July 2016

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JULY 2016

Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated. AED (DEFIBRILLATOR) at FISHERMANS LANDING for PUBLIC USE

For Sale 2000 Toyota Hilux Matilda Motorhome Extensively refurbished. Many features Fully Serviced 12 months Rego $31,500 Phone 0407 415 95 For Sale Wooden Corner TV Cabinet 134cm high x 102cm wide x 62cm deep 80cm Samsung TV included. $300 Phone 0407 415 495

The Golf Pro Although there are very few golf tour professionals who are left-handed, most clubs prefer to have left-handed golf pros as instructors? Why Answer to: Cover That Hole A square or rectangular manhole cover can fall down the whole, while a round manhole cover cannot. The square cover will fit down the diagonal of the hole (unless the rim it sits on is very large) but no matter how you turn a circle it never measures less than its diameter. So for safety and practicality all manhole covers should be round.

OUR MEDICAL CENTRE Its going to be open SOON! See page 12 for Franks comment!!!


Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.

Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.


New activities for our kids : see page 26 TROUPIES : todays youth having fun!!!

Rollingstone Craft Expo Back on and its going to be great! Get your work in NOW enrolment form on pg 13th August for all budding artists and the community

SENIORS PROGRESSIVE DINNER Xmas in July 23rd July Bookings close 16th July (see page 25) BINGO AT THE HALL (9TH JULY) Eyes down at 1.30 Jackpot has risen. Gotta be there to win it!!!

Thankyou Penny & Phil for a beautiful photo of our amazing beach which we used on the July front cover

Board Games are played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the RTC Scrabble and Mahjong are played but not limited to these games Bring along your favourite game only $2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people BEER ROAST 2 1/2 kg lean Blade or Rump roast 1 tin Button Mushrooms 1 pkt French onion Soup 1 cup Beer


Place everything in an oven bag and cook according to weight as set out on the oven bag. When cooked, rest the roast while making gravy from the juices left in the oven bag.

Indoor Carpet Bowls Evening At The Community Centre Wednesday evenings 7-9pm!!!! This is a NEW activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups (cost $2 pp per evening) Just turn up and see how much fun you can have!

For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community

Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service

Further info contact Chris on 47707855

NEWSFLASH!!!!!! Evening Bowls are catching on in our Community. We are getting more people turning up with both men and women joining in and having lots of fun. Come and join us for a great night!


NOTES FROM THE R.T.C Hello Second School Holiday Activity: This is a free activity 2nd School Holiday Activity is a Circus and Juggling Workshop with our resident Gymnastic Performer Japhet. This workshop is happening on Tuesday 5 July starting at 10am. Learn how to juggle, balance, dance and some gymnastic moves. The First School Holiday Activity was a cooking workshop where the participants learned to make “Sheperd’s Pie” and very big thank you to Penny and Lesley for giving your time so generously. The aim of the activity to have some fun and the kids who attended learned how to make a very nutritious low cost meal including vegetables. A sitdown meal was enjoyed followed Jelly and Icecream. Everyone had shiny bellies when they left. Yes, I am going to harp on about Volunteers again – and when I say harp, I am saying it with most affection and gratitude – This is such a rich country because of Volunteers. I have been doing the stats for the end of the financial year. The number of Volunteers doing good work at the community Centre is staggering – and I am not counting the hours just the number of volunteers we have each day. It would be difficult to count the number of hours given so freely – Thank you to all our Volunteers, you are all a pleasure to work with. It is time to start thinking about the Pineapple Festival – the games, parade, what you would like to contribute – we have a very good committee again this year with fresh faces and the stalwarts. We are always on the lookout for more ideas not only to raise money but to have fun too – Have you been to other Festivals/Events and said “that would be a good idea for the Pineapple Festival”, please come forward – It is, more than likely, a very good idea for the Pineapple Festival – please don’t keep it to yourself. For the first time last year we presented the Snr and Jnr Pineapple Princesses…we are running with the idea again this year however more refined. We will be looking for Community minded high school students (Girls and Boys) to sign on to vie for the prestigious title of “Young Pineapple Festival Ambassador” – this is the heads up with more information in this Rolly Rag. Round up from the Carboot Sale – by the time you are reading this the Carboot Sale will be over, I hope you took the opportunity to have your pet’s microchip checked and your contact details altered if necessary. This was a coup to have the RSPCA in attendance. To have your pets microchipped for only $30 is a steal in anyone’s words. A very big Thank You to Sue and Jennifer for organising the RSPCA to come along to the Carboot Sale and for the RSPCA Volunteers for giving up your time to ensure our pets have a better chance of being returned home should they stray. See Community Shorts for the Round Up of the Public Meeting with Ergon Representations. Broadband for Seniors (BFS) – the RTC is incorporating the BFS Kiosk – providing Computer and Internet tuition for Over 50’s. We need a couple of Volunteers with mid to high levels of computer skills, to be tutors – there is back up and tutorials on line to assist the volunteer in the role. A couple of designated time slots during the week will be set up and appointments will need to be made. This is your opportunity to learn those computer skills you have been promising yourselves. I would also like to thank Mark Hall for assisting us with the drawing required at the hall. Art Exhibition/ Competition is on again – 6 August will see the Art Exhibition at the Community Hall, accompanied by an Art Competition. There is opportunity for crafty people to hold a stall to sell your craft or to show how your craft is created. All the details are on the flyer in this edition. Entering the Art Competition – please fill out the entry forms on the bottom of the flyer (page 13) – one is to be handed into the RTC and the other is to be attached to your artwork ready for judging. Should you need extra entry forms or for any queries please call Chris on 47707855. Remember – no entry fees, no commission on sales, no stall holders fees or equipment fees – the only thing you need to pay for is some fantastic artworks from our resident artists and delicious morning tea/lunch supplied by the RaDCA tearoom. Watch this Space – Yoga is returning to Rollingstone in mid-July; Dates to be confirmed but you will be the first to know when I know. HELP NEEDED – Rollingstone Coast Care is still working on the first stage of the weed eradication project on the foreshore of the Esplanade – with some very dedicated Volunteers – however the Volunteer numbers are extremely low – the work completed so far makes a real difference to the area. Please if you have a spare couple of hours on the second and fourth Saturday mornings around 9am please, make your way to the southern end of the Esplanade your assistance will be gratefully received. “We live here because we love the beach – let’s keep it natural.” Wednesday Evening Indoor Bowls is gathering momentum – 10 people enjoyed games last week – numbers were down this week due to the State of Origin – only a good excuse ‘cause Queensland won!!!! Remember: Board Games is held on the third Tuesday of the month, Friday Weight Circuit is held weekly starting at 8am. Yoga will be coming soon, RaDCA Memberships are due now (just thought I would throw that in while I had your attention), Vet; third Thursday of the month, Wednesday Evening Bowls,


on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.

We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5

Gladys Pace is extremely ill and her prognosis is far from good. We can only send our love and wish for her rapid recovery – our thoughts and prayers are with you, Gladdy. Robyn Small has also hit a rough patch and is receiving treatment. We’re hoping all goes well and that she’s back to being given the “all clear” again asap. Chris Green lost her Dad a couple of weeks ago. He’d only come to live with us not so long ago and to lose him so soon is most saddening. We offer Chris our collective condolences. Geoff Cook wishing you back on your feet again soon.  New taps have been installed in all the hand-basins in the big Hall; and the new blinds are also in place, making the internal activity area look just so much bigger.  Council (at their expense) is going to re-jig the Cricket Pitch and make it useable again. For this, we’re most grateful but we’ll just have to wait until they get around to it. Then, Reg can get his troops together for some cricket coaching.  The path indicator bollards in the car park have been painted white and had red indicator reflectors attached, making them so much more visible, particularly of an evening.  Our new Gas Cooker will be connected and in place in the Hall kitchen by the time this publication goes out for distribution.  Lots of work behind the scenes as this year’s Pineapple Festival gets tweaked into shape. Some new faces on the Committee and an air of high expectation pervades, along with what we hope will be a certain freshness.  School holidays activities will be happening again starting end of June/early July. There is now a very active youth group in Rollingstone and no doubt they’ll be out and about and around doing lotsa stuff.  We’re looking to get another employee to help Chris from the RTC. Not an easy ask cos we’re dealing with a cash-strapped government. However, we’re giving it a go. In the meantime, if anyone with any admin experience would like to volunteer a few hours each week, please let Chrissie know and that applies to the Library and the Op Shop. TIA.  Oh yes, and we’ve engaged the services of the Broadband for Seniors programme, so if you’re interested, you’ll need to see Chris to make an appointment for instruction. Otherwise, nothing much to report this month. Things have been moving along as they should and as we’ve had no “king hits” recently, I’ve got no gossip to report. Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful!! (Ann Landers) PS: The Public Meeting with Ergon was most poorly attended (which is a shame) but most beneficial in all other aspects. And, it was all extremely civilised and definitely worthwhile. Along with the 2 x Ergon Representatives, we were lucky enough to have Andrew Cripps (Hinchinbrook MP) and Jonathan Pavetto (Kennedy MP aspirant) join us. All of these men had valuable input and it’s to be hoped that a complete “health check” of this area’s electrical power infrastructure will be done, which will alleviate many of our “outage” problems. Billing rates are also in the firing line, but will take much longer to rectify because to date, they are an absolute “cash cow” for the Government and no Government will be anxious to forego the dollar figures that have been unfairly ripped off suburban Queensland (particularly) over some years now. However, take heart in that the main Service Fee will drop from 117.40 cents to 89.52 cents per day as from July 1st!! It’s still criminal, but it’s a start..

Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information

THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm Books for sale from as little as 50c

7th & 20th JULY p6

JUNE RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 23rd June 2016 Rainfall for June : 65.5mls Year to date: 1011.6 mls Wet Days: 10 Days Max Temp: 29° (29/5/16) Min Temp: 11° (6/6/16) To access all the data from our local weather station go to: www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard? ID=IQUEENSL849


BLUEWATER 5741sqm.................$119,500 Town water, beach suburb, primary school

BLUEWATER 4304sqm.................$170,000 Town water, beach suburb, primary school

BLUEWATER 94.2 Acres .............$645.000 Development potential

BLUEWATER 6.49 HA…………$395.000

 

TOOLAKEA 159.5 Acres ..............$1.2Mil Development potential

MUTARNEE 471.5 Acres ..............$330.000 Highway frontage, grazing potential, sugar farming

MUTARNEE 830.3 Acres ...............$450.000 Highway frontage, grazing potential, sugar farming

Call Tom 0499 888 676 tomasdwc@gmail.com www.toolakeaacreage.com.au DWC - David Wadley Commercial P7

ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*

$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00

Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or rollingstonertc@bigpond.com. * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required

RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.  Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page  Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page  Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page  Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST)  Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST)  Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST) 

RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is

adhered to.


Cr Margie Ryder:

Councillor for Division 1

Hello Residents!! Firstly, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to represent you!! am very honoured to have been voted in and I promise to work hard for you all and the City of Townsville.


Anzac Day: - This was amazing to be part of,... and the community spirit as always shone through. Roads:- I have had some great meetings with locals in regards to roads, and again knowledge and history is the key to making this work. Thank you to those residents who took the time to give the “Newbie” a tour and point out the obvious. Face Book: - Yes I do regular posts, so feel free to “Like” me on face book so you can follow my journey or post stories and information and am happy to share. https://www.facebook.com/MargieRyderDiv1/


Rollingstone Bridge: Construction period of 13 weeks (from the 30th May) •Completion target - end of August 2016. Resources: One thing I have learnt is there are many within council and most of the information is available at the CIC Centre in the Mall. Issues and Projects: My plan is to make a vision board that is displayed at the Community Centre so you all know what I am working on or if there is a community issue that needs to be brought to my attention. I have been meeting with Sue, Ian and Chris from the Rollingstone Community Centre and they have given me some great input and advice in regards to the community needs. Starting in July, I will be trying to come out with the Library Truck so you all know when I will be there in person to discuss anything. I understand there have been issues with the Library truck in the past, so we will add this one to the list. My details are listed below, so please do not hesitate to call or make a time to meet in person…..Margie Cr Margie Ryder Councillor for Division 1 P 0439 915 033 / F 07 4727 9050

BALGAL BEACH MARKET 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac etc NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Always need Car boot, Bric a Brac etc


0457 815 453

Presented by Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club For online information on what's on look up



0429 523 012

P 10

Gidday Rollingstone…..So there I was balanced on the back of an old wooden kitchen chair a crusty old Detective Sergeant sitting on the chair to stop it from tipping over – I’m reaching way over my head to slide the manhole cover to one side – he’s starting to grumble because we’ve been looking for this bad guy all morning, haven’t found him yet, it’s already past 10am, the pub was already open (it was the early 1980’s after all) – I finally managed to do my best impression of Hercules doing a chin-up to get my face into the roof – I’m now swinging in mid-air hanging on to the ceiling ABOVE the aforementioned crusty detective sergeant (who hasn’t stopped whinging about missing opening time) – one last big grunt from me – my scone looks into the roof – straight into another face who was laying just inside the manhole.

and boring – but everyone has them. They keep you on track with the rest of the world whether you like it or not. But you have to remember how to live when that routine is broken and you can no longer rely that it’s going to happen the way it always used to. I suppose that ties in with the next bit….

“Every now and then you really do have to expect the unexpected” and “It doesn’t always work out the way you planned”. I know they’re pretty well-worn clichés and probably better suited to this line of work, but no matter what stage of life you’re at, things can change in a heart-beat. Things will happen that are just way out of your control – sometimes good things and sometimes tragic. How you deal with it can define who you are. Just remember that for the most part, your strength of character is formed from the things you I screamed.….he screamed......I let go.....crusty didn’t see coming and how you dealt with them – it’s not something detective sergeant screamed.……ceiling man you were born with, but it is something you can work on until the immediately started to surrender (obviously day you die. thinking that anyone who could have dragged “Giggling like a school girl when you get a their bones that far up into the roof was surely fright is NOT a bad thing.” It’s not a going to flog him anyway) crusty detective particularly cool thing to do especially in front sergeant threatened to flog me and vowed never to work with baggy a few really hard core detectives or members arsed constables again I started to giggle (it’s a nervous thing that of the public who expect you to be a bit more happens if I get a big fright – I’m heaps of fun at a horror movie) professional – but like Popeye always says, “I ceiling man comes down the ladder that had miraculously appeared yam what I yam”. Be yourself – there’s no courtesy of a neighbour. I compose myself, thinking that I’ve just one else quite like you. located the biggest bad guy since Ronald Biggs, only to be told that ceiling man was actually ceiling boy - a 12 year old kid playing hide And finally – “Never stand between a crusty and seek and crusty detective sergeant skulked off to the nearest detective sergeant and the open door of a public pub, grumbling something about throwing me under the next bus. bar.” Just saying…that’s all. I avoided that bloke for years after that job. I had, after all, There are some lessons in that story – they took me a while to figure fallen on top of him when I let go of the ceiling. out – I was young when it happened. He was so angry…he called me names that I “Some stuff just doesn’t come easy and sometimes you’re going to had to write down. Not being able to speak have to keep trying.” Being able to achieve something - to get while I was laughing didn’t help either of us I where you want to be (or where you need to be) takes balance (just suppose. I went to his send-off about 10 years later and he actually like standing on the back of a chair) – it might be work, friends, told that story – there were no deep and family, home…and sometimes the only way to get something you meaningful ‘life lessons’ in his version – really want is to reach for it – even if it means having more than one just a yarn about a two-headed junior go at it (I fell off the back of that chair about 8 times). constable who fell on him while he was trying to catch a dangerous criminal. “When you’re hanging by your fingertips from a hole in a ceiling, 12 feet off the floor, sometimes the only way is up”. I admit, that in Just a quick mention about SCAMS that that couple of seconds hanging in mid-air the thought did cross my are floating around at the minute – two mind that I possibly wasn’t in the strongest of positions to do very prominent ones are the ATO (Tax Office) contacting anything if Ronald Biggs had in fact been waiting in the ceiling, but individuals with claims that more money is owed and private sometimes you just have to keep moving forward – trust, hope and telephone numbers being hacked and used as if they were being pray that it all works out – but keep trying. The greatest failure in called from. life isn’t the lack of success – it’s when you don’t even try. Any contact that you have from the ATO should be verified by you “It’s OK to rely on other people when you need to”. Crusty finding a number for their office and contacting them yourself. detective sergeant, in spite of his threats to disembowel me if I fell Don’t give out passwords, user names and especially account on him again, was a great counter-balance for me – without him on details. the chair, I couldn’t have reached the ceiling. Every time I fell, he The private telephone number hacking works when a private dragged me up off the floor and shoved me back up on the chair. number can be manipulated so that it appears as if that’s the number And don’t be afraid to ask for help – sometimes having a hand up, being called from. It’s very clever and fairly sophisticated stuff. If in whatever form that takes, is a good thing. you think you might be a victim of any kind of SCAM or you need “Just because it’s always been that way, doesn’t mean it’ll always some advice, give us a call and we can put you in touch with the be that way”. I’ve searched through stuff for bad guys a million right people. times – houses, cars, people – I’ve looked into hundreds of ceilings I’ve also been asked to mention that the Rollingstone State School and wardrobes, under beds, in cupboards, car boots and sheds, P&C will be selling raffle tickets at the school on Election Day searched through scrub land, chook pens and dog kennels. If I had a (bring your spare change) and they’re collating a Cook Book of dollar for every time I’ve actually found someone, I’d probably be local recipes, so if you have a really good secret family recipe that able to buy a Big Mac and chips but no milkshake. But all it takes is you’d like to have included, drop it into the police station. that one face staring back at you when you least expect it. Routines Stay safe……….Goughy are good things – you might not like them – might be a bit mundane P 11


47786444 Or make your booking ONLINE via our website www.bluewatermedical.com or Google: Doctor Appointments in Bluewater and you can use Health Engine to make your appt. We have 8 General Practitioners, 2 Nurse Practitioners and the services from the following Allied Health Dietitian, Podiatry, Psychologists, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Psychologist, Natural Massage Therapist and Counsellor. Visiting Cardiologist attends monthly. There is a pharmacy and Physiotherapists on site.

Whilst the majority of our GP’s bulk bill, please be aware that when booking online you may be selecting a Private Appt. where payment will be required at consultation.

Garden maintenance Landscaping Flat pack assembly Yard clean up Mowing acrage Smoke alarm battery

House painting Minor renovations Irrigation Repair leaky taps Replace light bulbs

Fully insured for your peace of mind Call Mike on 0437 703 870 P 12

A YOUNG PERSON’S CONTRIBUTION TO OUR PINEAPPLE FESTIVAL This year the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival Committee is developing an innovation formula for our Festival and we call on young people to apply for two opportunities to develop their personal skills and make a contribution to our community. We are seeking a Junior Pineapple Princess or Prince aged group 5 to 11 years to represent the junior student segment at our Festival. As an entrant in the Junior Pineapple Princess or Prince will take a prominent position in the Street Parade and the Entrant selected by the VIP Judges will receive a small award on the stage. We are looking for a community minded young person to fill the role of ‘Young Pineapple Festival Ambassador’ in the age group 12 to 18 years. Below outlines how to enter. Some of the duties the Young Pineapple Festival Ambassador will required to perform is to greet our guest VIP’s when they arrive and assist with their introduction on stage. To be in the running for the Title of “Young Pineapple Festival Ambassador”, the applicant is required to write a short essay to the maximum of 200 words on the subject: “What I would like to see in my Community” – to be emailed along with your Name, Date of Birth, the year and school you are attending; to our Community Centre Manager Chris Martin rollingstonertc@bigpond.com by the cob Friday the 5th August. Judging will be made by a small panel of the Pineapple Committee in the 2nd week of August. All applicants will receive a framed certificate.

