Pastor Rodney Coles Sr., who is the Pastor and Founder of the Children of God in Christ Church, located in Greenville, NC, founded Churches Outreach network in the fall of 2007 when he had a vision to share with the people of God. That vision was for a group of Faith leaders from different Churches, Ministries, and Organizations to come together, as one, and form the organization Churches Outreach Network. Churches Outreach Network a public nonprofit 501© 3 organization, went on a mission to bring leaders together as one group to outreach in the community, and to help bring people that do not know Jesus closer to him. We help organizations who have a vision to begin a ministry, and are just getting established learn how to do outreach, as well as work with those who already have ministries established. Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. and the members of Churches Outreach Network are very dedicated to servicing the community. Some of the community organizations we are involved in, and help with would include: The Joy Soup Kitchen, Hope of Glory Ministries, Pitt Community College, Martin Pitt‟s annual Kid‟s Fest, Toys for tots, Strive, Greenville Shelter, Pitt DSS (One Child One Church Program), Building Hope community life center, Intergenerational Center, Communities In Schools, Benefit Bank of North Carolina, Greenville Housing Authority, and many others where they need us. They also have some programs of their own which they have formed. They are: Community Action Committee, Churches Outreach Network Broadcast, WCMS1 Radio Station, Destiny Magazine, Churches Outreach Network monthly newsletter, Praise Dance team: Glorify the King Praise Dance Ministry, Life changing boys to men, Digital Action Photography club, Ministry services at University Towers (where different Pastors, Ministers, and Evangelists give the message), Emergency food drive, & Food drive through the NC Food Bank, weekly food drive at University Towers, Gospel Touch, We Care program at the Greenville Community Shelter, We Care Children‟s program, and the CON Children Discipleship program. Many Ministries and Organizations are members of Churches Outreach Network. As a member their benefits would include: Ministry growth, passing out pocket bibles to the community, & networking with the other Ministries that are a part of Churches Outreach Network. We also broadcast your news and events on the radio station, advertise your news and events on the website resource page, advertise your information on the monthly Television broadcast, the monthly newsletter, Destiny magazine, the daily reflector community page, the events page of the website, and via email to other members of Churches Outreach Network. As a member you will also receive at your request a website at a discounted price. Some of the ministries/ organizations who are a part of CON are: United Gospel Community Choir, Sisters Keepers, Inc., Strong Spiritual Men of God, Spoken Serenity, Need a Ride transportation, Divine Grace Missionary Baptist Church, Silver Consulting Service, Faith Center Outreach Ministries, Farmville Community Outreach Kitchen, Deliverance Back to God Revival Center, A Place of Hope, and Be Healthy Ministries. We have an application process and require commitment to your organization, members organizations, and Churches Outreach Network, it is not about us…………….It‟s about Jesus. With that being said….. Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. is deeply committed to this cause. For further information please visit the website which is www.con2007.org, it basically speaks for itself.
It was a cold Friday night, namely, January 22 that a traumatic car accident took place. After I had dropped off my cousin at home and turned left into my driveway, I was drastically hit by another vehicle broadside. (I'm told by a SUV and a distant cousin of mine). They told me that I was cut out of the vehicle from a t-bone position. My 90 year old, mother Louise heard a loud commotion outside but she didnâ€&#x;t see my return yet. She, in turn, calls my cousin, Jen and ask her had I left her house? She replied, " she should have been there already." My mother whispers a prayer and calls my other cousin, Charles, who lives on the opposite side of the caution light by us in Stokes, NC. He travels on the back road of the opposite side of us. When he approaches the house, he sees the traffic lining the highway but he doesn't see my car. The highway patrol officer is standing in our driveway making an assessment. He questioned the officer about the accident- finding out that I was involved. The driver of the car knocked me passed my driveway approximately 100 ft into the nearby field. He notified my mother of what had happened. After arriving at the hospital, my family says that I was answering their questions and that I was telling my son, Javon, that I love him. But they noticed at that time I was in great pain. I was then taken to be examined by the medical staff. The doctor over ECU Trauma Dept. stated that it was a critical (intensive care) case. My lungs had collapsed, 12 ribs, pelvis, scapula, left shoulder blade all were fractured and with two concussions. Immediately, the Dr. informed