September 2021 Rollingstone Rag

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 21


Free official newsletter of the

Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated AED (Defibrillator) available at Fisherman’s Landing for Public use Rollingstone Rag, September 2021



COVER: Bushy Parker Park, Courtesy of Peter Taylor THE ROLLINGSTONE RAG: Is a free publication produced by the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated with news and information for residents and visitors to Rollingstone, Balgal Beach, Mystic Sands, Crystal Creek, Paluma, Mutarnee, Bluewater, Toomulla and surrounding suburbs in North Queensland, Australia. EDITOR: September Edition: Jennifer Greene EMAIL: TEL: 47707 799 ONLINE: docs For permission to reprint any part of this publication, contact the editor. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated.

The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher).

The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published.

The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced

The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that

Rollingstone / Balgal Beach Rainfall Report @ 26 August 2021



Advertising is like exercise, the more you do it the better your results!


11.7mm 1572.9mm 7



The Rag is a great place to advertise and is very cost effective. You can provide your ready-made file or we can design an Ad for you for a small fee! For more information or to discuss your Ad, please call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email: or

Half Page

Quarter Page


(18 x 26cm)

(18 x 13cm)

(9 x 13cm)

(9 x 6.5cm)




incl GST

incl GST

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


MINIMUM TEMP 8o 5 AUGUST Local Weather Station Information at:

Fu l l Page

incl GST

without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher.


$25 incl GST Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours in the mailbox located at the end of veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Please make sure your name and details are on the envelope.

Classifieds (up to 20 words)

$10 incl GST

Flyers / Inserts*

$120 incl GST


EQUIPMENT HIRE RATES The Community Association has the following items available for hire. All prices include GST.

RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access ............................ $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school projects and FREE for Job Seekers.

Tables ........... $5.50 each Chairs ............ $0.55 each Eskies ................................................ $11.00 each Cold Room* per day or part thereof .......... $55.00 Chip Cooker* per day or part thereof ........ $15.00 Cold room, Bain Marie and Chip Cooker are fixtures

Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided ........................................ .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided ...................................... .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original .................... .05¢ / page A3 Single Sided ........................................ .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided ...................................... .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .................... .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 ................ .50¢ / page Printing from Computer Black & White .......................................... .20¢ / page Colour ............................................. $1 / page Scanning & Printing (B&W). ................................ .50¢ / page Fax

First page ................................... $1.10 incl. GST) Consecutive pages ............................ $0.55incl. GST)


Business Card .............................. .50¢ A4 ............................. $1.10 (incl. GST) A3 ............................. $2.20 (incl. GST)

Room Hire

1/2 Day ......................... $20 incl. GST) Evening ....................... $20 (incl. GST)

Important document scanning

Cots and high chairs, wheelchairs, over-toilet seats and walkers available for loan at no charge.

HALL HIRE Price on application All large functions .................................... $330.00 (includes the use of all hall facilities with the exception of cold room and chip cooker)

Note: Pick up of hire tables and chairs is between 8am and 2pm Monday to Friday only unless by prior arrangement with staff. For more information regarding the Hall and

............................... $5.00

CENTRELINK ACCESS POINT AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. To make a claim or an enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available through the Access Point. Limited Medicare services also available.

PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your gate. Call Chris at the Community Centre on 47707 855 to arrange. Collections are available weekly on Thursdays only. COST is only

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021



ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION To find out what’s happening in the Community. Like and follow us on Facebook where you’ll find all the up to date information.

THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre

Monday to Friday


VISITING VET PROTOCOL The Community Association requests that when attending the vet clinic at the Community Centre, that you please take a seat and wait your turn regardless of the nature of your visit. It has come to our attention that on several occasions certain people have queue jumped as they say they are only wanting scripts filled for tablets. Please be advised that many of those patiently waiting are also only wanting scripts filled.

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!

$2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people.

INDOOR CARPET BOWLS At The Community Centre Wednesday Mornings 9-11.30am only $2.50 This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & all age groups. Just turn up and see how much fun you will have!

membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre…….Phone: 4771 5411


Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris or Mark at the RTC. SEPTEMBER REMINDERS Balgal Beach Markets—4 Sept BINGO—11 Sept @12.30pm Op Shop open every Saturday (912pm) Vet—16 Sept Mobile Library—8 & 22 Sept see pg. 26 Grief & Loss Support—21 Sept See pg 19 Bubbles & Brushes—23 Sept See pg 31

BALGAL BEACH MARKET Lots of Stalls Next Market SATURDAY 4th SEPTEMBER 2021 8am–1pm The Esplanade, Balgal Beach

Thursday, September 9th @ 9am

Sunday 5th September Rollingstone Rag, September 2021




All Emergency Calls (including Police, Fire, Ambulance and for reporting fallen powerlines)


Townsville Local Disaster Management Group Local Disaster Coordination Centre (only activated during declared emergencies)

1800 738 541

Townsville State Emergency Service (SES) - Tarping/Branches down

13 25 00

Queensland Police Service - Police Link (Non life-threatening calls)

13 14 44

Queensland Ambulance Service (Non lifethreatening calls)

13 12 33

Townsville City Council (includes Emergency After Hours, Flood information, Dengue outbreaks, Sun safety information)

13 48 10

Ergon Energy—Loss of Supply and Emergencies

13 16 70


BE FIRE AWARE and BE PREPARED Help Keep our Community Safe Stay up to date with current fire restrictions:

Origin Energy—Natural Gas and LPG Gas Emergencies - leaks only

1800 808 526

North Regional Gas—LPG Gas Emergencies

07 4774 5111 or https://


13 22 03

Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone/Hencamp: Raymond Pace: 4770 7285 / 0427 116 604


13 13 44

Fire Warden: Rob Pratt: 0407 634 361

Townsville Hospital and Health Service

07 4433 1111

Department of Transport and Main Roads (Road Closures)

13 19 40

Translating and Interpreting Service

13 14 50

Call from anywhere in Australia—24 hours/7 days

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


Social Distancing

Please be advised that all groups and events at the R&D Community Centre are held under strict COVID-19 & Social Distancing Rules

2,9,16,23,30 Sept

Notch Mobile Playgroup 9:30am at the hall.

7:30am Catholic Mass at Com/Centre

16 September

9am Margaret the Vet - Text 0403262212

Check Diary for days and times

Linedancing, Indoor Bowls, Weight Circuit, Monday & Thursday Cards, Craft, Board Games

16 September

7.00pm RaDCA AGM at Community Hall Rollingstone Bus – Each Thursday – leaving the hall at 8am – bookings essential.

