August 2015

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Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated.

WANDERING / ROAMING DOGS People whose dogs wander the streets are usually people who don’t care about the welfare of others, of themselves and certainly not the dogs. These animals will probably not be registered or microchipped, so identification is almost impossible. If the dogs are picked up by the authorities or don’t come home for whatever reason, they still don’t care – they just go ahead and usually acquire another poor, unfortunate, ill-bred creature (which usually accounts for all sorts of genetic faults: temperament, etc.) that will be treated the same way as the one(s) it succeeded. They fall into the same category as indiscriminate and irresponsible back-yard breeders. And, why these people even have dogs is a mystery. It is best to advise Council when dogs are running loose. Hopefully, they’ll be picked up and if not claimed they’ll be euthanased which will probably be the best outcome for a totally unwanted animal. People whose dogs “escape” the confines of their owners’ properties are mostly loved and wanted, so these owners will pursue the whereabouts of these animals until safely home again. They’re more likely to be registered and microchipped which makes retrieving them so much easier. These owners are also more likely to endeavour to limit further escape, and are usually most concerned that their animal(s) are out and proving to be a nuisance. There is no easy answer but posting errant dogs whereabouts on Facebook and diligently reporting these animals will eventually have some (limited) effect. The problem will never be entirely eradicated because it is a “human” predicament, not an “animal” one, and there will always be those who refuse to conform or care sufficiently to try to eliminate it. And they’re also usually the ones who pontificate on social media using threats and foul language – which achieves nothing. And letter-box drops also achieve nothing because most people don’t even read them. Use the neighbourhood-watch theory to keep your neighbours aware that there are roaming dogs, use social media, always take a “waddy” when out walking for whatever reason and continually REPORT TO COUNCIL.

And always remember to...................DE-SEX; VACCINATE; MICROCHIP!!!! I have had a couple enquiries regarding feral cats in the local area recently. I requested from council what would be the best solution to this issue and is there a program to eradicate feral cats in the district. A council representative contacted me to say that there is no formal capture program however the council does have some cat traps available to loan for a period of 2 weeks. Any cats can be dropped into the RSPCA and they will determine the cat's outcome. The traps are picked up from Customer Service Thuringowa Drive, call 47738582 to arrange a trap to be at the customer service desk. There is no cost for the cat trap, all you have to do is sign for it. The traps can only be used on private land and not to be used on any council land. I have been advised that Bunnings sell cat traps if it looks like it is going to be a long term problem. A note from the Editor: CLOSURE OF BRIDGE & the far reaching effects of this Much has been written so far about what’s happening however we as a community really need to support Rossco & Olga and our Post Office, shop and petrol station at this time.

The unfortunate cost of not visiting our local store and POST OFFICE is we could lose it. Rossco & Olga are major contributors to our community from donations and vouchers as prizes in most of our fundraising events to providing support and services to the community that most are not even aware of. Please make special efforts at this time to support our local store as its never been so important as it is NOW

1 for 1.30pm


Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.

Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.

Board Games 3rd Tuesday of each month at the RTC 2.00pm cost only $2.00 Challenge your mind Come and play Scrabble, Rummykub, Dominoes, Backgammon and now we are learning to play Mahjong. Everyone is welcome. Looking forward to your company!! PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS IN THE ROLLINGSTONE RAG AS THESE BUSINESSES ARE WHAT ALLOW US TO KEEP BRINGING YOU A MONTHLY PAPER !!!

How do I know my youth is all spent? My get-up-and-go has got up and went! But, in spite of it all, I’m able to grin And think of the places my getup has been!

Front cover Photo... African Tulip Tree Flower Thanks to Ben Mantel (our lovely volunteer at the Community Centre

"if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you've always got"


At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm Books for sale from as little as 50c

RaDCA AGM Wednesday 2 September at 7.30pm all members invited to attend Centrelink Mobile Service Centre 11th August. see page 4

BINGO 8th AUGUST eyes down at 1pm Mark the date on your calendars and come on down for a fun afternoon with great company, lots of laughs, afternoon tea and make some money

PINEAPPLE FESTIVAL is on its way! You can start preparing your float or costume or practicing your pineapple toss in preparation!! Mark the calendar for 12th SEPTEMBER Snake presentation September 6th…. see page 4

Please drop your used postage stamps into the RTC for the Lions Childrens’ Mobility Foundation

RaDCA 2015 Memberships due

For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community

Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service

Photos Needed Where are all the budding snappers (and I don’t mean the crocs that have been hanging around of late!) We didn’t get many “out and about” photos this month so I ask that if you take any interesting pics or want to showcase something in the community; Please send your shots to or post them on Balgal Beach News on facebook so I can share them with all!!!! 13th August...Lead Light Candle Holders with Re-Crea8Tiv Recycled Arts Page 4 MEDITATION WORKSHOP SUNDARA YOGA 22ND AUGUST

PALUMA ART EXHIBITION All local artists are invited to participate in the upcoming Exhibition to be held 15th -21st. August in the Community Centre. There is no charge to exhibit and items may be sold (without commission). Contact Colwyn Campbell 47708559 or Lynn Hyland 47737675 / 47708681 for more details.

OP SHOP OPEN 9am - 3pm Monday to Friday

The volunteers kindly open the Op Shop as well on the days that the Balgal Beach Markets are running. Make sure you pop in and visit on your way to or from the markets! 9 - 12 Saturday 1st & 15th AUGUST

Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information P3


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JULY – The creative workshops with Sandra Elton from Re-crea8tiv Recycled Art went really well with amazing T-Shirts being created see our back page and on the RaDCA facebook page. The second work shop was even a bigger success with more than double the numbers of the first workshop. We even had much interest from adults from the community who also created rag pots. This has sparked a couple of ideas – would you be interested if we presented recycled craft workshops during the week? Yoga is now held on Monday nights at 6.30pm. Boot Camp is run on Tuesday nights at 6pm and the Weight Circuit class is on Fridays at 9am. Aquarobics will commence once the cool weather leaves us. It is great to have such a variety of fitness activities each week. While attendance is good for all activities there is always plenty of room for new participants. All the instructors stress that you work at your own pace and are available to answer any questions you may have. If you are still unsure come to the Centre to see how things are done. In June I was asked to address a concern with the signage and lighting of Coral Court and Beach Court. Please find the Townsville City Council’s response to my emailed query. I also addressed the issue of the incorrect location of Coral Court on Google Earth by making a query about the location. AUGUST – A Meditation Workshop with Nicole from Sundara Yoga is being held on Saturday 22 August – this workshop is open to everyone with an interest in meditation. See the advertisement on page 7 for more details. The Centrelink Mobile Service Centre is visiting us at the Community Centre on Tuesday 11 August from 9.30am to 4.00pm. This is a great opportunity to sit down with a Centrelink Staff member. This service is open to rural families, older Australians, students, job seekers, people with disability, carers, farmers and the self-employed. On this trip the Australian Taxation Office will be available to assist with advice and information about tax and superannuation. Lead Light Candle Holders – want make one!!! Come down to the Community Centre on August 13 at 4pm and Sandra from Re -Crea8Tiv Recycled Arts will teach you. $5.00per person. All welcome. SEPTEMBER –Free Presentation. A Snake presentation including live specimens is planned for September 6 11.30am for a 12noon start. John Rathbone from Queensland Ambulance is one of the most knowledgeable experts on Snake envenomation. So much so that he has been invited to present the same workshop at Oxford University in England. We are very lucky to have John visit our small community. John will be accompanied by a member of the Townsville Snake Handlers Association – I know this is not the right name - I will find out. Everyone is welcome. Better still as it is Father’s Day organise to surprise Dad with this outing. DIY Chalk Boards – Sandra will be presenting a craft DIY Chalk Board session; 10 September 4pm at the Community Centre. $5.00per person. All welcome. Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated’s AGM is scheduled for Wednesday 2 September at 7.30pm. On page 17 you will find the AGM notification and Committee Nomination forms. Please note if you are nominating someone for the position, the nomination must be received at the RTC on or before 26 August for posting 7 days before the AGM. RaDCA MEMBERSHIPS ARE DUE BY 31 JULY – ONLY $1.00 FOR A YEAR’S MEMBERSHIP. Last month we published the Pineapple Festival Official Entry Form. Should you require a form please email or call me at the RTC and I will forward the form to you. Get the kids or grandkids involved in the Pineapple Festival with the colouring-in Festival or enter into the Junior and Senior Pineapple Princesses - bound to be loads of fun on the day. I was asked to enquire to the Townsville City Council about feral cat control. I have the information in the Community Notice Board if these cats are troubling your home life. Our call for Volunteers in the Op Shop, Book Station and Rag delivery has had a magnificent response. We have had many offers of assistance and have been able to fill our rosters well. This does not mean that we will not be looking for more volunteers – it is always good to have volunteers trained up and ready to go – we know that many volunteers go on leave at various periods during the year. Thanks to everyone who responded - you are all wonderful.

