RGB13: RISD Graduate Studies Annual 2013

Page 214

My studio neighbor (J. Bochynski) and I took a painting crate, turned it into a formalist painting and then a boat. The vessel launched an unorchestrated course, with two huddled figures at battle with the sea. From livid shifts of weather and water, and the imagined conceptual space of the boat, arose a video that mimics, in diagrammatic space, this plunge into a different ground. The painting, sketched and erased, anchors my view of the beauty of failed efforts. — Jonathan Frioux

yat Crate, video, tarp, acyrlic, canvas; 3 ft x 14 ft x 7 ft, two-minute video

See Also ARCH-04, GRAPH-02, ID-05, INTAR-01, PHOTO-04, CER-05, DM-04, FURN-05, GLASS-03, JM-05, SCULP-02


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