4 September

Balgal Beach Market 9am-12pm

2,9,16,23,30 September TBC 19 September

9 September

Peta Hairdresser @ RTC (only once a month now)

21 September

9.30am Grief & Loss Peer Support Group

1pm Bingo @ Community Hall

23 September

7pm Bubbles and Brushes

11.30am Mobile Library (two bin day)

30 September

Mask painting – School Holiday Activity

Every Sunday

11 September 8 & 22 Sept

The Masquerade Mask decorating workshop is going ahead again for the September holidays – of course COVID restrictions permitting. You will need to book your children’s spot. Call Chris or Mark on 47707855. There has been a generous amount of Children’s books donated to the Centre over the years. We are now offering those books for free to the families in the District. The books can be collected from the Community Hall. The first Grief and Loss Peer Support meeting went very well on Tuesday. We had a good number come along and there were many experiences shared within the group. An important statute of the group is: – What is said or happens in the group stays in the Group. Confidentiality is so important. It is ok if you do not wish to share your story, just being among people who have lived experience and some understanding of what you are feeling or experiencing can be so helpful. Some times the learnings of others may resonate with you when you need it most. Our next meeting will be 9.30am 21 September at the Community Hall. Thank you to Suzi V for excellently hosting the group on Tuesday – and the morning tea was lovely and plentiful. Thanks to Alec for taming the hedges at the Centre and Angie and the rest of the gardening crew for spraying, weeding, pruning and moving the cuttings away. The Bush Tucker Garden has taken another step forward with an excursion to Project Plants at the Bohle and Landcare Nursery at Rowes Bay. Some BT plant purchases have been made along with Bird and Butterfly attracting plants. We were also invited to visit St Benedict’s School where Ngaire (the School’s Environmental Consult) took us on a tour of the Bush Tucker garden, established in the land behind the school. Ngaire also proudly showed us around the environmental projects the school has underway. Different environmental projects are assigned to each grade; such as Butterfly gardens, wetland pond, vegetable gardens, looking after the chooks and bees, recycling of food waste and containers and so much more. Thank you Ngaire, for showing us your work, your dedication and enthusiasm is very much evident in all your projects. St Benedict’s has such a vibrant atmosphere that one began to think it would be Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

Acrylic painting workshop

lovely to be in primary school in this day and age. (Showing my age – I know). CHANGES TO EMERGENCY RELIEF FOOD BOXES DISTRIBUTION - We have been advised by Sandra, Manager, North of Townsville Community Hub (NoTCH) changes are taking place with regards to how Emergency Food Relief Boxes will be distributed in the Rollingstone/ Balgal Beach area. 1. When approached for Food Relief at the Community Centre, RTC staff will direct you to contact/ call NoTCH on 47516511 for an initial assessment. 2. This will be followed up by on site delivery of support BY APPOINTMENT ONLY on Thursdays from 11.30am12.30pm at the Rollingstone Community Centre. NoTCH to schedule these appointments. 3. If this is not suitable, clients are welcome to come to NoTCH for immediate support Monday to Friday 9am3.30pm. Please note: NoTCH is the lead organisation managing funding for Emergency Relief, should you have any concerns regarding these changes, please express your concerns/ enquiry directly to NoTCH on 47516511. Due to popular demand – Bubbles and Brushes is on again at the Community Centre at 7pm 23 September. The crew from A@RT are hosting the evening with all proceeds being contributed to the running of the Art Expo in October. A@RT will bring the paints and brushes - BYO bubbles, munchies, fun and laughter. We are still waiting TCC Approval confirmation for funding for the Introduction to Acrylic Painting Workshop to be held on 19 September. This workshop will be extensively advertised if and when confirmation is received. To all those celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, any type of celebration – have fun and enjoy. Otherwise in the words of Mark Twain - "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." Look after yourself….…’re the only one who can. Cheers Chris 7

Seniors Enquiry Line is a state-wide information and referral service for Queensland seniors, families, friends, grandparents and carers. We can help you with concessions, social activities, household assistance, retirement accommodation, financial and legal matters, health, education, transport and many other issues. Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

Supporting Queensland Grandparents

The service was set up by the Queensland Government Department of Communities to support grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. For more information visit:. 8

INGHAM MEALS ON WHEELS for your community with your community Meals on Wheels is a Community Service to people who are frail, aged, disabled, recovering from hospitalisation, a major illness, surgery, or who are unable to prepare a meal or shop for themselves. The purpose of the meals service is to assist people and enable them to live comfortably in their own homes. Our Service includes soup, main course and dessert. An alternate option, is offering of a frozen meal selection, which would be based in your community and could possibly be delivered to your door. We deliver healthy meals to clients' homes to not only ensure their nutritional requirements are being met, but to provide regular social contact and a friendly check to see all is well. The Community spirit that defines Meals on Wheels encompassing respect, care and teamwork is shared between clients, volunteers and staff, who keep the service running from cooks to drivers, coordinators, administrators to fundraisers. Helping people to stay in their homes is at the heart of what we do. Meals on Wheels clients pay a fee for each meal delivered to their door. Every effort is made to keep meals as affordable as possible, particularly as many recipients are on a pension.

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Ingham Meals on Wheels 3 Gedge Street, INGHAM QLD 4850 Ph: 07 4776 3078 Email: Monday, Wednesday & Fridays 9:00am - 3:00pm

TOWNSVILLE DEMENTIAL SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS—WELCOME TO 2021 DATE: 2nd MONDAY OF EACH MONTH TIME: 11:15am – 12:30pm LOCATION: Heatley Community Centre (Cnr Fulham Road & Lindeman Avenue, Heatley) Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

If you would like to know more about dementia or the support group phone Eileen on 0410 039 692 MORNING TEA PROVIDED COST: $5.00



BALGAL BEACH MEDICAL PRACTICE 104-138 Mystic Avenue Balgal Beach

Tel: 47707 244 Fax: 47707 100 Email: Monday to Friday 8.00a.m. to 4.00p.m. Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8.30am to 1pm Tel: 07 4778 6444 OR you can book ONLINE via our website General Practitioners and Allied Health Services

FLU & COVID-19 VACCINATIONS AVAILABLE NOW. Appointments are necessary. Attending Doctors: Dr Vladimir Hasa Dr Olga Hasa Dr Diana Hopkins Dr Lucia Rajnoch Dr Clyton Banya

Allied Health:

Physiotherapy - Free Movement Physio Dietitian - Fuel your Life

Pathology: Wednesday 8.30am-12noon

At Balgal Beach Medical Centre Every third Saturday of the Month

18th September 2021

For all other appointments and dental emergencies, we welcome you to your dental home at MYTOOTHDOCTOR TM Family, Paediatric and Special Care Dentistry Bushland Beach Medical Centre and Aitkenvale Family Health Centre). T 07 4751 8999 Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater

Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy

Healthsave Pharmacy

114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816

2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818

PH: 07 4770 7400 FAX: 07 4770 7399

PH: 07 4778 6233 FAX: 07 4778 6733 8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday 8.30am – 1pm Saturday

8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday CLOSED—SATURDAY & SUNDAY

FREE Blood Pressure Checks

*Hire Equipment

Blister Packaging for your medicines

*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies

*Full Prescription Service

*Ear Piercing

*Delivery available for those in need

*Faulding Vitamins

MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)

Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee). Easy parking available

Health Topic of the Month What is Asthma? People with asthma have sensitive airways in their lungs which react to triggers.

Asthma well managed = a full and active life. Keeping control of your asthma means: • You have symptoms on no more than two days a week

When people react to these triggers it causes a “flare-up” to the muscles around the airway. The airway squeeze tight, the airways swell and become narrow. These things make it harder to breathe.

• You need your reliever medicine no more than two days a week or not at all

What are triggers?

• Your activities aren’t limited by your asthma


• You don’t get any symptoms at night or when you wake up.

