Nr. 230 • 1 - 15 mai 2012• 7,5 lei
Care sunt brandurile campioane \n social media \n 2012? Cine a câ[tigat cel mai mult teren [i care sunt noii intra]i \n jocul promov`rii online? Afla]i \n exclusivitate din topul Biz pe care-l realiz`m pentru al patrulea an consecutiv.
1 Desc`rca]i aplica]ia Aurasma
Din aplica]ie, \ndrepta]i camera telefonului mobil spre coperta Biz
3 Urm`ri]i pe telefon con]inutul exclusiv
Nr. 230
Ap`sa]i de 2 ori pe ecran pentru a m`ri fereastra sau o singur` dat` pentru detalii
Un Biz, 3 proiecte
Redactor-{ef MARTA U[URELU
Redactor-{ef Adjunct GABRIEL BÂRLIG~
Director Publicitate GIUSEPPINA BURLUI
Research [i abonamente GABRIELA MATEI
Layouts & Design LUMINI}A R~ILEANU
Prelucrare foto & Prepress AUREL {ERBAN
Produc]ie [i distribu]ie DAN MITROI
Biz Age Editor al Revistei Biz Calea {erban Vod` 213 - 217, Complex Diamond Park, tronson 1, ap. 1, sector 4, Bucure[ti – România Telefon: 0371 32 32 32 0371 31 11 11 Fax: 0372 87 35 31 E-mails:;
Publica]ie auditat` de Biroul Roman de Audit al Tirajelor, BRAT, pe perioada iunie - noiembrie 2010
in ce \n ce mai mult` lume ne \ntreab` de unde ne inspir`m. De unde lu`m toate ideile pe care le vede]i [i le citi]i \n Biz. R`spunsul este acela[i: iubim ceea ce facem. Vrem s` demonstr`m c` se poate [i c`, dac` pui pasiune \n ceea ce faci, nimic nu este imposibil. Iar aceast` atitudine s-a dovedit eficient` [i \nving`toare.
Suntem mereu \n c`utare de noi idei. Nu ai cum s` nu vezi c` \n jurul nostru sunt o mul]ime de posibilit`]i. Trebuie doar s` le observi, s` ai curaj s` \ntinzi mâna dup` ele, s` le iei [i s` le pui \n practic`! Unele cu mult efort [i mult` munc`. Altele, uimitor, se dovedesc din prima excelente [i prind la public mai u[or [i mai repede decât ne-am fi a[teptat. A[a a fost [i Top Social Brands, clasament pe care \l dedic`m an de an celor mai prezente companii \n social media. De la prima edi]ie am creat buzz \n jurul s`u, iar companiile, bloggerii [i jurnali[tii l-au primit cu mare interes. Am ajuns la a patra edi]ie [i deja se poate vedea prin intermediul Top Social Brands evolu]ia social media \n România [i a implic`rii companiilor \n acest domeniu plin de oportunit`]i, dar [i de capcane. Acest top [i evenimentele Biz dedicate social media, organizate \n Bucure[ti, \n marile ora[e din ]ar`, dar [i peste grani]`, au fost adev`rate trambuline pentru Biz. Nu le-am gândit a[a de la \nceput. Acum patru ani, am ales dintre tendin]ele acelui moment câteva care consideram c` vor lua avânt \n România. {i nu ne-am \n[elat. Social media fascineaz` companiile [i din ce \n ce mai multe procente din bugetele lor se \ndreapt` spre aceste canale. Dac` n-a]i f`cut pasul \n aceast` direc]ie, observa]i fenomenul. Experimenta]i, dac` pute]i, pe conturi personale. Nu pune]i la \ndoial` decizia legat` de intrarea \n social media. |ntreba]i-v` doar dac` va fi sau nu prea târziu pentru compania voastr`. |nchei referindu-m` tot la ideile noi pe care le lans`m num`r de num`r. Oamenii au v`zut c` suntem ambasadorii inova]iei. C` avem curaj [i [tim s` punct`m pe tot ce este inedit. De aceea, atunci când cineva are o idee, ne caut`. Pentru acest num`r special dedicat Top Social Brands, compania Brandstalk ne-a propus s` facem o aplica]ie foarte cool la Londra \n acest moment. O pute]i experimenta pe coperta Biz cu smartphone-ul personal. 5 bloggeri de top [i 5 reprezentan]i din companiile care fac social media au demonstrat la film`ri cum lucreaz` cele dou` “tabere”. {i, la propunerea lui Drago[ Stanca de a face revista RoNewMedia Magazine pe formatul [i designul Biz, am decis c` este timpul pentru o nou` edi]ie Biz cu 2 coperte [i 2 cover story. V` propunem a[adar nu un proiect 2 \n 1, ci 3 proiecte \ntr-un singur Biz. Pentru c` nimic nu este imposibil!
ISSN 1454-8380 MARTA U{URELU, Redactor-{ef Biz
Tipografie: Artprint
Nr. 230 • 1 - 15 mai 2012• 7,5 lei
Care sunt brandurile campioane \n social media \n 2012? Cine a câ[tigat cel mai mult teren [i care sunt noii intra]i \n jocul promov`rii online? Afla]i \n exclusivitate din topul Biz pe care-l realiz`m pentru al patrulea an consecutiv.
1 Desc`rca]i aplica]ia Aurasma
Din aplica]ie, \ndrepta]i camera telefonului mobil spre coperta Biz
3 Urm`ri]i pe telefon con]inutul exclusiv
4 Ap`sa]i de 2 ori pe ecran pentru a m`ri fereastra sau o singur` dat` pentru detalii
|n premier` \n presa din România, Brandstalk a realizat pentru Biz o aplica]ie Aurasma care face coperta acestui num`r s` prind` via]` pe ecranul telefonului mobil.
4 10 16 22 24 30
Un pas \nainte [i doi \napoi Top Social Brands Top 50 branduri \n social media Avem o copert`. Ce facem cu ea? Pofta vine investind Florina T`nase: De 14 ani, r`spundem nevoilor comunit`]ii
32 36 39 42 44 48
Lini[tea dinaintea unei noi furtuni? Cu vitez` \nainte pe un drum cu succes Cre[teri solide de la an la an Ciocolat` cu arom` de export High Impact Friends, Dublu impact Lec]iile consolid`rii \n business Biz
UN PAS |NAINTE {I DOI |NAPOI Prognozele economi[tilor nu sunt prea optimiste. Riscurile sistemice [i anul electoral prin care trecem duc la derapaje – vezi recenta c`dere a guvernului. DE ALEXANDRU ARDELEAN 4
Cererea intern` [i cea extern` au alternat ca motoare ale cre[terii economice, \ncepånd cu anul 2010. |n cea de-a doua jum`tate a anului 2011, cererea extern` a fost afectat` de aversiunea la risc a investitorilor str`ini [i de deteriorarea lichidit`]ii din zona euro, cererea intern` fiind singurul motor al cre[terii economiei. Recolta excelent` de anul trecut, revigorarea serviciilor [i a activit`]ii \n construc]ii (\n special \n lucr`ri publice) au ajutat economia s`
avanseze \n trimestrul trei al lui 2011 cu 4,4% [i cu 1,9% \n trimestrul patru, \n compara]ie cu perioadele corespunz`toare ale anului precedent. Constat`rile apar \ntr-un raport realizat de UniCredit }iriac Bank. {i \n primul semestru din 2012 tot cererea intern` va fi principalul motor de cre[tere al PIB, \ntrucât recolta bogat` a anului trecut va stimula \n continuare consumul privat. |n acela[i timp, exporturile [i industria sunt afectate de cererea slab` din zona euro. Produc]ia industrial` a crescut cu doar 0,2% \n ianuarie [i \n februarie fa]` de primele dou` luni ale lui 2011. Prognoza economi[tilor de la UniCredit pentru cre[terea industriei \n primul trimestru (+1,3%) pare optimist`. Indicatorii care anticipeaz` evolu]ia economiei sunt pozitivi,
MEET & SEAT, UN PRODUS REVOLU}IONAR KLM pilot, KLM adaug` constant noi destina]ii pentru care serviciul va fi disponibil: Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, Toronto, Johannesburg, Cape Town [i Nairobi. Erik Varwijk, Managing Director la KLM: “Noul serviciu a fost dezvoltat \n strâns` leg`tur` cu clien]ii no[tri. |n urma succesului \nregistrat \n prima lun` de la lansare, \nregistr`m o cerere crescut` pentru disponibilitatea acestui serviciu pe noi rute. Meet & Seat este utilizat \n mod special pentru networking de c`tre cei care c`l`toresc \n interes de afaceri. Noile destina]ii se potrivesc perfect acestui scop”.
DESPRE MEET & SEAT Pasagerii pot vizualiza al`turi de cine vor zbura doar prin conectarea profilului lor de Facebook sau LinkedIn la datele zborului. Pasagerii pot rezerva un loc anume prin intermediul func]iei de Manage My Bookings cel mai devreme cu 90 de zile \nainte [i cu pân` la 48 ore \naintea zborului, putând astfel s` interac]ioneze cu u[urin]` cu al]i pasageri ai aceleia[i curse. Meet & Seat este deja disponibil pe 34 de rute intercontinentale pe conexiunea Amsterdam, precum San Francisco, New York [i Sao Paolo, iar KLM va introduce \n curând [i altele noi, cu inten]ia de a extinde acest serviciu pe toate zborurile intercontinentale cât mai curând. Astfel, \ncepând cu 27 mai, serviciul va fi disponibil pentru trei noi destina]ii, din Canada: Montreal, Calgary [i Vancouver.
Cu siguran]` c`l`toria cu avionul este mult mai pl`cut` atunci când vecinul de scaun ofer` o companie agreabil` [i o conversa]ie pe m`sur`. Dac` pân` de curând alegerea persoanei lâng` care st`m \n timpul unui zbor a fost l`sat` la voia \ntâmpl`rii, un serviciu KLM inovator lansat de curând schimb` total datele problemei. Denumit sugestiv Meet & Seat, serviciul permite pasagerilor s` aleag` efectiv lâng` cine vor sta \n avion, \n func]ie de profilul publicat \n re]elele sociale al persoanelor respective. Pasagerii care au o rezervare pentru un bilet de avion pot vizualiza cu u[urin]` al`turi de cine vor c`l`tori, prin intermediul profilurilor de Facebook [i LinkedIn ale c`l`torilor. Procedura este una simpl` – pasagerii \[i public` profilul de Facebook sau LinkedIn prin intermediul func]iei Manage My Bookings disponibil` pe website-ul KLM, ulterior putând vedea la rândul lor al`turi de cine vor zbura. Astfel, \[i vor putea rezerva locul lâng` o persoan` cu interese comune. Spre exemplu, un om de afaceri care merge la o conferin]` din New York va putea avea ca vecin de scaun \n avion o alt` persoan` care merge la acela[i eveniment. Desigur, utilizatorii controleaz` \n orice moment ce date din profilul personal pot fi vizualizate de c`tre ceilal]i pasageri. Odat` cu lansarea Meet & Seat \n data de 3 februarie, KLM a marcat un pas important, devenind prima companie aerian` ce integreaz` re]elele sociale \n procesul de rezervare a unui loc la bordul aeronavelor sale. |n urma lans`rii serviciului Meet & Seat pe trei rute
preconizånd o revenire a produc]iei industriale romåne[ti \n trimestrul doi la +1,5% cre[tere anual`. Pe de alt` parte, exporturile slabe [i previziunile de cre[tere mai pu]in optimiste pentru zona euro (0,3% \n 2012 fa]` de 0,6% \n prognoza UniCredit din decembrie 2011) sunt cauzele reducerii a[tept`rilor privind cre[terea PIB \n 2012 de la 1,4% la 1,2%. Dac` excludem din calcule agricultura, economi[tii b`ncii se a[teapt` la o \ncetinire a ratei de cre[tere de la 1,9% \n 2011 la 1,6% \n 2012. Legat de cre[terea salariilor, speciali[tii spun c` impactul poten]ial al unei cre[teri de 15-16% a salariilor sectorului public se va limita, cel mai probabil, la o cre[tere de doar 0,4% a consumului [i de 0,3% a PIB. Singura consecin]` a acestei major`ri este efectul psihologic de cre[tere a \ncrederii popula]iei \n economie stimulånd comer]ul cu am`nuntul. R`måne, evident, de v`zut dac` aceast` cre[tere a optimismului va ajuta [i contruc]iile de locuin]e s` compenseze \ncetinirea probabil` a lucr`rilor de infrastructur`. |n aceste condi]ii, a[tept`rile de cre[tere pentru anul 2013 au fost reduse de la 2,5% la 2,3% din cauza scenariului mai pesimist privind cre[terea economic` a Romåniei [i a zonei euro \n acest an. Biz
Smartphone-ul, mailul [i românii Românii \mbr`]i[eaz` tehnologia. Nu mai pu]in de 79% dintre posesorii români de smartphone \[i folosesc device-ul mobil pentru a-[i verifica mailul, fie el personal sau de serviciu, conform unui studiu al companiei de cercetare GfK. De asemenea, aproximativ dou` treimi dintre români obi[nuiesc s` \[i foloseasc` telefonul mobil pentru a vizita diverse comunit`]i online [i re]ele sociale, sau ca pe o agend` pentru program`ri, \n timp ce 47% dintre ace[tia aleg s` fac` fotografii [i s` posteze informa]ii \n social media. Cele mai folosite aplica]ii sunt cele dedicate e-mailului, chat-ului, muzicii, posturilor radio, re]elelor sociale [i blogurilor. De[i românii par ata[a]i de utilitatea acestor device-uri, peste jum`tate din ei cred c` aspectul [i stilul unui produs electronic sunt importante \n decizia de cump`rare. (D.L.)
Samsung a detronat Nokia Compania sud-coreean` Samsung Electronics a devenit cel mai mare produc`tor de telefoane mobile, dep`[ind compania finlandez` Nokia, care a de]inut suprema]ia mai bine de 14 ani \n ceea ce prive[te vânz`rile de terminale mobile. |n primul trimestru al acestui an, Samsung a livrat 93,5 milioane de telefoane mobile, \nregistrånd o cre[tere cu 36% fa]` de aceea[i perioad` a anului 2011, \n timp ce vånz`rile Nokia au ajuns la 82,7 milioane de unit`]i. Comparativ cu primul trimestru al anului 6
trecut, vånz`rile Nokia au sc`zut cu 24% [i actualmente compania scandinav` de]ine o cot` de pia]` de 22,5%. Mai mult, Samsung a reu[it \n numai cinci luni s` vånd` mai bine de 5 milioane de Galaxy Note, smartphone lansat anul trecut \n luna octombrie. Vånz`rile de terminale mobile au generat 73% din profiturile companiei din Coreea de Sud, care s-au ridicat la valoarea record de 5,2 miliarde de dolari. Samsung este [i cel mai mare produc`tor de terminale tip smartphone, dep`[ind Apple din trimestrul trei al anului trecut. (O.N.)
