Destiny 2012

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For more information on how to expand the reach of your ministry ~ contact Keisha Supel at or 252.717.9133

Churches Outreach Network Presents the

“We Care Program�

The We Care program is a program at the Greenville Community Shelter sponsored by Churches Outreach Network. It is a program geared to helping people who temporarily live inside the shelter, live in the community, and come out of the detention center, obtain the skills they need to better their lives. It is a four-week program for each group of participants focused on continuing education, Housing services, Job placement assistance, Rental Assistance, VA Assistance, Disability assistance, training, and more. Agencies in the community have partnered with us to offer assistance. They are: Greenville Community Shelter, Pitt Community College, Greenville Housing Authority, Pats, Pitt Department of Social Services, Martin County Community Action, The Joy Soup Kitchen, and Strive. Classes are taught Mondays, and Wednesday from 8:30am-12:00pm and Fridays from 8:30am-11:30am. Each person in the program will receive a certificate each week for attending classes. We will also be working with agencies to assist them in finding employment. Lunch is served daily at each class session. For additional information on this program, call Mary Tate @ (252) 551-9113


CONTENTS Spring 2012 Edition


6 Message from the Editor


10 Commissioner Melvin McLawhorn Purpose by Design 18 Kirk Franklin Gospel Contemporary Artist 24 Thurmond Sheppard Playing for God’s purpose 32 Joel Olsten Transforming Community by the power of God 38 Clark Stallings God’s Plan Included Him


Commissioner Melvin McLawhorn Purpose by Design

COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTS 3 13 17 22 27 43 47 52 53

We Care Elderly Business Minds Shelter Plus Community Events Hope of Glory Building Hope Angel Cops Strive


Joel Olsten Transforming Community by the power of God


9 Words of Inspiration 14 Youthful Expressions for the generations 20 Destined to Pray 41 The Healthy you 44 The Healthy you Part II 48 Pastor’s Corner 50 World Wide News 51 Christian News

Destiny Magazine check us out on the web: or call and advertise with us today (252) 717-9133

Churches Outreach Network Who We Are Churches Outreach Network is an organization which was founded in 2007 by Pastor Rodney Coles Sr., when he had a vision to outreach in the community with faith based leaders and organizations. The vision of Churches Outreach Network is focused on helping the community with a collaborative effort of other organizations. We outreach to places such as Soup kitchens, Shelters, Senior living centers, Streets, and provide ministry resources and assistance through CON referral services. Programs we offer are: The We Care program which is run by Churches Outreach Network at the Greenville Community Shelter. We provide a four week program for free which focuses on helping those who temporarily reside in the shelter or live in the community to get job training through workshops; job assistance, and housing assistance. Our Children’s Ministry program offers our Action Digital Photography and video club, and What about the Children ministry. The Action digital club offers a free service to children ages 10 and up which is a continued program throughout the year. The program teaches the basic skills of how to point and shoot a camera as well as how to upload pictures. The video program teaches how to create and edit video broadcasts. Our Children ministry program is geared towards basic biblical child programs involving DVD and workbooks followed by art and crafts. We also do health awareness where we offer information on training and workshops to the community on nutrition, food literacy, diabetes, weight checks, prenatal care and other health issues. Our newest ministries are Elderly touch of heart ministry, Business Minds and Faith Media Video on Demand. Elderly Touch of Heart is a ministry to help assist Elderly/disabled persons who do not have the day to day assistance of family members to help care for their needs, and are in need of assistance with simple activities. Business Minds is geared toward working with businesses in the community through business seminars and trainings. We also offer inclusion in a web-based directory, the Business minds television broadcast, the Business minds magazine, and the Business minds E-blast marketing directory and lastly, Faith Media Video on demand services are designed to be a complete solution to your web-related ministry needs. We offer media exposure through traditional broadcast television as well as Christian print publications, Internet radio, Video on Demand and much more. Churches Outreach Network is known throughout many counties through their many works and programs they have participated with or formed. To name some they are: Toys for Tots, CON television broadcast, Destiny magazine, CON network newsletter, Life changing boys to men mentor program, Pitt County Detention Center liaison, Action digital photo and video club, Evangelistic services, Emergency food drive, We care program, What about the children ministry, Business Minds, Faith media broadcast, Christian Leadership training, Pocket Bible testimonials, Resource connecting, Networking, Website service, and Consulting services. Our program and resource information can be viewed on our websites at:,,, and


Message from the Editor Focus on Change. As the year continues to unfold we would like to give God all the Praise, Glory and Honor. We are first committed to God, then our Families, then our Ministries, and everything else follows. Priorities must be in place and order must be upheld. In order for us to know what to do and how we must do it we must do as Jesus said in Matthew 6:33. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Get all your answers from above. If you are ready for a change or you know it is time for change in your life. Then do it! Shifting and focus is good. Look at what you are doing in your life, look at yourself and who you are, this is where change comes from. Look at the man in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Do you like who you are or what you have become? No one can change or save anyone, but you can change and save your-self. As you read articles from Melvin McLawhorn you will see how he has impacted the community through Change. Clark Stallings touches those who are in need the most with Thanksgiving meals through his Matthew 25 project. Thurmond Sheppard changes many lives through his singing of praise and worship and Joel Olsten and Kirk Franklin are both worldwide leaders who send out messages of change through word and song. This magazine is a gift to our readers to receive inspiration, information, and knowledge. Use it as a tool to connect and network. It’s not about Churches Outreach Network, it’s about Jesus! Be Blessed. For comments or feedback please email

Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. Editors/Staff and Administration Team Editor/CEO Photographer Pastor Rodney Coles Sr Walter Blackwell Web Designer Public Relations Keisha Supel Debra Coles Contributing Writers Beverly Kemp Denisha Harris Laquan Rogers Tanya Foreman Dr. Ronnie Lance Toshiba Austin-Smith

Media/Marketing Advertiser Keisha Supel

Copyright © 2010 Destiny Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written consent from Churches Outreach Network. For reprints, please call (252)717-9133




By Beverly Kemp There are things that happen in our lives that we just don’t understand and there are days that don’t go exactly as we plan there are doors that God will open and there are some doors that He will close All of you troubles and heartaches You can rest assured because God knows The load may get heavy, feels like it is more than you can bear But God sends a word to you today My, child I see, I know, I care I am with you when you don’t know what to do I am with you in all that you are going through I am with you when you don’t know what to say I am ever with you, I hear you when you pray I know your thoughts from afar Every moment of the day I know just where you are The secret tears the hidden fears the hurt that within you heart There is one thing that you must know which is, from you I won’t depart There is more to you than you can see I have called you; yes, I have chosen you Your destiny lies with me I am working in your favor I am working out a plan I am shaping and I am molding you I want you to understand I have shielded you with my mercy I have covered you with my grace There is so much I have for you I am taking you to a wealthy place So don’t you give up and don’t you ever give in If you stand on my word, and walk by faith just know that you will win Galatians 6:9 and let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