Cats, Dogs, Rabbits, Mice, rats and Guinea Pigs , Birds, Horses,

• Knowing what your triggers are and how to control them. Eg. Bushfires/ controlled burns – stay inside with the windows and doors closed, avoid exercise while smoke is in the air, leave the area for the day.

Sprays Deodorants, Strong scents, Perfume, Incense, Heating and Cooling

• Have an asthma action plan with written instructions from your doctor.

Overhead fans (dust on blades), Air conditioning (filters cleaned regularly), Evaporative and refrigerated air cons (increased risk of mould or house dust mites), Pollens and Thunderstorms

Asthma well managed = a full and active life.

Grasses, Weeds (which are wind pollinated). Trees

In an emergency please call 000

Thunderstorms asthma events are thought to be trigged by an uncommon combination of high grass pollen levels and certain types of thunderstorms resulting in large numbers of people developing asthma symptoms over a short period of time.

If you have any questions in regards to Asthma please contact your local Pharmacist.

Bushfires and Reduction Burns Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

The team at Balgal Beach Pharmacy 11


Enquiries to Sue— 041 000 8082


…. Thank you! Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


NEWS As a matter of interest and to explain what the Rollingstone Community Association is REALLY about, here is our Mission Statement which I’d like you to read and appreciate before you read further:

off once it is no longer effective. All you need is a bucket with some water in it and a rag - because that’s what someone else has to do on your behalf if it’s just left thereon ad infinitum.

The Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc. is dedicated to the development of a central facility for the benefit and use of the wider community - from tiny tots to seniors - to cater for the largest variety of interests possible: e.g. Family support, health, welfare, community and administrative services, educational opportunities, sporting groups, leisure activities, and special interests of all persuasions.

• Our Bus Trip to the Markets this past month was another

It's been a l-o-o-o-n-g time since we were a social organisation – new people to the district over many years formed their own special interest groups and we evolved into a form of service body. Our work load is considerable and those of us who work at the coal-face have little leisure time. All levels of Government demand many different requirements, so it’s full on most of the time. We still have our finger in the pie for a few annual events, but they’re no longer a priority as the community’s welfare and well-being are our main obligation. We endeavour to provide and be associated with some entertainment and manage to fulfil those obligations over the course of the year. • Maureen Ryan has suffered a Heart Attack and is presently

recuperating in hospital. Get better soon, Maureen, we miss you. • There is not big mobs of news this month. We’ve been

fully occupied doing stuff pertaining to the RTC and our future therein, along with other admin type stuff. Takes hours of time, along with many meetings. Life at the Community Centre is not just “froth and bubble”. It takes a lot of input to keep it all in order – and that’s basically what we’ve been doing! • During the month, in the event of the dissolution of the

LDMG, a group of us met to discuss the formation of a collection of people to act as a support to the Emergency Services in the event of a severe natural weather event. And so, the Rollingstone Disaster Support Group came to be. We have addressed this with the local Emergency Service personnel and they’re happy to have us picking up the ends that they’re too busy to attend to. We will be very much in the background, providing succour if at all needed, in the form of food, beds, bathing and washing facilities, and anywhere else untrained helpers can be of use. This unit will come under the auspices of the Community Association and contact regarding same will be Chris at the RTC on 4770 7855.

happy and enjoyable outing. And we might just try to do one more before Christmas. • We also took some members from the Garden Group

when we went looking for Bush Tucker type plants. Such an interesting day with much help from many very nice, helpful, and knowledgeable people. We learned a lot, spent some money and enjoyed each other’s company – and that’s what it’s all about. • Our first Grief and Loss get-together was a delight and

up to expectations. We have plans which fit the bill wonderfully well, albeit kindly/gentle and informative ones. Suzi V. is leading us and our Chrissie is there doing what she does best – everything - so we’re in good hands. Next meeting is for Tuesday, Septr. 21st and we would sincerely and confidentially love to have you join us if you feel the need. • Congratulations to our Chrissie who received the

National Medal First Clasp for volunteering with the Bluewater Rural Fire Brigade. • So, other than just a handful of entertainment

engagements, it mostly has been administrative tasks of reasonable (make that “gigantic”) proportions and working towards ends for the benefit of the Community Centre and our community per se. It’s a big job and it’s never-ending, which is why the adverse commentary (of which we’re never short) is hard to take at times. Try this with the kids – well, it’s so simple they can actually make it:

QUOTE: “I have noticed that in most societies/communities there are many who have “the little learning” which attaches infinite moment to a popular idea of any persuasion at any given time. Think about it………….”

Live well, love much, laugh often................ “Sancho Panza”

• It’s that time to ask AGAIN that if you post something

on any of our Roadside Notice-Boards that you clean it Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


KID’S MASK PAINTING WORKSHOP planned for THURSDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER 2021 Workshop: 9am to 11.30 am • Open to all school aged (Prep to year 12) ARTISTS • From Bluewater to Crystal Creek • Absolutely no experience required • All materials provided • Bookings essential by calling 47707855 • Gold Coin Donation WHAT TO WEAR AND WHAT TO BRING:

• The bringing of smiles and imagination – A MUST

• Bring or wear old cloths, or bring a large shirt or smock to keep clothes clean

• BYO drinks and snacks • Remember bookings are essential – call Mark or Chris on 47707855

Two buses have been booked for the day. All interested parties please contact Deb Calder on 47707474. Details to be discussed closer to the day. Register your interest early.

This is a joint venture presented by the Rollingstone Community Association and the Rollingstone Art Group



Great news for all those needing to get into the water and cool off with some fun and exercise after lockdowns and winter interrupting our fitness and social interaction! The wonderful staff and new management at the ROLLINGSTONE BEACH RESORT will welcome us back from the 5th October, 2021 to enjoy the delights of being able to exercise in the Resort pool and perhaps enjoy a coffee or two with some hearty laughs at the Resort Café after our workouts!


Tuesday and Friday’s at 9.30am in the water from 5th October will see us splashing, bobbing and generally enjoying ourselves once again. All levels of fitness are welcome, gentle water movement or a faster pace for those who wish, all you need is a smile, water bottle and a pool noodle to get you going. Looking forward to seeing some new faces and catching up with others. Please call 47707203 or 0417716366 for further information if required.

WILDLIFE CARERS ROLLINGSTONE, BALGAL BEACH AND SURROUNDS GAYE LOVELL: WALLABIES, KANGAROOS and BIRDS……4770 7356 / 0412 965 535 CHRIS GREEN: POSSUMS…………………………...……………………………..….0402 084 588 Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


THE ROLLINGSTONE SES GROUP URGENTLY NEED VOLUNTEERS!! Are you the type of person who takes a hands on approach to emergencies? The SES responds to many different types of activations as a result of disasters and emergencies. SES Volunteers are “ordinary people doing extraordinary things.” If you would like to help, we will find a way to utilise your talents and expertise. For more information Visit your local SES HQ training night (2nd & 4th Wednesday each month). Call your Local Group Leader to find out more on 0418 194 876 Council offers FREE MICROCHIPPING to registered pets once a month. The event takes place at the Animal Care & Adoption Centre.



Upcoming Dates: 22 Sept 20 Oct 17 Nov 15 Dec 9AM—2PM

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


Properties selling off market! Plenty of genuine buyers.