FUZIUNE GIGANT PE PIA}A FARMA Watson Pharmaceuticals preia compania privat` Actavis pentru suma de aproximativ 4,25 de miliarde de euro, tranzac]ie \n urma c`reia Watson va deveni cea de-a treia mare companie de farmaceutice generice din lume, cu venituri pro-forma care se anticipeaz` c` vor atinge aproximativ 8 miliarde de dolari. Pre]ul total va include plata \n numerar a circa 4,15 miliarde de euro, dar [i preluarea unei datorii \n valoare de maximum 100 de milioane de euro, care urmeaz` s` fie pl`tit` la finalizarea tranzac]iei, estimat` a avea loc \n al patrulea trimestru din 2012. Noua companie va desf`[ura opera]iuni comerciale \n peste 40 de pie]e. Prin aceast` achizi]ie, Watson \[i va extinde pozi]ia de lider \n ceea ce prive[te medicamentele cu eliberare modificat`, formele orale solide [i preparatele cu ac]iune transdermic` la semisolide, solu]ii [i injectabile. Rezultatul const` \ntr-un portofoliu de medicamente mai extins [i diversificat la nivel mondial [i un num`r extins de produse \n dezvoltare. Al`turarea dintre Watson [i Actavis \nseamn` [i extinderea semnificativ` a expertizei de management. |n ultimii 5 ani, Actavis s-a axat pe integrarea de
achizi]ii importante, inclusiv consolidarea func]iilor corporate, fuzionarea opera]iunilor din Europa Central`, de Est [i de Vest [i implementarea proiectului de management \n cadrul companiei. Cumulat, Actavis [i Watson vor num`ra peste 17.000 de angaja]i la nivel mondial. La finalizarea tranzac]iei, compania va de]ine peste 20 de facilit`]i de produc]ie [i peste 12 centre R&D. (L.S.) 8
BUCURE{TIUL, CONECTAT DIRECT LA BERLIN Pentru c` e o destina]ie la mod`, ieftin`, dar cu o via]` de noapte extrem de intens`. {i pentru c` din 3 iunie, Berlinul va deveni un hub regional, odat` cu deschiderea noului aeroport BerlinBrandenburg Willy Brandt. DE ALEXANDRU ARDELEAN Noul aeroport va deveni singura poart` aerian` a Berlinului, din 3 iunie, pentru c` actualele aeroporturi, Tegel [i Schönefeld, vor fi \nchise odat` cu deschiderea acestui obiectiv. Ceea ce este \ns` important este c` va deveni un nod important pentru Germania, avånd \n vedere c` vechile aeroporturi nu mai f`ceau fa]` afluxului de turi[ti [i nici nu permiteau zboruri transatlantice. Unul dintre beneficiarii direc]i ai acestei m`suri este compania aerian` Lufthansa, care va cre[te cu 40% num`rul zborurilor c`tre [i dinspre Berlin. |ncepånd cu aceast` dat`, 35 de aeronave ale celei mai importante companii aeriene europene vor deservi 50 de destina]ii din Europa [i Africa de Nord. Una dintre aceste destina]ii va fi [i Bucure[tiul, Lufthansa conectånd pentru prima dat` direct cele dou` capitale europene. “Deschiderea noului aeroport Brandenburg va genera o nou` dinamic` a cre[terii, din ale c`rei beneficii ne propunem s` fructific`m o cot` foarte mare”, a spus Ofer Kisch, General Manager Europa Central` [i de Est al grupului Lufthansa. Odat` cu mutarea pe acest nou [i modern aeroport, Lufthansa va trebui s` fac` fa]` [i avalan[ei de operatori low-cost, cum este Air Berlin. Compania aerian` are preg`tit` o strategie care \i permite s` lanseze cursele
spre Bucure[ti de pild` de la 99 de euro, dus-\ntors cu toate taxele, tocmai pentru a face fa]` competi]iei. Printre m`surile adoptate se num`r` alegerea unei flote care s` deserveasc` Berlinul compus` numai din modele noi de aeronave Airbus A319 [i A320, care necesit` mai pu]ine costuri de mentenan]`. Un nou program al zborurilor cu rota]ii optimizate va oferi avantaje \n privin]a cheltuielilor [i va cre[te profitabilitatea printro utilizare repetat` a aeronavelor. Noul aeroport va permite o cre[tere accelerat` a turismului avånd \n vedere c` \n acest moment Berlinul este pe locul al treilea \n Europa ca num`r de turi[ti, fiind precedat de Londra [i Paris. Aeroportul Berlin Brandenburg este conceput pentru o capacitate de start de 27 de milioane de pasageri pe an, cu posibilitatea de extindere pån` la 45 de milioane. Construc]ia are 1.470 de hectare [i a costat aproximativ 4 miliarde de euro. Pentru a oferi o experien]` cåt mai lejer` [i mai simpl`, aeroportul este de fapt format dintr-un singur terminal. Este conectat la centrul Berlinului prin autostrad`, autobuze dedicate, cåt [i printr-o linie de metrou special`, situat` \n subsolul aeroportului. |n 30 de minute ve]i ajunge direct \n centrul ora[ului [i ve]i putea s` v` bucura]i de acest ora[ cosmopolit, alert, intens [i vibrant. Biz
Avem un anun]: “Bun` diminea]a. Caut s` «\nchiriez» pentru o zi-dou` o pisic` \n stare s` prind` un [oarece. M` pute]i ajuta?”. Unde crede]i c` a ap`rut? |n primul rând, nu este o glum`, mai mult, se pare c` [i-a g`sit rezolvarea \n câteva minute de la postarea sa pe... Facebook. Cam acesta este nivelul pân` la care social media a p`truns \n vie]ile noastre. De la un mod de petrecere a timpului liber [i chiar a orelor de program la birou, a devenit [i locul unde se caut` rezolvarea unor probleme cotidiene, cât se poate de concrete. Cau]i ceva? |ntrebi mai \ntâi pe Facebook [i poate apoi \n cercul de prieteni “reali”. Vrei ca lumea s` [tie unde e[ti, cu cine te-ai \ntâlnit sau ce faci? Pui o poz` pe Facebook. Dac` e[ti conectat la Twitter ai [anse s` afli c` a c`zut guvernul cu câteva minute \nainte ca vestea s` ajung` breaking news pe televiziunile de [tiri. {i \n via]a brandurilor social media \[i g`se[te din ce \n ce mai mult loc. Cu peste 4,6 milioane de conturi active de Facebook \n România [i aproape 3 milioane de oameni care obi[nuiesc s` citeasc` bloguri, de la ceva “ce ar fi bine de f`cut” social media este pe cale s` devin` un “must have” \n politica de comunicare a companiilor. Apropierea de acest mediu s-a produs gradual, de câ]iva ani \ncoace, fie prin mimetism ca reac]ie la ceea ce face concuren]a, fie ca urmare a unui simplu factor declan[ator, cum a fost, de pild`, \n cazul KLM, un brand devenit deja studiu de caz printre companiile care caut` s`-[i croiasc` drumul \n social media. Compania aerian` [i-a dat seama de utilitatea [i importan]a acestui mediu \n interac]iunea cu clien]ii \ntr-un moment tensionat, mai exact \n urma crizei declan[ate de norul de cenu[` vulcanic` din 2010. Contul de Twitter [i pagina de Facebook au devenit atunci rapid instrumente extrem de utile \n dialogul cu clien]ii care \ncercau s` contacteze compania pentru a afla detalii despre zboruri. Acum, KLM are un departament de social media alc`tuit din 14 persoane [i a dezvoltat un serviciu de rela]ii cu clien]ii nonstop. Compania 12
poate r`spunde la \ntreb`ri \n maximum o or` [i rezolv` orice problem` \n cel mult 24 de ore, având o vitez` de reac]ie, \n medie, de 18-20 de minute, la solicit`rile care vin partea clien]ilor prin intermediul re]elelor sociale. Men]inerea comunic`rii cu consumatorii [i rezolvarea solicit`rilor venite din partea acestora (servicii specifice de customer care), cre[terea notoriet`]ii brandului \n mediul online [i e-commerce sunt direc]iile spre care se orienteaz` majoritatea brandurilor atunci când \ncep s`-[i stabileasc` strategia de social media, nu neap`rat \n aceast` ordine [i nu
acesteia [i câ]i sunt “vân`tori de promo]ii” [i “concursomani” este o dezbatere care \ncinge tot mai mult spiritele oamenilor de marketing. Cât prive[te statisticile referitoare la conturile false de Facebook, oficialii re]elei de socializare au anun]at c` \ntre 5% [i 6% dintre conturile din \ntreaga lume sunt duplicate sau fictive. E mult? E pu]in? P`rerile sunt \mp`r]ite. Cel mai mult \ns` conteaz` dac` procentul “fake-urilor” este \n cre[tere, situa]ie \n care cu adev`rat s-ar putea s` avem o problem`. De altfel, goana dup` “like-uri” [i “fani” este o problem` care se ridic` tot mai des
69% Atragerea de fani Primirea de feedback de la consumatori Formarea unei imagini de marc` / companie Comunicare viral`
Bloguri independente
43% Feedback consumatori Customer care
Blog al unui angajat
Cre[terea notoriet`]ii de marc` / produs Comunicare viral`
neap`rat toate trei deodat`. |n func]ie de particularit`]ile fiec`rei m`rci [i nevoile specifice de comunicare, obiectivele evident variaz` [i sunt mult nuan]ate. La cel`lalt cap`t al comunic`rii, consumatorii nu sunt tocmai reticen]i \n a intra \n contact cu brandurile. Potrivit unui studiu al GfK din septembrie 2011, consumatorilor români le place s` se \mprieteneasc` cu m`rcile. Aproape dou` treimi dintre cei care au cont de Facebook s-au \mprietenit cu cel pu]in o marc`. Câ]i dintre ace[tia se \mprietenesc pentru c` le place sincer marca respectiv` [i vor s` fie la curent cu nout`]ile [i lans`rile
\n discu]iile despre viitorul promov`rii pe Facebook. |ntr-o dezbatere despre m`surarea eficien]ei \n social media, Bobby Voicu, blogger [i consultant \n social media, a adus \n discu]ie a[a-numi]ii “vanity KPIs” fa]` \n fa]` cu “real KPIs” (KPIs – indicatori de performan]`). M`sur`m a[adar rezultate care s` ne gâdile orgoliul sau care pe termen lung au impact pozitiv asupra brandului pe care-l administr`m? Cu alte cuvinte, cuantific`ri de genul num`r de fani pe Facebook, valoare per click pentru Facebook ads, num`r de click-uri prin Facebook ads ajut` mai mult la cre[terea
CUM FOLOSESC COMPANIILE ROMÂNE{TI SOCIAL MEDIA? Pe parcursul anului trecut, 69% dintre companii au apelat \n special la promovarea prin Facebook [i prin forumurile de discu]ii (43%), potrivit unui studiu al
sant pentru 19% dintre companii, iar campaniile pe bloguri independente pentru 27%. |n func]ie de specificul fiec`rei re]ele de socializare, difer` [i obiectivele de comunicare pe care acestea le pot atinge. Dac` Facebook este o re]ea util` pentru atragerea de fani, primirea de feedback de la consumatori [i formarea unei imagini de marc`, Twitter folose[te mai mult pentru atragerea de fani [i comunicarea viral`, iar LinkedIn ajut` mai degrab` la g`sirea partenerilor de afaceri [i consolidarea imaginii brandului sau companiei. |n ceea ce prive[te scopul \n care sunt folosite aceste medii, studiul GfK re-
34% Notorietate marc` / companie G`sirea partenerilor de afaceri Cre[terea vânz`rilor
17% G`sirea partenerilor de afaceri Imagine de marc` /companie
GfK România, realizat online pe panelul de responden]i askGfK, pe un e[antion de 410 persoane, deciden]i sau codeciden]i \n ceea ce prive[te activitatea de comunicare, care au realizat sau inten]ioneaz` s` realizeze campanii \n re]elele sociale \n urm`toarele 12 luni. Inten]iile pentru 2012 arat` o cre[tere u[oar` pentru canalele deja existente [i bine pozi]ionate, cum sunt Facebook, LinkedIn sau YouTube, dar [i un interes mai accentuat pentru utilizarea pe scar` mai larg` a Twitter-ului [i blogurilor independente (cre[tere de 8%, respectiv 6%). Astfel, Twitter ajunge s` fie intere-
23% Comunicare viral` Formarea unei imagini de marc` / companie
11% Atragerea de fani Comunicare viral`
marc` \n 2012 o concentrare semnificativ mai mare fa]` de 2011 pe rela]ia cu clien]ii. Fidelizarea este un obiectiv important anul acesta pentru 60% dintre responden]i (fa]` de 49% \n 2011), interac]iunea clien]ilor cu marca pentru aproape jum`tate (fa]` de 34% anul trecut), iar oferirea de servicii de rela]ii cu clien]ii (customer care) pentru 39%, reprezentând o cre[tere de 10 procente fa]` de 2011. Scopuri foarte importante r`mân cre[terea vânz`rilor – pentru dou` treimi dintre cei chestiona]i – [i g`sirea partenerilor de afaceri – pentru mai mult de jum`tate dintre responden]i. |n ceea ce
prive[te media campaniilor desf`[urate \n 2011, studiul GfK arat` c` 24% dintre companii au avut o medie de 5-8 campanii, \n timp ce 17% dintre companii au derulat o medie de peste 20 de campanii pe an. Tot 17% dintre companii au avut o medie de doar una - dou` campanii pe parcursul \ntregului an.
CAMPIONII DIN 2011, PREMIAN}I |N 2012 Pentru al patrulea an consecutiv, Vodafone se men]ine \n pozi]ia de lider, cu multiple campanii \n care au fost implica]i atât A-list bloggeri, cât [i bloggeri regionali. De altfel, constant, \n ultimii ani, la fiecare lansare de produs sau serviciu Vodafone, bloggerii sunt informa]i \n acela[i timp cu presa tradi]ional`, iar \n rela]ia cu clien]ii este \ntre]inut` o comunicare permanent` pe Facebook, prin aplica]ia Asistenta, [i pe Wall, pe Twitter, pe forumul Vodafone [i pe principalele forumuri din ]ar`. Vodafone este primul brand din România care \nc` din 2009 a devenit promotor al re]elei de socializare Facebook. |ns` nu a r`mas ancorat doar \n Facebook, are o prezen]` constant` pe bloguri, Twitter, YouTube (unde au fost lansate, \n premier`, multe dintre spoturile de TV) sau Flickr. Asocierea cu evenimente culturale precum Festivalul de Film Anonimul, care a transformat un grup de bloggeri \n coresponden]i Vodafone \n Delta Dun`rii, sau festivalul TIFF, care a grupat o serie de bloggeri din Cluj timp de o s`pt`mân` de film`ri pentru clipuri ce au fost difuzate \n seara de gal` a festivalului, a adus anul trecut mult buzz \n online brandului. De impact a fost [i campania de popularizare pentru SMURD [i 112 [i sus]inerea unor cursuri de prim ajutor la care au participat peste 2.000 de persoane, reflectând astfel impactul tangibil pe care social media \l are \n offline. Comunicarea brandului \n social media a implicat [i inova]ii cum a fost de pild`, \n august 2011, Undercloud, prima pies` de teatru jucat` \n direct pe Sursa: GfK / Social media pentru companii
egoului, spre deosebire de cuantific`ri precum conversia de la vizitatori la “consumatori”, valoarea per vizitator (Facebook ads), interac]iuni pe pagina de Facebook (comentarii/like-uri/share-uri), care ofer` un tablou mai realist asupra impactului pe care-l au ac]iunile de promovare \n social media.
TOP SOCIAL BRANDS Facebook. Actori reali “au jucat” pentru fanii Vodafone Buzz, postând replicile din piesa de teatru [i creând atmosfera specific` unei piese adev`rate. Tot la capitolul deschidere c`tre nout`]i [i experimente se \nscrie [i faptul c` este unul dintre primele branduri din România cu cont de Pinterest. Cea mai spectaculoas` evolu]ie a avut-o Pepsi, care a intrat \n top, \n premier`, direct pe locul 3. 2011 a fost anul \n care Pepsico România a crescut \n social media cât alte branduri \n mai mul]i ani. Aventura social` a \nceput mai intens \n aprilie 2011, cu campania Pepsi Twist New Look. Au votat 1.958 de fani, dintr-o baz` de 24.000 la momentul respectiv, iar decizia consumatorilor a fost pentru schimbarea ambalajului de Pepsi Twist. Iunie 2011 a debutat cu Pepsi Vintage – aplica]ia “Galeria D’altadat`”, prin care fotografiile utilizatorului erau transformate \n poze retro. Comunicarea pe Facebook a continuat \n iulie cu Pepsi Refreshed Liberty Parade. August marca deja o baz` de 100.000 de fani dar [i o cre[tere \n volum a cotei de pia]` pe trimestrul 3 de 4% comparativ cu anul anterior, potrivit Canadean QR. Toamna a \nceput cu Pepsi Refresh România [i un plan de comunicare de 360 de grade, la finalul c`ruia, pân` \n decembrie, pagina de Facebook a crescut la aproape 200.000 de fani, simultan cu o cre[tere de 5,2% \n volum a cotei de pia]` \n trimestrul 4 fa]` de aceea[i perioad` a anului anterior (potrivit Canadean QR). 2012 a \nceput \n for]` pentru brand cu campaniile “Pepsi Vintage” [i “Doza Pepsi de colec]ie” [i cu \nc` 100.000 de fani noi pe pagina de Facebook. Petrom se men]ine \n continuare pe o pozi]ie de top, de pe locul 4 urcând anul
acesta pe 2, gra]ie ecourilor de care s-a bucurat ca urmare a campaniei “Redescoper` România”, cea mai premiat` campanie din online-ul românesc \n 2011, atât pe plan local, cât [i \n festivaluri interna]ionale, apreciat` \ndeosebi pentru buna utilizare a mijloacelor de comunicare \n social media. Un salt spectaculos a avut anul trecut [i Danone, care a urcat de pe 25 pe locul 5, ca urmare a campaniilor dezvoltate pe bloguri [i \n re]elele sociale pentru mai multe dintre brandurile pe care le de]ine \n portofoliu (Activia, Nutriday, Cremosso, Actimel). A comunicat constant \n blogosfer`, a deschis por]ile fabricii pentru o vizit` a bloggerilor [i a participat la evenimente dedicate social media pe tot parcusul anului. Orange a avansat trei pozi]ii de pe locul 7 [i a ajuns pe pozi]ia a patra, \n timp ce Avon, prima companie din România care a lansat propria re]ea de socializare, Avon Connects, a coborât 5 pozi]ii, \ns` se men]ine \n continuare \n top 10. O cre[tere interesant` a avut [i Heineken, care a urcat de pe pozi]ia 16 pe locul 7, cu numeroase colabor`ri pe zona de promovare \n blogosfer` [i o activitate sus]inut` pe Facebook. Cre[teri au \nregistrat [i Rom Autentic (de pe 21 pe 12), \mpins mult \n sus de buzz-ul generat de campania “Românii sunt de[tep]i”, dar [i de succesul avut de McCann la Cannes Lions, cât [i ING (de pe 23 pe 15). La capitolul sc`deri, Microsoft, brandul care la edi]ia anterioar` a clasamentului se l`uda cu primul proiect de “Twitteratur` româneasc`” [i campania “C`l`torie spre centrul internetului”, a coborât de pe locul 3 pe pozi]ia 16. |n sc`dere a fost [i Dacia, care de la locul 12 a coborât pe 28.
De la unul din primele branduri române[ti care f`ceau campanii pe bloguri, reputa]ie de care \nc` se mai bucur`, \n 2011 Dacia a mers cumva cu frâna de mân` tras` \n social media. |n c`dere au fost [i Cosmote (de pe 15 pe 21), dar [i LG, care din top 10 a ajuns pe locul 20. Singurul brand care a avut o pozi]ie constant` a fost Nokia, care, la fel ca \n 2011, a r`mas pe locul 6. Cum social media este un domeniu extrem de dinamic, cu evolu]ii spectaculoase \n timp, atât asupra impactului pe care \l poate avea \n mintea consumatorilor, cât [i \n ceea ce prive[te masele de utilizatori atinse, de la un an la altul un astfel de clasament poate suferi schimb`ri radicale. E de a[teptat ca la edi]ia viitoare s` avem atât intr`ri spectaculoase, cât [i modific`ri \n fruntea clasamentului. Din raportul pe luna februarie f`cut public de Social Bakers pentru social media \n România, \n clasamentul primelor zece branduri pe Facebook dup` num`rul de fani se afl` mari branduri comerciale precum Lidl, Pepsi, Doncafé, Nivea, Lenor Parfumelle, Orange, Ursus, Lay’s, L’Oréal Paris. De asemenea, se remarc` o intensificare a activit`]ii pe zona de social media la majoritatea brandurilor de FMCG (beri, ape minerale, produse cosmetice [i de \ngrjire), dar [i pe zona de retail, auto [i domeniul bancar. Cu strategii ce \ncep s` se contureze, vin din urm` Staropramen, berea lansat` pe pia]a româneasc` \n vara anului trecut [i prezentat` \n premier` comunit`]ii de bloggeri la Social Media Summer Camp (iulie 2011), [i Bancpost, care [i-a lansat pagin` de Facebook pentru o interac]iune direct` cu clien]ii.
5.600.000 110.000 TRILULILU 2.503.704 TPU 2.348.501 FOURSQUARE NA NETLOG 470.000 LINKEDIN 610.000 TWITTER 570.000 BLOGURI 2.992.000 PINTEREST
vizitatori unici (Google AD PLANNER / martie 2012) vizitatori unici (Google AD PLANNER / martie 2012) vizitatori unici (SATI / martie 2012) vizitatori unici (SATI / martie 2012) vizitatori unici (Google AD PLANNER / martie 2012) vizitatori unici (Google AD PLANNER / martie 2012) vizitatori unici (Google ADPLANNER / aprilie 2011) cititori de bloguri ( / SATI / sept. – feb. 2011)
4.643.820 conturi ( / aprilie 2012) NA NA 373.747 uilizatori (TPU / aprilie 2012) 37.284 conturi ( NA 694.163 conturi / aprilie 2012 50.646 conturi (Zelist / aprilie 2012) 63.761 bloguri (Zelist / aprilie 2012) Sursa: Cristian Manafu /
POZI}IE 2011: 7
POZI}IE 2011: 25
A derulat campanii pe bloguri, Twitter (Vodafonebuzz) [i pe dou` pagini de Facebook (Vodafonero [i Fundatiavodafone). Printre activit`]ile derulate pe Facebook se num`r` sus]inerea festivalurilor de film Anonimul (“Cinefili \n Delt`”) [i TIFF (“Cluj: The Movie”); a Gadgeteer Awards 1 [i 2 (2011, 2012), a “Undercloud” (prima pies` de teatru pe Facebook). Are profil actualizat pe Wikipedia \n român` [i englez`, cont pe Flickr (vodafonebuzz) [i canal pe YouTube (vodafonebuzz). A sus]inut Webstock 2011, How To Web, iPhone Party, Secret Santa Party, Lady Bloggers Party. R`spunde solicit`rilor clien]ilor pe Facebook, prin aplica]ia Asistenta, [i pe Wall, pe Twitter, pe forumul Vodafone [i pe principalele forumuri din ]ar`. Are unul dintre primele conturi pe Pinterest din România. Echipa de comunicare online Petrom administreaz` dou` bloguri de brand (,, dou` conturi de Twitter (Petromro [i Taraluiandrei) [i paginile de Facebook PetromRo [i Tara lui Andrei. |n 2011 a derulat campania de promovare pe Twitter @prinromania [i campania pe Facebook “|mpodobe[te cel mai mare brad pe Facebook” (aplica]ia “Bradul meu”). Are pagin` de Facebook, cont de Twitter, profil actualizat pe Wikipedia, cont pe Flickr, canal de Youtube. A sus]inut evenimente dedicate blogosferei, printre care “Redescoper` România”, “Zbor peste Transilvania”, “Redescoper` România pe dou` ro]i”, “Bloggerii viziteaz` Transalpina”. “Redescoper` România” a fost cea mai premiat` campanie online \n 2011 [i este considerat` campania cu cea mai bun` utilizare a mijloacelor social media din România. Are cont pe Twitter, @PepsiRomania, [i pagin` de Facebook cu peste 400.000 de fani, unde pe parcursul anului trecut au fost derulate campaniile Pepsi Twist New Look, Pepsi Vintage cu aplica]ia Galeria D’alt`dat` (18.000 de fotografii) [i Pepsi Refresh, un concurs de idei cu provocarea “D` un refresh vie]ii urbane!”, lansat` tinerilor din România. Printre rezultatele \nregistrate la finalul campaniei se num`r`: 40.000 de noi fani noi [i 70.159 utilizatori \nregistra]i \n aplica]ie. Pepsi România are canal dedicat pe YouTube. |ntre]ine customer care, \n special pe parcursul promo]iilor desf`[urate pe Facebook [i Twitter. Campania de promovare a proiectului Pepsi Refresh România a beneficiat de posturi [i bannere pe 15 blogguri, la care s-a ad`ugat promovare prin Blogal Initiative.
