Rollingstone Rag May 2019

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Bob and I would like to thank the R&D Lions, the Rollingstone Community Association, Allison and Goughy, Rollingstone Line Dancers, R&D Seniors, BBB&LC, Family, friends and neighbours for all your help, info, for your visits, meals delivered, flowers and for all the work done for us on our property, over the last couple of months. Thank you!!

Richard and I would like to sincerely thank this amazing community we live in for all the support that has been offered and given to us, particularly over the 6 weeks of daily trips into the hospital for Richard’s radiation treatments. We are thankful for your good wishes, kind thoughts and numerous good deeds. We will be forever in debt to our immediate neighbours and fellow "Middle Earthians" for all they have done and continue to

do. Sincere thanks everyone. Babz & Rich

Judyana and Bob Thank you to the Association and to Allison and Goughy for these beautiful orchids

FOR SALE $7800 ono

LOOKING FOR JOE Peter Charles Joseph Campbell, DOB 20.03.1954, known as Joe, eldest child of Marion Anwyl Campbell nee Grevell DOB 5.3.1934 and Neil Connor Peter Campbell DOB 19.8.1929

Joe has nine younger siblings and two of his sisters are continuing a long search for him on behalf of all of them. They dearly want to find their big brother. The siblings have been separated and in foster care for some of their younger lives and some have been known by other surnames, but Campbell was the one most often used. The nine younger siblings have all found each other over time, but they are still searching for Joe. The last time Suzanne Campbell saw her brother was in Tennant Creek when Joe was probably sixteen. She was unaware that he was her brother (she was 5) and she knows nothing of him after that time. Through multiple searches, the girls have discovered that Joe may have been at Bluewater or Blue Water Farm as a youngster, but they have been unable to verify whether that is correct, or even where that farm is or was.

4.3 mtr Sportsman Craft Half Cabin Cruiser, medium vee, 50hp motor and trailer (reg’d) Fully set up with safety gear for fishing on reef or creeks 2004 Suzuki 50hp 4 Stroke electronic fuel injection motor Lot of extras, worth a look Contact Michelle, 0490338668

They have had a recent facebook advice that Joe may have lived in the Balgal area and either worked on or owned a lychee farm and that he may have been married. They have had no contact from anyone in the Balgal area to confirm this. In the girl’s own words “Joe is the last missing link as we have all found each other over the years but he is still missing. We have put in many hours of back breaking effort to find him, phoning and emailing our older family members and many organisations and agencies all over Qld and we will continue until we are successful as Joe has always been and will always be family to us. We would like the chance to tell him this. We understand that this may not be the happy ever after that we may envision but to be given the chance would be nothing short of a miracle” If you have any information, please contact: Theresa:; mobile 044 824 4601 Sue: mobile 0431 745 115 or 07) 4152 2035

This is a classified advt paid for by the family of Joe Campbell

What is happening in the Community—Current Online information ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Look us up on Facebook


Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. New members are sought and will be made most welcome. See page 30 for contact details

Car Boot Sale Saturday 15th June from 9am See page 8 Rollingstone Seniors present the

Biggest Morning Tea Friday 24th May, at 9.30am at the Community Centre Admission by pre-purchased tickets only See page 24 for more details

Pioneers Luncheon


Friday 7th June


Rescheduled Easter

See page 23


Sunday Market 5th May

9.00 am - 1.00 pm


“THE NOTEBOOK” 6.30 pm for 7pm 18TH MAY

Rollingstone Community Association yearly memberships come due in July 2019 Only $1.00 per person See Mark or Chris at the RTC


Thank you to the wonderful team of volunteers who fold, package and deliver the Rolly Rag. The magazine would not make it out on time without your very much appreciated work.




Catholic Mass at Com/Centre 7:30am

24 May

R&D Seniors Biggest Morning Tea

Check Diary

Yoga, Weight Circuit, Waterobics

1/8/15/22/29 May

Hairdresser at the RTC from 9am

1 May

10.30 – 12.30 Carer’s Qld @ RTC

Thurs 16 May

Visiting Vet 9am on Hall Veranda (3rd Thurs of ea Mth)

3 May

TCC Computer Tutorial at the RTC

18 May

6.30pm for 7pm “Chick Flick Movie Night” Ft. The Notebook

6 May

Labour Day Public Holiday

19 May

Outback Dental @ Doctors

Thursdays 2/9/16/23/30 May

Rollingstone Bus – Each Thursday – leaving hall at 8am – limited seats booking essential

Tues 21 May

2.00pm Board Games

15 June

9am til noon Carboot Sale at Pace Park

Thursday 2/9/16/ 23/30 May

Notchies Playgroup 9:30am at the hall.

7 June

Celebrating the Achievements of the Pioneers of the Townsville Northern Beaches 11.30am for 12pm start.

