Joyce Jones
Executive Director Strive
Yolanda Adams
Her journey through her music
Pastor Ernest Silver
Powerful praise and worship leader
Deborah Sheppard
How she overcame her hurt
and Commissioned Reverend Jimmie Howell
Contents 2010 Edition Issue IV Comments
5 Message from the Editor
Featured Articles 17 Pastor Ernest Silver Powerful Praise and Worship leader 22 Strive Executive Director Joyce Jones
Reverend Jimmie Howell Called and Commissioned
26 Deborah Sheppard See how she over came the hurt 50 Victor Speight
Community Highlights 21 Strive 25 Hope of Glory Ministries
28 Community Events
Yolanda Adams Her journey through her music
34 Shelter Plus 35 Shelter Workshops 44 We Care
Departments 13 Youthful Expressions for the Generations 8 Words of Inspiration 53 Pastors Corner
Issue 4
Destiny Magazine
check us out on the web: or call and advertise with us today 877-218-4247 WWW.DESTINYMAG.ORG
Churches Outreach Network Who We Are Pastor Rodney Coles Sr., who is the Pastor and Founder of the Children of God in Christ Church, located in Greenville, NC, founded Churches Outreach network in the fall of 2007 when he had a vision to share with the people of God. That vision was for a group of Faith leaders from different Churches, Ministries, and Organizations to come together, as one, and form the organization Churches Outreach Network. Churches Outreach Network a public nonprofit 501© 3 organization, went on a mission to bring leaders together as one group to outreach in the community, and to help bring people that do not know Jesus closer to him. We help organizations who have a vision to begin a ministry, and are just getting established learn how to do outreach, as well as work with those who are already established. Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. and the members of Churches Outreach Network are very dedicated to servicing the community. Some of the community organizations they are involved in, and help with would include: The Joy Soup Kitchen, Hope of Glory Ministries, Pitt Community College, Martin Pitt’s annual Kid’s Fest, Toys for tots, Strive, Greenville Shelter, Pitt DSS (One Child One Church Program), Building Hope community life center, Communities In Schools, Benefit Bank of North Carolina, Greenville Housing Authority, and many others where they need us. They also have some programs of their own which they have formed. They are: Churches Outreach Network Broadcast, WCMS1 Radio Station, Destiny Magazine, Churches Outreach Network monthly newsletter, Praise Dance team: Glorify the King Praise Dance Ministry, Life changing boys to men, Action Digital Photography club, Ministry services at University Towers (where different Pastors, Ministers, and Evangelists give the message), Emergency food drive, & Food
drive through the NC Food Bank, weekly food drive at University Towers, We Care program at the Greenville Community Shelter, What about the Children Ministry program, Faith Media broadcast, and the Christian Leadership training program. Many Ministries and Organizations are members of Churches Outreach Network. As a member their benefits would include: Ministry growth, passing out pocket bibles to the community, resource connections & networking with the other Ministries that are a part of Churches Outreach Network. We advertise your news and events on the website resource page, advertise your information on the monthly Television broadcast, the monthly newsletter, Destiny magazine, the events page of the website, and via email to other members of Churches Outreach Network. We are also on face book. As a member you will also receive at your request a website at a discounted price. Some of the ministries/ organizations who are members of Churches Outreach Network are: United Gospel Community Choir, Sisters Keepers, Inc., Need a Ride transportation, Ernest Silver Music Inc/Silver Consulting Service, Faith Center Outreach Ministries, Farmville Community Outreach Kitchen, Deliverance Back to God Revival Center, Deliverance Network Fellowship, Transforming Word of Truth Ministries, Compassionate Faith Outreach Ministries, Victory Temple COGIC, and Kingdom Dominion Ministries. We have an application process and require commitment to your organization, members organizations, and Churches Outreach Network, it is not about us…………….It’s about Jesus. With that being said….. Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. is deeply committed to this cause. For further information please visit the website which is wwww.con2007. org, it basically speaks for itself. Be Blessed.
Issue 4
Message from the Editor As we gather this season celebrating Christmas, and the birth of our Lord and Savior, we must stay reminded about the true meaning of Christmas. We buy gifts, we exchange them, we gather together with family and friends, and we travel both near and far, but when we take a moment to reflect on the gift of Jesus on Christmas Day we are Happy, Joyous, Elated, and Excited. We are reminded of our Savior, our King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Jesus is the reason for the season, and without Christmas day we may be too busy in our lives to stop, and to give glory to our King. As we prepare to leave the year 2010, and get ready to go into 2011, let us take a look back at all we have been through in this past year. Our hurts, our sorrows, our joys, our tears. Through it all we are all leaving this year with something new. We passed on what we knew to someone else, and someone else passed on something to us. What a blessing! As we read these pages of Destiny Magazine we will see how two artists use the spirit of music and song to lead their way. We will see how Reverend Jimmie Howell was called to lead a flock of sheep to help prepare their way to glory, and as we will read the story of Deborah Sheppard on what she went through, and how she found her way. We hope you are blessed by the stories and testimonies of this edition, and we want you to share our stories to others so you may be a blessing to them. For comments or feedback, please email
Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. Editors/Staff & Administration Team Editor/Ceo Treasurer Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. Juanita R. Brown Web Designer Pastor Rodney Coles Sr.