Campania The Goodies Hunt a implicat 5 bloggeri care au fost trimi[i \n c`utarea unei comori ascunse \n Centrul Vechi. Bloggeri au fost implica]i [i \n campaniile “Wi-Fi gratuit \n Centrul Vechi din Bucure[ti”, “Scrie pe cer”, “”, “AR Drone”. Prin intermediul contului de Twitter, @orange_helper, s-a desf`[urat campania pentru promovarea concursului Windows Phone (martie 2011). Campaniile pe Facebook au fost: “X Factor – ghice[te cine intr` la duel” (decembrie 2011), “HTC ChaCha” - o aplica]ie care “distrugea” profilul utilizatorului [i apoi \l reconstruia (mai 2011) – [i o aplica]ie quiz (noiembrie – decembrie 2011). Pe pagina de Facebook exist` un tab dedicat de asisten]` (Orange Help). Prin conturile dedicate Orange Helper, reprezentan]ii Orange le r`spund utilizatorilor \nregistra]i pe [i A dezvoltat campanii pe bloguri pentru brandurile Activia, Nutriday, Cremosso, Actimel, precum [i pagini pe Facebook pentru fiecare dintre acestea, cât [i pentru “Cupa Hagi Danone” [i “Zâmbet pentru Viitor”. Printre campaniile pe bloguri se num`r`: “Tu alegi! Te bagi?” (Cremosso), “Blogjuan” (Cremosso), “Obiceiuri s`n`toase” (Activia), “Nutriday \]i d` idei” (Nutriday), “Zâmbet pentru Viitor”. Pentru fiecare pagin` de Facebook din portofoliul Danone au fost rulate campanii constând \n premii, quiz-uri, aplica]ii [i social ads. Campanii de promovare pe Twitter: #tualegi, #blogjuan, #obiceiurisanatoase, #launiaurt. Pentru “Cupa Hagi Danone” [i Cremosso a fost creat câte un canal pe YouTube. A organizat “Por]ile deschise pentru bloggeri la fabrica din Bucure[ti” (#launiaurt \n social media) [i a sus]inut Women on Web.
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A IV-a edi]ie a clasamentului brandurilor cu cea mai mare implicare \n social media
Printre campaniile care au implicat bloggeri se num`r`: “Nokia Qt Developers”, sesiunea de MobileBlogging cu Nokia E7 la NetCamp 2011 [i {coala de blogging Nokia. Campaniile pe Facebook au fost: Nokia N8 HD, Nokia N9 – Arat` cine e[ti, Copilot la Napoca Rally Academy, N9 Demo Days \n 10 ora[e. Spoturi virale: 5 clipuri filmate cu Nokia N8 [i montate \n cadrul Nokia Shoot ’n’ Ride; Tips & Tricks Symbian Anna; Tips & Tricks Nokia N9. Canalul pe YouTube este goanadupaovi. Are profil actualizat pe Wikipedia. |n parteneriat cu Nestlé a dezvoltat o aplica]ie mobil` pentru smartphone, “Nestlé - Programul t`u de s`n`tate”. Swipe Magazine by Nokia N9 este revista online de lifestyle lansat` pentru promovarea Nokia N9. La capitolul proiecte speciale se \nscriu: Nokia Shoot ‘n' Ride [i Balkan Dirt Masters. Campania global` “Sunrise belongs to moderate drinkers”, lansat` cu ocazia s`rb`torilor de iarn` din 2011, a cuprins [i o component` de social media. Pe pagina de Facebook a brandului, utilizatorii puteau accesa aplica]ii digitale interactive pentru a promova mesajul campaniei. Una dintre cele mai ample ac]iuni de promovare derulate de Heineken anul trecut a fost “Tab`ra de reformare Heineken”, la care au participat 20 de b`rba]i \nscri[i singuri sau de partenere [i mai mul]i bloggeri, printre care Cristi Dorombach, Adrian Ciubotaru, Cetin Ametcea, Raluca Popa, Cristina Bazavan, Sana Nicolau, Adina Necula. La \nceputul lui 2012 a fost derulat` campania “Most dateable bloggers”, la care au fost \ncsri[i 17 bloggeri. Prin intermediul unei aplica]ii de Facebook, utilizatorii au fost \ncuraja]i s` voteze bloggerul pe care \l considerau cel mai “dateable”. Printre campaniile derulate pe bloguri se num`r`: “Economisire”, “Creditul de refinan]are BCR” (prin Blogal Initiative), “Creditul Divers BCR”, lansarea portalului Club Antreprenori, Creditul Smart BCR, Crediteria BCR. La capitolul campanii pe Facebook se \nscriu: “Summer Job la BCR” - o aplica]ie Facebook pentru promovarea programului de internship pl`tit, pe care BCR l-a desf`[urat pe perioada verii, pentru adolescen]ii cu vârste cuprinse \ntre 16 [i 18 ani – [i “Cel mai mare brad de s`rb`tori” – aplica]ie care a atras aproape 20.000 de fani noi. |n afara de pagin` de Facebook (BCRRomania), BCR are cont pe Twitter (infoBCR), profil actualizat pe Wikipedia, canal pe YouTube, un site de user-generated content [i a participat \n calitate de sponsor la mai multe evenimente dedicate blogosferei. Pe pagina de Facebook FordRomania au fost derulate mai multe campanii, printre care: campania de test drive pentru C-MAX (februarie 2011), campania de test drive pentru noul Ford Focus (aprilie – iunie 2011), campania de lansare pentru noul Ford Fiesta (octombrie – decembrie 2011), campania de Cr`ciun “Colind`-]i prietenii (decembrie 2011– ianuarie 2012). |n aprilie – mai 2011, lansarea noului Ford Focus a fost promovat` \n blogosfer` prin intermediul bloggerilor Cristian Manafu, Cristina Bazavan, Zoly Toth [i Horia Brenciu. Cu ocazia Salonului Auto de la Frankfurt a fost derulat` o campanie pe bloguri (Titus C`p\lnean, Cristian China-Birta [i Andrei Ba[oc). Are profil pe Wikipedia [i cont pe YouTube. Campania “Ford. Provoc`ri \n via]a real`” este sus]inut` de un spot TV similar cu cel din online (pentru promovarea Active Park Assist). Este una dintre primele companii din România care au p`[it \n lumea digital`, dar [i \n social media. În 2002 era lansat site-ul, iar \n 2008 ap`rea blogul de companie, premiat cu locul II la Roblogfest 2011 \n categoria “Cel mai bun blog de companie”. De asemenea, din 2009 sunt deschise birourile virtuale pe Facebook, Twitter, Flickr [i YouTube. Avon Connects, prima re]ea social` dezvoltat` de o companie \n România, ajuns` \n prezent la peste 80.000 de membri, a fost premiat` la Webstock 2011 pentru Viral Street Karaoke, Proiecte speciale [i Social Networking. Brandul este activ \n social media prin implicarea bloggerilor \n campanii, comunicare direct` cu bloggerii, cont [i campanii pe Twitter [i Facebook, cont pe Flickr, canal pe YouTube.
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Se promoveaz` prin paginile de Facebook: Samsung România, Samsung Mobile România, GalaxyS, Noua dimensiune \n TV, Gentlemen’s Club, pe care sunt derulate concursuri [i aplica]ii. Conferin]a Samsung de la IFA a fost transmis` prin accesarea tab-ului IFA 2011 din paginile Samsung Mobile România, Gentlemen’s Club [i O nou` dimensiune \n TV. Nout`]i despre brand sunt anun]ate pe contul de Twitter, SamsungMobileRo, [i pe blogul Cu ocazia JO 2012, a lansat Samsung Olympic [i Are pagin` de Facebook, cont pe Twitter (rom_autentic) [i canal pe YouTube (romautentic), precum [i un blog de brand ( |n 2011 a lansat campania “Românii sunt de[tep]i” cu obiectivul de a transforma România \n prima ]ar` din lume care \[i schimb` imaginea pe internet. Dup` articole din Fran]a [i Italia \n care românii erau prezenta]i drept “ho]i” sau “pro[ti”, Rom a chemat la lupt` to]i românii pentru a \mbun`t`]i imaginea pe net pân` pe 1 decembrie 2011. Are dou` pagini de Facebook (Romtelecom [i DolceSport) [i dou` conturi de Twitter (Romtelecom [i Clicknet). La \nceputul lui 2012, a promovat printr-o aplica]ie pe Facebook luna Jeff Bridges la MGM. |n decembrie 2011, Romtelecom a fost prezent pe bloguri, cu Pavel [i Cleopatra Stratan colindând despre ofertele companiei, iar pe Facebook a existat o aplica]ie de trimis felicit`ri \n scop caritabil. |n aprilie 2011a lansat, primul mall online al unui operator telecom. Prin contul de Twitter Ursusromania au fost derulate campanii pentru Ursus Evolution, Fabrica de bere Ursus, Guerrilive powered by Ursus Evolution. Pagina de Facebook fost suport pentru campania Ursus Evolution, concursul foto “România Mea”, 1 Decembrie – Pia]a Ursus, aplica]ii legate de muzic` (Ursus The Mission, Rock The City [i Memorabilia). Are profil pe Wikipedia, cont pe Flickr, canal pe YouTube [i a sus]inut Gaming Night, Cluj Pub Crawl, Cluj Brands Tour. Proiecte speciale:, aplica]ia Zero la Mie [i Petre (party planner). Are pagin` de Facebook – ING Web Cafe – pe care este instalat` aplica]ia Creditadvisor cu dou` componente (primul credit [i refinan]are). Are cont de Twitter (ing_ro), suport pe care sunt oferite asisten]` [i sfaturi financiare pentru cei interesa]i de serviciile b`ncii. Are profil pe Wikipedia [i men]ine \n mod constant comunicarea direct` cu bloggerii. Prezen]a online a brandului ING este sus]inut` [i prin platforma Are pagin` de Facebook, cont de Twitter, a derulat campanii pe bloguri [i a men]inut o comunicare direct` cu bloggerii. Printre campaniile pe Facebook se num`r`: Windows Phone (aprilie 2011) [i campania de Cr`ciun (2011). A organizat concursuri pentru dezvoltatorii de aplica]ii, printre care, \n septembrie 2011, Dev de Amsterdam, o competi]ie pe Facebook, \ntr-o aplica]ie dedicat`. Are canal pe YouTube. A sus]inut evenimente dedicate blogosferei [i are un program de brand ambassadors. |n martie 2011 a organizat Fly2Miami, primul zbor programat [i vândut integral pe Twitter. |n mai 2011 a ini]iat, campanie \n urma c`reia 4.000 de fotografii urmau s` fie pictate pe un avion. La concurs au putut participa [i bloggeri din România, dar [i fanii paginii de Facebook KLM România. |n iulie 2011 a devenit prima linie aerian` cu serviciu de rela]ii cu clien]ii 24/7. |n februarie 2012 a lansat Meat & Seat, un serviciu prin care pasagerii \[i pot alege vecinul de avion cu ajutorul Facebook sau LinkedIn. Lansarea m`rcii \n România a beneficiat de mult buzz pe bloguri, Facebook [i Twitter. Invita]iile la petrecerea de lansare trimise c`tre bloggeri [i pres` au fost \nso]ite de [opârla Gecko. |n promovarea petrecerii au fost implica]i bloggeri, fiecare dintre ei oferind cititorilor s`i invita]ii la eveniment, \n urma unor concursuri personalizate. Pentru comunicarea brandului au existat post`ri [i con]inut video pe Facebook [i YouTube. Prezen]a online include blogul [i campania pe bloguri “Bitdefender Relationship Scanner”. Are cont pe Twitter (BitdefenderRO) [i pagin` pe Facebook (BitDefenderRO). Printre campaniile pe Facebook se num`r`: “Enjoy the ride”, “Win a BMW” (global); “Send a Holiday card and win a Samsung GS2 Smartphone”. Are profil pe Wikipedia, cont pe Flickr (Bitdefender Antivirus), canal pe YouTube (Bitdefenderworld). A sponsorizat Defcamp [i asigur` client service pe Facebook. Pe pagina de Facebook (LGNews) sunt postate [tiri, concursuri [i prezent`ri de produse. Are blog de companie (, cont de Twitter (@Lgnews), cont pe YouTube (lgexplore) [i cont pe Flickr. Proiectul “LG Cinema 3D”, ocupant al locului 1 la Webstock Awards 2011, la categoria “campanii blogging”, a implicat patru bloggeri, care au reinterpretat spoturi TV care prezentau caracteristicile produsului. Campania a \nregistrat 10.000 de vizualiz`ri [i1.500 de voturi.
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Pagina oficial` de Facebook este Cosmote.Romania. Pentru lansarea cartelei prepay Frog, \n februarie 2011, a fost creat` pagina de Facebook Frogmobile. Pagina a fost lansat` printr-o campanie integrat` dedicat` unui concurs, astfel targetul a parcurs un traseu integrat (BTL – site – social media). Pe pagina de Facebook Frogmobile [i pe a fost derulat` campania “Vreau s` fiu star!”, sus]inut` de o campanie BTL de informare. Are prezen]` pe Facebook prin intermediul paginii Bergenbier.Romania [i pe YouTube prin canalul ZiuaBarbatului. |n noiembrie 2011 mai mul]i bloggeri au vizitat la fabrica Bergenbier de la Ploie[ti. |n septembrie 2011 a fost lansat un viral despre confruntarea dintre Micutzu [i Narcotic Sound, pentru promovarea Bergenbier Nefiltrat` [i Bergenbier Fresh. Viralul a circulat o vreme [i s-a scris despre el pe mai multe bloguri. Campanii din 2012: Flirt Nefiltrat, Liga 1 Bergenbier, OBR Bergenbier. Din mai 2011 are pagin` de Facebook, pe care au avut loc campanii aproape lunar (un euro donat pentru fiecare utilizator al aplica]iei “Familia Nivea”, campania “Tu \ntrebi, Nivea r`spunde”, finalizat` cu un spot difuzat exclusiv pe Facebook). Pentru noua gam` Nivea HydraIQ, patru bloggeri]e au r`spuns pe un site dedicat la \ntrebarea “Cum ar fi o lume f`r` atingeri?”. Pe microsite-ul utilizatorii au completat harta iubirii, \ntr-o campanie promovat` pe bloguri, Facebook, Trilulilu, YouTube [i Twitter. Cu ocazia lans`rii aromelor cu rom [i peppermint a fost derulat` pe bloguri campania Nescafé Frappe. O campanie de Facebook Ads a anun]at un sampling online exclusiv pe pagina Nescafé România. Campanii pe Facebook: Frappe Buzz Campaign – Online Exclusive Sampling, Cursa de survival urban, \n parteneriat cu Discovery România, Gustul dimine]ii tale – un quiz dedicat fanilor paginii, invita]i s`-[i scrie impresiile despre noua gam` Nescafé Brasero, “Design Your Mug”. Ini]iativele desf`[urate pe pagina de Facebook a brandului Doncafé \n 2011au inclus: Caseroom Love expression on Valentine Day [i Caseroom Horoscope over a cup of coffee. Are canal pe YouTube (DoncafeRomania). Unul dintre proiectele speciale derulate a fost Caseroom Doncafé Coffee Taster. Campaniile din social media au fost endorsate pe TV sau alte medii tradi]ionale. Prezen]a Siemens pe bloguri [i Facebook \n 2011 s-a datorat \n special proiectului Simens Amazing Race, \n cadrul c`ruia trei echipe de bloggeri au pornit \ntr-o curs` pentru descoperirea solu]iilor de dezvoltare urban` sustenabil`. Cei trei bloggeri au putut fi urm`ri]i pe Facebook, Twitter [i bloguri. Proiectul, ajuns acum la a doua edi]ie, la fel ca [i \n 2011 se va realiza exclusiv prin instrumente de social media. Bloggerii vor parcurge traseul offline doar cu ajutorul fanilor online. |n 2011 a fost derulat` campania pe bloguri Drumul Mingii, al c`rei ambasador a fost Cristian China-Birta. Campania a fost promovat` prin hashtag-ul #drumulmingii, pe pagina pe Facebook BereTimisoreana sau pe contul de YouTube (BereTimisoreanaRo). Serb`rile Timi[oreana 2011 au fost promovate prin blogul de brand [i pe Twitter prin hashtag-urile #serbaritimisoreana [i #serbari. |n Timi[oara, Pite[ti [i Bra[ov au fost organizate TweetMeet-uri. Este una dintre primele companii care au derulat campanii pe blogurile române[ti. Compania are pagin` de Facebook [i cont de Twitter. |n 2011 a fost una dintre companiile care a sus]inut special “Redescoper` România”, ini]iat de Petrom. Dacia a fost primul client al unei aplica]ii Facebook de live streaming din România, care a transmis live pe pagina de Facebook Sandero Secret Party, \n decembrie 2010. Au fost realizate mai multe campanii pentru BMW [i MINI care includ prezent`ri speciale, jocuri sau concursuri. |n prim-plan sunt BMW xDrive Game – primul simulator 3D pe Facebook din România – [i lansarea special` a MINI Coupe \n România, unde Facebook a fost principalul canal de comunicare. Lansarea MINI Rauno Aaltonen Edition a beneficiat de o campanie integrat` pe Facebook [i un site special – – care integreaz` [i Facebook Timeline. Blogul de brand al Grolsch este Are cont de Twitter (@Xprimentalist) [i pagin` pe Facebook ( unde au fost derulate mai multe campanii, printre care: Reciclarea artistic`, Bucharest by hand. Are cont pe Flickr [i canal pe YouTube.
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|n 2011 a derulat campania pe bloguri Expedi]ia Verde pentru promovarea ini]iativelor Renault din cadrul platformei Renault Eco2. Campania a fost sus]inut` pe bloguri, Facebook, Twitter, dar [i printr-o campanie de Facebook Ads, o campanie de Google AdWords [i YouTube (ExpeditiaVerdeRo). Alte dou` campanii marca Renault au fost Twingo Miss Sixty [i Clio Yahoo - Renault Clio Yahoo! (pe platforma |n cadrul RoBlogFest 2011, Gusto a premiat cel mai optimist blog românesc. Propunerile de bloguri au fost primite pe blogul, pe pagina de Facebook [i pe e-mail. Campanii derulate pe Facebook: “Dulceg`rii române[ti de Dragobete”, “MegaSurprize”, “Lumea Ta din Pufule]ii Gusto”. Proiect special – “R`spunzi [i câ[tigi” (octombrie 2011) – comunit`]ile de m`mici de pe pagina de Facebook a Pufule]ilor Gusto [i de pe au fost invitate s` povesteasc` ce \[i doresc copiii lor. Lansat` \n decembrie 2011, pagina Nissan Romania a fost creat` pentru generarea de lead-uri (rezerv`ri de test-drive [i download de bro[uri). Campanii derulate pe Facebook: “Nissan GT Academy” (premiu - o excursie VIP la cursa de 24 de ore de la Dubai); “Profil de pârtie” (premiu – un weekend AllMode \n Poiana Bra[ov) [i “Mark my Juke Nismo” (cu rolul de a comunica versiunea Nismo a modelului Juke [i prezen]a Nissan la Geneva Motor Show). Are pagin` de Facebook (Citroën România), cont de Twitter (citroenro) [i blog de brand ( Prin Timeline, fanii Citroën pot parcurge istoria m`rcii pe axa timpului, din momentul cre`rii [i pân` \n momentul post`rii ultimului mesaj. Citroën DS4 a primit premiul “Ma[ina Bloggerilor” \n cadrul galei Autovot 2012, organizat` de Platforma online are o prezen]` activ` \n social media, \n special pe Facebook. TuborgSound a fost premiat` la RoBlogFest 2011 drept cea mai bun` pagin` de brand pe Facebook. De asemenea, \n cadrul aceleia[i competi]ii, brandul a fost premiat [i cu Best use of Social Media \ntr-un mix de comunicare – Tuborg Sound – Muzica ta pe TV. Campania Tuborg Party Manager a avut sus]inere [i printr-o aplica]ie pe Facebook. Are cont pe Twitter, prin intermediul c`ruia a desf`[urat campanii de promovare. Produsele din magazinele Domo pot fi testate [i concluziile testelor sunt redate pe este radioul in-store al Domo, care poate fi ascultat [i online. Are cont pe Twitter (Domo_Online), pagin` pe Facebook (DomoOnline), pe care au fost derulate campanii precum: Kinect Sports Season 2; Domo – Hai la film; Domo – Oferte pentru fani; Domo – Gears of War 3; Domo – Dance Central 2; Domo – UEFA Champions League; Domo – Fast Love. Are canal pe YouTube [i asigur` asisten]` pe social media.
Are pagin` de Facebook (Gillette România) prin intermediul c`reia sunt derulate diverse aplica]ii [i concursuri. Men]ine o comunicare direct` [i permanent` \n blogosfer`. Lansarea Gillette Fusion Proglide a reunit mul]i sportivi, dar [i mul]i bloggeri.