By: D. Gayle Harris As I listened to Mr. Melvin C. McLawhorn, born and raised in Pitt County, recount his journey of public service, I could not help but smile at the unique yet familiar story. I nodded my head in affirmation when he described the many ways he was drawn to helping others, beginning as a young child and continuing on into adulthood. My sense of knowing grew when I learned of his educational pursuits and career path that perfectly poised him to affect the change he wished to see for the youth and the elderly. Everything I had suspected was solidly confirmed as I viewed the Martin Luther King “I have a Dream” poster, decidedly hanging as a “gatekeeper” to the downstairs study. With this one gesture, Mr. McLawhorn lets everyone that walks through the entryway know that there is a great mind at work. Having the opportunity to interview a number of community leaders, there is a common refrain that provides the harmony for every story: “it is a labor of love.” Many think it absurd to volunteer their time to serve others. The sacrifice of personal time coupled by the often thankless effort required seems too great a cost. However, most who end up in the realm of public service never considered it a decision but a way of life. Like the human cell housing the entire DNA strand for all attributes from the color of our hair to the size of our nose, the Great Designer has destined in all of us an incredible purpose meet for the Master’s use. Some may say it is by happenstance, others may lightheartedly joke that there must be something in the water, but those who are compelled to dedicate their lives to helping others know that it is their purpose by design. “It started when I was a young boy,” explained McLawhorn. “I can remember my mother telling me to go help an elderly lady that lived across the street…constantly she was telling me to go help her do this or do that…it just stayed with me.” As I glance up at the picture hanging on the wall, I recognize the work of local artist Richard Wilson. The painting, aptly titled “Well Trained,” punctuates the blessing of having parents who understand the need to train up a child in the way he should go. The incessant request by his mother to help an elderly neighbor is how Mr. McLawhorn’s desire to help people was allowed expression. Now many would have done what their mother told them and considered it the only way to get out of a whipping. But for Mr. McLawhorn it was fertile training ground. His training continued through high school where he worked in the local grocery store, helping patrons carry their groceries to the car or gladly offering any other services they might need. “I get my energy from people,” declared Mr. McLawhorn. “I love to meet new people; helping my neighbor or meeting people at the grocery store was an opportunity to learn and engage. The more


energy I receive from others, the more I can give.” It is likely his love for people that allowed him to excel early on as a leader. An alumnus of C.M. Eppes High School, Mr. McLawhorn was elected Student Government Association (SGA) president and President of the graduating class of 1966. He also attained the highest honor of the boy scouts by becoming an Eagle Scout. His accomplishments in high school allowed him to go on to become an Aggie at NC A&T State University. I was not surprised when Mr. McLawhorn shared that he was a double Sociology and Political Science major. As a fellow Sociology major, it only makes sense that someone who loves people would pick a major that is the study of society. He would continue on at East Carolina University to receive his Master’s in Guidance and Counseling. After completing an internship in Connecticut, he decided to come back home and marry his middle school (yes, middle school) sweetheart Sandra Jones. At this time, Mr. McLawhorn entered into the professional world, taking on his first position as a middle grades educator. “I did not like teaching,” proclaimed McLawhorn. I did not see that one coming. But the humorous grin that accompanied his proclamation made me know that even with opportunities that are not the best fit, Mr. McLawhorn takes them all in stride. Therefore, when he followed up with the fact that many of the students that he once taught come back to him and thank him for being the best teacher they ever had, I knew that his strong desire to be a role model and impart wisdom made him the best even at something he was less than excited about. Though teaching did not end up being a best fit to express his purposed design, he continued to use his gifts in several positions, including work at East Carolina University, the Walter B. Jones Alcohol and Rehabilitation Center, and the Easton Corporation before ending up at the NC Department of Corrections. “Working for the NC Department of Corrections was very rewarding,” explained McLawhorn. “As a parole officer and even in later positions, it was an opportunity to get individuals on the straight and narrow, to lead them in the right direction.” During his 32 years with the Department, Mr. McLawhorn elevated from parole officer to trainer where he worked with inmates preparing for release. His role was to prepare them for re-entry into the real world by helping them find jobs, a place to live, and most importantly, instilling in them a mind set of responsibility and accountability. Following, he worked for a number of years as an in-house trainer, teaching police officers unarmed self-defense, CPR, and a variety of other safety measures before


becoming supervisor of the training department as the Eastern Region Training Coordinator for the Division of Community Corrections. Though he was a full-time husband and father (Melvin McLawhorn II and Sharon) and full-time professional, Mr. McLawhorn continued to express his love of people and giving by being a community leader and volunteer. Upon returning to Greenville after college, Mr. McLawhorn began his volunteer work with the civil rights organization, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), serving as Vice-President and Chairman of the Board. He also found a home at the Mt. Hermon Masonic Lodge #35—a fraternal organization founded on the precepts of community service, moral uprightness, and brotherhood. Today, he serves as the Past Worshipful Master (President) of the lodge for which he has been associated for over 40 year. His passion for affecting positive social change as exemplified by Dr. King prompted him to take on the responsibility of Chairman for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Spiritual Celebration for 20 years. During that same time, he spear headed the effort to rename a major thoroughfare in Greenville in honor of Dr. King. With his outstanding record of community service and many accomplishments, it is no wonder that in 2001, Mr. McLawhorn was presented with the John R. Larkins Award, the highest award in the State of NC presented by the Governor for human service. The award is given to a person whose efforts to improve communications and relationships between people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds are exceptional. Secretary Theodis Beck, his then Director, praised McLawhorn for “tirelessly promoting the cause of tolerance and understanding between the races.” Governor Easley concurred that the evidence of Mr. McLawhorn’s service in community relations was indeed worthy of commendation. To be recognized for work that is not really work but a lifelong passion causes much satisfaction. So much so that at a time when most would want to slow down and enjoy the grandchildren, Mr. McLawhorn is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, he has accelerated the pace, especially since taking on arguably his most public role yet as Pitt County Commissioner. “I was told for years that I would make a great County Commissioner,” explained Mr. McLawhorn. “When Pastor Randy Royal decided that he would not run for re-election, he endorsed me to take his seat. I won by a landslide over two opponents.” Serving as County Commissioner for almost ten years has been the pinnacle of his career as a leader and public servant. He has enjoyed numerous accomplishments while on the Board, including serving


Elderly Touch of Hearty Ministry

A Program of Churches Outreach Network

Elderly Touch of Heart Ministry, a program of Churches Outreach Network, has partnered with Hope of Glory Ministries.

If you are 62 and older or disabled, or if you are a relative who takes care of someone 62 or older or disabled, then our Elderly touch of Heart Ministry may be what you need.

Our Mission is to assist you or your relative with some of their basic day to day needs and tasks. We send volunteers to you to provide you with all or some of the following services. : Food deliveries weekly or monthly though our CON Food drive, Hope of Glory food drive, or other community agency partners. : Making calls, an example may be to schedule a Doctor Appointment : Request checks from the Sherriff Department of your residence.

