August 2016

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Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated. AED (DEFIBRILLATOR) at FISHERMANS LANDING for PUBLIC USE

PUBLIC & THANK YOU NOTICE. It is with much regret that after 2½ to 3 years of collecting aluminum cans in the Northern Beaches area, (to raise funds on behalf of the Ravenshoe Heritage Steam Railway), I am forced to give serious consideration to cease this activity on medical grounds. Sometime ago I was diagnosed with severe degeneration of discs in my lumber spine and over the years they have deteriorated further to the stage where I get a sore back from bending over (emptying bins etc) and standing for long periods (crushing the cans). I also have tendons ripped from my left shoulder which gets very sore from time to time. Unless I can find another Charity group prepared to continue the collection of these cans from the areas of Balgal Beach, Rollingstone, Toomulla Beach, Bluewater and Saunders Beach, it is my intention to make my last collection on the weekend of the 3rd & 4th Sptember 2016. During the period that I have been collecting these cans, we have received tremendous support from the residents of all communities between Saunders Beach and Rollingstone/Balgal Beach and Paluma. To everyone who has supported this fund raising venture during this time, I personally cannot thank you enough and I also extend to you, the sincere thanks from the Board of Directors of the Ravenshoe Heritage Steam Railway. On a personal note, I would also like to thank the many friendships that I have made during the time that I have been doing this project and trust that it will continue on into the future. Again, please accept my personal appreciation (and that of the Ravenshoe Heritage Steam Railway), for your support. Warren BUTTERWORTH.

A YOUNG PERSON’S CONTRIBUTION TO OUR PINEAPPLE FESTIVAL This year the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival Committee is inviting our young people to apply for two opportunities. This will develop your personal skills and make a contribution to your community. A Junior Pineapple Princess or Prince aged 5 to 11. As an entrant in the Junior Pineapple Princess or Prince you will be in the Street Parade and the winning entrant, selected by the VIP Judges, will receive an award on the stage. We are also looking for a community minded young person to fill the role of ‘Young Pineapple Festival Ambassador’ aged 12 to 18 years. (How to enter below) Some of the duties the Young Pineapple Festival Ambassador will perform will be to greet our guest VIP’s when they arrive and assist with their introduction on stage. To be in the running for the Title of “Young Pineapple Festival Ambassador”, please write a short essay titled: “What I would like to see in my Community” maximum of 200 words ) Email this along with your name, date of birth, the year and school you are attending; to our Community Centre Manager Chris Martin by Friday the 5th August before 5pm Judging will be made by the Pineapple Committee in the 2nd week of August. All applicants will receive a framed certificate. Lets get together and FUN !!!

A little information from the Community Association after we addressed the non-existence of a peoplefriendly Borton Street/Mystic Sands Beach Access to Council: "We are aware of the Borton Street issue, which we believe has been attended to in the past. The problem at this site I think is the proximity of a dynamic creek mouth that essentially does what it wants depending on the season! Wind, rain, tides etc. I don’t think there is a pattern of long term erosion here (in fact in the last 4 years there has been no further encroachment towards the car-park area). The main problem that can be seen is that pedestrian access changes with the movement of the creek, and it really is quite difficult to come up with a solution to this (bearing in mind that under state policy we cannot interfere with natural coastal processes). I think the site is a bit of an unfortunate meeting of a creek mouth and a park and car park. However, it will continue to be monitored."

Rollingstone Craft Expo 6th August Is back on and it’s going to be great! Get your work in NOW! Enrolment form on page 13 for all budding artists in our community


Front Cover Picture by Janine Jones of the works happening on the Bridge


Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.

Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.

VIETNAM VETERANS DAY Thursday 18th AUGUST See RSL News for full information (pg 24) 10am service begins at Balgal Beach Memorial




Our very own First Female Golf Member at Mystic Sands Golf Club to win a HOLE in ONE

Don’t forget to enter Register on the website


or contact 47707430 ALL ages can enter Money prizes for 1st 2nd and 3rd.

YUM !!!!

Roscoes now have a fantastic COFFEE Machine!!! Make sure you pop on in and grab a fantastic brew!

Want to help and contribute to our community? SES really need help (see pg 24) Volunteers are URGENTLY needed for Rollingstone group or it may have to close. If you are retired or have some time on your hands come and have a chat. Its easy to be involved and very rewarding!

It wont be long: shopfitters are working hard at the new Medical Centre. Hopefully we will have some exciting news next month!!! WATCH THIS SPACE

Don’t forget to email your photos of people and things happening to for inclusion in our Out & About back page or your stories and information about things happening in our community to our Community Noticeboard. We really do LOVE hearing from you. THIS IS YOUR NEWSPAPER so lets make it interesting!!! For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community

Hearing difficulties or wondering how your hearing is doing?


THE BIG AUSSIE HEARING TESTS are coming to us (see pg 19) Make an appointment and get your hearing tested.


RADCA AGM Wednesday August 31st @ 7.30pm at the Community Centre.

Lots of fun activities happening for the kids on Sundays at the Community Centre from 11am. Games, craft, outdoor activities and lots more.

Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service

National Broadband Network : Things are happening in our community. The boxes are being installed in Mystic Ave at present. It wont be long now! P3

NOTES FROM THE R.T.C Notes from the RTC Well, hello and goodbye July –blink and you miss it!! I’m back after 2 weeks of leave, having a lovely time just “vegging” at home. Now to catch up on all the happenings here at the RTC: Thank you to Lesley and Penny for presenting the Cooking lesson on the first week of the School Holidays. Thank you to Japhet, Matthew and family for presenting the Acrobatic and Juggling workshop in the second week of the holidays. (If you missed this workshop, Japhet will be at the Pineapple Festival in September.) Thank you to Des, Carol, Bully and Paul with his Dingo for helping our tireless Di, move a mountain of mulch around the gardens at the Community Centre. Australian Hearing have a “Become a Hearing Hero” Promotion for the Month of August, as part of “The Big Aussie Hearing Check”. As part of this promotion the girls will once again be conducting hearing checks at the RTC on Wednesday 17 August from 12pm – call me (Chris) on 47707855 to make your appointment. Art Expo – 10am – 3pm, Saturday 6 August – there will be craft stalls, an Art exhibition and Art Competition. No cost to exhibit or enter the competition and no commission to be paid for sales. Come along to see just what hidden talents are out there in our community. The Rollingstone NQ Pineapple Festival is priming up to be bigger and better than ever this year. We have several subcommittees managing the different areas of the Festival, bringing with them new ideas, and fresh outlooks. You will have to come along on the day to see the changes. Check us out on the Pineapple Festival Facebook page and website. There is still time to book a stall, unfortunately red tape has caught up with us – to have a stall you will need Stall holders insurance. Sorry, we cannot stop the march of requirement. There are several companies that offer stall holders insurance either over the phone or online, for as short a time as a day, month, quarterly or yearly. Call me for further details. We would love to see your stall at the Festival, we do not charge much so put the savings to a small stall holders insurance policy. We need to have a copy of your Certificate of Currency to complete your booking. Bookings can be made through Rhonda Schwarz by phone 0431637980, or online through the Pineapple Festival Website http:// Birdlife Townsville have organised two workshops for September the for on 7pm, 7 September at the Community Centre talking about migratory birds and the second to be held at 10.30am at the Esplanade Balgal looking at what migratory birds are in the area and other waterfowl. These workshops is open to all interested parties and are at no cost but your time. Nominations are being called for RaDCA Committee Members. See the Nomination Form in this month’s Rag. These forms can also be collected from the RTC, come and see me for your copy. RaDCA’s AGM is being held on Wednesday 31 August 7.30pm. All members are welcome. Memberships can still be paid for this year at the RTC. Remember – Evening Bowls has become very popular at 7pm Wednesday evenings with a good number attending. Yoga twice a week – Saturdays at 10.30am and Thursday evenings at 6.30pm. Weight Circuits on Friday mornings at 8am, the Bus goes to Townsville every Thursday leaving the Centre at 8am, Playgroup at the hall on Thursdays 9.30am, the Vet visiting every 3rd Thursday of the month, the Mobile library on 2 bin days from 11.30am, Board Games at 2pm every 3rd Tuesday of the month and Computer class on the 1st Friday of the month. Are you good at teaching computers to folk? We are now an outlet for Broadband for Seniors and will require the services of people willing to learn how to effectively teach computer skills to our over 50’s. There is training available through Broadband for Seniors training site which also has excellent tutorials Seniors can access to promote their own learning. A guideline for the use of the facilities will be published in next month’s newsletter. As always………….Take care Chris