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Are blog de brand ( [i men]ine constant comunicarea direct` cu bloggerii. De asemenea, este activ pe Facebook printr-o pagin` dedicat`, are cont de Twitter, cont pe Flickr, canal pe YouTube [i asigur` asisten]` clien]ilor s`i prin intermediul canalelor social media. Printre campaniile de anul trecut se num`r` “Network Challenge” – lansat` global [i implementat` local pe site-ul aniversar cu obiectivul de a descoperi cel mai conectat utilizator de internet din România (bloguri implicate: [i; “World of Betters” – lansat` global [i implementat` \n România, a marcat lansarea noii platforme globale de brand a companiei: “Moving Money for Better”. |n decembrie 2011 – ianuarie 2012 a derulat pe bloguri campania “Telegrame cânt`toare”. Are pagin` de Facebook (Bucuria Gustului), cont de Twitter (BucuriaGustului) [i canal dedicat pe YouTube. |n mai 2011 pe blogul lui Adi H`dean s-a desf`[urat campania “De unde vine bucuria gustului?”. Campanii pe Facebook: “Cel mai gustos [i ar`tos sandwich cu brânz` Hochland” (martie- aprilie 2011) [i “Delicii de var` cu brânza Hochland” (august – septembrie 2011).
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|n 2011 a derulat campania “Academia Maggi“ pe blogul Teo's Kitchen. Campania a generat conversa]ii pe Facebook, pe blog [i pe YouTube (peste 450.000 de impresii pe pagina de Facebook Teo's Kitchen [i peste 5.600.000 de impresii \n presa online [i scris`). “Academia Maggi” a a avut [i campanie pe pagina de Facebook Teo's Kitchen, precum [i canal dedicat pe YouTube. La RoBlogFest 2011, Groupama Asigur`ri a fost premiat` de trei ori: Premiul 1 la Categoria Cea mai bun` aplica]ie Facebook pentru “Ciocne[te-]i prietenii” din campania RCA iarn` 2010-2011, Premiul 1 la Categoria cea mai bun` campanie \n Social Media pentru “Groupama – Facebook \n 2015” (dezvoltat` pentru Unit linked) [i Premiul 3 la Categoria Best use of Social Media \ntr-un mix de comunicare pentru “Groupama – Facebook \n 2015”. A avut campanii pe bloguri [i a implicat bloggerii, cu care men]ine o comunicare direct` \n campanii. Are pagin` pe Facebook pe care a rulat campanii precum lansarea HTC ChaCha (iunie - iulie 2011) [i campania pentru HTC ChaCha (noiembrie – decembrie 2011). Asigur` constant asisten]` [i suport clien]ilor pe social media. Campaniile din iunie - iulie 2011 [i noiembrie - decembrie 2011 au fost sus]inute [i prin promovare pe TV. A existat o comunicare periodic` cu bloggerii \n cadrul campaniei “Mergi mai departe citind”, destinat` sus]inerii copiilor dislexici. Inform`ri periodice [i comunicate au fost transmise c`tre bloggeri pe subiecte ce ]in de proiectul “OMV Move & Jump” (parteneriat OMV – Federa]ia Român` de Schi-Biatlon). Campanii: Aliseo Cristal (campanie online), “Ghice[te citatul” (campanie online [i aplica]ie), “Coffee Day”, “Tea Day”, “Tu ce cafea e[ti?” (campanie online [i aplica]ie). Are pagin` de Facebook pentru care au fost create campanii precum “HP Designjet - Great Printing for Great Designs”, “Tip`re[te un kilometru”; “Promo HP Apple”, “HP Winter Summit”. A sus]inut Webstock 2011 [i implicarea bloggerilor \ntr-o campanie la eveniment. Are pagin` de Facebook pe care ruleaz` diverse aplica]ii, concursuri [i promo]ii, cont pe Twitter [i canal dedicat pe YouTube. Pentru lansarea parfumului Mus, \n 2011, a fost realizat un “casting de muze” la care consumatoarele Oriflame au fost chemate s` \nscrie fotografii pe site-ul pentru a deveni muza unuia dintre cei trei pictori implica]i in proiect. Alte proiecte din 2011 au fost: [i dou` aplica]ii de Facebook: “Tu ce alegi?” [i “Rezolu]ia ta”. A derulat o campanie pe mai multe bloguri. Are pagin` de Facebook pe care au fost dezvoltate campanii precum “Cât dureaz` hidratarea?”; “R`core[te-]i prietenii” (Garnier Deoman); “Ai grij` de tenul t`u” (relansarea Garnier Pure Active). Pentru aceast` din urm` campanie a fost dezvoltat` o aplica]ie ce permitea utilizatorului folosirea virtual` a produselor Garnier [i urm`rirea rezultatelor acestora pe un avatar personalizat cu probleme ale tenului. Are pagin` de Facebook. A derulat o campanie pe bloguri cu sfaturi [i linkuri c`tre tutorialele postate pe pagina de Facebook a brandului. Are canal dedicat pe YouTube (LorealParisRomania). Vizibilitatea pe internet a brandului este asigurat` [i prin [i Proiectul “Passion4Cooking – Cina cu Electrolux”, adresat integral bloggerilor de food din România, a fost recompensat cu Silver Award for Excellence la PR Award România, la categoria Digital PR & Social Media [i Best Practice pe zona de social media la nivel interna]ional, \n cadrul grupului Electrolux. Peste 30 de bloggeri de food din România au participat pân` \n prezent la Cina cu Electrolux. |n 2012 – “Passion4Cooking goes national” – cu trei edi]ii independente, dedicate anumitor regiuni din România. Are pagin` de Facebook. |n 2011 a derulat o campanie pe bloguri. |n octombrie 2011 a lansat campania “S` aducem România acas`”, prin care \[i propune s` \ncurajeze oamenii de valoare care au emigrat s` se \ntoarc` acas`. Campania are drept suport online platforma [i a beneficiat de sus]inere pe bloguri [i pe YouTube (Manifest Gerovital – spot de 41 de secunde).
Metodologie: Top Social Brands 2012 rezult` \n urma ponder`rii rezultatelor \nregistrate de branduri \n trei clasamente preliminare: (topul realizat de revista Biz – 45%; topul rezultat \n urma voturilor exprimate de un grup de speciali[ti online – 35%; topul men]iunilor pe ZeList – 20%). Selec]ia brandurilor s-a f`cut pe baza numelor din edi]ia de anul trecut [i a nominaliz`rilor transmise de principalele agen]ii interactive [i de comunicare existente pe pia]a local`. Criteriile de selec]ie au ]inut cont de activit`]ile desf`[urate \n social media \n intervalul ianuarie 2011– februarie 2012. Brandurile incluse pe lista scurt` au desf`[urat, \n mod constant, cel pu]in trei din activit`]ile obi[nuite de social media. Tipuri de activit`]i luate \n calcul: blog de companie / brand; campanie pe bloguri (bannere, posturi, teste); implicarea bloggerilor \n campanii (folosirea imaginii bloggerilor \n campanii); comunicare direct` cu bloggerii (trimiterea de comunicate, inform`ri); cont pe Twitter; campanii de promovare pe Twitter; pagin` pe Facebook; campanii pe Facebook; profil actualizat pe Wikipedia; cont pe Flickr; cont pe YouTube; spoturi virale; site-uri de user generated content; ini]iere / sponsorizare evenimente dedicate blogosferei; customer care / customer relationships \n social media, proiecte speciale. Voturile exprimate au ]inut cont de gradul de popularitate [i impactul ac]iunilor desf`[urate (buzz pe bloguri, apari]ii \n media sau prezen]e la evenimente). Nu au fost luate \n calcul produse media, produse online sau activit`]i de autopromovare desf`[urate de agen]iile de comunicare.
AVEM O COPERT~. CE FACEM CU EA? Dac` nu a]i desc`rcat \nc` aplica]ia Aurasma pentru a vedea con]inutul ascuns de coperta Biz cu Top Social Brands, v` invit`m s` o face]i acum. Agen]ia de crea]ie Brandstalk (membr` a The Group) a adus pentru prima dat` \n România aplica]ia Aurasma, iar Roxana Memetea, Managing Partner, ne-a oferit detalii. Ce este Aurasma [i cum a]i descoperit-o? Aurasma este o tehnologie care reprezint` o bucat` din prezentul [i viitorul felului \n care ne folosim telefoanele mobile pentru a uni lumea fizic` [i cea virtual`. Aplica]ia recunoa[te imagini/ simboluri/obiecte din lumea real` [i le \n]elege. |n baza acestora, livreaz` apoi sub form` de augmented reality, \n timp real, un anumit con]inut: video, anima]ii, audio etc. Noi, la Brandstalk, suntem mereu conecta]i la nout`]ile din domeniu, fiind con[tien]i c` doar \n acest fel putem propune clien]ilor no[tri campanii relevante pentru consumatorii lor. A[a i-am descoperit pe cei de la Aurasma, i-am contactat [i avem acum un parteneriat strategic pentru România.
Noul slogan al Brandstalk este “Broaden consumer experience”. Ce presupune asta? Pe scurt, presupune designul interac]iunii dintre consumator [i brand, modul \n care \l implici \ntr-o experien]` favorabil` pe care o tr`ie[te \n prezen]a unui brand. Intrând \n detalii \ns`, când vorbim despre “experien]e” ale consumatorilor, nu ne gândim neap`rat la offline, ac]iuni BTL \n strad` sau altele de acest gen. Experien]a pe care un brand o ofer` consumatorilor s`i trebuie s` ]in` cont de mediul \n care ace[tia tr`iesc, de obiceiurile lor, de modul lor de via]`: unde mun-
Martina King, Managing Director, Aurasma 22
advertising care-i implic` pe consumatori \ntr-un mod relevant, emo]ionant, plin de sens pentru via]a lor de zi cu zi [i care-i las` la final cu o poveste memorabil`, pozitiv` despre brand, poveste care merit` transmis` mai departe. Noi trat`m orice brief din perspectiva modului \n care putem \mbun`t`]i experien]a consumatorilor cu brandul respectiv, astfel \ncât s` \i \ncuraj`m s` se implice \n dialog. Iar evolu]ia ultimilor ani ne-a ar`tat c` astfel de experien]e se reflect` direct \n vânz`rile brandurilor.
Roxana Memetea, Managing Partner, Brandstalk cesc, cum se joac`, cum \nva]` [i descoper`, cum creeaz`, cum se sup`r`, cum s`rb`toresc, cum evalueaz` [i colaboreaz`. Prin urmare, procesul de gândire nu ar trebui s` plece de la “Ne dorim o experien]` offline sau online”, ci de la relevan]`. Astfel, o experien]` poate fi orice: un video, o aplica]ie de mobile, o ac]iune BTL, o machet` de pres` inovativ`, o pagin` de Facebook, un outdoor interactiv etc. Dar toate acestea s` fie relevante pentru consumator [i pentru brand. Tocmai de aceea, pentru noi, “consumer experience” \nseamn` orice efort de
Suntem foarte \ncânta]i de colaborarea cu Brandstalk, primul nostru partener din România. De[i avem sediul \n UK, colabor`m cu 4.000 de parteneri Aurasma din peste 80 de ]`ri la nivel mondial. Suntem entuziasma]i s` vedem cum brandurile din România vor folosi pe viitor platforma de augmented reality oferit` de Aurasma [i modul \n care consumatorii vor reac]iona la acest nou stimul digital.”
Cum se leag` aceast` experien]` cu nevoia clien]ilor de a-[i vinde produsele/serviciile? Brandurile au \nceput deja s`-[i regândeasc` strategiile de business [i s` \n]eleag` c` nu mai activeaz` per se \n businessul auto, \n businessul farma, \n businessul de retail etc. Ci to]i activeaz` \n businessul cu [i despre oameni. Odat` ce asimilezi aceast` diferen]`, descoperi perspective noi, cu totul uimitoare [i cu rezultate impresionante. Astfel, experien]a oferit` consumatorilor devine un factor major \n lupta brandurilor pentru aten]ia lor, acum [i \n viitor. F`r` s` ai o experien]` palpabil`, relevant`, emo]ional` [i pozitiv` cu un anumit brand, poate c` \l vei folosi \n continuare din obi[nuin]`, dar cu siguran]` nu vei povesti nim`nui despre el. Practic, \n lipsa unei experien]e, consumatorii vor merge mai departe f`r` o direc]ie, f`r` s` simt` c` au fost r`spl`ti]i pentru aten]ia pe care au acordat-o brandului, f`r` s` simt` vreo utilitate. |ns` când un brand reu[e[te s`-[i surprind` pl`cut consumatorii printr-o experien]` memorabil` (indiferent dac` \n lumea real` sau \n cea virtual`), se poate a[tepta apoi la un dialog, la o recomandare, la loialitate, achizi]ie [i reutilizare. Biz
Efervescen]a pe pia]a restaurantelor a dus la deschiderea de peste [ase loca]ii noi numai \n Bucure[ti \n acest an. De la restaurante scumpe p창n` la lan]uri interna]ionale de fast-food, to]i cred c` rom창nii vor m창nca mai des \n ora[. DE OANA GRECEA
tudiile confirm` teoretic tendin]a românilor, \n special a bucure[tenilor, de a ie[i \n ora[ la mas`. Nu a crescut nici nivelul de trai, nici economia nu a avut o cre[tere subtan]ial`, \ns` antreprenorii proprietari de restaurante au, se pare, alt barometru. Drago[ Petrescu, cel mai titrat antreprenor din domeniul HoReCa, cu investi]ii substan]iale \n multe restaurante din Bucure[ti, spune c` momentul critic nu a trecut. “Clien]ii sunt aten]i la banii cheltui]i [i noi trebuie s` oferim mai mult decât \n anii anteriori”, explic` Petrescu. {i el, ca [i ceilal]i antreprenori care au deschis anul acesta m`car o loca]ie, inten]ioneaz` s` adauge lan]ului City Grill \nc` patru restaurante. Estim`rile antreprenorului de la City Grill anticipeaz` o pia]` a restaurantelor de aproximativ un miliard de euro \ncas`ri, care va cre[te cu maximum 5%, ]inând cont de situa]ia economic` actual`. Dac` mai multe restaurante \nseamn` mai mul]i clien]i r`mâne de v`zut. Totu[i, potrivit unui studiu al Unilever Food Solutions, b`rba]ii bucure[teni ies s` m`nânce \n ora[ pentru c` le place mâncarea (16%), pentru c`
Din pasiune pentru mâncare, dar [i ca o continuare a investi]iilor anterioare ale familiei sale, Ionu] {erban a deschis \n februarie 2012 Bistro Pastis Mediteranean, \n incinta hotelului Decebal. |nainte s` de]in` hotelul, familia {erban a deschis \n 2001 restaurantul Decebal. “Bistro Pastis nu este un simplu restaurant, este un concept nou care pune pe primul loc s`n`tatea, o bun` digestie [i p`strarea confortului [i dup` servirea mesei”, \[i define[te {erban, \n câteva cuvinte, afacerea. Ce face pentru asta? |nlocuie[te aditivii alimentari cu legume proaspete, face pâinea “\n cas`”, pentru deserturi folose[te ciocolata belgian` cu procent mare de cacao [i ca \ndulcitor se ajut` de siropul de agave. Specificul loca]iei este mediteranean, are 60 de locuri, adic` “atât cât trebuie pentru ca spa]iul s` fie primitor [i atmosfera pl`cut` [i relaxant`”, mai spune antreprenorul de 27 de ani. Investi]ia \ntr-un astfel de spa]iu s-a ridicat la 200.000 de euro. Ionu] {erban mizeaz` pe satisfac]ia clientului ca principal` metod` de promovare, iar pentru asta a implementat un sistem de fidelizare a clien]ilor prin acordarea de reduceri pentru vizitele repetate. Numele bistroului a fost ales dup` o vacan]` \n Marsilia, \n care {erban a degustat preparate pe baz` de anason (pastis) [i s-a \ndr`gostit de acest gust. “M-am \ntors acas` [i am
Un bistrou mediteranean
\nceput s` \ncerc propriile re]ete cu anason”, a mai povestit investitorul. Totu[i, Pastis este [i o b`utur` din portofoliul Pernod Ricard, care a ajutat [i ea la denumirea loca]iei. Istoria ingredientului minune \ncepe \n Marsilia anului 1932, când Paul Ricard a creat re]eta original` de pastis, b`utura care avea s` devin` cel mai apreciat aperitiv fran]uzesc. Calitatea [i prospe]imea b`uturii sunt rezultatul
unui amestec de anason, lemn dulce [i o selec]ie de ierburi de Provence. Antreprenorul crede c` mai este loc pe pia]` pentru astfel de loca]ii [i nu se teme de concuren]`. Are \n fa]` exemplul p`rin]ilor s`i, care au deschis restaurantul Decebal, cu specific românesc, printre primii pe acest segment. Ionu] {erban [i sora sa au \nceput antreprenoriatul pe cont propriu acum trei ani, dup` ce o
perioad` au fost ucenicii p`rin]ilor. Au cump`rat o cas` veche pe Barbu V`c`rescu, transformat` apoi \n boutique hotel, \n care g`zduiesc [i evenimente. De fapt, evenimentele au fost motorul de la care au pornit [i abia apoi a urmat mica unitate de cazare. Au deschis \n plin` criz` [i, pentru c` nu le-a mers chiar r`u, au continuat cu Bistro Pastis. {erban este tot timpul \n c`utare de oportunit`]i legate de businessul s`u.