We must do all we can to help our elderly for they have paid their price in society. It is now time for us to give back to them. If you think this may be the program for you, contact Pastor Rodney Coles Sr. at (252)902-4137 or visit us at


“Do you know you?” A current problem in this most prevalent society is identity theft amongst teenagers. I deem and diagnose this problem as ubiquitous; this illness is occurring every where at the same time. I am a senior in high school, and through my required educational years of schooling I have always observed people and how they carry themselves. Presently, I have been observing the way people carry themselves. With most careful observations, I realize that a problem has occurred. It seems as if no one person is different. I used to think that I was weird compared to my peers. The question I had to answer within myself was whether or not I was weird or was I just different? I found the answer, because I was not willing to conform, I was just different. As a young person I find as young people, we do not understand that it is ok to be ourselves. This is all because something has crept in and it has stolen our identity. What ever it is, it has a tendency to make the teenager feel as if he or she can not be who they really are. Once the teenager allows this contemplating factor to become a fact, the teenager begins to loose track of themselves. We as teenagers don’t realize that we spend too much of our time trying to prove ourselves to nobody’s, in other words someone who is in the same place or posses the same status as we do. Teens that are allowing their identity to be taken fail to understand that they were born with certain material likes and dislikes. I often ponder as to why someone would spend there time being like someone else who is in the same position, financial status, or stand still that they are in, instead of pursing greater. This society is experiencing what I call the Circular Catastrophe Theory, (CCT). In life a circular catastrophe happens when you continuously do the same thing while getting the same results. Everybody is trying to be like everybody else. Because the television says it’s cool to walk with our pants hanging down we do it. If some rap artists portray that it is cool to go out and lie with the opposite sex, produce a baby, and refuse to produce child support or some kind of financial care, as young people we do it. Our parent’s


wonder why this society is infected with so many homosexuals and lesbians? I would say because we lay down our own personality or inner being and pick up the label of just another person. My peers that have lost their identity have some how forgotten that it’s ok to like a certain color, it’s ok to eat a certain food, it’s ok to actually like going to school, or its ok to be different. Teens that have lost there identity spend so much time making themselves into another person until they find that they lose track of what they where trying to be. As young people this affects our education, communication, and our dedication to education. My fellow peers who are suffering from identity theft seem to forget that education equals success. The bible states, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”, (Hosea 4:6). A quote that God placed in my spirit is, (people suffer from what they do not know).It seems as if my peers think that life is a fairy tale, you just sit back and watch. We don’t realize that disrespecting people is wack, (not cool), and respecting people is breezy, (cool). This is all because parents fail to teach that the next great opportunity could very well be based on how you made some one feel. Once opportunities pass then the next level is the “I wish syndrome”. You may hear, “I wish I had never dropped out of school”, or “I wish I would have listened”. If the truth be told during the process of allowing your identity to be taken, you can not even be like Paul and say, “I’m forgetting those things which are behind me, and I press towards the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 3:13) The problem is that Paul realized that to effectively put things behind you that set you up for failure, you must first know who you are in Christ. In essence Paul basically says, “I’m pressing towards Jesus”. The major premise is, most young people don’t understand who they are in Christ. The minor premise is, young people don’t understand who they are; therefore, the conclusion is, if you don’t know who you are in Christ, then you won’t understand who you are as a person. Take time to answer the ultimate question: Do you know you? I would like to conclude by asking you to remember that this article was focused around teens, but includes everyone as a whole. Know yourself so that you can achieve your divine destiny. To God be all the Glory! Forever in Christ, La’Quon A. Rogers




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Inclusion in web-based directory Advertising on Business MINDS Television Show and Business MINDS Magazine Discounts on Quarterly Workshops and Seminars Discounts on website creation/design Networking opportunities E-blast Marketing

If you have a business and would like to network, expand and/or gain additional business strategies ~ now is the time to connect with Business MINDS. Key elements of operating a successful business include Managing it, Investing time in it, Networking with others, and being Determined to make it Succeed. Thank you for stopping by for our presentation of Business MINDS. For more information contact: Melissa Alston 919.414.9950



If its one thing that Kirk Franklin understands, it is that soul and gospel have always been a part of the same close-knit family. Since the release of his self-titled debut in 1993, Franklin has proved himself a pioneer when he sprinkled a taste of hip-hop in the mix. He changed musical history with the release of his debut album, KIRK FRANKLIN AND THE FAMILY, the first gospel album to sell more than a million units. In his bold attempt to broaden the range of the traditional gospel audience, Kirk Franklin was willing to take heat from the naysayers as long as it didn’t get in the way of delivering the inspired message. After more than 16 years as the top-selling Contemporary Gospel artist, Kirk Franklin shows no signs of slowing down. Many believe the secret to his continued success is rooted in his artistic genius of being innovative, relevant and authentic. To date, the musical trendsetter has garnered seven GRAMMY® Awards; an American Music Award; 35 Stellar Awards; 12 Dove Awards (CCM); five NAACP Awards; 2 BET Music Awards, a Soul Train Award and numerous others. The heart of who Kirk is and his story struck a resounding chord with his fans years ago and they have remained loyal ever since. Kirk has always been transparent about being abandoned by his parents, adopted by his grandmother and his humble beginnings. Kirk has never hid behind his celebrity status but has remained connected to his audience through his music and frank discussions of life issues. After more than 16 years in this industry, I’ve learned so much,” Franklin, says. “I want to take those lessons as well as my own experiences as a man who grew up with one foot in the church and one foot in the streets, and use that to connect with this generation. Reaching young, urban audiences is a key component of Franklin’s vision, and the company’s mission statement reflects Franklin’s commitment: “We’re seeking to creatively impact the world with faith centered, innovative products and services,” he explains. Next month, Franklin resumes hosting the third season of the BET original series, SUNDAY BEST. The entrepreneur not only serves as host of the program, the channel’s nationwide search for the next best gospel artist, but co-executive produces the series. A hugely popular hit with audiences, the program is the network’s first gospel talent competition and garnered the highest ratings

for a gospel show in its history. Fans are eagerly awaiting for Kirk’s new book The Blueprint: A Plan For Living Above Life’s Storms (Gotham/Penguin) in stores May 18; and Kirk is working on his 12th album expected in stores fourth quarter 2010. A devoted husband, Franklin and his wife Tammy have been happily married for 14 years and are proud parents of four children. For more information on Kirk Franklin visit his website at: (Article origination)

What is

The Blueprint About?