Just a few generations ago, if you went near a dog when it was eating and the dog growled, someone would say, “Don’t go near the dog when it’s eating”. Now, the dog gets euthanized. Back then, dogs were allowed to say “NO”. Dogs are not allowed to say “no” any more. They can’t get freaked out, they can’t be afraid; they can never signal “I’d rather not”. We don’t have any kind of nuance with regard to dogs expressing that they’re uncomfortable, afraid, angry, in pain, worried, or upset. If a dog is anything other than sunny or goofy every second of his waking life, he goes from being a ‘NICE’ dog to being an ‘AGGRESSIVE’ dog.

Available at this year’s Pineapple Festival........ Hamburgers/Steakburgers/ Sausage Sandwiches/ Chips/ Pineapple Fritters/ Alcoholic Beverages; Hot Dogs/Pineapple Pancakes/Softdrinks; Chicken & Pineapple Kebabs; Sandwiches/Scones, Jam & Cream/Pineapple Tim Tams/Cupsa Tea/Pies & Sausage Rolls; BBQ Fish and Salad Sandwiches; Pizza (to be confirmed); Coffee Outlets; Slushies/Fairy Floss/Icecreams; Thai Food/Green Paw Paw Salad; Stuffed Baked Spuds (to be confirmed); Grilled German Sausage & Sauerkraut - Walker’s Mobile BBQ – (to be confirmed); P4

on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.

We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5

One of our long-term Seniors, Sue Young, lost her husband during July. Andre had been ill for some years but losing your nearest and dearest is never easy. Lots of special thoughts coming your way, Suzie Young. Colin Spittler (Claire’s son) is in Brisbane awaiting Bone Marrow surgery. Lots of prayers for Colin’s successful recovery. Ken Jeffree has had some heart surgery which is hoped will make his life more comfortable. We wish him the very best. Faye Gottani has had a couple of “dicky-ticker” episodes recently and spent a week in hospital. She’s home now and says she feeling much better. Goodonya, girl. Bob Selby is still also most unwell – we just hope and pray he improves as soon as is humanly possible. Maureen & Phil Ryan...Maureen has been down with the dreaded flu and Phil has a greenstick fracture in his leg bone below the knee (probably from dancing around in his backyard) We know there are others, but we aren’t always advised who, so please, all of you who are unwell or doing it tough, get better soon. We’ve lost Kon & Glor Van’t Hof from our community. They’ve sold up and have gone touring around Australia. Have fun, folks, but we’ll surely miss you. And perhaps Gladdy Pace will be home by the time you get this month’s RAG. She’s been so very ill and still isn’t out-of-the-woods.

The Car Boot Sale was a super, super success with lots ‘n’ lotsa “car boots”. However, the numbers of those visiting (patrons) were, unfortunately, not up to expectation. This was a shame because it was otherwise a really happy atmosphere, beautiful weather and items for sale were many and varied. The RSPCA ladies microchipped several dogs and scanned many others. We’re most grateful for their attendance and for the wonderful service they provided. And Dan and Mon and the Lions were kept busy feeding and watering us all! We’ll have another “CB Sale” on Saturday, October 8th, before Bingo in the afternoon.  The Community Association Management Committee has decided not to purchase a vehicle just yet for individual clients requiring medical/visiting transport. Instead, we will be gifted with the use of a station wagon from September for about 5 months and from that we’ll be able to ascertain the real need for such a service and whether or not we still need to consider the purchase of a vehicle for this purpose.  We’ve recently received advice from the Department of Communities that our yearly funding for the RTC has been increased by just short of $23,000. That is absolutely wonderful, wonderful news as we’ve been struggling recently in that area. This will help with several shortfalls and make the Management Committee’s labours a little less onerous.  Please remember our CRAFT EXPO & PAINTING COMPETITION on August 6th from 10am until 3pm entry form on page 13. No charge to come in and no charge to enter the competition. Free tea, coffee and bickies, plus a Sausage Sizzle and Softdrinks on sale from the Lions. Prizes for winners, consolations and peoples’ choices.  Sundays, 11am at the Hall for Destiny Kids Christian Fellowship. Chris has nearly 20 local kids now for a Sunday morning of refreshingly healthy activities: Bible stories, craft, organised outside play and some smoko. Congratulations to you all. So good to see.....  We again need to acknowledge Ray Jennings for his Donation of the HMS Bounty replica. It’s truly beautiful and we hope, in time, to have it in a case for display in the Hall alongside HMB Endeavour…….Thank you so much, Ray. Real LOVE is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.

Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”

Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information

3rd, 17th & 31st AUGUST p6

JULY RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 26/7/16 Rainfall for July : 96.1 ml Year to date: 1116.5 mls Wet Days: 9 days Max Temp: 29 deg on 25/7/16 Min Temp: 11 deg on 7/7/16 To access all the data from our local weather station go to: dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849

THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm BINGO…...2ND SATURDAY of the MONTH


ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*

$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00

Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required

RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.  Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page  Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page  Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page  Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST)  Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST)  Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST) 

RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is

adhered to.


Indoor Carpet Bowls Evening At The Community Centre Wednesday evenings 7-9pm!!!! This is a NEW activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups (cost $2 pp per evening) Just turn up and see how much fun you can have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855

NEWSFLASH!!!!!! Evening Bowls are catching on in our Community. We are getting more people turning up with both men and women joining in and having lots of fun. Come and join us for a great night!

Board Games are played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the RTC. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee etc are played but not limited to these games. Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games, only $2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people .