“if you always do, what you’ve always done; you will always get, what you’ve always got……..” think about it!!!!!!! Take care as always………...Chris

RAINFALL REPORT Monthly rain totals as at 24/7/15 Rainfall for JULY 2015: 2mm Rainfall Year to date: 697.1mm Highest rainfall day for July 2mm 11/7 Max Temp: 27° (23/7) Min Temp: 4° (14/7)

AUGUST 5th & 19th 11.30 - 1pm P4

BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st & 3rd SATURDAY’S OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac etc NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Always need Carboot * Bic a Brac etc

Call Dan 0417


Presented by

Friends of the Theatre (FOTT) will be presenting their annual Free Seniors Week Concert at the Pimlico Performing Arts Centre (PIMPAC) on Sunday 23 August commencing at 2pm. FOTT would therefore like to once again cordially invite you to come along and hopefully you can be joined by family members for this afternoon showcasing local talent. Artists performing at this concert will include: Lezom (Townsville Grammar) Pimlico State High School Wind Ensemble Peter Berry (the Singing Barber) Marque Talent Academy Sharon and Paul Ransom (Vocalists) NQOMT with a preview of “Saturday Night Fever” Bianca Parison (Vocalist, Pianist and Violinist – has been accepted to study in Europe) Wendy Emerson (Bush Poet) Ron Hamilton will compare the afternoon and throw in Poetry Reading. Lyn Tarring Hon Secretary Friends of the Theatre Townsville Inc. Phone: (07) 4723 7879 Email: PO Box 1132 Hyde Park Castleton Q4812

For online information on whats on look up


Ray Dickson President Friends of the Theatre Townsville Inc. Phone: (07) 4775 3139 Email:


Not well at all: Piera Pace, Barry Stevenson, Linda Cleaver, Gail Blackley, Madonna Reinke, Dulcie Hibberd, and anyone else of whom we’re not aware. Please feel better soon and we all send our collective best wishes.  Congratulations to the low-life grubs who dismantled the “Food-for-Free” table earlier in July. Such an achievement. You ought to be proud of yourself(ves) and no doubt you are because your mentality indicates you’d know no better. It’d be just so good if the constabulary caught up with you.  Great reaction to our kids’ school holiday programme this time. Lots of response and even some adults involved in the classes. Thank you all………….  The Rollingstone Community Association Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 2 nd at 7.30 pm.  July has been a busy and rewarding month without too many obstacles, although because we’re in a public situation, we’re never short of those. Our volunteers are worth just so much and the Library, the Op Shop and the landscaping are testament to their passion, decency and contribution. We were hoping to have all our buildings signed-off on by the AGM. That might still happen, but we’re not getting too excited about it all. The Station is still to be finalized although all other buildings have been ticked.  We’ve had meetings with Council and NQ Dry Tropics with a view to cleaning up the nature strip on the front beach at Old Balgal. Good progress to date and we just have to wait until the authorities put in place a Management Plan which can be followed in an endeavour to make the foreshore look a deal more loved and cared for without destroying what nature provides and handles naturally.  We ask this pretty regularly but it doesn’t seem to have much effect. However, we’ll try yet again. Please DO NOT stick anything on/to the roadside chalk notice boards. The residual adhesive makes it almost impossible to write on them afterwards.  Congratulations must go out to Katrina Blake and Vicki O’Brien who rode in the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride for Cancer in July and Kerrie Cochrane and Colin Cattle who drove support vehicles for the Ride as well. A great commitment for a great cause. Goodonya, folks. (If there was anyone else from Rollingstone involved, please consider yourself(ves) as part of this good news story – and thank you. It’s just that we didn’t know of anyone else.  Have a look at this link: I think you’ll be surprised! “Everybody deserves someone who makes them look forward to tomorrow……” Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”. Hello The Op Shop has had a wonderful month with excellent donations being received and our sales are well and truly up. Thank you to all who have donated and those of you who love a bargain. Our little shop would not be as successful without either of you. We also have to contribute our success to the ladies (and gents) who give their time and energies to ensure the shop is well sorted, the clothes and goods are of the best quality and the shop is clean and looking shiny like a new pin. Di S is doing a wonderful job organising our new volunteers. Thank you Girls for your enthusiasm. Bags of Rags are available for sale - tell you mechanical and engineering friends. Kids come and look at the Fluffy toys at the Op Shop they need adopting. Ladies, our $1.00 dress sale is continuing - Come and have a look at our $1 rack. Yes I said one dollar - $1.00. See you at the Op Shop.

Thought for the Month: If olive oil is made from olives and grapeseed oil made from grapeseeds and vegetable oil made from vegetables…….. what is baby oil made from?? “from The Voice of the Von”


? P6


ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*

$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00

Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.

RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.  Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page  Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page  Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page  Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST)  Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST)  Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)  Important document scanning $5.00 

P8 P 10

COUNCIL CLIPPINGS - Division OnKind Regards Hello again and hope all are well. I have had many ask me why council is not doing anything at the Borton Street car park and I thought I would send you this response they gave me this is a hard one to do anything with. A natural creek exists between the end of Borton Street and the beach. This creek predates the settlement of Mystic Sands. Currently there is a walkway into the creek from the car-park at Borton Street and access through the creek to the beach can occur at most times other than at the top of high tides and during the wet season when it is in flow. At these times residents should use alternative beach access paths provided off Augusta Drive. Creeks like this one are very dynamic. The seasonal nature of the creek mouth here means that any walkway infrastructure extended into the creek could potentially be undermined and lost. Council has previously tried to stabilise this area under State Government permit to create a permanent access at this point. The resulting work was undermined in several months and the present environment returned. The creek mouth often ‘blows out’ further to the south during the wet season and slowly migrates north again during the dry (due to the SE trade winds slowly pushing sand along the beach, forming a sand-spit, and moving the creek mouth to the north). Due to recent failed wet seasons the creek has maintained is northern alignment. Any proposed works to relocate the creek mouth would be very costly and unlikely to last long and unlikely to be approved as it would interrupt natural environmental processes.

Sue Blom Chair Community and Culture Councillor for Division 1 P 1300 878 001 M 0427 300 364 E