Gospel artist Kirk Franklin’s faith wasn’t always as strong as it is today. His father abandoned his family; his mother constantly told Kirk that he was an unwanted child and left him to be adopted when he was four; his sister became a crack addict; he never saw a black man who was faithful in marriage. Despite his shaky foundation he found strength and success through his music and through God. In The Blueprint, Franklin will explain how by communicating with life’s architect, God, he learned to see hardships as necessary life propellants and moved on to become the bestselling gospel musician in recent history, as well as a devoted husband and loving father. This is not a step program, it’s a lifelong journey. With Franklin’s guidance, you will: -pursue your dreams without losing yourself in the chase -do some lifescaping to eliminate the “weeds” that hold you back -declare your life to be drama-free -get past your fears, so you can live and love fully -pass the baton to future generations by leading by example It’s time to take faith out of the church pews and into our everyday lives. With hope, devotion, and strength, The Blueprint offers a plan to help you move beyond hardships to create your own personal Blueprint for life. For this article visit and a video on the Blueprint visit:


Destiny’s Inspirational Corner – Listening while you pray I Heard the voice of Jesus Say Lyrics ~ Horatius Bonar, 1808-1899 I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto Me and rest; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down, Thy head upon My breast.” I came to Jesus as I was, Weary and worn and sad; I found in Him a resting-place, and He has made me glad. The song writer tells how he heard the voice and accepted an invitation. Not only did he hear but he did just what he was asked to do. Through the words that he wrote we can see that he was in need of something. But there is something that is brought to my attention and that is the fact that the man was listening while he had so much going on within him. I know that being in a weary state not to mention carrying around the burden of sadness; can be hard for a person to focus on anything or anyone. From this song we can grasp a true fact that despite what he was going through, this man was yet listening for a way out of his bondage. I myself can picture this man praying and wanting to get help. I see him wanting out of a situation, or better yet; this man may have been so tired of the things that he had been going through; that he was listening hard to hear an answer from heaven regarding his situation. Have you ever been there? I know I have, and that is why I am able to do what I am doing today. Yes, I listened for the direction and received a word that led me to a resting place. There is a song that says: “I found safety in His arms”, and I found it to be true. I found in Him safety from the storms of life that I myself had created. Today I have an opportunity to share what God has given me to give to you. Somewhere there is someone that needs to know that not only can you pray and talk to God, but we all must know that God wants to speak to us. It is a true fact that God will speak and let His desires, His instructions and even His chastisement be known to us. That’s right, chastisement; God the Father chastises because He loves us. Know that a parent has to chastise a child or they may end up on the road to self- destruction. Let’s be honest with ourselves some of us are still on that road, while some of us are not that far removed from it. There are even some of us that God rescued just before destruction consumed us totally. If you take the time to read the Living Word of God you will see that it is written that “God chastens those He loves” (Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrews 12:6). There is one more thing about God, and that is, His answers are about what is truly best for us. I said this was going to be about “listening while you pray”. But before you can hear God speak you’ve got to know that He can and believe it to be true that He will. So

there is the need for us all to know that God does speak. Well, I know that there are a lot of people that don’t believe that God speaks to us, but He does in more ways than one. One thing for sure is, no one will be listening for something they don’t believe in. I believe there is someone out there that needs answers to the following questions: Will God speak to me? The answers is yes, and know this, He is speaking to you right now. Why would God want to speak to me? Why wouldn’t He? In the beginning the world was without form, God spoke and it was. We have a God that when He speaks the wind and the waves obey. And if God would speak to the air and everything He created. Why wouldn’t He speak to us, whom He created in His image? God speaks to us because He wants us to know just how much He cares and that he is with us no matter where we are. When will He speak? That depends on what you are doing or not doing. If you want God to speak to you should initiate it by talking (praying) to Him. Take some time to get close to God (He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty – Psalm 91:1). I need to share a couple of things with you concerning listening. When in prayer it is to be a special time between us and our Father. There should be nothing to distract us, nothing that will keep us from giving God our undivided attention. Our ear-gates should be open and our mind should be focused on the promises that God has made. Anytime you are in a conversation with someone; you speak and they respond or they speak and you respond. Sometimes there may be a delay or pause in the response because you (they) might have to think for a moment of two. When God speaks we must be able to hear what He is saying. One very important thing we must know is, if we are always talking, how can we hear? We’ve got to be able to allow stillness to take residence in our prayer time. Quietly meditate on God. Free your personal time with God from any and all distractions. Remember our time with God is God’s time. When we come to God in prayer we have to put things aside our job concerns, home duties, and any other busyness that may consume our attention. When God speaks to us he speaks clear and loud. God speaks to us through His Living Word and through the mouth of His Prophets. God speaks to our heart and we receive a peace that passes all understanding. God speaks to us when we talk with others and He doesn’t stop there He also speaks books written by those that He has ordained to write to inspire, encourage and teach. God also speaks to us through visions and dreams. Someone asked “how will I know it is God”? Well, that is why it is pertinent to know the Bible. We have got to know that if God speaks to us, everything will align with that which is written. If it does not line up with what God has inspired through the Bible, then it is time to go back into your prayer closet. I’ve heard that the art of communication is not just talking, but it is about learning to listen. It is written “he that have ears let him hear” (Matthew 11:15). We have to listen to hear what God is saying to us. Let our ears be sensitive to the Word of God. Here is something to think about: someone said “We were given two ears and only one mouth, because listening is two times harder than talking” – Hold that thought. Food for the Soul Listen for direction from God, He won’t lead you astray Beverly Kemp For you I am praying Next issue: Can you hear God?


For more information contact: Greenville Housing Authority at (252)329-4000 and Mary Tate at (252)551-9113

By: Thurmond Sheppard Entertain me if you would for a second, but I would like to start this article off with a question. If you are a musician or minister of music; when was the last time you played yourself into the Presence of the Lord? I mean no one in the room, but you, your instrument, your bible, and unrestrained time. If you are a singer, praise and worship leader, or choir director; when was the last time, you sing yourself into His manifested presence? Not worried about hitting all the right riffs and runs, but just your pure voice, and your broken heart. How often do we as music ministers forget, that our most important duty in life, is to play and sing for God’s pleasure. Allow me to go a step further. Our most important audience, is an audience of one; God himself. How can we, function in our weekly duties as “worship leaders” if we ourselves don’t have a heart of worship and daily devotion unto the Master. Please don’t assume that I am pointing fingers, or am taking the position of judge and jury. I am only speaking of what is true, and what I myself have fallen guilty of in times past. Yes me, Thurmond Sheppard, has had to face the truth at one time, that while I was playing in weekly services, helping lead people and pointing people to Christ, I was probably the furthest from Him. You see, it easy to get devotion, and duty mixed up. I once had elderly lady tell me that the piano player at their church has been playing there for over 25 years, and that he has never missed a service. But as a seasoned minstrel, I can tell you, that is the most dangerous place to be. I myself have told people,” yes I gave this particular church 15 years of service, and never missed a Sunday morning service unless it was an emergency”. I thought that was something that I could stand on. You see I am the son of a pastor. So I grew up playing Hammond organ in my dad’s church. As long as I can remember I have been playing in the church, practically all my life. One day while telling someone that story, the Holy Spirit, you do know who that is doing you? I’m just kidding. The Holy Spirit, after telling the person that, instructed me to never say it again. Conviction hit my heart, because in all those years, how many days did I get up to minister behind my keyboard, and had not spiritually “punched in”? How many times while I was playing songs that spoke of His love and devotion for me, that within my heart I was so far from His presence. You see brothers and sisters, Paul said in Ephesians 2:8-9”for by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man boast”. Paul here is letting us know that mankind has a tendency to think that God’s approval of us is based off what we have done. Many of us have done that, and unfortunately many of you currently are in this state. So according to Romans 12:1” I (Thurmond) beseech you brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, that we present our bodies, and our gifts, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service. See it does not matter how long we have done something, or how hard we do it, or how faithful we pursue it, it does not matter what man say about us, or even if they praise us. It is about whether or not our heavenly Father knows us.