BALGAL BEACH MARKET 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac etc NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Always need Car boot, Bric a Brac etc


0457 815 453

Presented by Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club For online information on what's on look up



0429 523 012

P 10

Gidday Rollingstone And then there was the time I shoulder charged through the door of this garden shed in the middle of a paddock in Caboolture. Nothing too “out of the ordinary” for the position I had at the time… except…We had all the right info, on exactly the right place, at exactly the right time – we knew the drugs would be there and the bad guy would be there – we had five very experienced detectives in one car with a second car about 10 minutes behind us. The only hitch was going to be that the shed in question was right in the middle of an empty 5 acre paddock, on a hill – no way of sneaking up, no cover and no “stealth mode” approach. The only option was to get through the gate and up to the shed as fast as possible and hope that the bad guy was stoned enough that he didn’t hear us coming and get rid of his gear before we got inside. The only thing we had going for us was that it was blowing a gale and the noise would help to cover the sound of the car. So…with a rock solid plan in place and yours truly in the passenger seat – we screamed up to the shed. I leapt out of the car with all the usual grace, style and finesse of a wounded, three legged camel - ran at the shed door – dropped a right shoulder into it just above the door lock (applying just the right amount of pressure – around the 110kg) – crashed into the shed to find myself facing seven – count ‘em… SEVEN) tattoo’d, leather vested, boot wearing, scar covered, bandana’d, chain carrying, “would be if they could be” bikies. Now… I say “would be if they could be” because as it turned out, they weren’t… but I didn’t know that at the time. As I stood there in that split second while the bits of shed door settled on the ground and I was doing that very quick calculation in my head, of the odds we were up against… the cold hard reality of my situation snuck up and grabbed me on the backside… I WAS THE ONLY GOOD GUY IN THE ROOM.!!!!! Detective number 1 (our driver) had opened the car door to get out but had caught his big flat foot under the brake pedal and was hanging half in and half out of the car. Detective number 2 was wrestling with a frozen seatbelt buckle. Detective number 3 had forgotten to take the kiddie lock off the door and was now threatening to shoot his way out and Detective number 4 (in the middle in the back seat), who realised fairly quickly that he was working with Queensland’s version of the Keystone Cops, had decided to exit the vehicle by crawling forward between the front seats and was (when I went looking for them) head down bum up, desperately trying to get out through the front passenger door. We’ve all had those moments, haven’t we? Those moments when, no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to go the way you want it? Of course, my moment was accompanied by that little rush of nausea when your mouth goes dry and you break into an instant sweat – your hands go a little clammy and your butt does a little pucker – you do a little nervous shuffle, not sure which group of people you should shoot at – the large scruffy (and possibly) bad guys who still weren’t really sure what was going on - or the group of raving maniac coppers who looked as if they couldn’t track a bleeding elephant through the snow or even find their own backsides with two grabs. Fortunately, the day finished better than it started. The “would be if they could be” gang were happy to sit quietly and chat amongst themselves while Queensland’s finest assembled their collective wits and resources, regrouped and eventually executed the warrant. The “gang” didn’t belong to any criminal organisation – in reality, they were about as much of a threat as the local book club and this was the first time they’d actually had possession of anything stronger than Panadol. So… I suppose you’re all waiting for the inevitable “life lessons to be learned from this story”… right? The obvious lesson is simply that, no matter how well you plan it out – there are no guarantees that it’s going to work the way you planned. The other obvious lessons involve seatbelts, kiddie locks and big feet – I don’t need to go there, do I? The big award for effort in this story has to go to Detective number 4 who, in spite of being built like a brick dunnie and roughly the shape and size of a polar bear, did his best impersonation of a scrub python and was actually the first one to make it out of the car... albeit on his hands and knees. He renamed that particular vehicle the Toyota Crab Pot and has since been promoted to Commissioned Officer rank somewhere, in charge of Strategy and Planning no less. One last thing – the Rollingstone State School turns 100 years old this August and the celebration is planned for the 20th of August 2016 at the school. You’re all welcome to come along, contribute, have fun and celebrate this landmark event in our community. Even if you’ve never had much to do with the school, please don’t miss out on this event. Stay safe………….Goughy P 11


47786444 Or make your booking ONLINE via our website or Google: Doctor Appointments in Bluewater and you can use Health Engine to make your appt. We have 8 General Practitioners, 2 Nurse Practitioners and the services from the following Allied Health Dietitian, Podiatry, Psychologists, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Psychologist, Natural Massage Therapist and Counsellor. Visiting Cardiologist attends monthly. There is a pharmacy and Physiotherapists on site.

Whilst the majority of our GP’s bulk bill, please be aware that when booking online you may be selecting a Private Appt. where payment will be required at consultation. P 12


Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Hello and welcome. Following on from my exclusive expose of Kerrie C’s total lack of fishing talent in the last issue of this Fine Family Magazine, I was contacted by her Husband Tony who advised me that he had hit on an ingenious idea to rectify her calamitous situation when it comes to anything and all things fishing – he will leave her at home! Now he is thinking outside the square. It is pleasing to see Ron Condren (Condo) up and out again and looking really fit. Welcome back. Unfortunately Gladys Pace is still a tad unwell and we wish her a quick recovery and to return home soon. The mouth watering aroma of freshly made and delicious pumpkin soup wafting on the balmy night breeze drew members, guests and several visitors to our end of month BBQ in June. The scrumptious soup and garlic bread was followed by Robert’s normal fine fare of a feast of BBQ meats, fish and salads for all to enjoy. No one left hungry. Thanks Robert, Col Pace and of course, the wonderful ladies who do the salads. Me?, I do what I do best by keeping out of the way; ergo out of trouble. The Club’s Monthly Fishing Competition winners for June are, Senior: Melissa Jones, Junior: Jack Jones and Mystery: Charlie Beaumont. Congratulations. Free! Free! Your Committee has successfully negotiated with the QLD Ambulance Service for their staff to attend our Balgal Beach Club Markets on Saturday 3 September to conduct two CPR Awareness Sessions at 9.00 and 11 am. These free sessions will only take a few minutes of your time and are open to the whole community. Your attendance is encouraged as this is an excellent opportunity for you and your family to learn a life saving skill. Bring your friends and neighbours as one day they may be the ones who save your own life. Children are also welcome but need to be supervised. While these free sessions are conducted by the Ambulance Service, they would appreciate a gold coin donation (purely voluntary) from each family participating. Additionally, the Service would like an idea of how many people attending so they ensure they bring enough dummies. Please register your intent to Di on 0427240472 or on the Club’s Face book site. However, if you don’t register for any reason but you still wish to participate, turn up as the Ambos will not turn you away and will run you through the process but you may have to wait for a short time until a dummy is available. Remember, a few minutes wait to do the session now could be worth a persons’ life later. While we are on the medical subject, a free Children’s First Aid Course will be held during the Club Markets on Saturday 1 October. Full details will be provided next issue but again, we encourage as many parents as possible to attend with their children, the course is free and open to all the community. Dickie’s Fishing News G’Day Folks. Due to the current unsavory weather conditions that defies fishing, there is not much to report upon except that there has been some good whiting taken at Spring Gully at Mystic Sands. Apart from that, my advice is to play it safe, stay at home and do some maintenance on your fishing gear and cheer up and dream of those better days ahead. Stay safe, cheers, Dickie Our Big Breakfast in the park at the monthly Balgal Beach Club Markets is gaining momentum and popularity. The cooking is done each month by Vice-President “what! You want more onions?”, not quite yet cordon bleu (just blue) barbie basher Graham Milliken whom we have imported all the way from Mystic Sands at great expense. Thanks Graham, Rotary has shown you how to turn a sausage and that butchers apron suits you well. He is ably assisted by a bunch of wonderful Club Members including President Di and ahem myself. Well, I turn up at least. Our sincere thanks go out this month to Melissa and Jack Jones who did the raffle and to Kerrie Cochrane who ably and skillfully assisted with the breakfast. Each month we need at least three Club Members to help so please give us and your Club a hand. Besides, it is a great couple of hours meeting all kinds of wonderful people and having fun along the way. Contact Di on 0427240472 to put your name down. Just another reminder that the Interclub Fishing Competition Member for Hinchinbrook Challenge is now up and running until 6.00 pm on Friday 12 August. There are some excellent prizes and trophies up for grabs and all it costs you to register is yo ur own time. Register on-line and weigh your fish in at The Landing as usual. The awards Presentation Dinner will be at Toomulla from 6.00 pm on Saturday 20 August and an attendance form will be on the board at The Landing soon. Cost is $25.00 per head for an adult and $10.00 per child and is conducted by the Toomulla Beach Fishing Club who always serve up an excellent meal and cheap drinks. The Committee has agreed to make a small contribution per membership toward the cost of the dinner. Mark this event in your social calendar, it is too good to miss. A Club Calendar of Events has been approved by your Committee and it includes another Closed Club (no visitors or friends, Members only) Fun Family Weekend Away to Lucinda, a fishing competition and other great stuff to keep you all happy. A copy of the Calendar is available on the Club’s Facebook which is : Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club, Balgal Beach Inc. We have received again this year a kind donation from the Member for Hinchinbrook, Mr. Andrew Cripps MP for which we are sincerely grateful. The donation will go towards the cost of our Club running the Children’s First Aid Course on 1 October. Thank you Andrew, your interest in our Club and its activities are appreciated. Last and most important, your annual membership fees are now overdue so please collect your renewal application form from those wonderful ladies at The Landing and continue to be a member of a great little Club.

Until next month, Ninger (Editors Note: Watch out your nose doesn't grow!!..Regarding the first paragraph: Husband Tony doesn't even know those big words AND his nickname for said wife is “BATTERY”..cause the boat doesn’t go without her! LOL) P 14





P 15

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Hi All, Once again we have had a very busy month. We have 4 youth exchange students who are being billeted by members of our Lion’s Club. They are: Marc Schilling – 16 years old from Germany, Yesim Agbulut – 19 years old from Turkey,Sofie Lippestad – 17 years old from Norway, Alia Masood – 16 years old from Canada ( see photo back page) They are such lovely young adults and have fitted into our way of life with ease. After the 3 week stay with their host families they will journey to Proserpine Lions Camp Kanga to meet with 30 other International Exchange students for a week long camp and other adventurous activities. This exchange program is a great benefit to the students & the host families alike. Lions International is having their 100 year Anniversary of service around the world. The current International President has asked each club to produce 3 projects to mark this tremendous milestone. Our club has installed 4 lovely bench seats in Pace Park, there will be a large sign erected on Pace corner on the highway advertising our Lions Club & a Notice Board donated and being erected at the Rollingstone School. Also as a bonus we will be constructing a toilet block as part of the Lion’s Den. As usual we have been conducting our “Cooks Night Off” meals at the BIG 4 Caravan Park. The meals and entertainment are very well received by the grey nomads. Election day has come and gone which we supported by providing a sausage sizzle & our Leos and Junior Leos had a wet and wonderful time washing cars and even a caravan. The funds raised from both events have been donated to the Rollingstone School. On 28th July, we catered for over 400 riders plus support crew for the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride where we provided a hot meal at Frosty Mango. Preparations are well underway for a mega Pineapple Festival this September. This year we will have various types of entertainment, a brass band, a maori cultural group, singers Keith Bayley, Charlie’s Angels and the Gottani Sisters. The kids will be well catered for as usual including Windy Wizard & a kids boot scooting troup, the centre ring games and a large number of stalls and food outlets. Next month we have been given a large catering task for the Southern Cross Motorcycle charity ride. We estimate approx: 400 people per meal. The Rollingstone School is having their 100 year celebration day on August 20th. Our club will be doing most of the catering for this event including running the bar. So readers as you have just seen our club is very proactive within the community and further afield. I would like to take this opportunity to invite anyone in the community who wishes to know more about our Club & Lions in general to contact me or any of our members. We offer an open invitation to come along to one of our dinner meetings & see for yourself how things are done. I can assure you it is not just all hard work, we also enjoy fun and fellowship. Until next month, stay safe & call us if you need assistance………..Dowie…...0412 396 450

ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT LEO CLUB and JUNIOR LEOS "Hello all, time for another Rolly Rag article from your Rollingstone & District Leos Club. July was a big month for us. With help from the School's Junior Leos we did another car wash on Election Day at Rosco's, where we raised $330 which has been donated to the School Chaplaincy Fund. That's better than our last car wash! We even washed a caravan in Bushy Parker Park for one of our returning "Grey Nomads" - something different for us!! Well done Leos and Junior Leos. The afternoon of Saturday 9th July saw a great turnout of Leos and other young people from the community for a welcome afternoon for the Lions Youth Exchange students that are currently staying with members of our Lions Club. It was great to see the local community supporting this activity with more than 35 in attendance. The afternoon included the creation of some beautiful Indigenous Art & Rock Painting followed by a game of cricket. Dinner was provided in the form of a sausage sizzle. We then made a peace symbol with paper lanterns with a walk of remembrance. The night finished with a bonfire and (of course) marshmallows. Both were great events and we thank all who were involved! Our next Leos activity will be the Rollingstone State School's 100 year celebrations on 20th August. We will be serving soft drinks on the day. Want to get involved in your community for some Fun and Activities? Why not join your local Leo Club..... Jake Thompson Leo V/President & Assistant Leo Adviser.

P 16



Wednesday 31st August 2016 7:30pm Rollingstone Community Hall

_______________________________________________________ ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC

COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM We wish to nominate:______________________________________ for the position of:

o President

o Vice-President

o Treasurer

o Committee

Signed:___________________________________ Seconded:________________________________ Nomination:



Signature of Nominee: NOMINATION FORMS TO BE RETURNED TO CENTRE MANAGER NO LATER THAN CLOSE OF BUSINESS TUESDAY 23 AUGUST 2016 Section 19 - Electing the management committee (as per Rules of Governance for RaDCA Inc) (1)

A member of the management committee may only be elected as follows(a) any 2 members of the Association may nominate another member (the candidate) to serve as a member of the management committee; (b) The nomination must be(i) in writing; and (ii) signed by the candidate and the members who nominated him or her; and (iii) given to the secretary at least 14 days before the annual general meeting at which the election is to be held; (c) each member of the Association present and eligible to vote at the annual general meeting may vote for 1 candidate for each vacant position on the management committee; (d) if, at the start of the meeting, there are not enough candidates nominated, nominations may be taken from the floor of the meeting.