Townsville City Council 103-141 Walker St PO Box 1268 Townsville QLD 4810


Gidday Rollingstone I was close to being “back to normal” but not quite. I’m back in the chair at Rollingstone, with all things ‘Deeragun’ being a distant memory. There are some things I won’t miss - the politics, driving to work, the politics and driving home from work… but there were some aspects of that role that were pretty cool like the regular hours (long but fairly regular), weekends off and especially the crew that work there. They were a motivated, keen and captive audience who just sucked up all my war stories and believed pretty much every bollixed up, tall story I spun them. But in the words of dear old Dorothy, “There’s no place like home”. Senior Constable Somebody (his name is actually Shaun) was supposed to be here around now. There was a small hiccup with the position being “gazetted” (it’s a government thing) but now that’s sorted he should be here around the 22nd of August. I’ll introduce you all to him (hopefully) in the next issue of the Rag. It’s sad sometimes, when all of the best intentions can be ruined by one or two people who seem to think that the rules or expectations don’t apply to them. For example…(and I have a few of them)…the food exchange that’s been set up in Armidale Avenue – an exceptional idea that should operate for the benefit of everyone in this community – but no – one or two arrogant morons who have no respect for anyone else, come along and take everything. Do you think “arrogant moron” is a bit harsh? OK, what about “ignorant fool” or “selfish idiot”…better? I’ve got a few other suggestions, but I try to be a gentleman. The 80km/h speed zone on the highway – the 80km zone is extended to make a safer environment for those who have to enter and exit the highway while the low bridge is still closed - maybe some people still don’t know about it, but there are definitely some who don’t agree with it and believe that it shouldn’t apply to them – and they’re the ones who are going to cause an accident for someone else. Police from Deeragun, Ingham and the Traffic Branch are all hunting to be not only the first to issue a ticket in the new zone but to see who can issue the most. (The operative word here kids, is HUNTING – they’re HUNTING to give out tickets – don’t say you haven’t been warned.) policeman I had a chat the other day with a lovely couple who told me about a croc sighting just off the beach near Mystic Sands. It’s not unusual to see them in open water and even up on the beach catching sunlight to warm up. National Parks Rangers are pretty good at keeping an eye on the ones that get too close to populated areas and they’ve been advised of this one. In the mean-time, I’ve been asked to pass on the following list of precautions: PLEASE don’t do anything silly with the crocs.. like try to touch them, catch them, ride them, FEED THEM, sic the pig huntin’ dogs on them, shoot at them or do a ‘Steve Irwin’ “isn’t she a beauty” selfie photo next to one. AND, Under no circumstances are you to offer a sacrificial dog, chicken, guinea pig or child to a crocodile, “just to see what happens”. Cats are OK – I don’t like cats. Just kidding – don’t throw your cat at a croc either… (throw someone else’s cat instead). JOKING… just joking. So… what else has happened since I’ve been away? We’ve got another dog… not really a whole dog… it’s what you get if you put an over-sexed poodle in a box with a pair of fluffy slippers. I was a bit worried about how old Chook (my cattle dog) would handle having another dish-licker in his yard. The little squirt started barking at Chook as soon as his feet hit the ground. Chook laughed at him so hard he had to pee and go and have a little lie down – no problem. The Paluma Push mountain bike race was run up at Paluma the other weekend. 750 very fit but “mad as a cut snake” bike riders crashed through about 70kms of scrub from Paluma Village to Hidden Valley Cabins via the Paluma Dam.. not my cup of tea personally, although I had a great time following them through on the ATV. But let me just say… it was cold – not ‘fresh’, not ‘chilly’ or ‘brisk’ – COLD. Around 4 or 5 degrees in the Village and a grand total of zero degrees out at Hidden Valley. Come on Goughy, harden up. That’s not cold. If you want to feel cold, you should go to…” No, no, no…don’t give me your “that’s not cold” stories. It was cold – brass monkey cold. There were parts of me that refused to run and other parts that wouldn’t stop running. Fires – bush fires, camp fires, bonfires, back yard rubbish fires – regardless of what it is, it still needs to be managed. If the scrub near you place is getting thick and over grown, DON’T JUST THROW A MATCH IN IT and wait for someone else to come and manage it – that’s arrogant and ignorant and I’ll come along and charge you and put you before a Court for your trouble. Make a phone call (even to this office) and have it sorted properly. Back yard fires to burn your rubbish – no problem as long as it’s UNDER two square meters AND you stay with it – don’t light it up and wander off to work or to bed. All it takes is for one gust of wind to lift an ember from your back yard fire onto a house roof – the whole place can be gone in a matter of minutes. The same thing goes for camp fires and bonfires. Enjoy them by all means but make sure that when you’re done, its out – not just covered by sand, but OUT. A 3 year old up at Ollera Creek stepped onto the remains of a bonfire from the previous night and ended up with 3rd degree burns from the coals. It’s the sort of thing that could happen anywhere but we should be able to avoid it. Well… that’s me for this month. I suppose I’m just about finished sooking about the cold up at Paluma. When your nine year old daughter says, “Come on Dad… put your big boy pants on” you realise you’re probably not going to get much sympathy from anywhere. So while me and my frost bitten fingers whimper quietly in the background… Stay safe…………...Goughy

P 11


47786444 Or make your booking ONLINE via our website or Google: Doctor Appointments in Bluewater and you can use Health Engine to make your appt. We have 8 General Practitioners, 2 Nurse Practitioners and the services from the following Allied Health Dietitian, Podiatry, Psychologists, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Psychologist, Natural Massage Therapist and Counsellor. Visiting Cardiologist attends monthly. There is a pharmacy and Physiotherapists on site.

Whilst the majority of our GP’s bulk bill please be aware that when booking online you may be selecting a Private Appt. where payment will be required at consultation P 12

RAINFOREST INN PALUMA Licensed CafĂŠ / Restaurant/ Motel New Owners

Monday Nights - 6.30pm

Open 4 days a week Breakfast & Lunch 8.30-3.30 Closed Tuesdays ,Wednesdays and Thursdays Dinner Saturday nights however Bookings are Essential

We also have spacious well appointed Motel units Why not join us for breakfast ,lunch or coffee and home made sweets and cakes!!!!

1 Mt Spec Rd Paluma 47708688

Boot Camp Exercise Class presented by Jo Scott Tuesday Evenings 6.00pm Rollingstone Community

Centre $10 per class

For all fitness levels

Ladies and Gents For more info call Chris on 47707855


Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News

G.Day All, We all had a great night at our last BBQ at the Community Hall. Our members are such a fantastic mob; we played quoits with eight teams of five. It was very competitive and as always there was loads of laughter and lots of ribbing going on. Team one were the winners by one point and were awarded gold prizes. Thanks to all who played. IT WAS LOTS OF FUN. The food was excellent. Thanks to the cooks on the BBQ and all who brought along yummy dishes. We welcomed several new members into our club. They certainly joined in with everybody and had a really fun time. Fish of the month went to Trevor Phillips with a SPANISH MACKERAL 1.35 meters. Very well done Trevor. A GREAT CATCH MATE. Our Lound’s Fresh Seafood Raffle was won by Faye Thompson. Congratulations Faye it is a great prize. The LEISURE ACCESSIBLE CLUB BOAT ‘ROSIE’ needs a new trailer. It is now fifteen years old and must be replaced. Our local Lions Club is raising funds for this cause. Lion’s president, John Holliday, sold raffle tickets at our BBQ. First prize is a very large framed photograph of a beach front scene and second is three smaller photos of sunsets in one frame. They would look fabulous on any body’s wall. Winners will be drawn at the Pineapple Festival on September 12. Our AGM will be held at our next BBQ on the 2nd of August. If you would like to nominate for any position on the committee the nomination forms are available from Pres Faye Thompson or Treas. Joan Ruddick. Please support our sponsors whenever possible. See you all at the AGM. Visitors are always welcome. Meals $10 per head children accompanied by an adult are free. Member’s meals are always free…………….Kindest regards from your COMMITTEE.


Family Feud night held on Saturday 18th July was a great success and it was obvious that a lot of thought and hard work went into its production by some of our very dedicated Seniors. Therefore, it would have been nice to see some new faces and more support from the local community in attendance. There was plenty of hot food and drinks available – many thanks to those in the kitchen and on the bar. The winning team - The Rollingstone Rox (headed by Rosco) - all won a car each (matchbox variety). The questions were funny and well thought out, and although some of the answers were somewhat risqué we all had a really good laugh. The evening was most enjoyable and a big thank you goes to all those who helped in making it so. Now, I am pleased to report that at Bingo this month there was a better turn-up of players and it was good to see a couple of “grey nomads” there. The jackpot went off so it’s back to square one at our next meeting which will be held on Saturday 8th August 2015. On the third Tuesday of each month Seniors have started up a Board Games afternoon – learn how to play Rummkub, Backgammon, Mah-Jong and other games. Cost is $2.00 and everyone is welcome, just turn up at the Community Hall at 2 p.m. Again, I would ask you to please support your local community the members of which try very hard to provide entertaining and interesting things to do for everyone in this area. The next Board Games afternoon will be held on Tuesday 18th August 2015 at 2 p.m. at the Community Hall – see you there. Until next time, take care of each other………………………Claire You are invited to the launch of The Fringe Ephemera at The Village August 2nd - 11:00am to 2:00pm. Please call Karen Moran on 3452 7927 for more information. HOW many students does it take to makes a village? More than 500 from Oonoonba State School. The creative pupils have been selected to make ceramic artworks for the Fringe Ephemera in The Village exhibition, from July 31 to August 9. The students’ exhibitions, led by Townsville ceramic artist Ebony Russell, will be on display in Wes Barrett Memorial Park. It will feature houses, cars, flowers, people and pets, all made from clay.Ms Russell said the smaller pieces would come together to create a large work that would be installed in the park on Riveredge Boulevard, Oonoonba, as part of the larger exhibition at The Village residential estate.“I am amazed by the creativity and learning that is going on,” she said. “Oonoonba State School is so supportive and it’s great to see them being involved with the local community through art.”The students and school community are invited to install the artworks at the official launch of Fringe Ephemera in The Village on Sunday, August 2 from 11am. As quoted from the Townsville Bulletin…... P 14

