Revista URV #27

Page 102


summary in ENGLISH

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respectful of trees as he is of wine, he is an oenologist but he also claims that he is a farmer. “Recovering our past gives our lives value and meaning.” Miquel Palau is a well-respected oenologist within the Abadal group and also elsewhere. He is particularly known for his knowledge and his humility. “If we have an objective, then that is reinforce our identity,” he states, convinced that the oenological work at Abadal is not only to produce quality wines but also to recover the winemaking heritage of the DO Pla de Bages, as he demonstrates every day with his vat wine he makes at the Mas de l’Arboset.


SIX PEOPLE WITH A CONNECTION TO THE LAND With these three new volumes there are now six books in the series Wine Portraits. They are in-depth reports written by the journalist and sommelier Ruth Troyano with photography by Maoz Eliakim. The volumes are the result of many hours spent in the company of the oenologists in an attempt to understand their connection with the land and their wine-making style as well as to discover how they have developed as people since they graduated from the University of Tarragona and how their wine project has influenced their personal development and has given them creative freedom.

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