nu sunt nevoi]i s` g`teasc` (16%), pentru c` pot socializa (15%) [i pentru c` se pot bucura de o mare varietate de feluri de mâncare (9%). |n cazul femeilor, acestea prefer` s` m`nânce \n ora[ pentru c` nu sunt nevoite s` g`teasc` (22%), pentru c` pot socializa (15%), pentru c` le place mâncarea (13%), precum [i atmosfera (10%). Ce nu le place consumatorilor când m`nânc` \n ora[? Calitatea serviciilor, faptul c` localurile sunt prea aglomerate [i zgomotoase [i mâncarea nu este bun`/s`n`toas` (nu cunosc sursa ingredientelor), precum [i faptul c` sunt nevoi]i s` a[tepte prea mult pentru mâncarea comandat`. Loca]iile inaugurate la \nceputul anului 2012 sunt \n zone centrale ale capitalei, iar miza principal` este \n Centrul Istoric. “|n continuare, Centrul Vechi reprezint` un important loc de atrac]ie pentru clien]i. De[i activitatea a fost \ngreunat` anul trecut de lucr`rile de modernizare din zon`, se \ntrevede [i \n viitor ca fiind un loc unde clientul este atras \n timpul liber \n special”, explic` Petrescu. Antreprenorii au ales \n general loca]ia \n func]ie de clien]ii ]int` c`rora se adreseaz`. De exemplu, pe bdul Unirii s-a deschis Al Sapore restaurant, un local de lux cu savoare adriatic`, inaugurat pentru iubitorii de fructe de mare, lux [i servicii excep]ionale. |n zona Pipera (vizavi de Gr`dina Zoologic`) s-a
deschis Phill, un restaurant interna]ional adresat cu prec`dere familiilor, având \n vedere facilit`]ile de joac` oferite. |n centru, aproape de Barbu V`c`rescu, \n incinta hotelului Decebal (apar]inând familiei {erban din 2010) s-a deschis \n luna februarie Bistro Pastis Mediteranean. |n Centrul Istoric a fost deschis al treilea restaurant din lan]ul Wu Xing, iar tot din acest segment a intrat pe pia]a din România lan]ul de fast-food Subway, \n zona Victoriei, aproape de multe cl`diri de birouri. “Cel mai dificil \n momentul actual este g`sirea spa]iului. Printre condi]iile esen]iale ale func]ion`rii unui restaurant se num`r` loca]ia [i cuantumul chiriei. De[i \n momentul de fa]` chiriile au sc`zut fa]` de momentul dinaintea crizei, tot nu reflect` realitatea economic` actual`”, completeaz` Petrescu. A[a se face c` a[tept`rile pe aceast` pia]` sunt mari. Investitorii mizeaz` probabil [i pe faptul c` mâncatul \n ora[ este pentru b`rba]i un proces emo]ional (ies \n ora[ s` m`nânce pentru c` le place mâncarea), pe când pentru femei acesta are mai degrab` un scop func]ional – femeile m`nânc` \n ora[ pentru c` nu mai vor s` petreac` atât timp \n buc`t`rie g`tind (tot conform studiului Unilever). Rezultatele studiului arat` c` cel mai important motiv pentru care consumatorii bucure[teni, b`rba]i [i femei, m`nânc` \n ora[ este acela c` reu[esc s` se \ntâlneasc` cu
Re]eta meniului chinezesc
Inspirat de filmele americane \n care mâncarea se livra la domiciliu, Sabin Cernea (42 de ani) [i familia sa au investit acum 14 ani \n primul restaurant cu specific chinezesc de acest gen, Wu Xing. Pe atunci, \[i aminte[te el, doar pizza se mai livra la domiciliu. “Am anticipat ritmul nebunesc \n care urma s` tr`im cu to]ii. Omul care alearg` dup` bani nu mai are timp de el. {i atunci hai s` mergem noi la el”, [i-a \nceput povestea ac]ionarul majoritar al
lan]ului chinezesc. Astfel c`, intrând pe o ni[` virgin`, afacerea lui Cernea a crescut u[or, dar sigur. Pentru c`, spune el, businessul care implic` transport [i ambalaje este mai pu]in profitabil decât unul de retail. {i [tie ce vorbe[te, pentru c` antreprenorul mai este ac]ionar [i \n restaurantul cu specific interna]ional Harbour. Restaurantul Wu Xing din Centrul Vechi, inaugurat \n martie anul acesta, este al treilea din re]eaua care mai
cuprinde [i dou` centre mari de livrare la domiciliu. Au fost necesare dou` luni de renov`ri [i aproximativ 240.000 de euro pentru noul spa]iu. Deschiderea restaurantului face parte din strategia Wu Xing de dezvoltare pe termen mediu, iar Centrul Vechi era o zon` fireasc` de extindere, deoarece este “cea mai efervescent` zon` din industria de restaurante [i baruri din Bucure[ti”, ne-a declarat Sabin Cernea. De aproximativ doi ani, antreprenorul a
inaugurat restaurantele din AFI Palace Cotroceni [i Pipera. Restaurantul din Centrul Vechi dispune de 45 de locuri la interior [i 20 de locuri pe teras`. Exist` [ase buc`tari care lucreaz` aici \n ture, sub \ndrumarea maestrului asiatic Tushin. Wu Xing \n limba chinez` \nseamn` “cinci elemente” [i reprezint` elementele primordiale \n cultura chinez`: lemn, ap`, metal, foc, p`mânt. Corespunz`tor celor cinci elemente naturale, buc`t`ria chinez` aplic` principiul Wu Xing \n cinci arome: lemn – acru, foc – amar, p`mânt – dulce, metal – picant, ap` – s`rat. Investitorul [i-a bugetat o cre[tere de 10% a cifrei de afaceri pe 2012, de la circa un milion de euro anul trecut, \n urma extinderii re]elei [i a cre[terii cotei de pia]`. “Estim`m c` \n urm`torii doi sau trei ani costurile cu investi]ia \n acest restaurant vor fi acoperite [i vom intra pe profit”, mai spune Cernea. Pentru câ[tigarea cotei de pia]`, Cernea [i echipa sa de management au pornit mai multe campanii de comunicare, care includ spot pe fa]ada media a Cocor, spoturi radio, campanii speciale la metrou [i \n sta]iile de autobuz. De[i deschide numai cu finan]are bancar`, Sabin Cernea se gânde[te la o alt` loca]ie posibil` de restaurant, tot \n Centrul Istoric. |[i dore[te un parteneriat cu sora sa, pentru un restaurant, zice el, unic \n Bucure[ti. {i de nepovestit, pân` ideea nu trece de la stadiul de planuri la contracte certe.
prietenii [i cu familia [i pentru c` se bucur` de noi experien]e culinare la fiecare ie[ire. De[i sper` la clien]i \n orice moment al zilei, cele mai profitabile evenimente pentru antreprenorii de restaurante r`mân nun]ile, \n toate cele cinci zone ale ]`rii (Bucure[ti, Ardeal, vestul ]`rii, Moldova [i Muntenia) unde Unilever Food Solutions a analizat dinamica evenimentelor din portofoliul restaurantelor. Unul dintre atuurile pe care mizeaz` viitorii sau actualii proprietari de localuri sunt buc`tarii, de multe ori adu[i sau [coli]i \n str`in`tate. Pe lâng` mae[trii buc`tari, mâncarea ecologic`, s`n`toas`, organic` este un alt atu cu care sper` investitorii din domeniul HoReCa s`-[i atrag` clien]ii. Mâncarea tradi]ional` este pe primul loc \ntre preferin]ele bucure[tenilor (51%), pentru c` le place gustul preparatelor tradi]ionale (38%) [i pentru c` sunt deja obi[nui]i cu ele (22%). Pe locul doi este buc`t`ria italieneasc` (20%), deoarece consumatorilor le plac pastele (34%), dar [i pentru c` preparatele culinare specifice acestei buc`t`rii pot fi g`tite repede – nu sunt nevoi]i s` a[tepte atât de mult s` le fie servit` mâncarea comandat` (11%). |n top se afl` [i buc`t`ria chinezeasc` (10%), aleas` pentru c` preparatele sunt condimentate [i diverse. Buc`t`ria libanez` (6%) [i cea arab` (5%) se afl` [i ele printre primele buc`t`rii preferate de consumatorii capitalei. Biz
DE 14 ANI, R~SPUNDEM NEVOILOR COMUNIT~}II Funda]ia Vodafone este implicat` activ din 1998 \n proiecte [i programe sociale, investind 13 milioane de euro \n 600 de programe. Despre planurile actuale [i de viitor ale Funda]iei ne-a vorbit Florina T`nase, Senior Director Regulatory, Legal and Corporate Affairs la Vodafone. DE GABRIEL BÂRLIG~ Funda]ia Vodafone are o istorie de 14 ani. Cum a evoluat \n aceast` perioad`? Funda]ia Vodafone a fost lansat` \ntr-o perioad` \n care mediul ONG era \nc` la \nceput. A fost prima organiza]ie nonprofit \nfiin]at` de c`tre o companie privat`. Am \nceput cu 10 proiecte sociale \n domeniul educa]iei [i s`n`t`]ii. Tot atunci, mai mul]i angaja]i ai companiei au decis s` pun` bazele unui sistem organizat, prin care s` contribuie la ajutorarea comunit`]ii. A[a s-a n`scut [i primul proiect de deducere salarial` din mediul de afaceri privat din România. |ntre timp, fondurile funda]iei au devenit mai numeroase [i diversificate, contribuitorii mai numero[i, iar nevoile comunit`]ii din ce \n ce mai mari. Ast`zi vorbim despre un mediu ONG dezvoltat, cu numeroase organiza]ii nonprofit care sus]in diferite categorii sociale defavorizate, \n toat` ]ara. Dup` 14 ani, num`rul domeniilor \n care Funda]ia Vodafone se implic` a crescut, la fel [i num`rul proiectelor. |n total, au fost investi]i peste 13 milioane de euro \n 600 de programe dezvoltate. Cu fiecare proiect pe care l-am lansat, am r`spuns nevoilor comunit`]ii, indiferent c` vorbim despre educa]ia copiilor, despre renovarea spitalelor sau dotarea acestora cu echipamente performante sau despre construc]ia de case pentru familii nevoia[e sau de [coli pentru comunit`]i izolate. S`n`tatea este un domeniu \n care Funda]ia Vodafone a investit constant [i ne-am implicat mereu activ \n voluntariat. 30
Funda]ia are o nou` component` a board-ului. Ce va \nsemna acest lucru pentru activitatea organiza]iei? Am f`cut aceast` schimbare \ntrucåt ne-am dorit s` avem al`turi de noi personalit`]i recunoscute pentru contribu]ia lor la binele comunit`]ii. Excelen]a Sa Martin Harris, Ambasadorul Marii Britanii, cåt [i Prin]esa Marina Sturdza s-au implicat de-a lungul timpului \n diferite
dar Funda]ia este implicat` [i \n alte 10 proiecte. |n domeniul s`n`t`]ii, am demarat o campanie de strångeri de fonduri pentru construc]ia unui nou corp al Sec]iei de Terapie Intensiv` Nou-N`scu]i a spitalului Marie Curie din Bucure[ti. Funda]ia Vodafone a donat deja 100.000 de euro pentru \nceperea construc]iilor [i dubleaz` suma dona]iilor de 2 euro prin SMS.
NOUA ECHIP~ A CONSILIULUI DE ADMINISTRA}IE AL FUNDA}IEI VODAFONE ROMÂNIA: Prin]esa Marina Sturdza, Pre[edinte Onorific Excelen]a Sa Martin Harris, Ambasadorul Marii Britanii la Bucure[ti, membru \n Consiliul de Administra]ie Condelina Kilikidis, Expert Guvernamental, membru \n Consiliul de Administra]ie Florina T`nase, Senior Director Regulatory, Legal and Corporate Affairs, Vodafone România [i membru \n Consiliul de Administra]ie Andres Vicente, Chief Commercial Officer, Enterprise Business Unit, Vodafone România [i membru \n Consiliul de Administra]ie Elena {erban, Director Funda]ia Vodafone [i membru \n Consiliul de Administra]ie Lidia Solomon, Director Corporate Communications, Vodafone România [i membru \n Consiliul de Administra]ie
proiecte de CSR al`turi de multe organiza]ii nonprofit. Cu siguran]` schimbarea board-ului Funda]iei Vodafone va aduce un plus de valoare proiectelor pe care le vom dezvolta \n viitor.
Care sunt principalele proiecte pe care le deruleaz` \n prezent funda]ia? |n acest an, cele mai mari proiecte sunt \n domeniul s`n`t`]ii [i voluntariatului,
Extinderea sec]iei de Terapie Intensiv` Nou-N`scu]i la acest spital este absolut necesar`, \ntrucåt cea actual` nu poate prelua decåt 50% dintre pacien]i. De asemenea, ne preg`tim s` lans`m \n aceast` lun` a treia edi]ie a programului Voluntar de profesie. Funda]ia Vodafone asigur` salariile curente ale voluntarilor [i cheltuielile administrative, pe toat` durata
CSR INTERVIU Care este gradul de implicare a oamenilor din Vodafone \n aceste proiecte? Implicarea angaja]ilor \n proiectele funda]iei a existat \nc` din 1998. Ei au fost cei care au creat acum 14 ani primul sistem organizat prin care s` contribuie la ajutorarea comunit`]ii. Din 1998, peste 2.000 de angaja]i particip` la proiectele de construc]ii de case, vizite la centre de plasament, centre maternale, centre pentru b`tråni, renovarea centrelor de zi pentru copii. Cel mai recent proiect de voluntariat al funda]iei este construc]ia unor case \n jude]ul Bra[ov, pentru patru familii nevoia[e. Compania \ncurajeaz` astfel de proiecte [i ofer` angaja]ilor dou` zile pe an pentru proiecte de voluntariat.
Exist` \n România limit`ri legislative \n domeniul CSR? Nu [i ne bucur`m s` vedem c`, \n domeniul CSR, num`rul companiilor care dezvolt` programe sociale a crescut semnificativ \n ultimii ani [i, \n acela[i timp, calitatea acestora este mult mai bun`. Cu toate acestea, ne-ar bucura s` vedem c` popularizarea acestor programe este mai mult \ncurajat` [i sprijinit` de liderii de opinie [i de media.
Florina T`nase, Senior Director Regulatory, Legal and Corporate Affairs la Vodafone
programului. Alte 10 proiecte \n domeniul educa]iei, prevenirii abandonului familial [i pentru tineri cu dizabilit`]i, \n valoare total` de peste 850.000 de euro, sunt derulate de c`tre Funda]ia Vodafone \mpreun` cu partenerii no[tri tradi]ionali. Valoarea total` a proiectelor sus]inute de funda]ie \n cursul acestui an dep`[e[te dou` milioane de euro.
Ce obiective ave]i pentru 2012? |n 2012, \n primul rånd ne dorim s` cre`m o mai mare vizibilitate principalelor proiecte ale funda]iei. Toate aceste proiecte au un impact major asupra comunit`]ii [i este important ca [i clien]ii no[tri s` cunoasc` proiectele sociale \n care ne implic`m. Tot \n acest an, vom preg`ti lansarea unor programe speciale.
Cum se desf`[oar` colaborarea cu ONG-urile \n proiectele pe care le derula]i? Toate proiectele pe care le-am lansat \n parteneriat cu alte organiza]ii nonprofit din România au avut succes, iar acest lucru este posibil numai dac` exist` o rela]ie de \ncredere [i respect reciproc cu partenerii no[tri. Cu fiecare funda]ie \n parte dezvolt`m proiecte pe termen lung, pentru a aduce o schimbare real` \n via]a beneficiarilor acestor funda]ii.
Companiile se implic` suficient \n via]a comunit`]ilor din care fac parte? Num`rul programelor de CSR a crescut semnificativ \n ultimii ani, dar [i calitatea acestora. Exist` proiecte care se adreseaz` unor categorii diferite de beneficiari. Exist` [i companii care investesc \n proiecte sociale \ntr-un anumit domeniu, cum sunt cele din industria petrolului care investesc \n mediu. Nu mai vorbim despre o “mod`”, ci despre o implicare pe termen lung, care va aduce beneficii semnificative [i relevante comunit`]ii, dar [i companiilor implicate. Biz Biz
LINI{TEA DINAINTEA UNEI NOI FURTUNI? Peste tot \n jur se v`d semne ale unei posibile stabiliz`ri economice, atât la nivel global, cât [i \n economia României. Dar drumul spre adev`rata redresare se dovede[te a fi plin de capcane. DE ALEXANDRU ARDELEAN
recia a sc`pat pentru moment de un faliment necontrolat [i de o ie[ire din zona euro, la nivel european lucrurile par mai domolite, iar pe pia]a american` semnalele sunt pozitive. La noi, avem semnale mixte, care vor escalada \ntr-o explozie de cre[teri economice pe baze populiste, avånd \n vedere c` e an electoral. Piesele puzzle-ului economic global par a fi mult mai adunate. |ns` ceva ne spune c` acum trebuie s` nu sc`p`m fråiele din måini [i s` ne \ntreb`m unde s` mai punem um`rul.
Grecia a reu[it cea mai mare performan]` luna trecut`, cånd a ajuns la un acord cu creditorii s`i cu privire la restructurarea datoriilor, care \i va permite s` [tearg` 100 de miliarde de euro din datoria ]`rii. Acordul a reu[it s` stabilizeze bursele europene [i s` creasc` euro, dar [i s` aduc` o umbr` de optimism peste economiile europene [i globale. Datoria Greciei se situeaz` \n prezent la circa 350 de miliarde de euro, echivalentul a aproximativ 160% din PIB, iar
[tergerea datoriilor vizeaz` diminuarea nivelului de \ndatorare spre 120% din PIB pân` \n 2020. Secretarul Trezoreriei americane, Timothy Geithner, a afirmat \n acest context c` Europa, datorit` m`surilor adoptate pentru a limita criza datoriilor, nu mai prezint` riscuri “semnificative” pentru restul economiei mondiale. Evident, lucrurile sunt departe de a fi rezolvate, astfel \ncåt s` putem s` afirm`m ca toate sunt a[ezate [i c` o s` asist`m la
cre[teri economice [i la un reviriment global. Grani]a dintre stabilizare [i e[ec este extrem de sub]ire, avånd \n vedere c` multe dintre statele UE au probleme interne economice. Dac` momentan Grecia pare a fi \ntr-un moment de acalmie, nu putem s` spunem acela[i lucru despre ]`ri ca Spania, Portugalia, Ungaria. O analiz` Bloomberg precizeaz` c` adev`ratul test \n perioada urm`toare pentru Uniunea European` este Spania. Noul plan de austeritate al guvernului
de la Madrid nu a câ[tigat \ncrederea investitorilor, ceea ce reprezint` un pericol nu doar pentru Spania, ci pentru \ntreaga Uniune, iar guvernele europene trebuie s` \[i schimbe strategia pân` nu este prea târziu. Problema nu este planul de austeritate; din contr`, Spania promite cel mai drastic program de consolidare bugetar` cu care s-a confruntat probabil vreo ]ar` european`. Noul plan prevede reducerea deficitului bugetar de la 8,5% din PIB anul trecut la 5,3% \n 2012. |n condi]iile \n care economia este deja \n declin, este nevoie de o reducere a cheltuielilor echivalent` cu 4% din PIB, \n timp ce rata [omajului se afl` deja la 23%. Spania a dep`[it anul trecut ]inta deficitului bugetar pentru c` autorit`]ile regionale nu [i-au respectat obiectivele, \n timp ce cre[terea economic` a fost sub a[tept`ri. Dar odat` implementat planul de austeritate, extrem de dur, acesta va limita cre[terea economic`, cee ce va duce la noi \mprumuturi. Rata [omajului este de 23%, dar \n rândul tinerilor atinge 50%, iar eforturile guvernului de reformare a pie]ei muncii cu greu pot fi sus]inute de popula]ie \ntr-o perioad` de recesiune. Economia Greciei este mic`, dar cea a Spaniei este a patra ca m`rime din zona euro. Dac` Spania se va pr`bu[i, va trage dup` ea [i mecanismele de protec]ie, \nc` firave, ale UE. Opera]iunile B`ncii Centrale Europene (BCE) de suplimentare a lichidit`]ilor, prin care b`ncile au \mprumutat peste 1.000 de miliarde de euro, au contribuit la stabilizarea pie]ei financiare, dar \nr`ut`]irea problemelor Spaniei arat` c` lini[tea este \nc` aparent`. Spania nu poate dep`[i criza f`r` sprijinul partenerilor europeni, care, \n propriul lor interes, ar trebui s` permit` o consolidare fiscal` moderat` [i s` sus]in` \n paralel cre[terea economiei ]`rii. Spania este atras` \ntr-un cerc vicios de colaps economic, fiscal [i politic. Chiar [i acum pericolul poate fi evitat, atâta timp cât UE este dispus` s` ac]ioneze. Dar, dac` va a[tepta prea mult, iar Spania va c`dea \n capcan`, controlul pagubelor va face ca sus]inerea Greciei s` par` o joac` de copii. Biz
Legat de actuala situa]ie din zona euro, Matei P`un, Managing Partner la BAC Investment Bank, spune c` stabilizarea economic` este un concept relativ mai ales acum, dar \n actualul context putem vorbi de o oarecare stabilizare. “Adic` nu tr`im vremurile pe care le-am tr`it toamna spre iarna anului trecut. Este clar o diferen]` calitativ` din acest punct de vedere. |ns` asta nu \nseamn` c` s-a terminat [i c` gata, punem lac`t [i nu mai vorbim despre reform`, criz` [i alte subiecte.” Lini[tea actual` e binevenit`, dup` ce la un moment dat exista senza]ia de degringolad` care se acutiza s`pt`mån` dup` s`pt`mån`, dup` cum spune Matei P`un. Se observ` c` lucrurile sunt deja pe un f`g`[ mult mai bun [i re\ncepe o integrare mai profund`, cu elemente politice, mai ales dac` vorbim de pactul fiscal. “Dar e vorba de o coordonare f`r` precedent, care, dac` ar fi fost discutat` acum cå]iva ani, nu sunt deloc convins c` ar fi fost primit` cu succes”, a afirmat Managing Partner-ul de la BAC Investment Bank.