R.S.L. NEWS The year continues to fly by! We’re in our “nippy” time at the moment but the days are back to our wonderful winter sunshine, most of the time. Unfortunately our golf game with the TPI has been cancelled. I guess the TPI found they had too many things on their calendar and couldn’t fit in a visit to Mystic Sands this year. Hopefully it can occur next year as a number of our members would have liked to participate. This month sees our next commemorative service. On Tuesday, 18th August we have Vietnam Veterans’ Day. Our service commences at 10am at our Memorial at Balgal Beach. I have not heard as yet, as to the unit attending, but hopefully we will have a Catafalque Party and guest speaker. Buglers are becoming harder to get, but we have it taped so we can still conduct our services correctly. Hopefully our members can attend, if not undertaking another of the numerous activities that occur in our busy community. It is usually a lovely day and we find the beach setting a special place to reflect upon another era when our country’s service people have been called to serve overseas. Following the service we will adjourn to the Mystic Sands Golf Club, our “home”, for refreshments. Speaking of the golf club, it is pleasing to see the numbers attending on Friday nights. Our cooks, Brian and Paul, alias C1 and C2, are doing a great job with the meals and despite the cooler weather, there is a fun, friendly atmosphere. Thank you to all who support our Goose club and raffles. The jackpot is gradually rising, being around $320 now. If you would like a number in the Goose Club, you can always ring on Friday and Vonnie, Emma or Sharon can write your name in and you can pay when you arrive. I have posted copies of June and July Rolly Rags to Helen and Rick, as they are still interested in our community, having been quite involved whist residing here. Our committee will be undertaking some learning in the near future. RSL QLD have developed TOBi (Training for Office Bearers), which is a set of modules to assist committee members to better understand their positions, and what is involved. The main modules are for president, treasurer and secretary, but other committee members also have a module to assist them to perform their duties. I haven’t undertaken mine as yet, but am looking forward to having a go. The State AGM was rather jam packed. Ewan presented a seminar on the Legislative aspects, which he is the chairman of, and he said it was well attended. Rod, our Rollingstone RSL representative, attended that one, and found it very beneficial. Our new state president is Stewart Cameron, and having read his ideas prior to the meeting, he appears to be forward thinking. He is well aware of the need for the RSL to put the welfare of members at the forefront of our objectives. At our last committee meeting we voted to donate $200 towards the purchase of a new trailer for “Rosie”, the boat designed to assist disabled people to enjoy the pleasures of boating. Our treasurer, Jan, has been on “grandma” duties during the school holidays, but we will get that organised shortly. Hope to see members and guests at the golf club on Fridays when you are able to attend. The lovely Glor, Robyn and Faye are usually there to sell you a raffle ticket, or you may have the handsome Reg and Dowie combination! Please don’t forget Vietnam Veterans’ Day on the 18th August Take care………..Cheers, Rhonda C.

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411

P 15

2015 STATE BUDGET REPORT ROADS Road projects delivered by the former LNP Government dominate the initiatives benefiting the Townsville’s Northern Beaches in the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s first state budget. The $200 million Stage 4 Townsville Ring Road project and the $3.4 million Veales Road to Pope Road project all commenced under the former LNP Government. Apart from these projects delivered by the former LNP Government, there are no new road initiatives that will benefit communities on Townsville’s Northern Beaches in Labor’s first state budget. NEW STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL After a five year campaign to secure a new state primary school for the rapidly growing suburbs on Townsville’s Northern Beaches, I welcome the announcement that $50 million has been allocated in the state budget. This is good news for families on Townsville’s Northern Beaches. I first asked the Queensland Government questions about the future education infrastructure needs of communities on Townsville’s Northern Beaches in 2011. I was shocked to find no forward planning had been done, despite the rapid residential growth in the area. When the LNP was elected in 2012, we established the Queensland Schools Planning Commission to determine our future school infrastructure needs. The 2014 findings were very clear about the urgent need for a new state primary school on Townsville’s Northern Beaches. With enrolment management plans in place at Bohlevale and Bluewater State Schools and St Clare’s Catholic School at North Shore expanding rapidly, the situation was becoming urgent. I’m very pleased that we finally have a way forward for this important community infrastructure. HEALTH The Palaszczuk Labor Government has failed to deliver any new major health projects in the Townsville Health and Hospital Service area in its first state budget. While the major project funded by the former LNP Government – $18.4 million this year as part of the $334 million Townsville Hospital Expansion – is continuing, there are no new projects in Labor’s budget. The Townsville General Hospital is one of the major health centres for communities in the Hinchinbrook electorate for specialist secondary and tertiary treatment and services. INTERIM WORKS TO IMPROVE SAFETY AT BOWDEN AND CHURCH ROADS I welcome the commencement of works on the Bruce Highway to improve safety at the intersections of Bowden and Church Roads, on Townsville’s Northern Beaches. I understand the initial works will include road line remarking to provide for safer opportunities for traffic to turn, a reduction in the speed limit to 80 km/h and the installation of vehicle activated flashing speed signs. I’m pleased these interim safety works are proceeding – this is one of the issues I raised on behalf of the local community during the state election campaign earlier this year and it looks like we are getting some results. Getting the speed limit lowered on the Bruce Highway is important because traffic coming off the Black River Bridge behind vehicles turning into Bowden Road or Church Road don’t have much room to manoeuvre. I remain committed to pushing for more permanent upgrades to the Bowden Road and Church Road intersections, and will continue to lobby the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments for funding. While these interim works are welcomed as a first step to improve safety for residents of Townsville’s Northern Beaches, a more permanent solution is needed and I’ll continue to advocate for my constituents on this important issue. I ask that motorists exercise caution on this section of the Bruce Highway while these works are being undertaken.

Photos from the Townsville Ring road Earthworks

Trucks Hauling Fill

Shaws Road

P 16

P 17

Rollingstone NQ Pineapple Festival Colouring-in Competition




P 18

P 19



Call Eamon

PH: 0478 790 134


P 20




4770 7356 / 0412 965 535



0402 084 588

Lets face it: Bats have a pretty bad reputation. Many times in the media they are portrayed as scary, blood sucking, rabid creatures. The majority of bats never get rabies and quite a few species can be pretty darn cute. Many people refer to bats as flying rats when in actual fact they are more closely related to humans than they are to rodents!!!! They are an incredibly diverse group of mammals. Bats are the second largest group of mammals in the world and consist of over 1,300 species. There are bats in every continent except Antarctica, they live in caves, hollow trees, under loose tree bark, on tree branches and even on man made structures such as bridges, wells, mines and buildings. They are the only mammal that can fly and they can control their flight. Bats are not blind, they can use their eyes, however many species use their echolocation to find their prey and "see" their surroundings. It is very unlikely they will ever fly into your hair and they can make up to 160 calls per second as they close onto their prey. It is not noisy as most bat calls are at ultrasound frequencies which are too high for us and the prey to hear. Bats eat lots of bugs, this reduces the amount of pesticide the farmer needs to use. In the USA it was estimated between $3.7 and 54 billion was saved in pest control services per year. It is documented that they eat bugs that destroy pecans, almonds, rice, cotton, corn, coffee, sugar cane, tomatoes, cucumbers and beans. Bats pollinate over 700 plants, some of which we use for food and medicine. i.e. bananas, breadfruit, avocadoes, dates. figs, peaches and mangoes are just a few that rely on bats to pollinate. These mammals are one of many where man is encroaching on their habitat, it is not the other way around.

