, raffles, licenced bar etc. Full details will be advised in due course, and we now invite everyone to:• Lock this date in your Diary • Encourage your Club/ Group’s involvement • Consider how you might participate/support the day • Ideas for the successful conduct of the event And – did you know – according to the Guinness Book of Records, the current record for the World’s Longest Dinner Table was set on 27/7/2013 at Zabbar, Malta – at 359 metres. So, come on Rollingstone and our neighbouring communities, let’s give this record our best shot by supporting this initiative which will see a very important piece of equipment purchased for our Local Disaster Management Group. John Muller & President Rollingstone And District Lions Club
Sue Von Wald President Rollingstone And District Community Association
It does not seem like it, but FROSTY MANGO is now
years old
The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.
We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00 pm P 26
Natures Notes - Roy Mackay While on my recent trip to Britain, I saw various birds, including the Black Swan, an Australian bird, and wondered if any of them were migrants. No, the Black Swan is not a migrant but was taken to England on early settlement ships. Most of the migrants in England might be called vagrants for they only move away from settled areas or up to the Arctic tundra to nest. A few birds migrate to Africa. Many of our birds do a North/South migration and breed communally. When people of Rollingstone/Balgal go to the beach to swim or fish or sunbake, they often see wading birds such as Stints, Sandpipers, Curlews, Knots or Greenshanks running away from them along the shoreline. Most of those birds you will not see in our Winter. But, just think of those wading birds that do migrate. They leave our shores in April-May to fly north to eastern Asia, Siberia, Mongolia and Lake Baikal and arrive in their Spring-Summer to breed. Then in August-September they fly back to the particular part of the Australian coast they left earlier. Wow! A lifetime of Summer. Only one of our Petrels (Shearwaters), the Wedge-tailed Shearwater passes the Balgal Beach. Another Petrel, the Short-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris), nests on the Bass Strait islands in millions. The main migration of these birds, after breeding, takes off in AprilMay. Large flocks leave the islands and fly NE past the north coast of New Zealand and across the Pacific Ocean to the California coast and on to Alaska and the Bering Strait and islands. They spend the northern Summer there. In August-September they then form flocks to fly down past Japan and southwards past the Solomon Islands and come to the Australian coast near Brisbane and back to their breeding grounds in Bass Strait. Fascinating! Roy Mackay
Open at: 26 Mystic Avenue When we are at home [look for truck and signs] Or call to make arrangements
Paluma In the Clouds..Colwyn Campbell Your usual correspondent, Les Hyland is still away, enjoying his holiday in Ireland so again I have the pleasure of deputising for him. Paluma was host for one of the events of the recent Northern Beaches Festival, an Art and Craft Exhibition, which was held on 27th July. The weather was perfect and the many visitors enjoyed walking among the ten or so stalls on the Village Green, admiring beautiful hand -crafted items created from crafts such as lead-lighting, wood-turning and quilting. Hand-made soap, jewellery crafted from Australian gemstones, crocheted and knitted items and home-baked cakes were also very popular. Barbecued sausages and plenty of other foods were available throughout the day and the cooks were kept busy. Inside the Paluma Hall visitors admired the exhibition of paintings by local artists. These were on display in the hall until the following weekend and attracted a small but steady number of visitors each day. A finale to the week’s events was a sausage sizzle on the 2nd August. Thanks go to all those who contributed to the success of ‘the days on the mountain’. Some of you may have seen on television news recently, a film clip of a car accident on the Mount Spec – Ewan Road, in which a car driven by a local resident was hit head-on by a vehicle travelling down the Range on the wrong side of the road. The accident was captured by a dash-cam in the local person’s car, was sent to social media where it went viral and eventually found its way to the television news channels. This accident had the potential to be fatal and the incident highlights an issue that has been of concern for some time: safety on the Range road. Nearly all of us have experienced near misses and minor scrapes on this road: being forced into the side by large vehicles such as buses or trucks which overlap into the oncoming traffic lane or simply by cars being driven too fast and cutting corners. The Range road is not a bad road. Local people drive it with the respect and caution it deserves but how do you educate other drivers that this is a two-lane road to which a speed limit applies! Anyone can demonstrate his/her driving skills by slaloming like a rally driver at high speed round the many curves but a really good driver takes into account what may be approaching around the next blind curve. Most so-called accidents are preventable. They are due to carelessness, recklessness, selfishness and the belief that road rules apply only to others. We love our village and want to share its natural treasures with visitors and not have their visit marred by a bad experience on the road. We urge all drivers – do take care on the road. Be aware of who or what may be around that next curve. Sometimes it may not be another vehicle but a fallen tree, a rock or even, if you are lucky, a cassowary. Keen gardeners are planting and tending their gardens in preparation for the Garden Competition which will be judged on 12th September. Sufficient rain has fallen to keep lawns reasonably green, flowering plants are bursting into bloom and many bulbs are now poking leaves up above the soil so, in spite of the depredations of the brush turkeys which roam like a plague force in the village and the pigs and cattle which invade the acreage blocks, Paluma should look very colourful within a few weeks. Our next Market Day will be on Sunday, 5th October. Please keep the date in mind and enjoy a day on the mountain. P 27
