Rolly rag november 2017

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Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Association Incorporated AED (DEFIBRILLATOR) at FISHERMANS LANDING for PUBLIC USE

Following is copy of correspondence from the President of RaDCA to Paul Jacob, at Townsville City Council regarding the Waste Management levy and hard rubbish collection. 1. Would you please advise ASAP just what the “WASTE MANAGEMENT LEVY” which has appeared on our Rate Notice is for, please? 2. Would you also please advise if those of us who live in the more northern reaches of the Townsville Northern Beaches are getting a Hard Rubbish Kerbside Collection?

For Sale $23,000 2007 Savage Escort 5.2mtrs 115 Mercury only 55 hours Canopy, Lowrance GPS, Gal trailer -excellent condition, good quality travel cover 0415 496 130 0408 753 489


This information is for publication in our monthly newsletter to our community, deadline Octr. 20th. I’ve asked these questions of Council numerous times (and also Cr. Ryder) in the last month, but just cannot get a direct/definite answer. We’re looking for you in your capacity of Chair of Water and Waste to provide these answers. We’ve had many, many enquiries and would like to be able to offer reasonable answers. Many thanks...........................Sue Von Wald, President. Hi Sue, The Waste Management Levy is to cover the cost of the Kerbside Collection as well as free resident access to all Tips and Transfer Stations, to dispose of Green Waste and Recycleables. All build up areas in the Northern Beaches will be have Kerbside Collection available to them. Most Rural areas will have a Skip available at the end of roads to deposit their Hard Waste. Regards

$220 PW PH 4788 6436 MOB: 0429380 058




Domestic Waste Only NO Bulky Items / Furniture /White goods or rubber tyres GREEN WASTE and RECYCLABLES FREE

$3500 ONO 0406078681

TOOMULLA: Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm

BLUEWATER: Sunday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community

Balgal Beach News

Front cover—some of the marvellous art work on display at the Art Exhibition and competition. Various contributors P2

Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.




The Troupies Camo Run will now take place on Saturday 4th November at 5pm at Pace Park


Last Bingo for the year will be on Saturday 11th November at 1pm at the Community Centre

Monthly Rain totals as at 24/10/17 Rainfall for October 257.7 Year to date: 1353.9 Wet Days:


Max Temp:

30 deg 01/10

Min Temp:

19 deg 29/9

To access all the data from our local weather station go to:

Remembrance Day ceremony will be held at the Memorial at Balgal Beach. 10.40 am start

Take care when driving on the highway in to Townsville. The 80KPH speed zone has been re-introduced between Leichardt Creek and Bluewater due to feral animals sightings in the area.

Volunteers required for delivery of the Rolly Rag to the local community once a month (excluding Jan and Feb) Please contact Chris at the Centre on 4770 7855.

The Markets (and big Brekky) will be on again on Saturday 4th November


Gidday Rollingstone Well after last month’s Rag entry, which I’ve been told was a little bit ‘confronting’ for some people, I should probably go with something light and flimsy for this one. And as we all know, other than New South Wales efforts to be taken seriously in the NRL, there’s nothing lighter or “flimsy-er” (go on… look it up) than my short and somewhat abrupt interview with our Miss Alissa. “So… you’re from New South Wales. Welcome anyway. What did you think of last month’s article?” “Well I thought the interview with me could’ve been a bit better but other than…” “Sorry… fired again.” “Dear Goughy Is it law that I have to carry my driver’s license with me all the time?” Absolutely. Most coppers (even the traffic Nazi ones) will give you 48 hours to present your license to a police station but the best rule is to have it with you all the time when you’re driving. It’s a handy bit of ID nowadays anyway – especially at the Post Office for collecting parcels. “Dear Goughy Is the rubbish skip going to happen this year? And… I’ve been watching ants, mangoes, flowers, nesting crocodiles and all sorts of other s**t trying to figure out if it’s going to rain this season. Any inside drum on the weather?” Yes, the rubbish skip will be happening this year – I just have to sort out exactly where it’s going since the RFS seem to be starting on their building. I’ll let you know soon enough. As far as the weather is concerned, my mate Webby, who is the resident guru on all matters relating to pending wet seasons, cyclones, La Nina and El Nino and enjoys a close personal relationship with Doctors Google and Bing, swears by the fact that if it doesn’t rain, it’ll be another ‘dry’ wet season. I know… he’s about as much use as a hip pocket in a singlet. The truth is that the BOM give us about 4 cyclones this season in Queensland waters AND a 54% chance of more than 4, with the possibility of at least one crossing the coast. You might do as well by watching the ants. Dear Goughy The Notice Boards are saying “Congratulations Goughy. Enjoy NT (or NSW).” Leaving soon? Nah… it’s just a gee up by a mate. Probably more to stir you lot rather than me. You’ll know when I’m leaving… there’ll be singing and dancing in the street, marching bands, balloons and streamers, cheerleaders… and you’ll all be invited to the send-off party… it’ll be in the phone box opposite Rosco’s. Now, just a quick word about the reduced speed limit between Leichhardt Creek and Bluewater… it sucks, I know. It’s a temporary measure by TMR (Transport and Main Roads) while the feral horse sightings are still common. It WILL be shortened (hopefully) to go from Bluewater to Two Mile Creek to be more in-line with the area where the horses are crossing the highway. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be patient. It’s a means to an end – not an end in itself. Stay safe, Goughy


on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance. We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5


Catholic Mass at Com/Centre 7.30am

8 &22 Nov

Mobile Library

Check Diary

Yoga, Weight Circuit, Waterobics

11 Nov

Christmas Bingo

3 Nov

TCC Computer Tutorial at the RTC

16 Nov

Visiting Vet on Hall Veranda (3rd Thurs of Mth)

4 Nov

Troupies Camo Run

3 Dec

Christmas Carols

7/14 Nov

One on One Computer Tuition

6 Dec

Carers Qld service planning session

21 Nov

Board Games at the RTC (3rd Tues of Mth)