P 21


Hello golfers Well hasn’t July been a very busy month for golf, what with monthly medal, breast cancer and the foursome championship being played all within 3 weeks. I wont dally around so we will get down to results straight away. Monthly Medal Results are as follows. Mens Div 1. Winner: Anthony Thomson with a fine 69 good going Anthony R/U: Tony Cochrane with 71 well done Tony. Mens Div 2 Winner: Daren Beavis with 69 there’s that number again good going Darren. R/U: Peter Onoprienko with 70 you have to stop it with being runner up get on with it Pete, good score all the same. Mens Div 3 Winner: Max Spear with a very good 63 what does that Joanne girl feed you, super job Max. R/U: Des Ward with 74 well done to you Des. Ladies Results Div 1: Di Stephan with 71 good on you Di it,s good to see you are getting back into the swing of things. R/U: Jacinta Downward with 72 this little lass is all of 12 years of age, she hits a mean golf ball go girl. Div 2 Winner: Megan Jeffree with 76 you finally got there Meg good on you girl. Megan is our resident Hairdresser and a very good one at that. R/U: Merle Dickenson also with 76 all you needed was 1 less putt ah Merle. The Breast Cancer Charity Day was held on 11th July and what a day it was, there were ladies dressed as hula girls, some were done up as ballerinas, some wore funny hats and that was only the women, you should have seen the men. Everyone had a great time. Di Stephan sponsored the day and provided all the prizes. Diane is a survivor of the dreaded disease and a wonderful advocate for any cancer charity fundraiser. Thankyou very much Di for all your good work. The results of the golf for the day seemed to be a family affair day with both Pam McCarthy and Wayne McCarthy coming up trumps for the win with scores of 39 & 37 well done people. The runners up were John O’Kane with 37 and Cheryl Lloyd with 38 good going you two, but the big winner on the day was the Breast Cancer Council with a $500 plus raised on the day. Many thanks to all who played and worked on the day. Now to the final event for July with the Mens and Womens closed Foursomes Championships and believe me this comp is not an easy game to win, and the winners were: Mens Winners Paul Harry and Greg Ryding with a very fine 88. Paul is our Mens Captain and Greg is our new Greenkeeper do you think there might have been some inside information happening there well done guys. R/U: W McCarthy and C Farlow with 89 almost got there boys. Best Nett P Cahill and B Wilson with 69.5 well done boys Ladies Winners: Pam McCarthy and Colleen Imms with 103. Colleen is one of our new ladies and was guided by Pam who is one of the ladies that helps with showing the new ladies the ropes. R/U: M King and M Dickenson with 106, it was that 9 wasn’t it Merle. Best Nett: D Stephan and M Jeffree with 72, well done girls. Thats all for now till next month

MYSTIC SANDS BOWLS CLUB What a fantastic last month for barefoot bowls with an average of 20 people turning up each Sunday morning to enjoy our great game. Apart from our regular `locals', we have been hosting a number of nomads every week who are having a ball with the laidback format provided by our little club. It is particularly pleasing to see these guys turn up for return visits while they are staying in the area, so we must be doing something right. A huge welcome goes out to our latest two ‘regulars' (Colleen and Nick) who, since their first game, haven’t missed a Sunday morning. Any local residents who are still hesitant about joining in should follow the lead of these two terrific people and COME AND JOIN US! (I really feel sorry for people who elect to stay at home Sunday mornings to either nurse their hangovers or mow the lawn instead of coming out and enjoying themselves). By popular approval, we have decided to purchase club `Barefoot Bowler’ shirts which will be subsidised by the club and worn by our locals each week. These will obviously not replace our official club shirts, but will give a sense of identity similar to that enjoyed by the golfing Bushrangers and Vets. The only problem we encountered was trying to have a vote on which colour we would pick – if any reader knows where we can buy a red, blue, purple, grey and pink shirt – please let me know. As usual, please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292…….Thanks

P 22


MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB e/m: 135 Mystic Avenue` Balgal Beach, 4816

Ph: (07) 47707 355 Fax: (07) 47707 445



Tues & Fri Nights 6pm – 8pm. Meals from $12 #For catering purposes advanced bookings preferred. #Weekly Chef's specials #Raffles Tues and Fri nights #Goose club Fri night; Jackpots each week until won


#Take away alcohol available #Bar open 9am


#Sun Barefoot bowls 9am

GOLF: #Tues Vets Comp – 8.30am # Wed – Ladies Beginners – 8.30 am #Chook run – Friday #Club comp - Saturday #Bushrangers social comp – Sun 8am #Fri – Sun 18 holes golf - $25. 9 holes - $17.50 #Golf Carts – 18 Holes - $25. 9 holes - $17.50 Call us to quote for your small function, birthday,anniversary or just because party. Call for social group or corporate golf / bowls days.




of “THE VON”

Despite the on-going dry weather, new greenkeeper Greg has the course looking extremely good. Having previously been a greenkeeper at Sydney Wakehurst, Sydney Cromar and Katherine Country Club Greg has been with us for about 2 months now, brings a wealth of experience and has done some amazing work to improve the course and keep it to a standard. As much as he would love to irrigate the fairways to have them green, the possibility of running out of water and having nil to irrigate the greens, is too great. Along with main regular assistance from volunteers Wayne McCarthy and Bob Mawhinney, the blocking of third tee-box is almost complete. Thank you guys and not to be forgotten Di and Pam keeping our gardens and surrounds looking fabulous. Welcome back to our caravanning friends who make their annual migration to our spot of paradise each year. I am sure many have met them before as they have been returning for 2-3 mths annually for years. We are planning to have a Locals vs Grey Nomads golf challenge with an inaugural trophy before they vacate for another 12 months. Paul and Brian, our two chefs have been putting out many cullinary delights on Tuesdays and Fridays. With the cooler nights, lately the fire pit in front of the bar has been raging and keeping the cold winds at bay. The Indian curry night at the end of June was a great success and 4 curries of different varieties and flavours were to die for. This is going to be followed up on 31 st of this month with an Italian night, again with 4 different varieties of dishes. To assist with catering for these events, we ask for persons to please book prior The new club financial year and subsequent membership renewal is now upon us. Administration managers, Ernst Young are sending out renewals for memberships which will be payable at the golf club. We have been successful in negotiating with the administrators to keep the fees at the same as they were last year. Congrats to Club captain Paul Harry and Green keeper Greg on winning the Mens Club Foursome Champions and Pam McCarthy and Colleen Imms for the ladies champions. WELL DONE!! We wish the ladies pennants team luck as they travel to Mackay on the w/end 25-26 July. We know they will be doing their best to bring back the coveted pennant and will represent our club proudly. Annual “Holden Scramble” is booked for end of September. Great prizes are up for grabs for this and the winners to represent the club at the play-off for Nth Qld in Cairns. Bookings for this can be done on-line this year or can be done at the club. Most importantly, get your team nominations in early. Our thoughts are with Robin and Phil Small and their families as they spend time in Sydney with Robin's extremely ill Dad Don't forget to book for the “Itallian Night” 31 July Keep hitten 'em straight and far……….Mine Host...Vonnie Wynne Macca and Bob hard at it at the golf club P 23

