October 2013 Issue

Page 60

women ::tips for

Love your breasts, & keep them! Breast cancer prevention tips from a local natural health & wellness By Laura Card The health community strongly agrees that only a small percentage of breast cancer is linked to heredity and genes, and that the majority is associated with lifestyle and environmental factors. This means that we can control our breast health and work on preventing cancer, as well as other breast problems. Below are the most effective, practical and easy ways to take care of our breasts, love them, and keep them.

Eat a healthy diet, high in nutritionallydense foods By far the most important thing that you can do to stay healthy is to feed your body with real, wholesome, health-promoting foods. Leafy greens of all kinds, cruciferous vegetables, mushrooms, onions and berries are among the most powerful anti-breast cancer foods. Beans, whole grains, fatty fish and flax seeds continue the list, as well as ginger, turmeric and garlic. If you are a carnivore, go for naturally-raised (ideally organic) meat and dairy, and wild-caught fish.

Reduce alcohol, and make red wine your preference Alcohol consumption is strongly linked to breast cancer. Even one drink per day increases the risk by at least 7-10%, and it increases further with every glass or shot consumed. If you chose to have a drink every now and then, go for high quality red wine. It has a load of excellent health-boosting properties, so enjoy it – yes, in moderation!

Exercise regularly, and maintain healthy weight Studies show that women with high levels of physical activity reduce their risk of breast cancer greatly. Maintaining low body fat is important because fat is where toxins and excess estrogen are stored. Too much estrogen, especially synthetic, is a strong risk factor. To consistently rid yourself of extra estrogen and toxins, eat fiber-rich foods daily; fiber acts like an internal cleaning agent, trapping all things unwanted, and escorting them out.


October 2013 :: rochesterWomanMag.com

Upgrade your self-care products Speaking of toxins, do you know what is in your face cream, shampoo, body wash and lipstick? If you use mainstream self care products, your body is exposed to a cocktail of carcinogens and other health disruptors. Choose natural, preferably organic products – soaps, cleansers, moisturizers and makeup. At the very least, switch your deodorant – mainstream brands contain carcinogenic substances that get into your blood stream and breast tissue very quickly and easily, since it is applied so closely.

Avoid all things toxic Aside from foods and self-care products, toxins can enter into our bodies in a ways that may be not so obvious. Hair dyes, sprays, styling products, shaving creams, perfumes, sunscreens, house cleaning products, X-Rays, radiation, cigarette smoke and environmental pollutants can be cumulatively adding to the list of potential dangers.

Don’t try to outsmart Mother Nature One of the most disruptive things for female health is birth control pill, especially the kind that cuts your flow to a few times per year. Please realize that Mother Nature isn’t a dummy, and there is a deep wisdom behind the naturally occurring cycle, monthly flow, and all phases of our female calendar. If at all possible, get off the pill; research and switch to a natural birth control method. If you and your partner are not planning to have children anymore, consider asking him to take the lion’s share of responsibility (vasectomy is safe and highly effective – but of course, talk to the doctor!). Really, really – LOVE THEM! Will it surprise you to learn that most women are not happy with their breasts, in one way or another? Too small, too big, uneven, stretched, sagging – the list goes on… We live in a society that created certain standards for women’s breasts, and those standards are disconnecting us from our real bodies. The best way to reconnect with your breasts and to give them some physical and emotional TLC is breast massage. Look up tip and techniques – there is an art and science to it; think kind and loving thoughts while you are massaging. Also, ask your partner to give them some extra love and affection, and enjoy every second of it! ;) For more tips on breast health, and healthy and happy living in general, visit www.Happy-Healthy-Vibrant.com or connect with Laura on social media sites.

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