my family that it was a 50 percent chance of life for me and that I may not make it through the night. My sister, Louvenia, said that she felt that Dr. S was sent by God because he stated that he had to save her sister. I was induced into a coma for 8-10 days. This is when the news spread throughout the United States and prayers begin to bombard heaven. Thank God for all that called out my name, screamed my name, lifted up name before the Lord. No weapon formed against me did not prosper!!! Seeing photos of me in that comatose state is much to believe with pipes, hookups, and various lines running. Several told me that I look like death, others stated that I was swollen by medication. Most informed me how they came in and joked with me or encouraged me to live, to be strong, and to fight because I have work to do and how much they needed me and loved me. I have been asked if I had a supernatural experience? No, but what I did see was a crystal purse in the atmosphere. Also, I remember my mother, sister, son and James talked to me but what I believed being at my cousin's home. The strangest thought was that I was in a red wire basket as a bed. (I do believe that was medication). My family/friends told me after I came through the coma that I was concerned about my face and that I would motion to my face to ask if there were scars but to no avail there were none. There was no surgery performed. How Great Is Our God!!!! 9
My 25 conscious days of hospital stay. After being further informed that I had been in a car accident, they told me it happened on a Friday night. My immediate concern was where was my grandson Josh? Because the Friday night that popped in my head was the Friday night that he and I had travelled home. Thank God that he wasn't involved. The other funny thing is that I felt that I should go home for the weekend and come back. (You know that their were several chuckles on that!). Having had any idea that I could not talk with a trache put in, I had to act it out or write it down. In order to eat and talk, they had to put a piece of the trachea in my throat. Each morning before 7am, they came in to draw blood (some days pleasant and a plenty not so pleasant). 90% of the staff was excellent. There were a few that were cordial. I could count on the staff to come in 12 midnight, 3am, and 6am. I was tired of being interrupted those hours but being on the heart monitor, blood pressure, diabetic check, temperature, tube feeding, routine checks it was all necessary. There were pills (vitamins, stool softener, Tylenol and Percoset) every 4-6 hours. Even looking back at my report, they were medications during the coma that I have no clue what they were given for. So there are many times family/friends would visit me and I would dose off on them. I thank God for being alert in knowing what was taking place 95% of the time. But I experienced anxiety strongly in the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes I wondered if I would ever talk again, would I ever walk correctly or be healed. I also would wonder how much longer would I be here? I thank God for my friends, Mr. James and Mrs. Arrington and Ms. Cathy reading the word of God and praying with me at night. But God!!!! Through the prayers of the saints... I began to progress, exceed the mental and physical tests given and ride in the pink Cadillac (which was a class one bed that folded into a chair). My doctors told me that I was recovering speedily and that the good master was with me. Catheters were removed, the trache was removed, monitors were disconnected and my vocals remained strong. I remember always informing the medical staff that I appreciate them. The hospital released me by ambulance to return home (this time less stressful). Home and physical therapists were assigned to my case. I was placed in a wheel chair and maneuvered around the house and places for about a month. Five days after my stay at home, (March 5th) a portable ramp was loaned to me from Jarvis Memorial Church (the Shephard Keepers). It was a bit uncomfortable for me sleep wise because I had to sleep on the chair which was more accessible to the public. My average sleeping pattern was 12 midnight until about 9am the next day. It was odd not being about to perform household duties, cook or go outside. But I did spend time reading and mediating the word, praying and singing a song in my heart. Being forever grateful is a great lesson I have learned through this situation. Through the outcome of the pelvic tests given, I graduated from the wheel chair to the walker to the cane. Eventually, I was honored to be able to sleep on my side and stomach. I'm now praising God, speaking his word, giving my testimony and 85% back to normal body wise because we must remember the body was not operative for nearly two months. Therapy has allowed the lazy muscles too loosen. The Lord is my refugee, my strength, my healer, my substainer and the lifter of my head. "The angels of the Lord encamped around about me and the blood of Jesus is upon me." Thank you very, very much for all you have done for me. WWW.DESTINYMAG.ORG