9 Dec

R/stone Local Disaster Man. Grp, info session

The ART EXPO 21 October – saw entry numbers down on last year however the quality was just as good. The Winners are listed in this Rolly Rag and pictures adorn the front cover. Thank you to all the artists who entered this year and thank you to the community for supporting our local artists. Thank you to the volunteers who gave generously of their time to help with the setting up, on the day and the clean-up. A special thanks to a very creative man who came up with the idea and developed the know how to hang the paintings. You are all wonderfully helpful people. CARBOOT SALE – Yes, the rain did hold off, only a little sprinkle about 9am. We utilised the carpark for the Carboot sale, with all our sellers bar a couple, braving the weather. Thank you to Ian and Vince for manning the Sausage Sizzle and Dan and Mon for bringing along their coffee trailer. TAMPER RESISTANT NUMBERPLATE SCREW REPLACEMENT. A big thank you to John I for changing the screws and bolts to Tamper Resistant screws – 13 cars are now a little more crime proofed thanks to Johns efforts on Saturday. The GARDEN GROUP hired the Rolly Bus and made their way up to Cardwell for this month’s outing. Desert Roses were the plant of the day and from the pictures taken of all the goodies that adorned the parcel rack in the back of the Bus, it looks like the tribe from Rollingstone bought the place out. I am sure Rollingstone will be receiving personal invitations to Cardwell next year. The RTC can now offer a limited supply of FOOD RELIEF PARCELS. Are you or someone you know be doing it a bit tough? All that needs to be done to get a Food Relief Parcel is to give the RTC a call and complete an application form. No one ever needs to go hungry. This program is in partnership with NOTCH in Deeragun. We are also organising to have a delivery of bread on Friday afternoons. This bread will be frozen and available for those in the community doing it a little tough – all that is asked by the convenors of this opportunity is to spare a little change in exchanged for the bread. Your shrapnel will suffice. This allows for the purchase of other goods for people with food allergies doing it tough to gain some assistance also. There will be more information regarding this service later. Just a quick reminder - BLOODS are now being collected at the Balgal Beach Medical Centre on a Wednesday mornings from 8.30am– 12noon. If this time is well patronised, we’ll get another day; if we don’t use it, we’ll lose it! COAST CARE GROUP – We have had a couple of contacts from people interested in joining this group. Keep the contacts coming, our coastline needs help – please, anyone interested in seeing our Balgal Beach foreshore in a more natural state call me on 47707855. I will contact each of you to make a time to get together and see if work can be commenced before the wet season starts. Susie Blom is back cutting hair, working out of the new Aged Care Facility in Burdell – Arcare situated at 77 Main Street Burdell, and other locations in the Northern Beaches. Susie is offering discounted pensioner cuts see - her advertisement on page… Other exciting news is that from 6 November, Susie will be cutting hair at the RTC from 10am to 2pm. Call Susie on 0437 816 460 to make your appointment. Susie is fully Barber trained, has her mobile licence and is fully insured. Saturday 9 Dec. is an INFORMATION SESSION to gather all the LOCAL EMERGENCY SERVICES and other interested parties to discuss things such as the up and coming storm/ cyclone season and smoke alarms. Is there something you would like to know more about with regards to the wet/cyclone season, how to prepare for a cyclone, what our district does to prepare, or any other subject – please let us know so we can best answer your query on the day. We have had a couple of EOIs for the Self Defence classes. Interested call 47707855 to register your interest. We are making enquiries of an organisation who can offer classes in various forms such as once off session for small or large groups, a series of sessions for up to 6 weeks block. Concerned about your own safety – call today. Christmas Carols is on 3 December starting from 6pm, Santa will be arriving at 6.30pm and the carolling at 7pm. We are calling for people wanting to put their hand up and perform on the night – please call Chris on 47707855. ARE YOU CARING FOR A LOVED ONE AT HOME? We have a ‘get together’ organised with Carers Qld on Wednesday 6 December starting at 12pm to discuss what types of services our local carers would like to have up in this area. This is your chance to have a say, be in on the ground floor when it comes to planning services out this way or to just contact others in similar situations. Included under the Carers Qld banner is “Bunch of Blokes” Men’s Group, who meet regularly and plan outings that Blokes would enjoy. Carers Qld is there for you – you are not alone with your caring. For more information call Chris 47707855 or Carers Qld 47258853As always – look after P6 yourselves, (you are the only one who can) – and stay safe……….Chris


We’ve recently received advice that Claire Cogan had passed away. She and husband Jack will be remembered by older residents as a couple of great contributors to and within the community for many years. So good to see Lindy Cleaver back enjoying herself and well away from hospital – goodonya, girl. Vanda Simmons has had surgery in Canberra. We wish Vanda a speedy recovery. On the Not-As-Good-As-They-Could-Be list are Rob Wilson, Lesley Reardon, Margaret Butterworth, Bruce, Geoff Ivett and Trevor Phillips. Thinking about you all and sending our best wishes.................. • Our AGM has been held with a good attendance of 20 which included our incumbent MP, Andrew Cripps. This was so good to see. He paid us many compliments which were most gratefully accepted – and a pleasant change from the usual “knocking” effect which we’ve come to expect as a matter of course. The same Management Committee was returned and we hope to continue improving our service to the Community and providing an excellent facility. Our financial position is also in truly great shape (thank you, Op Shop!) and we’ll be investing an amount for future purchases, e.g: a new RAG printer, air-conditioning and BUS further down the track, all being large outlays. • We’ve added a new member to our Management Committee, AND he’s a male which helps balance out the “petticoat” government admirably! Welcome, Geoff Prytherch. He’s also taking over the “Policies & Procedures” portfolio which will considerably help free up our Chrissie. • We’ve had a meeting and dealt with the recurrence of the damaged air-conditioner control boards from vermin and hopefully might now be able to curb that ever-present problem; the investment of an amount of our savings; a new door on the Op Shop; a new Kitchen Stove; 2 x new Indoor Bowls mats; to approach Council regarding the Waste Management debacle that has become a huge problem in the Northern Beaches – this was asked of the Association from the membership at our AGM, on behalf of all the Townsville Northern Beaches communities; and our Chrissie’s holidays. We will also start gently nibbling away at the Railway Display project. • I would respectfully ask that the matter/criticism of the new Sound System be dropped as an harassment lever on our volunteers. There is NOTHING wrong with the equipment which comprises this system. There IS a problem with the transmission associated with the microphones. We’re working hard to overcome this dilemma! • Please be aware that Chrissie goes on holidays the day after CAROLS and won’t be back until we re-open on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd. And this year, we WILL have a Bus Service into the city on Thursday, Decr. 21 st although the Centre will be closing on Friday, Decr. 15th. • Biggest “THANK YOU” to our Chrissie for her organisation and presentation of the Art and Craft Expo. It was sadly less patronised than last year, but the entries were extremely good. Would be excellent to see more from the kids. And the weather wasn’t on our side for the outdoor activities, but hopefully those who did turn up had a great morning. Just loved this. Made me think of my younger days: "When that ineffable compound of depression, sadness (these two are not the same), anxiety, self-hatred, sense of failure and fear for the future begins to steal over you," Kingsley Amis wrote, "start telling yourself that what you have is a hangover." Lime-Avocado Salsa: Combine an avocado, some coriander to taste, chilli (if using), and 1½ tabs. Lime Juice. Season. Set aside for 10 minutes to develop the flavours. And for those who like something HOT: SRIRACHA MAYO: In a bowl, whisk together ½ cup Mayonnaise, ¼ cup yellow Mustard, and ¼ cup Sriracha. Store in an air-tight container for up to a month. Use as a condiment on burgers, hot dogs, fries, sandwiches, dipping sauce, chips, chicken, fish (fried or baked), etc. Easily doubles.


