Character costume figure drawing tan huaixiang

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70  m  Chapter 2

Step Two: Block In the Features The primary placement of the features determines the unique appearance of the face. When drawing a full figure, it is important to catch and emphasize the action lines; when drawing a face, capture the mood of the character and put particular feature changes in the right place to make them stand out. It is very important when developing a face to first block all the features, rather than drawing them one at a time. If the features are drawn separately, the result is often lopsided and unbalanced. Each individual feature may look perfectly fine, but when looking at the features as a whole, they are out of proportion. You must

2-7  Placement of the Centerline for Front View

consider the features in relation to one another and establish the correct proportions to produce a balanced, realistic face. The placement of the features for front, profile, and three-quarter views is determined by the same rules, but the centerline in the profile and three-quarter views becomes curved. Follow these steps:

} To establish the placement of the features for the front view, draw a centerline running vertically inside the block. This will be the center of the face (see Figure 2-7). The centerline will be between the eyes and will divide the nose and mouth into equal halves. When the head moves to different views, the centerline moves as well.

2-8  Placement of the Centerline for Profile View

Thus, the centerline of the profile will be at the edge of the profile block (see Figure 2-8). In the three-quarter view, the centerline moves to either side of the block, depending on which way the head turns (see Figure 2-9). When facing left, the centerline moves to the left; when facing right, the centerline moves to the right. The centerline is curved, regardless of whether the head is facing left or right.

} Draw horizontal lines inside each of the three oval shapes to indicate the placement of the eyes. The eyes are located halfway between the top of the head and the bottom of the chin (see Figures 2-10 through 2-12).

2-9  Placement of the Centerline for Three-Quarter View

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