RMCP Vol. 11, Num. 3 (2020): July-September [english version]

Page 148

Rev Mex Cienc Pecu 2020;11(3):718-737

31. Reyes SN, Ledin S, Ledin I. Biomass production and chemical composition of Moringa oleifera under different management regimes in Nicaragua. Agrofor Syst 2006;66(3):231-242. 32. Moyo B, Masika PJ, Muchenje V. Effect of supplementing crossbred Xhosa lop-eared goat castrates with Moringa oleifera leaves on growth performance, carcass and noncarcass characteristics. Trop Anim Health Prod 2012;44(4):801-809. 33. Reyes SN, Spรถrndly E, Ledin I. Effect of feeding different levels of foliage of Moringa oleifera to creole dairy cows on intake, digestibility, milk production and composition. Livest Sci 2006;101(1):24-31. 34. Sultana N, Alimon AR, Huque KS, Sazili AQ, Yaakub H, Hossain J et al. The feeding value of moringa (Moringa oleifera) foliage as replacement to conventional concentrate diet in Bengal goats. Adv Anim Vet Sci 2015;3(3):164-173.


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