Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated.
LIONS XMAS CAKES @ PUDDINGS Santa will be driving around the district on SATURDAY 12TH DECEMBER in the afternoon The Firies and Police with sirens blaring will let everyone know Santa has arrived ...with a little something for the kids !! Lions will be selling cakes and puddings and they sell out fast. Be ready, come wave and say HI and grab a cake too if you need one! $12 for a 1kg Cake, $16 for a 1.5kg Cake & $12 for tasty pudding’s so I hope everybody comes out to greet Santa and give him a big wave.
FOR SALE 7 piece Aluminium outdoor setting complete with cushions $75 ONO Phone 0412 636 422
17’ ( 6 mtr) CARAVAN PRIVATE SALE 6mths rego Letter to the Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has come along this year to our local bingo. We hope that you won some but regardless you had a fun time as that is the plan, to give you all an enjoyable afternoon out. We will continue to preform as long as we have enough folk interested and lets all try and encourage some new faces for 2016.
Christmas Lights will again be on display at 8 Armidale Avenue, Balgal Beach this year from December all children ACCOMPANIED by their parents/ grandparents/guardians are more than welcome to walk through the yard to view the displays but please do not touch any of the displays.
Many Extras Ph: John: 0407114687
Hope you all enjoy them and have a Merry Christmas Hut and Carole"
Do you have tree branches or palm fronds touching the electricity wire coming into your property? Ergon will come and remove the branches and leaves for free, just give them a call. They are not busy at the moment but as soon as it starts to rain or storm everyone will be calling them, so get in now while it's quiet. P2
Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.
Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre. Lynne and Geoffrey Prytherch would like to thank everyone for their sympathy, phone calls, cards cuddles and cakes during our time of grief due to the loss of our son Paul James. He will always be loved and missed by all his family. Remember to ask “Are you okay?”.
Thankyou to Babz for her Flame of the Forest vine photo adorning our front cover of this edition!!
Please send in your photos so we can include these on the back page. send to
From all of us here at The Community Centre and the Rollingstone Rag HAVE A VERY MERRY XMAS AND A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR. STAY SAFE & LOOK AFTER THOSE IN NEED AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR (it can be a very lonely time for some!!!!) The Rollingstone Rag next edition will be out late February 2016
SENIORS CAKE STALL Please take time to drop a gift off under the tree at the RTC or Livinghere Office on Balgal Beach Rd.
For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community
Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service
NOTES FROM THE R.T.C We are really looking forward to Christmas Carols this year. Please reserve Sunday 6 December in your calendars – the evening is to start at 6pm, come for tea as food will be available to purchase – Santa arrives at 6.30pm and the carols commence once the kiddies (and kids at heart) have had a chance for a chat to Santa and a photo. Our MC for the evening will be Chappy Jess from the Rollingstone School – performances from the local schools, Judyana and team, Anne and Lana from Town and the finest chorus assembled in Rollingstone every year – all of you. Slushies, toys and candles (battery) and a seafood tray and a ham raffle will be for sale. A very special (in advance) thanks to Mr Bruce who has generously donated his time and computer skills to pull the musical side of the evening together, the Lions for feeding and watering us, Santa and Mrs Claus, the Rollingstone Rural Fire Brigade and The Thomasson family for the Fireworks finale. Safety reminder for your pets – please make sure they are safe and secure on the night. School Holiday Program: Tuesday 15 December 10am – 11.30am Upcycling Fairy Lights Only 15 spaces available please book through Sandra at Re-cre8Tiv Recycled Arts 0414647709 or Chris on 47707855 to book your place. Tuesday 19 January 10am – 11.30am, we are doing Ice Tie Dye – what a cool way to spend a steamy January morning! Once again only 15 places available this time you will need to bring your own white shirt. Book with Sandra on 0474647709 or Chris on 47707855. Our third activity is a fishing/boating safety workshop and fishing competition. Dates are yet to be decided and will advertise though the local Facebook pages once dates are confirmed. We have lots of projects on the go at the Community Centre at the moment The planting of trees behind the RTC for shade and beautification The Railway line, stop block and trike display at the western end of the Station The formation of the Rollingstone Coast/Land Care Group and commencing stage 1 of the rejuvenation of the native flora on foreshore and dunes of old Balgal Beach. The Opening of the Railway Station on 5 June 2016. What we are envisioning is an Indigenous Welcome to Country, a Smoking Ceremony, Art exhibition, refreshments and much more. An Australia Day Awards Honour Boards with a difference. These boards will be out in the open for the community to view. If any one of these projects interest you and you would like to assist, your input and energy would most certainly be appreciated. You will find the Australia Day Nomination form in this issue – put on your thinking caps – Who has done something nice or gone beyond the ordinary for you or someone you know. Rollingstone and District is renowned for its community spirit and for volunteering to help, helping neighbours, and individuals and groups, just being wonderful assets to your community. A nomination for an Australia Day Award is a great way of saying Thank You. Come along to the Australia Day Breakfast Tuesday 26 January starting at 8am til noon. Nominations need to be back to the RTC by 15 January to be included. This is the last Rolly Rag for 2015 – hang on to this one – there will not be a new Rag until end of February 2016. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to you all for a wonderful year at the RTC, it is my pleasure to be able to help where I can and to see people successfully getting on with their lives. This year has seen many of the older generation leave to be closer to the services needed and an influx of new people – to all who have left our community, all the best with your new adventures and to all the new people – welcome – if you have not come to the Community Centre please make yourselves known. There are heaps of activities on offer. To our Volunteers – the Management Committee, Op Shop, the Bus, gardens and maintenance – thank you. Each year I say this, you are all gems, and your blood is worth bottling. You have put in a mammoth year this year. Thank you Wishing everyone in the Community a wonderful Christmas and all you can dream in the New Year. As always take care………especially on those roads if you are travelling. Chris
RTC will be closed from end of day 18th Dec to open again 4th January NOVEMBER RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 17 November 2015 Rainfall for November: 26.2mls with 8 wet days 2015 Rainfall to date: 781.6 Max Temp: 31° (8/11) Min Temp: 20° (23/10) To access all the data from our local weather station go to: ID=IQUEENSL849
9th &23rd DEC Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information P4
BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st & 3rd SATURDAY’S OF EACH MONTH Last market for the year Dec 5th 2016 . Markets resume late Feb early March ( to be advised). Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac etc NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Always need Car boot * Bric a Brac etc
Call Dan 0417
Presented by
For online information on what's on look up
THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm Books for sale from as little as 50c P5
The Library at the Community Centre is NOT a “swap/exchange” facility. It is a LENDING/RETURN library. The Op Shop has books for sale. We’re hoping to conduct an Art & Craft Exhibition competition next year – perhaps in conjunction with our Open Day for which we’re looking at Sunday, June 5 th (the day before Queensland Day). We’re not sure yet, but we’re hoping to have substantial prizes so for those of you in our community who are arty or crafty, please start thinking about entry or entries and any other work you’ve done that you might like to display for sale. This event may have a Junior section (as yet undecided) but will be primarily for adult contributors. We believe there’re quite a number of budding and aspiring artists who live both locally and in the Northern Beaches area...........pottery, hand-made soaps, quilting, handcrafted timber, homemade jewellry, any amount of “crafty” diversity. We’re happy to hire out our scooter (conditions apply) for local letter-box drops. $20 per day plus fuel; to be returned clean and in good condition; and definitely NOT taken up onto the highway!! The Community Centre will be closed this year from Decr. 18 th and re-opened on January 4th. This gives everyone working at the Centre a couple of weeks of some unencumbered time to enjoy Christmas and New Year with family and friends. As volunteers they all give freely and unselfishly of their time for the rest of the year and we feel they deserve some sort of reward, no matter how small. The first RAG of the new year is the March edition, published to be distributed towards the end of February. The Remembrance (Armistice) Day Service down on our beachfront was beautiful as usual. Poorly attended, also as usual, except for the Rollingstone State School who attended as one. Thanks teachers and kids – so good to see you there. From a young country of 4 million people, Australia lost 60,000 young men and some women to World War 1 – what’s not to commemorate? And the legacy they left us......well (in modern