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc The Lions Club has started their new year with a mighty roar with several activities in Townsville and locally including our role as the conduit for the donations to replace Rosie’s old trailer with donations and fundraising from local Community Groups together with our Lions Club. We only have $2600 to go before we apply for a matching grant from Lions Australia Foundation to make a total of $11000. Ken Turner has provided two wonderful framed beach photos to be raffled so look out for the $1 a ticket booklets with the draw at the Pineapple Festival on the 12 September. The ever reliable ladies of our Club are planning a Progressive Dinner on Saturday August 29th to assist this fundraiser, cost is $25 per ticket and we would love you to consider making up a party to join us for this worthy local cause. There will be a maximum of 50 tickets so to secure your tickets please contact our Minutes Secretary Gloria Van’t Hof -Ph. 47707 420 or Cell 0412 219 310 We have a joint project with the Rollingstone Community Association to make an approach to the Townsville City Council to name the bridge that is to be repaired after a pioneer or prominent deceased person from our district, please consider the nominations in this issue of the Rolly Rag and email your preference to the Community Centre - email. - see page 30. Have you ever wondered what goes on inside our building next to the Community Hall? We have two meetings each month. A Business Meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the month to discuss activities such as fundraising for local and major projects and on the 4th Tuesday we have a Dinner Meeting with light meal prepared by members and a relaxed atmosphere. This year we plan to have local guest speakers at our Dinner Meetings and welcome visitors to join us. On the 25th August our Dinner Meeting guest will be Chris Martin the Community Centre Manager, Chris and her family have returned from sailing out of Fremantle retracing the steps of our 1st World War troops to ANZAC Cove and attended the moving 100 year Service. On 22nd September our Dinner Meeting guest will be Ken Turner speaking about the 15 years of Leisure Accessible, what is it? Who uses Rosie and why we need to help with a replacement trailer. Would you like to attend a Dinner Meeting and hear our Guest Speakers, we would love to see you there – just phone our Club Secretary, John Muller on Cell Ph 04 07114687 to confirm catering numbers. Next month our column will introduce our Club Officers, their duties and their team members together with the activities of our Leos and Junior Leos………………...See you around - John Holliday Club President Ph: 0414 808 483

P 24 P16

on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.

We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm

P 25

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome. The May Mothers Day raffle saga continues, but my three dear readers after nearly 4 months since the event it is now time to put an end to this issue. Thank you all who helped organize the Mothers Day event, thanks to the people who kindly donated the prizes and thank you children who sold the raffle tickets. Thank you, thank you and thank you. This matter is now closed as far as I am concerned and I promise not to write about or thank individuals again on any event conducted when I was inter-state and therefore unaware of who did what and when. After a shaky start the Club’s Weekend Away and Closed Club Fishing Competition at Cardwell went very well. The van park was quite full and some of us had to squeeze our vans and motor homes into some tight spots but in the end we all fitted in then the celebrations really began. On Friday night we had a nice BBQ dinner, the prawns were great, the steak very tender, the fish was pretty good and the sausages were not burnt. Accompanied by a number of salads, chat potatoes and sweets no one went away hungry. A trivia session followed which was won by Graham Milliken in a fiercely fought tussle with Garry Luff who came a very close second. We all know now what Bankers do all day at work. Congratulations Graham. After a huge breakfast early Saturday morning, members left (some earlier than others) to spend the day on the water. Some did serious fishing while others went out to simply enjoy the fabulous scenery and birdlife. As each boat returned quite early it became clear that the catches were not going to break any records as the weather was very uncooperative, so much so that most serious anglers ditched their boats in favour of fishing off the jetty where the wind was not as strong. On Saturday night we all went to the local hotel for a fabulous meal and merriment which saw some more merry than others. Most were in bed by 9.00 pm while others kicked on into the night. As the weather was unrelenting on Sunday most packed up and left for home after another huge breakfast. At the weigh in and prize presentation at The Landing on Sunday afternoon Melissa Jones received the Senior prize of $150.00, Mac Sharpe picked up the closely contested Junior prize of $150.00 and Rod Palmer quickly pocketed and scampered off with $100.00 for best fish muttering something about should have bought that rod in Cardwell.. Congratulations to you all for your successes in what was a very difficult fishing environment Commiserations to Garry and Dickie who had their crab pots either stolen or destroyed allegedly by one of the many professional crab fisherpersons who operate in the Hinchinbrook area. A special thanks goes to Treasurer Di who put the weekend together and organized the catering, it was a huge effort on her part. Thanks also to Dickie who volunteered to do the cooking during the weekend. He did a wonderful job, some even commented that perhaps he should open a café and, the sausages and bacon were not burnt. On checking out of the van park the owners complimented our group for the splendid behaviour of both the adults and the children who attended. We also received several compliments from inter-state travellers on the well mannered, courteous and well behaved children. Well done everyone. Our Club Monthly Fishing Competition winners for May were, Senior: Dan Dale, Junior: Jake Collinson and Mystery: Brooke Palmer. Congratulations. The Member for Hinchinbrook Challenge Inter Club Fishing Competition began on 27 June and finished on 24 July. Any fish caught by our members during this period and weighed in are eligible for inclusion in this competition. A presentation dinner will be held at Toomulla on Saturday 1 August, more details on this event will be forthcoming. We have been advised that a courtesy bus will be provided on the night. A healthy group of 40 people attended the third and decider NRL State of Origin night at The Landing on 8 July. The hot dogs again proved so popular that they were all consumed despite Di over catering (or so she thought) for the function. I will not dwell on the result of the game to save a certain lady further embarrassment suffice to say Kerrie that the silverware is sitting on a kitchen dresser back in Queensland where it belongs. -----------SDoes this mean I don’t have to do any polishing this year...Neil! We recently received a very kind donation from Andrew Cripps MP, Member for Hinchinbrook congratulating your Club on the valued service it provides to our local community. All members should be proud of your efforts in this regard so please give yourself a pat on the back. There is still more to be done including another children’s fishing workshop during the Christmas school break. Parents, keep an eye out for more details later. Your Committee will soon be putting together a social calendar of events for the next 12 months so members, please, let them know of any functions or events you believe should be included in the new calendar. We need your ideas! This month we extend a warm welcome to new members Craig and Cheree Callaghan and their daughter Olivia. Of interest, this family hails from Fairlight Station via Laura up on the Cape. My rumour source tells me that plans are afoot to build a helo pad on the roof of The Landing so Craig and Cheree can fly in for functions. Also, Rowan and Jacinta Wilson from Balgal Beach Road heard stories of the mayhem and frivolity within the Club not to mention our community achievements and joined our merry group. Welcome to you all. We can meet our new members at the next end of month BBQ on 31 July. Speaking of memberships, don’t forget to renew your membership if you haven’t already done so. The number of old members who have renewed their membership again this year is most pleasing but there are still a few stragglers. There are still a few of our members on the sick list; Bruce Wollard, Condo and Perry Jones are doing it a bit tough at the moment. We all hope you bounce back to your old self real soon. Still Wanted. A Club Scribe, no experience needed but must be able to be badgered and harassed by the Editorial Staff of this fine family magazine. Well, by one of the staff, actually. Until next month, Ninger