What a world we live in, things go from bad to worse. We have fighting going on overseas, we have the Covid pandemic, earthquakes, floods, bushfires and so it goes on but no-one learns from any of this. We have this thing about “to hell with everything else but ourselves!” We are destroying the very earth planet we live on and in doing so we are endangering all the native animals to every country affected by this. Just the other day there were children in Townsville and probably all over the world stoning and hitting an innocent mother bird sitting on her eggs. Yep I hear ya, boys will be boys or girls will be girls but in this enlightened age we live in who would allow their child to do this?? They have enough blood and guts on DVDs and games that their should be no need to take it out on a living creature. This female curlew had been subjected to several days of abuse from these kids (cant call them children) that she ended up nearly dead, in fact was

initially thought dead, over top of her eggs. Why are we human animals so cruel that we kill, maim and hurt for fun? These kids were not going to eat the bird or the eggs so why do it, oh yeah for FUN. I see destruction every where I turn, we take more land, as we have to have a bigger house, a bigger pool, a bigger garage, a shed. It goes on and on but we do not think of the animals, big and small, that had lived on that parcel of land for hundreds of years. We want, we take!! Animals run in front of cars, silly things, but they are not used to these things that go 130k an hour hurtling down the pathway they have crossed for centuries. Yep, animals fault, as we have the right to do and take whatever we like. Everywhere they are culling the over population of animals as their square metre has shrunk, why though is there over population of humans and they are not culled, heh? We are all animals. I think I must have had a bad week, my cheerful levels are at a low state, too many injured animals, too many injured humans as we just don’t think. She will be right mate, until it is not. Gaye Lovell, Wildlife Carer & Rehabilitation Balgal Beach & Surrounds

How To Report Animal Cruelty? If you have been witness to animal cruelty, neglect or abandonment, or have seen injured wildlife, please report a Cruelty Case online by completing our online Cruelty Form (best approach when an animal is injured, sick or neglected and requires attention, but it's NOT an emergency). If an animal is seriously injured, ill or trapped and requires URGENT attention please contact our Cruelty Hotline 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625) or 1300 852 188.



GAYE LOVELL: WALLABIES, KANGAROOS and BIRDS……4770 7356 / 0412 965 535 CHRIS GREEN: POSSUMS 0402 084 588 17

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

P 17

BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB NEWS G’DAY ALL, Our last meeting and BBQ night was also our AGM and it went very well and a very good committee was elected. A big thank you to last year’s committee, a job well done. PRESIDENT:………...BRUCE SMITH. VICE PRESIDENT:…..PETER CAHILL. SECRETARY:…………..KERRIE COCHRANE. TREASURER:………….LINDA CLEAVER. COMMITTEE:………..BERNICE, CHERYL and VANDA. PATRON:……………...KEN TURNER.

We played GOLF PUTTING and team two won. GAVE US ALL A FLOGGING. CONGRATULATIONS GUYS. Your new Committee will have a meeting as soon as possible, to sort out some exciting events for the future. Our next get together will be at Ken Turners place on 12thSeptember at 5.30 pm. We will have our usual SOUP AND STEW NIGHT with SWEETS. Always a great night . Please remember to bring your Plate/Bowl, Spoon/Utensils, Drinks and Chair.

With new faces our Club will be off to a new start. The BBQ cooks did a great job again. WELL DONE GUYS. Thank you. The ladies also excelled again. Just the best sweets makers. THANK YOU. YUMMY.

We will also be playing games and having lots of fun. Visitors are always welcome. Meals $10 a head, children under 12 are free. Members are always free. For enquiries about member ship, please phone LINDA on 0499343573. TOP LADY. Well no more news. We will see you all at KENS place on September 12th. STAY SAFE. Kindest regards from your Committee.

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB INC. Welcome, A big congratulations to our member Michelle Ambia and her husband Newman for the arrival of their son Hezekiah Merv, we are all hanging out for a hold of our youngest member of the community. A small number of our members/ partners have had short stay visits to hospital, we wish you good health and that’s just no excuse for getting out of doing the dishes. A shout out to those members of the community who are supporting our ‘BOB A Job’ with jobs around the house that are too small for a contractor. In fact, one client suggested we should promote it as a ‘Hire A Hubby’ and include things like window washing etc, sometimes they are just little things that can bug you because you cannot do it yourself. Giving us a call it’s a real win – win situation as your donations are being put to good use in strengthening our community, with projects like suppling an additional 10 student iPads to our school to ensure a high standard of education in our semi rural setting. The Lions have our revamped mobile cold room for hire. We can also hire out BBQS, however, we cannot hire out a Bar, but we could supply qualified bar staff. we can erect and hire out a large marquee and also keep in mind that Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

through the Community Centre, eskies, portable tables, and chairs are available for hire. The Community Centre can also take bookings for the Community Hall and the adjacent fixed cold room. Wouldn’t it be good to see Rollingstone/Balgal Beach become an attractive outside of Townsville event venue for weddings etc. All our service clubs including the Lions are in need of new members, if you are a new resident, we welcome you, or if you now have some spare time, please consider membership with the SES, the Rural Fire Brigade, or our Lions Club. All you need is a police check through a blue card application and a willingness to give a little of your time. The Pineapple Festival Committee had to make a difficult call to cancel this event again this year, the recent interstate increase of COVID and the uncertainty of further developments over the next few weeks was considered an unacceptable risk for our community. Shortly, we will call for Committee Members for our 2022 Pineapple Festival, with ideas to take this event to a new level. Cheers John Holliday – Lions Presiding Officer. Tel 0414808483 18

The purpose of the newly formed “Grief and Loss – Peer Support group” is to provide a supportive, friendly environment with others who “understand”. Although grief is unique for everyone there are some common aspects that are so beneficial to be able share. How many of us have “pretended to be ok” and say we are “coping well” around others when deep down this is not the case? How many of us have apologised for our tears when we shouldn’t?

“Grief is like an ocean, it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim” Vicky Harrison. The first monthly “Grief and Loss – Peer Support group” get together was held on 24 August with future dates to be decided. For more information contact Suzi on

0409 880 902

2nd Saturday of Every Month! Next Sitting — 11TH SEPTEMBER

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

Doors Open 12.30pm Eyes Down 1pm 40 Calls 19

FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB G’day everyone, and welcome everybody to this month's edition of the Rolly Rag Report for the Fishing Club.

Remember, you do need to be a paid up Member in order to vote, or to take on a Committee Position.

The last Friday Night BBQ held Friday 30th July wasn’t actually a BBQ, but a camp oven night. We had 11 camp ovens cooked up by our Cordon Bleu camp oven cooks; Graham Milliken, Garry Luff and Greg Sant.

Markets – Most recent markets were held Saturday 7th August. Again, a good day at the markets. The Fishing Club BBQ basically sold out again and feedback from stallholders in attendance was good.

They were absolutely brilliant – and it wasn’t just the cooking that made them so, but also the preparation by Di Greene, Moira Sharkey, Chris Maher and Vicki Fischer, who toiled for more than a day to make them all up.

MEMBERSHIPS – Annual Memberships are now due (as of 30th June) so I encourage you all to get your Memberships in to continue to take part in this vibrant Club and avail of the benefits of your Membership.