vernacular) it’s nothing short of “awesome”. We need to be forever honouring them. Hope to see you there next year!! Please be aware that the Community Association DOES NOT have a Liquor Licence that covers the big Hall building – or anywhere else for that matter. Recently, we’ve had renegged bookings because it was perceived that hirers could not supply their own alcoholic drinks because of the “bar” in the Lions building. This is not how it is and unless you are selling alcohol (when you do need a Licence), you are perfectly entitled to provide your own drinks – making sure you register your function/event at the local Police Station. The Lions DOES have a Liquour Licence, but this does not in anyway pertain to/impact on the Community Association, and besides, the Lions don’t hire out their facility. The Lions is a completely separate entity and is in no way associated/involved with the management of the Community Centre. Unfortunately, neither is our Cold Room mobile. Just advising in case anyone is thinking of “hiring” it for over Christmas. We do, however, have a couple of extra large Eskies for hire. Locally hand-crafted Greeting and Christmas cards are available from the RTC. Xmas cards are usually $1 each and other greeting cards around $3. Some locals are availing themselves of our Herb gardens. Little bits have been taken – for cooking, we assume, and everything else left just tickety-boo; so thank you for being considerate and decent. Everything is growing well, particularly the chilies!! Live well, love much, laugh often – wishing you all a truly happy Christmas and a super successful New Year.. “Sancho Panza”. ELECTRICITY SERVICE FEE “Electricity tariffs, including service fees, are set by the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA). Ergon Energy is only able to charge customers the regulated electricity prices that are published in the Queensland Government Gazette. Full details of the calculation of electricity prices are available on the QCA’s website at The service fee covers the fixed costs of supplying and maintaining the service to the customer. This fee also covers the cost for the provision of equipment and administration. Costs are related to transformers, low voltage mains, service lines and control gear. The service fee is applicable even if no actual electricity usage takes place. The QCA announced that there would be an increase on the tariff 11 service fee to ensure it is reflective of actual costs involved. Ergon Energy Retail customers were notified on their first bill of the 2015-2016 financial year of the notified prices including the service fee. For Queensland customers, this pricing change occurs from the first of July each year, as per legislative requirements. For residential customers on Tariff 11 the service fee is charged at a daily rate of 117.401c, prior to July 1 this was charged at 91.755c per day. Ergon Energy Retail understands our customer’s concerns associated with the recent increase in the tariff 11 service fee. Information on these programs is available on our website at or by contacting the Customer Solution Centre on 131046.”
P P6 6
Bluewater Community Centre
Twilight Markets 2nd Saturday of each month
Uses natural and organic ingredients Offers a fabulous range of skin care,cosmetics & body care Environmentally friendly home care products. Receive a FREE GIFT when you book a complimentary treatment of your choice. Receive 20% discount when you become a VIP customer & open your own account. Call me today if you would like to receive monthly specials brochures or to find out more about the great opportunity Nutrimetics offers. Call Carol - 0428 892029 Email Visit my online store and have your goods delivered to your front door. Carol Duffin Nutrimetics
DECEMBER 12TH Meals, drinks and bar available Kids activities and a wide variety of Market Stalls, Petting Farm and so much more !!! Future Market: Dec 12th Contact Elaine 47886193 or Val 47513354
ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*
$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00
Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.
RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers. Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST) Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST) Important document scanning $5.00
P8 P 10
ROLLINGSTONE SES Hi everyone we are into our cyclone/storm season.. Be Prepared Be Informed Be Alert
We will be having a display at Fishermans Landing Fishing & Social Club Extravaganza on 5th December. Please come chat with us or collect some info brochures.
P 10
G’day Rollingstone, This is my inaugural Coppers Log entry for the Rollingstone Rag so hopefully I can produce something worth reading. Goughy has thrown me in the deep end, so hopefully I can steer this ship in the right direction while he’s overseas sipping on his fancy mojitos and living large (he may be large by the time he gets back)! Firstly I would like to take the opportunity to extend my thanks to the members of the community who I’ve had the pleasure to meet. My better half Jen and I have been given a warm welcome by all and it’s greatly appreciated. We both feel privileged to be given the opportunity to live and work in this great community and so far we like what we see. Ok….. down to business and there’s a few topics I’d like to touch on in this month. Unless you’ve been living under a rock you should all be aware of the reduced 80km/h speed zone between Leichhardt Creek and Bluewater. I understand some of you are frustrated with this and to some extent I completely understand why, however that section of highway has been reduced for a good reason with recent fatalities due to the brumby issue. I have received numerous complaints from locals regarding motorists travelling through there well in excess of 80km/h and overtaking over double white lines etc. Police from Rollingstone and Deeragun Stations, along with the Road Policing Unit from Townsville and Ingham have stepped up patrols through that zone to ensure motorist are doing the right thing. The reduced speed zone is enforceable so if you’re caught speeding through there, you will receive an infringement notice. No questions asked. I trust that members of the Rollingstone Community be law abiding and travel through there at no more than 80km/h. The last thing we need is more innocent lives lost. While on the subject of traffic, in the last few weeks I have been to some horrific looking crashes where I’ve been left shaking my head as to how no one was killed. Some of these crashes have been completely avoidable with the common theme being an element of the “Fatal 5” responsible for the crash. Please make yourself familiar with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Speeding; Drink and Drug Driving; Failure to Wear a Seat Belt; Driving while Fatigued; and Distraction and Inattention
Please pay attention to the fatal 5 and don’t drive if any of these elements are present. Our loved ones and community members are too precious to be lost on the road. I would like to take the opportunity to remind everyone about securing property. Over the last month we’ve had some property theft (including a stolen vehicle) which in most cases could have been easily avoided if some basic security measures were taken. I’ve personally been the victim of property crime so I understand what it feels like to lose thousands of your hard earned dollars to some lowlife who couldn’t be bothered to work and pay for his own things. I’d encourage all of you to have a walk around your place and check to see if you can identify any extra or improved security measures you can take. Ideally you want to store things behind closed doors and under lock and key. Try to make sure you have serial numbers recorded and photographs taken of valuable property items. If you are able to engrave or etch the item even better. If you see any shady looking characters getting about, please take some basic details including descriptions of persons and clothes they’re wearing, along with descriptions of vehicles including registration numbers. Together we can all help look out for each other and significantly reduce incidents of theft. DRUGS – It’s a pet hate of mine as I’ve seen firsthand the damage it does to individuals and family units. The current ice epidemic has spread nationwide and we are not immune to it in our community. Drug use is a pre-cursor for many other crimes including property crime which I have just touched on. It’s something I won’t tolerate and I hope you all as a community support that stance. I would encourage anyone in the Rollingstone community to come forward and provide information to police regarding the illegal supply / production / possession / and use of dangerous drugs. Come down and see either myself of Goughy at the station or alternatively you can report the information to crime stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via their online form at . Just so you’re aware and for some piece of mind, any information reported to police or crime stoppers is 100% confidential and your details will never be released. Receiving information from members of the public is our best chance of adequately dealing with this serious issue. As the old saying goes….. Help us help you. That’s about all from me this month. Goughy should be back on deck to scribe your next coppers log. Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a fantastic month! Until next time, stay safe and look after each other…………………..Sutto
P 11
47786444 Or make your booking ONLINE via our website or Google: Doctor Appointments in Bluewater and you can use Health Engine to make your appt. We have 8 General Practitioners, 2 Nurse Practitioners and the services from the following Allied Health Dietitian, Podiatry, Psychologists, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Psychologist, Natural Massage Therapist and Counsellor. Visiting Cardiologist attends monthly. There is a pharmacy and Physiotherapists on site.