Matthew 7:21-23(NKJ) says “Not everyone who says to Me, Lord Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? 23 And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness’. There will be musicians, singers, composers, and all types of ministry workers who will stand before God one day, and will plead with Him, that we played in your name, we directed in your name, we danced in your name, and He will say, I DON”T KNOW YOU…. So let us examine ourselves brothers and sisters. First, if you are a musician or singer, and you have not made a personal choice to rely on what Jesus Christ did at Calvary when He shed His blood as full payment for your sins, and have received this free gift of Salvation, YOU ARE NOT SAVED! Please, I beg of you, find someone who is saved and ask them to explain to you, the outline of the Gospel, so that you can make the best decision you have ever made, by placing your trust in Jesus Christ, and the finished work of the Cross. Now for those of us who are seasoned Christians and music ministers, let me share with you a song written by Matt Redman entitled “The Heart Of Worship”. When the music fades, and all is stripped away, and I simply come. Longing just to bring, something that’s of worth, that will bless Your heart I’ll bring You more than a song, for a song in itself, is not what You have required You search much deeper within, through the way things appear You’re looking into my heart I’m coming back to the heart of worship And it’s all about You, it’s all about you Jesus I’m sorry Lord for the thing I have made it It’s all about You, it’s all about You Jesus This song changed my life back in 2003. I had never heard this song before, but when I was introduced to it, it hit me right where I was at the time in my spiritual life. I encourage all of you, who read this article, get back to seeking God, like you have never done before. Know that from now on, your audience is not the church congregation, but it is God, and we sing and play for His pleasure. I also encourage you to buy this song “The Heart of Worship”. Play it once every day during your personal prayer and devotion time, it will set your heart in the right place to commune with the Father. Last but not least, encourage those around you, in your band, in your choirs, that the church is not our stage to show what we can do; our job is to point people to Jesus, and to help prepare the atmosphere and people’s hearts to receive the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.


Communi An Unforgettable Evening with Natalie Cole

Kids Fest

March 2012 –May 2012 Greenville Convention Center 303 SW Greenville Boulevard Greenville, NC 27834 Starts: Mar 31, 2012 @ 10:00 AM Ends: Mar 31, 2012 @ 3:00 PM A free annual event promoting wellness, recreation, health and fun activities for young children and families. Contact: 252-756-1567

ECU Youth Art Festival

March 31, 2012 @ 10:00am Location: East Carolina University This festival will feature a wide range of visual artists with hands-on activities for children and their families. Enjoy performing art, music, theater, dances and more.

Specialized Recreation Easter Egg Hunt

Apr 5, 2012 @ 9:00 AM Location: H. Boyd Lee Park Children with disabilities ages three-twelve will enjoy hunting for eggs, food and lots of fun.

Apr 10, 2012 @ 8:00 PM Location: ECU/ Wright Auditorium East Fifth Street Greenville, NC 27858 Phone: 252-328-5386 The eight-time Grammy winner continues to astonish with her vocal dexterity and her intimate, knowing way with a lyric and melody. Some of her number one hits are “This Will Be”, “Inseparable”, “Our Love”, “I’ve Got Love on My Mind” and more.

2012 Pirate Fest

Apr 13, 2012 @ 5:00 PM Location: Greenville-Pitt County Event will kick off with a lively Buccaneer Bash, children’s activities, and more.

2nd Annual Space & Astronomy Day

Apr 14 10:00 AM Location: Contentnea Creek Grifton, NC 28530 Celebrating NC Science Festival and Earth Month with fun-filled, interactive, space astronomy related learning activities designed for all ages.

2012 Greenville-Pitt County Special Olympics Spring Track & Field Games Apr 18 9:00 AM Location: J. H. Rose High High School Athletes must have attended practice sessions at school or on Saturdays in order to compete in the Spring Games.


ity Events

Saturday Family Fun Day

Her Shopping Spree

Location: Greenville Convention Center Starts: Apr 19, 2012 @ 2:00 PM Ends: Apr 19, 2012 @ 8:00 PM Contact: 252-321-7671 Enjoy this great one day of shopping that will please all.

Parade of Homes

Starts: Apr 21 2012 @ 12:00 PM Ends: Apr 22, 2012 @ 5:00 PM Contact: 252-756-7915 Plan your afternoon touring some of the most beautiful, crafted, landscaped homes in the area. Each home has something superior and unique to offer.

Maternity Fair

Apr 22 1:00 PM Location: Greenville Convention Center Resources designed to help improve the health of Pitt County’s babies. The fair will consist of a fashion show, child safety seat inspection, refreshments, exhibits and more.

Umbrella Market

May 2, 2012 @ 5:00 PM Location: Five Points at 5th & Evans Streets Bring the entire family and enjoy an openaired market consisting of live music, fresh produce, seafood, artisan cheeses, handmade arts, jewelry, antiques, local brew and more.

May 12, 2012 @ 9:00 AM Location: Contentnea Creek Experience nature in a fashion unique to the season by means of a guided walk through some portion of the nature conservancy and enjoy nature-craft activity.

Sunday in the Park

(Tar River Community Band) Jun 3, 2012 @ 7:00 PM Location: Greenville Town Common Enjoy this wind ensemble with a highly entertaining potpourri of classical and popular music which the entire family will love. This event is free and open to the public.

Sunday in the Park

(The Monitors) Jun 24, 2012 @ 7:00 PM Location: Greenville Town Common this ensemble has been playing Sunday in the Park since its inception. Listen and enjoy Jazz to Rhythm and Blues plus everything in between. Dance to the Electric Slide at the end of the concert.

Take Off 4-Health Camp

Sunday 7/22/2012 - Friday 8/10/2012 A three-week residential healthy lifestyle camp and family-centered program for overweight boys and girls ages 12-18 at the Eastern 4-H Center in Columbia, N.C.