Then, when half a dozen pumpkins were delivered to Di, she cooked them up and we had mashed pumpkin to go with the mashed potatoes, corn and damper. The night was very well attended and I don’t think anyone went away hungry or disappointed.

Existing Members have been emailed a Membership form, there are Blank Forms at the Landing and we will have plenty of forms at the next Friday Night Function. Member for Hinchinbrook Fishing Challenge against Toomulla is currently under way. Get those fish photos into Gavin and see if we can win the Trophy back again. Many thanks to Nick Dametto, our Member for Hinchinbrook, who has again sponsored this event. Tales of woe:- I think President Graham needs to keep away from any machinery. Following a recent infected leg as a result of a nick by a chain saw, this week he was digging post holes with a trencher, buggered his hand and gashed his arm. Sounds like these sorts of jobs might be best left to volunteer members from the Club! We are still looking for a volunteer to take the Rolly Rag article job on – its not very time consuming – about half an hour a month—it wont be long and the current scribe will be away for an extended period - Covid permitting. Any interested parties could let Graham know on 0428 416060 or Kim on 0419 387 856.

The next Monthly Function will be the AGM on Friday Night 28th August, commencing at 6pm, where all positions will be vacated and a new Committee elected. There will be a BBQ at usual time of 6.30pm following elections. Anyone looking to catch the courtesy bus for the night, please ring Kim on 0419387856 to book a seat.

Check our Facebook page for up to date news at: Landing-Fishing -Social-Club-Balgal-Beach-Inc For more information regarding our club please contact Graham 0428 416 060 or email That's it for this month - tight lines and happy fishing. Spike

The Emergency+ App is a free app developed by Australia's emergency services and their Government and industry partners. The app uses GPS functionality built into smart phones to help a Triple Zero (000) caller provide critical location details required to mobilise emergency services. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play. Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB INC Wow wow wow what a fantastic month August was, and September is shaping up to be even as good. Welcome Cindy, the new Chef and her themed Saturday night feasts have been very popular and club is still getting well supported from not only the caravans near, but locals too. Early August event was Closed Club Championship over 2 days. Club champions Todd Small and Rebecca Logan showed the way for many to follow. Div 1 Gross Winner Jason Flynn, Runner Up Bruce Ferrett. Nett winner Keith Ruddick, Runner up Denis Cleaver Div 2 Gross Winner Phil Thompson, Runner Up Mick McMahon. Nett Winner Matt Farlow, Runner Up Ron Condren. Megan Jeffree took out Gross Runner Up. Nett Winner Teresa Jewel and Runner Up Rhonda Gurd.

Winners were: Best Cart - with My Little Pony, Ian Dow; Best Dressed - a new member and local, Narelle Luckie; Winning Team was Brian Wilson, Stuart Jones and Anja Devereaux; 2nd Place Greg Ryding, Graham and Therese Milliken; 3rd Place Phil and Sue Thompson and Bruce Ferrett. BEST DRESSED - A new member

What an outstanding and local Narelle Luckie (pictured fundraiser with with husband Glenn Luckie). $2,655 being raised via raffle, competition fee and donation . Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone! An amazing effort to a great cause.

SUNDAY 12th SEPTEMBER 10 am Ladies Hit and Giggle fun golf day is on.

The Club is also very happy to announce it has been chosen to host Men’s Pennants over the long weekend in October. Matches will be played Sunday and Monday with clubs from Hughenden, Mt Isa and Charters Towers to name a few. All wanting accommodation and boosting our local businesses so a great opportunity for everyone.

Entry is $20 and includes light lunch and 9 holes of fun . Golf clubs are available if needed. All ladies are welcome but booking are essential prior to September 10th to assist with catering.

Hoping to see you on the course or at the club in the coming weeks enjoying ourselves. Yes, we are the lucky ones and we should be all very thankful we can make the most of what we have available.


Remember hit ‘em long, hit hard and most of all have fun in the sun, Gurdie.

Breast Cancer Fundraiser

BOWLS REPORT What a month at the Mystic Sands Bowls Club with Thursday nights averaging 32 bowlers. One week we had 68, yes, 68 playing with 5 and 6 a team on 6 rinks. Lots of fun and some new bowlers surprised the experienced bowlers by winning the prizes.

Unfortunately we had low number in the ladies competition and we are hoping to introduce more ladies to club soon to have some fun.

BEST CART—Ian Dow with “My Little Pony”

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

The Breast Cancer Fun day held on the 22nd of August was well attended with players of all levels and from near and far, having fun and lots of laughs.

We had a Sunday afternoon competition where 4 teams competed. Some Smokey's amongst the campers, so they took all the vouchers and left the local stars penniless. It was a great afternoon. Competitions are most Sundays from 3 to 5pm. Register from 2.30. Upcoming events include Lions night in September and Leo's also in September. Watch Facebook for updates. If you want to learn to play, call the Club. Lessons can be booked anytime with senior bowlers. Remember "use it or lose it " - a great slogan! Til next month, good bowling. 21

Hello Families I met with staff yesterday to get an update as to when we can meet with the community again after our meeting about the long term drainage/ stormwater issues. See below an update, and as soon as I have any more information I will share. As discussed at the meeting, our first priority is getting the drains cleaned out properly PRIOR to the next wet season. Stormwater issues in Balgal Beach.- Update from Staff to myself 16th August 2021 As promised, I have now discussed the current status of the Balgal Beach and Rollingstone Flood Study (AECOM report) with the Strategic Planning Department. They have advised that they have received a copy of the draft report and provided comments on this. It is anticipated that the final report will be provided by the end of August. This report must then go through a peer review process to ensure that there are no critical issues or oversight by AECOM. This process is expected to take 2 to 3 months and timing will be heavily dependent on whether any issues or problems are identified.

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

Once this review process is finalised, the report will then be taken to Council for adoption. It is anticipated that this will not occur until early in the New Year. Maintenance Schedule and Cleaning of the Drains I have met with staff again and are still waiting or a clear maintenance plan, ( remember what was identified that some drains and information from the amalgamation was not brought over – drains have been missed) once I receive this and the maintenance completed, I will show the community. it is then I will meet with the community again to go through the steps moving forward. Thanks for your patience on this; it is documented, the Mayor is aware of the issues, senior council staff are aware, I WILL not let this go. Any concerns, you all have my number and email , and a reminder I don’t always read social media, Email or Phone is the best way to contact me. Many thanks all Cr Margie Ryder Councillor Division 1


How quickly this year is passing! Though, perhaps not so for people in other parts of the country whose activities have been so restricted thanks to Covid 19. After a mild winter, spring has announced its arrival with cool misty nights and warm, sunny days. New leaves burgeon on the forest trees: cascades of salmon pink and a hundred hues of green mingle with the daker tones of old growth. A callistemon is unfolding pale pink bottlebrushes and on the ground, the leaf- tips of hippeastrum lilies are poking through the earth. Birdsong seems more spirited and the calls of seasonal or migratory birds, not heard for nearly a year, join with the songs of locals. Currawongs swoop in, terrifying other birds, when food is put onto food trays. Sometimes, a currawong will be driven off by a group of lorikeets. Perhaps the bullies are afraid of the lorikeet’s strong beak which could snap a currawong’s leg. A working bee was held at the Village Green on 31st July. It was a case of many hands making light work. Fifteen or more residents weeded all the garden beds around the hall and picnic areas, spread a truckload of mulch over those and the Trees of Memory Garden and installed irrigation pipes. All done within two hours – it was a mighty effort. A delicious barbecue dinner followed. The Bureau of Meteorology has installed a rain gauge at the back of the Community Hall with PDCA responsible for taking daily readings. A roster system is being set up of people who will carry out this duty. The highlight of the month was on August 7th, when the crew of HMAS Paluma marched through the centre of the village, exercising their right to ‘Freedom of the City’. Their ship, the fourth of the name, was commissioned in 1989 and at the time was awarded the ‘Freedom of the City ’and the crew permitted to march ceremonially through Paluma. After 32 years of service, this ship has now been decommissioned and to honour its service, a re-enactment of the rite was carried out on 7th August. The ceremony was impressive, performed with the precision and discipline expected of our armed services; the crew and officers all in immaculate white uniforms.