Weds 8/22 May

11.30am Mobile Library (two bin day)

20 June

1.30pm-3.30pm Carers Qld @RTC

Here’s hoping the Easter Bunny was kind to everyone and we all had the chance to relax and enjoy the time off. Carers Qld are visiting on the first day of May – Please note that the session is starting earlier at 10.30am this time. The Association is presenting a “Chick Flick” Movie ‘The Notebook’ on Election Night – something to look forward to for those who do not follow the election outcomes. BYO hard drinks – soft drinks, finger food will be on sale courtesy of the R&D Seniors – remember going to the movies and buying a box of Jaffas and Fantales – These will be on sale too – $1 a bag. (No throwing them down the aisles, please, trip hazard alert). June will see the Rollingstone Community Association’s ‘Celebrating the Achievements of the Pioneers of the Townsville Northern Beaches’ function being held on 7 June, at the Rollingstone Community Centre. This year we are focussing on the achievements of the TNB Pioneers and will be asking the Community Association or organisation in each of the Northern Beaches Communities to nominate a person 65 or older, who has given over and above for their community either as a volunteer or during their working life. This person from each community will be presented with a plaque and from all the nominations a “Local Hero” will be awarded with a plaque and prize. The nomination forms will be distributed shortly – so get your thinking caps on and provide your Community Association with some suggestions. Bookings are essential for the function as there is a limit to how many the Rollingstone Hall can seat. The Biggest Morning Tea is being presented by the R&D Seniors on Fri 24 May. Entry tickets are $10, see the Seniors for your tickets – or there are a limited number for sale at the RTC and Op Shop. This year the theme is the 50’s and an auction of the “Cup of Hope” entries will be conducted. The Seniors are currently conducting an Airlie Beach Holiday Raffle with all proceeds going to the Cancer Council. The TCC Community Council was a great success and speaking with the Council staff, it was the best attended for Townsville. Well done, Rollingstone. I would like to thank those who gave us a hand on the night – Shirley C, Michael F, Mark E and if I have missed anyone, give yourself a pat on the back too – and thank you. We are taking bookings for another Carboot Sale for 15 June. Call the RTC to make you booking. If you are unsure – just come along on the day. We will make room. No fees apply. We had CaJam Circus come along for our School Holiday Program this term. The front cover is a stylised photo of the activities happening on the day. The children learned to twirl plates, juggle, a bit of tumbling, and much more. CaJam’s training facility was flooded and we thought this would be a good way to assist with getting back into action for the Team. Thank you Cath and crew. The Dying with Dignity information session was successful with many of the community attending. This workshop was designed to offer information and to ask for submissions both fore and against before legislation can be introduced through the Queensland Parliament. Victoria has had legislation passed and is just now coming out of a 12 month training period so that professional practitioners could qualify in the processes required to assist with this life choice. Members of the R&D Seniors recently participated in a workshop presented by the Community Kitchen crew. The Community Kitchen is designed to get a group of people from a community together, plan a menu, shop for the session and learn to cook. It is a very successful program in Victoria and has been running in various forms for nearly 20 years. During an information session presented by Nutrition Students from JCU, it was identified that in Rollingstone/Balgal Beach, there was not the need to teach people to cook but a need for those who find themselves lacking the motivation to cook for themselves. After identifying this a group 5 people underwent the facilitators training so that a group could meet once a month, cook a meal and enjoy the company. It is loosely being call a Date Night. The aim of the group is to invite those in the community who are doing it a bit tough; or could do with bit of a social interaction and enjoy a lunch/ evening of good food and company. It is baby steps yet but if you are interested please contact the R&D Seniors for more information. As always there are plenty of activities and events to cover all interests in our small patch of the world. Enjoy. It would not be a “notes from the RTC” without thanking the army of volunteers who help to keep the Rollingstone Community Centre operational. Thank you ever so much – your contribution to your community is admirable and so valuable. P4 Happy Mother’s Day, As always – Keep yourselves safe……(you’re the only one who can)…..Cheers Chris

on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance. We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5

Some recipes to try………. EAT, PRAY, LOVE: This salad recipe was “stolen” from Dragonfly cafe in Broome. Fry off 2 cloves chopped/crushed garlic and a punnet of cherry tomatoes. Add to that some fresh asparagus and snow peas. Don’t overcook. In a salad bowl throw in some baby spinach leaves, avocado and cucumber. Add your cooked mix to your cold mix.... Cook 1 cup of quinoa and toss through salad. Sprinkle with sesame/poppy seeds. Perhaps use balsamic vinegar as dressing. EASY PIE Use the Greens cake mixture and 250ml lemonade, cook for 6 minutes in Pie Maker. Fill with jam and cream and dust with icing sugar.

Benita’s Weight Circuit Classes are open to everyone Classes are run on Friday mornings from 8am—9am Costs per class—$10 per adult P6

Office of Nick Dametto MP

P: 07 4765 4700 | F: 07 4765 4709 |

Member for Hinchinbrook

Visit: 86-92 Herbert Street, Ingham QLD 4850 E:

Nick Dametto MP,


Gidday Rollingstone With Easter now just a fading memory for most of us… not if you have kids of course… if you have little kids, they’ll still probably be on a sugar high for next few weeks… and if you have older kids (like I do) there’ll be bits of chocolate, lollies and hot cross buns in the house for next month… but for the normal, peaceful, sane households where there are no fights about who got what, how many, what sort… where was I? Oh yeah… fading memory – the year is one third done and dusted. Sutto had his footy trip away – came back with one leg hanging off but promising to be available for the next State of Origin. Peroxide Girl… I haven’t seen her yet but unless she turns up with a different hair colour, I don’t think anything much else would have changed. Easter was pretty good for us from a policing perspective – plenty of visitors in the camping grounds but mostly all well behaved. I’m going to make a prediction about ANZAC Day – it hasn’t happened yet… you know?... when I’m writing this piece? - I’m tipping a Dawn Service with a brilliant sunrise and a hushed crowd of about 500, a march on The Esplanade and about 300 people for the 10am service. In any event, our RSL have never turned out a bad day – rain, hail or shine. Ok, that’s all the nice stuff out of the way. Let’s talk about old age – specifically, MY old age. Now before all you over 60 people start telling me, “You think YOU’RE old” and try to beat me down for having a whinge – I’m not complaining – not at all. It’s just that I’ve noticed a few things in the past little while that I need to get off my chest and seeing as this is my article anyway… I suppose the most noticeable things for me are that I’m at an age where everything between my ears still thinks I’m 29 years. My sense of humour puts me at about 12 and my body keeps asking if I’m sure I’m not dead yet. I have hair growing in places where I don’t need it and a forehead that seems to want to reach further and further towards the back of my neck. My Doctor checks me for skin cancer and finds “old people spots” that he can’t help giggling about.. My eyesight… well that’s been on the fritz since I was about 40 – I own so many pairs of reading glasses now that they’re in EVERY room of the house. Why? You ask… I keep forgetting where I put them. And my memory… my Dad gave me two very important pieces of advice… I can’t remember what the first one was but the second one was ‘to write everything down’. Maybe I am just having a sook but come on… if you’re over about 50 years old, you know what I’m going through. If you’re under 50, brace yourself. Come and see me when you realise you’re no longer the youngest person in the room. I’m actually a bit of a fan of getting older. You think about things a bit differently – with more consideration. Like, I got down on the floor to find the TV remote under the couch… what else do I need to do while I’m down here, so I don’t have to get down here again any time soon. I watch the news reports of “they’re fighting for peace” and I think to myself, isn’t that like having sex in the name of virginity? But the real reason I’m rabbiting on so much about my age? I was chatting to a bloke the other week who wanted to buy a block of land. I pointed to Allison and told him she’d be the best one Are you sure you haven’t got to speak to and he says, “OK, so your daughter is a real estate agent?” For that split second, just your head on upside down that instant, I was speechless – gutted and mortified. For the next few seconds as I put my arm Sir? around my good looking blonde and introduced her as my wife, I was 10 feet tall – the look on his face was nothing less than, “Holy *%#@* are you punching above your weight or what!” And today… he should be released from the Watch house just after lunch. Stay safe, Goughy



4770 7540 / 0427 074 816 4770 7356 / 0412 965 535 0402 084 588



Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm

Sunday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm


Trip Advisor

NOTICE TO VALUED CUSTOMERS - Salon will be closed between 23rd April - 31st May inclusive.


THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9am—3pm Free book box at front of station


ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm)


Half Page (18 x 13cm)


Quarter Page (9 x 13cm)


Business Card (9 x 6.5cm)


Classifieds (up to 20 words)




Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required


$2/hour (or part of)

FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers. 

Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided

.10¢ / page

A4 Double Sided

.20¢ / page

A4 50 or more off 1 original

. 5¢ / page

A3 Single Sided

.20¢ / page

A3 Double Sided

.40¢ / page

A3 50 or more off 1 original

.10¢ / page

Colour Photocopying A3 or A4

.50¢ / page

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.20¢ / page $1 / page .50¢ / page First page $1.10 incl. GST)

Consecutive pages $0.55incl. GST) ◼


- Business Card


- A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) ◼

Room Hire

1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)

Important document scanning


Rolly Rag’ Disclaimer The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.

P 10

Indoor Carpet Bowls At The Community Centre Wednesday Morning and Night 9-11.30am & 7-9pm!!!! Morning: $2.50 Night: $2.00 This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups Just turn up and see how much fun you will have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855

Come and join us for a great time!

Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!

$2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people.


Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater

Healthsave Pharmacy

Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy

2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818

114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816

PH: 07 4778 6233

PH: 07 4770 7400

FAX: 07 4778 6733

FAX: 07 4770 7399

8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday

8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday

8.30am – 1pm Saturday 8.30am – 12pm Saturday

FREE Blood Pressure Checks

* Hire Equipment

*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies

Blister Packaging for your medicines

* Full Prescription Service

*Delivery available for those in need

MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)

*Ear Piercing

*Faulding Vitamins

Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee)

COLDS AND FLU (Influenza)

It is getting to that time of year where the dreaded lurgy is appearing. There have been a lot of cases reported early this year already. Colds and Flu’s are both viral respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses. Both illnesses can have similar symptoms but with Influenza it is a more sudden appearance with more intense symptoms. Listed below is a breakdown of the cold and flu symptoms SYMPTOM

Sore throat

COLD ✓ ✓ ✓



Runny nose or nasal congestion Sneezing

FLU Rare

Rare ✓ ✓ Temperatures between 38°C and 40°C Sudden onset



Mild or moderate

Sudden onset


✓ Sometimes intense

Aches and pains Fatigue

Nausea and vomiting



Sometimes intense


Intense Duration: a few days, sometimes longer



Common in children Rare in adults Often accompanied by diarrhoea and abdominal pain in children


Treatments for both Cold and Flu: •

getting plenty of rest and sleep (this means staying home from work or school) • drinking plenty of fluids (particularly water) and if you have a sore throat, eating soft foods that are easy to swallow. Over-the-counter medication is available to help relieve headaches, muscles aches and fever, and while these won’t cure your illness, they may make you feel more comfortable. 1. Your best defence against the flu: a. Regular usage of hand sanitiser and thorough hand washing throughout the day, especially in public areas e.g. shopping centres, and if a household member or friend has the flu. b. Vaccination. Even though it won’t guarantee that you won’t get the flu it will give your own body defence mechanisms a great head start in fighting off the flu if you do get it.c. Practitioner strength immune defence preparations in the complementary healthcare range. Please ask your pharmacist for more information. 2. Flu vaccinations have been made available free by the government from your GP to almost every section of our community that is considered a high risk group. Vaccination accredited pharmacists are now able to give flu vaccinations to those people who do not qualify in this group without the need and hassle of booking an appointment to see the doctor. Bluewater and Bushland Beach Pharmacies have pharmacists that are fully trained to give this service. Please call to find a good time for you. Bluewater Pharmacy 47786233 Bushland Beach Pharmacy 47880133 If you have a cough and high fever (38°C or more) that is not improving, trouble breathing, chest pain, or if you have any other concerns about your symptoms, please consult your Pharmacist, GP or call 000 P 12