A person may be a candidate only if the person(a) is an adult; and (b) is not ineligible to be elected as a member under section 61A of the Act. A list of the candidates names in alphabetical order, with the names of the members who nominated each candidate, must be posted in a conspicuous place in the office or usual place of meeting of the Association for at least 7 days immediately preceding the annual general meeting. If required by the management committee, balloting lists must be prepared containing the names of the candidates in alphabetical order. The management committee must ensure that, before a candidate is elected as a member of the management committee, the candidate is advised(a) whether or not the Association has public liability insurance; and (b) if the Association has public liability insurance - the amount of the insurance

(3) (4) (5)

P 17

LNP COMMITTED TO TACKLING ICE IN HINCHINBROOK The LNP recently released a comprehensive five-point action plan to tackle Queensland’s ice epidemic, including proactive crime prevention, enhanced drug addiction services and stronger law enforcement, to make our communities safer. The LNP is committed to fighting the manufacture, sale and use of drugs, to help make Queensland a safe place to live, work and raise a family. The widespread and increased use of the drug ice is a real concern – it can tear families and friends apart. The LNP takes this issue seriously and is determined to tackle the issue with a targeted strategy that complements the Federal Government’s National Ice Action Plan. The LNP has a strong track record of being tough on crime and targeting these offenders. However, the LNP also enhanced drug addiction treatment services and will continue to work to support the most vulnerable victims of drug abuse and crime. You can access more information about the LNP’s five-point plan by contacting my office.

COMMUNITY MEETING @ PALUMA Late last month I met with the Paluma & District Community Association at the community hall, to talk about local issues concerning residents in the village. Paluma is a fantastic part of the Hinchinbrook electorate and I always enjoy my periodic visits. BOWDEN ROAD / CHURCH ROAD INTERSECTION UPGRADES After a long campaign, I am delighted to confirm that $8.7 million has been allocated by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments to upgrade and reconfigure the intersections of Bowden Road and Church Road, with the Bruce Highway. This is an important road safety project for the residents of Townsville’s Northern Beaches and I’m very pleased that the representations I’ve been making on their behalf over the last two years have resulted in a positive outcome. P 18


P 20

P 21

Garden maintenance Landscaping Flat pack assembly Yard clean up Mowing acreage Smoke alarm battery

House painting Minor renovations Irrigation Repair leaky taps Replace light bulbs

Fully insured for your peace of mind Call Mike on 0437 703 870 P 22

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G’day all, Our club fishing and crabbing trip to Cattle Creek had to be cancelled again due to rough weather. We are still looking forward to going when the weather and tides suit. Our monthly BBQ at the Community Hall was excellent; We played team quoits with team four winning the gold. Congratulations to all players, it was lots of fun for everyone. Thank you to the BBQ cooks and all the ladies who brought along nibbles and sweets. Always a sweet treat. The Lound’s Fresh Seafood Raffles were won by Denis and Joy. Great prizes, Loundsy has the best seafood in town. Please support them as much as possible as they really do support our club. Fish of the month was won by Ken Dickenson with a 64cm Grunter. Well done Ken you have done it again. On the 8, 9 and 10th of July we had our annual weekend away to Lucinda. We had a beaut BBQ Friday night at Wanderers and a really good dinner at The Port of Call Pub at Lucinda on Saturday night. We can thoroughly recommend their menu. It was great food and unfortunately there really was no room left for dessert. We fished Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. Catches were few and far between. We returned a lot of underies back to the deep. We all had a good time aboard ROSIE and everybody brought along good tucker. It was a fun catch and release weekend for everyone. Our next BBQ will be on 7th August at the Hall. This will also be our AGM. Nominations for Committee positions will be taken from the floor. Don’t be afraid to come along, nominate yourself for a position on our Committee and join in the fun. We will be having a club outing on the 20th of August. YAHOO! We are going to the TOWNSVILLE CULTURAL FEST being held in the JCU grounds. The festival is excellent with lots of food from around the world and TOP ENTERTAINMENT. The bus is fully booked but you can come in your own vehicle as well. We will have free tickets for members. Contact Ken Turner 47707276. We welcome guests to all our BBQs. Meals are $10 per head with children under 12 yrs free when accompanied by an adult. Members are always free. Come along and join in the fun love to see you there. Until next month……….STAY SAFE……...Kindest regards from your COMMITTEE.

P 23


Thursday, 18th August 2016, Vietnam Veterans’ Day! If you are free on this day it would be wonderful to see you at our commemorative service. Nine Transport SQN will be providing the Catafalque Party, a guest speaker and two flag orderlies. The service will be held at the Rollingstone RSL’s Memorial at Balgal Beach and begins at 10am. It is not a long service but is of particular significance for many of our members. Following the service we will adjourn to the Mystic Sands Golf Resort for a light lunch. Last year we met a lady who had been a dancer with one of the groups that went to Vietnam to entertain the troops. We also find a number of the campers like to return each year as they particularly like the setting for our service. On Sunday, 14th August we will be holding a QGM at the golf club. This meeting will begin at 10:30am and is an important one as we are endeavouring to assist those members who need help with accessing DVA. We are also calling for nominations for two Board members; a social member and a service member. Our other items include proposed outings that we would like to undertake later in the year. So please attend if you can. All service, associate and social members are most welcome. June and July have proved to be quite busy months. On Saturday, 18th June, president Ewan visited Magnetic Island for the launch of the book relating to the sixty years of history of the Magnetic Island RSL. On Thursday 23rd June we held a special luncheon at the golf club to welcome a number of the Qld delegates who were here for the State Congress. It was a special day for two of our members, Phil Ryan and Ian Dow, as both were celebrating their birthdays. Rob Thomson also attended and unfortunately a number of others could not attend due to prior commitments. The following photo shows the delegates at the golf club following our delicious lunch. Thank you to Theresa and Rhett. A very enjoyable time was had by all and besides seeing our memorabilia in the club they also visited Balgal Beach and were impressed with the Memorial and the setting. The State Congress was well attended and our own Ewan Cameron was again voted in as a State Vice President. Congratulations to Ewan. Apparently Dr Brendon Nelson gave a wonderful speech at the dinner, capturing the attention of attendees for over forty minutes. Thus a successful Congress was held in Townsville with economic benefits to the area. Plus the weather was very kind and was favourably commented upon by those who attended the Mystic Sands lunch. On Sunday 2nd of July, I had the pleasure of meeting some delegates from Qld RSL who met me to explain the role of an auxiliary. I had just finished my golf game, so their arrival from the Tablelands was well timed. They had attended the State Congress and then went on a tour throughout the north to explain to a number of sub branches the significance of an auxiliary. I personally felt we are too small a club, and noted we have many clubs in our area. However, both Ewan and Rod Girvan, our vice-president, suggested we could perhaps have a Citizens’ Auxiliary to replace our associate and social members. This of course would need to be discussed at a general meeting if there was sufficient interest. On a sad note I need to report the passing of one of our social members. Leah Phoebe, mother of service member Adrian Phoebe, passed away on July 12th. Adrian joined our club a number of years ago as he was in charge of 35 SQN. This unit provided our Catafalque Party for many ceremonial services when Rollingstone RSL was first formed. Adrian’s unit enjoyed coming back to the club and so he decided to join Rollingstone RSL. His Mum decided to join a couple of years later and both she and Adrian have attended services, meetings and functions on a regular basis. President Ewan forwarded condolences from our RSL club to Adrian and his family and both he and Mick Coulson attended Leah’s funeral. Our Friday nights continue to be a fun time with hopefully a number of people winning a raffle prize or Goose Club prize. Thank you to all of those supporters who attend, purchase numbers or tickets and also assist with selling. Time to close and hoping to see members at our QGM-Sunday 14th August at 10:30am and members, plus others from our community, at the Vietnam Veterans’ Day Service on Thursday, 18th August at 10am. Take care…………..Cheers, Rhonda. Hello everyone to the month of August. I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler, wet weather. Well we have our new Blue & Red lights fitted to our SES vehicle now and they look great. Our training nights have been moved back to Monday nights where we are combining training with Bluewater SES. New members are required urgently or the Rollingstone group may have to close. If retired and living in this area, please consider joining the Rollingstone SES where you will be learning new skills; like how to handle storm problems etc and helping others in need. Sometimes we get to travel inter/intra state on deployment (all are of 1 week duration or less and includes travel time etc). We have various roles to be filled and we really need your help. It's free to join & all training is paid & provided for you. Come along & learn new skills while helping your community and the best thing is that our sexy Jaffa uniforms are supplied as well.