Photographer Walter Blackwell
Arts/Graphics Bernandine Cox Kellie
Contributions Writers Public Relations Debra Brown Debra Coles Beverly Kemp Denisha Harris Alyssas Lee CopyrightŠ 2010 Destiny Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written consent from Churches Outreach Network. For reprints, please call (877)218-4247 5
Issue 4
Let’s take a look at the things we do and the words we say that contribute to our traditional holidays On New Years day, Happy New Years is what we say A New Years resolution (a vow) we will make Only to see down the road, that it is one we will break As for me on New Years Day, I thank God for allowing me to see the year end and I praise God for letting me see a new one begin On Easter, Happy Easter is we say One unique thing about Easter is that it always on a Sunday To some folks Easter is Chocolate bunnies, colored eggs and baskets filled with jellybeans So here’s my personal view of what Easter really means It was the day Christ sacrificed His life for you and me He paved the way for us to be sin free On Thanksgiving day, Happy Thanksgiving is what we say Turkey and stuffing may be part of the feast It’s a day that families come together to give thanks Oh boy, do they eat As for me everyday is a day I am grateful to see Because each day is a gift that God unwraps and He gives it to me For Christmas, Merry Christmas is what we say on and before Christmas Day shopping for gifts and decorating a tree ornaments and colorful lights for all to see On Christmas I celebrate my Savior’s birth The precious Lamb that came from Heaven to Earth
What does Christmas mean to me When I was much younger my focus was much different Christmas was about getting gifts and decorating the a real Christmas tree Today, I know it’s about a special event way back in our Christian history It was the day that God gave his only Son, Jesus Christ The Lamb of God, the Chosen One Sent to earth to do for the world what needed to be done Through a blessed event, Jesus was sent The baby Jesus was born in a manger Safe and away from all hurt, harm and danger Three wise men baring their gifts traveled far To get to the manger they followed a star Given an assignment from birth To heal the sick and save the lost With His life He paid the total cost On Christmas Day a song fills the air because of a Gift that God gave because he cared O’ hark the angels sing Love for all is what He was given to bring A gift from God above To represent in the flesh the God of love Precious is the lamb that came to earth to be sacrificed so we would have a chance at the promise of an everlasting life Angels sing a song not about a Christmas tree But the angels sing about a lamb that was born so we all could be free
A perfect gift from God above Sent and given because of God’s love
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life
Issue 4
On a Mission for the King:
Rev. Jimmie Howell and His Destiny Journey
by D. Gayle Harris
You may envision white sandy beaches with crystal clear waters, drenched in the afternoon sun. Others may imagine rolling greens enjoyed on a warm summer day, perfect for 18 holes of a favorite pastime. However, one pictures his retirement, it embodies a lot of rest and relaxation coupled with a healthy dose of doing whatever he wants to do. A fanciful thought for Rev. Jimmie Howell who had much the same vision that anyone would have after working tirelessly to build a successful career and ready to enjoy some down time. Yet, a thought is all it is—at least for the present. He has a greater desire that he must fulfill before he enjoys those white sandy beaches or even those rolling greens. He has a call to fulfill a mission, to fulfill a destiny. Rev. Howell is the Pastor of St. Matthews Baptist Church of Manhattan, New York. He is the seventh child born to the late Deacon George Howell, and Deaconess Evelina Howell of Cross, SC. He graduated from Central High School in 1966, and earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Clafin University in Orangeburg, South Carolina in 1971. After graduation from college, Pastor Howell relocated to New York where he joined St. Matthews. “I’ve been there every since,” proclaims Pastor Howell. With an astuteness acquired from proven leadership and a gentleness characteristic of a patient teacher, Pastor Howell recounts the journey from his early years in the church at his home in South Carolina to his grounding in his new home at St. Matthews in New York. “I worked actively in St. Matthews as a member of the Senior Choir, as a Trustee, and as a Deacon before being licensed to preach in October of 1991,” states Pastor Howell. “I’ve been a member of this church for almost 40 years.” During this time, Pastor Howell cultivated a successful career in the health profession. He worked for the New York City Health and Hospital Corporation from 1971 to 1999 before retiring from Harlem Hospital as Deputy Executive Director of Finance/Chief Financial Office in July 16, 1999. “I worked my way up through the ranks,” asserts Pastor Howell. And, indeed, anyone else would be satisfied with a successful career, a loving home life, and beautiful church home for which many years of committed service were dedicated. Nevertheless, Pastor Howell has a deep and true desire to not only preach the Gospel but teach the Word of God to the people of God. So much so, that he earned his Master of Professional Studies Degree from New York Theological Seminary in 2000.
