Spirit Teachings - William Stainton Moses

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Therein is the struggle, as He Himself said, to be in the world, but not of the world. The high ideal is well-nigh impossible for those who have upon them the care of daily toil. Hence it is that we have striven to withdraw you, so far as we can, from the objective side of spirit-intercourse, foreseeing that it would be hurtful to you. You must strive to rise above the material, and to leave it behind. Such intercourse is fitted only for those who can be secluded from the cares of daily life. I said long ago that I believed mediumship, if carried out, to be incompatible with daily work in the world. The very development of sensitiveness, which grows so rapidly, is quite enough to unfit the medium for rude contact with the world: or, at any rate, to encourage in him moods, and draw round him influences, which make him unfit for work. To a great extent it is so: and, therefore, we have withdrawn the more material side of mediumship from you, and that should develop the spiritual, in which no such danger lurks. At any rate, you may trust us to do what is wise. The danger is when they who guide are unfit for the work. It is then that risk becomes serious. Be content; your course is clear. Only remember that now is the hour and power of darkness. Be patient. Easter—1877 [Easter Day, 1877.] May the blessing of the Supreme and All-good be on you! We have somewhat to say to you, as our habit is at this season, of resurrection and renewal of life. We will leave the plain symbolism of the Christian festival, of which we have before discoursed. We have told you of conflict followed by victory. You have learned how the life of the Man of Christ Jesus was a symbolic representation of the progress of spirit. It may be well that we remind you here of this symbolism. Descending from His spiritual life in the spheres of bliss, the Anointed One came to your earth to fulfill His Divine mission. Veiling in human form the radiance of His pure spirit, He took a body in the manger of Bethlehem, and became man, with all the imperfections and frailties of humanity, subject to the sorrows, the temptations, the discipline through which alone progress is gained.


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