|N ACEST TIMP, |N ROMÅNIA... Alegerile locale [i cele parlamentare schimb` pu]in perspectiva din care au fost privite lucrurile \n ultimii ani. Dac` pån` acum era vorba de austeritate [i de un control cåt mai mare al cheltuielilor publice, \n acest an guvernul acord` fonduri pentru prim`rii [i afirm` c` va re\ntregi salariile bugetarilor. Aceast` politic` este una “normal`” \ntr-un an electoral, \ns` nu [i pentru starea economic` pe care o tr`iesc Europa [i Romånia. Cre[terea economic` de anul trecut, de 2,5%, poate fi u[or erodat` \n cazul \n care promisiunile electorale duc la o supra\nc`lzire a economiei. De altfel, BRD a redus pentru a doua oar` \n [ase luni estimarea privind cre[terea PIB \n 2012, la 1,9% de la 2,1%, din cauza deterior`rii perspectivelor exporturilor, PIB-ul urmånd s` urce \n principal datorit` investi]iilor [i consumului privat. Anali[tii BRD au coborât \n luna octombrie a anului trecut prognoza de 34
doar c` pe plan intern se observ` semnale privind accelerarea redres`rii consumului, \n timp ce investi]iile sunt de asemenea \n curs de a reveni. Pentru c` suntem \ntr-un punct \n care este nevoie de m`suri consolidate \n continuare pentru a evita noi recesiuni, Romånia trebuie s` continue reformele \ncepute, pentru a ajunge inevitabil pe calea cea bun`. Matei P`un spune c` executivul ar trebui s` transforme \n continuare aparatul guvernamental \ntr-unul eficient, f`r` s` \nsemne c` trebuie s` eliBNR |MPINGE SPRE REFORM~ min`m statul sau s` \l ucidem. |n contextul actualelor evolu]ii economice [i “Trebuie s` reform`m statul [i pentru a da un semnal de reluare a credit`rii [i a aparatul de stat, trebuie s` consumului care s` sus]in` economia, mai ales c` schimb`m felul \n care func]ioavem o rat` a infla]iei, minim istoric, de doar neaz` [i aici, din p`cate, ne con2,59%, Consiliul de Administra]ie al BNR a redus frunt`m cu o criz` politic`, nu cu cu 0,25 puncte procentuale nivelul ratei dobânzii una economic`.” Economistul de politic` monetar`, de la 5,5% la 5,25% pe an, nu vede o alternativ` politic` care nou minim istoric, \n linie cu a[tept`rile s` permit` o eficientizare cu anali[tilor. Totodat` au fost men]inute cotele adev`rat aceast` reform` pentru rezervele minime obligatorii constituite de a statului. b`nci. BNR a redus dobânda de politic` monetar` Din punctul de vedere al cu 0,75 puncte procentuale de la \nceputul oric`rui cet`]ean al Romåniei a acestui an. “CA al BNR reafirm` c` banca central` devenit evident c` trebuie luate va monitoriza \n continuare evolu]iile interne [i m`suri \n continuare, c`ci reale mediului economic interna]ional, astfel \ncât, forma nu s-a terminat [i pericoprin ajustarea corespunz`toare a instrumentelor lele nu au trecut. Este nevoie de o de care dispune, s` asigure realizarea stabilit`]ii asanare a fiec`rui domeniu din pre]urilor pe termen mediu [i a stabilit`]ii Romånia, pentru a avea un stat financiare”, arat` oficialii b`ncii. de drept autentic. De la reforma s`n`ta]ii la aceea a educa]iei, de la aceea a colect`rii veniturilor la informatizarea statului, de la atragerea de fonduri europene la atingerea suple]ei unor ministere eficiente, care s` r`spund` oric`ror provoc`ri de acum sau de viitor. Este nevoie ca productivitatea din sectorul public s` creasc` ar trebui s` avanseze cu 6,5% \n 2012. foarte mult, pentru c` nu pot exista 10 Banca a revizuit \ns` semnificativ \n oameni care s` fac` acela[i lucru, s` sens negativ estim`rile privind dinaaplice aceea[i [tampil` pe o singur` mica exporturilor, la 6%, dep`[it` de hårtie. |ns` toate aceste decizii necesit` cre[terea importurilor, de 7,8%. Cono voin]` politic` care nu exist` de 20 tribu]ia net` a exporturilor va r`mâne de ani \ncoace. |n acest ritm, o vom negativ`, \n timp ce investi]iile [i \ntr-o t`r`g`na a[a, mai cre[tem un pic, mai oarecare m`sur` consumul privat vor sc`dem un pic, dar f`r` a avea o rer`mâne principalele motoare ale PIB. form` autentic`. Altfel, orice cutremur Raportul nu ia \n calcul riscurile pe extern ne va prinde la fel de nepreg`ti]i care alegerile le au asupra economiei ca [i cel din 2008. Biz ]`rii noastre \n acest an, men]ionånd cre[tere economic` a României pentru 2012 de la 2,8% la 2,1%. “Consumul privat a revenit \n 2011 dincolo de a[tept`rile noastre ini]iale [i au fost introduse m`suri de sprijinire a acestui indicator, din moment ce criza datoriilor de stat din zona euro va trage \n jos dinamica exporturilor României”, se arat` \ntr-un raport prezentat de banc`, citat de Mediafax. BRD anticipeaz` cre[terea consumului privat cu 2,5%, \n timp ce formarea de capital fix
INDUSTRY LEADERS Drumul spre succes nu este deloc u[or [i este nevoie de o strategie coerent`, care s` asigure reu[itele. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services a [tiut s` creeze aceast` strategia care i-a adus succesul. Totul s-a datorat echipei tinere dar experimentate, conduse de Roland Leitner, care a dus organiza]ia \ntr-o nou` er`, cea a \nving`torilor.
Cu vitez` \nainte pe un drum cu succes Mercedes-Benz Financial Services nu a resim]it provoc`rile economice ale ultimilor ani, din contr`, a mar[at spre expansiune [i dezvoltare accentuat`. Roland Leitner, Managing Director al Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, ne-a vorbit despre planurile [i strategiile cå[tig`toare pentru compania pe care o conduce. A]i intrat pe pia]a din Romånia \n 2008. A]i avut stabilite la acel moment anumite obiective [i ]inte. Cum s-au modificat acestea \n ultimii ani? |nceputul nostru \n Romånia a fost fundamentat \ntr-o pia]` \n continu` expansiune [i cu un poten]ial ridicat de business. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services a \nceput ca un finan]ator dedicat brandului Mercedes-Benz, care avea ca obiectiv principal sus]inerea vånz`rilor brand partner-ului nostru prin oferirea de solu]ii de finan]are competitive pentru clien]ii Mercedes-Benz. Obiectivele din 2008 au fost adaptate cerin]elor pie]ei [i coroborate cu targeturile setate de brand partner-ul Mercedes-Benz Romånia. Cu siguran]` anul 2010 a reprezentat o turnur` puternic pozitiv` pentru Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, prin orientarea c`tre businessul de retail prin promovarea campaniilor de dobånzi competitive [i produse customizate. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services \[i dore[te s` fie partener pentru orice client care inten]ioneaz` s` 36
achizi]ioneze un produs Mercedes-Benz. Businessul nostru este flexibil [i adaptabil, astfel am reu[it s` propunem produse competitive pentru finan]`rile de camioane [i autovehicule comerciale de mare tonaj. Anul 2012 ne reg`se[te \ntr-o stare de continu` expansiune pentru \ntreaga gam` de produse oferite. Businessul de retail este \ntr-o continu` cre[tere, iar businessul de flote a \nceput s` cå[tige teren \n portofoliul nostru. Pe lång` produsele mai sus amintite, de curånd am propus un produs dedicat finan]`rii autovehiculelor mari de transport persoane.
Ca un sumar al r`spunsurilor [i ca o \nglobare a propunerilor noastre pentru anul 2012 fa]` de obiectivele din anii trecu]i, putem spune cu siguran]` c` beneficiem de o echip` nou` [i tån`r` [i cu experien]` vast` \n domeniu. Pe lång` produsele adaptate necesit`]ilor clien]ilor [i pe lång` condi]iile de finan]are competitive, ne bucur`m s` avem \n echipa noastr` cei mai buni profesioni[ti din pia]`.
V` rog s` \mi spune]i care sunt cifrele de afaceri pentru anul trecut. Suntem måndri s` spunem c` anul trecut cre[terea portofoliului a fost de peste 100%. La sfår[itul anului 2011, portofoliul Mercedes-Benz Financial
Roland Leitner, Managing Director al Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
MERCEDES Services a ajuns la 71 de milioane de euro, din care 50 de milioane de euro reprezint` achizi]ii noi. |n anul 2011, am finan]at \n total 1.611 autoturisme, autoutilitare, camioane [i autobuze Mercedes-Benz [i vom continua [i \n acest an pe un trend ascendent.
Care este oferta de produse [i servicii pe care o ave]i \n acest moment? |n acest moment, produsele noastre de finan]are acoper` \ntreaga gam` a produselor Mercedes-Benz comercializate \n Romånia. Astfel c` pentru autoturisme se desf`[oar` campaniile de dobånd` 0,95% [i 5,95%, \n func]ie de perioada de finan]are aleas` de client, iar pentru autoutilitare se desf`[oar` campania de finan]are a IMM-urilor cu un avans sc`zut [i dobånd` 7,9%, program sus]inut din fondurile KfW cu suportul Uniunii Europene. Pentru camioane, pe lång` produsul standard de finan]are \n leasing financiar, oferim produse de finan]are care vin \n ajutorul clien]ilor no[tri care ob]in venituri \n euro, astfel c` oferim credite \n euro, f`r` a solicita garan]ii suplimentare. Tot pentru camioanele MercedesBenz, oferim leasing opera]ional, care le permite clien]ilor deducerea integral` a chiriei \n contabilitate, preluarea costurilor de depreciere [i amortizare de c`tre firma de leasing, iar la sfår[itul perioadei de \nchiriere clien]ii \napoiaz` bunurile c`tre Mercedes-Benz Financial Services.
Spune]i-mi, v` rog, care sunt principalele avantaje ale Mercedes-Benz Financial Services \n fa]a competitorilor? Datorit` colabor`rii strånse cu partenerul nostru, Mercedes-Benz Romånia, am dezvoltat [i sus]inut \mpreun` produse de finan]are adaptate necesit`]ilor clien]ilor no[tri [i care s` contribuie la cre[terea vånz`rilor produselor Mercedes-Benz. Acest lucru a dus la dezvoltarea unor campanii cu dobånzi [i condi]ii de finan]are foarte avantajoase pentru clien]i. 38
De[i nu a]i comunicat foarte mult, face]i extrem de multe lucruri care vin \n \ntåmpinarea clien]ilor. Care sunt acestea? Produsele nostre de finan]are sunt customizate \n func]ie de autoturisme, autoutilitare [i camioane Mercedes-Benz, astfel c` promovarea produselor MercedesBenz Financial Services se face \n principal prin intermediul re]elei de centre autorizate Mercedes-Benz. Pentru a veni \n ajutorul acestora, am creat un sistem informatic online (Point of Sale) care s` permit` utilizatorilor \ntocmirea de oferte de finan]are pentru clien]i, dar [i cunoa[terea \n orice moment a
transforma treptat \n simpla necesitate de a folosi bunul. Astfel, leasingul opera]ional va fi o solu]ie adaptat` cerin]elor dezvolt`rii viitoare a pie]ei. |n plus fa]` de leasingul financiar, contractele de finan]are cu servicii incluse [i managementul flotelor vor reprezenta o solu]ie optim` [i viabil` pentru noile condi]ii ale pie]ei.
Care sunt a[tept`rile dumneavoastr` pentru acest an? Anul 2012 este cu siguran]` un an de turnur` sau un “vantage point”, a[a cum a mai fost denumit [i \n multe dintre prognozele anilor anteriori.
ANUL 2012 NE REG~SE{TE |NTR-O STARE DE CONTINU~ EXPANSIUNE PENTRU |NTREAGA GAM~ DE PRODUSE OFERITE. BUSINESSUL DE RETAIL ESTE |NTR-O CONTINU~ CRE{TERE, IAR BUSINESSUL DE FLOTE A |NCEPUT S~ CÅ{TIGE TEREN |N PORTOFOLIUL NOSTRU.” stadiului unui dosar de finan]are. |n plus, am implementat un nou sistem informatic pentru administrarea contractelor care s` ofere clien]ilor no[tri un portal de internet “e-care”, unde ace[tia \[i pot vizualiza contractele \n derulare, pot tip`ri facturile emise, precum [i \mputernicirile pentru dosarele de daun`, respectiv \mputernicirile pentru deplasarea \n afara ]`rii.
Cum vede]i evolu]ia acestei pie]e \n viitor? Luånd exemplul pie]elor din Europa de Vest [i Central`, [i \n Romånia se va manifesta o migrare a necesit`]ilor clien]ilor dinspre binecunoscutul leasing financiar c`tre leasingul opera]ional. Ideea de a deveni proprietarul autovehiculului se va
Ceea ce preg`tim pentru clien]ii no[tri sunt produse cåt mai flexibile, customizate \n func]ie de profilul clien]ilor. Provocarea noastr` este s` reu[im s` ar`t`m clien]ilor care sunt avantajele contract`rii serviciilor noastre [i s` \i invit`m s` experimenteze confortul oferit de serviciile noastre high-class. Pentru clien]ii existen]i, am preg`tit un Care Center dedicat, care a intrat \n func]iune din luna martie a acestui an [i va oferi asisten]` premium pentru cei care au decis s` intre \n familia Mercedes-Benz. Cu toate aceste m`suri, ne a[tept`m [i \n acest an la o cre[tere a activit`]ii noastre, pentru a continua drumul de succes pe care suntem \n acest moment.
Cre[teri solide de la an la an
Finan]atorii au avut de trecut \n aceast` perioad` prin multe provoc`ri, c`rora au trebuit s` le fac` fa]` pentru a dep`[i condi]iile economice neprielnice. Doar strategiile elaborate, care au ]inut cont de condi]iile din pia]` [i de nevoile [i cerin]ele clien]ilor, au f`cut diferen]a \n pia]`. Este cazul Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, care a \nregistrat rezultate financiare pozitive [i \n cre[tere [i a propulsat compania pe o rut` ascendent`. Biz
acestea din urm` reprezentånd aproximativ 60% din volumul total de finan]`ri. Fa]` de momentul 2008, cånd Mercedes-Benz Financial Service a intrat \n Romånia, pia]a s-a schimbat. Reprezentan]ii companiei spun c` anul 2008 a reprezentat cu siguran]` un vårf al credit`rilor \n Romånia, pentru ca \n anul 2009 acestea s` \nregistreze o sc`dere dramatic`. |n restul anilor s-au \nregistrat sc`deri u[oare [i abia din 2011 pia]a finan]`rilor a reintrat pe o linie ascendent`. |ncepånd din trimestrul patru din 2010, MercedesBenz Financial Services a intrat pe o pant` ascendent` solid`, datorit` rela]iei bune pe care a construit-o cu re]eaua de centre autorizate Mercedes-Benz, dar [i datorit` suportului acordat de brand partner-ul companiei, Mercedes-Benz Romånia.
|NAINTE SPRE CRE{TERE |n anul 2011, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services a desf`[urat numeroase campanii \mpreun` cu brand partner-ul Mercedes-Benz Romånia, atât pentru autoturisme cåt [i pentru autoutilitare, fapt care a dus la o cre[tere semnificativ` a volumului finan]`rilor. Campania cu cel mai mare impact \n 2011 a fost cea pentru autoturisme, care a beneficiat de o dobånd` de 1,25%, reprezentånd o asociere cu aniversarea a 125 de ani de cånd Carl Benz a \nregistrat patentul pentru primul automobil din lume. Tot \n anul 2011, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services a \ncheiat cu banca KfW un credit pentru a finan]a proiectele IMM-urilor, prin programul de dezvoltare a IMM-urilor sus]inut de Uniunea European`. Astfel, \ncepånd cu iunie 2011 compania de servicii financiare a \nceput finan]area autoutilitarelor cu un avans sc`zut [i o dobånd` de 7,5%, iar pentru anumite modele dobånda a fost de 6,9%. Aceast` campanie va continua [i \n acest an pån` \n luna iunie, dar la un nivel u[or crescut al ratei dobånzii. Toate aceste campanii au fost vizibile [i \n rezultatele financiare. Dac` la sfår[itul anului 2008 volumul total al achizi]iilor
Tulbur`rile economice din ultimii ani s-au reflectat \n afacerile multor companii, care au trebuit s` creeze strategii pentru a dep`[i aceste etape [i pentru a face fa]` provoc`rilor. Domeniul auto a fost [i el extrem de afectat, avånd \n vedere c` majoritatea clien]ilor, persoane fizice sau juridice, au redus costurile, iar automobilele au intrat \n aceast` categorie. Nici leasingul ca form` de finan]are \n domeniu nu a putut evita aceast` spiral` a reducerii cheltuielilor. {i totu[i, m`surile economice adoptate \n aceast` perioad` au f`cut ca lucrurile s` \nceap` s` se redreseze. Ca o privire de ansamblu, este evident c` pia]a de creditare european` a intrat recent \ntr-o foarte lin` cre[tere, iar acest lucru este resim]it [i \n Romånia. Compania de servicii financiare Mercedes-Benz Financial Services spune c` \n privin]a finan]`rilor premium, ratele de penetrare a companiei \n Romånia sunt peste cele ale omologilor europeni, \ns` la un nivel mai mic al volumului total al vånz`rilor. La sfår[itul primului trimestru al acestui an, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services a atins o rat` de penetrare de 40% \n cadrul vånz`rilor de autoturisme, 35% \n cadrul vånz`rilor de autoutilitare [i 48% \n cadrul vånz`rilor de camioane. Acest lucru \nseamn` c` aproape fiecare al doilea vehicul våndut de Mercedes-Benz \n Romånia este finan]at de c`tre Mercedes-Benz Financial Services. Compania urmeaz` politica de creditare stabilit` de c`tre Daimler AG, promovånd o dobånd` standard care este sub media finan]atorilor din pia]`, \ns` de asemenea a intrat \n anul 2012 cu promo]ii agresive cu dobånd` de 0,95% pentru majoritatea modelelor Mercedes-Benz. Totodat`, a[a cum ne-am obi[nuit s` fim eticheta]i drept o pia]` cel pu]in atipic`, Romånia face o u[oar` not` discordant`, fa]` de restul Europei, \n privin]a split-ului finan]`rilor echipamente versus autovehicule,
era de 4,6 milioane de euro, \n 2009 volumul total a \nregistrat suma de 10,5 milioane de euro. |ncepånd cu anul 2010, portofoliul a crescut sim]itor, ajungånd la 33 milioane de euro la sfår[itul anului. |n decembrie 2011, portofoliul ajunsese la 71 milioane de euro, “astfel c` am intrat pe o pant` ascendent` solid` pe care ne propunem s` o continu`m”, spun oficialii companiei Mercedes-Benz Financial Services. Nimic din toate acestea nu ar fi fost posibil f`r` o munc` sus]inut` [i dedicat` [i f`r` creionarea unor strategii specifice care s` fac` fa]` condi]iilor economice dificile din pia]` [i s` asigure succesul. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services a beneficiat de experien]a global` a grupului Daimler, prin utilizarea de metode [i practici de management al riscului adaptate situa]iei din pia]`, dar [i de suportul brand partner-ului Mercedes-Benz Romånia, cu o experien]` mult mai mare pe pia]a din Romånia, fapt care a dus la trecerea cu
u[urin]` peste provoc`rile economice. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services \mpreun` cu Mercedes-Benz Romånia au avut o strategie comun`, aceea de a le oferi clien]ilor condi]ii foarte avantajoase de finan]are, dar [i condi]ii customizate \n func]ie de nevoile clientului. Prin campaniile de dobånd` promo]ional` desf`[urate, compania a reu[it s` ridice ratele de penetrare a finan]`rilor prin Mercedes-Benz Financial Services \n cadrul re]elei de dealeri Mercedes-Benz. “Am pornit de la o rat` de penetrare de aproximativ 4% \n anul 2008, ajungånd \n prezent la o rat` de aproximativ 40%. De asemenea, apartenen]a noastr` la Asocia]ia Societ`]ilor Financiare – ALB Romånia – a reprezentat un salt calitativ semnificativ, de natur` s` ne ofere expertiza [i calitatea opera]ional` atåt de necesare \ntr-o companie \n plin` dezvoltare. Aten]ia noastr` este \ndreptat` \nspre o rela]ie apropiat` cu
MERCEDES-BENZ FINANCIAL SERVICES REU{E{TE S~ |{I ATING~ }INTELE CU AJUTORUL UNEI ECHIPE NOI, TINERE, DAR CU EXPERIEN}~ VAST~ |N DOMENIU, IAR REZULTATELE ECHIPEI SE V~D |N REZULTATELE FINANCIARE. dealerii [i clien]ii no[tri. Avånd o echip` de profesioni[ti [i cu ajutorul unui sistem informatic eficient, ne dorim s` le oferim clien]ilor [i partenerilor servicii de \nalt` clas` la un cost rezonabil”, spun reprezenta]ii companiei Mercedes-Benz Financial Services.
Leasingul opera]ional este considerat \n continuare o subni[` a finan]`rilor \n Romånia. Nu pu]ine sunt acele companii care au creat departamente distincte pentru acest tip de activitate. Finan]`rile companiei Mercedes-Benz Financial Services prin leasing opera]ional au men]inut o rat` constant` de cre[tere, reprezentånd \n prezent aproximativ 7% din totalul activit`]ii organiza]iei. Majoritatea bunurilor finan]ate prin leasing opera]ional sunt camioane [i semiremorci. Leasingul financiar reprezint` majoritatea finan]`rilor Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, dar compania are \n portofoliu [i contracte de credit. |n ciuda condi]iilor economice dificile, clien]ii Mercedes-Benz sunt clien]i premium, ale c`ror exigen]e sunt din ce \n ce mai crescute. Pentru a veni \n \ntåmpinarea clien]ilor, serviciile [i produsele Mercedes-Benz Financial Services au fost \n permanen]` adaptate nevoilor acestora. Rapiditatea aprob`rii finan]`rilor a devenit o prioritate, astfel \ncåt Mercedes-Benz Financial Services s-a adaptat la aceast` nevoie, oferind clien]ilor r`spunsuri prompte la solicit`rile acestora. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services acord` o aten]ie deosebit` clien]ilor s`i, astfel \ncåt se asigur` \n permanen]` de \mbun`t`]irea serviciilor postvånzare. Implementarea noului sistem informatic din acest an a adus un plus serviciilor oferite de companie. |n aceste condi]ii, viitorul sun` bine. Spre deosebire de finan]atorii multibrand, provocarea unui “finan]ator de cas`” ca Mercedes-Benz Financial Services o reprezint` conceperea unor produse cåt mai atractive pentru clien]i, astfel \ncåt ace[tia s` decid` s` intre \n familia Mercedes-Benz. Pentru a realiza acest lucru, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services a sc`zut majoritatea costurilor [i a eliminat anumite costuri conexe contractelor de finan]are, pe care majoritatea finan]atorilor din Romånia le practic`. Biz
CIOCOLAT~ CU AROM~ DE EXPORT Ciocolata Heidi, produs` \n fabrica din Pantelimon, a devenit \n ultimii trei ani un brand interna]ional cu prezen]` \n 38 de ]`ri, fapt ce a determinat o cre[tere considerabil` a cifrei de afaceri a companiei.
u una dintre cele mai mici rate ale consumului de ciocolat` din Europa, pia]a româneasc` a trecut printr-o comprimare de cel pu]in 20 – 25% \n ultimii doi – trei ani. Cu toate acestea, nu to]i produc`torii au sc`zut odat` cu pia]a. Heidi Chocolat a g`sit solu]ii de cre[tere pe care Erwin Vondenhoff, Managing Director la Heidi Chocolat, ni le-a \mp`rt`[it.
Cât de puternic a lovit valul crizei produc]ia de ciocolat` Heidi? Dac`, \n 2005, 97% din produc]ia noastr` era destinat` pie]ei române[ti [i doar 3% mergea la export, anul acesta volumul exporturilor va dep`[i vânz`rile pe pia]a intern`. Ne-am orientat c`tre pie]e externe \ncepând din 2008 [i de atunci am avut o cre[tere a afacerii de 75%. Ini]ial exportam c`tre trei ]`ri, acum 55% din totalul produc]iei merge c`tre 38 de ]`ri. Treptat, am \nceput s` nu mai depindem de pia]a româneasc`. Nu am sim]it criza deoarece am \nceput s` lucr`m cu Rusia, SUA, Chile – pie]e mult mai mari decât 42
România, unde chiar dac` de]ii o mic` parte tot e un pas uria[. Exporturile sunt cele care ne-au ajutat \n 2011 s` cre[tem cu 20% fa]` de anul anterior.
A]i mers a[adar la export deoarece pia]a româneasc` este prea mic`.
Nu e o mutare periculoas` s` renun]a]i la promovarea pe TV?
Fiind activi pe un segment premium, de ni[`, nu ne-am permis s` sc`dem calitatea [i nici pre]ul. De aceea am ales s` ne orient`m c`tre alte pie]e. Urm`m modelul Lindt, pe care-l consider`m principalul nostru competitor. |ncerc`m s` oferim acela[i nivel de calitate precum Lindt, numai c`, având produc]ia \n România, avem pre]uri mai mici decât Lindt.
Nu, având \n vedere ce rezultate de cre[tere am avut. Facem promovare instore precum [i online. Vizibilitatea la raft [i ambalajele atractive sunt dou` elemente cheie \n FMCG. Cump`r`torul trebuie s` vad` produsul atunci când intr` \n magazin. De asemenea, ambalajul trebuie s` atrag`. Odat` ce ai convins consumatorul s`-]i cumpere produsul, trebuie ca gustul [i calitatea s` nu dezam`geasc`.
Cum men]ine]i costurile sc`zute? Ingredientele au cam acelea[i pre]uri peste tot \n lume, deci pe zona aceasta nu se pot face economii. |n România costurile cu for]a de munc` sunt relativ reduse comparativ cu Europa de Vest. De asemenea, beneficiem de costuri reduse pe zona de marketing, PR [i comunicare. De cinci ani am renun]at la promovarea pe TV [i radio.
Cum [ti]i ce noi specialit`]i de ciocolat` s` lansa]i? |ncerc`m s` ne d`m seama care sunt tendin]ele \n \ntreaga lume. Uneori este nevoie ca ele s` fie \n]elese [i reinterpretate. S-ar putea crede c` s-au f`cut de toate [i nu ar mai fi nimic de inventat, cu toate acestea avem câteva produse unice care
de români, \n general oameni care c`l`toresc \n str`in`tate [i cunosc tendin]ele globale. Practic, din toat` pia]a de ciocolat` ne concentr`m pe 8-10% din totalul consumatorilor. Este un segment destul de restrâns, \n condi]iile \n care oricum consumul de ciocolat` este de 1,6 – 1,7 kg pe cap de locuitor, una dintre cele mai mici rate de consum din Europa, spre deosebire de Germania sau Elve]ia, unde se consum` \n medie 10 – 12 kg de ciocolat` pe an pe cap de locuitor. Apoi pre]ul ciocolatei este destul de sc`zut. Pia]a româneasc` este destul de atipic` fa]` de restul Europei, se aseam`n` mai mult cu Grecia [i Bulgaria. |n plus, România este o ]ar` \n care se consum` dulciuri sub form` de pr`jituri mai mult decât ciocolat`.
Cu ce valoare a vânz`rilor a]i \ncheiat anul trecut? Ce a[tept`ri ave]i pentru 2012? Anul trecut am vândut \n valoare de 55 de milioane de lei, din care 43% au provenit din exporturi. Pentru anul \n curs miz`m pe o cre[tere de pân` la 65 de milioane de lei. |n ceea ce prive[te cota de pia]`, de]inem 15% pe segmentul de ciocolat` cu ingrediente (creme, alune etc). Noi nu concur`m pe pia]a tabletelor de ciocolat` simpl`. Erwin Vondenhoff, Managing Director, Heidi Chocolat nu se mai g`sesc \n alt` parte. Pe de o parte, ne g`sim inspira]ie \n ceea ce face compania-mam` din Elve]ia, care produce praline [i ciocolat` premium \n special pentru clien]i din industria hotelier`. Apoi, \ncerc`m s` ne dezvolt`m produsele \n func]ie de preferin]ele consumatorilor no[tri. Asta facem [i cu Chocoworld, un concept cu o foarte activ` prezen]` online. Consumatorii pot intra \n leg`tur` cu noi pe Skype [i pot vedea cum facem ciocolata. De asemenea, Chocoworld este un magazin-concept lansat de Heidi Chocolat, un loc unde oricine poate veni s` \[i creeze propria ciocolat`.
Care sunt tendin]ele \n materie de ciocolat`? F`r` s` intru \n prea multe detalii, pot spune c`, dac` e vorba de produc]ia de mas`, nu exist` prea multe posibilit`]i de
experimentare \n ceea ce prive[te re]etele. Foarte pu]ini sunt consumatorii dispu[i s` \ncerce gusturi noi. Peste tot \n lume ciocolata este despre “siguran]`”. Mul]i p`streaz` preferin]a pentru brandul pe care l-au cunoscut \n copil`rie. Ciocolata se consum` [i la bucurie, [i la sup`rare. Mamele (femeile reprezint` 80% dintre cump`r`torii no[tri) vor s` fie sigure c` ingredientele folosite sunt naturale. Când mergi la un prieten cumperi numai pralinele care-]i plac, nu un brand oarecare. Indiferent de situa]ie, ciocolata trebuie s` confere un sentiment de securitate. Abia dup` vârsta de 40 – 45 de ani apare dorin]a de a experimenta (ciocolat` cu busuioc, cu sare de Himalaya etc).
Ce prefer` consumatorii români? Segmentul nostru de consumatori ]int` este compus din aproximativ 2-3 milioane
Pe ce v` baza]i când miza]i pe cre[tere? Exist` dou` surse de cre[tere: inova]ia [i extinderea pe alte pie]e. |n fiecare an lans`m produse noi. |n ultimii ani, 20 - 30% dintre produsele noastre s-au schimbat ca urmare a unui proces de inova]ie. Nu \n ultimul rând, cre[terea este generat` de intrarea pe noi pie]e mari, unde consumul de ciocolat` este mare.
Fabrica Heidi din Pantelimon produce la capacitate maxim`? Da. Produc]ia este oarecum sezonier`. Sezonul de vârf \ncepe de prin iunie-iulie pentru produsele ce ajung pe pia]` toamna [i iarna. Anul acesta vom produce 2.000 de tone de ciocolat`. |n fiecare an mai angaj`m câte 20 – 30 de oameni \n produc]ie, iar \n urm`toarele câteva luni vom investi \n noi linii de produc]ie [i ne vom extinde suprafa]a de depozitare. Biz Biz
High Impact Friends 44
A doua edi]ie a High Impact Friends a fost un bun context de discu]ii despre viitorul social media, al colabor`rii dintre branduri [i bloggeri, dar [i despre noile forme pe care le-ar putea lua edi]ia a treia. DE LOREDANA S~NDULESCU
Echipa High Impact Friends, imediat dup` aterizarea pe aeroportul din Amsterdam
cei care ]in mai mult de gâdilarea orgoliului. Adrian Ciubotaru a vorbit despre managementul reputa]iei \n social media, \n timp ce Cristian Manafu a remarcat importan]a interac]iunii directe dintre bloggeri [i companii. La final, fiecare dintre participan]i a plecat cu un set de idei pe care ulterior ni le-a \mp`rt`[it. Pentru Nicoleta Vi[an, E-Commerce Manager la Air France KLM România, dincolo de networking, beneficiul adus de discu]iile deschise \n zilele de conferin]` la care au participat la aceea[i mas` bloggeri de top [i companii active \n social media este nem`surabil. Dac` pentru Gabriela Neac[u experien]a High Impact Friends a \nsemnat deschiderea c`tre new media, un domeniu \nc` neexplorat de Eco-Rom Ambalaje, pentru unii dintre bloggerii participan]i a fost momentul unor decizii. “Dup` HIF am luat o decizie important`: s` nu mai scriu niciodat` despre un brand pân` nu vorbesc cu cineva care se ocup` de brandul acela, pentru c` brandurile nu exist` f`r` oamenii din spatele lor”. Importan]a rela]iilor offline dintre oameni este [i concluzia celor trei zile petrecute de Bobby Voicu la Amsterdam. {i pentru Alexandru Negrea, cele trei zile au avut un impact, prin faptul c` a \nceput s`
Trei zile intense cu oameni pasiona]i de social media, deschi[i fa]` de provoc`rile dar [i oportunit`]ile pe care noile modalit`]i de comunicare le ofer`. A[a s-ar defini, pe scurt, experien]a celei de-a doua edi]ii a High Impact Friends, ce a avut loc pe 20 – 22 aprilie la Amsterdam, la ini]iativa revistei Biz. Atmosfera, leg`turile care s-au stabilit \ntre participan]i, discu]iile [i concluziile la care am ajuns cu greu pot fi exprimate \n cuvinte. Prezent`rile din prima zi au fost un bun prilej pentru reprezentan]ii KLM, Premium Communication, EcoRom, Pepsico, BCR [i Staropramen de a afla cu cine aveau s` vorbeasc` pe parcursul celor trei zile: Cristian China-Birta, Cristian Manafu, Adrian Ciubotaru, Alex Negrea, Costin Cocioab`, Victor Kapra, Cristian {u]u, Sebastian Bârg`u, Cristi Dorombach [i Bobby Voicu. Vedeta primei zile a fost Anna Ketting, Social Media Manager la KLM, care ne-a vorbit despre modul \n care compania [i-a structurat eforturile de social media, ajungând la un departament de 14 oameni. A doua zi a \nsemnat o vizit` la Keukenhof chiar \n ziua Paradei Florilor, un bun prilej de relaxare [i preg`tire pentru cea de-a treia zi, cea mai intens` din punctul de vedere al interac]iunii. Prezent`rile bloggerilor au fost prilej de discu]ii aprinse, mai ales c` Robert Z`nescu propusese un exerci]iu live de colaborare [i comunicare \ntre companii [i bloggeri. Victor Kapra a oferit reguli extrem de eficiente privind modul \n care companiile trebuie s` discute cu creatorii de con]inut. Chinezu a promovat comunit`]ile locale de bloggeri, contorizând \n jur de 3.000 de bloguri locale active. Cristian {u]u a declarat c` dore[te s` participe doar la proiecte care produc rezultate concrete, cu impact \n via]a oamenilor. Cristi Dorombach a prezentat a[tept`rile unui blogger de la companii, \n timp ce Sebastian Bârg`u a vorbit despre amurgul erei advertorialelor, lucru ce a declan[at o dezbatere aprins`, care era cât pe ce s` se soldeze cu “Proclama]ia de la Amsterdam” pe aceast` tem`. Bobby Voicu a f`cut o diferen]iere util` intre indicatorii de performan]` cu adev`rat utili din social media [i
Anna Ketting, KLM
Costin Cocioab`
Sebastian Bârg`u
aib` o alt` abordare \n articolele pe care le scrie despre blogosfer` dar [i \n cele pe care le scrie \n colaborare cu diverse companii, iar pentru Sebastian Bârg`u cele trei zile au marcat luarea unei decizii personale importante: a anun]at c` renun]` la VisUrât [i urmeaz` s` se relanseze cu Tot cu ideea unor schimb`ri de fond au plecat de la Amsterdam [i al]i doi participan]i. “Calitatea evenimentelor se judec` [i dup` urm`rile lor – pentru mine, High Impact Friends a avut o urmare pozitiv` chiar \n lunea urm`toare, de cum am revenit la birou”, ne-a povestit Sorana Savu, Senior Partner, Premium Communication. Extrapolând la un impact mai de ansamblu, Robert Z`nescu consider` c` dac` spiritul HIF se va p`stra \n tot ceea ce facem, atunci cu to]ii vom avea de câ[tigat.
Cristian Manafu, Marta U[urelu, Ana-Maria M`ciuc`, Sorana Savu, Gabriela Neac[u
Victor Kapra, Cristian China-Birta
Nicoleta Vi[an, Alexandru Negrea, Robert Z`nescu
Ioana Bondril`, Cristian Dorombach, Bobby Voicu
Cristian Cristian {u]u {u]u
Facebook a fost invadat de lalele mai mult ca niciodat` dup` vizita High Impact Friends la gr`dinile Keukenhof, la invita]ia KLM, \n ziua Paradei Florilor. Cu 7 milioane de flori plantate manual, Keukenhof este cel mai mare parc de flori cu bulb din lume [i cel mai mare parc de sculpturi din Olanda.
Lec]iile consolid`rii \n business
Exist` companii care sunt imune la recesiune, iar liderii acestora au o direc]ie strategic` clar`, chiar [i atunci cånd previziunile economice sunt din ce \n ce mai greu de realizat. Care este secretul acestor organiza]ii? DE OVIDIU NEAGOE
`spunsul la \ntrebare a fost dat la cea de a treia edi]ie a evenimentului Management360, organizat de revista Biz la hotelul Howard Johnson din capital`: sustenabilitatea cl`dit` \n timp [i deschiderea c`tre noi oportunit`]i. “Trebuie s` fii deschis c`tre nou! Asta e clar! Businessul clasic a le[inat odat` cu criza, vechile principii sunt \n com`. Este nevoie de viziuni noi \n managementul de azi”, a spus Camelia {ucu, Camelia {ucu, George Georgakopoulos, Owner Class Living, care a povestit Owner, Class Living vicepre[edinte executiv, Bancpost [i despre provoc`rile antreprenorilor din perioada de criz`, dar mai ales acestuia, printr-un model de business despre procesul de repliere a companiilor sustenabil. “Adesea necunoscut` [i misantreprenoriale. Camelia {ucu a precizat terioas` pentru mul]i – sufletul stratec` obiectivul este cre[terea [i c` cel mai giei de business este despre clien]i [i simplu proces dintr-o companie este valoare. Strategia este construit` de t`ierea costurilor, dar nu acesta este lideri, dar este influen]at` de \ntreaga r`spunsul la criz`, ci dezvoltarea. organiza]ie”, preciza vicepre[edintele Tot \n prima sesiune a evenimentului executiv al Bancpost. organizat de revista Biz, George GeorgaOvidiu Ghiman, director executiv kopoulos, vicepre[edinte executiv la strategie [i comercial la Romtelecom, [i Bancpost, a \mp`rt`[it participan]ilor Robert Popescu, CEO la A&D Pharma, modalit`]ile prin care se pot creiona au prezentat strategiile de succes implestrategii certe pentru o perioad` plin` cu mentate \n companiile pe care le repreincertitudini, pentru c` cel mai facil mod zint` [i modalit`]ile prin care au reu[it de a prezice viitorul este creionarea
s` devin` liderii incontestabili ai industriilor din care provin cele dou` organiza]ii. Un copac cu r`d`cini puternice va avea [anse mult mai mari s` supravie]uiasc` unei furtuni decåt un copac cu o coroan` frumoas`, dar r`d`cini mai pu]in adånc \nfipte \n p`månt. Analogia de mai sus, cu mediul de afaceri, a fost f`cut` de Viorel Panaite, Managing Partner la furnizorul de training Human Invest, care a prezentat la Management360 workshop-ul “Great Leaders Grow”. Participan]ii au putut desprinde o serie de lec]ii importante din sesiunea special`, una dintre acestea fiind c` leadership-ul \ncepe prin a ne conduce pe noi \n[ine, abia apoi vom avea puterea de a conduce pe al]ii. Dorin Bodea – Senior Consultant la Result Development, Cristina Gheorghe – Partner la The Network – [i Constantin Stan – director general la Ascendis Process Management – au vorbit despre provoc`rile managerilor \n organiza]iile actuale. Management360 a fost organizat de revista Biz, \n parteneriat cu Class Living [i sponsorizat de Bancpost. Biz
powered by Biz
MAGAZINE May 16-18, 2012, The National Library of Romania
The CEE Internet
Worldwide and regional leaders of the digital industry are coming to Bucharest
Good bye, RoNewMedia! Welcome I CEE! Festival!
tarting a much acclaimed event with some sort of a requiem seems a bit strange, to say the least. However, I believe it’s only natural, for at least three reasons. One for each part of the RoNewMedia Brand: RO, NEW and MEDIA.
“RO” is no more enough. Seeing our industry and seeing what RoNewMedia stands for, we are without a doubt part of a global and regional business. Given the speakers we have invited, the brands, the companies involved and the events taking place this year, we can proudly compete with any other European event.