“I believe that people need to get away from tradition,” states Pastor Howell. “I want to Issue 4 WWW.DESTINYMAG.ORG
empower people with the Word of God.” In fact, he believes that church goers must learn what the Word of God says and learn how to apply it to their daily lives. Furthermore, Christianity should not be a dead ritual that encompasses what you learned from your parents or a cycle of what has always been. He believes we must go beyond what we have always known, and reach down in the Word, get to know it for ourselves, and allow its transforming power to bring life to our living. And living was what Pastor Howell intended on doing after finishing his career in the health profession. His days at St. Matthews and New York City were loved, but Pastor Howell had one desire after retirement—to go back home. In 2000, he and his wife, Deaconess Almeta Howell, began putting the wheels in motion to return to Cross, SC by building their dream home. A beautiful masterpiece, the two were prepared for the journey south when Pastor Howell received a phone call. “Rev. Dr. John J. Sass, the Pastor of St. Matthews at the time, had passed away,” explained Pastor Howell. “The church was in need of someone to take the leadership role until a permanent leader could be found, and they chose me.” A son of the church he was soon to Pastor, Rev. Howell became Supply Pastor for St. Matthews until formerly elected as the permanent pastor in December of 2001. Thinking back, Pastor Howell remembered the conversations he had with God in his efforts to make the decision to stay or go. Though he loved St. Matthews, it was not a part of his plan to remain in the New York area. After all, a beautiful house in South Carolina was ready for him to move into the same year he was called to become the Supply Pastor. Nevertheless, the passage of scripture found in Isaiah 55:8 never rang more true from him than at this time. God’s thoughts were certainly not his thoughts, and God’s ways were certainly not his ways. But, as always, God knows best. “God told me it was my house or His House,” described Pastor Howell. With options like that, it was really no option at all. As Pastor, Rev. Howell has been busy shepherding the flock that the Lord has given to him. The congregation has grown; the believers are taught the Word of God through in-house seminars for leaders and members; various ministries such as the Deacons, Deaconesses, and Trustees have attended seminars held at other sites, and four choir members have attended Hampton University Ministers and Choir Directors Conference paid for by the church for the first time; and attendance in Bible Study and Prayer Meeting has tripled. A crowning jewel of the church is the Soup Kitchen Ministry. Several members assist in this ministry by preparing and serving meals to the community, which has now increased to over 150 plus people on Wednesdays. They are able to do this only by the goodness of God and the good members of St. Matthews' because they are not receiving any funds from outside agencies. The Soup Kitchen has been open for seven years. The many accomplishments of Pastor Howell and St. Matthews are surely only the beginning. A far cry from the R&R many hope to enjoy during their retirement years, Pastor Howell is committed in his quest to share the wonderful news of Jesus Christ Our Lord. I can imagine Pastor Howell shares the sentiments of the great song writer who wrote: I am on a mission for the King, Yes I am. He told me to smile, And He told me to sing. But, I can’t stand around here Doing my own thing For, I’m on a Mission for the King. WWW.DESTINYMAG.ORG
Issue 4
Youthful Expressions For The Generations
When December comes it’s the think the easiest way to define it is to
start of a massive gift-giving trend. say “A style that is created and then Christmas in America is traditionally followed by others” In my opinion the celebrated as a time to give and receive biggest trend created is Christmas. I gifts. In actuality it is to celebrate the think it is because no where is it written birth of Jesus. Many people feel they that we must exchange gifts with others, have to spend a ridiculous amount of and spend ridiculous amounts of money money to give someone one day of a on one day”. Christmas is actually the happiness. Everyday should be a day annual festival of the Christian Church you make someone or yourself happy. commemorating the birth of Jesus: It is not just by physical gifts, but also celebrated on December 25, and now by random acts of kindness. When you generally observed as a legal holiday, are kind to someone it might change his and an occasion for exchanging gifts. or her whole outlook on life. We never It was all changed and turned into a day know what a person is going through, where people forget the true meaning. and you might have prevented someone Actually, if we began to celebrate from doing something dangerous just Christmas for its true meaning it would by being kind. We don’t know how far create a big media store and cause a little kindness can go. Being kind to companies to lose out on their biggest someone may start a chain reaction of sale day. Some don’t know that no good kindness that can be amazing.
deed goes unpunished, and if we start doing at least one good deed a day we
It is crazy how trends start, and could create an overall better world for
how much it affects our lives. The word the future. trend has six different definitions, but I 13
Issue 4
Kingdom Dominion Ministries Greenville Apostle Barbara J. McKay – Overseer
Church Theme:
We are kingdom citizens striving to carry out our kingdom purpose and destiny with excellence!
Weekly Services
City Hotel & Bristol – Landmark & S.W. Greenville Blvd. Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Spiritual Development Thursday – 7:00 p.m. School of Ministry ( starting February 7, 2011) Sunday – 3:00 p.m. Kingdom Feast WWW.DESTINYMAG.ORG
Issue 4
CON Broadcast
Bringing Information to the Community
Ernest Silver is an anointed voice of inspiration. He serves as Worship Pastor for Vision Casters in Winterville, NC, where Prophet Rusty Dixon serves as Pastor. He has served as a worship leader for more than 20 years at ministries here in Greenville and Raleigh, NC. . Silver is well-known throughout the music industry for his wonderful blend of gospel and contemporary music which has afforded him the opportunity to travel nationally and internationally. A former member of the North Carolina Central University Touring Choir, Silver has travelled to minister the gospel through song in Trinidad-Tobago and the Dominican Republic. He most recently appeared on WRAL Spiritual Awakening, a gospel program which airs throughout the state of NC every Sunday morning. Silver began singing at the age of five in his mother’s senior choir at Plumbline Holy Church in Enfield, NC. His father played the guitar and was the church musician for over 40 years. Growing up in a family of Christian musicians naturally expanded Silver’s desire to become a minister of music. Silver has heard God’s call echoing in his heart and soul for many years and has answered with his first CD recording of “My Calling.” The CD is a wonderful blend of contemporary and spiritual classics. One song written by Silver aptly titled, “There Is A Calling,” explains in lyrical detail why he feels he must fulfill his destiny. His classic arrangement of “His Eye Is On The Sparrow” is the most requested song in Silver’s repertoire. View his music at Silver, an MBA graduate of ECU, is married to Charlene Silver and together they have four children, Ryan 17, Sean 14, Carlee 8 and Abby 6.