For a man who has declared that he may at any moment cease making music to concentrate fully on his passion for ministering, Donnie McClurkin can never stay away long from recording profoundly uplifting music for the soul. The evidence: his latest collection We All Are One (Live in Detroit) - his breathlessly anticipated first music recording in five years! Along for the momentous celebration are very special guests CeCe Winans, Yolanda Adams, Mary Mary and Karen Clark-Sheard. Once again, Donnie, his singers and musicians share the joy of God’s bounty - live before an on-fire congregation where platinum-plus Pastor McClurkin’s vocal and testimonial gifts have always shined their brightest. “I decided to record in Detroit after much prayer. I put a lot of thought into the cities we record,” Donnie shares. “My mentor Andrae Crouch made one of his best CDs live in London, so I did the same thing some 20 years afterwards (resulting in the platinum Live in London…and More CD which included Donnie‟s now classic anthem “We Fall Down”). I recorded my CD Again in California because my first time ever being given a platform in someone else‟s church was 1982 in Los Angeles at West Angeles Church of God and Christ. Recording in Detroit this time goes without saying because that‟s home! I was there for 13 years and was a charter member at Perfecting Church which was founded by Marvin Winans. Even with Detroit‟s tough transitions and hard situations, the church has always been the mainstay that holds everything together. By bringing this recording to Detroit and bringing the churches together there, we can aid in the healing of that city.” The themes of the 12-song We All Are One are of unity and tolerance. Donnie explains, “Jesus said, „A house divided against itself cannot stand,‟ yet we remain disconnected: Republicans and Democrats, Blacks, Whites, Yellows and Browns, Baptists and Methodists, Lutherans and Episcopalians… Where is the unity? Coming from a religious background, I was taught to judge harshly, but my thinking now is, „Let God do the judging so that I may learn how to love and understand the ways in which we are all connected.‟ I believe that lesson of compassion and fellowship will ultimately be learned by the young ones coming behind me. For my song „We All Are One,‟ I brought in Asaph Ward – one of the greatest producers in gospel music – and we came up with a „World Beat‟ to unite the masses. At the end of the song, adult voices fade into children‟s voices singing, „We all are one in The Lord,‟ driving home the point that you have to come to Him as a child.” We All Are One (Live in Detroit) is a boldly eclectic collection from McClurkin, moving from the powerfully opener “Trusting in You” and the lilting call and response vibe of “You Are My God and King” (featuring a playful battle of the choir sections on the “Reprise”) to the soul-soothing “Let the River Flow” and a duet with the ever-amazing Karen Clark-Sheard for “Wait on The Lord.” Donnie enthuses, “On „I Choose to Be Dancing,‟ we incorporated many different feels - hard rock with the guitars and strings for the culture sound, but we kept the rhythm section urban. And on my praise and worship „Halleujah Song‟ - which God gave me on a Sunday when we were all up in church praying - the idea of praising God in a succession of different languages just came to me at the last second! We sing in Dutch, Spanish and the African language Yoruba. Oshe ba ba means „Thank you, Father.‟ ” Among the most profound songs on We All Are One is the piano and strings meditation “All We Ask,” on which Donnie weaves the testimonies of three different people, verse by verse, immortalizing them in song. Donnie explains, “The first verse is about a young man who came to me trying to find his place in life, the second verse is from my personal story, and the last verse is about my older sister Olivia, who was dying at the time that I wrote the song. She is now deceased. I wouldn‟t let anyone else play the piano on it because I knew exactly how I wanted the music to be interpreted, but when my sister passed I did not have the strength to use my voice. So I turned „All We Ask‟ into a feature for my background singers who have been with me faithfully since 1996 (in order of appearance: Duwane Starling; Donnie‟s younger sister Andrea Mellini; Sherry Maghee and Nancey Jackson –Johnson).
An undeniable standout is “When You Love” which transcends the church to speak about love on an earthly plane. “That‟s one of my favorites,” Donnie shares. “We must remember that God didn‟t just make us spirit. He made us body, mind and spirit. The song is inspirational - derived from the gospel - but based solely on love…how to love, what to do when you love, how to act when you‟re in love… It lifts men and women out of the lust that‟s all over the radio and into commitment, romance, even respecting your elders – the whole gamut! I had to get the ladies CeCe and Yolanda, along with Erica and Tina of Mary Mary, to help me. It‟s a beautiful song without any risqué, ambiguous or alternative messages. This is simply about the heart of God and how He wants us to learn to love purely.” McClurkin‟s pure love for the Lord has grown through crippling adversity that ultimately fortified his faith ten-fold. Born November 9, 1959, in