P 24

Hope everyone has been enjoying the lovely rain. Beautiful to see everything so green again. Shame it didn’t fill our dam a little more though! Fishing has been good, lots of Mackerel being caught, lots of prawns in the cast nets, but the crabs have gone into hiding apparently. Oh…and just a reminder…don’t forget to check your fuel before heading out on your fishing trip!!A little birdie tells me one of our keen Toomulla fisherman ran out of fuel just after leaving the boat ramp?? Lucky he had a mate come along not long after that could help him out. Any guesses?? Well it is good to hear that John Grady is doing well. Wonderful to see him out & about again. We would also like to send some “Get Well” wishes to Fay Hall. Fay has been doing it tough the last few months after having an operation on her foot. Thank you to the drivers who are now driving at the right speed (50kms) along Herald Street. There are a lot of people who are now feeling a little safer whilst out walking around Toomulla. Still a couple of drivers who think that it’s okay to speed but I am sure sooner or later they will get caught out by police. It’s July again and membership fees are now due for the Toomulla Community Association. The cost is $5 per family. Your $5 goes towards the Australia Day celebrations, Kids Christmas Party and Sausage Sizzles for the community. Every year we have a Christmas party for the kids where Santa comes along and hands out presents. Grandkids of financial members are quite welcome to come along as well. Australia Day is a free event where families can join in heaps of games, have a Lamb Chop or Sausage and also win heaps of prizes. So if you would like to join you can email me or phone 47707813 and I can drop a m’ship form to you. The committee will also be doing a Door Knock during August. We are still working with Council to secure the land down in Toomulla Park for the purpose of building a Community Hall. We are getting closer to the getting the ‘Stamp of Approval’ for the land. We are trying to secure a date with Council and our new Division 1 Councillor Margie Ryder for a “Meet & Greet” afternoon for all residents to come along and say hello and meet our new Councillor. You will also be able to chat to a couple of council people that are involved in the planning stages of a Community Hall. Once a date is secured a flyer will be sent out & it will also be up on the Community Notice Board. We are still looking for ideas for the next Bus Trip. One suggestion was Charlie’s Chocolate Factory at Mt Edna Mission Beach, but there was not a lot of interest shown towards this idea. If you have a suggestion on a day trip in a bus (10 seater) please email me or phone with your idea. There will be a Fathers Day Raffle selling throughout August and tickets will be available from Mick Wellington, Don Cumming, Margie & Noel Gallagher and Rhonda. $1 per ticket and there will be two prizes 1st Prize: - Fathers Day Gift Pack and 2nd Prize: Liquor Gift Pack. This year Fathers Day is Sunday 4th September. Happy Birthday to all those who are celebrating a birthday in August. Have a fun filled day !! Cheers………...Rhonda.



Call Eamon

PH: 0478 749 444

JOBS UP TO $3,300

P 25

Natures Notes - Roy Mackay With the great variations in the weather these days you can expect variations in the life of our wildlife. Fancy seeing snakes in the middle of Winter. Not just basking in the sun outside their Winter shelter, but crawling around looking for food. Several snakes have been seen lately and reported to me. Of course, Brush Turkeys are still digging up the gardens for extra food prior to the breeding season. It seems to me that there are many more mosquitoes about this Winter than I have noticed in previous years – so take care. Also I have noticed the weeds and other introduced plants have grown in rash proportions this Winter. So, more work. For those Rollingstone/Balgal residents who have been up to Paluma, you may have heard that there is a DVD for sale on Tuesdays at the Community Hall on the Birds of Paluma. It also has a lot of the birds of Rollingstone and Balgal. It is available at the Hall on Tuesdays between 11 am and 1 pm.


6th and 20th (9am - 12pm)

Very few people spend time looking up at the sky to see what birds may be flying over. Yes, they do look for changes in the weather. Fewer look for birds. There are very few records of the sighting of Wedge-tailed eagles. So, it was a joy to me to see one soaring slowly over Paluma last week, I must check if the old nest on Taravale Station is still used, The last time I saw it was about 6 years ago. It was a pleasure for me to meet another resident of Rollingstone the other day. She lives in a large area on the North side with much bush on the property. In a discussion, I found she was very keen on natural history on and around her property. A project for all of us is to see if we can find some of those fantastic, beautiful, tiny spiders as shown on the recent Attenborough programme on TV. Roy Mackay,

P 26

Paluma In the Clouds Les Hyland

It was a great night! Our normal contingent was swelled by some 15 very welcome visitors from Rollingstone and this included Judyana who provided superb musical entertainment through the evening and she even got some dancers on the floor. Judyana actually managed to get your scribe - who has a voice like a stone crusher - to sing “We’ll meet again”. Much hilarity was engendered over the “Present Swap” and we also, fittingly, said “au revoir” to Anne and Andy Bishop who are leaving to live in Maleny in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Paluma Push By the time you read this the “Paluma Push” for 2016 will have been run again on Sunday 24th July. We are hoping that the heavy rain that is rattling our roofs as I write [July 19] will have ceased and that there will be some drying out at the end of the week. Thankfully the Townsville City Council did a good job of cutting back the encroaching vegetation on the road between the village and the Lake Paluma turnoff on Saturday 16th as in places it had become a sighting hazard. Art Exhibition The annual Art exhibition will be held this year from Wednesday 21st to Tuesday 27th September in the Community Hall from 10.00am to 2.30pm each day. If you would like to exhibit your work you should contact either Lynn Hyland (47737675 or <>) or Colwyn Campbell (47708559 or in the near future. Entry is free and this is a great opportunity for budding artists to show, and possibly sell, their work to a wider audience. Weather It has been a quite an extraordinary year as regards the weather. After last year when we only had 961.4mm we have scored 1153.4 mm to date 19th July this year despite very low totals in January and February, and it has also been wintery with single figures common at night. The SES training night on Friday July 15th had us all wrapped up and still shivering mostly due to wind chill.