Don’t forget boardgames 3rd Tuesday of the month...RTC at 2 - 4pm P 26

P 27

Natures Notes - Roy Mackay With the morning temperature in Paluma on Wednesday 15th July at 1.8 degrees C I reflected on the last time it was his low on a Winter's morning. It was at least 20 years ago. I presume it has never been that low in Balgal - ever? Am I right in thinking that I am seeing more Fork-tailed Kites lately between Townsville and Cairns than I have seen for about a year? I have been putting out cooked rolled oats and a dish of honey-water more regularly these days and this has encouraged more Satin Bowerbirds to come to the bird table besides the regular birds - Macleay's Honeyeaters, White-cheeked Honeyeaters, Lewin Honeyeaters, Riflebirds, Catbirds and unfortunately more Currawongs. Close by the bird table is a large flowering shrub of Rondeletia which has attracted more Eastern Spinebill Honeyeaters than I have noticed before. While we do have many native species of Cockroaches the ones we most commonly see are two introduced species the American and the German species which is smaller and slimmer than the American species. However you may have seen the native species when you have turned over rocks and logs in the bush. While you almost always see the American and German species with their wings covering their body it is very seldom you see the native species with wings. I have mentioned before that it is some time since I have seen the Blue-tongue Lizard or the Pink-tongue Lizard here in Paluma. However last week Don Battersby on his property a kilometre or so from Paluma found a Pink-tongue on his property. It is nice to know that they are still around. He also has a Carpet Python which has taken up residence in a pile of timber under a sheet of plastic. In 1875 when Australia was still a bunch of colonies, the Geographical Society of Australia sponsored an exploratory expedition to New Guinea in an effort to make its own colonial expansion. However the British Government had already started proceedings to make the south-eastern quarter of New Guinea a Protectorate to counter any further expansion by the Germans who already had the north-eastern portion.. It is an interesting part of our history……………...Roy Mackay Congratulations to Bette Grady on turning 80. Happy Birthday Bette from all of us. Hope you celebrated in style !! Some more great news…….. there was a pre-lodgement meeting with Planning & Development Townsville City Council & Cr Sue Blom for land availability in Toomulla Park for the purpose of building a Community Centre. There is a piece of land available to build a Community Centre. We have been advised to contact a private Planning Consultant, liaise with other community (not-for-profit) organisations, plan on what we want to build, have plans drawn up, seek out the costings and submit back to council. We have some hard work ahead but it can be done !! You are only as strong as you allow yourself to be !! Consistency & dedication is the key to success. We have had three draws for the lucky numbers. Winner winner chicken dinner !! Congratulations to Kiwi Dave (#57), Don Cumming (#9) Shane Emmerson (#58). They are the lucky winners of $50 each. Thank you to everyone for your support for the lucky numbers. Northern Beaches Festival has started. The first event is the Toomulla Junior Fishing Comp on Sunday 2nd August down at Toomulla Park. There are three categories - Pre School, Primary & Secondary School. All participants must have parent/guardian supervision on the day. Registration is at 8am and fishing starts at 8.30am. Finishes at 11.30am with presentation at 12.30pm. Entry fee is $5 per child and there will be prizes for all three categories. Free Sausage Sizzle & drink available to all entrants on the day. Food and drinks will also be for sale for other people to enjoy some lunch. For those who are looking for that special plant/s. Try ‘Jax Plants on Denison’ (No 17 Denison Court Toomulla Beach) Jo has a great selection of plants for sale. You will also find Jax on Facebook where Jo advertises some beautiful plants for sale. You can also buy your fresh Veg’s at Laurie’s Fresh Vege’s - No.1 Denison Court. Laurie has a great selection of freshly picked veg’s on Fridays from 10am. Don’t worry if you miss him on a Friday, you can catch Laurie down at Bluewater under the Mango tree from about 7am each Saturday. DOGS BARKING – WHAT DO I DO? Talk to your neighbour as soon as the problem arises. They may not be aware that their dog is barking or that their dog’s barking is bothering you. Give your neighbour this information and if the barking persists after a week or two, speak with your neighbour again to provide feedback. If your neighbour is unapproachable, or does not agree that a problem exists, you should contact council for further advice. Excessive barking is an offence and council staff will respond to reported barking problems. If a dog barking exceeds six (6) minutes of accumulated time in any hour between 7am and 10pm, or, three (3) minutes accumulated time in any 30 minute period between the hours of 10pm and 7am, it is considered to be excessive. If the problem continues and further complaints are reported, the council will investigate. Irresponsible owners who fail to comply with council recommendations will face significant penalties including on the spot fines. Council staff can help you with barking problems in the community so that you do not have to suffer the nuisance caused by dogs that make too much noise. If you require any further information about this or any other responsible pet ownership issue, please call Council’s Customer Service Centre on 1300 878 001. Alternatively a range of Fact Sheets along with information regarding Local Law 2 can be accessed by visiting the Townsville City Council website and following the links to animals. What do we have to do to get people to slow down along Herald Street?? The people……… that think it is okay to travel at excessive speed along Herald Street (sometimes reaching 80kms). How disappointing is it that it is mainly local residents. The speed limit is 50kms. PLEASE!!!! Slow down before there is a serious accident. I am sure the local police have more important things to attend to then having to come up to Toomulla to catch people speeding !! - This is the email address if you would like to nominate Toomulla as a regional mobile black spot location. The more people that nominate the more chances of having this area looked at for Round 2 of the governments blackspot funding proposal. You can also CC Ewen Jones as well. Please feel free to email anything that you would like added into the monthly newsletter or you can write it out and pop it into the mailbox at 62 Herald. Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating in August. Enjoy & have fun……..Cheers ……. Rhonda. P 28

Paluma In the Clouds WATER SUPPLY Since early June, following the finding of Giardia in the Paluma water supply all residents have had to boil all water used for consumption, even water used for brushing teeth. Notice rescinding this requirement was received on July 3rd as, after testing, there is no trace of contamination and Paluma’s water has been declared safe. It still has a brownish colour and Townsville City Council have committed funding for a water treatment plant although it may be a while before this is in place. The near drought conditions this year have depleted the supply and over our traditionally dry months should it fail Council has undertaken to truck water to the village. No doubt, if this occurs, Paluma will be on extremely strict restrictions as to its usage. ROAD REPAIRS After much lobbying from the Paluma & District Community Association, Main Roads on Tuesday July 14 had a gang repairing the badly eroded verges of the road through the village - Mt Spec Road. However their jurisdiction ends at “Ivy Cottage”. The remainder of the village and out to the Lake Paluma turnoff is the province of Townsville City Council and some very badly gouged edges exist at the extreme western end of the village and at the junction with Hussey’s Road. Some perfunctory patches have been made to the potholes in the bitumen at the latter site but the surface remains uneven. It is to be hoped that Council will follow the example of the MRD and have a gang undertake these very necessary repairs in the near future.. ART EXHIBITION 15th - 21st August Paluma will again host an Art Exhibition as part of the Northern Beaches Festival. It runs from Sat.15th August to Friday 21st.August . The weekend opening hours are 10.00 - 4.00 p.m. with a Market and Sausage Sizzle on the Sunday on the Village Green. Weekdays it will be open 10.00 - 2.00 p.m. Entry is free. We would encourage artists from the northern beaches to get involved in this event. There is no charge for art entries and a $100.00 “People’s Choice Award” will be voted on by the visiting public. For more information contact Lynn Hyland ( 47737675 / 47708681 ) Stall Holders are also welcome. The fee for a 3x3m stall is $10, supply your own table and shelter basis. Contact Rhonda Schwarz on 47707813 to book a stall. Come have a day on the mountain. PALUMA HISTORY DISPLAY The photographic history display will not be open during the Art Exhibition but will resume its regular Tuesday opening hours of 11.00 1.00 p.m. on Tuesday 25th August .

PLAYGROUP Fun Crafting Welcome back to term 3. I hope you all enjoyed your break and are ready to have some fun and be creative. We will be getting our craft on again this term with the team at Bunnings and Tuesday playgroup will be again meeting at the Bluewater State School on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. We also have an excursion planned for this term so put your thinking caps on and come up with some exciting places to go. Check your programs and our Facebook page to keep up to date with all the exciting things that we will be doing this term. We are always open for suggestions, so if you have any ideas come and see myself or drop your ideas in the suggestion box in the main reception area. Membership is now due. Please fill in a new membership form and media consent form and return it to me ASAP. Membership is still only $20 for the year and only $3 per family per sessions. Let’s go have some fun. Till Next time keep playing…………………..Nicole Term Activities


Term Activities


Week1 13th - 16th July Frisbees

Welcome Back to Term 3

Week6 17th -20th August Excursion Week

Start thinking about where you would like to go: museum, park, Launch Zone, Lollipops ETC!!!!! Bus Available Seats are Limited

Week 2 20th -23rd July Peg Planes

Monday Playgroup at Recreativ 20 Orillia Crt Oakdale Heights. Bus available but seats limited. Tuesday Playgroup at Bluewater School.

Week 7 24th- 27th August Father’s Day

Bring along a picture of the kids with dad. Friday the 28th August Daffodil Day

Week 3 27th -30th July Egg carton creations

Wednesday playgroup at Bunnings

Week 8 31st Aug - 3rd Sept Father’s day

Monday playgroup at Bunnings. Tuesday Playgroup at Bluewater state school. Father’s Day 6th September

Week 4 3rd- 6th August Pendulum Painting

Tuesday Playgroup At Bluewater State school.

Week9 7th-10th Sept Collage

Week 5 10th-13thAugust Spray painting

Bunnings At playgroup on Tuesday.