Website Design For more information contact

Keisha Supel (252) 717-9133

For information: Keisha Supel at (252)717-9133 or email:

An Inspiration to Millions

Joel Osteen is a native Texan and the Pastor of Lakewood Church, which according to Church Growth Today is America’s largest and fastest growing church. On July 16, 2005 after completing $95 million dollars in renovations, Joel moved Lakewood Church into its new 16,000-seat home - the former Compaq Center. It is the largest regularly-used worship center in the United States. Each week Joel delivers God’s message of hope and encouragement to more than 38,000 attendees. According to Nielsen Media Research, Joel is the most watched inspirational figure in America. His weekly sermon is broadcast into every U.S. television market where it is viewed by seven million Americans each week and more than 20 million each month. His weekly broadcast is also seen in almost 100 nations around the world. In 2004, his first book, Your Best Life Now, was released by Time Warner debuting at the top of the New York Times Bestsellers List and quickly rising to #1. It remained on the New York Times Bestseller for more than 2 years and has sold more than 4 million copies. Most recently, Joel was named as one of Barbara Walters’ “10 Most Fascinating People of 2006” and he was selected as the “Most Influential Christian in 2006” by the readers of Church Report Magazine. Prepared for God’s Calling Joel, the son of John Osteen, a highly respected minister of the Gospel and the founder of Lakewood Church, attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma where he studied radio and television communications. In 1982, Joel returned to Houston and founded Lakewood’s television ministry where he produced John Osteen’s televised sermons for 17 years until January 1999 when his father passed away suddenly from a heart attack. For many years, John Osteen encouraged Joel to preach, but he always declined preferring to work behind the scenes. But, in early 1999 Joel felt compelled to accept his father’s invitation and he preached his first sermon on January 17th of that year. Little did anyone know that would be the last Sunday of John Osteen’s life. Two weeks later, Joel began preaching and later that year was installed as the new Senior Pastor of Lakewood Church New Vision for the New Millennium almost immediately, weekly attendance began to grow at an extraordinary rate and in 2005, Joel moved Lakewood Church into its present location, the former Compaq Center, a 16,000-seat arena that was once home to the Houston Rockets professional basketball team. Now, with his wife Victoria, and the leadership staff of Lakewood, this innovative church is poised for the new millennium. Joel’s extraordinary success can be found in his core message: That our God is a good God who desires to bless those who are obedient and faithful to Him through Jesus Christ. It is Joel’s deepest desire that his own life be an example of that principle and that everyone who hears this message of hope and encouragement would choose to accept God’s goodness and mercy and to become all that God wants them to be.

Our Ministry Sharing Hope for Today We are so thankful for the opportunity to share the greatest message of all with individuals, families and communities all over the world. This ministry is committed to helping people from all walks of life experience the unconditional love and unending hope found only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are sharing this hope with others by providing the basic necessities of food, clothing and medical supplies to those in need. We are using television, internet, podcasts and other new technologies to reach others with the Good News of the gospel. We are dedicated to helping people everywhere be inspired and rediscover their true purpose in life. Millions Are Watching God is doing amazing things through our television ministry. We are reaching over 100 million homes in the U.S. and tens of millions more in 100 nations. Lives are being changed, relationships are being restored and communities are being transformed by the power of God and the message of hope that is being broadcast through this ministry. 48 Million Podcasts The Bible says that “faith comes by hearing the Word of God”, and each week over than one million people are hearing God’s Word by downloading our audio and video podcast, making our podcast consistently one of the top five in the world. Because of your support, we are able to make this free resource available to millions around the world each week. Feeding the Hungry Your support of this ministry allows us to be the hands and feet of hope to those in need all around the world. Jesus instructed us to go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation (Mark 16:15). At Joel Osteen Ministries we use every available resource to help those in our own communities and those in need around the world. Whether it be the streets of New York City or the slums of Nairobi, our ministry partners deliver the message of the gospel — along with food, clothing and medical supplies — to hungry children and families in need. Healing the Sick Joel Osteen Ministries is involved in vaccination programs, abandoned baby centers and centers for young troubled teens looking for a new life and a fresh start. We are helping feed the hungry, clothe the needy and provide hope to the hopeless. Because of you we are able to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a world in need. Thank you for helping us reach the unreached and tell the untold the Good News of the gospel



God’s Plan Included Him: Minister Clark Stallings Shows Forth the Hope of Glory By: D.Gayle Harris

Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on how awesome God is? I am sure you have marveled at the beauty of His natural creation we call planet earth. I am certain you have been amazed at how God has worked on your behalf to pull you out of the pit and place you in the palace. And, by all means you have basked in the captivating love of our Savior who made the greatest sacrifice to give us the gift of eternal life. But, have you ever thought that in the wondrous works of a great God, His perfect plan included you? In John 15:16 it states that, “ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain….” Jesus spoke these words to His disciples as a message not only to the chosen twelve but to the many who would follow who are also chosen of God. We did not choose Him; He chose us. He is the vine, and we are the branches. By abiding in the vine, we bring forth much fruit that demonstrates the righteousness of God and compels others to believe in the awesome One we serve. He chose us to show forth the Hope of Glory which is the power of Christ in us (Colossians 1:27). When Minister Clark Stallings surrendered his life to Christ in April 1995, he offered himself up as a living sacrifice unto God. The transforming power of God’s Holy Spirit manifested through his life to bring him to the wonderful knowledge that God’s plan included him, too. God worked His plan by first working on Stallings himself. A graduate of East Carolina University with a degree in Business, Stallings had an appetite for the treasures of this world alone. As he tells the story, he describes a man that was living according to a secular world view to become satiated in gain that would never satisfy. But God. “He saved my soul, sealed me with His Holy Spirit, set me on the Rock and began transforming me daily into Christ-likeness through the power of His Word and His Spirit,” explained Stallings. This transformation included a hunger and thirst for God’s Word. As more of God’s Word was poured in, the urge to pour out increased. In 1997, just two years after accepting the call to salvation, Stallings knew that the Lord was also calling him to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. His passion to share the Good News created a craving to minister in a church without walls, to reach those who may never enter a church building or read the Holy Bible. Again God’s perfect plan included Minister Stallings who birthed Hope of Glory Ministries, Inc., a Christ-centered community outreach ministry committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism, discipleship and the distribution of food, clothes, hygiene products and household items to those in need throughout Pitt County. “The Ministry began as a passion to work alongside our community of believers, the church, and the lost, to minister the Word of God and the life changing power of Jesus Christ,” Stallings described. “I want to share with all who will hear, that God wants to commune with us daily. I want to share not about religions, but about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” This personal relationship is cultivated by applying the same principle that Christ used while on His ministry journey: provide the resource to draw them to the source. Following the example of Christ, Hope of Glory meets the physical needs of the hurting and lost first. Then, allows compassion and grace to draw those who do not know Jesus into His arms. 38