P 28
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. Lot 1 Community Cres, Mystic Sands 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, P.O. Box 35 Rollingstone Qld 4816 COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGER Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 322 e-mail:
AMBULANCE C/o Black River Station
4778 6033
BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB INC. President Faye Thomson 4770 7616 Secretary Joan Ruddick 4770 7006 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB
4751 6511
FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB INC. President Garry Luff 47707008 Secretary Ros Green PLAYGROUP North Townsville Community Hub
COMMUNITY HALL PHONE (M-F 9AM-3PM) 47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact: Janine Jones 0407882009
POLICE 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) OIC Brad Gough A/Snr Constable Darren Haggarty
PALUMA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION President Lynn Hyland 4773 7675 Vice President Colwyn Campbell 4770 8559 Secretary Michael Drew 0428 779 302 Email: Treasurer John Tubman ROLLINGSTONE RSL President Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043 Secretary Rhonda Coulson 4770 7058
RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White
4770 7348 4770 7619
ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT SENIORS INC. President Cheryl Pearson Secretary Claire Spittler
47707027 47707258
S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson
13 2500 4770 7498
ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Principal Kacey Constantine
47707 313
ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL P & C President Margaret Card Secretary Bob Zander
4770 7860 4770 7331
MUTARNEE STATE SCHOOL Principal Lydia Jamieson
4770 8131
47715 411
4770 7285
ANIMAL CONTACT NUMBERS Animal Refuge Animal Ambulance (after hours) RSPCA Inspection Straying Stock National Parks & Wildlife Service N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue Margaret Preston (Vet) JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Nellie Berra After 4pm Chris Martin
47707510 0407114687
4774 5130 4774 5130 4774 4714 4773 8411 4721 2399 0414 717 374 4770 7540 0403 262 212 47707 352 B/H 47707 855
Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week
Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards
Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470
⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce
⇒ ⇒ ⇒
Eggs Bananas Pineapples
Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham
Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon
PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist
NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly
Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions
Looking forward to helping you soon!
Rosco, Olga, Sara, Tanya and Simone PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470
Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 30
SEPTEMBER 2014 Sunday
Monday 1 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards 7pm - AA Meeting
Tuesday 2 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping Morning Melodies RADCA AGM 7.30pm At hall
7 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church BBBLC BBQ 5pm
14 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 6.30pm Beaches Church
8 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards
9 Lions Club 7pm at the Hall
7pm - AA Meeting
15 9am - Line dancing
Wednesday 3 9-12 Indoor Bowls Rasmussen Seniors Visiting
10 9-12 Indoor Bowls Seniors Sports Day
11 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping
9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall
9am Cards
17 9-12 Indoor Bowls 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 9.30 Sue Blom at RTC 7pm at HQ SES TRAINING
22 9am - Line dancing
7pm - AA Meeting
28 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 6.30pm Beaches Church
29 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards
23 Lions Club 7pm at the Hall
9 am - Cards
1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm - AA Meeting
Play Group 9.30am
21 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
4 9am Cards
9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall
9 am - Cards
7pm - AA Meeting
24 10am Seniors Expo RSL Stadium 9-12 Indoor Bowls 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm at HQ SES TRAINING
Friday 5 Zumba Gold 9am 11am-1pm Computer literacy with TCC A Musical Morning 10.30 am Community Hall
Saturday 6 Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm BINGO 1.30
12 Zumba Gold 9am
13 Pineapple Festival 9.30am
18 8-3pm Community Bus shopping Visiting Vet Margaret 9-12 Hall 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup held at Rollingstone Primary School
19 Zumba Gold 9am
20 Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm
25 8 to 3pm Community Bus shopping
26 9am Zumba Gold
Play Group 9.30am
Nth Beaches Seniors Luncheon at Bluewater
9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup
Fishermans Landing Fishing & Social Club BBQ 6pm