Call 47786 444 Appointments Monday to Friday or book ONLINE via our website General Practitioners and Allied Health Services

Call from 8am for Appointments Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. General Practitioners Dr Vladimir Hasa (Private) Wed & Fri Dr Olga Hasa (Private) Tue & Fri Dr Zakia Sultana (Bulk Billing) Mon & Wed Dr Lucia Rajnoch(Bulk Billing) Tue

Allied Health Services PHYSIOTHERAPY - PODIATRY - SOCIAL WORK PSYCHOLOGY See your GP for referrals to these services.

Next visit: 19th May 2019


Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Eddie Rouse on turning 90 in April. I wonder what his secret is? Must be all that running around keeping the Rouse Harvey Park tidy and clean for everyone to enjoy ! Hope you had a fun day with the family Eddie. So, all the Easter Raffle tickets sold and the lucky winner of the $100 Gift Basket & Voucher was Barry & Wendy Edwards. Congratulations to you both and I hope the grandkids loved all the chocolate from the Easter Bunny! Our Book Cupboard is very full at the moment so please remember that anyone is welcome to take books out to read any time. Thank you to all those people who have been donating books for the cupboard. The grey nomads will start arriving soon and I am sure they will enjoy the use of the cupboard while they are visiting our beautiful piece of paradise that we have here! The plant stand is also working well and it is nice to see others enjoying the succulent plants as much as I do. There are some new little coconut hangers in the stall now with succulents growing in them and they look great. One lady said to me that the plants make lovely little presents for others so it’s nice to know others enjoy them. The first round of Lucky Numbers have been and gone. Congratulations to the five winners of $50 each - Helene # 40, Don & Annie # 37, Eddie # 14, Andy # 12, & lucky last Debbie # 10. The low numbers beat the high numbers this time! There are not many numbers left in Round 2 so if you would like to “ be in it to win it “ you can email me or ring and for $10 you can buy a Lucky Number and each week for 5 weeks a number will be drawn. Thank you to all those people who draw a number out each week for us. Happy Mother’s Day to all our lovely mothers & grandmother’s in the community. Have a fun filled day!! Happy Birthday to those celebrating in May & congratulations if you are celebrating any other wonderful occasion during the month.

YOGA work to your edge and your limits A general guided Hatha light flow class Sundara Yoga Garden Studio, 17 Salamander St, Bluewater Tuesday 6.30 to 7.30 pm—Restore and release Yin Saturday 8am to 9am—General Hatha flow Rollingstone Community Centre, Balgal Beach Saturday 10.30 to 11.30 am Nicole: 0410 474460, Facebook—Sundara Yoga

Lions are taking up a collection of old mobile phones that are no longer being used. Collection bin (plastic container) is in the Community Hall

8TH & 22ND MAY

4770 7698

0437 555 469



CHRONIC PAIN WOMEN’S HEALTH (Menarche to Menopause) Sho Ni Shin for Children (No Needles) FACIAL REJUVINATION (Cosmetic Accupuncture)

Monthly Rain totals as at 26/04/2019 Rainfall for April: 109mm Year to date: 2225.7mms Wet Days: 13 Max Temp: 31° on 3/4/19 Min Temp: 20° on 19/4/19 Access the data from our local weather station at: dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849

PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your door on the day our Community Bus goes into town (weekly on Thursdays), call Chris (855), organise it with her


GOLF Membership

Prices are the best around. Give us a call to find out what membership best suits you.

PH: 47 707 355

139 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach

Email: Web Site:



MAY SUPER SPECIAL New Members only 14 months golf only $500 That’s awesome value ! Course Fees – 9 holes front and back $20.00 Golf Carts - $25.00 and we have 12 available for hire.

Pizza night : Tuesday Restaurant open Wednesday and Friday night for meals Friday night : RSL and Goose club Happy hour Friday 4-6 pm $5 Cans, Stubbies, Schooners, Basic Spirits and Wine.


Members Game Days: Tuesday - VETS Saturday - Competition

Visitors and Members Days: Friday - Social Friday Club Sunday - Bushrangers

Barefoot Bowls


Thursday night Register 5:30pm Play 6 pm onwards




This year we have upgrades planned, underway or already completed at a number of parks in Division 1. Thanks to Rollingstone Community Association for taking the lead on lobbying for some senior exercise equipment in Balgal. Here is an artist’s impression of the completed installation. We’re installing Senior Exercise Equipment including an aerobic walker, wobble board assisted, parallel bars, leg lift/dip bar and bench press.