Les Hyland Ph: 47737675 Mobile: 0427011325

4770 7698 0437 555 469

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P 27

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL This time 100 year ago…. The author Roald Dahl was born (he wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!) Albert Einstein published "The Foundation of the Generalised Theory of Relativity." The average life expectancy for men was just 47 years. The speed limit was just 10 miles per hour (that’s about 16km per hour for those of us young enough to be born into the metric system). The Eiffel Tower was the tallest structure in the world. There was no such thing as a can of beer! Australia as a Federation was only 16 years old. Over the last 100 years Australia’s population has increased almost fivefold from just under five million to almost 24 million today. WW1 had been going for two years. The local publican, Mrs Isabella Fitzpatrick, donated land for the construction of Rollingstone State School, which opened in 1916 with 28 students. The rest, they say, is history…. We will be celebrating our centenary on August 20 at the school, from 10 am until 4 pm. We will have rides and amusements, stalls, raffles, food and drinks for sale, centenary merchandise, including our 100 Years Book, and our beautiful whole school choir performing. There will be official speeches from 2.00pm. We will provide great entertainment, including: Our very own Gottani Sisters- Pauline and Jennifer, who grew up in Rollingstone, they have released 3 albums and have received 3 Golden Guitar nominations in Tamworth. Local Balgal resident Greg Grevmuhl, who in 2015, achieved the Senior Encouragement Award at the Townsville & Thuringowa Country Music Festival 2015. Jeremy Romeo, as featured in ‘Triple J Unearthed’, a local acoustic artist talent who appears at various entertainment venues around Townsville. Entry is FREE and kids will only pay $10 for an arm-band which allows them to ride the amusements all day. Can’t wait to see you all there!

P 24



4770 7540 / 0427 074 816



4770 7356 / 0412 965 535

Change in seasons are not like down south up here in our neck of the woods. We go from no rain to rain and lately we have even had cold weather thrown in. We really froze for a couple of days in the tropics. These conditions have had a big bearing on the wildlife. All our carers of the different species have been saying how very quiet it has been. With the rain all the trees and plants have been thriving and the native blossoms have been abundant. This leads to good mating weather and stops the animals from needing to come closer to human activities. This means less injuries and less road kill. Even the much misunderstood bats have also been very quiet. I have in care two very small Agile Wallabies, one weighing in at 175grm and the other at 204grm but they are all that have been around. I have been the (pinkie) co-ordinator while our other coordinator has been away and as yet I have not had one call which is amazing. They all tell me to be quiet as I will jinx it but so far so good. It is the 2am feeds that get to you. The birds and possums have also been very quiet and so all in all it’s a great time of the year. On saying that look out when things start to happen, we will be in inundated so I will rest up while I can……………Cheers, Gaye

Rollingstone & District Seniors Well, time has got upon me once more, but, hey I have the best excuse (rather good with these) as I have been on holiday to NZ. I came back home to Kiwi weather! What on earth has happened to our topical paradise. It was 9 deg. for crying out loud. I thought I had dreamt coming home. One cannot complain as we really needed the rain. I notice that the evening bowls has been getting a good turn up of bowlers. C’mon you younger ones, are you scared the oldies will beat you in the game. Just come along and join in the fun on Wednesdays at 7.00 pm. We are not all ancient you know. Last month we had our "Progressive Dinner", although it is run by the Seniors, it IS NOT just for older folk. We would like to include everyone in the activities here and we constantly “rack our brains” to think up ideas to include the whole community but alas we are not getting the younger peoples support so come on everyone, join in and meet new friends and have a great time. The progressive dinner will be over by the time this goes out so I will bore you with news about it in next months’ article. The Seniors Luncheon and Expo are coming up so please make note of the following dates: Expo is the 23rd August and the Seniors Luncheon on the 25th and 26th August. This is also perfect weather to be inside playing board games which are held every third Tuesday of the month. Don't forget the Library bus every second Wednesday, good reading weather too. The OP shop is opening its doors every second Saturday too and for those who work weekdays that is a bonus. Great finds in that super shop and great people volunteer there. Come along and check it out, say hello to the lovely ladies who work tirelessly for the Op Shop and grab a bargain. “Catch ya all on the flip side, God willing and weather permitting”. (Gordon Greens saying RIP Greenie)…….Gaye

P 29


Troupies is a youth group developed for the local children of Rollingstone and districts, all ages are welcome. Troupies was formed by local parents under the banner of Rollingstone and District Community Association. Our aim and vision is to provide local children with activities, crafts, sport, community involvement, entertainment and at all times FUN!

P 30

MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Hello Golfers, Well its been a very busy month for all facets of golf with club championships, monthly medals and vets championships. Firstly I would like to thank Bob Lloyd for his input last month helping me out with the golf news, big thanks to you Bob. Lets get straight into the comps that have been played over the last month. July Monthly Medal Mens Div 1 winner: Rod Barnett with 70... well done Rod. R/U: Stuart Jones with 73... well done Stuart, just needed a little bit more.

Ladies winners. B Grade winner: Sue Thompson with 205... well done Sue R/U Pam McCarthy with 206... well done sister. Best Nett Megan Jeffree with 155… well done Meg.

C Grade winner Mens Div 2 winner; Wayne McCarthy with 68... well done Wayne, catch me if you Jackie Brown with 220... well done Jackie. R/U Rhonda Coulson with 221... just a little bit more Ronnie can. well done. R/U: Wayne Butler with 70 well done Wayne. Best Nett was Merle Dickenson... well done Merle. Mens Div 3 winner: Lex Penman with 68... just needed a little holiday well done Lex. The Club Champions for 2016 were as follows: R/U: Bob Brown with 74... well done Bob, no catching the big Mens man that day. Todd Small with 169... well done Todd. Ladies Div 1 winner: Ladies: Maree King with 75... not quite a cricket score. Maree King with 204... well pat me on the back. R/U: Megan Jeffree with 76... I didn’t ask for a hair cut that week well done Meg. Vets Closed Club Championships. Ladies Div 2 winner: Mens Club Champion: Di Stephan with 74... well done Di, you just cant keep this girl Bob Lloyd with a Nett of 141... good on you Bob. down. Nett R/U: Billy Osborn with 146... well done Billy. Gross Winner: Wayne McCarthy with 179... well done Wayne. Closed Club Championships: this event is held over 2 days, so Ladies Club Champion: the pressure is on to get a good score on the first day. Maree King with 145... you could have knocked me over with a A Grade Mens winner: feather. Dave Carter with 173... well done Dave. Nett R/U: Pat Onoprienko with 151... well done Pat. R/U Gary Smylie with 174... just a little bit more Gary well done Gross Winner: Pam McCarthy with 204... keep it in the family Best Nett Darren Beavis with 165... well done Darren. well done Pam. B Grade Mens winner: I would like to give a very big THANKYOU to Dave the Rod Barnett with 175... well done Rod. greenkeeper for presenting the course in a really good condition. R/U Wayne Butler with 178... well done Wayne. Not forgetting his band of helpers with whom he could not do Best Nett Wayne McCarthy with 150... good on you poppa. without, thank you very much. C Grade Mens winner: Thats all for now. Ken Dickenson with 187... good going Ken. R/U Grahame Starkie with 189... well done Grahame keep up the Take care of one another and good golfing. good work. Cheers……….Maree K.


