PDXWLF 2020 Catalog

Page 45




Photo: Aaron Greene

Fire Balls Hot

Light in Performance

Ivan McLean

These were originally built for “What The Festival“, as gathering and warming centers. Ivan makes mostly nonfunctional things these days.




Photo: Claire Cassidy

Photo: Hamid Shibata Bennett

The Metabolizer

Showcall Event Services Collaborator: Stages NW

Showing lights used in performances and on performers and choreographed light to music. Showcall Event Services, headquartered in Portland, Oregon, is a turnkey, full service company, able to provide labor, lights and production for events in both the corporate and industrial workplace. Find music line-up performer and schedule details at www.pdxwlf.com.

Sam Smith

The Metabolizer is an open-source waste-toeverything system designed to mimic the ecological role of decomposing fungi — breaking down wastes and building them up into new things. The Metabolizer is powered entirely by a biochar reactor that reduces wood chips and other forms of biomass into charcoal, and it uses the energy produced by the reactor to shred up and 3D print waste plastics into new and useful objects. In the process, it produces light, heat, and shelter from the elements, creating a gathering space where folks can warm their bones and learn about disruptive, open-source, ecologically-integrated infrastructure! Sam Smith is an artist, educator, and insurrectionary ecologist based in Portland, Oregon.



 Chrome

TheMagicToolBus metabolizer.org




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