Live well, love much, laugh often ...................... “Sancho Panza”.


Trip Advisor


8th & 22nd NOVEMBER FREE WIFI now available from Mobile Library


ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm)


Half Page (18 x 13cm)


Quarter Page (9 x 13cm)


Business Card (9 x 6.5cm)


Classifieds (up to 20 words)




$55 $15

Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required


$2/hour (or part of)

FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers. 

Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided

.10¢ / page

A4 Double Sided

.20¢ / page

A4 50 or more off 1 original

. 5¢ / page

A3 Single Sided

.20¢ / page

A3 Double Sided

.40¢ / page

A3 50 or more off 1 original

.10¢ / page

Colour Photocopying A3 or A4

.50¢ / page

Printing from Computer Black & White

.20¢ / page

Colour 

Scanning & Printing (B&W)


$1 / page .50¢ / page First page $1.10 incl. GST)

Consecutive pages $0.55incl. GST) 


- Business Card


- A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) 

Room Hire

1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)

Important document scanning

Rolly Rag’ Disclaimer


The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.

P 10

Evening Indoor Carpet Bowls At The Community Centre Wednesday evenings 7-9m!!!! This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups (cost $2 pp per evening) Just turn up and see how much fun you can have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855

Come and join us for a great night!

Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the RTC. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!

$2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people .


Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater

Healthsave Pharmacy

2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818

Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy 114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816

PH: 07 4778 6233

PH: 07 4770 7400

FAX: 07 4778 6733

FAX: 07 4770 7399

8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday

8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday

8.30am – 1pm Saturday

8.30am – 12pm Saturday

FREE Blood Pressure Checks

* Hire Equipment

Blister Packaging for your medicines

* Full Prescription Service * Delivery available for those in need

MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)

*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies

* Ear Piercing

*Faulding Vitamins

Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee) Easy parking available

PAIN MANAGEMENT FOR 2018 Are you aware of the changes to Codeine based products in 2018? From the 1st February 2018, all medicines containing Codeine that you purchase over the counter will become prescription only. Medicines that will be affected are: • Paracetamol + Codeine (Eg Panadeine, Panadeine Extra, Mersyndol) • Ibuprofen + Codeine (Eg Nurofen Plus, Panafen Plus) • Aspirin + Codeine (Eg Aspalgin, Codis Disperin Forte) • Cough and Cold Medicines (Eg Codral Cold and Flu Tabs) Why is access to Codeine Changing? Many Australians are unaware of the health associated risk when taking codeine on a continual basis. Codeine use can lead to • Tolerance – Tolerance occurs when codeine becomes less effective and so the body needs higher and higher doses to feel the same relief from your symptoms • Dependence & Addiction – Severe withdrawal symptoms can result when the medicine is stopped, these include head and muscle aches, mood swings, insomnia, nausea and diarrhoea. • Codeine Poisoning – Codeine Poisoning contributes to both accidental and intentional deaths in Australia. Combined products of Codeine, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can lead to liver damage, internal bleeding, kidney failure and heart attack when not taken correctly. What will this mean for you: From the 1st of February 2018 all patients will need a prescription to purchase these medicines. You can start talking with your Pharmacist about alternative pain relief medicines that will be available to you, or you can talk with your GP about a pain management plan. References: The Pharmacy Guild Of Australia Australian Government Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration

P 12



OPEN - Monday to Friday from 8am Appointments - 4770 7244 General Practitioners: Dr Sima Kazerouni (Bulk Billing) Dr Lloyd Malone (Bulk Billing) Dr Olga Hasa Dr Vladimir Hasa Allied Health Services: Physiotherapist - Katrina Kerr (Free Movement Physio) Every Tuesday Podiatrist - Teresa Matai (Tropics Podiatry)


Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome. My three dear readers I offer these scratchings from afar, this time from Phuket in Thailand at Rawai down the southern end of the island. We are away from the hot tourist spots where it is sleepy; sleepy Cyril, sleepy! not sleazy!! It is more like a retirement village here rather than a tourist resort, it is nice and quiet and the pace is slow – perfect. The variety of food, especially seafood is abundant and they catch, keep and eat everything. Food costs are much the same as at home but some items such as alcohol is cheaper. There are a few other people from back home staying here as well, Garry and Koy Luff, Dickie, Reece Mugeli, Billy Bunter and Peter Kendall. We are not short of people with whom to share a few late afternoon coldies. The end of month Club BBQ held on the last Friday of September saw a very disappointing roll up of members to enjoy the great feast provided. Thanks to Robert for cooking, Col Pace for the rissoles and the wonderful ladies who provided the delicious salads. It is a great pity more of our members did not turn up to sample the excellent food. Don’t forget members that each month the BBQ is free for members and their children. Guests and visitors are charged a very reasonable $15.00 per adult and kids are free. We also provide free ice water, cordial, poppers and icy poles for the kids to help keep the cost of your night out down and Mrs. Pratt may even hand out ice creams of some sort after dinner. Mark your social calendars and come to The Landing at 6.30 pm on the last Friday of each month (unless otherwise advised) and take advantage of your Club membership for a good night out. Please note there is no Dickie’s Fishing News this month. During my absence President Graham Milliken and VicePresident Dan Dale will bring us up to date on what has been happening within the Club. Graham’s Market Report for October (as amended). It was another decent day for the markets with an increase of stall holders which is pleasing. The Big Breakfast went off well although Graham was a late scratching due to illness. Thanks to Jeanette, Bruce, Vicki and Moira for carrying the load while Graham was in bed. Bruce Woolard must be our best chef because each time he cooks we sell out of all our food items at the markets. We would love to see more Club Members and indeed local residents come down and have a look and partake in a sausage sanga or perhaps a bacon and egg roll (all expertly cooked of course) Dan’s Member for Hinchinbrook Inter Club Challenge Report (as amended). Vice-President Dan and his lovely wife Mon attended the presentation night for the Member for Hinchinbrook Inter Club Challenge which was hosted by the Toomulla Beach Fishing Club and Mr. Andrew Cripps, Member for Hinchinbrook. Only five of our Club Members signed up for the challenge which was disappointing and young Jack Jones was the only entry with a 52 cm Queenfish while Toomulla entered a truck load of fish then some so it is difficult to understand our members claiming their poor showing was due to the bad weather. Dan has reported that the presentation dinner was one fit for a king and the dessert could rival the Cheese Cake Shop so congratulations Toomulla on winning the challenge again and thank you for your excellent hospitality. Markets:

Next markets date will be Saturday 4th November.