Week 10 14th -17th Sept Sand Art

Tuesday Playgroup At Bluewater State School

School Holidays

School Holidays

P 29


A proposal has come out of a meeting of the Rollingstone Lions to name the little old bridge over Rollingstone Creek once work on its re-building and restoration has been completed, this to be done jointly with the Rollingstone Community Association. This suggestion was enthusiastically received by the Lions membership although it was noted that to name anything after a deceased person was relatively painless, but to do so after someone still living was not without protracted difficulty. To date, the names put forward are ISABELLA FITZPATRICK, JOHN “JACK” COGAN and D.E. “JACK” MAHER. Our township is now made up of many younger people who would not have lived here when either of the two (2) Jacks was alive and certainly, none of us was around when Isabella was weaving her forceful magic. We’re providing a potted history of each of the presently nominated threesome just to make you all more familiar with them and why their names were put forward for consideration: 1.



A strong and intelligent business woman, Isabella Gertrude Fitzpatrick was one of the first women elected to local government after amendment to the Local Government Act in 1920. She is also thought to have been one of the first sugar growers in the Rollingstone area and was influential in the founding of the local school. She was born in Townsville and she and her husband ran the Herbert hotel in Townsville until 1914 when they moved north to Armidale (now Rollingstone) where they owned and ran the hotel. By this time Isabella and John had four children. The Armidale Hotel had been a Cobb and Co. coach stop on the busy road between Townsville and Ingham since the 1880s. The hotel also served people living and working in the local area. Isabella was most pro-active/active within all sections of the growing community – a woman well-ahead of her time. She became the first woman Councillor in a Local Government authority in January 1924. She sold the Rollingstone Hotel in 1933 and left the district in 1949 to live with her daughter, during which same year she died. David Edward (Jack) Maher came to live in Rollingstone as a railway Ganger. His wife, Evelyn, was appointed Station Mistress. Jack worked the line up as far as Toobanna and down as far as the Bohle. He and Evelyn had 2 children, David and Annette, and from their arrival into Rollingstone, they were heavily involved in community activities. Both Jack and Evelyn were members of the School P. & C., Rural Youth (an extension of the Community Association), the Community Association and latterly Rollingstone Lions in which he held many positions at both Club and District level. and the Rollingstone Historical Society. Jack, particularly, was very passionate and committed to his community involvement and was always busy doing something towards improving community infrastructure and activities. He was a very nice man and mostly extremely good humoured. He loved people and he loved a chat and he had a million stories to tell! We were very, very sad when he died suddenly at home during retirement, although he’d not been suffering very good health for some while. We’d all lost a really good friend. John (Jack) Cogan was a £10 Pom who disembarked in Melbourne where he met his wife, Claire, also a £10 Pom. He and Claire came to live locally when he was appointed Manager of the (now demolished) Brickworks just south of Rollingstone during the 80s. They had 2 sons. Both Jack and Claire at once became active members of the Rollingstone Community Association, of which he served a couple of terms as President and Claire as Treasurer. Jack was actually President the year we built the new Hall in the Mystic Sands area. When an SES cell was implemented locally, they joined this Service where Jack rose to become Group Leader, which position he held until he became too ill to continue. He received an SES Meritorious Service Medal – 10 years service in 2006. Claire actually had been a member for 15 years that same year and also received her relevant Service Medal. He was also a member of the Rollingstone Rural Fire Brigade in which he held several different positions from time to time. Jack was Charter President of the original Rollingstone Lions Club and served in many positions at both Club and District level. When he died, Claire stayed in their beach house for a year or two, but has since moved back to Melbourne where their sons live. Both of them were treasured members of our community and both of them gave passionately and unselfishly of themselves to improving services and facilities in our little village.

So, you can see the contribution made by ordinary, grass-roots type people who understand what it is to give to others and help make someone’s life that little bit better. Mind you, when Isabella was stirring stumps, there were no community groups. It was all work, work, and more work, fitting in community contribution when possible. Originally, when the 2 Jacks were on deck, there were only the School P & C, the Community Association and the RFB, so these people all wore many different hats. We’ll look forward to seeing which one of them gets the nod for the naming, but all are certainly most deserving. We’d like to hear from readers as to who they think deserves permanent recognition for their efforts within the community by naming the bottom bridge after one of them. Call Chris on 4770 7855.




P 30

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. Lot 1 Community Cres, Mystic Sands 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407 753 562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, 1 Community Crescent Rollingstone Qld 4816 COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGER Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail:

AMBULANCE C/o Northern Beaches Station

47786 033

BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB INC. President Faye Thomson 47707 616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 47707 034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB

47516 511

FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB INC. President Garry Luff 47707 008 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427 240 472 PLAYGROUP North Townsville Community Hub

47516 511

COMMUNITY HALL PHONE (M-F 9AM-3PM) 47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact: Rag office 47707 799 Janine Jones 0407 882 009

POLICE 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White

47707 285

PALUMA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION President Lynn Hyland 47737 675 Vice President Colwyn Campbell 47708 559 Secretary Michael Drew 0428 779 302 Email: Treasurer John Tubman ROLLINGSTONE RSL President Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043 Secretary Rhonda Coulson 47707 058 ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB President John Muller

47707 510 0407 114 687

47707 348 47707 619

47707 957 47707 258

S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT SENIORS INC. President Rhonda Muller Secretary Claire Spittler

13 2500 47707 498


47707 813

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Principal Kacey Constantine

47707 313

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL P & C President Brad Gough Secretary MUTARNEE STATE SCHOOL Principal Lydia Jamieson

47708 131


47715 411

ANIMAL CONTACT NUMBERS Animal Refuge Animal Ambulance (after hours) RSPCA Inspection Straying Stock National Parks & Wildlife Service N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue Margaret Preston (Vet) JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Nellie Berra After 4pm Chris Martin

47745 130 47747 130 47744 714 47738 411 47212 399 0414 717 374 47707 540 0403 262 212 47707 352 B/H 47707 855 P 31

Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week

Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards

Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470

   

Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce

  

Eggs Bananas Pineapples

Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham

Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!

   

Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon

PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.

Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly

Going Fishing?

Rosco, Olga, Sara, Tanya and Mieka PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470

We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions

Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 34

AUGUST 2015 Sunday


30 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

31 9 am - Cards

9am Barefoot Bowls

6.30pm - Yoga





Saturday 1 8 am -1 pm Balgal Beach Markets

9 am - Linedancing

9 am -12 pm Op Shop

7 pm - AA Meeting 2 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

3 9 am - Cards

9am Barefoot Bowls

6.30pm - Yoga

4 Seniors Morning Melodies

9 am - Linedancing 6 pm Boot Camp

7 pm - AA Meeting 5.30 pm Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club BBQ 10 9 am - Cards

11 6 pm Boot Camp

9 am - Linedancing

9am Barefoot Bowls

6.30pm - Yoga

9.30 - 4pm Centrelink Mobile Service Unit at Hall

7 pm - AA Meeting 7 pm Lions Meeting at the Den

17 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing

18 10am Vietnam Vets’ Day at beach Cenotaph

SES 8 am 6.30pm - Yoga 9am Barefoot Bowls

6 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping

11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY

9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

1 pm Entertainment Group

9 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

16 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

5 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 9am - 1pm Sue Blom RTC

7pm - AA Meeting

2pm -4pm Board Games RTC 6 pm Boot Camp

12 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

13 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards

1 pm Entertainment Group

9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 4 -5pm Art Workshop with Sandra from Re-Crea8Tiv

6.45 pm SES

19 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY 1 pm Entertainment Group 6.45 pm SES

23 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 9am Barefoot Bowls

24 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing 6.30pm - Yoga 7 pm - AA Meeting

9am Cards

20 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping

7 9 am Weight Circuit Class

8 1.00 pm BINGO Community Hall

11 am Computer Class

14 12 pm Seniors Luncheon

15 8 am -1 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9 am -12 pm Op Shop

21 9 am Weight Circuit Class

22 11 - 12.30 Sundara Yoga Meditation Workshop @ Community Centre

28 9 am Weight Circuit Class


9am Visiting Vet 9 am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

25 6 pm Boot Camp

26 9 am Indoor Bowls

27 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping

7 pm Lions Club Dinner Meeting at the Den

9 am Craft Group

9am Cards

1pm Entertainment Group

9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

6 pm Fishermans Landing Fishing & Soc BBQ at the Landing P 35


Mushroom “Fairy Ring”

The Family Feud Teams

Family Feud Winners with their Cars

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