Issue 4
Music, Inc.
PO Box 342, Winterville NC, 28590 (252) 717-1686
Issue 4
Transforming Word of Truth Ministries, Greenville, North Carolina Pastor Heather D. Rhodes A Bible Based Teaching Ministry founded upon II Timothy 2:15. Our Mission is to show the compassion of Christ to the world through God’s love. Jeremiah 31:3-4 Our Vision is to empower and transform men, woman, and children with the infallible Word of God. To arm them with tools needed to present themselves a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God. Romans 12:1
Pastor Rhodes teaches offers a variety of workshops for Kingdom Building! For more information regarding the Ministry or to contact Pastor Heather Rhodes please call 252-679-6577 or Email –
Issue 4
Joyce Jones
Joyce. C. Jones is employed by LIFE of NC
Inc. She is the Executive Director of a nationally recognized Employment Training Program called STRIVE, which stands for Support Training Results in Valuable Employees. This is the first program of its kind in the state of North Carolina. She previously worked with the North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services as a Human Resources Placement Specialist. Joyce has nearly 25 years of experience in human services working with special populations, including developmentally disabled, ex-offenders, disadvantaged youth, and the unemployable. She has expertise in community education and community collaborations.
Joyce has held many positions on local and regional boards and committees including the
Pitt/Greenville Chamber of Commerce, North Carolina Society of Human Resources Managers, Pitt Area Transit Board, Pitt County Work First Planning Committee, City of Greenville Affordable Loan Committee, and the Region Q Workforce Development Job-Link Committee. She also serves on the STRIVE National Steering Committee, which governs nineteen (14) other sites across the United States, London, England and Israel.
Joyce is a native of Martin County, raised on
her family’s farm where she was taught family values and hard work. She has resided in Greenville, NC
Issue 4
When asked what motivates her to be
service driven. Mrs. Jones responded with: “Coupled with my daddy’s wisdom and God’s gift of service, I learned early on what giving and hard work really means. I just want to be a servant to God’s people. My daddy had a saying that he would always share with his children, and I live by those words today. He since 1975. She is a person who loves God and
loves helping God’s people. Joyce is an active
member of Cornerstone Missionary Baptist
Church, where she serves as President of the
Deaconess Ministry, Chairperson of the Family
Life Center Business Planning Committee,
to be all that: a wonderful wife, mother,
Sunday School Teacher and was one of three
grandmother, servant, sister, aunt, friend,
coordinators during the Hurricane Floyd
recovery efforts in 1999.
trailblazer, motivator, and blessed child of
the Most High God. We’re thankful for her
She is an alumnus of Winston Salem
State University of Winston- Salem, NC. Joyce
Mrs. Joyce C. Jones has proven
never-ending attitude of service!
has been married for 28 years to Henry Robert Jones, and they have one son, Specialist/E-4, Emmanuel “Chance” Jones, of the United States Army stationed at Fort Lee, Petersburg, VA. She is also the devoted grandmother to one grandchild, little Emmanuel Chance Jones, Jr.
Joyce has given her all to help empower
citizens by promoting lifestyle changes for families and communities. She encourages health and wellness, intellectual and spiritual development, and financial independence. 23
Issue 4
Issue 4
Deborah Sheppard was raised in Snow Hill, NC. She is 1 of 13 children. Throughout her childhood, Deborah endured her share of hardships. At the tender age of 5, her father left the home, leaving her mom to take on both parental roles. “Many days we did not know where our next meal was coming”, Deborah stated. During that time Deborah also suffered sexual abuse for the next few years. It was her faith in God that got her through her childhood and adolescent years. She graduated with honors from Greene Central High School and went on to become a student at East Carolina University. It was there where she met the guy who turned her life upside down. “We met my junior year”, Deborah stated. “Everything was rushed but that was ok because I felt as though I had met my prince charming.” “As time went on and the ‘honeymoon phase’ was over, he turned into a MONSTER.” “During many arguments I would be beaten senseless. The attacks went from being slapped, punched, choked, to having a loaded Smith and Wesson pointed to my head”, as Deborah remembers. During this time Deborah also caught her share of STDs from her abuser and had an unwanted pregnancy that lead to an abortion, which left Deborah depressed for years. Deborah was a victim of Domestic Violence for 3 years. As a survivor she has
made it her mission to spread awareness on this epidemic and save one life at a time. Deborah is now the author of her first book entitled, HURT NO MORE: What Victims & Abusers Should Know About Domestic Violence. “HURT NO MORE is a self help guide for victims and abusers”, Deborah stated. The book tackles hidden issues that contribute to Domestic Violence such as child abuse, low self-esteem, generational curses and approval addiction. Deborah is also the founder of VICTIMIZE ME NO MORE. This organization provides services to victims and their families. This organization provides information on where to receive counseling, locating shelters, advocates etc. She will also be working with community leaders, law enforcement to put on fundraisers and community forums to promote awareness. Deborah speaks at a number of events, sharing her story as well as informing her audience on the services that VICTIMIZE ME NO MORE provides. For Booking Info Contact Deborah Sheppard at or call (252) 714-0969
Issue 4
Release Date: November 2010 BOOK SYNOPSIS: Domestic Violence is a heartbreaking epidemic that has been plaguing our nation for generations. It is a lifestyle that is hard to live and has both the abusers and victims caught up in a strong hold of pain. Domestic Violence does not discriminate and leaves a shattered trail of women, men, young, old, rich, poor, and all races in its path of disaster. As a survivor of Domestic Violence, Deborah Sheppard has made it her mission to spread awareness on this epidemic, one life at a time. Hurt No More is a selfhelp guide for both victims and abusers. This book tackles hidden issues that contribute to Domestic Violence such as child abuse, low self esteem, generational curses and approval addictions The author’s prayers is that this book will open readers eyes to the truth behind this plague. THE CYCLE STOPS HERE!!!