A crowd of spectators turned out to watch the proceedings which followed a traditional form. At about 100 metres from the Community Hall, the assembled crew were inspected by Councillor Margie Ryder (normally this would be the mayor but Jenny Hill was in Covid 19 lockdown). As the crew set out to march toward the village centre, they were challenged by Tony Jacob, OIC Rollingstone. A Naval officer produced the ‘Freedom of the City’ permit, and the crew were then granted the right to continue the march, to the beat of two army drummers, to the village centre. Inside the Hall, Margie Ryder presented the Captain of HMAS Paluma with a scroll confirming the’ Final Right of Entry’. A copy of this was presented to the PDCA and will be included in our historic photo display. It was quite impressive to see some ‘pomp and circumstance’ in little Paluma. The concept of ‘Freedom of the City’ began in mediaeval times with the granting of ‘Freedom of the City of London’, when to be a ‘freeman’ was an essential requirement for all who wished to carry on a business or prosper in a trade within the square mile of the city. The connection between freemen and London’s government can be traced back to the Saxon folkmoot; public assemblies of the freemen of the town, shire or district. These functioned as both parliament and courts at different levels of society. The status of freeman was eagerly sought as it conferred privileges, (as well as obligations and duties), and protection under the charter of their own town, hence the term ‘Freedom of the City’. Guilds offered similar protection and obligations. Over the centuries the function has changed but the tradition is kept alive in the awarding ‘Freedom of the City’ to people who have achieved success, recognition or celebrity in their chosen field or who have given significant service to that city. Often a medal or plaque is given to symbolise the ‘Freedom’. It is interesting to reflect, that a tradition begun centuries ago in London, is still celebrated, even on the other side of the world in a tiny place like Paluma. The Paluma Historic Photographic display is open every Tuesday from11.00 am to 1.00 pm. Entry is free and visitors are welcome to browse and enjoy coffee, cake and gossip. Remember to check us out on our website, Keep safe, keep well. Colwyn Campbell

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


ROLLINGSTONE RSL Rollingstone RSL continues to operate as we do, providing member’s welfare and community engagement. We conducted a Vietnam Veteran’s Commemoration Service on 18th August (Wednesday) at the Balgal Beach Memorial. The service commenced at about 10.00 am and from there we conducted fellowship at the home of Rollingstone RSL; Mystic Sands Golf Resort. The service was attended by a smaller group than other commemorative activities, but did have a number of travellers who have included Vietnam Veteran’s Services at Rollingstone every year for a number of years now, which was fantastic. Along with local visitors and some of our members, we had about sixty people in attendance. The Committee has always maintained that if we have one Veteran who tells us they will attend, then we will conduct the service for the Veteran and all his comrades whether in attendance or not. We look forward to Remembrance Day in November (11th at 11.00 am) when we provide the bus to bring students from Rollingstone State School to the Commemoration, thanks due to the good offices of the Principal and staff. In reality, attendance by the students is in accordance with the curriculum for Grade 5

students, as part of their social studies learning program. I mentioned in our last article that our Secretary, Suzi will complete her appointment. Suzi has been a wonderful Secretary of the RSL for just over two years. Her time has included the most dramatic events including Covid in our short history of 21 years. Suzi leaves her post with the best wishes of the members and their regrets. Suzi has been simply inspirational in the conduct of her duties and support of the RSL. Fortunately, we haven’t lost Suzi from the organisation, just her role as Secretary. Suzi continues to enjoy her participation in the Friday nights at the Golf Club; selling raffle tickets and engaging with the crowd. Thank you, Suzi, from the bottom of our hearts for your achievements and support to the Rollingstone RSL. Rollingstone RSL continues to operate. If you would like to support the RSL on the Committee, volunteer on Friday nights, or assist us with commemorative activities, please contact the President or a committee member at any time and have a chat. Our contact details are in the Rag of course. I would like to thank our supporters from our community including the team at Mystic Sands Golf Club, without all your support our endeavours would be much more difficult to achieve. Ewan Cameron, President

Helpline. If you, or someone you know, needs support call Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling on 1800 011 046. It is a national mental health service that provides 24-hour free and confidential counselling, group programs and suicide prevention training for current and ex-serving ADF members, and their families... Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL A huge thank you to our P&C and all the community for supporting our school’s fundraising activities throughout the year. Camp was an incredible experience for everyone and a highlight for the year. Not only did we experience activities that some of us would never normally do, we are also now much closer as a group. The Screaming Race One of my favourite games was the screaming race. Why? Because we got to be loud, really loud, scream high pitched piercing screams. Normally we get roasted for doing this! On top of that, Mrs. B constantly says I’m a foghorn in class, so I was extremely confident of having the loudest and longest scream. The objective of the game was to see who could run the furthest while screaming as loud as possible. You could only use one breath. Everyone gave their best running scream but it came down to a couple of trusty professional foghorns for the final. To be honest, I ran out of room, making it across the whole oval while still propelling my beautiful high pitched musical screeching. Not only that, I managed to entertain everyone with my unique skill by doing 6 encores. Mia M. A.K.A Queen of the Foghorns. Archery The last activity on school camp was archery. Finally, my moment to shine! We wont talk about abseiling. Little did my group know, I have done some archery before. As the moment came and I heard my name called, I puffed out my chest and held the bow with confidence. I pulled back to its full power, then a little bit more for extra power and accuracy and aimed down at the small target. Just like Authur Morgan on my computer game, I breathed out slowly and ‘pew’, let it fly. Just like time had stopped, the arrow leapt out from the bow; only to my absolute horror, the arrow exploded in mid air. It bent, strained and snapped in half,

dead on the ground, bullseye untouched. I could not believe it, robbed by an arrow. It wasn’t till a lot later that I realised how cool that was. My muscle and extreme power caused an arrow to explode in mid flight. Now that’s something to boast about. The Mighty Anthony. Abseiling We woke up around 6:30 and started to get ready, I had a shower, dressed and walked through the cold morning

air to the meeting spot and sat waiting with the other kids. This was the big day. It would probably be the most fun activity but I was nervous and scared. I certainly wasn’t the only one. Abseiling had us all quaking in our boots! We walked to the hill and hiked up, up, and up, and up! With legs burning we kept climbing. Boy was it steep! At one point I tried to run and I stopped because my legs were pinging with pain. Freya our guide informed us that walking backwards up a hill helps. With little confidence we all tried. It certainly did work and even allowed us a rest on the ground! An amazing view at the top. I looked over the living hills and the glistening water and all the lush green growing environment. It is amazing what you appreciate when you don’t want to look down. We got our blue helmets on and tightened our harnesses. Really tight! Stepping backwards over the wall into nothing was an experience we will never forget. Absolute pure terror until the harness took your weight and you knew you were safe. It was awesome! Everyone braved up and had at least one go abseiling down. Many of the brave had more. It was an unforgettable experience for everyone. Brave Jarvis and Team