Another fairly quiet month on our green with bowls only being played on two of the previous four weeks due to rain and renovations. The bowling green was top dressed two weeks ago with results already obvious with the new lush growth emerging. A huge thanks goes to our (male) volunteers for spending their Sunday afternoon performing this task and I'm certain we couldn’t have achieved the results we did without the vigilant supervision of our ladies. Nomination forms are on the board for the mens singles, pairs and fours as well as the mixed pairs. If these matches are as intense as the early sledging, we should be in for a feast of bowls. The early red-hot, raging favourites for the mixed pairs must certainly be Robyn and Craig, probably due to their recent outstanding form, and possibly because they are the only nomination at this stage! Please get your teams organised in the few weeks. It has been great to see a few grey nomads turning up lately to enjoy our amenities and they are always made very welcome. Just a reminder that “barefoot” bowls are on Sunday mornings at 9.00 am and for your contribution of $7, you will have a very enjoyable morning. There is certainly no pressure on anyone and everyone is encouraged to join in. As usual, please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292……..Thanks.

P 31


P 32

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. 44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGER Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail:

AMBULANCE C/o Northern Beaches Station

47786 033

BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB INC. President Faye Thomson 47707 616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 47707 034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB

47516 511

FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB INC. President Di Thompson 0427240472 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427240472 PLAYGROUP North Townsville Community Hub

47516 511

COMMUNITY HALL PHONE (M-F 9AM-3PM) 47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact: Rag office 47707 799 Janine Jones 0407882009

POLICE 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough Senior Constable Shaun Sutton Front Desk Admin Christine Ruston RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White

47707 285

PALUMA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION President Lynn Hyland 47737 675 1st. Vice President Colwyn Campbell 47708 559 2nd. Vice President Wilf Karnoll 47788 441 Secretary Michael Drew 0428779302 Email: Treasurer John Tubman ROLLINGSTONE RSL President Ewan Cameron Secretary Rhonda Coulson

0417719043 47707 058

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB President John Holliday Secretary John Muller

0414808483 0407114687

47707 348 47707 619

47707 540 47707 356

S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT SENIORS INC. President Peter Cahill Secretary GayeLovell

13 2500 47707 498


47707 813

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Principal Kacey Constantine

47707 313

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL P & C ASSOC. President Brad Gough Secretary Christine Ruston MUTARNEE STATE SCHOOL Principal Lydia Jamieson

47708 131


47715 411

ANIMAL CONTACT NUMBERS Animal Refuge 47745 130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130 RSPCA Inspection 47744 714 Straying Stock 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 47212 399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414717374 Bird Rescue 47707 356 / 041296553 Margaret Preston (Vet) 0403262212 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Nellie Berra After 4pm 47707 352 Chris Martin B/H 47707 855

P 33

Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week

Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards

Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470

   

Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce

  

Eggs Bananas Pineapples

Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham

Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!

   

Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon

PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.

Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly

Going Fishing?

Rosco, Olga, Tanya & Simone PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470

We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions

Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 34

AUGUST 2016 Sunday

Monday 1 9 am - Cards

Tuesday 2

9 am Linedancing 4.30-5.30 pm Troupies B’ball training at school

7 pm - AA Meeting 8 9 am - Cards 9 am Linedancing 4.30-5.30 pm Troupies B’ball training at school 6.45 pm SES Meeting

3 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

6.45 pm SES Meeting

7 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 5.30 pm Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club BBQ and AGM


Thursday 4 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards

11.30 am -1pm MOBILE LIBRARY

9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

6.30 pm Yoga

Friday 5 8 am Weight Circuit Class 11am Computer Class

11 am Balgal Destiny Fellowship

15 9 am - Cards 9 am -Linedancing 4.30-5.30 pm Troupies B’ball training at school 6.45 pm SES Meeting

6 8 am -3 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9 -12 Op Shop 9.30am

Troupies B’Ball at school

10am Craft Expo at Centre 10.30am YOGA

9 6.30 pm Lions Business Meeting at the Den

10 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

11 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping

12 8 am Weight Circuit Class

9am Cards

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

6.30 pm Yoga

16 2pm Board Games at the RTC

17 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 12-3pm Hearing Tests 11.30 am -1pm

18 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9am Visiting Vet 9.30 am


7 pm - AA Meeting

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

13 19.30am Troupies B’Ball at school 10.30am YOGA

1.00pm BINGO

7 pm - AA Meeting 14 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church


19 8 am Weight Circuit Class

20 9 am -12 pm Op Shop 9.30am


Playgroup at Hall

6.30 pm Yoga

(see pg 28)

21 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 11 am Balgal Destiny Fellowship

28 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 11 am Balgal Destiny Fellowship

22 9 am - Cards 9 am - Linedancing 4.30-5.30 pm Troupies B’ball training at school 6.45 pm SES Meeting 7 pm - AA Meeting


29 9 am - Cards 9 am Linedancing 4.30-5.30 pm Troupies B’ball training at school 6.45 pm SES Meeting 7 pm - AA Meeting


6.30 pm Lions Club Dinner at the Den

24 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

25 8-3pm Community Bus

Shopping 9am Cards 10 am Vietnam Vets at Memorial 6.30 Yoga

26 8 am Weight Circuit Class 6pm Fishermans Landing Fishing & Soc BBQ

27 9am - 11 am Rollingstone Coastcare working bee 9.30am

Troupies B’Ball at school WEDDING at the HALL

31 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 Craft Group 11.30 am -1pm Mobile Library

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

7.30pm RaDCA AGM

P 35

JULY OUT & ABOUT Peter Kesteven: Balgal Beach Market regular had his final stall at the markets in July. Peter had a fantastic stall full of memorabilia, gems and fascinating goodies. He will be missed at the markets!

Coffees now at Rosco’s

Leos recent car wash fundraiser behind Rosco’s Lions exchange students

Balgal Markets brekkie crew

Lions cooking brekkie on voting day at the school CONGRATULATIONS SUE THOMPSON (in red)


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