Introducing the Launching of my Non-Profit Organization: VICTIMIZE ME NO MORE Founder: Deborah J. Sheppard Date Founded: September 2009 Mission Statement: Victimize Me No More, helps shed light on the Domestic Violence epidemic. Victimize Me No More will provide services to victims and their families. This will be done by providing them with information on where to receive counseling, locating shelters, advocates and a number of other services. Founder, Deborah Sheppard speaks at a number of events, sharing her personal story with domestic violence, as well as informing her audience on the services Victimize Me No More provides. The founder will teaming up with community leaders and law enforcement to be put on fundraiser events and community forums to promote awareness. For more information on Victimize Me No More, contact Deborah Sheppard at 27
Issue 4
Contra Dance Jan 8 7:30 PM
Location: Greenville Masonic Temple 7pm instruction and dancing 7:30pm-10pm.
Jan 13 7:00 PM Location: ECU/ A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall
Four Seasons Chamber Music Festival Jan 14 8:00 PM
Location: ECU/ A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall
A Choral Festival, A Message and Reflection Jan 16 4:00 PM
Location: Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Church An interfaith communities service honoring and celebrating the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Community Unity Breafast
Ballroom Dancing Jan 22 8:00 PM Location: The Zone
Jan 17 7:30 AM Location: ECU/ Murphy Center An annual celebration designed to recognize diversity and unity within the community.
Location: St. James United Methodist Church
Salsa Dance
Jan 26 12:00 PM
Jan 21 7:30 PM
Jan 27 8:00 PM
Location: Masonic Temple
Location: ECU/ McGinnis Theatre Quick moving and colorful, this annual dance concert has something for everyone. Graceful ballet, electrifying modern, percussive tap, hot jazz dance styles are all represented in choreography by the dance faculty and special guest artists.
Jazz at Christinne Jan 21 8:00 PM
Location: Hilton Greenville
Issue 4
Lying in State Jan 28 7:00 PM
Location: Music Academy of Eastern Carolina The state senator dies from a gun accident, which make him into a national hero. This madcap comedy is about love, politics and things not being what they seem to be.
30th Annual School of Music Scholarship Gala Jan 29 6:00 PM
Location: Rock Springs Center
Lying in State
Jan 30 2:00 PM
Jan 31 8:00 PM
Location: Music Academy of Eastern Carolina The state senator dies from a gun accident, which make him into a national hero. This madcap comedy is about love, politics and things not being what they seem to be.
Location: ECU/ McGinnis Theatre Quick moving and colorful, this annual dance concert has something for everyone. Graceful ballet, electrifying modern, percussive tap, hot jazz dance styles are all represented in choreography by the dance faculty and special guest artists.
Jan 30 2:00 PM
Location: ECU/ McGinnis Theatre Quick moving and colorful, this annual concert has something for everyone. Graceful ballet, electrifying modern, percussive tap, hot jazz dance styles are all represented in choregraphy by the dance faculty and special guest artists.