Amityville, New York, his childhood home was mired in domestic violence and drug abuse until an aunt who sang with the great Andrae’ Crouch introduced him to the musical icon who in turn introduced him to his future. Young Donnie played keyboards with his church youth choir before forming the McClurkin Singers with relatives and friends in 1979. Following a calling to preach, he never loosened his grasp on music. In 1989 Donnie started the NY Restoration Choir and recorded the album I See A World, which contained the classic “Speak to My Heart.” Two near-simultaneous events changed McClurkin‟s life forever. Just as he was appointed as an associate minister at Marvin Winans‟ Perfecting Church in Detroit, he also learned that he‟d been stricken with leukemia. While battling the disease, Donnie was signed to Warner Alliance Records as a solo artist where he recorded his pivotal self-titled album, marked by a smooth sophistication in the production that couched his soaring tenor for a series of soul-stirring numbers. Through BeBe Winans, media mogul Oprah Winfrey learned of Donnie‟s music and struggle, invited him on her toprated TV show , a golden opportunity that catapulted his CD to #4 on the gospel charts, recognition beyond the church world and gold + sales. Donnie soon after signed to Verity Records where his first CD, Live in London and More, would far surpass his solo debut thanks to secular radio embracing his gracefully reassuring “We Fall Down”. The song met with international acclaim, made the Top 40 of Billboard‟s R&B chart and rocketed past platinum sales of over one million copies sold instantly making Donnie among gospel‟s best selling artists. He earned a trophy case full of Dove and Stellar Awards plus other honors including an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Gospel Artist. In 2001 Donnie graduated to establishing his own Perfecting Faith Church in Freeport, New York, all the while continuing to release the magnificent musical works Again (2003) and the double-CD Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs (2005) each one garnering the coveted Grammy Award. Today, McClurkin‟s commitment to spreading God‟s word far and wide is most evident in a last minute addition to the We All Are One album titled “Purple,” composed expressly for Donnie by Darren Atwater and performed by his truly inspiring Soulful Symphony in Baltimore, MD. “I‟ve known Darren for years,” Donnie states. “I was doing a concert in Baltimore with him last year as a guest with his 40-piece orchestra. During rehearsal he introduced this new song of praise and the minute I heard it I went to hollerin‟! I asked him what it was. He told me it was called „Purple‟ and he‟d written it just for me. I loved it so much that even though we were 90% finished with the album, I made room to add this song, which Darren produced himself. Darren Atwater is a genius as an arranger and conductor - manifesting real cultural exchange by bringing classical culture into the gospel environment. He also leads workshops that introduce young African Americans to acoustic instruments and the works of Chopin and Bach without a Pro Tools in sight! It gives them inspiration to maybe pick up a viola or a cello that they may never have experienced within their monoculture.” Still, at the end of the day, Donnie McClurkin has been and always will be a, card carryin‟ member of the Church of God and Christ (COGIC). Donnie bears witness to this fact via the unfiltered jubilance of his soul on the CD‟s most exhilarating number, “The Great I Am.” “Holy Ghost revival songs are our specialty,” Donnie shouts! “I was just over here teaching some of the church members that stopped by how to „church dance‟…and THAT is the song I played! There was a Bishop by the name of Gilbert Patterson who would always bring the old songs up at praise time. I wanted to write a song just like that, so I sat down to the piano, started playing an old-time gospel feel and this song just leapt out of me! When I got to the studio, the group was like, „This is so corny,” but I told `em, „Just sing what I tell you to sing!‟ That night after Asaph got a hold of the music, and Trent Phillips and the band played it like second nature, the energy in the room just exploded! “I‟ve always been in awe of God,” Pastor Donnie McClurkin concludes. “I didn‟t want anything on my latest offering, We All Are One, to reflect suffering or „climbing up that mountain‟ in the way to which traditional Black gospel is accustomed. I wanted to luxuriate in and celebrate in the greatness of God.” Copywright 2010 by Donnie McClurkin: website donniemcclurkin.ning.com/page/biography-1
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Deliverance Back to God R EVIVAL C ENTER
Thursday, August 26 - Motown Blast Presented by
Food Vendors/Commercial Vendors Open
Opening Ceremonies
6:00pm – 10:30pm Amusement Rides Open - Wrist Band Night – Pay One Price $20.00 Ride All Night
Free Concert in the Park – 7:00pm Featuring – The Four Tops 8:45pm With Special Guest Carolina Beach Club 7:00pm
Friday, August 27 - Family Fun Night & Kids Zone Presented by
5:00pm – 7:00pm Bingo – Winterville Ruritan Building – Corner of Church & Sylvania St.