Whilst the majority of our GP’s bulk bill please be aware that when booking online you may be selecting a Private Appt. where payment will be required at consultation P 12
BIRDS 4770 7540 / 0427 074 816
WALLABIES & KANGAROOS 4770 7356 / 0412 965 535
POSSUMS 0402 084 588
We have had a very busy year with the our wildlife. Recently there have been a spate of injured birds with broken limbs or wings and we do our best to recuperate and release but if this isn't possible, we have the means to euthanize without them being distressed . So please help them and let us know. We have all types of birds we look after from pelicans to sunbirds! Be mindful as if a bird has hit your window it may be just stunned. Leaving it in a cool, quiet area will give it time to recover and then fly away. The less handling the better. We have had over 30 kangaroos needing our help this year. Most because of car mishaps and dog attacks. Sadly we had quite a few we had to look after from Oak Valley with a spate of hoons deliberately running the roos down with their cars. It’s beyond me how anyone could do something like this!!!!! We have had a variety of different types of Roos over the year; Wallabies, Red Kangaroos, Eastern Greys, a Wallaroo and a Whip Tail (pretty face)Wallaby. Makes life interesting as the species all have different quirks. I have started with a tiny baby "pinkie" weighing 130grams and relocated a Roo at 9kg! We have had our rescues and our euthanaizing along the way, sad but part of the job. Gwen does this difficult part of our work which is so important to ensure there is no unnecessary suffering and to give the animals dignity and peace. Our possum lady has also had a good busy year. She has taken in sick and injured adults. It is fine while they are sick but once they start to recover, look out, they are called wild life for a reason. She has raised heaps of babies which are very cute. Chris is always around local areas scrounging for native food for her patients! We attempt, with all our native animals, to feed them only native tucker but when it is dry, it can become difficult to find decent food. Our gardens are brimming with bush tucker for this reason but even grass is in short supply too. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has taken the time to rescue, contact us and help save our native animals and for those people who have helped us with donations of things that we have needed. Every little bit helps and is very much appreciated. We will be on call all over the festive season so if you cannot reach one of us , another will be contactable.
RAINFOREST INN PALUMA Licensed CafĂŠ / Restaurant/ Motel New Owners
Open 4 days a week Breakfast & Lunch 8.30-3.30 Closed Tuesdays ,Wednesdays and Thursdays Dinner Saturday nights however Bookings are Essential
We also have spacious well appointed Motel units Why not join us for breakfast ,lunch or coffee and home made sweets and cakes!!!!
Mt Spec Rd Paluma 47708688 www.
P 14
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome. What a month we have just had packed with social outings and now busy with the final touches to the Balgal Beach Big Weekend on 5 and 6 December. The Club end of month BBQ went well and once again we sincerely thank Col and Gladys Pace for their generous donation of the steak and rissoles made from a secret Pace Family recipe; also for the ever popular fruit salad and ice cream. We all agreed that once the ice cream appeared the kids in attendance devoured the lot in record time. Thank you also to Robert for taking care of the cooking, as usual, first class. The Club Monthly Fishing Competition winners were senior, Mark Hemming and mystery, Rowan Wilson. There was no junior prize this month. Congratulations. On Friday 30th October, 44 Club Members braved the arduous journey to Lucinda to bathe in luxury for three days. Not much fishing was done due to the weather, most just lazed around the resort style pool and relaxed. The BBQ on Friday night was followed up by a trivia session in which our carry-over champion Graham Milliken once again showed his style while the joke telling competition was won by none other than the master of jokes, Dwane Davies (Dunga to most of us). Saturday night saw us at the nearby hotel in all our Halloween costumes and finery. There were some scary sights, particularly the people who didn’t dress up. Thank you to Babz and Richard, Sloane and Brooke and everyone else who decorated the venues for our functions on the weekend. The food was great; especially the wood fires pizzas that were a big hit. Club Members Steve, Anita and Noelene had us all foot tapping, singing along and yes, even dancing during their much appreciated and professional entertainment until midnight when most went to bed while others partied on into the wee hours. Needless to say, breakfast on Sunday morning was a somber affair; even the cook was an hour late. A great weekend was had by all. Special thanks to Di for putting the weekend together, liaising with the van park and hotel owners and arranging the catering. Also thank you Vikki Fischer for your great assistance during the weekend. We did learn a few things from the weekend. Rebecca wants a resort pool in her yard, start digging Brett. Graham wants port in bigger bottles, talk to Desperate Dan whom I am sure sell port in at least 20 litre casks. Dickie wants Pace Farming to invent a self-peeling pineapple to save cuts to his fingers. Sloane wants her own eskie as she has difficulty in late afternoon locating her drinks among the cans in Rod’s eskie. You may fluke one at Christmas if you have been good all year. Nah, no way! Dunga wants a bigger trailer so next trip he can actually fit in the kitchen sink and very large flat screen TVas well. Dan and Anita want more prawns in a 5 kg pack as they were consumed too quickly. Di wants more hours in the night so she can get some sleep. Mick wants someone to teach him how to play pub pool. Lisa wants someone to teach her how to wear a singlet. Geoff just wants to be left alone while he consumes his huge pub meal and Col wants a larger new drink glass, preferably unbreakable. Dickie is back from his short break in Thailand where from his very epithets communiqué he had a great time. He said that on the flight home the hostie asked him if he wanted a drink, “yes please!” he said smacking his dry, cracked and parched lips, “a double scotch to start then keep em coming” As the hostie handed him his drink she asked the same of the Eastern man sitting beside him and received the stern reply “I would be ravaged and raped by 10 of your country’s finest whores before I let one drop on alcohol touch my lips”. As Dickie handed the untouched scotch back to the hostie he said “me too, I didn’t know we had a choice on this flight” Our Club’s next big event is on Saturday 5 December when we host the last Balgal Beach Markets for the year and celebrate the stinger net opening for another season. Dan Dale, Christine Ruston and others have been working hard to make this a big and successful event so please support them. An advertisement on the event is shown elsewhere in this fine family magazine.
