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Base Query Design View:

Access and Base basically have the same Query Design View so the procedure is not that different. Add the field you want to specify a criterion for by double-clicking it in the field list. In the example in p. T7-5, the “Cost Per Hour” field is added and “<15” is entered in the criterion row. When the query is run, it will only show those records with a Cost Per Hour that is less than $15. Removing the checkmark on the “Visible” row in the Base Design View will hide the query field when the query is run in datasheet view (this is the same as the “Show” row in Access). Sorting Data (p. T7-6) The way the records are sorted can be specified in Design View in both Access and Base, but the sorting order can also be controlled when the query is already in datasheet view. This can be done in Base by clicking on the sort buttons on the toolbar. In Access, the sort buttons can be found under the Home tab and in the Sort & Filter group. ADVANCED QUERIES 16

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