Maps showing exact location of the equipment are on display at the Rural Transaction Centre


R.S.L.NEWS Approximately 500 people attended the Dawn Service held at Balgal Beach. Soldiers of 9th Transport Squadron, 3rd Combat Services Support Battalion provided the Catafalque Party. Guest Speaker Lt Christian Tsiamis highlighted the sacrifices made by past and present Defence personnel. As dawn broke over the ocean, the last post sounded, followed by a minute’s silence and reveille. At the conclusion of the service the crowd enjoyed the Gunfire Breakfast prepared by the Rollingstone Lions. The morning service commenced at 10am after marchers paraded along The Esplanade. It was encouraging to see so many community groups particulate and lay wreaths during this commemoration including both Rollingstone and Mutarnee State Schools. Guest Speaker Councillor Margie Ryder spoke about the significance of ANZAC Day to us all. Rollingstone RSL would like to thank all of the volunteers and supporters whose efforts assisted in this ANZAC Day being such a memorable event including: Soldiers of 9th Transport Squadron, 3rd Combat Services Support Battalion, Rollingstone Lions, Mystic Sands Golf Club, Townsville City Council, Queensland Ambulance Service, SES, Queensland Police, Blanco’s meats, Rosco’s Store, Paul’s Milk, Tip Top Bakeries, Pace Farm, Rollingstone State School and Mutarnee State School.


P 20

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G.Day All, We celebrated Easter at our last BBQ, and what a great night it was. The food on the Barbie was cooked by Dennis and his good wife Barb. A nice touch; they deserve accolades for doing such a good job. MAGIC TUCKER. The ladies always bring along such yummy beautiful sweets. Thanks ladies it is always just so good. You all deserve a medal. We played Golf Putting. It was exciting with laughter and cheering from everybody. Team five, Michelle, Debbie, Allan, Graham, and Vanda won the gold. They all played so well. The Lounds’ Fresh Seafood Raffle was won by Clyde Stewart. It is a top prize. LOUNDSY HAS THE BEST SEAFOOD IN TOWN. The lucky member number was won by Jan Holliday .She is a Good Luck Lady. We had an Easter Bonnet competition; Ken T was the winner. It was so funny. He had an Easter Gift bag over his head and a blow whistle, he also fitted a carton in the top which was full of Easter Eggs and he went around the crowd and the ladies had to get their Easter egg out of the top of his head. There was lots of laughter all round. Our next BBQ at the hall will be our celebration of Mothers Day 12 th May, and our Merle Dickenson is organizing a Trivia Night; She is very good at this. So bring your thinking caps. Thanks Merle. The boat ramp has now been repaired. Wacko, we can get out again. We welcomed another two new members at our last BBQ. Visitors are always welcome to join in with us, cost is $10. And kids under 12 are free, members are always free. See you all on Mothers Day. We luv you all, Regards from your committee.


Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Following on from my exclusive expose’ of the aggressive takeover bid by Kim Love following her retirement from real work last month, I can now exclusively report that after a lot of hot air, negotiations and other “funny” goings on, the aggressive takeover bid at GKC Shed Erectors ended in a fizzer. The whole takeover which at one time promised to be nasty and bloody ended when the controlling share holder cast his secret ballot in favour of his father Gavin. In an exclusive in depth interview Cam explained yes Mum did the cooking sometimes, also did the washing and ironing, but Dad took him fishing and occasionally paid him handsomely for doing a little bit of work, which in reality meant he just had to show up for an hour. Dad got the casting vote and retained control of the company. Meantime, Kim is resigned to the fact that her duties are now that of Secretary. No executive washroom key any more, but Gavin did set up a nice little office for her outside next to the washing machine in the full sun. However, the space occupied does catch a slight afternoon breeze for which she is most grateful. Her office is a thing to behold, a vision splendor but those details can wait until next month. The Club End of Month BBQ held on the 26th March went well but due to the weather it seems our members stayed away in masses. Even the Pratt families were conspicuous by their absence due to ill health and weather, but Robert our chef did produce a note from his Mum Jeanette saying that he had a tender knee due to a very recent operation. A lame excuse indeed, ha ha did you get it? Sore knee, lame.. oh forget it Cyril. The Club monthly Fishing Competition was won by John Gurd for the Senior category and Gabe Glemyer in the Junior category. There was no mystery prize and no winner to the members draw. Congratulations to our winners. A big thank you to all the wonderful members who got stuck in to help make the night a success, the cooks, Col Pace, the fabulous salad ladies and Dickie who did most of the setting up. The first for the year Balgal Beach Market was held on Saturday 6th April. Your Club was there doing the big breakfast as usual, and Mon was there with her great coffee and slushies. Were you there? Great attendance and wonderful stall holders plus all the breakfast vanished by 11.00am. All the tickets sold in our lucky numbers draw Thanks to Amy and congrats to our lucky winner of the $50. Thank you to our Big Breakfast helpers Barry, Vicki, Bronwyn and Greg. It was the last market for our wood turner Geoff Foley, we wish him well with his adventures in Atherton he has been a staunch supporting stall holder for many years as well as Doug Sharp with his amazing timber slabs and furniture, moving north as well. It was also great seeing lots of kids walking around with their sausage sandbos. School holidays Yay. From Kim your acting markets organizer, acting club Secretary and all round carrier of all things club while the Secretary is away! The next Markets will be held on Saturday 4 th May so we hope you come along for a stroll around or even volunteer your time for an hour or so. Contact Kim Love to volunteer, she would be delighted to hear from you, and she does not bite....much. The notice from Nick Dametto, M.P. Member for Hinchinbrook that the repairs to the Balgal Beach boat ramp at Fishermans Landing would commence on Sunday 14th April was vey good news for all. The outcome just shows that with a little encouragement from our club and an undertaking from our Local Member to have the repairs done sooner than later, things happen. We wish to thank our Local Member for his continued efforts in getting the repairs done. Now to put a bunger under the local council to have the Pontoon walkway repairs commenced for pedestrian access. Vice President Graham and his wife Therese are still on their safari through the Eastern States Australia. At last sighting Graham was taking up most of the beach at a place north of Newcastle acting like a beached whale as he tries to thaw out. They visited the dingiest, darkest areas of cold inhospitable Victoria before following the coast. In exasperation, he said “and people live here”. Their journey continued north at speed until Graham found an area that has double digit temperatures each day. He claims that it got so cold in Victoria that his rum froze. Meanwhile, as Graham and Therese are basking in sub tropical comfort, President Di and I are still freezing in the hills outside Canberra. While Graham is acting as a beached whale, I as a snowman (person) for the politically correct; and a bloody big one at that. Just makes you appreciate Balgal more. On the sick list this month we have Richard Pickering who is doing it tough, our thoughts are still with you Richard. Does anyone recognize Richard without his a beard? Barry Mugeli had a recent scare after a routine medical procedure and as I write he is still in hospital. Barry the fairways on the golf course in these hospital wards are not very long so get better quick and get back onto the real one. Dickie’s Fishing News Well Giday folks the good news is that Road Tec have made a good start on repairing the boat ramp at Rollingstone Creek and that they hope to have it repaired and operational prior to the Easter break, which will be really appreciated by the boating community. There have been good numbers of winter whiting being landed at the mouth of Rollingstone creek which means that they are early this year. Yabbie baits and small strips of squid seem to be the go. Anglers must be getting yabbies from the Townsville rivers or some secret spot that has not been affected by the floods. Talking storm water debris and floating logs, there are still plenty of waterlogged branches and tree trunks floating between the shore and islands and some out to the reef so be careful and alert when boating in these waters. Cattle, Ollera, Scrubbie and Hencamp are producing excellent catches of grunter and bream using live baits and lures, especially plastics and bombers with the odd Barra being boated. Good catches of crabs are being landed however, we still have that element of people that like to steal, pilfer, or just check other people’s pots! You will be found out one day so remember this whilst you are carrying out these acts. The inner reefs out from Crystal, Ollera, Rollingstone and Mystic Sands are fishing extremely well with good catches of Grunter, Sweetlip, Nannygai and Spotted Mackeral being boated using pilchards and mullet bait. Well that’s all for this month and hopefully we will have a fine calm Easter for the school holidays. Do not forget to put in a trip sheet with either Townsville or Ingham coast guards or at least let someone know where you will be travelling to and the time you expect to return. Tight lines and safe boating, Regards Dickie P22 Until next month, Ninger.