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL is looking for donations of every day materials for the students to create, build, experiment and play with at Rollingstone State School. We are asking you to have a look around your house and yard for any unused objects that the children could use outdoors. We only ask that these items are not sharp (including broken) or treated with toxic chemicals. They will be used in the sandpit most of the time so tough things like pots, pans and other kitchen items will be greatly appreciated. These items will help the children use their creativity and imaginations in endless ways. Please drop your items to the school house yard. Thank you in advance for your contribution. Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


Or the Rollingstone Community Office - 47707474

Time is marching on, isn’t it? Here it is mid-August and we are gearing up for our Exhibition. Opening Night October Friday 15th and, of course, all day on the Saturday (with the Car Boot Sale) and someone will be manning the hall on the Sunday morning as well. Calling all Sculptures and Potters – We are opening up a Category for Sculptures and Pottery art works in the Art Expo in October. No more than 5 pieces of work can be exhibited. Please call Rosa for more details. We were all very sorry that the Pineapple Festival had to be cancelled. Commiserations to the hard-working committee. It is a blow, but we know you will come back bigger and better next year. We are still waiting to hear if we are to receive a grant so we can have Anne Walsh give a workshop on Acrylic painting techniques– mooted for 19th September. Please keep an eye out on the Facebook pages, because I don’t think we’ll hear before this goes to press.

As many of you will be aware; by popular demand, we are adding an extra Bubbles Night on Thurs 23rd of September at 7pm, so get your name down now so you don’t miss out on an evening of relaxation and fun and a little something to take home with you as well. On closing let us wish those artists entering the Hinchinbrook Bird-life painting exhibition and competition good luck. Entry closes 4pm 3rd September. If you are interested in entering, there are more details here : Cheers from the A@RTeam

ROLLINGSTONE SENIORS The trip to Ingham for morning tea with Ingham Seniors is on 16th September. Lunch to be discussed at a later date. The bus will be paid by the Rollingstone Seniors and there will also be carpooling. The bus is full from people who attended the General Meeting on the 24th August at the Hall, so now we need to organise carpools. Rollingstone Seniors have donated $200 to the Rollingstone Lions to fund Breakfast at the Rollingstone School which is organised by our Lions and Rollingstone Junior Leos.

The Lions are there in the capacity of Supervisors and the Junior Leos will organise the breakfast tables which will include fruit juice, Strawberry Quick and Milo and milk smoothies for starters, then they will have cereal and cups of fruit which all put together by the Junior Leos. There will be pancakes with strawberries and bananas, Nutella, honey, maple syrup etc. and toast with toppings also. All the children at the school donate a gold coin for their breakfast which goes towards the Rollingstone School Chaplain fund. Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


8th & 22nd SEPTEMBER FREE WIFI now available from Mobile Library

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


9 Holiday Units from $100 per night

TRANSFER STATION Domestic Waste and Recyclables Only No Bulky Items No Furniture or Rubber Tyres



Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


Saturday & Sunday 7.30am - 4.30pm

“It’s nice outside, I think I’ll sit out on the patio” 207 mosquitos liked your post 28

0401 288 823

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


Hello Rolly Rag Readers, You might be aware that from the 16th to the 20th of August 2021 was Queensland Road Safety Week. With that in mind, it is an opportune time to write to you all about the issue of vehicles on our beaches, a topic that is continuously raised with us by residents and frequently discussed on local social media pages. In Queensland, vehicles can be driven on most beaches and it is in fact encouraged as a recreational activity by some local councils. Along our section of the coastline there are several maintained beach access points which have been created to allow 4WD enthusiasts access to the beach. One of the most popular access points is through the Clement easement track which is a part of the Paluma Range National Park located just to the south of Mystic Sands. This area is very popular with people from Townsville and Ingham wanting to explore, 4WD, camp, fish or simply ‘get away from it all’.

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

It is the responsibility of drivers to drive responsibly and to obey the law when driving along the coast. When beaches are accessible to vehicles, they are considered roads and all Queensland road rules apply. Drivers should not be accessing beaches through privately owned land or council land unless designated vehicle access is provided. Drivers must be licenced, vehicles must be fully road registered, occupants must be wearing seat belts. Drivers must watch out for, and give way to walkers, cyclists and horse riders. Vehicles can be driven along the beach if drivers are obeying the road rules, driving in areas they are permitted to and are not compromising community safety. If you witness an unregistered vehicle, an unlicensed driver, drink/drug affected driver, or a vehicle being operated dangerously please report it to Police link on 131 444 or if urgent 000. If you witness unauthorised vehicles driving on council land including the esplanade above high tide mark or damage to council property, please call the Townsville City Council on 134 810. If you witness damage to vegetation on a protected area, disturbance to native animals (shore birds, sea turtles etc) on a protected area or vehicles

driving through a protected area please call Department of Environment and Science / Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service on 1300 130 372. If you do witness any of the above behaviour please note as much information as possible including vehicle description, driver description, licence plate number, the location of the incident, time and date and if safe to do so take photographs or video of the incident. For more information on Queensland Road Safety Week, please visit https://

We encourage everyone to use the tips and tools to help us all stay more alert, share the roads and take extra care. The smarter we can be on our roads, the safer they will be for our friends, family and community. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Stay safe everyone. Brendan POWNALL Senior Constable Rollingstone Police Station


Feeling stressed, worried, concerned, distressed, sad, alone? Please know, that I can help you. Counselling & Therapy Services Dianne Leed

Counselling Therapist–Expert in Complexity AMHSW AASW MBS Ph: 04560851936

Practicing out of the RTC Rollingstone Community Centre

Feeling depressed, anxious, issues with coping? I can help. Contact Counselling & Therapy Services, for support. Treatment is provided for all Mental Health & personal concerns. Consider the opportunity to grow & develop. I believe in the uniqueness of the individual; to enhance your capabilities. To have a safe & confidential space, to be heard & supported, is to be authentic, heal & grow. Treatment, compassion respect & empathy is the essence of my practice as a Therapist. In person consultations are now available at the RTC Speak to your GP about services funded under Medicare. (Bulk Billing) Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


Office of Nick Dametto MP Member for Hinchinbrook Visit: 86-92 Herbert Street, Ingham QLD 4850 P: 07 4765 4700 | F: 07 4765 4709 |E:

Member for Hinchinbrook Interclub Fishing Competition One of the advantages to living in Hinchinbrook is the amazing fishing right on our doorstep, with the Palms and the Great Barrier Reef only a cast away.

perfect back drop for this season long competition and it’s an added bonus that were also home of the best fishing spots in the world, if you can’t catch a fish up here you might want to consider taking up golf.

If you love your fishing, I must recommend joining either the Toomulla Beach Fishing Club Inc. or the Fisherman’s Landing Fishing and Social Club Inc. which hold many club fishing days and social events throughout the year. The annual Member for Hinchinbrook Interclub Fishing Competition brings out the competitiveness of both clubs but more importantly brings the communities of Toomulla and Balgal Beach together for not only some great fishing but a chance to tell that tall story of the one that got away.

This year saw the competition run from August to September across the zoned area of Cardwell (north) to Cape Cleveland (south). The winners and winning club will be announced at the presentation night on Saturday 2 October.

The Hinchinbrook region offers the

Toomulla Beach Fishing Club Inc. and Fisherman’s Landing Fishing and Social Club Inc. for their efforts in facilitating this year’s competition and presentation night, none of this can happen without our volunteers. Nick Dametto MP

The presentation night for this competition is one that I look forward to each year. It’s evident that this competition helps bring out the best in people and gives our senior club members a chance to pass on the skills of the sport to some of our junior anglers. I would like to recognise and thank

Stroke is always a medical EMERGENCY The faster you get to hospital for treatment for stroke, the better your chance of making a good recovery.

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.

Alcoholics Anonymous

44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816

For More Information ..................................................... 47715 411




Sue Von Wald ..................................... 0407753562

C/O Northern Beaches Station ........................................ 47786 033


Lynne Prytherch .................................... 47707 689

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc.

Hon. Secretary

Chris Martin........................................... 47707 855

President: Bruce Smith ................................................0407157515

Ian Dow

Secretary: Kerrie Cochrane ..........................................0412492861

.......................................... 0412396450

Deb Calder ............................................ 47707 474

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc.

Geoffrey Prytherch ................................ 47707 689

President, Graham Milliken .........................................0428416060

Ann Martin ......................................... 0408100083

Secretary, Kim Love ..................................................... 0419387856

All Correspondence to: The Secretary 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816

Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub .................................. 47516 511 Paluma & District Community Association President, Jamie Oliver ................................................0408710030

Community Centre Manager ............................................ Chris Martin Community Centre Assistant .............................................. Mark Eberle RTC

Monday - Friday .................................... 47707 855 8am - 4pm ...................................... Fax: 47707 811


Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ op shop ........ 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail:


Rag office .............................................. 47707 799

Police OIC: Sgt Anthony Jacobs; 2IC: Snr Constable: Brendan Pownall POLICE LINK

................................................................... 131444


......................................................................... 000


..........................................................1800 333 000

Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone

Raymond Pace................ 47707 285 / 0427116604

Fire Permit

Rob Pratt .......................................... ..0407634361


Rudi Schwarz ......................................... 47707 813

S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm..................................................... 13 2500 HQ

…………………………………………………………… 47707 589

Group Leader

Rob Wilson ........................................0418 194 876

Rollingstone State School Principal:

Andrew Stallman ................................... 47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President:

Annie O’Brien………………………………… 0418252450

Email : Mutarnee State School Principal:

Michael Blake ........................................ 47708 131

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

1st. Vice President, Sarah Swan ...................................0439492351 Secretary, TBA .................................................................. TBA Email: ................................................. Treasurer, Wilfred Karnoll ............................................... 47788 441 Rollingstone RSL President, Ewan Cameron ............................................0417719043 Email: ..................................... Rollingstone & District Lions Club President, John Holliday ...............................................0414808483 Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc. President, Wendy Clark................................................0418654242 Secretary, Kerrie Cochrane ..........................................0412492861 Toomulla Community Association President, Rhonda Schwarz............................................. 47707 813

Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge ................................................................. 47745 130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) ..................................... 47745 130 RSPCA Inspection ............................................................ 47744 714 Straying Stock.................................................................. 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service .................................... 47212 399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group .............................................0414717374 Bird Rescue ............................................. 47707 356 / 0412965535 Margaret Preston (Vet) ......................................TXT 0403262212 Livestock on highway—REPORT TO ................................... 13 19 40

Justices Of The Peace .................................................................... Chris Martin, Community Centre, M-F 8am-4pm ......... 47707 855 33

Rollingstone General Store 6.30am to 6pm every day 21 Rollingstone Street, North Queensland 4816 Rosco, Olga, Nessie & Eamon

Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products Gas cylinder refills Newspapers and magazines Gift cards and stationery Milk and fresh bread Pet food and bones Ice-cream Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk Hot pies and sausage rolls Groceries and small goods



Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc) Phone credit (all networks) Post parcels and letters PARCEL COLLECTION ONLY BETWEEN 9.00AM AND 5PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY

Barista quality Bounce coffee Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc. Try our chocolate muffins



Lots of new stock on display.

 

Potatoes Onions Tomatoes

  

Eggs Bananas Pineapples

Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables

FRESH MEAT IN CRYOVAC PAKS Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines, lures,

BAIT for local conditions

  

Rosco & Olga Rollingstone Rag, September 2021

Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Rosco’s famous ham off the bone 34

SEPTEMBER 2021 Sunday





1 9am Indoor Bowls

2 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping

3 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class

5-6pm Your Pace or Mine Walking Group

9am Cards (in Community)

5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club@ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

9.30am Playgroup at Hall 5 7.30am Mass at Hall

6 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

7 11am-1pm Paluma Historic Photos @ Paluma Community Hall 1.30pm Craft afternoon @ Hall

8 9am Indoor Bowls 11.30am MOBILE LIBRARY 5-6pm Your Pace or Mine Walking Group 6.45pm SES training

12 7.30am Mass at Hal

13 9 am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

14 11am-1pm Paluma Historic Photos @ Paluma Community Hall 2pm Boardgames @ Hall


15 9am Indoor Bowls 5-6pm Your Pace or Mine Walking Group


4 8am BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 9-12noon Op Shop

9 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping

10 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class

11 12.30pm BINGO AT THE HALL

9am Cards (in Community)

5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club@ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

9-12noon Op Shop

16 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping

17 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class

9am VET at Hall

5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club@ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

18 Project Outback Dental at Balgal Beach Medical Centre

9am Peta Hairdresser @ RTC 9.30am Playgroup at Hall

9am Cards (in Community)

9-12noon Op Shop

9.30am Playgroup at Hall 7pm Rollingstone & District AGM 19 7.30am Mass at Hall

20 9 am Line dancing 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

21 22 9.30am 9am Grief & Loss Peer Indoor Bowls Support Group 11.30 11am-1pm MOBILE Paluma Historic LIBRARY Photos @ Paluma Community Hall 5-6pm Your Pace or Mine Walking Group 6.45pm SES training

26 7.30am Mass at Hall

27 9 am Line dancing 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

28 29 11am-1pm 9am Paluma Historic Indoor Bowls Photos @ Paluma Community Hall 5-6pm Your Pace or Mine Walking Group

23 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping

24 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class

9am Cards (in Community)

5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club@ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

9.30am Playgroup at Hall 7pm Bubbles & Brushes

25 9-12noon Op Shop

6.00pm FLF&SC AGM & BBQ @ The Landing.

30 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9-11.30am Mask Painting 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am Playgroup at Hall

Rollingstone Rag, September 2021








Rollingstone Rag, September 2021


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