NEXT VISIT TO ROLLINGSTONE SATURDAY 16TH & SUNDAY 17TH JULY If you would like to discuss an alternative day please call 47755754 or 0427298698


Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Hello and welcome. The combined end of month BBQ and Family Fun Weekend Away to Lucinda late May was another success with 36 members attending. The Saturday night Arabian Nights theme night at the local hotel saw some great costumes and a lot of hilarity and good fun. Sheik Abdullah Bin Geoff accompanied by one of his many (so he says) concubines, Vicki, dressed splendidly as did Babz and Richard. Two rather rotund gentlemen performed a belly dance to the cheers of those present but unfortunately we could not see their faces due to their costumes so we don’t know who they were. The food was great, the company excellent and everyone had a ball. Congratulations to Bruce and Lyn Wollard who celebrated their 50th year of happy marriage bliss with us on the night. Fellas, if you have something that needs fixing please see Babz who will rectify the problem in no time – under the table – particularly if it involves feathers. Lucky Richard! This trip away for some reason we broke with a Club tradition and some of us actually caught some fish! Amazing and hard to believe I know but the proof is in the photos. However, one of our members is in urgent need of the services of a fishing instructor because of and in spite of her constant rants on social media etc Kerrie C caught nothing, zilch, nought, nawt zero, zip, bugger all, not even a little nibble, nibble, nibble. Meanwhile, back in the boat the other occupants, Tony, Bill and Jackie landed bags full. Kerrie, even Rebecca Hutchinson caught a Golden Travelly off the beach using nothing but a bit of string, a rusty hook and a bit of Brett’s toenail for bait or was that toe jam? Thanks to all who participated to make it such a wonderful relaxing weekend away and a special thanks to Richard and Robert Pratt and their Families who did the cooking, cleaning and other essential things and the wonderful ladies who jumped in to help Di with the salads and throughout the weekend. The Club’s Monthly Fishing Competition winners were, Senior Perry Jones and Junior Jack Duggan. Congratulations. We still have some members on our sick list and we hope Ron Condren (Condo) and Gladys Pace are back with us soon. You are missed. The Annual Interclub Fishing Competition and Member for Hinchinbrook Challenge has again been announced and it is from 16 July to12 August. Participants must be a financial member and register. For the past two years, one of our junior members has taken out the junior trophy so we hope for another year of success for our Club. More information on registration, rules etc can be found on the Club’s Face book page, Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club, Balgal Beach, Inc or contact Vice-President Graham Milliken who either has all the answers or will make something up that sounds good. Membership fees are now due so please don’t let your membership to one of the greatest little clubs in town lapse. For your annual membership you get great functions normally at no cost, trips away and fishing competitions with great cash prizes. Don’t hesitate, do it now! Some of us recently journeyed to Richmond, west QLD to stay with past President Garry Luff and to attend the Richmond Field Day and Country Race Meeting. On the first morning at Garry’s, early, Garry was in his very small shower cubicle bursting forth with feeling, gusto and in his booming bathroom baritone resonance and megalopolis voice with “Singing in the Rain” to the beat of the ACDC classic head banger “You Shook Me All Night Long” which is a feat in itself. Anyway, during this routine of his daily therapy, the bath room door burst open and in enters Dickie, his head shrouded in early morning mist, his steel sharp eyes still blurred from sleep and perhaps also from the activities the previous evening. While Garry watched intently and understandably nervously, Dickie first did his early morning thing at the wash basin then undressed and opened the shower cubicle door exclaiming on sighting Garry “ Oh, you are in here Garry” Well, for his calmness, poise, dignity and for not screaming as most of us would, we award the Monthly Tale of Woe Award to Garry Luff for having to endure the sight of a naked Dickie trying to occupy the same very small shower space as himself and, sadly, for remembering the words to that 1940s Broadway and Hollywood classic “Singing in the Rain”. To add to Garry’s dilemma, they found that the door lock had malfunctioned and they were entrapped in their prison. Their frantic cries, wailing and terrified bellowing eventually saw them released sweating, ashen faced and trembling from this terrible ordeal; they had experienced a glimpse of hell! Di and I have to return to Richmond soon to put gold fish in the crater in Garry’s manicured front lawn made when I became bogged in the motor home. I hasten to add that Dickie was guiding me at the time and we won’t mention the saga of his lost wallet. Oh Dickie, you unintentionally create havoc wherever you go but you are a ton of fun to travel with. The Club Markets are held on the first Saturday of the month near The Landing. Come on down for breakfast from 8.00 am then stroll around the stalls. Dan and Mon are there with their coffee and drinks, Rebecca is in attendance ready to pummel those aches and pains from your body and your Club now does the breakfast so if you wish to lend us a hand please let us know Until we meet again next month………. Ninger. (Also known as Neil Thompson) P 14





P 15 P 15

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Lions International Motto – ‘We Serve’ All throughout the World Lions Clubs have their annually changeover of Office Bearers this time of year. Rollingstone And District Lions have traditionally held the Changeover night at the Mystic Sands Golf Resort and this year the theme was ‘Bling’ Our ladies certainly know how to dress up, but I think the prize for the most ‘Bling’ should go to a couple of our long standing male members that have been awarded many pins and ribbons for their service to the community. I feel we should acknowledge these two members Past District Governor John Muller OAM – Global Membership Team Leader for Australia & PNG – As this issue goes to press John’s position has just been elevated to Constitutional Area 7 which includes the South East Asian Basin - replacing Tony Benlow who has been appointed as an International Director. It’s not surprising, but it was a surprise for John that he received a Life Membership Award and don’t think I have ever seen John so emotional. Congratulations John for all your time dedicated to Lions on a National level, you still find time to give a helping hand in our local community. Our other is Lion Ian Dow (Dowie) who devotes countless hours to community work. I think he holds a position on every local community group and our Lions Camp Kanga. Ian is a tireless contributor to the Lions Clubs International Youth Exchange Annual Camp and this year we are hosting four International Exchange Students locally Ian was awarded his 2nd Barry & Anne Palmer ‘Follow Your Dream’ Award – Congratulations Ian, you are a local grass roots hero. Linda Cleaver nearly collapsed when she was awarded a Melvyn Jones Fellowship Award. Wow a justly award as Linda now enters her 10th year leading fund raising programs for our club. Denis Cleaver was awarded Club Member of the Year after sharing this award with his wife Linda last year for his close attention to the task as Club Treasurer. Awards and certificates also were presented to members and community identities who made important contributions to another successful year of our Lion’s Club. Team ‘Dowie’ was installed for the ensuring 12 months along with Our Leos club Board by our Zone Chairman Allan Hansen. – We congratulate Allan for his new position as 2nd Vice District Governor as we embrace our District Governor Brian Hewett’s motto ‘Many hands make the Impossible - Possible’ Applying this motto we can achieve the continued aims of our club to serve our community under the leadership of our incoming President Ian Dow and his Board. There is a need for more hands so if you can spare a few hours as and when you can, it would make all the difference. Don’t wait to be asked, if you know one of our members ask for an invitation to join in one of our activities………...Immediate Past President John Holliday

ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT LEO CLUB and JUNIOR LEOS Hello and welcome to July. Our Leo Lion members where officially inducted to their rolls at the June Lions change over dinner. I am very proud of our young leaders in the community and I ask you as a community to support them in their future events. The Leos have been busy organising two events for the month of July. 2nd July Election Day Car Wash at Rosco’s shop. Proceeds to go towards the Rollingstone State School Chaplaincy fund. 9th July Welcome Day for Lions International Youth Students If you have a Child/Teenager (over the age of 12) that is keen to get more involved in the community for not only to learn team and leadership skills but to make new friends. We invite you to come along and have some fun at our next event at the car wash. Leo’s Motto is: L – Leadership & Lets E – Experience & Enjoy O – Opportunity & Ourselves Looking forward to seeing you all at the Car Wash Kristie Williams

Welcome Day for Lions International Youth Exchange Students Rollingstone Leo Club invite the youth of Rollingstone to an afternoon of activities on Saturday 9th July at the Rollingstone Community Centre from 4pm Come and enjoy some Cricket, Basketball, Bocche Bowls and Indigenous art. A bon fire and disco to lead us into the evening. Sausage Sizzle to be provided.and drinks can be purchased for $1.50 For more information, please contact Leo Assistant Advisor Kristie Williams on 0498 113603. Kids are welcome to stay for a sleep over at the community hall. Adult supervision for the entire event. (This is an alcohol free event)

Leo Assistant Adviser

LEO Car Wash Saturday 2nd July 8:30am – 12pm Rosco’s Store Cars

$10 4WD

$15 P 16


P 17

LNP PRESENTS POSITIVE POLICIES In recent weeks the LNP Opposition has proposed two positive policies as the alternative government in Queensland. First, in response to the Palaszczuk Government's second budget, which forecasts unemployment to grow, the LNP released a comprehensive plan to claw back jobs lost under Labor. The LNP’s Get Queensland Working jobs plan will give up to 20,000 young Queenslanders an opportunity to get a job, encourage more apprentices to finish their trade and provide incentives to employers to train and retain workers. The plan targets small businesses and young people out of work. Labor promised to create jobs, but its failure to do so has seen more than 21,000 young Queenslanders out of work since they came to office in February 2015. In contrast, the former LNP government increased funding for vocational education and training, to train young people for the jobs Queensland needed. The LNP has also announced a policy to address one of our major environmental issues – while engaging the community. The LNP has committed to introducing a container deposit scheme that would see Queenslanders refunded 10 cents for aluminium, glass and plastic containers returned for recycling. This policy is consistent with the LNP’s support for grassroots environmental initiatives that have a real benefit and will bring Queensland in line with other states with similar programs. This practical policy from the LNP is a big win for the environment and encourages the community to be involved in recycling. The spread of litter is one of the most serious problems facing our environment, especially the impact of plastic on animal life, in particular marine animals and birds. I am sure the LNPs container deposit scheme policy will be welcomed by the community.

Starting 11th July - 16th September 27 Toolakea Beach Rd, Bluewater Qualified Personal Trainer Achieve optimal health & wellbeing

Detox * Revitalise * Challenge your body Included fitness testing, weigh in’s, group fitness classes Nutritional advice including recipes Call me today. Numbers are limited

P 18

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G.Day All, Well our AUSSIE NIGHT went off really well. We all had a good night. Our theme was traditional Aussie food with yummy pies of all sorts along with spuds, carrots and mushy peas etc. They were so good most members went back for seconds and thirds for some. The deserts are always beautiful. Thanks to all who brought the tucker along, you are amazing cooks. We also had a Trivia Night, it was really great fun. The winning team scored 21`out of 30 questions. Congratulations go to the winning team for winning the GOLD. The weather has been very off and on lately. We have had to cancel our club trip to Cattle Creek several times due to rough seas. We are now trying for Friday the first of July. FINGERS CROSSED. JUNE’s fishing winners for the month were Lai Pang, Tommy R. and Ken D. They tied with their fish. All three caught 64 cm Finger Marks. Lai Pang also won the Mystery Length. Congratulations to all three winners. The LOUNDS FRESH SEAFOOD RAFFLE was won by Carol. Lound’s always have the best seafood in town and it is a nice prize to win. We welcomed two new members, Bob and Terese, they are a lovely couple and were made most welcome by all our members. We are heading off to Lucinda for our clubs annual weekend away 8,9,10th July. We all have a wonderful time together; it’s a great trip with lots of partying Friday and Saturday night and fishing all day. Phone Ken 47707276 for information. On 20th August we are going to THE CULTURAL FEST which is being held at the JCU Campus this year. It is another fun night with foods from around the world, plus top entertainment. We can thoroughly recommend the FESTIVAL; it runs from Wednesday 17,18,19,20,21 of August. OUR AGM WILL BE HELD AT OUR AUGUST BBQ. ALL POSITIONS WILL BECOME VACANT. Well stay safe and live every day………...Kindest regard from your Committee.