Rollingstone & District Seniors Well what a beautiful day for Anzac day, not too hot at all. I was shocked at the small crowd at the 10am service compared to other years, I was disappointed but that is just my opinion, others may differ. To me it is a very special time and today I just felt that there was something missing.. I was so fortunate to go up with our Maori warrior Judyana to pay our respects to the Maori battalion, my grandfather died for these/his troops. Note from the Editor: I attended the Dawn Service at which there was a large turn-up of approximately 500 people. The Seniors went up for morning tea at the heritage Tea Rooms. It was a pleasant outing,, $8.50 for morning tea and you could go back for seconds. The shop did ok out of us too. A few people bought some of the home made sauces and they plan to get more as they are so nice. The Biggest Morning Tea is coming up and the tickets are $10 which gives you a chance at the door prize which is tickets for 2 for 12 months at Wet n Wild, Movie World, Sea World and Paradise Country. What a fabulous prize so get your tickets to be in. A separate raffle is being run for the Cancer Council for a trip to the Whitsundays for 2 people for 5 days in mid-August. Another bonza price. We do hope that everyone joins us again to make this a lovely morning. Had a good crowd at Bingo, lovely to see some new faces and hope they enjoyed our rustic bingo. The next one is a Mother’s day one. Come along. There is a trip leaving for the very cold country, up Alaska way so hope they all have a wonderful time, take care. We have the invite for May 7th at Upper Ross over 55,s so hope to have a good turnout. Will take the bus if enough takers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the lady who dropped off a young joey to me today, many thanks and nothing for the hit ands run driver, Stopping and checking takes 2 minutes out of your very busy life, could save a life. Hope everyone is fit and well, those who are unwell a speedy recovery. Ciao. Gaye

Aquarobics has finished for the season and will recommence in October. A big thank you to Babz and Di for leading our sessions. You both do amazing work. An end of season break up was held on 13th April at Big 4 Caravan Park Resort. Pizzas were enjoyed by everyone. Fitness levels were on display as the girls (and a couple of husbands) danced up a storm. Thank you to the Resort for allowing us to hold our Community aquarobics classes at your pool.

Works on the boat ramp at The Landing. Repairs are all finished and boats are now able to launch from there again.

Sick of those annoying phone calls that you can’t understand and they won’t leave you alone? Give the Do Not Call Register and and hopefully have peace and quiet from all those annoying calls. Do Not Call Register: 1300792958

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at P24 Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre…….Phone: 4771 5411

Mystic Sands Golf Resort Report The big rains are finally behind us and the course is coming back to a super standard. Player numbers have been steady each competition and lots of fun is being had by all. The Course has been officially re-rated with Men’s staying the same and Ladies amended. When Golf Link has been amended in May, players will have a new challenge on course. APRIL MONTHLY MEDAL RESULTS : Men’s Div 1 Winner: Denis Cleaver 72

The Resort has worked hard with the committee with an aim of reducing our annual fees.