Food Vendors/Commercial Vendors Open
6:00pm – 10:30pm Amusement Rides Open - Wrist Band Night – Pay One Price $20.00 Ride All Night
Kids Zone Activities – Amphitheater Stage
Youth Seed Spit Contest Youth Watermelon Roll Contest Youth Sack Race Inflatable Obstacle Course Balloon Art by Scooter the Clown Face Painting
Jingles the Clown – Stilt Walker/Juggler Watermelon Coloring Contest Imagination Station Science Museum Exhibits Ronald McDonald & Friends Sweet Pets Animal Exhibit
Big Bird Walter Melon Scooby Doo Shrek McGruff
Free Concert in the Park – 7:00pm Featuring –
Blessid Union of Souls 8:45pm
With Special Guest -
The Breakfast Club 7:00pm
Saturday, August 28
Craft Show
Flea Market/Commercial Vendors Open
8:00am Veterans Appreciation Breakfast – Winterville Ruritan Building – Corner of Church St & Sylvania 10:00am 25th Watermelon Festival Parade
Presented By
11:00am Amusement Rides Open 11:00am Winterville Historical Society Open House – Corner of Main St. & Sylvania St. 11:00am Watermelon Eating Contest (Youth & Adult) – Main Stage
1:00pm N.C. Dream Factory – Buzz the Red, White, & Blue – Amphitheater Stage 5:00pm – 7:00pm Bingo – Winterville Ruritan Building – Corner of Church St & Sylvania
Festival in the Park – Free Events
11:45am Shimmy Shakerz - Line Dancing 12:30pm Concert in the Park – Featuring Terry & Diane Artis 1:00pm
Charles June Karate School
Greenville Fire Dept. Educational Clowns
3:30pm Concert in the Park – Featuring Ernest Silver 6:30pm-9:00pm Concert in the Park Featuring Backyard Groove
Artist of the Year Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship; Souled Out; Verity Records
Contemporary CD of the Year Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship, Souled Out, Verity Records
Song of the Year (Songwriter; Song - Album; Label) Mary, Mary, “God in Me” - The Sound, Columbia
Traditional CD of the Year Shari Addison, Shari Addison, Verity Records
Male Vocalist of the Year Smokie Norful, Smokie Norful Live, EMI Gospel Female Vocalist of the Year Vickie Winans, How I Got Over, Destiny Joy Records Group Duo of the Year Mary, Mary, The Sound, Columbia
Music Video of the Year (artist, song or CD title, label) Vickie Winans, How I Got Over, Destiny Joy Records
New Artist of the Year Crystal Aikin, Crystal Aikin, Verity Records
Contemporary Choir of the Year Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship, Souled Out, Verity Records
CD of the Year Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship; Souled Out; Verity Records
Traditional Choir of the Year Bishop Paul S. Morton & The FGBCF Mass Choir, Cry Your Last Tear, Light Records
Choir of the Year Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship, Souled Out, Verity Records
Special Event CD of the Year The Clark Sisters, J. Moss and Kierra Sheard, Silky Soul Music - A Tribute to Maze, Barantera Music Group
Producer of the Year Donald Lawrence & Daniel Weatherspoon, The Law of Confession Part 1, Quiet Water/Verity
Instrumental CD of the Year Ben Tankard, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Verity
Contemporary Group/Duo of the Year Mary, Mary, The Sound, Columbia Traditional Group/Duo of the Year Lee Williams & The Spiritual QC‟s, Fall On Me, MCG Records Contemporary Male of the Year Smokie Norful, Smokie Norful Live, EMI Gospel Contemporary Female of the Year Crystal Aikin, Crystal Aikin, Verity Records Traditional Male of the Year Donnie McClurkin, We All Are One (Live in Detroit), Verity Records Traditional Female of the Year Dottie Peoples, Do It!, DP Muzik Group
Urban/ Inspirational Single / Performance of the Year (Artist; Song - Album; Label) Mary, Mary, “God in Me” - The Sound, Columbia
Rap/Hip Hop Gospel CD of the Year Da‟ T.R.U.T.H., The Big Picture, Cross Movement Records Children’s Performance of the Year Rev. Dr. Emory Andrews and Oxon Hill High School Choir, Amazing, Yrome Records Quartet of the Year Lee Williams & The Spiritual QC‟s, Fall On Me, MCG Records Contemporary Female of the Year Crystal Aikin, Crystal Aikin, Verity Records Praise and Worship CD of the Year Stephen Hurd, Times of Refreshing, Integrity Gospel Recorded Music Package of the Year [art credit / artist - album / label] Denise Trotman, Donald Lawrence - The Confession Part 1.
Also, View our focus up broadcast online.