Also, don’t forget the Carols at the Community Hall on Sunday 6 December. As I reported last month, we will again host the New Years Eve Party at The Landing. More detailed advertising will appear in your letter boxes shortly but in the meantime keep the date open in your social calendar, Thursday 31 December. See you there! This month the increasingly and incredibly popular Tale of Woe Award goes to our intrepid globe-trotter, Dickie Charleston. You see, even with his wealth of experience traipsing the far and darkest reaches of the globe, he still has not learnt that you do not, under any circumstance, eat raw oysters anywhere in Asia despite the nefarious distractions you are experiencing at the time. The big bonus was however, an excellent way to lose 12 kg and he was able to smuggle some toilet rolls back into the country safely hidden down the back of his jocks. It is amazing what some people will endure to win this dubious monthly award. Now, to try to make amends for my own botheration. I have learnt that if you want to have a go at someone in your monthly article, don’t pick on your dear wife. Not a smart move as I have found out following my comments last month. I want to assure you all that Di’s assets, including her teeth are her own, no preservatives, artificial colourings, flavours or added sugar! And, Di has added, if people don’t stop staring she will be forced to purchase (and perhaps wear), a bra. Members, your Committee is in the process of arranging the conduct of two different courses which they believe will be beneficial to our members. The first course is a boat operator’s course (boat licence) where the Club will contribute a small portion of the course fee. The second course is a one day First Aid Course or refresher course where the Club will contribute $50.00 per Club Member once they have successfully completed the course. This is a great opportunity to get your boat licence or to learn First Aid. Our Recruiting Machine has been successful again this month and on behalf of the Committee and all members, yes Kerrie, me too! we heartily welcome Tony and Kerrie Cochrane to our midst. We all hope you both have a great time in your new club. On behalf of the President, Committee and all our Members we wish you all a safe, Merry Christmas followed by a happy, healthy new year. While you enjoy the Festive period with your loved ones and friends, please spare a thought and a prayer for our Defence Force Personnel serving both overseas and at home away from their families. Until next year, beers and cheers, Ninger
P 15
THANKS TO OUR EMERGENCY VOLUNTEERS I would just like to take a moment to send a big thank you out to all of the Rural Fire Brigades on Townsville’s Northern Beaches, who have been extremely busy in recent months. With the ongoing dry conditions and with much warmer temperatures arriving with summer, these volunteers have been kept well and truly on their toes responding to numerous incidents. I acknowledge that our rural fire volunteers are well supported by the State Emergency Service volunteers, the Queensland Ambulance Service and the Queensland Police Service, who I also thank and recognise. However, in recent months, the volunteers in our local Rural Fire Brigades on Townsville’s Northern Beaches have really worked hard and I wanted to give them a plug. BLUEWATER STATE SCHOOL COUNTRY FAIR On Friday 30 October 2015, I attended the Bluewater State School Country Fair. There was a big crowd, with the community coming out to support this great local event. The students across several different grades demonstrated their musical skills, with groups playing string, wind and brass instruments for the crowds in attendance. Thanks to the Bluewater Rural Fire Brigade for coming out during a very busy time and congratulations to the P & C and the school for organising another great Country Fair. REMEMBRANCE DAY 2015 - LEST WE FORGET The Queensland Parliament was sitting on 11 November 2015 in Brisbane, so I attended the 2015 Remembrance Day ceremony at the Shrine of Remembrance in ANZAC Square, in the Brisbane CBD. The Shrine of Remembrance accommodates the eternal flame, which burns uninterrupted in memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice, so that we may enjoy our freedom. I'm certain that communities across the Hinchinbrook electorate, including on Townsville’s Northern Beaches, paused at 11am on November 11, to reflect and show respect. I was thinking of you and was with you in spirit. Lest We Forget. As we approach the festive season, this will be my last column for 2015. I would like to extend my best wishes to you and your family for a very Holy and Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. The Hinchinbrook Electorate Office will close for the festive period on Friday 18th December 2015, and will re-open at 9am on Monday 11th January 2016. See you in 2016!
PP16 16
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G.Day All, Another fun night happened at our monthly BBQ at the Hall. There is always a great family atmosphere. We look forward to meeting new people and sharing our fun! We welcomed another new member, the lovely Sue Thompson. She was made very welcome and joined in all the fun. We played team quoits with team one winning the gold prizes (see picture) The prize is highly sought after but there can only be one team winning this illustrious prize!. WELL DONE TO YOU ALL! As always the food was delicious thanks to the cooks of the Barbie and especially the SWEETS!!!!! Some of our girls do an excellent job with the PUDS. Rob Thomson won “fish of the month “with a 56cm Grunter. Congratulations Rob. There was no Mystery length winner this time. The LOUNDS FRESH SEAFOOD RAFFLE was won by Ken and Joy. Yes,Yes,Yes, at last. The 13th of December will be our Christmas Celebrations at the hall. SANTA will be there for fun and pics. It will also be a dress up Harlequin night so don’t forget to wear a mask etc. There will be a prize for the best dressed. IMPORTANT: Please advise Faye of your attendance for catering purposes. REMINDER. There will be no BBQ in January. ROSIE is now on her brand new trailer, built by Gurr Fabrications, and ready for service for our special people again. We would like to thank all who donated funds to The Rollingstone Lions Club for the construction of the trailer with the total cost of $10,964. A very special thank you to our local Lions Club for taking on the fundraising role for ROSIE’S much needed trailer. Leisure Accessible has been approached to see if we would take the Rollingstone kids out fishing in ROSIE and we are delighted to do that. Brings back memories when I used to take all the local kids out fishing some 30+ years ago. We are really looking forward to it. Kind regards Skipper Ken , Deckie Joy and Deckie Tom. Visitors are always welcome at our monthly get togethers meals are $10 per head, children accompanied by an adult are free. Members are always free. Your Committee Members want to wish the whole community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay Safe. See you all at the Christmas Party. Kindest regards from The Committee.
P 17
Merry We Meet! This season has started off extremely well with good numbers right from the mid October start. Thanks again to the Rollingstone Seniors for funding some new equipment, for us to start a new program, which has turned out to be very popular (watch those “tuck shop wings” disappear before our eyes). Thanks also to Caroline & Chris for such a smooth transition by letting us know we are still very welcome & everything is business as usual up there. When this paper comes out I will be away in the west and Di Greene will be at the helm. I am back on the 7th of December and looking forward to our lunch at Anne & Andys’ beautiful property in Paluma. Thanks Anne & Andy for the invitation. This wonderful couple come all the way down from the clouds twice a week to join us. All the best to everyone for the Festive Season. Keep Fit & Stay Healthy. Babz.
P 18
P 19
28 November 4.30pm - Santa arrives 6.30pm - Buffet dinner
Toomulla Park
4 December
Rollingstone Community Hall
5 December/ 8.00am – 3pm
Fishermans Landing
6 December / 6pm Food available from 6pm
Rollingstone Community Hall
11 December / 12.30pm
Rollingstone Community Hall
9 December 5.30pm sausage sizzle 6.30pm Celebration
Rollingstone State School
12 December / 2pm
All around Rollingstone/ Mystic Sands/ Balgal Beach
13 December
Call Rhonda for details.
13 December / 5pm
Rollingstone Community Hall
Next BBQ 7 Feb 2015 at the beach front
1st SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOP Upcycling Fairy Lights
15 December /10am
Rollingstone Community Hall
16 December / 9am
Rollingstone Community Hall
18th December ( Close of business)
Re open 4th January
18th December
Start again January 15th
31 December
Fisherman’s Landing
2nd SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOP Ice Tie Dye - need to bring a white shirt
19 January / 10am
Rollingstone Community Hall
Rollingstone Community Hall
26 January
26 January
Toomulla Park
Date Keeper Sat 13 February 2016
Boarding at the Community Hall, Timetable, fares and boarding passes are yet to be advised and distributed.
Date and times to be advised
Rollingstone Community Centre and Fisherman’s Landing. Call 47707855 for more details.
R&D SENIORS PRESENT “CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD” Boating and Fishing workshop Followed by a fishing comp.
See flyer and nomination form in the December Rolly Rag
NB: While all care and attention has been taken to include as much accurate information as possible, should a concern arise, it is suggested to contact the club or organisation listed for confirmation.