Hope of Glory meets the needs of the community in three powerful ways. First, the ministry operates a food pantry and distribution center, located at 402 West 10th Street. The center provides everything from food and clothing to kitchen tools and small appliances to low to no-income individuals or people in crisis. In 2010, the Center assisted 4,441 families which represent 15,935 people. As an outcropping of this ministry, Hope of Glory began the Matthew 25 Project. The Matthew 25 Project partners with Operation Blessing, an outreach of CBN in Virginia, to receive non-perishable items for distribution to over 45 local agencies that also need these items to distribute to the needy. Last year, the Project distributed over 384,000 pounds of product at no cost to help an estimated 18,067 families throughout Pitt County and the surrounding areas. Even with all the blessings provided through the food pantry and distribution center, the Lord was not finished with Hope of Glory Ministries. The Lord began to speak to the heart of Minister Stallings to engage in direct outreach and evangelism to low income public housing neighborhoods within our community. However, in order to conduct the outreach, he needed a community sponsor or resident within the community who would endorse the outreach. The prompting of the Holy Spirit caused him to drive through the particular neighborhood and begin to pray for the person who would serve as the sponsor. As he drove, the Lord led him to the woman who would serve as the endorser. As Minister Stallings began to describe the mission and purpose, the woman embraced him with open arms. She, too, had been praying—praying for someone to come with a heart to serve her community. The miracle of God’s plan included her, too. Presently, Hope of Glory Ministries hosts modern day tent revivals with the residents of three public housing communities—Moyewood, Kearney Park, and Hopkins Park. One of these very special revivals is held the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving where the ministry provides Thanksgiving dinners for each family, totaling 1,500 people. Minister Stallings is encouraged by how God has used the ministry to transform lives and improve these communities. “Many have come to the Lord in these outreaches,” proclaimed Minister Stallings. “We have checked police crime statistics specifically for [one] community and have seen God move powerfully in the area, which was confirmed by a 49% reduction in calls for police assistance after one year of our ministering to their neighborhood.” How awesome is God? Through the willing heart of one man, He planted the seed of a ministry without walls that would heal the lost and bring souls to repentance. By the power of Christ working in Him, the love of God has shed abroad to the hearts of countless volunteers, staff persons, community members, and organizations to be a part of the vision and allow the Hope of Glory within each of them to grow and produce the fruit we see today. And, as the Word promises, this fruit will remain. Each life, each family that is touched by Hope of Glory Ministries results in another beacon of Hope to impact more and more lives that produce the fruit of His Spirit. This Ministry is not willing to rest proven by their desire to outreach and engage with every public housing unit in the Greenville area. However, in order to do this and continue in greater works, the Ministry needs each of us to show forth our Hope of Glory and become co-laborers in the vineyard. We all can help. Whether by monetary or product donation, missionary work, or simply praying for the continued manifestation of God’s perfect plan, there is much work to be done. Remember, God’s plan includes you, too… To find out more information about Hope of Glory Ministries, Inc. and how you can help, visit their website at Or, if you are in need of a helping hand, visit the food pantry and distribution center, Monday through Friday, 8:30AM-4:30PM, by appointment. Call 252-215-9042 to make appointment.







Health Awareness:

By Dr. Ronnie Laney “10” Things You Need To Know About Nutrition & Diabetes 1.

Know that the fundamental rule to weight loss, and management, is


Know how to read a nutrition label. Pay particular attention to serving size, where most packages have more than one serving, and all numbers are PER serving.


Know that meat should be a quarter of your plate, or meal. So should starches, like potatoes and pasta. Veggies and grains should be HALF!

4. Know what proper portions look like, and compare them with everyday items to help you re member. 5.

Know that portion sizes have increased 2 - 4 times over the last 20 years.


Know how to “walk the perimeter” of the grocery store.


Know that VARIETY means more in a balanced diet and weight loss, than RESTRICTION.


Know that there are plenty of (healthy) alternatives to seasoning, other than salt, and fats.


Know that diet is a LIFESTYLE change. Learn which ones are proven, such as DASH diet and Mediterranean diet.


Know that all it takes is 30 minutes a day, for exercise. And that can be in 3 ten-minute sessions. (segue into activity, and recaps number 1)

11. 12.

Know that almost 10% (8.3%) of the population has diabetes; more than 10% of AfricanAmericans (12.6%) and Hispanics (11.8%) Know that diabetes is associated with, and can be a leading risk factor for heart disease


Know that diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness.


Know that diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, and subsequent dialysis.


Know that 60% of non-traumatic amputations are from diabetes.


Know your risk factors of diabetes: being over-weight, being sedentary, family history, race, other chronic disease


Know that diabetes costs the healthcare system $174 billion annually

18. Know the symptoms: always tired, always thirsty, always peeing, cuts don’t heal, weight loss, vision changes 19.

Know how to manage your diabetes, if you have it, and how to prevent it, if you don’t.


Know what to eat, and myths about what you can’t.



New Resolve 2012 By Tanya Foreman Each year’s end promotes a time of reflection. At this time, people analyze their success and failure and areas in which they feel need of improvement. Then they make resolutions for the New Year. Most often ones weight is the highest of those resolutions. As a people, Americans have dropped the ball on balancing daily obligations with maintaining a healthy lifestyle thus, creating an obesity epidemic. Obesity is defined as being 20% or more over ones ideal body weight. This has become a major challenge for America because obesity has increased 60% over the last decade. According to the CDC, in 2010, at least 20% of the population in each state in the US is obese. Thirty-six states had a prevalence of 25% or more and 12 of these states (most of them southern) had a prevalence of 30% or more. What’s worse is that we are passing it on to our children as the rates for childhood obesity have tripled. As a result, the obesity epidemic has created a weight loss industry that generates revenues exceeding $50 billion each year. Fitness centers and weight loss organizations worldwide have done extensive research increased their marketing dollars to figure out how to get you to give them your money and get their piece of the pie. Interestingly enough, statistics show that you will not follow through. For this reason, weight loss organizations seek to get you under a contract, have you pay in full for their service to get their money up front or simply budget for moderate to low revenue (depending on the month) after the month of March. Then they spend the rest of the year awaiting the return of their most profitable season and keeping you in the wash of a vicious cycle. For with each New Year, you try to start all over and finally become that attractive, prosperous, happy person you’ve always wanted to be. What’s the missing link? After years in the fitness industry and divine revelation, I firmly believe that what is missing is proper perspective and proper self-image. Even with the increase in health related issues due to obesity; such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease, the root of why most people begin weight loss programs is because they do not like the way they look. Sadly, the images that one seeks are a grand sum of what has been defined for them by media, what they have been taught as well as what others have done or said to them. Thus, keeping you focused on how you can look good and how you can get the glory. However life is not about us. We were not born to look good, make money, buy things, get glory and die. Rather, God created us to honor Him. Jesus said the most important thing you can do in your life is to love God with everything you are and love others as you love yourself.


So if you lose 10 pounds or even 100 pounds and miss this one point, the weight loss was in vain. Placed in the right perspective, managing your weight is just one of the ways we use to honor God as he resides in us (2 Corinthians 6:16) He sent Jesus to die for us so we can live for Him. Let’s make one New Year’s Resolution this year and forever more – to honor God in everything you do including how you care for His temple. Resolve to give God your all and leave the results up to Him. So how do I do this? ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE! Genesis Health and Wellness is a scriptural weight management initiative where you can make your vision for a healthy lifestyle a reality. Genesis incorporates prayer, daily confession and scriptural reading along with exercise and proper nutrition to make God part of the health equation with a mission to promote change in the lifestyles of others. Through Genesis, Churches Outreach Network, Destiny Magazine God is presenting you the Live For Him Wellness Challenge. Live for Him is a spiritually nurturing weight management initiative that focus’ on creating healthy habits and improving care for the whole man. By participating in Live for Him Challenge you will begin to form healthy habits through daily prayer and scriptures, weekly health tips, monthly articles, increased physical activity and improved nutrition. How Do I Get Started? Step 1: Register online at Step 2: Be sure to provide an e-mail address to receive your daily scriptures. Step 3: Get your subscription for Destiny Magazine to ensure you get the monthly articles on health and wellness.