Issue 4
Yolanda Adams
Yolanda Adams has accomplished what few singers before her have ever achieved: The ability to attract fans from all walks of life without ever straying from the intricate roots that nurtured her Grammy winning voice in the first place. The cornerstone of her amazing career so far 1999’s platinum-plus, award winning Elektra Records debut, Mountain High Valley Low (Yolanda once described it as her coming-out album’) established her as an undisputed gospel siren one of the key figures of the genre’s bold renaissance. Yolanda’s impressive musical range and undeniable charisma helped liberate gospel music’s more formal, traditional image. She’s also displayed the kind of vocal immediacy and vulnerability possessed by few pop singers. Her show stopping October 2001 performance of the classic song “Imagine,” on TNT’s Come Together: A Night For John Lennon as well as her performances on Oprah, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The View and countless others, sealed her reputation as gospel’s most transcendent ambassador. Honored with an incredible array of awards within the last 2 years alone, including 2000’s Grammy award for Best Contemporary Soul Gospel Album, five Stellar Awards, two Soul Train Lady Of Soul Awards, and five NAACP Image Awards, Yolanda followed up with last year’s holiday gift to to her fans, Christmas With Yolanda Adams, and 2001’s acclaimed live album, The Experience. Now, after intense collaboration with some of the most revered producers working today, Yolanda steps back into the arena with her first collection of new material in three years _ the incredible 12-song masterpiece _Believe. “I always get asked the same question,” says Yolanda, who takes an appreciative but modest attitude in regard to her ever-widening audience. “’Will you get tired of gospel?’ ‘Is there a temptation to do something else?’ My answer has always been the same. No way. I’m a gospel artist. There’s no confusion about that. I like to sings songs that in the end touches everybody. There’s a humanity to these songs that gets in your blood.” Believe runs deep with that humanity. Emboldened by another lineup of great producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, (who also produced her multi-format smash hit “Open My Heart” which spent most of 2000 at #1 on Billboard’s gospel and Contemporary Christian charts), Shep Crawford, Kevin Bond, Mike City, Warryn Campbell and Buster & Shavoni - Yolanda raises the musical bar on this one, strengthening her own formidable song writing skills to meet the challenges she places on herself. “I like to work with great people because it makes me work harder,” she says. Yolanda points out that working with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis was a long awaited reunion. The superstar duo helms three songs on the new disc “I’m Gonna Be Ready,” “Never Give Up,” WWW.DESTINYMAG.ORG
Issue 4
and the album’s in-your-face closer, “I’m Thankful.” Through The Storm, netted Yolanda several Stellar The angelic, inspiring “Never Give Up” shines as one Awards, and 1995’s R&B flavored, award winning of Yolanda’s most tender ballads, singing heartfelt More Than A Melody would establish her as a force to be reckoned with gospel or otherwise. The latter disc lines such as: /Keep the dream alive don’t ever let garnered Yolanda her first Soul Train Lady Of Soul it die./ “It was a joy to write. Getting together with Jimmy and Terry was like having a reunion with your Award, as well as her first Grammy nomination. Yolanda also began to establish herself as one big brothers,” she says. “They have such great spirit of the genre’s most sought after live attractions. Her and heart. I believe we’ll be collaborating for the rest incredible performances would soon become legendary of my career. When we get together, it’s so natural, it’s like OK, I have this title - I have this verse - what do throughout the entire music industry. Her 1996 album Yolanda Live In Washington furthered her reputation as you have?’” On Believe, Yolanda switches musical gears a one-of-a-kind performer, and landed her yet another from song to song with an amazing ability to complement Stellar Award and another Grammy nomination. But it each producer’s unique style. She talks about some was the ground breaking Elektra debut, Mountain High Valley Low that would change Yolanda’s life forever. of the diverse ingredients on Believe. “There’s Mike A veritable testament to Yolanda’s tremendous City (“A Song Of Faith,” “Unconditional”) who is faith, it was also a nod to her incredible musical very good with taking risks, he’s a young cat who you know is going to bring some real progressive ideas,” savvy. Enlisting producers such as Keith Thomas and the above-mentioned Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, she says. “And then Yolanda saw the move to Elektra as a chance to expand you have someone like her reach without “watering down” her message. Only Shep Crawford (“I Gotta Believe,” “Fo’ Sho”) who her seventh album, it captured the amazing potential of Yolanda without sacrificing her commitment to God. lets you get in there and Said one rave review: “Much of the album recalls really express yourself.” Stevie Wonder or Bob Marley, where spirituality is at The latter song features a the center but it doesn’t limit the musical expression.” duet with gospel legend The album spawned a host of sold out tours, and recently signed Elektra artist Karen Clarke such as her Sisters In The Spirit Tour (with gospel Sheard of the Clarke superstars Shirley Caesar, Mary Mary and Angela Christie), from which her live CD, The Experience, Sisters. “I have been a was born. There was no doubt that Yolanda’s inventive, fan of hers since I was 11 years old,” says Yolanda. “I was so thrilled that she could contribute something unforgettable performances were attracting new and to this record. It’s so wonderful when you have the old fans alike. Despite all the accolades Yolanda’s crowning opportunity to actually show your appreciation to one of your influences.” Yolanda’s incredible rise has been achievement was the birth of her baby girl, Taylor about honoring those influences, but also never being Ayanna. Says Yolanda about that ‘experience’: “You really don’t know what love is until you have a child. afraid to - as she puts it - “spread my wings.” Her road to the top of the musical mountain’ No matter how tired I am after a show or how distracted has been filled with the kind of conviction that now I might be after a long recording session - all I have to causes a new generation of singers to cite her as an do is see her little smile and I know everything is right influence. A former schoolteacher and avid church in the world.” With the completion of her greatly anticipated singer, the Houston Texas native - and the eldest of six album, Believe, she is again excited by the prospects of siblings - diligently pursued a singing career. She caught the eye of prolific composer/ sharing her new music with the world. producer Thomas Whitfield, who helmed her first-ever record with the prophetic title, Just As I Am, in 1987. Source: It wasn’t too long before the young singer was drawing Yolanda-Adams-Biography/C05F140E80104A6F4825 comparisons to Aretha Franklin. Subsequent albums (on gospel labels Verity and Tribute), including 1991’s 6B220012D437 31 Issue 4 WWW.DESTINYMAG.ORG
Issue 4
Issue 4
Issue 4
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Destiny Magazine Toll free 1-877-218-4247 or (252) 902-4137 Order online today at
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The Evidence Church Victory Temple Church of God in Christ 116 Country Club Road, PO Box 514 Windsor, NC 27983 Websites: and (252) 558-0988 Email:
Pastor Gary L Cordon, Sr. 1st Lady Chris B. Cordon Sunday Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM Wed. Bible Studies - 7:30 PM Daily Prayer Mon. - Fri 12-10 PM & Sat. 8-9:00 AM
“U” are missing from CH _ RCH! Come Worship and Grow with us! WJPI Gospel 1470 AM Radio Station 126 Water Street
Cheryl Young, General Manager
Plymouth, NC 27962 Email:
(252) 217-7819
Enroll in THE EVIDENCE BIBLE INSTITUTE for a solid Bible education. Learn the Word of God with us! Enroll today! Call or email for more information. Email: (252) 558-0988
Issue 4
R.I.M.E “On Beat For Success”
Project R.I.M.E. MISSION: is to provide an opportunity for individuals to develop their musical talents while challenging them to achieve success culturally, socially, and personally.