Runner up: Wayne Butler 73

Many thanks to Mick and Lisa for the reduction with $600 being for existing members.

Men’s Div 2 Winner: Rosco Jessop 76

To encourage new members a one off $500 membership is available.

Runner up: Ken Dickeson 80


Ladies Winner: Cheryl Lloyd 82


Runner up: Maree King 87

Hit ém long and straight but most of all enjoy,

Congratulations to all

Cheers, GURDIE

The bookmobile visits twice each month on Yellow Bin day. Located in the carpark at Rollingstone Community Centre

You don’t need to register for phone counselling, just give our professional counsellors a call on 1300 059 625, any day, anytime.


Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. Hi Folks, Well it is good to see the sun shining once again after a very wet month. Hopefully those who had been affected by the floodwaters are now back on track. Since my last report we have been very busy with many and varied activities. A few of us attended Jezzine Barracks Museum for the unveiling of a memorial cabinet partly funded by our club and containing Nurse Norita Stark (late) clothing and memorabilia. Jeff Stark (Norita’s Husband) is one of our staunch members. We had a very pleasant dinner meeting with guest from the Townsville Castle Hill Lions Club, in attendance. This club was our sponsor when we first started out. We have invited 3 new members with another 5 to be inducted. Our Leos Flood Recovery Disco was a resounding success, with some 80 kids attending and they thoroughly enjoy the night. A brilliant idea put together by the Leos. Well done. We are cranking up for another ANZAC Day Service on 25 April. We are cooking a hearty breakfast for those attending the Dawn Service. We then participate with a march in the Service at 10am. This very special day is becoming more popular as years go on. It is very warming to see the great crowd getting involved. We have had our 3rd Pineapple Festival meeting and everything is well on track in preparation or a great day. This year the Festival has been moved to the 3 rd Saturday in September. So please mark this on your calendar. It is a fun filled family day out. Throughout the month we have been constantly doing jobs for the community for those who are unwell and need our assistance. That’s all folks ‘til next month. Dowie

The National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) commenced on 1st July 2018 and will run for 10 years. The Scheme provides redress to people who experienced childhood institutional child sexual abuse. The wallet cards are a discreet way to provide details of where people can get information about the Scheme.

Centrelink Access Point at the Community Centre Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. To make a claim or an enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available through the Access Point. Limited Medicare services also available. P26


Paluma in the Clouds - Colwyn Campbell The equinox passed in March and Autumn is now well established in Paluma. Daylight doesn’t show until around 6 am and is welcomed with a sharp, but brief, chill in the air. Tibouchina trees in many of the gardens are covered in imperial purple flowers making a spectacular display throughout the village and Gordonias, with brilliant yellow centres surrounded by snow white petals are dropping carpets of ‘fried eggs’. Many birds are again in nesting mode. Work is progressing well on clearing of the landslips and rock-falls along Mount Spec Road which occurred after monsoon rains in late January and during February. It has been a huge task for the work teams who managed to get the two most unstable sites completed before the Easter weekend so that the road could be opened fully to holiday traffic. After the initial slips in late January the road was totally closed, (for 9 days traffic could neither leave nor enter Paluma), then it was open for limited times only. Some of the rocks removed were as big as cars and required chemical treatment to break them down to a size manageable for carting away. Last month the road was open as far as Little Crystal Creek Bridge and beyond that for local traffic only. Many people have been frustrated by these restrictions but when the extent of the damage is seen, one realises how difficult and dangerous, both to work crews and the travelling public, the situation could be should unrestricted traffic enter the area. The efforts by The Department of Transport and Main Roads contractors to open the road as soon as possible are appreciated. The Easter weekend was blessed with sunny weather and saw large numbers of visitors in Paluma as people came up to enjoy the rainforest environment. Unfortunately, the traditional Easter Market was cancelled due to uncertainty about the status of the road, however the market day has been rescheduled for the 5th May. Work on the road will recommence in late April to dislodge and remove large boulders at five other sites. These additional works are scheduled for completion in late May and will reduce the potential for further slips and rock-falls and will make the road safer for travellers. While these works are underway the road will again be closed intermittently to allow unimpeded movement at the work sites. On Sunday 21st April, a wake was held in the Paluma Community Hall to celebrate the life of Roy Mackay who passed away in February. Most of you will remember Roy for his monthly contributions of Nature Notes to the Rollingstone Rag. He was a muc h loved resident of Paluma: an active participant in community affairs, always generous with his time and his sharing of knowledge and always eager to impart a love and respect for the environment and our wildlife. About fifty friends and kinfolk joined Roy’s two sons and their families in celebrating Roy’s remarkable life and legacy. He will be greatly missed. A Date to Remember: 5th May – Paluma Sunday Market from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm For more about Paluma, take a look at the Paluma website:

Can everyone keep their can ring tops off the aluminium cans please? There will be a tin in the Community Hall for collection. The ring tops go towards the making of new Wheelchairs Collection Tin in the Hall

Op Shop Please be mindful, that while all donations are gratefully received, your goods need to be in reasonable condition.

Please ask yourself “if it is not good enough to give to my best friend—is it good enough to give to the Op Shop?” Please be advised the Op Shop cannot accept: Electrical goods; large knives; bulky, chipboard or damaged furniture P28

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.