P 19


Time for another article and one notes JULY! Our year is zooming by and celebrations come and go.and I have not been to town for any Townsville 150th activities but that is because we are always busy in Rollingstone. Our club is hoping to assist Rollingstone State School with their 100th year celebrations by helping with the purchase and installation of new flagpoles. The Lions are also working towards this day which will be celebrated on Saturday, 20th August 2016. There are many families who have grown up in this area so hopefully it will be a great day with many people attending. I’m sure a number of our RSL members will support this day as we have a close bond with Rollingstone State School. Hope to see you there. The school’s big day is two days after our VIETNAM VETERANS’ DAY Service. We have a catafalque party from 9 Transport SQN, who are happy to assist with our services, so hopefully we can have a good turnout for this day. So please put Thursday, 18th August in your diary. Service commences at 10am and is completed by 10:30 / 10:45am. Let’s remember those who went to Vietnam, believing that what they were doing was in the best interests of our country. On the weekend of June 24th, 25th and 26th the State Congress is being held in Townsville and this will be a boon for this area. Hopefully many of the delegates will take the opportunity to have a look around the area and stay a little longer. On Saturday, 18th June, our President, Ewan Cameron, had the pleasure of attending the launch of a book written by Jim Davis, to commemorate 60 years since the formation of the Magnetic Island RSL. Jim has worked diligently for the RSL over many years and in 2012 was granted Life Membership of Queensland RSL. WOW- that’s the only way to describe the club on Friday nights! We have had great attendances, with many people staying and enjoying dinner, and some attending for a few drinks and the raffles. At this stage we are now doing 3 meat trays as they are very popular and then a bottle of spirits if required. A new raffle roster has been circulated and I have received, “Yes, that will be fine!!” Such great support from our members and I do thank them for volunteering their time. Dowie said I wasn’t to publish this, but no hush money, plus, I do need to let people know when the Goose Club goes off, so on 10th June Dowie won $400! At least we got past the 200’s this time. The jackpot starts at $200 and increases by $20 each week so it soon mounts up. The reason I am so pleased with the raffle volunteers, is that one of our chief sellers, Gloria, will be moving away. We will be sad to see her go as she was one of our mainstays for some time, along with her little buddy Robyn. Unfortunately Robbie (as we call her) hasn’t been in the best of health, but she comes to the club whenever she can and is ever so positive. Those 2 out of action meant poor Faye would carry a heavier load but thanks to Anne, Joe, Megan, Ken, Annie, Doug, Jane, Rhonda G, Reg and Dowie, we will be fine. On a serious note, could anyone having difficulty with DVA please get in touch, as following our QGM, DVA has volunteered to attend out here to answer queries from our members. We need to know numbers to organise a date and time. Also, anyone interested in the trip to see the Spirit Of Anzacs Tour in September, please let me know. I have booked 20 places. Unfortunately Mick and I can’t attend but we can still go ahead with the trip if there is enough interest. Ewan also mentioned Veterans’ Health Week, which is on in October, and we could look at a trip to town for that. The other possibility, is a day where we visit Jezzine. I believe it has been done up really well and would be a valuable experience. We are looking at organising a bus, covering any entry fees and then having lunch, possibly at the RSL. These activities are for all Rollingstone RSL members. Last year Allan J, his brother Bob, and I played in the golf competition, held during Vets Health Week, and we had a lovely day. I believe I need to defend my NAGA award with Yoka from the TPI Association. There are things to do, we just need ideas from you, the members. Wish I had Goughy and Ninger’s talents with words! So I will stop prattling and close for this month. Take care. Reminds metaking care- fitness class with Benita on Fridays is great! You go at your own pace and she understands age and differing abilities, but tries to ensure we use all muscle groups and builds in exercises to assist with stability and falls prevention. Give it a go if you are free and looking for something active……..Cheers, Rhonda.

SES REPORT This month at SES has been relativity quite. We will be having our new Red & Blue lights fitted next month. We are lucky enough to receive a grant from Energex, Ergon & Powerlink to purchase 2 x Scene lighting equipment….So thank you to those companies.. Being half way through the year we are recruiting again. We need people interested in volunteering to help out. We offer lots of various positions with on the job training. It is very rewarding to be part of the emergency services. So if you feel you can contribute in anyway please contact Rob Wilson 0418 194 876 Take care out there & Remember if it's flooded forget it ..Cheers….Jeni Maxwell P 20


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P 21

Natures Notes - Roy Mackay


2nd, 16th and 30th (9am - 12pm)

We are a part of Nature. We are animals like Koalas and Kangaroos but we are unique in that we have the greatest development of our brain and intellect. So, we can appreciate the presence of some species in our environment and reject others which may be a danger to our survival. We are quite happy to have Peewees in our gardens but not Taipans. However, we are keen to know the life of all plants and animals in our environment so that we can be happy to have a rose in our garden but not a Singapore Daisy. It is good to know your environment and its harmless or dangerous elements. You may have seen that item on ABC TV about the Amethystine Python which had, presumably been living in a house for maybe 15 years. Maybe it is lucky that the householder did not have a baby in that time. Pythons are not venomous. We are not fearful about having them around - unless you have a pet dog or cat. Then you could get a reptile collector to come and take it away and release it into the bush away from houses. I have visited Balgal frequently lately and it is always a pleasure to see the Peewees, the White Cockatoos, an occasional Wallaby and even a snake just disappearing off the roadway into a drain. You are at the southern edge of the tropical reainforest with more open forest than rainforest so it is inevitable that you have rainforest and open forest species of birds and animals around you. Do you have printed lists of birds, mammals and reptiles that are in your area? They would be of great interest to all you nature lovers. You do have the advantage of having the beach and mangroves in your area so there will be a much greater variety of habitat. Get to it‌‌.Roy Mackay P 22

Paluma In the Clouds Les Hyland

McClelland’s Lookout Work has continued on the facilities at the lookout. The Barbeque nearest the viewing area has been roofed and is on a concrete slab Work has continued on the facilities at the lookout. The Barbeque nearest the viewing area has been roofed and is on a concrete slab. The shelter shed has been refurbished and the bitumen on the access path has been repaired. The second barbeque, alongside the toilet block, will receive similar treatment when funds permit. All in all the NPWS are to be complimented on these improvements which give visitors shelter from the sun and rain at this very popular view point . Public Toilets The PDCA have had extensive consultation with Townsville City Council regarding the effluent leaking on the Village Green from the public toilets. This is being brought to a satisfactory conclusion as we go to press with the installation of a new septic system. May we record our appreciation to the Council and in particular, Jeff Miles Strategic Asset Planning Coordinator. for his efforts in rectifying the previous unsatisfactory situation. The Toilets were closed on 13th and 14th June and on thse days the hall toilets were left open for public use from 09.00 to 18.00. “Forestmist” Andy and Ann Bishop have sold their Bed and Breakfast establishment and will be leaving Paluma. Can we say that they will be very much missed by the community of which they have been long standing members having owned “Ivy Cottage” before building “Forestmist”. Best wishes to both of you and we hope you will get to visit Paluma now and again. We welcome Michele Bird - the new owner - to the community. Christmas in July The next social event will be our “Christmas in July” which will be held in the Community Hall on Saturday 16th July. 18.30hrs on the usual “Bring a plate to share” basis. Please try and be punctual so we have all food ready at the same time. Something reminiscent of Christmas would be a good idea and if you have a Santa hat or similar Christmas garb, please, do wear it! We ask each person to bring a small gift to the value of $7-8 for exchange on the night. We have also planned a surprise musical entertainment. Paluma Push The annual “Paluma Push” cycle race will be held again this year on Sunday 24th July. The races starts at around 09.00 hrs from Paluma Village Green and ends at Hidden Valley Cabins. As usual members of the Paluma Rural Fire Brigade will be required to man some of the checkpoints and anyone who can assist is asked to advise the 1st Officer of our Brigade: Len Cook. His contacts are Phone; 4770 8630 or, probably better, email: anagama@activ8.net.au. There will be a briefing in the Community Centre on the Saturday before the race 23rd July when checkpoints will be allocated. Check the finer details with Len as we come closer to the date.


4770 7698 0437 555 469

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P 23

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL There is no doubt it has been a busy month. First, we have celebrated Under 8s Day with families and community friends. Isn’t it amazing that we can but the latest and greatest toys but the favourite activity was stretching their imaginations by building structures with cardboard boxes? The theme was pirates and several huge Cooking up a storm of toast and pancakes ships were built.

Posing in the life boat from the pirate

The next day, Junior Leos came to school and provided a breakfast for everybody. We would like to give a big THANKYOU to the Rollingstone and district Lions Club for all the support they have given our school this year. NAIDOC Day was celebrated with some year 12 students and trainees from Shalom Christian College. They came out to share their indigenous culture and some of the team games they have been teaching the students at Shalom. The sports trainees ran one of the rotational activities and our students thought they were wonderful.

Did we have fun? Yesssssss!

Flying down the track

Ms Ratcliffe took Amy, Elisha, Lauren and Poppy into town for the Queensland Regional Readers Cup competition sponsored by the Children’s Book Council of Australia. The students did a great job and were a credit to our school. Our last activity for the term was the school sports carnival. The rain cleared and the wild pigs didn’t NAIDOC Day with Shalom manage to get to the field. It turned into a wonderful display of talent and sportsmanship. Congratulations to everyone who came along and supported the school.

Don’t forget the Centenary Celebrations

P 24



4770 7540 / 0427 074 816



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0402 084 588

Have you ever heard of the term "loving an animal to death"? In terms of wildlife care, this is a very real problem and wildlife carers need to be careful to avoid this happening. "Loving Wildlife To Death" occurs when hand-raised wild animals are loved, nurtured and babied by well-meaning wildlife carers to such an extent that the animal is imprinted on humans, and does not develop the skills needed to survive in the wild. Animals that are not allowed to progress through their normal stages of development at the correct time can remain completely dependant upon humans and will be unable to manage on their own. Animals that are kept away from their own species and raised alone are far more likely to imprint on humans. An imprinted animal thinks it is a human, and as an adult, may direct its mating behaviour towards humans. Not only can this cause problems for people, but it is a recipe for disaster for the animal itself. Imprinted animals have lost all their natural caution or fear of humans and human environments, and usually end up being killed by nearby cats, dogs, or even people. Imprinted animals can often be ostracised or even attacked by their own species and they may not be able to find their own food or shelter. Animals that are released without having been allowed the right time to exercise in suitable facilities as well as to be able to become used to different weather conditions, will simply suffer and many soon die. It is often a long cruel death and is a very sad end for a little animal that was probably much loved and cared about. Life is very hard for wildlife at the best of times and any animal being returned to the wild must be extremely fit and healthy in order to survive. A hand-raised native animal that has never been given access to a suitable large enclosure or aviary will have weak muscles and birds would also most likely have damaged feathers. They will not have been able to develop normal behaviour and if these animals were to be released straight from a small enclosure their chances of survival are not good at all. If not raised with others of their own kind, their chances of surviving and thriving once freed, become even less. Any hand-raised wildlife - and also adult wildlife recovering from injuries - needs to be housed in proper facilities at the right stage of development or rehabilitation, in order for the animal to become strong and able to manage when released. They must have been given the opportunity to be able to recognise, seek out and find their natural foods, shelter and habitat, through the provision of correct rearing methods and suitable facilities during their time in care. If an imprinted hand-raised released animal that has been hanging around for a while, suddenly disappears; the chances are that it has been killed. This is not a successful rearing, rehabilitation or release, but is merely abandonment. Kathryn Keen—http://www.ozarkwild.org Orphan and injured wildlife. Please if you happen to rescue wildlife please remember these are special animals that require special diets and care, preferably with another of the same kind. Registered members with Nth Queensland wildlife will always assist in any way and find a carer that is trained to care for that particular species. The residents in the Rollingstone district are always contacting one of the 3 registered wildlife carers here with various animals. Last week we had a baby bandicoot brought to us. For this the animals have the best chance of a healthy survival and being released back to their usual environment. On their behalf can we the wildlife carers thank you very much. Gwen

Rollingstone & District Seniors Our Secretary is absent in NZ at the moment and so I have the fun of telling you all our news. It has been very quiet with the Seniors in Rollingstone this month. I think we have all hibernated away from the cold! BINGO is on 10th July this month. The jackpot still has not gone off so we are getting a nice little pool of cash waiting to be won. Heads down at 1:30 til 4pm. It would be great to see some new faces and try to see if you can get the jackpot! Our Next Event is the CHRISTMAS IN JULY PROGRESSIVE DINNER 23rd JULY. Bookings close 16th JULY $30 for a 5 course dinner plus port & coffee. Nibbles / Soup / Main / desert / port & coffee as well as a chocolate fountain Book with Gwen & Peter Cahill: 47707540…..The bus will be available for $10 if we have sufficient numbers, if not we can assist with transport. Don’t miss out! Last year’s dinner was a sell out and everyone had a great time. TOOWOOMBA Trip 11th September There is 1 double cabin available in Toowoomba for 9 nights including each way on train (which is optional, you can fly if you choose) Total cost to be confirmed but it will be under $500! We also have our own bus in Toowoomba so we can have relaxing days. We have reserved seating for the Carnival of Flowers procession which is special and should make this trip once in a lifetime event. . Call Gwen 47707540 to reserve this space. …. Enjoy the cold and see you all soon …….Peter President

P 25

TODAYS YOUTH HAVING FUN! ABOUT US Troupies is a youth group developed for the local children of Rollingstone and districts, all ages are welcome. Troupies was formed by local parents under the banner of Rollingstone and District Community Association. Our aim and vision is to provide local children with activities, crafts, sport, community involvement, entertainment and at all times FUN! ACTIVITIES WE DO: CRAFTS- learning various crafts every month** Community rubbish pickups.

**Market stall **Basketball, practice and game. **Movie Nights **Disco. **Walkathon. ** Sausage Sizzles Come along and tell us what you would like to do and learn. Contact Chris 0458266687 or Allison 0421583168 for times and events and to discuss what we will be planning for the future.

P 26

MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Hello Golfers, Our resident scribe is a bit busy this month so I have been asked to pen a few lines. While I don’t have access to all the winners I can tell you that it has been a very busy month..June Monthly medal, 4BBB Stableford Closed Club Championships, Mens open A,B & C grade championships & Men’s & Women’s closed club championships with the 2 nd day of this competition being washed out This day will now be held on Sunday 3rd July. following the July monthly medal on Saturday 2nd July. Our vets shield match against Townsville was also postponed due to Mother Nature, but will be on the 23 rd August. Our vets open was held on Tuesday 21st June with 67 players enjoying our course which it in top shape at the moment thanks to the Green keeper Dave & Tony plus the helpers and the feed back from Willows/ Rowes Bay/Townsville golf clubs was very positive indeed and I am sure we will get more clubs coming up for a game. A big thank you to all the committee members who chip in and help make the events a success, especially Merle Dickenson who works tirelessly to get all the paper work ready for all events. (Thanks Merle we luv ya). Next month is going to be just as busy so all hands on deck, also a big thank you to our sponsors who make it possible to hold all these events: Golf World, BP Rollingstone, Bluewater Pharmacy, RADCA, Paradise Pines, Bob Selby, KC Mow & Grow, Drummond Golf, Compass Chemicals & Janitorial, Wilco Engineering Supplies, Pet Heaven, J.Okane, Rollingstone RSL, D Cleaver, R Condren, K Stevens, E White, Balgal Beach Holiday Units, Royal Canin, and Lounds Fresh Seafoods. The Managers of the Club (Receivers) have decided that due to workplace health & safety issues NO carts are to be driven on the pathway leading up to the club, so I would ask all members to adhere to this. Our normal scribe should be back next month with some results so until then hit em long and straight. …………………………………………………..Bob Lloyd ...(President)…………………………………………………………..

MYSTIC SANDS BOWLS CLUB Congratulations to our gallant Dunn Cup team of Bruce, Graeme, Tim and Michael for their excellent performance in this very prestigious tournament. The guys recorded four wins from eight matches which is a great result when taking into account they were playing against the best players in the region. Well done and again you have done our little club proud. Have to give a huge thanks to the small group of volunteers who have been doing a lot of work on our green which is looking better every week. While we copped some pain when the green was out of commission for a couple of weeks, this will prove worthwhile with a much improved playing surface which will allow us to start playing some competition bowls on a Saturday. Everyone in the Bowling Club was sad to hear of the resignation of our little mate Emma and this gorgeous girl will certainly be missed. Good luck down south mate and we certainly hope things work out for you. Not a great deal to report on for the last month but hopefully numbers will start picking up for Sunday morning barefoot bowls and Saturday bowls can get underway. As usual, please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292. Thanks. P 27

P 28

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. 44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGER Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail: rollingstonertc@bigpond.com

AMBULANCE C/o Northern Beaches Station

47786 033

BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB INC. President Faye Thomson 47707 616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 47707 034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB

47516 511

FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB INC. President Di Thompson 0427240472 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427240472 PLAYGROUP North Townsville Community Hub

47516 511

COMMUNITY HALL PHONE (M-F 9AM-3PM) 47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact:

rollingstonerag@bigpond.com Rag office 47707 799 Janine Jones 0407882009

POLICE 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough Senior Constable Shaun Sutton Front Desk Admin Christine Ruston RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White

47707 285

PALUMA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION President Lynn Hyland 47737 675 1st. Vice President Colwyn Campbell 47708 559 2nd. Vice President Wilf Karnoll 47788 441 Secretary Michael Drew 0428779302 Email: drewma@gmail.com Treasurer John Tubman ROLLINGSTONE RSL President Ewan Cameron Secretary Rhonda Coulson

0417719043 47707 058

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB President John Holliday Secretary John Muller

0414808483 0407114687

47707 348 47707 619

47707 540 47707 356

S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT SENIORS INC. President Peter Cahill Secretary GayeLovell

13 2500 47707 498


47707 813

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Principal Kacey Constantine

47707 313

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL P & C ASSOC. President Brad Gough Secretary Christine Ruston MUTARNEE STATE SCHOOL Principal Lydia Jamieson

47708 131


47715 411

ANIMAL CONTACT NUMBERS Animal Refuge 47745 130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130 RSPCA Inspection 47744 714 Straying Stock 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 47212 399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414717374 Bird Rescue 47707 356 / 041296553 Margaret Preston (Vet) 0403262212 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Nellie Berra After 4pm 47707 352 Chris Martin B/H 47707 855

P 29

Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week

Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards

Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470

   

Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce

  

Eggs Bananas Pineapples

Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham

Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!

   

Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon

PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.

Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly

Going Fishing?

Rosco, Olga, Tanya & Simone PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470

We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions

Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 30

JULY 2016 Sunday



Wednesday 29

Thursday 30

Friday 1 8 am Weight Circuit Class 11am Computer Class

3 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 5.30 pm Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club BBQ

10 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church


SHOW DAY 9 am Linedancing 7 pm - AA Meeting

11 9 am - Cards


7 pm - AA Meeting

17 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

18 9 am - Cards 9 am Linedancing 6.45 pm SES Meeting 7 pm - AA Meeting

11 am Balgal Destiny Fellowship


9 am Linedancing 6.45 pm SES Meeting

24 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

6.30 pm Lions Club at the Den

6 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

7 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping

11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY

9am Cards

8 8 am Weight Circuit Class BBBLC to LUCINDA

25 9 am - Cards 9 am Linedancing 6.45 pm SES Meeting 7 pm - AA Meeting

13 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

19 2pm Board Games at the RTC (3rd Tuesday of the month) 6.30 pm Lions Club Dinner at the Den 26

20 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls 27 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

2 8 am -3 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9 am -12 pm Op Shop

9 9am - 11 am Rollingstone Coastcare working bee 1.00pm BINGO 4pm Lions Youth Exchang Day

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

11 am Balgal Destiny Fellowship

11 am Balgal Destiny Fellowship

5 10 - 12pm Juggling Circus Workshop


BBBLC at LUCINDA 14 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

15 8 am Weight Circuit Class

16 9 am -12 pm Op Shop

21 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Visiting Vet 9am Cards

22 8 am Weight Circuit Class

23 9am - 11 am Rollingstone Coastcare working bee

28 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall


6pm Fishermans Landing Fishing & Soc BBQ

Seniors Progressive Dinner

30 SATURDAY 9 am -12 pm Op Shop


P 31


Here is the local youth group "Troupies" after they did a rubbish pick up at bushy Parker park. They collected about 70 kilos of rubbish.

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