Responsible Individuals Musically Empowered Founder/CEO Master Coach Samuel L Speight Jr. is a husband, Father, Family Advocate, Author, Motivational Speaker, and a Musician, Song Writer/composer. He understands the issues and challenges individuals face in communities today and he believes that it is his destiny to help others to identify their potential. He uses his creative artistic musical skills and abilities to engage individuals and encourage them to redirect their thinking empowering them through non-traditional education. He speaks from the heart with passion and from personal experiences and believes that “Anyone can become successful once they identify what success looks like on them!”
History: RIME , which is a acronym for Responsible Individuals Musical Empowered was formed in 2004 by its founder Samuel L Speight Jr.. The initial concept started in 2001 when Samuel worked as a substitute teacher at an alternative school with at-risk youth. Looking for an entry point to engage in conversation with the youth, Samuel went back to his roots as a musician and discovered that talking about music was the perfect connection to find common ground with many of the hardest to serve youth. That same year Samuel was received the substitute teacher of the year award and was recognized for his unique ability to connect with at-risk youth. Throughout the follow years Samuel utilized the concept of connecting with individuals utilizing music by coordinating music workshops, private music lesson, music concert and developing musical teams for churches and communities organizations. In the spring of 2004 Samuel fully implemented the RIME concept by starting a youth component that allowed youth to receive private music lesson and
recording session to complete their senior project. The initiation of Project RIME expanded from serving just at risk youth to now serving individuals that have musical talents but are in need of mentorship with finding their unique destiny in the music arena. Today Project RIME has become a music program recognized for its unique ability to create opportunities for individuals to achieve success musically, culturally, socially, and personally.
Services Focus-Up: Church Music Ministry Empowerment Workshops • Praise and Worship Team Training • Musician Training • Christian leadership Training • Event Planning Coordination Discover YOU: personal and social develop workshops /Counseling and Consultant • Personal Development • Goal Setting • Self- Assessment • Relationship Enrichment Youth After School Music Program • Music Instrumental Lesson • Drama Classes • Character Education Session • Fashion Shows • Recording Session • Step Shows • Comedy Shows WHAT EACH PARTICIPANT RECEIVES: • RIME T-Shirt • Identification Card • Certificate • Graduation
Samuel Speight at (252) 714-5994
Issue 4
We Care Program Greenville Community Shelter in partnership with
Churches Outreach Network
will begin a program entitled We Care. This program will focus on helping people who temporarily reside in the shelter.We will work with different agencies and their liaisons. They are: Joyce Jones, Marcella Perkins, Ernis Lee, Don Rogers, and Paula White, who are also partners with us. Each individual participating will be part of a (3) Week program. The program will focus on Continuing education, Workshops; Job training, Job assistance, assistance with job placement, assistance with Housing, and many others. This program will begin on April 5, 2010. We are available to assist you. For more information please contact Marcella S. Perkins at (252) 752-0829, or Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. at (252) 902-4137.
Issue 4
Issue 4
Senior Pastor Rodney Coles Sr Teaching and Preaching The word of God HOSEA 4:6 My People are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Email Pastor Rodney Coles Sr Website Telephone 252 902-4137 47
Issue 4
Deliverance Network Fellowship P.O. Box 3 0 8 8 2 Greenville, NC 27833 w w w. D N F 2 0 1 0 . o r g
Dear Network Partner; Deliverance Network Fellowship was birthed in Apostle Charles Covil with the mission to see churches come together for spiritual growth and fellowship. Through divine connection Apostle Covil and Pastor Rodney Coles have joined together to present to the Body of Believers a network that not only joins churches together in fellowship but provides training for the Body of Believers as well.