Applications for toy requests can be requested from October 11, 2010 thru November 6, 2010. We will be receiving applications at the American Legion Building, Post 160, located at 1710 Chestnut Street, Greenville, NC. On Saturday November 6, 2010 between 8:00am and 12:00pm. Child must be between 0 and 12 years of age. All applications must be completely filled out including Social Security number and date of Birth information. A copy of the child’s birth certificate for each child, and social security card must accompany the application, for verification of the child. You must not be registered with any other agency. Completed applications will be reviewed for correct information, and you must bring proof of address with you when you return the application.
Toys will be distributed on a first come first serve basis at a later date. You will be contacted once toys arrive. This application is not a guarantee for a toy, but every attempt will be made to fulfill your requests. For additional information contact (252)902-4137.
The City of Greenville will be having their third Annual Inclusive Community walk. On Saturday October 2, 2010, come join them for a cool brisk walk. They will line up at 9:45 am and the walk will start at 10:00am. Leaving from: Lucille Gorham Intergenerational Community Center @ 1100 Ward street Going to: Town Common - First Street Enjoy a day of entertainment, music and food!. Fun for the whole family. Don't forget to bring lounging chairs or just picnic on the grounds of the Town common. Event will end at 12:30pm The current event hosted by Sister's Keeper is now being hosted by the United Gospel Community Choir and Churches Outreach Network, on Saturday October 2, 2010 from 6:00 till 8:00. It will be hosted by Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. Location: United Gospel Outreach Church, 2682 HWY 11 North, Kinston NC. Doors open at 5:30pm and admission is free. Special guest singers and noted musicians, as well as praise dancing. Any questions please call Pastor Coles @ (252) 902-4137.We hope to see you there. Thank you and be blessed. Remember it is not about us, it is about Jesus! October 3, 2010 @ 11:00 Minister Ernest Silver will be in concert @ Open Heart Church of God, 4074 Jolly Road, Ayden, NC. The church will be celebrating homecoming and all are welcome. Contact Pastor Frank Tripp for more information @ 252-746-2100. Sister's Keepers Ministries, N.C. will have a Spaghetti Dinner. Prepared by Nellie Hedgepath. The meal will include: Dinner, Salad, and Rolls. $7.00 per dinner. Proceeds will be used to help provide complete Christmas dinners, toys, and gifts for needy families. Date: 10/8/2010 @ 12:00pm. Location: 102 Allendale drive, Greenville, Redoak subdivision. (H) (252) 757-2525, (C) (301) 335-1400 Sponsored by Select Bank & Trust, Open door Ministries, Moe's southwest grill and Hope of Glory Ministries. They will have the 4th Annual Good Samaritan 5K and 1M Family walk for Hope of Glory Ministries. Feeding the Hungry and Clothing the needy and also sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. The event will take place on October 9, 2010 in Greenville, NC. The run will be held at the entrance to the Lynndale Community on Cromwell Drive in Greenville, NC. Race headquarters will be set up in Moe's Southwest Grill parking lot on Red Banks Road. The Event time for the 5K run is 8:30am, the 1M Family walk is 9:15am and Moe's Post race party is from 10:30am -12:30pm. For more information call (252) 321-6857 Ext. 1, Email:prayer@hope-of -glory.org or visit Hope-of-glory.org. On October 9, 2010 Deliverance Back to God Revival Center will have a banquet honoring celebration for Apostle Charles & First Lady Lucy Covil. It will take place at the Hilton Hotel on greenville, blvd in Greenville, NC from 5:00pm11:00pm. Price $50.00 Adult and $30.00 Child. White and Black attire requested. For more information contact Pastor Rodney Coles @ (252) 902-4137. On October 16, 2010 from 8:30-12:00pm the Joy Soup Kitchen will be having a clothing drive. Pastor Anthony Jackson will be giving the word. He is from Compassionate Faith Outreach Ministries Deliverance Network Fellowship will be having their bi-monthly fellowship on October 30, 2010 @ 3:00pm. Location: 207 Moore Street, Greenville, NC. Apostle Charles Covil. For more information contact Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. @ (252) 902-4137 or Pastor Heather Rhodes @ (252) 679-6577. Dr. Rita Twiggs, internationally known evangelist, former Dean of Biblical Studies for Bishop TD Jakes, will be the guest speaker for Sister's Keepers annual Christmas celebration. Saturday, December 11, 2010. Yankee Hall Plantation. 3332 Yankee Hall Road, Greenville, NC 27834, 6:00 pm promptly. Tickets are now available and are $30.00 per person. Space is limited, tickets are expected to sell out quickly. Men are welcome. Adults only. For tickets and further information, please contact Gloria H. Cummings at 252-757-2525