P 21
Call Eamon
PH: 0478 790 134
Council Clippings - Division One Well it is Christmas and another year has flown by. Thank you to the RSL for having me on Remembrance Day it was particularly moving for me this year as my Grandmother of 92 years passed away on the 9 th and my Grandfather was a returned soldier so it was a really emotional day for me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their support over the past 4 years. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve the far Northern Beaches communities and everyone always make Derek and I very welcome. I will see a lot of you at Christmas parties and the likes but if we don’t, from our family to yours, Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. There is an election in the New Year and although I will no longer be running in your area I will always, whilst I have this job, represent the whole of Townsville so always feel free to call me. The Bridge repairs are going to happen and contrary to social media and the likes this will not get forgotten. I have made a commitment to the Rollingstone community and it will be fulfilled. Sadly you have to have patience for a little longer but you will start to see movement at the bridge as works begin over the coming months. I will be out of office for some Christmas break but as always ring me any time, if I do not answer I will return your call. I am never far away and always happy to help if I can. Again please be safe and enjoy your family Christmas is a wonderful time of year. Kind Regards Sue Blom Chair Community and Culture Councillor for Division 1
P 1300 878 001 M 0427 300 364 E
P 22
Rollingstone & District Seniors As this is the last Rolly Rag for the year I would like Seniors to note their calendars for a number of events that will take place early in 2016 before the March issue of the Rolly Rag. The first Bingo will be held on the first Saturday in Feb – that is 6th Feb 2016 starting at 1.30 p.m. Thereafter Bingo will revert to the second Saturday of every month. Board Games will recommence on the third Tuesday 16 th February 2016 starting at 2 p.m. “Around the World Cruise” will be held on Saturday evening 13 th February 2016 at a time and cost to be advised. There is a lot of work to be done in preparation for this event and a meeting to discuss ideas/suggestions will be held at the RTC on Wednesday 9th December 2015 at 2 p.m. Anyone who can assist in any way with this event, or anyone with bright ideas/suggestions, please come along. A quick reminder, Line Dancers breakup party is being held on Monday 7th December, Seniors Christmas breakup party on Friday 11th December, and Indoor Bowls breakup party on 16 th December. Seniors final cake stall at the markets will be on Saturday 5 th December. Aquarobics is going really well with an exceptional number of participants all eager to exercise to the music of the 50s and 60s. Babz has introduced a new programme with dumb-bells for us which is aimed at improving our upper body and arm strength! To those of you who read my article every month – thank you. Have a great time this Christmas with your family and loved ones, and for those of you who see the New Year in have a great party. Until next year take care of each other………………….Claire
P 23
Rollingstone & District Community Association are in discussion with the Townsville City Council and NQ Dry Tropics to form the Rollingstone Coast Care Group. Why – For many years Old Balgal Beach foreshore has not been looking too “Schmick”, not only in the eye of travellers/ visitors but locals and residents. Complaints, to this effect, ranging from the untidiness of the area to the desecration and perceived neglect, have been received by the Community Association. Action – to investigate what can be done, inquiries were directed to Townsville City Council and NQ Dry Tropics regarding how this may be changed. Meetings – RaDCA, TCC and NQ Dry Tropics have met for rational discussions on the topic and to see if dune rehabilitation can be achieved. Things to consider – A potted environmental education session about the actual “clean up”. It’s not just a case of cutting down, pulling out and throwing away. The foreshore is to be respected for what it is and does and treated accordingly. Funding – Funding can be sourced through Community Landcare Grants. All insurances and present costs to be supported by RaDCA until funding is in place. The Rollingstone Coastcare Group will be established under and administered by the Rollingstone Community Association.
This important meeting is to be held at 9am Saturday 16 January 2016 at the Rollingstone Community Centre. We live here because we love the beach - let’s keep it natural P 24
P 25
So let the festive season begin! Santa Claus is coming to Toomulla on Saturday 28th November for the Kids Christmas Party. He will be arriving around 4.30pm and all the kids that have been registered for the party will receive a gift. Santa & his helpers have been very busy choosing gifts for the kids & we can’t wait to see the excited look on their face once again when they open their present. The Christmas Raffle is selling fast. There are three prizes and the raffle will be drawn on Friday 18th December. Good Luck everyone. 1st $200 Christmas Hamper 2nd: United Chemist Gift Basket & Voucher, 3rd Prize: Wine Pack. $1 per ticket or 6 for $5. Well, I hope everyone got to have a clean up and take advantage of the four days of free dumping at the tip. Thank you to those who called in a grabbed a free sausage and to say hello on the Saturday morning. It was great to catch up for a quick chat. Thanks Rudi for cooking. This story was sent in by Shirley Rouse. “I appreciate that a lot of creatures are born in weird places, but within the packing of a 6-pack of beer stubbies? Far out. I had a 6-pack of Eddie’s stubbies on the kitchen table to go into the fridge. Cut open the top of the plastic packing and laid the bottles out flat. I spotted a little white ball thing in with them and on closer inspection discovered it was a lizard’s egg (gecko lizard). The egg was snowy white so it was new and the top part was pushed off, so our lizard had hatched and, I figured, very recently. I put out my hand to get the egg and the new lizard shot across the table into a big pile of books and papers I have there. Wish I could have got a picture to verify what I say. He was the tiniest little liz I have ever seen, wouldn’t have made anywhere near 2 cms from tip of nose to tip of tail. I suppose he’s still there today and I am still thinking, marvellous what you might find in a 6-pack of your old man’s grog. “ Australia Day will be celebrated again on Tuesday 26th January down at Toomulla Park with games for the kids and sausages and lamb on the BBQ. We will send out a flyer in the mailbox in the New Year. The Toomulla Beach Community Association AGM will also happen in January (Date to be advised). For those who are going away for the Festive Season, have a lovely Christmas & New Year and I hope Santa brings lots of special gifts and you enjoy the time with family or friends. On behalf of the Community Association Committee I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support throughout 2015 and look forward to some new challenges in 2016…….Cheers Rhonda
MENSA &THE SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS Some years ago, there was a mensa convention in San Fransisco. Mensa, as you probably know, is an orgainisation for people who have an IQ of 140 or higher. Several of the mensa members went out for lunch at a local café. When they sat down, one of them discovered that their salt shaker contained pepper, and thir pepper shaker was full of salt. How could they swap the contents of the two bottles without spilling any, and using only the implements at hand? Clearly…..this was a job for Mensa minds. The group debated the problem and presented ideas and finally, came up with a brilliant soloution involving a napkin,a straw, and an empty saucer. They called the waitressover, ready to dazzle her with their solution. Maam one of them said (because he was an American) “we couldn’t help but notice that the pepper shaker contains salt and the salt container is full of pepper”. But before they could continue the blonde waitress interrupted...Not so dumb after all!!! “Oh, sorry about that” She leaned over the table, unscrewed the caps of both bottles and switched them. There was dead silence at the Mensa table. Kinda reminds you of the Govt doesn’t it. Solutions to our problems should be so simple, but the brilliant minds in Washington, Canberra or London always seem to make them so difficult!!