The Deliverance Network Fellowship offers: • Monthly fellowship services amongst network churches • Resources provided by Churches Outreach Network • The resource for financial growth and stewardship • Discipleship Classes, Workshops, Seminars and more • Pastoral Sharing Sessions • Transportation
The Deliverance Network Fellowship requires: • An application and an application fee of $25.00 • A monthly assessment of $25.00 or $300.00 per year • An interview with the Network Council • Attendance at monthly meetings On assignment from the Lord, Deliverance Network Fellowship is committed to bringing restoration through fellowship to the Body of Christ. If you are interested and feel that this network is for you, please fill out the application and return it to the address listed above to the attention of Pastor Heather Rhodes.
God Bless you and we look forward to worshipping with you. Yours In Christ, Apostle Charles Covil Apostolic Overseer 49
Issue 4
Pastor Rodney Coles, Sr. Executive Director WWW.DESTINYMAG.ORG
Pastor HeatherRhodes Executive Administrator
Victor Speight
Born in the city of “Washington DC”, but plucked out by an old lady which is my grandmother, Clyde Speight, to be hiding in the back country of North Carolina. Inspired by my grandfather, singing that ole school traditional gospel that sooth the soul, I got involved with the youth choir of a small church., (Browns Chapel FWB) As I aged into the teenage years, I ventured out into some R & B, Rap, Soul and country music. I knew my destiny was in music but I didn’t know what gender. After high school singing with choirs, school chorus, and bands, I jumped in the quartet arena. In the south that was the hottest thing around. After singing with many groups, I formed my own, “The Endtime Messengers”. In 1998, we recorded our first cd project, “Just God”, and then another one in 2002, “About Our Father’s Business”. We attended The Gospel Classic, “Luther Barnes” in Rocky Mt, NC, and The National Quartet Convention in Alabama, “George Stewart”, and won many awards in both, but in my heart there was something more. I was introduced to praise and worship in 1995, but didn’t take it seriously until years later. I knew about God but really didn’t know him. Praise and worship took the focus off me and others and put it on him (God himself). So, I decided to pursue a career and just do praise and worship in a local church.
Finishing my schooling with a online company, I received my diploma. Then I took a course to get certified with the AACC. (American Association of Christian Counselors) Some coursed that I completed is “Marriage Works”, and “Healthy Sexuality”. In the process of school, I started my own business, “Vicks Tile Co”. For fourteen years. I employed many and have been very successful, but still wasn’t fulfilled in my heart of what my purpose was in the earth. Music became more than just a performance and a thrill. It became a lifestyle to me. I can’t live without it. Now I have a one person audience, God. I trust him for every breath I breadth, every day I live, and every song I sing. It all about him now. This latest solo project, “the Journey,” tells the story of my life, “From Him to Him,”. We all are on a Journey, and I believe that worship is the end of the journey for us all. To me, life has been a venture of ups and downs, and good and bad, and sad and glad, but God has always been there for me. Let me worship or let me die. My purpose which I know now is to lead people into God’s presence and worship God in spirit and in truth. He promise all things would be added if we seek the kingdom of God first. I feel my journey was kind of like David in the Bible. From a young boy God kept him on the backside of the desert until an appointed time. So, was I kept on the backside of Carolina’s country roads. grooming me for these end times to usher in God’s presence. The last leg of my journey is now a hand, and I will do it with all my might. Come join the Journey. Praise and Worship God to his face. True worship is what we are here for. “From Him” “back to Him”. Amen
Issue 4
2011 Christian Leadership Training Workshop Dates: Orientation 1 January 12, 2011 Session 1: January 22, - March 5, 2011 Orientation 2 March 5, 2011 Session 2: April 2, - May 14, 2011 Orientation 3 August 8, 2011
Workshop Titles Include but not limited to: How to Be a Disciple of Jesus Christ I Am a Creation of God Discovering Your Purpose Here On Earth The Role of the Adjutant Ministerial Hospitality The Importance of Praise & Worship The Worshiping Arts Understanding & Operating In the Prophetic Ministry The Difference between a Musician and a Minister of Music
And many more….
Session 3: September 16, - October 22, 2011
All Sessions are 7 weeks. Registration - $25.00 Tuition Cost - $175.00 All Books & Materials Included. Certifications are given at the end of the course
For more information and to reserve your seat, please call Pastor Heather Rhodes at 252-679-6577. Seating is Limited
Pastor Rodney Coles Churches Outreach Network
Issue 4
Pastor Heather Rhodes Transforming Word of Truth Ministries
Minister Samuel Speight Destiny Connections, Inc.
Issue 4
What is Faith? By: Pastor Rodney Coles Sr Children Of God in Christ Church
Faith is believing that God can and he will do. Faith comes from hearing the word of God. In Romans: 10:17, it says so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. My belief is that most people do not have faith, but fear. In order to hear the word of God, it must be preached through a preacher. Teaching explains the word of God, and Preaching proclaims the word of God. The bible states in Hebrews 11:6 But without Faith it is impossible to please him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. You have to have more that just Faith, you, must have work with your Faith. The bible also states in the book of James 2:20 Faith without work is dead. We must show our work. In James 2:24, you see that a man is justified by work and not by faith only; we must show love and compassion as we walk in Faith. The bible tells us in the book of 1st Corinthians 13:2 you can have all the Faith, so that I 53
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could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. Walk in Love, walk in truth. The bible tells us in John 8:32 you should know the truth, and the truth should make you free. In order to have truth you must walk in truth. In 2nd Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding, knowing that Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith.