Call for artists urn art oakwood cemetery

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Historic Oakwood Cemetery & Mausoleum Raleigh Cemetery Association Chartered 1869- A Non-Profit Corporation

701 Oakwood Avenue PO BOX 26867 Raleigh, NC 27611-6867 919.832.6077

Urn Art & Garden Faire Oakwood Cemetery hosts juried Urn Competition April 19, 2015 Call for Artists Historic Oakwood Cemetery is focusing on the changing style of interment with a juried competition devoted to the art of Cremation Urns, entitled Urn Art & Garden Faire. What is an urn? An urn is a container that is used to hold the ashes of someone who has been cremated. Eligible Entrants: Open to any professional or amateur artist, must be 18 years of age or older. Specifications: An artist may submit a maximum of two original works that, using his/her creativity, could be used as a cremation urn. There are no size dimensions or volume requirements for this competition. All works must be sturdy enough to withstand handling and exhibition. All genres/mediums of art will be accepted. Be creative! Process: Digital images of the work, with entry form, must be received by Monday, March 16 at 3pm. (Send CD to Historic Oakwood Cemetery, PO Box 26867, Raleigh, NC 27611 if mailing images). If emailing images (preferred) please send to Photos should be emailed in a JPEG version. No more than 2 photos of each work should be included. The JPEG version should have a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. The CD (if mailed) should be labeled with name, email address and phone number. If emailed, all file names should begin with the applicant’s first initial and last name followed by entry number (if submitting more than one entry.) Incomplete entries will be returned. CD’s will not be returned. Artists whose work has been accepted will be notified via email on March 23. Approved urns must be delivered to Historic Oakwood Cemetery (701 Oakwood Ave Raleigh, NC 27601) no later than 3pm on Wednesday April 8. Entry Form: Each Urn must be accompanied by the attached entry form. (See Entry Form, page 3). Jurists will be provided by the Friends of Oakwood Cemetery. Reception/Exhibit/Presentation of Awards: Sunday April 19 from 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm.

Competition Awards: Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st Place: $300 2nd Place: $200 3rd Place: $100 Delivery of work: All submitted work must be hand delivered or shipped with pre-paid return label. All insurance to and from Historic Oakwood Cemetery is the responsibility of the artist. Works should be properly tagged and labeled with the entry form. Right to reproduce: Historic Oakwood Cemetery reserves the right to reproduce digital images of the exhibited work in both printed and electronic materials for publicity purposes. Questions? Contact Robin Simonton, Executive Director, Historic Oakwood Cemetery 919.832.6077 or

2015 Oakwood Cemetery’s Urn Art & Garden Faire Deadline for submission: 3/16/2015. Entry into Urn Art & Garden Faire Competition/Show implies agreement on the part of the artist to the conditions set forth in this document. Signature of Artist:______________________________________________________________ Please complete this form and include it with your entries.

Entry #1 Title:_____________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________________

Entry #2 Title:_____________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________________

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