The Fishing Club will run the usual Breakfast BBQ at these markets. Come on down! At this stage we are also looking to hold Markets in December – Saturday 2nd December. This is not yet confirmed, however the Club is keen to run a market on this date, and stallholders will be asked for their interest in attending that month’s markets. New Years Eve: This year the Club has decided to join in with New Years Eve celebrations at the Golf Club, as a group. More info to follow on this. Welcome back: By the time this goes to print, we will have our Club stalwarts, Neil and Di Thompson, and Dickie Charleston back from painting Thailand red. From all photos and reports on Facebook, they have had a great time, no reports of Bali (Thai) Belly! Welcome back Neil, Di and Dickie. Regards, Graham Milliken, President



BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac .

NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Car boot or Bric a Brac etc to sell

Call 0457 815 453 Presented by

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club

For online information on what's on look up

A set of golf clubs were donated to the Op shop which we have donated to Mystic Sands Golf Club for use in Junior Golf training. Renovation of the op shop door will take place shortly to enable the aircon to operate efficiently. So… if the door is closed during operating hours, please come in!!!




Stay cool this summer ! PH MIKE 0411753 775 0R 0403404323

4770 7698

0437 555 469

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411



Band line up for Rollingstone Rocks The Festival of Cool! Fri - 24.11.17 5pm - Kieran McCarthy - middle of the road 6pm - Live Wire - pub rock 7pm - Lloyd Saunders - old classics and new tunes 8pm - Chris Boroff and the Festival Freaks - funky tunes 9pm - Rpm 45 - old rock n roll 10.30pm - Sun Salute - reggae funk Sat – 25.11.17 Pool Party 12 noon - Matt Angel old school rock n classics 1pm - Dylan and the festival freaks - funky tunes

2pm - Karrie Hayward - country n pop 3pm - Chris Boroff n friends 4pm - Lloyd Saunders Shed Bar 5pm - Kieran McCathy

Sunday 26.11.17

6pm - Karrie Hayward

9am - Karrie Hayward

7pm - Dylan Hammond

10pm - Lloyd Saunders

8pm - Matt Angell

11pm - Matt Angell

9pm - Ol 55 with Wilbur Wild, Frankie J Holden and Red Symons

12noon - Live Wire

11pm - Jam Session with all of the above!

Rollingstone Beachfront Resort Hencamp Creek Rd, Rollingstone. 4816 07 47707277



Are you getting enough Magnesium? Magnesium is a mineral that is critical to the function of basically every organ in the human body. It is required for about 600 enzymes as a cofactor, and an additional 200 in which magnesium may act as activator. •

Recent reports estimate that at least 60% of the population does not consume the recommended daily amount of Magnesium.

Over the last 60 years the Magnesium content in fruit and vegetables has decreased by 20–30%

The Western diet contains more refined grains and processed food. Estimates are that 80–90% of Magnesium is lost during food processing. As a result, a significant number of people are Magnesium deficient, which may comprise up to 60% of critically ill patient

Magnesium status is low in populations who consume modern processed-food diets that are high in refined grains, fats, and sugars. A few conditions that deplete magnesium are: alcoholism, diabetes, malabsorption diseases like celiac, IBS, IBD, Endocrine - thyroid, kidney disease and STRESS. Medications that deplete magnesium are antibiotics, Chemotherapeutics, Chronic Proton Pump Inhibitor use, Chronic loop and thiazide diuretic use. We also know that consuming large doses of Vitamin D may increase Mg depletion as they go together like honey and bees. Some signs and symptoms of deficiency include: muscular weakness and spasms, tingling, cramps, lethargy, nausea & vomiting, vertigo, confusion, depression, difficulty remembering things to name a few. Good dietary sources that contain magnesium are : dark green leafy vegetables preferably organic, nuts - almonds, cashews, seeds, legumes, soy beans, cocoa, eggs, figs, barley, wholegrain cereals and mineral water. Try to include these in your diet daily. Supplementation may also be required depending on your signs and symptoms and dietary intake. Article supplied by: Benita of Entire Wellbeing P20

RaDCA INFORMATION Hi there, I wanted to drop by the ‘Rag’ and introduce myself as the newest member of the Management Committee here at the Rollingstone & District Community Association and also to talk about all the things done by the Centre for the Community. I wanted to share because I was surprised at just how much this hard-working group of volunteers gets done!

Supplied by Narelle Shiell

Activity Group. A place for the Local Disaster Management Group to meet with Community Residents when TC “Debbie” was cruising by.

Working with NOTCH Deeragun, food relief is now available from the RTC. We originally brought the Doctor, the Pharmacy, and the Dentist to Rollingstone – they’ve now branched out on their own. We also established So here goes, this year to date: Substantial monetary donations to the the local Garden, and Coastcare Cancer Council, the Mayor’s Christmas Groups. Tree Appeal, the RSPCA, the Townsville Hospital Foundation, the We arranged for a community meeting local Golf and Bowls Clubs for with ERGON at Centre for discussion constant outages................has sponsored days, Fisherman’s Landing re Fishing Club, the RFDS towards their resulted in improved service. Whooda We also organised Suicide Prevention Programme. We thunk it?????? community meetings re Solar Farm also support the Pineapple Festival financially and with man and woman proposal which will now go ahead in 2018!! hours from volunteers. We have had to curtail any mooted building projects because Council has stopped that happening. We’re no longer allowed to put up anymore structures of any kind. We will, however, proceed with the Railway Display Project this year now that the Pineapple Festival is done and dusted. We’ve also brought Council on board for the installation of Football Goal Posts and field markers, a revamp of the Cricket pitch and a top-dressing of the Oval (Pace Park) – but they won’t do any of this until we get some wet weather.

In the line-up; Centrelink regarding Pensions and Aged Care Accommodation, Mackey & Wales – Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorneys and Advanced Health Directives. We also initiated the Telstra NBNCo meeting earlier this year to get your question answered about the dramas there. I know at my place on Mystic Ave things have improved a little so I will call it a win! On our Art & Craft Exhibition Day (Octr. 21st), we’re having another Car Boot Sale and we’re offering replacement of number plate screws We provide the facilities and equipment with security bolts for $5 a car on the free-of-charge for all community-based day. events or programmes initiated by us, e.g: Cancer Morning Tea, RSL With a view to the future, we’ve Cenotaph Services, the Vet, etc. We’ve planted 20 shade trees over the past 12 also provided significant support of all months: Council paying for half of persuasions when/where possible to the them and RaDCA for the other 10. newly formed “Troupies” Youth

We have plans for a Bush Tucker display/garden – not until it rains, however, and after we get confirmed permission from Council with whom we’ve been in contact. Just a thought: We’ve had about five attempts to establish a MEN’S SHED. It’s never worked, with absolutely no-one putting up their hand. While we don’t have anywhere we can now build a designated building – as a counsellor and wife of a fella who has had his moment with mental health stuff, I see this as an initiative that would greatly benefit the community and especially our men. Anyone want to put their hand up to help out running such a thing? I am here to help but being a girl and all, me running a MENS Shed seems a bit, well, weird! Looking forward we expect to have school holiday activities for the kids each and every holiday period, the carboot sale, a movie night for grown ups and Christmas Carols. In short: the team at the Community Centre work bloody hard and rarely get recognised. So as the newbie can I say a big thanks on behalf of the locals for what has been done to date and look forward to being part of such a productive team in the future. If you are interested in the MENS shed idea or would simply like to get in touch you can call me on 0468 903 638, I am keen to hear your ideas on how I can support the committee to build the sort of community we can all be proud to be a part of. Over and out! Narelle Shiell


PH: 47 707 355 Email: WHATS HAPPENING AT THE RESORT? SUNDAY MUSIC SESSIONS: 1st Sunday of the month 1-4pm Make sure you join us for lunch !! 12:00 – 2:00pm Roasts available or order from Menu

COME FOR A COFFEE anytime. Bounce Coffee and lovely cakes and slices RESTAURANT TIMES

Wednesday thru to Sunday Lunch 12:00 – 2:00pm Wednesday thru to Saturday Dinner 6:00 – 8:00 New dinner menu come and check it out Starting very soon – full table service no more waiting in line to order meals or drinks. The dining room is now fully airconditioned for your comfort (and ours). Having a function?? We can cater for your needs. Call us to discuss your options and for a quote!

Want a swim? The pool is available and for non members $5

4770 7355 4770 7355

Exciting news for all our golfers – we are installing MiClub Online ONE GOLF, players will be able to go on the online members portal for all the club news and book in competitions. Players can lookup their member handicap, competition registration and scorecard printing and much more. We now have 12 golf carts for hire. Visit us on Facebook Mystic Sands Golf Resort for up to the minute information, events, photos and what’s happening!!!!


Hello Golfers, Here we are just a hop into Christmas and no pressies bought again, I hope all the other golfers are doing better than me. Not to worry let’s get into the golf news, it’s a bit thin at the moment with the year at a close. Did I mention Christmas? Results for the monthly medal are as follows Mens Div 1 Winner Darren Beavis with 64 well done Darren. He’s the one to beat boys R/U John O’Kane with 68 . Well done John Mens Div 2 Winner Brian Wilson with 64. That’s a good number eh Brian? Well done R/U Ken Dickenson with 66. Good on you Ken Ladies Winner was Merle Dickenson with 67. Thank god for dry run Merle 2 man ambrose winners were Peter Simpson and Darren Beavis with 63. Well done you two Runners up were Greg Ryding and Mick McMahon with 63. These two burglars were beaten on a countback from another two burglars. Well done to all the players on the day. I believe much ale was drunk on the day and much fun was had by all. That’s all for now, so stay safe and take care of one another Cheers Maree K.



Saturday, 11 November, Remembrance Day. Service 10:40am (sharp) at the Memorial at Balgal Beach. If you are free on that day please come along and remember those who have served for our freedom. This is an opportunity for those who work to attend, as Remembrance Day is not a public holiday, as ANZAC Day is. At this service we remember those from all conflicts and this year we have purple poppy pins, to remember the animals who have also served. The service begins at 10:40 am, with the traditional silence at 11am and the service should be completed by 11:15am. The RAAF are providing the Catafalque Party this year and a good attendance shows we also appreciate those who are presently serving as well as those who served in the past. Following the service we adjourn to the Mystic Sands Golf Club for refreshments and all who attend the service are most welcome to join the Catafalque Party and members of Rollingstone RSL Sub- Branch at the club. The Goose Club has gone off again, this time to Kris, who we affectionately call the Vampire lady, as she takes the blood at Bluewater and Balgal Beach Medical Centres. She won $220 on Friday, 29 th September, so we are now in the process of building up the kitty again. Good on you Kris, and thank you for your support. Thanks to those who have undertaken their roster for selling raffle tickets: Annie, Megan, Ken, Rhonda G, Vince, Faye, Anne and Joe. Thanks also to Big Al for collecting the meat trays when Mick and I have been unable to. A reminder re our Christmas Party on Saturday, 9th December. Hopefully we will have a good attendance as we enjoy a lovely meal, listen to some music and chat away to our mates. A fun night is had by all and this year should be even better with the club airconditioned and Charlie as our chef. We have had a few people on the unwell list in the last month or so. Hopefully Nevis and Graham are on the mend. Neville, husband of our Treasurer Jan, has also been on the sick list but hopefully is recovering as he and Jan are planning a couple of holidays. Please let us know of any RSL members who need assistance or are in hospital, as we can arrange for Ewan or an RSL representative to visit. Dowie is our go to Welfare man in the area if help is required around the home. That’s it for this month. Hard to imagine only the December article to go and that will be it for 2017. The year has certainly flown by. Take care. Cheers, Rhonda.

CHANGES TO THE BRUCE HIGHWAY SPEED LIMIT SIGNAGE BETWEEN LEICHHARDT CREEK AND BLUEWATER. Further to Brad Gough’s comments on Facebook earlier see below, I (Christine Martin, Centre Manager, RTC) have spoken with Brad this afternoon (25th October 2017) and he reports the following as the results of a meeting himself and TMR: •

The change of speed limit is not a full-time measure;

There are efforts being made to shorten the time the speed limit reduction will be enforced and shorten the distance from Bluewater to the end of the overtaking lane north of Bluewater;

There is no planned cull of horses;

A reassessment of the situation by the TMR is planned for mid-next week

These measures have been put into place for the safety of the travelling public and to reduce the possibility of accidents involving all manner of animals and livestock.

All Highway users are being asked to have patience with the current situation.

Brad Gough Yep... just temporary because of the feral horses in that area. Meeting with TMR and Council tomorrow to try to have it shortened. Council dealing with private land holders in the area and their fencing. Not sure about the dead horse but I won't be the one moving it. Will check with Council tomorrow.

Centrelink Access Point at the Community Centre Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. If you want to make a claim or an enquiry please come and make use of the services available through the Access Point. You can also do small amounts of Medicare business. P24

Wow, how good was all that rain!! so good to see the green grass again. From Sunday 15th up to and including Friday 20th October we have recorded 137ml of rain. Hopefully there will be lots more of God’s Fertiliser to come down upon us.