44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816

C/o Northern Beaches Station

Committee: President:

Sue Von Wald



Lynne Prytherch

47707 689

Hon. Secretary

Chris Martin

47707 855

Ian Dow


Deb Calder

47707 474

Geoffrey Prytherch

47707 689

All Correspondence to:

The Secretary

Chris Martin Mark Eberle

Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm


47707 855 Fax: 47707 811

Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ op shop 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail:


Rag office

47707 799

Police Office Hours 9.30am - 3.30pm Tuesday to Thursday

47707 144

(excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant

Brad Gough

Senior Constable

Shaun Sutton

Front Desk Admin


47707 285

Fire Permit

John Pace

47707 348


Eddie White

47707 619

Hencamp Creek


HQ Group Leader

13 2500 47707 589

Rob Wilson

47707 498

Rollingstone State School Principal:

Andrew Stallman

47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President:

Sophie Connolly


Michael Blake


Kerrie Cochrane

47707 034

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President

Di Thompson



Neil Thompson


Playgroup 47516 511


Jamie Oliver

1st. Vice President

Colwyn Campbell

47708 559

2nd. Vice President

Lynn Hyland

4770 8681


Michele Bird




Wilfred Karnoll

47788 441

0408 710 030


Ewan Cameron



Suzi Vincent


Rollingstone RSL

Rollingstone & District Lions Club President

Ian Dow



John Holliday



Joh Schwier



Gaye Lovell

47707 356


Rhonda Schwarz

47707 813

Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge

47745 130

Animal Ambulance (after hours)

47745 130

RSPCA Inspection

47744 714

Straying Stock

47738 411

National Parks & Wildlife Service

47212 399

N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue

0414717374 47707 356 / 041296553

Margaret Preston (Vet)


Livestock on highway—REPORT TO

13 19 40

Justices Of The Peace Chris Martin Max Agnew

Mutarnee State School Principal:

47707 616

Toomulla Community Association

Raymond Pace

Emergency - Flood or Storm

Faye Thomson

Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc.

Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone


Paluma & District Community Association

Rollingstone Qld 4816


Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc.

North Townsville Community Hub

44 Community Crescent,

Community Centre Manager

47786 033

M-F 8am-4pm

47707 855 0409689320

47708 131

Alcoholics Anonymous

P 29

Rollingstone General Store 6.30am to 6pm every day Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products Gas cylinder refills Newspapers and magazines Gift cards and stationery Milk and fresh bread Pet food and bones Ice-cream Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk Hot pies and sausage rolls


Groceries and small goods

Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc)


Phone credit (all networks) Post parcels and letters

Barista quality Bounce coffee


Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc.


Try our chocolate muffins

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.








Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables

Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions

R os co, Olga, N ess i e & Eamo n


Barbeque Sausages

Lean Mince

Rump Steak

Rosco’s famous ham off the bone P30

MAY 2019 Sunday

5 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 9 am-1 pm Paluma Easter Markets re-scheduled





9 am Line dancing 12.30 pm Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

12 Mothers Day 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 5 pm BBBaLC BBQ at hall Mothers Day Function 19 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre

13 9 am Line dancing at Hall

14 6.30 pm Lions Bus. Meeting at Den

21 2.00 pm Board Games

12.30 Cards @ Hall

12.30 pm Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

2 8 am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping

8 9 am Indoor Bowls at hall 9.00 am Hairdresser @ RTC 11.30 am-1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY

9 8 am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping


3 8 am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.30 am 11 am TCC Computer Tutorial @ RTC

4 8 am Markets at The Landing 9 am-12 noon Op Shop

10 8 am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class

11 10.30 am New Yoga Term Starts at the Hall Book through Sundara Yoga

17 8 am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class

18 10.30 am Yoga at the Hall

23 8 am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

24 8 am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class—Benita to advise

25 10.30 am Yoga at the Hall

1 pm Cards (in Community)

9.30 am The Seniors Biggest Morning Tea at the Hall

29 9 am Indoor Bowls 9.00 am Hairdresser @ RTC

31 8 am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

7-9 pm Evening Indoor Bowls

9.30 am NOTCH ERF 1 pm Cards (in Community)

29 8 am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 6 pm Fishermans Landing BBQ

15 9 am Indoor Bowls 9.00 am Hairdresser @ RTC 7-9 pm Evening Indoor Bowls

7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

27 9 am Line dancing

1 9 am Indoor Bowls at hall 9.00 am Hairdresser @ RTC 10.30 am Carer’s Meeting 7-9 pm Evening Indoor Bowls


9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 1 pm Cards (in Community)

9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 1 pm Cards (in Community)

7-9 pm Evening Indoor Bowls

7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

26 7.30 am St Anthony's Church Community Centre


6.45 pm SES training

12.30 pm Cards @ Hall

20 9 am Line dancing


22 9 am Indoor Bowls 9.00 am Hairdresser @ RTC 11.30 am-1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY

16 8 am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9 am VET at Hall 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 1 pm Cards (in Community)

7-9 pm Evening Indoor Bowls 28 6.30 pm Lions Dinner Meeting at Den

6.30 pm Chick Flick The Notebook At the Hall

30 10.30 am Yoga at the Hall



Lions Club presentation to Balgal Beach Boating and Leisure Club Balgal Beach Boating and Leisure Club Easter Bonnet Parade

Aquarobics break up at The Big 4 Caravan Park Resort Rollingstone

Seniors morning tea at Hervey Range Rooms

Local lad, Jake Collinson recently competed in his first ever Australian Archery National Youth Championships in Armidale. He had no expectations other than to enjoy and learn. Jake won two silver and two bronze medals after four events in four days. He ended up beating Australian team members as well as all the various State teams and NZ team!

Well done Jake.

Bushranger crew at recent Sunday play at Mystic Sands Golf Resort


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