Rochester College Student Handbook 2015-16

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be noted with accuracy. Student Development keeps records for follow-up and reference in any future violations, as well as assistance to the authorities or insurance claims if needed.

Types of Discipline

Maintenance Department, Housekeeping or the Grounds Department. Students who receive this type of discipline receive a number of hours they must complete and a deadline to complete their work. Students who fail to complete their discipline will receive further discipline, including suspension, loss of scholarship, or possible dismissal.

SUSPENSION Depending on the situation, the disciplinary action may be an off-campus suspension or an on-campus suspension of varied length. Off-campus suspension means a student must vacate the campus for the duration of the suspension, using that time to reflect on the circumstances surrounding their particular violation and recommit to the college’s policies and mission. Some off-campus suspensions prohibit class attendance and/ or other campus functions. In these cases, the student receives an unexcused absence for the duration of the suspension and missed exams/assignments may not be made up. An on-campus suspension includes parameters, such as having to be in the residence hall room when not in class, and not being allowed to participate in student activities. Other stipulations may be delineated in each case depending on the situation and the student.

COUNSELING may be required (at student’s expense) in situations where a disciplined student would benefit from professional therapy. For on-campus resources, see the Counseling Services section.

LOSS OF SCHOLARSHIP Students with scholarships are bound by the details of the scholarship requirements and may lose an offered scholarship automatically when certain violations occur. Please see the scholarship agreement for specifics. The Dean of Students and the Vice President of Enrollment Services will collaboratively make all final decisions about loss of scholarship money.

DISMISSAL is only used when the violation is severe, when a state or federal law has been broken and when reconciliation between the student and the college is impossible. Dismissal is a complete breaking of the relationship between the student and the college and reenrollment is not possible.

FINES are often used for restitution, damages or as a penalty, but may also be used as a deterrent to any future violation. WORK DETAIL is used as a means of discipline and may include working for the Fletcher Center Cafeteria,

A MENTOR ASSIGNMENT may be given to a disciplined student to aid him/her in accountability with social expectations. COMMUNITY SERVICE is also used as a learning opportunity for students who violate college expectations. Similar to work detail, they will be assigned hours and a deadline to complete the community service. READING AND WRITING ASSIGNMENTS are also used for violators of student code of conduct. This gives a student the opportunity to reflect on their choices and the consequences of their actions.

Student Appeal Process In dismissal or suspension cases, the college has established appeal procedures with the intention of assuring an unprejudiced hearing and objectivity. The appeal must meet one of the following criteria:

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