We are now selling tickets in the Christmas Raffle: 1st Prize $100 Christmas Food Hamper 2nd Prize - $50 Gift Voucher 3rd Prize: 700 ml Bundi Rum. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. These tickets are available from committee members - Mick Wellington, Margaret Gallagher, Don November already and we are heading into a busy month - Cumming, Helene Haack and myself. The Raffle will be Community Christmas Party , Kids Christmas Party, drawn on Friday 15th December 2017. Good luck to all Christmas Raffle, Membership Fees. those who purchase tickets in the raffle. Thank you Betty for your kind donation towards the raffle. But first ……. Congratulations to Jace Jennings who has been accepted into the Sports Academy at Kirwan High for The process has started with the help of MP Andrew football. Jace is over the moon and we are so very happy Cripps of having something done with the mouth of for Jace. His family are all very proud of him. Saltwater Creek. As all local boating people would know, Well done Jace!! Keep up the good work. getting out of Saltwater Creek is almost impossible for some. With the build up of sand & mud and also the large A big Thank You to all those wonderful people, amount of trees that have fallen into the creek due to organisations, major grocery stores, and fishing clubs who erosion from the 4m tides, it has become extremely hard, donated groceries, money, gift cards, clothing and for boats to get out of the creek. Andrew fully understands household goods to the Figg Family. Thank you to those the frustration with boaties and is working with the who cooked meals and took it around to the house. Casey is Community Association & Fishing Club to gain help from extremely grateful to everyone who has helped the family. all departments ( Main Roads, Minster for Environment ) A big thank you to Heather Rice from Tech NQ Townsville with this problem. Hopefully very soon the creek will be who organised a collection of groceries at the office. The more usable for all boating enthusiasts. collection filled the back of my car and the back seat! The Rockhampton Freemasons have also been in contact with The Townsville City Council have reviewed the request to me after reading the tragic news in the Courier Mail and have 50 kms speed signs painted along Herald Street and at wish to donate some money to help pay some bills. The this stage have denied the request. They are saying that it is generosity shown by everyone toward the family during a police issue and that I should contact our local police this sad time has been very strong. regarding the problem with speeding motorist along Herald Street and other areas in & around Toomulla. Should we get The Kids Christmas Party - a petition together and send it off to council? Santa will arrive on Saturday 25th November at 4.30pm to A new “Lucky Numbers” will be starting up again in see the kids and give them all January. This time we will be only selling 50 numbers a present. Please remember to (more chances of winning) at $2 per number. it will run for register your child /children 10 weeks, so the cost will be 1 number x $2 x 10 weeks = by Friday 17th November to $20. Each week for 10 weeks we will draw a luck number receive a present from Santa. out and someone will win $50 each week. Good Luck Children from the age of everyone. Lucky Numbers are available now. newborn to 13 will be eligible for a gift only if you have Only 7 more weeks until Santa arrives!! Let the registered the child. To shopping begin……. register please phone Rhonda 47707813or Margie 47707087 or email along with the child’s Safety Hints for the month name, age & gender. You will also find a form in your 1. When using the boat ramp off Saltwater Drive, please mailbox along with the November Rolly Rag. You can drop ensure when reversing avoid the large rocks that could this completed form off into the mailbox at No 7 Herald result in vehicle being left suspended, preventing vehicle Street or 62 Herald Street. from going forwards or backwards. Time taken to remove the vehicle off the rocks could result in missing the tide and The Toomulla Beach Community Association Christmas a good day’s fishing!! Party will also be held on Saturday 25th November from 6pm. We are happy to have Magnums Catering cooking the 2. When leaving somewhere after a very important meeting, dinner for the Christmas party. The TBCA will subsidise and you decide to reverse out rather than drive forward, as the cost of the meal again to keep cost down for families. you would normally do - best to check and see if there are The cost for dinner will be : $20 age 12 - Adult & $10 age 5 any trees behind you before reversing!! - 12. Kids under 5 are free. For catering purposes can you please make your booking by Friday 17th November. To Happy Birthday for those celebrating in November. Have a book phone Rhonda 47707813 or Margie 47707087. wonderful day! Cheers, Rhonda. You can also email me - The meal will be a buffet style with 3 hot meats, a selection of vegetables & salads, and also includes sweets. P25

Paluma in the Clouds - Les Hyland Roadworks: Since July 10 Main Roads have been conducting Slope stabilisation work on the Range Road. At present - midSeptember - work is in progress close to culvert No. 18; uphill of Wolfram Creek and just below Fairy Falls. It appears that the inevitable delays have been kept to a minimum in the course of the work, which is now complete. We also note that some of the creek name signs that had been vandalised have recently been replaced. History Display: Our History Display continues to open every Tuesday from 11.00 to 13.00 hrs in the Community Hall. No entry cost and as the restaurants are not open tea/coffee is available. We will not be open on Tuesday November 7th as this is Melbourne Cup Day. There will also be a summer recess during December and January. Numbers Travelling the range road early in October did you notice that there was something different? The Culverts that you had come to know by number, like 150, had changed to 93. Formerly the numbers ran from 1 at Paluma down the range to 217 just before the bottom gate. Now they are running the other way - up the Range. But also note that they now start at the commencement of Barrett’s Road - Moongobulla - and thereby add a few more numbers to the total, which will likely make it 230.

Nature Notes — Roy Mackay Spring is upon us and the hibernating wildlife is appearing on our roads and in our gardens, so keep your eyes open for snakes. The harmless pythons are on the prowl for food as are the venomous snakes. In Paluma both pythons and Red-bellied Black Snakes are already on the prowl for food. The snakes should be noticed more for the next month than any other time of the year. You have your own Reptile Club in Rollingstone/ Balgal so take a note of their phone number. The migrating birds are also being noticed as they pass through our villages with some staying where they were last Spring and Summer. Reading the last issue of the Rollingstone Rag, I see you have strong wildlife organizations. Take note and keep in touch with them. Being on the spot they will give you support with your queries on wildlife in your area. They will also help if you have the bad luck to be bitten by a snake, venomous or not. For two years now I have had only one Spotted Catbird visiting my Bird Table for food. But today (17 th) two have come together. Great. Spotted Catbirds are monogamous so it is nice to know that these two have partnered up. The top speed for motor vehicles through Paluma is 40 KPH Not all the vehicles that pass through Paluma take any notice. Several pythons have been crossing the road at night lately but luckily no snake has been killed – so far.

Wi Fi: Since mid-January Townsville City Council have made “Mi Townsville” available around the Community Centre for all to use. Naturally, it took a little while for people to realise that it was operational and for the first few months less than 10GB per month was utilised. That all changed in June when there were many visitors who took advantage of the facility. It is clear that the peak days are at weekends usually Friday to Sunday and also on Tuesdays at the History Opening but from July to September it gradually became that there was usage on almost every day in the month and the overall usage in these three months was around 28GB, 27.4GB and 40.5GB respectively. From the very beginning the iPad is the device most used, but from July other devices, especially Samsung phones have increased significantly. Your Editor is interested to note that the use of Apple devices tops those of all others and that from June on the use of You Tube, Google, iTunes and Facebook increased quite dramatically. This clearly demonstrates how valuable the facility has become not only to the locals but overwhelmingly to tourists and visitors from Townsville who avail of WiFi at the weekends. So thanks are due to the TCC for the provision of the facility following the request by the PDCA especially as Paluma Village is a black spot for mobile phones Rainforest Plant Identification Short Course: Presented by the Australian Tropical Herbarium and the Wet Tropics Management Authority Our annual plant identification short course is scheduled for 24-26 November. The residential course will be held in the beautiful mountain village of Paluma, about 80 km N of Townsville. Spaces are limited, and enrolments close a week before the course commencement date. See the attached brochure for more details on how to register, or cut and paste the following link into your browser: Any further questions about the course can be directed to

Paluma Village speed limit… P 26

PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your door on the day our Community Bus goes into town (weekly on Thursdays), just call Chris (855), organise it with her and it will be done.