9am - 3pm Monday to Friday
The volunteers kindly open the Op Shop on the same days as the Balgal Beach Markets are running. Pop in and visit on your way to or from the markets! (1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month)
Closed over xmas. P 26
P 27
P 28
ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Isn’t it amazing that we are already at this point in the year? Final Rolly Rag of the year, and time to reflect on what an amazing year 2015 has been… At Rollingstone State School we have been continuing to grow, and to have great results. Our NAPLAN results were the best ever (we even made an appearance in the Townsville Bulletin as one of the three best state schools in Townsville). We have been on camp to Paluma, celebrated music by singing with students from around Australia, won the interschool athletics carnival, cleaned the beach, ran our school cross country, danced away at our school disco, celebrated NAIDOC, played with messy science activities in Science week, dressed up for book week, cheered on the bike riders as they made their way to Cairns, had a great time at swimming lessons, participated in the Pineapple Festival, had fun at lunch time with the Rolly’s Got Talent competition, After School Youth was started and students participated in a youth camp together with students from other schools, we commemorated our past soldiers at ANZAC Day, singing both the Australian and New Zealander anthems at the Balgal Beach Service, and showed our respect at the Remembrance Day service, our year 6 students spent the day at Northern Beaches State High School to prepare themselves for next year, and our basketball court has a beautiful new shade structure on it, we celebrated our Under 8s, initiated TAG Rolly (our very own playgroup to assist with transition to school), we raised money for the McGrath foundation by hosting a Pink Stumps Day and for Beyond Blue when we dressed in our Cowboys colours and promoted safety for our students as we dressed in red for ‘Daniel’. And yet, I remain the handball champion of the world for another year! We have continued to have great partnerships with the Rollingstone and District Lions Club, through our Junior Leo’s club, as well as the RSL, and our wonderful P&C volunteers. And we have finally officially adopted Goughy as our Adopt-a-Cop. This year we celebrated improvement in: Attendance- over 93% (up from 91.8% in 2014) Reading levels- over 83% of our whole school achieved their set benchmark NAPLAN- 100% of our year 3 and 5 students above the National Minimum Standard in Reading and Numeracy Behaviour- we handed out nearly 7000 GOTCHA awards to students who were following our school rules, with just over 70 students at school. Next year will be bigger and better as we celebrate 100 years of educating students at Rollingstone. The official celebration will take place August 20. We would like to welcome a new face around the school. David Boadle is our visiting scientist from Scientists in Schools (SIS) program. David is a Research Instrumentation Technician with CSIRO and he gets to do some very exciting science in some very unusual places. He’s also not one to waste time. Within a week of getting the go ahead to be our visiting scientist, Dave had organised a whole school Science Extravaganza for Monday afternoon on the 30 th November and a special electricity afternoon for the 456 class on the 7 th December. Dave’s experiences and interests tie in perfectly with our Futures program. His work involves water testing and environmental monitoring. To add to that, he is a keen computer programmer. Next year is going to be even better for science at Rollingstone. We would also like to publicly congratulate Mr Bruce for being selected to attend the Bush Blitz TeachLive expedition to Bruny Island in February 2016. He is one of five teachers from around Australia to be selected on a ‘species discovery mission’. While he is away, he will be interacting with the classes over the internet and sharing his discoveries with us! We are very proud Mr Bruce! Finally, our Annual Awards night is on Wednesday 9 th December. We will begin with a sausage sizzle at 5.30, with our official ceremony beginning at 6.30. All are welcome. Thank you to all community members who have been a part of our journey in 2015, we are certainly at the best school in the best place in the world with the best staff and students! I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday break and I will see you all in 2016!
MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Well here we are the end of the year again and everybody seems to be golfed out. These are the last two comps for the year. Monthly Medal News: Mens Div 1. Winner Chris Farlow 71. Just sneaked in there Chris for the big one! R/U Darren Beavis with 72. Well done Darren. Mens Div 2 Winner Bob Lloyd with 72.Good on you Bob. R/U Bob Mawhinnie with 75. Well done Bob. Mens Div 3 Winner Max Spear with 73. Well done Max. R/U Keith Stevens with 75. Good on you Keith. Ladies Div 1 Winner Vonny Wynne with 71. Good girl Von! R/U Sue Thompson with 71. Well done Sue. Ladies Div 2 Winner Megan Jeffree with 73. That handicap is tumbling down. R/U Teresa Jewel with 79. Well done Teresa Now on to the final comp for the year which was the Medal of Medalist. The mens winner was Darren Beavis with an overall score of 143. Congratulations to you Darren. The runner up was Nick Walker with 145. A valiant effort Nick! The Ladies Winner was Merle Dickenson with an overall score of 153. congratulations Merle. The runner up was Maree King with 155. Try as I did there was no catching the wounded Miss Merle! Well thats all for this year so everyone have a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year, lets pray for rain and perhaps peace on earth. Take care of one another and all the little animals. Cheers for now‌‌...Maree K
The Pineapple Fours Tournament held on November 4 th was an outstanding success for our little club in every way possible. For the first time in our clubs history, a Mystic Sands team won the event and our heartiest congratulations go to the brilliant combination of Robyn, Maureen, Mal, Steve and Michael who sailed through the day undefeated with three wins plus 39. Runners up (for the second year in a row): Dave Whitings team from Suburban Bowls Club with three wins plus 27. A great day was had by all (especially our gallant group) and our sincere thanks go to our major sponsors Pace Farming for their continued support in the form of a cash donation and pineapples for every competitor! We also thank Steve and Vonnie from the Resort for the excellent luncheon and raffle donations as well as BP Rollingstone for their donation of vouchers .Thanks guys. To our little band of volunteers, your efforts with setting up and clearing away was absolutely brilliant and the help from the Wegert brothers was much appreciated. Special thanks also to the Rollingstone RSL and Lions Clubs for the loan of their marquees which we desperately required. Our 2015 season is rapidly drawing to an end with our breakup day for our very successful Barefoot Bowls listed for Sunday 13 th December. We will have bowls as normal , followed by a luncheon and finally the presentation of the much coveted Barefoot Bowler of the Year' award. Hopefully , all of our regular bowlers will attend this day as we finish the year off with a bang and a special award for the most outrageous costume will also be made. (We would expect Mal to again raid Cathys wardrobe for a `suitable' outfit). Our AGM for all affiliated bowlers will also be held on this day with election of office bearers for 2016 to take place. On behalf of your committee, I would like to thank all participants for your support throughout the year and wish everyone a fantastic festive season. We look forward to welcoming all bowlers back in early February and we'll do it all again! As usual , please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292.
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P 30
S. L & V.R.WYNNE ABN: 75737414593 trading as
MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB 135 Mystic Avenue Balgal Beach, 4816
Tues & Fri Nights 6pm – 8pm. Meals from $12 For catering purposes advanced bookings preferred. Weekly Chef's specials Raffles Tues and Fri nights Goose club Fri night; Jackpots each week until won
Take away alcohol available Bar open 9am
Sun Barefoot bowls 9am
Ph (07) 47707 355 Fax: (07) 47707 445
Mon, Wed & Thurs play 18 holes SPECIAL: pay $20 but you MUST mention this Ad!! Tues Vets Comp – 8.30am Wed – Ladies Beginners – 8.30 am Chook run – Friday Club comp - Saturday Bushrangers social comp – Sun 8am Fri – Sun 18 holes golf - $25 9 holes - $18 Golf Carts – 18 Holes - $25 9 holes - $18
For all Bookings and enquiries: 47 707 355 Call us to quote for your small function, birthday, anniversary or just because party. Call forsocial group or corporate golf / bowls days.