Pastor’s Corner Pastor’s Corner “Never Give Up on God” God have given his own son that we may have life. God will never fail us. It is us who fail God, by not sticking to the word. In Romans 10:17, it states “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. Faith fails when you are out of the word. In Philippians 4:11, it states, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content”. Remember God will supply all of your needs. He Supply’s your needs while you are in your mother’s womb. Philippians 4:6, “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”. Learn to be content in any state you are in. Never give up on God because he never let us, but we leave God.



World News KANO & MADALLA, Nigeria - An African terror group linked to al Qaeda has declared war on Nigeria’s Christians. Islamic fighters have killed scores in multiple attacks on Christian homes and churches. There have been calls for revenge, but also for forgiveness. Madalla Christmas Massacre “It was a beautiful day. We came to church to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ,” worshipper Uche Bonaventure said. “People started coming as early as six o’clock in the morning. It was going to be a joyous occasion,” recalled Father Issac Achi, at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church in Madellah But it never turned out that way. “It was five or ten minutes after the first service and suddenly this boom!” Bonaventure remembered. A suicide bomber in a vehicle packed with explosives drove up a busy street and stopped in front of the church. Bonaventure and his 17-monthold son had just walked out the church’s front doors when the bomb exploded. “The explosion threw me on this side and my son was hurled across the other side. Around me I could see bodies on fire,” he told CBN News. Within minutes husbands became widowers, wives became widows, children became orphans and parents were childless. The suicide bomber knew exactly when to strike. It was shortly after 8 a.m. on Christmas morning, December 25 2011, as one service was ending and the next one was just about to begin. Twenty-six of the 44 people who died that day attended St. Theresa’s church. Praying for your Enemy “The people who carried out this attack are under the influence of the devil. They have only evil in their heart and they want to divide us,” Achi told CBN News. The radical Muslim group Boko Haram claimed responsibility for this attack and several other attacks in various parts of Nigeria last Christmas Day. The group’s goal is to turn Africa’s most populous nation into an Islamic country ruled by Sharia law. “I am very angry at them,” Bonaventure said. “We didn’t do anything to deserve this. But if they are trying to get me to respond out of anger, I will not.” He and his son spent several weeks in the hospital recovering from third-degree burns. Today you’ll find him and his family praying for their attackers. “I want God to touch their hearts so that they will know that what they are doing is not good,” he said. The same sentiment also echoed in Achi’s sermons about the importance of forgiveness. “I have personally forgiven them, but what I need from Boko Haram is that they should repent and stop doing this evil work and confess,” Achi said. Boko Haram’s Rampage the attacks, however, aren’t likely to end soon. In January alone, Boko Haram struck 21 times, killing more than 250 people. Almost 1,000 have died in recent months in multiple terror attacks around the country. Two hundred miles north of St. Theresa’s church Ester Garba remembers her dedicated husband who was killed in a bomb attack. “So many people loved my husband. He loved to share the gospel with others,” she said. Isaac Kure’s father was killed in the same attack. “They would not let me see my father’s body. He was beyond recognition,” he said. Margaret Frames’ husband was also one of the victims of an attack by the radical Islamic group. “He was shot in the mouth, in the elbow, and in the back. I have not slept very well since that day,” she told CBN News. Salametu Joshua’s husband was also among those who were murdered. “I am asking God to bring peace to our city,” she explained. Christians are blanketing northern Nigeria’s most important city of Kano with prayer. On Jan. 20, 26 days after the Christmas Day massacre, Boko Haram killed 185 people in a string of coordinated attacks in Kano. It was the group’s deadliest strike to date. “I can’t do anything to bring my husband back,” Frames told CBN News. “All I can do is trust in God. The Bible says we should love our enemies and pray for them.” A Boko Haram spokesman has declared war on Nigeria’s government, the security services, and the country’s Christians. “I enjoy killing anyone that God commands me to kill the way I enjoy killing chickens and rams,” the spokesman said in a video released online. In January the group gave Christians three days to leave the north or be attacked. Christian Exodus Christians living in the state of Kano are terrified. Many of them are beginning to consider the idea of leaving the state and moving south. CBN News spoke to some of them who are very fearful and concerned that the security apparatus is not in a position to protect them, to protect their lives, to protect their homes, as well as their churches. Nigeria is evenly split between Christians in the south and Muslims in the north. Kano is overwhelmingly Muslim. Extremist groups routinely use the city and surrounding areas as a base of operation. “It is very difficult to share the gospel here in the extreme northern parts of Nigeria. Kano is no exception,” one Nigerian evangelist told CBN News. “Joshua” works quietly as an evangelist in northern Nigeria. CBN News agreed to conceal his identity to protect him. He said the indigenous people consider Christians here as invaders and members of a Western religion. “I was born and raised here. I’m part of the north, yet because I’m a Christian I am viewed and treated as a 2nd, 3rd or 4th class citizen,” he explained. He said he fears Boko Haram is trying to spark a religious war by provoking Christians into attacking Muslims. Some Christian neighborhoods are taking measures to defend themselves. Others like Garba are relying on God for protection and take comfort in His Word. “Even when I walk through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid for you are close beside me,” Garba said as she read from her favorite Bible verse.--Originally published February 27, 2012. George Thomas CBN News Sr. Reporter


Florida Schools May Allow Student-Led Prayer: A school prayer bill passed the Florida legislature 8827 Thursday and is on its way to Gov. Rick Scott. The measure allows the state’s school boards to permit student-initiated prayer and other “inspirational messages” at public school assemblies. Gov. Scott is expected to sign the bill into law. “As you know, I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe that individuals should have the right to say a prayer,” Scott said. According to the Orlando Sentinel, the vote ends several years of effort by Sen. Gary Siplin, D-Orlando, and Rep. Charles Van Zant, R-Keystone Heights. Siplin’s measure passed the Senate a week ago. Van Zant, who holds a Masters of Divinity degree and also attended Western Baptist Theological Seminary, told the Sentinel the bill was not about prayer, but about “inspirational” messaging and free speech. Student-crafted messages -- faculty and staff are banned from involvement -- would bring a tone of respect and civility to the classroom, he said. Van Zant further noted that much has happened in the 50-plus years since the U.S. Supreme Court banned compulsory prayer in schools. “Before we removed inspirational messages, the No. 1 problem was talking out of turn,” Van Zant said. “Now, it’s drug abuse.” Opponents say the measure violates the separation of church and state and plan to challenge it in court.


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