COST is $5.

THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm

P 27

Art Exhibition and Competition results Judges' Choice

The People’s Choice

“House on the Hill”- Rosa Christian

“Pineapple Pickers”- Shirley Cattle

2nd prize – “Carmen Miranda”- Sentoria Blackwood

Junior – “Stubby Top Pineapple”- Poppy Gough

Runner Up Prize – “Blooming Pineapple”Rosa Christian

13-16 years Winner “Pineapple Craze”- Emma Rawson-Harris

Craft Judges' Choice “Pineapple Pickers”- Shirley Cattle

Up to 12 Years Winner

Runner Up Prize – “Pineapple Princess”Leonie Addison

“Stubby Top Pineapple”- Poppy Gough Runner Up Prize – Kasey Rawson-Harris



Permit to Light Fire In Queensland, the ‘fire season’ runs for many months spreading slowly south from the top of the State about mid-year to the southern border by late winter. Statewide fire bans are not common because there can be a bushfire in one part of the state and flooding rains in another. In Queensland a permit to light fire is required at all times for a fire that is going to be bigger than two metres in any direction. Permits are free and are available from your local Fire Warden or Fire Station. Penalties apply to persons committing breaches of the Fire and Rescue Service Act. Articles taken from the “Don’t Welcome Bushfire into your Home” booklet version 2001.

Work has commenced on the new Fire Station (on the vacant land beside the carpark).

The bookmobile visits twice each month, located in the carpark RTC


Rollingstone & District Seniors

Yahoo, splish splash I was dancing in the rain. Woo has not it been wonderful this liquid sunshine that has fallen from the sky the last week. I think I am dizzy with dampness. We a good turnout for the games day with the Wulguru over 55’s. I must say the morning tea was a delight to behold, such scrumptious yummies that the visitors were overwhelmed by and they reckoned they would have to forgo lunch as they ate so much. Thank you to our lovely ladies for supplying such a banquet. The bowlers were hard at it but never heard who won. Hoy was played and the visitors were very taken by it and the prizes. Karen is the one who is organizing Hoy, she is doing a great job and there are plans afoot to start up a hoy afternoon. It would be great if people could talk to Karen about it if they are interested. I am sure there would be a few young Mums who could do with an afternoon out. Bingo is heading for the year finale in November. We will be having our Xmas break up and hopefully the ongoing jackpot will go off. I would like to thank all you regulars that come along and support us, it has been fun, fun, fun. The caller (me) would like to give you all a huge thanks for putting up with me. I have enjoyed my time at Bingo. There is the Herbert River Orchid and Allied Plants Spring Show is on this month 27/28th. Friday 8.30 to 4.00 & Saturday 8.30 to 12.00. There will be plants on display and plants for sale. Venue is the OLD Paramount Produce Building, 72 Davidson Street, Ingham. (Same venue as the last couple of years). With so many away on trips it would be best to car pool. Ask around and see who is interested in going. We would like to thank RaDCA for allowing us the use of the verandah for the Pineapple Festival, makes life much easier for us old ducks. Seniors Xmas Luncheon to be held at the Golf Club Friday 1 st December. Names and numbers to Rhonda or Cheryl please. 29th October Pin Pac—see Bernice for further information. The same goes for the one 26th November. Andy’s Country Concert November 25th, if enough interest perhaps the bus might be the way to go. Seniors will be doing the RUM BALL drive again this year so if you want to taste these delights get your name down quick smart. Ok brain going soggy so time to dry it out. Catch you once more for this year. Too Roo

Cost for Playgroup is $3 per child with a maximum of $6 per family for two or more children. There is also an annual fee of $20 for insurance . Contact 47516511 for more information.


COMMUNITY GROUP AGMs ON TOWNSVILLE'S NORTHERN BEACHES I recently attended the Annual General Meetings of the Rollingstone and District Community Association and the North Townsville Community Hub. Both of these organisations are key assets for the local community on Townsville's Northern Beaches and do a lot of great work. From services for seniors and youth, running well stocked opportunity shops, organising festivals and providing key services like emergency support, the wonderful staff and dedicated volunteers at NOTCH and RaDCA are local legends and I am proud to strongly support them in their work. NATIONAL POLICE REMEMBRANCE DAY 2017 I attended the National Police Remembrance Day Service at the Sacred Heart Catholic Cathedral in Townsville. The service was well attended by serving and retired police officers and their families, representatives of other emergency services and the general public. Our police officers protect the community from the threat of imminent danger and evil people who would do us harm. We rely every day on the commitment of the thin blue line. The least we can do is take some time, on one day every year, to stop and thank them for their service. SUPPORTING TOOMBY’S ULTIMATE RURAL TRAINING CENTRE, ALICE RIVER Thank you to those people who turned up at Wonderland Station at Alice River on 24 September to support Geoff and Vicki Toomby and the work they do with young people from Townsville and across North Queensland. These two amazing people change lives. They deliver real training which results in young people getting real jobs, not just another piece of paper. The Palaszczuk Labor Government is cutting funding to this program. I first met Geoff and Vicki Toomby 12 years ago and I've supported them to achieve their goals ever since. 2017 MEMBER FOR HINCHINBROOK FISHING CHALLENGE I recently had the pleasure of attending the 2017 Member for Hinchinbrook Fishing Challenge presentation night at Toomulla, hosted by the Toomulla Beach Fishing Club. I have been very proud to support this great event for the last 11 years. Congratulations to this years’ winners. The 2017 Club Champions were Toomulla Beach Fishing Club. Toomulla have clearly dominated this event in recent years. We enjoyed an evening of good tucker and good company at the presentation night and these winners have landed themselves some great new fishing gear.