For more information please contact Mandy 0474 805 366 P 31
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Lions being part of something great This week I had the duty of liaising with the Aviation Authorities to arrange a landing for Santa on a local disused WW2 airstrip so he could make a special recconaissence visit on Saturday the 12th of December. All went well except the actual landing site is not to be disclosed. However ,the Firies and Police will give Santa a tour around our District with sirens, bells and whistles in the afternoon and our Lions will be there too, selling our famous Christmas cakes and puddings. $12 for a 1kg Cake, $16 for a 1.5kg Cake & $12 for tasty puddings. I hope everybody will be ready to greet Santa and give him a big wave. Christmas is a time for families. One of my fondest memories was getting my first bike (2 nd hand Malvern Star) for Christmas and racing around the street with the wind in my face; it does not matter how old we are this time brings excitement or wonderful memories of growing up. For Lions, it’s a chance to reflect on the good work that has been done on our projects: Big International projects, National projects and what I feel is the most important our partnership projects with other local community groups. We have a Lions Club here in Rollingstone & Dist. that is achievement driven and this time of the year we have reached the halfway mark of our 2015-2016 year and it’s a time to reflect, not so much on what we have achieved, but more so on what good our achievements have brought to our community; a gift that we have made to make our world and neighbourhood a better place to live. Christmas is a time for family reunions and festivities, a time for rest and relaxation, ready to reform in the new year refreshed for the remaining months of our year ahead of us. New opportunities are ever present and we can always do with an extra pair of hands helping our Leos (Junior Lions) develop or assisting with a couple of hours at a time on some of our projects, so if you feel you have time, why not make an new year’s resolution to join our small group of Lions volunteers that make our community a better place to live. Just give me a phone call, either my mobile 0414808483 or our Club Secretary John Muller on 0407114687, come along to see if you too can help make a difference. Seasonal Greetings to you all……………..John Holliday, Club President
P 32
on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184
The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.
We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm
P 33
P 34
Paluma In the Clouds
Village green The “Green” has been closed from October 19th to November 31st while work is being undertaken by Townsville City Council on replacing the children’s playground and relocating it away from the septic trench from the public toilets and the Community Hall boundary. A section of the “Green” has been barricaded for the past six weeks to prevent entry on to an overflow zone. “Paluma Pick” On 31st October, the Saturday before the Melbourne Cup, we held the annual Paluma version in the hall. As usual it worked on the “bring a plate to share” principal and there was plenty to feed the 30 or so. The race was called by Lynn and worked on the system that when your horse was drawn you were eliminated until there were only the winners left standing. Then the heats of the cardboard horses were run. You had a string attached to your horse and had to race the horse towards you by winding the string on to a stick. This was hilarious and brought out those who had the dexterity in the art of “twiddling”. All in all it was a good fun night. Tropical Barbeque The last social event for the year will be on Saturday 12th December. This is slightly different in that you bring your own meat, or sausages, or whatever can be cooked on a BBQ. Bring just a salad or a sweet to complement the cooked dish. Start time is 18.30 hrs although we hope to have the plate hot some time before ready for use. Bar will be open and, as the Hylands will be away, and queries should be to Colwyn [4740 8559]. Compliments of the season to all…….L e s H y l a n d As I begin my notes it occurs to me that this year Paluma has seen very little of the aforesaid cloud. Rainfall to date has been approximately 995 ml, only about a third of the expected average. We can’t complain: our gardens are still green and we are very conscious of the plight of most of rural Queensland. It is hard to believe that the year is drawing to a close. Where did those months go? What were some of the memorable events? Paluma’s tiny population was increased with the births of two babies early in the year. February saw the official opening of the extensions to Paluma Environmental Education Centre with a new kitchen, cold-room and pantry, a new classroom and a thirty-bed dormitory. The school can now accommodate 56 students and 14 adults. Several houses changed hands and we farewelled old friends and welcomed new householders into the community. The legendary Ivy Cottage reopened after a closure of eight years and weekend visitors can now enjoy delicious meals both there and at the Rainforest Inn. A health scare occurred mid-year when the little reservoir that supplies Paluma’s water fell to a critical level and Giardia was detected in the water. Boiled or bottled water was recommended for everyone for a few weeks until testing showed the ‘all clear’. Recent rains have alleviated the water supply issue, though we still need to be conservation conscious. Regular social events were held throughout the year – Saint Patrick’s Day dinner, the very popular Bush Dance, Paluma Pick as well as three market days, and an art exhibition. The Paluma Push bike race attracted more than 700 entrants this year – a very busy day for Paluma – and several other sporting events, runs, bush walks, etc. were based at Paluma. Volunteers continue to open the community hall between 11 am and 1.00 pm on Tuesdays to enable visitors to view the collection of historic photographs and to avail themselves of coffee or tea. Over the last month the Dam road was closed while resurfacing work was carried out. The work has just been completed and kayakers, campers and picnickers can again enjoy visiting Lake Paluma. At present much of the Village Green has been fenced off while a new playground is being installed by Townsville City Council. This will have a ‘soft fall’ base and modern climbing and playing apparatus. Representatives of PDCA recently met with Council officers at Paluma to discuss the problem of the Village Green septic trench which regularly discharges its sewage adjacent to the play equipment and a picnic table. The verdict is that the trench is past its ‘use-by’ date. PDCA is advocating for its replacement to be from the 21 st century rather than a bigger version of the old trench. Council is conducting further enquiries into PDCA’s suggestion. More on this saga next edition. Our final social event for the year will be a Tropical Barbecue to be held at the community hall on Saturday 12 th December, starting at 6.30 pm. Bring your own meat or fish to cook on the barbecue and a plate of salad or a dessert to share. The bar will be opened at 6.30 May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy festive season. Merry Christmas to all…...Colwyn Campbell
Natures Notes - Roy Mackay As Christmas approaches we will be surrounded by our resident bird species and quite a few migrant species, most of which will breed here before the migrants need to move back in the early Autumn to their over-wintering areas. As with the birds, the mammals and reptiles and other animals will be affected by the very poor rainfall this year. So far this year in Paluma we have had only 926.5 ml of rain. The driest year we have had since 1969 was in 1992 with only 1001 ml. The average since 1969 is approximately 2500 ml. So we hope we will not break the driest record. I’ll let you know in February. By the way, the highest rainfall record for Paluma since 1969 was in 1981 with 4675 ml. I wonder if any residents were developing webs between their toes then! Over the past few years we have all heard of the rising tide levels around the Pacific. I wonder if anyone would know of any records of exceptional tides on the Balgal coast. Red-bellied black snakes are more noticeable these days. I stopped along our main road the other day to help one get off the road into the bush. On the way home from Townsville last Friday (13 th November) I managed to avoid running over another red-bellied black snake about 1 metre long, only to see it killed by a following car. So, if you see them in the bush, leave them alone. If you see them around your property get a reptile collector to take it away. Do not try to kill it. You could miss it and it might not miss you. Wherever you spend Christmas and the New Year, I hope you will enjoy your presents and this holiday period. It is also a time of reflection and future planning so give a thought to nature, after all, we all are part of it.
P 35
Wow! Last one for the year and I have been asked to get my article in by Tuesday. Actually they, those dedicated editors Janine and Kerrie, asked for it to be done over the weekend! You’d think Kerrie would understand about golf! So I will endeavour to write a short, succinct article to please all. Firstly, Remembrance Day. Thank you to all of those people who attended the service. It was pleasing to look towards the audience and notice many of the seats were occupied. Thanks must go to Des and Janine from Balgal Beach News on Facebook, as I believe that helped to remind people of the significance of the day. As we reflect on the happenings in France, it also reminds us of the importance we all place on the freedoms we have, as a result of our political policies and our service personnel in the past years. On the day, special thanks to 27SQN from the RAAF Base for our Catafalque Party and flag bearers; CPL Aaron Beavington, the guard commander; Flying / Officer Nick Batic for his moving speech; the bugler, Arthur Feortace and Kaylee Fitzsimmons, from Rollingstone State School for her poem “ In Flanders Fields”. Kaylee has presented at the last two ANZAC Days and Remembrance Days and we wish her well as she heads to high school next year. Other thanks must also go to our ever reliable Chaplain, Bob Zander, and MC, John Muller, as well as the committee, Ewan, Mick, Des, Dowie, Tony and other supporters, such as Reg, Trevor and Greg, for assistance with collecting items, setting up and taking down fixtures. Our other committee member, Rod, also supplied us with aluminium covers for our leads. See how tuned we are to WHS, thanks Rod. Nina, at school, printed and folded our programs, as usual. Thanks Nina, only 30 this time and we ran out! A great team effort from all! Sorry if I have missed anyone. We then went to the Mystic Sands Golf Club for refreshments. Thanks to Steve and Sharon for preparing sandwiches and hot nibblies which were enjoyed by all, along with a refreshing tea, coffee or cold drink. It was a sad-happy day for our patron, Sue Blom, as she had her most loved grandmother just pass away, but also the company of Aaron, the guard commander, who was a close friend of her own children as they were growing up. Thank you Sue for making the effort to attend under the circumstances. On the Thursday, the TPI Association made it to Mystic Sands. Seven of our RSL played golf with them and enjoyed a lovely lunch, ably prepared by President Pop. Thank you to Vonnie and Emma for their assistance with the food and beverages. It was good to mingle with different people and hopefully we can have a visit by the TPI again next year, possibly earlier in the year and we can also have people involved in bowls as well. Our member Phil came over to assist, but most people golfed or relaxed. On a very happy note we have three new social members- Linda and Dave, who have moved to Balgal and are enjoying the more relaxed lifestyle, and Allan, who has been here for a couple of years, but also likes the relaxed way of life. Allan’s brother, Bob, who lives in town, has also joined our club as a service member and therefore beats Greg, who could have been the 50 th service member! However, there’s nothing wrong with being the 51 st member Greg. Let’s get that paperwork in! Anyone else, we are starting 2016 membership from 1st December, so you are invited to join if interested. We have Social Membership at $6, Family Associate $11 and Service Membership for $20 per year. Obviously with Service Membership you need to have been in the Services or the Reserves, or are currently serving. A club needs new members to stay alive and vital, so if you are looking for something not too onerous, we would love to have you as a member. Just realised I said I would be succinct! However, whenever we have a Commemorative Day, there are always many to thank. Just realised I forgot RADCA for the chairs and the Council for preparation of the park! Oh well! Great news to finish on. Friday 13 th, unlucky for some, but not for Dowie! He took off the $440 jackpot, so we now go back to $200. Well done Ian, a most deserved winner! Again Dowie has made his donation of $10 each week, and this time he was lucky! Unfortunately our Rick Dyer is not in the best of health and we noticed our Keith had a fall prior to Remembrance Day, but still attended the service and was in good spirits. We have our Christmas Party on Saturday 21st, but obviously, photos of 50 /60/70 year old people dancing on tables cannot be in this issue due to the timing. Thanks Janine and Kerrie! Finally a big thank you to Gloria, Robyn and Faye for assisting with the raffles throughout the year. Also Reg, Dowie, Anne, Joe and our new members Ken and Megan. Your efforts are much appreciated! From all of the Rollingstone RSL committee we wish you an enjoyable, happy and healthy Christmas with your loved ones or best mates…...Cheers, Rhonda C.
P 36
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. 44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGER Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail:
AMBULANCE C/o Northern Beaches Station
47786 033
BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB INC. President Faye Thomson 47707 616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 47707 034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB
47516 511
FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB INC. President Garry Luff 47707 008 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427240472 PLAYGROUP North Townsville Community Hub
47516 511
COMMUNITY HALL PHONE (M-F 9AM-3PM) 47707 153 Rag office 47707 799 Janine Jones 0407882009
PALUMA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION President Lynn Hyland 47737 675 Vice President Colwyn Campbell 47708 559 Secretary Michael Drew 0428779302 Email: Treasurer John Tubman
POLICE 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough Senior Constable Shaun Sutton Front Desk Admin Christine Rushton
ROLLINGSTONE RSL President Ewan Cameron 0417719043 Secretary Rhonda Coulson 47707 058
ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact:
RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Principal Kacey Constantine
ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB President John Holliday Secretary John Muller
0414808483 0407114687
47707 285 47707 348 47707 619
13 2500 47707 498
47707 313
ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL P & C ASSOC. President Brad Gough Secretary Christine Rushton MUTARNEE STATE SCHOOL Principal Lydia Jamieson
47708 131
47715 411
ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT SENIORS INC. President Rhonda Muller Secretary Claire Spittler
47707 957 47707 258
47707 813
ANIMAL CONTACT NUMBERS Animal Refuge 47745 130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130 RSPCA Inspection 47744 714 Straying Stock 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 47212 399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414717374 Bird Rescue 47707 356 / 041296553 Margaret Preston (Vet) 0403262212 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Nellie Berra After 4pm 47707 352 Chris Martin B/H 47707855 P 37
Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week
Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards
Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470
Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce
Eggs Bananas Pineapples
Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham
Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!
Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon
PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist
NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly
Going Fishing?
Rosco, Olga, Tanya & Simone PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470
We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions
Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 38
DECEMBER 2015 Sunday
29th Nov
30th Nov
7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
9 am - Cards 9 am - Linedancing 6.30pm - Yoga 7 pm - AA Meeting 6.45 SES Meeting
6 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 6pm Community Centre Carols by Candelight , 6.30pm - Santa 8pm approx
7 9 am - Cards 9 am - Linedancing 6.30pm - Yoga 7 pm - AA Meeting 6.45 SES Meeting
Tuesday 1 9am Aquarobics Rollingstone Caravan Park
Wednesday 2 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY
8 9am Aquarobics Rollingstone Caravan Park 6.30 pm Lions Club at the Den
9 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group
Thursday 3 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9 am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall
4 8 am Weight Circuit Class 9am Aquarobics Rollingstone Caravan Park
10 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall
11 8 am Weight Circuit Class 9am Aquarobics Rollingstone Caravan Park
Saturday 5 8 am -3 pm Balgal Beach Markets (Reopen late Feb early March : TBA) 9 am -12 pm Op Shop
Mystic Sands Vets Xmas dinner
12 2pm Lions Santa Run
Seniors Xmas Lunch Liona Xmas Breakup
FIREWORKS 13 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
14 9 am - Cards 9 am - Linedancing 6.30pm - Yoga 7 pm - AA Meeting 6.45 SES Meeting
15 9am Aquarobics Rollingstone Caravan Park
16 9 am Indoor Bowls & Xmas lunch 9 am Craft Group
17 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9am Visiting Vet
18 8 am Weight Circuit Class 9am Aquarobics Rollingstone Caravan Park
20 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
21 9 am - Linedancing 6.30pm - Yoga 7pm - AA Meeting 6.45 SES Meeting
22 9am Aquarobics Rollingstone Caravan Park
27 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
5.30 pm Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club BBQ
11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY
31 Fishermans Landing New Years Eve Party
DATES FOR JAN & FEB On page 20
P 39
Thankyou to Des Ward: Remembrance Day. Trish Sawtell: bird rescue. Cheryl Pearson for her (top) Halloween pic. Jodie Barr for her photo of the power pole fire which meant we all had a blackout on 11th November. Rocky and Lulu who played escape artists with Bec & Brett. Troy who found and looked after a sad looking runaway pooch. There were a few other search and rescue operations as well. Fishermans Landing Fishing Club activities Thankyou for all the photos and don't forget to keep sending them to or post them online through facebook to balgal beach news