770 7540 / 0427 074 816


4770 7356 / 0412 965 535


0402 084 588


Well at long last we have rain, which has brought a lot of nice fresh vegetation for the animals, such a welcoming sight! I'd almost forgotten what it felt like along with the nice fresh smell and everything clean and fresh. It is so nice to wake up in the morning to the birds flying around and hearing how happy they are. The down side to all this rain is that you can see the weeds growing before your eyes. I would like to say a big thank you to Steve the bus driver and the children on his bus from Bluewater Primary School. They stopped to remove a deceased Wallaby off the road and she had a little pinkie Joey in her pouch which was not fully developed and weighted only 86grm. The little female was handed into my care. Little Dot, as I called her, is doing extra well, has more than doubled in size and she is coming along just fine. Today Dot got two new mates to keep her company. A little male and female.. I'm hoping they do as well as Dot has. Catch ya in the great outdoors......Chris

ROLLINGSTONE GARDENING GROUP Goodies purchased on the Rollingstone Gardening Group’s visit to Cardwell. Contact Chris at RTC PH: 47707855 for more information about this group


ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Hi everyone, It is hard to believe that we have just commenced our final term for the year. We have certainly had a fantastic start to the term with brilliant student attendance, behaviour and dedication to learning being exhibited by all. Well done! Whilst it is the final term for the year, things aren’t any less busy. Students will be participating in a range of activities this term including swimming, NRL coaching, Art in a Suitcase, touch football, high school transition days, Life Education, graduation dinners and presentation night. I’m looking forward to all of it. Prep Enrolments for 2018 – If you or anyone you know is intending to enrol their child in Prep at Rollingstone State School for 2018, I encourage you to come to the office to collect an enrolment pack. I would love to have the opportunity to meet you and hear about how we can best support your child’s transition to school. I’d also appreciate the opportunity to tell you more about the wonderful things happening at our great school.

Keith Poulter Principal Rollingstone State School


(07) 47 707 313

Inspiring minds. Creating opportunities. Shaping Queensland’s future.

Camo Run will now be held on Saturday 4th November at 5pm 


Sunday 5-6pm at Community Centre

NEW  LITTLE LEAGUE for 3—5 year olds Contact Harmony if you are interested or to learn more: 0448 133 330 Begins SUNDAY 3rd September from 5 to 6pm and runs every Sunday.


Bushy Parker Park every 3rd Friday at 4.30 with a sausage sizzle afterwards.. Kindly donated by Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club!!!P32

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.


44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816

C/o Northern Beaches Station

Committee: President:

Sue Von Wald


Lynne Prytherch

0407753562 47707 689

Ian Dow


Deb Calder

47707 474

Narelle Sheill


Geoffrey Prytherch All Correspondence to:

47707 689

The Secretary

8am - 4pm E-mail:

Chris Martin

Monday - Friday

47707 855 Fax: 47707 811

Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ op shop 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail:


Rag office Janine Jones


47707 799 0407882009

Office Hours 9.30am - 3.30pm Tuesday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Brad Gough

Senior Constable

Shaun Sutton

Front Desk Admin


47707 285

Fire Permit

John Pace

47707 348


Eddie White

47707 619

Hencamp Creek


HQ Group Leader

13 2500 47707 589

Rob Wilson

47707 498

Rollingstone State School Principal:

Keith Poulter

47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President:

Michael Blake

Kerrie Cochrane

47707 034

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President

Graham Milliken



Richard Pratt


Playgroup 47516 511


Lynn Hyland

47737 675

1st. Vice President

Wilf Karnoll

47788 441

2nd. Vice President

Jamie Oliver



Michael Drew




Colwyn Campbell

47708 559


Ewan Cameron



Rhonda Coulson

47707 058

Rollingstone & District Lions Club President

Ian Dow



John Holliday



Rhonda Muller

47707 957


Gaye Lovell

47707 356


Rhonda Schwarz

47707 813

Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge

47745 130

Animal Ambulance (after hours)

47745 130

RSPCA Inspection

47744 714

Straying Stock

47738 411

National Parks & Wildlife Service

47212 399

N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue

0414717374 47707 356 / 041296553

Margaret Preston (Vet)


Livestock on highway—REPORT TO


Justices Of The Peace

Brad Gough

Mutarnee State School Principal:


Toomulla Community Association

Raymond Pace

Emergency - Flood or Storm

47707 616

Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc.

Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone

Faye Thomson

Rollingstone RSL

47707 144

Senior Sergeant


Paluma & District Community Association

Rollingstone Qld 4816


Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc.

North Townsville Community Hub

44 Community Crescent,

Community Centre Manager

47786 033

47708 131

Nellie Berra

After 4pm

47707 352

Chris Martin

Business Hours

47707 855

Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information


P 33

Rollingstone General Store & Post Office

POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards 







Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham

Lettuce Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables

PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds

Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!

Barbeque Sausages

Lean Mince

Rump Steak Check out our range of

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.

DVDs for hire Going Fishing? R os co, Olga & All i so n

We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions

P H ON E: 4 77 07 34 0 F AX : 47 70 74 70

Need some Bait? P34

NOVEMBER 2017 Sunday

5 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 8am Brekky Bowls 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training & Little League 12 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training & Little League


6 9 am - Cards 9 am Line dancing 6.45pm SES Training 7 pm AA Meeting

13 9 am - Cards 9 am -Line dancing 6.45 pm SES Training 7 pm - AA Meeting

7 9.30 am Aquarobic s 9.30 am Broadband for Seniors

14 9.30 am Aquarobic s 9.30 am Broadband for Seniors 6.30pm Lions Business Meeting at the Den

5.30pm BBLBC BBQ 19 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 8.30-4.30pm Mobile Dentist @ Doctors 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training & Little League

20 9am - Cards 9am - Line dancing

26 7.30am St Anthony's/ Church Community Centre

27 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing 6.45pm SES Training 7 pm AA Meeting

5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training & Little League


6.45pm SES Training 7 pm - AA Meeting

21 9.30 am Aquarobic s 2pm Board Games at the RTC

28 9.30 am Aquarobic 6.30pm Lions Dinner Meeting at the Den





1 9am Indoor bowls 9am Craft Group 5.30pm Troupies Camo fun run practice 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

2 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping

8 9am Indoor bowls 9am Craft Group 11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY

9 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping

10 8 am Weight Circuit Class


9am Cards

9.30 am Aquarobics

10.40 Rememberance Day service

9am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

3 8am Weight Circuit Class 9.30 am Aquarobics

4 8 am –1 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9am -12 Op Shop

11am TCC Computer tutorial

10.30am Yoga 5pm Troupies camo event

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

15 9am Indoor Bowls 9am Craft group

1.00 BINGO eyes down 1.30 Christmas Bingo Last for year 16 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 9am Cards

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

10.30am Yoga

17 8 am Weight Circuit Class 9.30 am Aquarobics

18 9am-12noon Op Shop 10.30am Yoga


22 9am Indoor Bowls 9am Craft Group 11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY

23 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

9am Cards

29 9am Indoor Bowls 9am Craft group

30 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping

9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

24 8am Weight Circuit Class

25 10.30am Yoga

9.30 am Aquarobics 6pm Fisherman's Landing BBQ

9am Cards 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

9.30am Playgroup at Hall



Coconut palm weaving activity thanks to Mutalino & Townsville Multicultural Group

Card players

Aquarobics group

Line dancing group

The rain in October was most welcome

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