“NEW” media is not “NEW” anymore. In the big media picture (one content, multiple channels), digital has become what the newspaper used to be in the (not so) old days. You still remember, don’t you? The newspaper was a paper-made tablet, not at all interactive, a support for written and visual content. ;)
“MEDIA” is today only a little part of what the Internet has become. The Internet is a channel used for networking, search, commerce, user generated content, entertainment, sex. In other words, the Internet is life. Even more so, given all the facets the digital world has embraced, even the Internet seems too small. The interactive industry goes beyond the web. Look how, by taking three simple steps, we are left without RO, NEW and MEDIA. Did we make a mistake to ditch a brand that has been built over five years of hard work? At first glance, it would
seem so. In an industry that has been radically and constantly changing, one thing is for sure: the long term and correct vision is worth far more than “a temporary loss”. Projects and sometimes brands behave like any living thing: they are born, grow up, reach maturity, gradually decrease and then die. We decided to avoid the last part and “kill” RoNewMedia in its prime. And we decided to make it during the biggest edition since 2008. This year it is the largest in terms of speakers involved, duration, audience, collateral events and other happenings. However this is not the end. On the contrary, we are beginning a new journey: we take the event to a new level and we start to push the brand to where it belongs: beyond RO, beyond NEW and beyond MEDIA. Starting now, we are paving the way towards a broader concept, open not only to Romania but to the entire CEE region. From now on we will address not only “new media” and the Internet, but the entire interactive industry. To make a long story short, rest in peace RoNewMedia! Long live I CEE! Festival!
It is a new brand that we will nourish in the future, which is aimed at gradually fulfilling our vision: The Interactive Central and Eastern European Festival. Shortly, I CEE!
Do you? ;) Much more than a boring conference: a digital festival! A show about innovation, networking, learning, knowhow and interactive entertainment. That’s it! Now, enjoy (the last) RoNewMedia! I CEE you in 2013! ;) And beyond.
Dragos Stanca, Managing Partner Q2M, RoNewMedia Founder
powered by Biz
MAGAZINE May 16-18, 2012, The National Library of Romania
The CEE Internet
Worldwide and regional leaders of the digital industry are coming to Bucharest
The RoNewMedia Story
RoNewMedia 6.0 explained: what's it all about?
Another RoNewMedia premiere: the IAB MIXX Awards!
One event, seven platforms
Yann Gourvennec: Social media will become part of everything we do
Can Romania become a regional digital hub?
Games people p(l)ay
The big game changer
How to be happy with your content
Odysseas Ntotsikas: The power of human connections in digital
World Press Photo returns to Romania
Nancy Nemes: How to talk to the female brain
Mihai Paun: "We strive to build apps for our enterprise customers without painting ourselves into a corner"
From the third screen to number one
Meet the speakers
The digital ad challenge
Ana-Maria Andronic: Got an idea? We have investors
The RoNewMedia Story How we plan to turn a local event into a regional Internet festival that aims at transforming Bucharest into a regional digital hub for all Internet-based business. And how this will transform RoNewMedia of the future in I CEE! Festival.
ewMedia 2.0
ia 3.0
The RoNewMedia story began four years ago, in May 2008. At that time we were worried that the Intercontinental RoNewMedia 4.0 Hotel’s hall we had booked for the event would be half empty. As it turned out, we actually had over 500 people attending the event, so we needed some extra chairs. It was also encapsulates a strong statement: “Yes, Bucharest can and must the first time a Yahoo! representative held a speech in Romania. become a regional hub in Central and Eastern Europe for all This encouraged us to move forward, based on the premise that Internet-based businesses!” And it has every right to fight for an authentic new media conference can be successful, even in this status, not only due to its geographical positioning. This is Bucharest. In those days, not even Facebook managed to pack a our point of view, and I’m speaking on behalf of all those who full house and the Internet was totally different from what we contributed to this concept and invested considerable amounts see today. And it’s only been four years. of money into the project. We’re not reinventing the wheel, but we want to bring this event on the same level as all the other relevant and important New Media events across Europe. We made some mistakes and But 6 editions later, with Google, Microsoft and Facebook I’m sure this 6th edition won’t turn out exactly as we planned it, managers as speakers for the first time in Romania, we think the because the local market can’t really support now our bold plans time has come to move on to another level. As the editorial from the concept stage. suggests, RO isn’t enough anymore. NEW stopped being so For this edition we wanted to have a full week of conferences, new. And NEW MEDIA is starting to sound out of fashion, each day having its own theme: search, social media, digital considering the complexity of the digital world. marketing, gaming, mobile, e-commerce and content. We That is why – and we’re making this statement being fully couldn’t have delivered that, so we condensed the seven themes aware of all the risks involved – this edition will be the last one in three days. But hey, that’s not a problem. Maybe it will work under the above mentioned name. So RoNewMedia 6.0
A brand new concept
RoNewMedia 5.0
RoNewMedia 4.0
RoNewMedia 5.0
RoNewMedia 4.0
out next year, or in next two, or three years. Our vision is to build a long term concept. What we know for sure is that the event has to become more than just a conference. We started off with one day, and then we switched to a two-day concept. Now we have three days. We hope next year we’ll have a fiveday event. That’s why we decided that the “Conference” part, though still at the core of the event, should serve as a pretext which may leave room for other things. Apart from the conference, the event will include workshops, exhibitions, a magazine, awards (in partnership with
IAB Romania), academy and of course – the party. You can find out more about these categories in the following pages.
After four years, we reached the conclusion that RoNewMedia has to be more than just a conference and become The Interactive Central and Eastern Europe’s Festival: I CEE! Festival
An ambitious plan
Regarding the speakers, we started differently: first we set the themes, then we developped the proper content. This led to a more coherent concept, which allows each audience to choose which theme to attend. And we changed the location. The imposing National Library turns out to be perfect for the digital industry. We are honored to be among the first to organize a major event in this location, due to the excellent cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. We’re talking about three intense days (and for some of us, three nights). We want to offer you all the things you need and more, in order to make you feel eager to come and see us again next year. But, even if not everything goes according to the plan, we know one thing: at least we did our best. And for what it’s worth, we’ll still be drinking a beer. But that will happen only on May 18, in the evening. Enjoy (the last) RoNewMedia! 5
RoNewMedia 6.0 explained: what’s it all about? This year, it’s not just about another new RoNewMedia edition, but about a whole new world: it will be a complex event, bigger than ever. Here is a simple guide to help you choose the parts of the event that better suit your interest. DRAGOS STANCA
Presentation formats
Daily structure
Here are the main formats for the event:
Day 1
Panels with keynote speeches of 15 to 30 minutes each, followed by Q&A sessions. Debates bringing together on stage both local and regional industry heavyweights alongside keynote speakers for an open debate engaging the audience with its strongly interactive elements. Workshop presentations Expo launches Special happenings – like the World Press Photo exposition and the IAB MIXX Awards Gala. Since the schedule is flexible and changes may show up until the event actually debuts, make sure you’re not missing anything by checking programme for updates.
Wednesday, May 16
Search & Social Media While this topic will surely be discussed in the other two days, it was obvious we had to dedicate a full day to the Internet “darlings” Facebook and Google (we ranked them alphabetically, just to be on the safe side) and to the companies active in the search and social media related business. You will also be treated to a healthy dose of useful information from speakers representing Orange – France Telecom, MediaCom, and Microsoft. Rounding off the day, companies from Central and Eastern Europe will share their experience with social media in the region.
Day 2 Thursday, May 17
Digital Marketing, Mobile & Gaming This is one full day! The three major topics (Digital Marketing, Mobile, and Gaming) are followed by two major events: IAB MIXX Awards (for the first time in Romania!) and the World Press Photo exhibition. You won’t want to miss the presentation from major companies, including – Microsoft, Albion, Brainstorm Digital, Y&R, OgilvyOne, and Mediamind. The evening will be filled with awards, stars and entertainment. Andi Moisescu, TV personality and one of the judges on “Romania’s Got Talent”, will moderate an original debate reuniting celebrities that will share with the audience their online experiences. Next up will be the IAB MIXX Awards Gala, and then it’s time to party, at The Silver Church Club!
Day 3 Friday, May 18
Content & eCommerce Some might find it difficult to stay sharp after the first two days and the party, but the third day is not to be missed. It will be Skype’s first ever official appearance in Romania and, in another first, Thomson Reuters will be present on stage. Also presenting is CME, the most active TV player in Central and Eastern Europe. Still not enough for you? Let’s add BBC, Yahoo!, Orange, Samsung and Allegro/Naspers and you know you’ll have to be there! Piano Media steals the stage when meeting with publishers looking to find profitability on the advertising and e-commerce axis. Can a paywall work? Are people willing to pay for content? These hard questions will be answered at RoNewMedia. Next is another hot (and thorny) issue, video-on-demand, to be tackled by players like HBO GO, SeeNow, and Voyo.
One event, seven platforms
It remains the core of the whole event. The “digital stage” will be the hub where the key presentations and the highly interactive debates are to take place. The main hall has 1,300 seats and will host eight hours of conferences per day during the three-day event.
They’ll take over and go deeper on issues that cannot be fully addressed during the conference presentations. Actually, while the conference part is rather informative and aspirational, the real deal happens at the workshops, where there will hopefully be less debate and more learning.
Taking advantage of the huge potential of the location that will host the “crème de la crème” of the regional online industry, the exhibition area will grow in the years to come.
With such a complex event, one platform would never be enough. So here are the six entities of RoNewMedia that cover the entire experience.
You read it here first: it is not just an editorial product with added value, but also an object of desire that you’ll want to hold on to. It is also an expanded version of the program and a carefully targeted advertising vehicle. Let’s be honest: money matters.
We hope the partnership with IAB will go on and we will organize together the IAB MIXX Awards in the coming years as well. We need standards for ad performance. From the selection to the choice of categories and the independently audited judging process, everything is done with great transparency, in order to avoid any local “friendships” getting in the way of objective and performance-driven awards.
We will build an e-learning platform where you will find not only all the presentations from our events, but also webinars and happenings that will take place in between two editions of the event.
RoNewMedia is not just a business event, but a very social one. Our industry is one of young and lively people that know the value of networking. And you know it’s true: the best deals are negotiated over a drink.
Can Romania become a regional digital hub? With RoNewMedia, we are trying to go further than just an event dedicated to the Internet. Our ambition is to help Romania capitalize on its digital-savvy crowd and become a focal point of the region’s online industry.
hey used to say Romanian was the second language spoken at Microsoft’s Redmond HQ, after English. Nobody knows if it was actually true, but the truth of the matter is that a lot of excellent Romanian engineers and programmers made their way to the West starting in the 90’s. Lately, it’s the Western companies that are coming to Romania to tap into its well-trained, English-speaking, tech-savvy workforce. Microsoft has extensive operations in Romania, including a Global Technical Support Center here, Oracle has over 1,500 employees in Romania, and Google has set up shop and is expanding. The search giant believes that the local market has great potential. “While Romania comes third in CEE based on number of companies, website penetration is only 20-25%. (...) There is a lot of untapped potential for the Internet to help companies leapfrog the development curve, and we are looking at a growth potential of 5 - 10 percentage point per year in the next 5 years,” say Dan Bulucea, Country Manager at Google Romania. And if you look at the social media explosion (there are over 4.6 million Facebook accounts in Romania), the market is already big and rapidly growing. Then, there are the digital entrepreneurs that are starting to make it on the global stage. Some of them, like Radu Georgescu, are seasoned and boast global ambition with every project. Radu sold RAV to Microsoft in 2003, then started GECAD ePayment and Avangate. He sold ePayment to Allegro/Naspers in 2010 and he is currently preparing Avangate, an international ESD company, for an IPO on NASDAQ. Radu will be sharing his story at RoNewMedia, on May 18, in Panel 2.3. Although he started his businesses in Romania, he believes that, for companies like Avangate, Silicon Valley is still
the place to be: “You have most of your potential customer there, all the money is there, the Internet and e-commerce knowledge is there. I’m not trying to understate the contribution from the rest of the team in Romania, UK, Russia, Canada, Germany, but, strategically, having a senior management team in Silicon Valley is essential.” Another global gogetter is Emi Gal. He is part of the new wave of Internet entrepreneurs and his company, Brainient, is at the cutting edge of interactive video advertising technology. You’ll find out more directly from him on May 17, in Panel 2.2, but just know that he is expanding this year from his
London HQ by opening a New York office. There’s also the story of Summify, a Romanian start-up based in Canada that has been recently acquired by Twitter. But the big question is can such international successes reflect back on the local market and turn it into a regional digital hub? Taking into account the local creativity and ingenuity, the answer might be positive. But, as always, it may all come down to money. “I would say that what Central and South Eastern European markets lack is not talent, creativity or development skills. What is fundamentally different are the budgets currently being spent in those markets compared to what is happening in other, more developed Western ones,” says Odysseas Ntotsikas, Managing Director and Founder at Thinkdigital. While this is true both in terms of volume and in terms of the relative percentage of the digital advertising compared to the total, it is changing fast. “CEE & SE European markets are the ones growing faster than any other market in Europe and I tend to believe that the gap is closing every year. A regional event like RoNewMedia is a testament of this,” adds Ntotsikas.
potential investors during special events organized in several cities across Romania. “In the past year we received projects from other countries in South-East and Central Europe. This shows us that in the future we can transform the VentureConnect meetings in an investment hub
The global perspective Dan Bulucea, Country Manager, Google Romania gave us a broad view on the Internet economy The Internet economy of the world’s top 20 economies G20 totalled $2.3 trillion in 2010, over 4 percent of GDP, and it is estimated to reach $4.2 trillion in 2016 - nearly double the size it was in 2010 (BCG, 2012). In the UK, despite the troubled economic times, the economists calculate that over the next five years the Internet could create more than 350,000 jobs. That is roughly 7.2 percent of GDP. It is estimated to reach 10 percent by 2015 – and that is a conservative estimate. In Hungary, the Internet represents 3.9 percent of GDP, while in Czech Republic, it represents 3.6 percent of GDP and it is expected to reach 5.7 percent of GDP by 2015. In Poland, the Internet contributed 2,7% to the country’s GDP in 2009 and that the value of the Polish Internet economy will double by 2015. The share of the Internet economy in GDP will exceed the current share of the financial, energy and health sector.
Social Romania NETWORK
Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Pinterest Foursquare
5,600,000 610,000 570,000 110,000 N/A
4,643,820 694,163 50,646 N/A 37,284 Source:
Another plus for Romania is the fact that local initiatives are gaining regional clout. It’s the case of VentureConnect, a project started by Biris Goran law firm as a bridge between startups and investors. The project started in 2010, allowing entrepreneurs to meet with
for this part of the world,” says co-founder AnaMaria Andronic. There are even requests from Bulgaria and Hungary to hold regional mentorship and pitching sessions. So, the potential is there. It will take vision and persistence to make it happen. Our role, at RoNewMedia, is to try and give you a glimpse of the future, so you can be better prepared for it. We have already decided to make our event a regional hub. So, Romania, what are you waiting for? 11
The big game changer A new world order is rising. Power lies with the users and brands are discovering that the hard way. Maybe the biggest problem is that social media isn’t waiting for you to catch up – it’s moving fast in every direction, changing the economy, social behavior, politics, and life in general.
hink about how you lived and worked fifteen years ago. You probably had a computer with a dial-up connection to this quirky thing called the Internet, that few people actually knew what to use it for. It was the era of portals, big doorways to a world wide web that wasn’t that wide or global. Your mobile phone was quite bulky, had a very small screen and you could use it to make rather expensive calls and send short text messages. Look around you today. Chances are you’re no longer using a desktop computer, some of you might have abandoned the laptop too in favor of the slimmer and lighter tablet. And you’re working wonders with your big screen smartphone. But maybe the biggest change of all is the doorway to the new web 2.0 – the social platforms that are occupying the screens of computers and smartphones all over the world and are reshaping our lives into something new (and sometimes scary) – the personalized web. We’re no longer sifting through articles and web pages delivered to us by big portals or even search engines. Instead, we’re relying on our own friend networks to receive (and share) only what we are really interested in. And “friends” is such a relative term these days. It includes close, personal friends, e sAudienc Source: gemiu but also people we’ve never actually met (except online), who live thousands of miles away but share the same interests as us. Some friends aren’t people at all: they’re websites delivering the information we’re interested in or even brands that we like and use. “Social media has completely transformed how consumers interact with one another and it’s changing a lot in terms of interaction with brands, as well. Most
18 milluisoerns
Facebook rope in Central Eu
people (especially those into social media) are voyeuristic and curious by nature. The communication channels we are now using were unimaginable 10 years ago,” says Galvea Kelly, Social Media Consultant for Mercury360. Galvea will elaborate on this at RoNewMedia, on May 17, in Panel 3.2. It bears indeed the markings of a true revolution, aimed at arguably today’s hottest commodity: online content. It gives anyone the chance to mold their online experience according to one’s own views, interests, and passions. “Social media is the democratization of online content and the personalization of online experience. Since engaging a social layer and making advocacy the key currency of content, media has for the first time since cave drawings been measured by the character of its content rather than the color of its money,” says Philip Macartney, Director of Social Media Strategy and Business Development at SG Gaming. If you want to find out more, Philip will hold a presentation on May 16, in Panel 3.1.
Companies beware and be aware
But what has been great for individuals is rather iffy for companies and their brands, faced with a new world where control over information has become the stuff of nightmares. But the solutions may be easier than you think. “Just let go,” says Emi Gal, CEO at Brainient, a company started in Romania that helps advertisers, agencies, publishers and ad networks make their video ads more effective with BrainRolls, a brand-focused interactive video platform, and BrainAds, a video retargeting platform that helps advertisers grow their post-click conversion rates. “It’s easy to buy ad space at 5 TV stations. What is hard is to buy video ad space at hundreds of providers, in real-
NORTH AMERICA 174.5 million users 50.3% of the population
EUROPE 223.6 million users 27.5% of the population
ASIA 184 million users 4.7% of the population
AFRICA 37.7 million users 3.6% of the population LATIN AMERICA 141.6 million users 25.5% of the population
AUSTRALIA / OCEANIA 13.3 million users 37.7% of the population
The world is going gaga for Facebook time, based on big data. It requires a different set of skills that many people running company marketing departments just don’t have. We’re witnessing a rise of the geeks”. Emi Gal will share his interesting experience on May 17, in Panel 2.2. Since users are spending more and more time on social media sites when going online, and they do so within their own profiles, serving them ads is no meager task. And some might say it signals the end of the display ad altogether. But others, like Nick Palmer, Head of Content Strategy for MediaCom Beyond Advertising in EMEA, disagree. “The great advantage that digital display has over traditional offline media is the ability to ‘be social’ and therefore the question we should be thinking about is how do we ‘socialize’ display advertising.” According to Nick, the big change lies elsewhere: social media may actually be killing the traditional branded website. He will tell us more on May 16, in Panel 1.1. And without the traditional website, easy to streamline with SEO tools and to measure with pretty straight forward analytics, many brands are swimming in an ocean of guesses but, mostly, they are overwhelmed by data. “We are dealing with the medium that is the most measurable of all.
That means that the amount of insights we gather for our clients every day exceeds all expectations. And the challenge is to proper filter off the relevant information,” says Marta Klepka, PR & Communications Director at Gemius, the largest online research agency in Central and Eastern Europe. But there is hope for companies and brands alike. One of the major trends in social media is gamification, the use of game design techniques, game thinking and game mechanics to enhance non-gaming contexts. According to Galvea Kelly, through gamification, organizations can take back control of the brand experience by engaging users, encouraging them to join a community, driving active participation, sharing with friends outside the community and even recruiting friends to join the community. “Gamification enables you to turn customers into fans, and fans into evangelists.” Mercury360 recently worked on a game on Facebook with Dr. Oetker in Romania that engaged around 65,000 users, who “built” 9,000 virtual cabins. By leveraging Facebook’s friends of connections targeting, the application was likely to be visible to over 500,000 friends of friends on Facebook in Romania. 13
The power of human connections in digital Odysseas Ntotsikas will offer more details on this hot issue on May 17 in Panel 1.2
Thinkdigital has a partnership with Facebook in 6 European markets. Odysseas Ntotsikas, Managing Director and Founder of the company, told us how they leverage the global power of Facebook with local knowledge.
Is the future of online advertising local, regional or global? The past, present and future of advertising is where consumers are. So in that sense advertising can be both local and global. Digital advertising is enabling marketers to reach their audience in a massive but still unprecedentedly targeted way across local and global platforms. Take or for example on the local level, or Facebook and Skype on the global one. A brand in Romania can communicate with Romanian users using those platforms in all cases. What really makes the difference is to be able to do this with the right message at the right time.
New technologies allow for highly targeted ads. Is this the future? We are heading into an era where advertising will be more relevant to the consumer’s requirements, needs, aspirations, and so on and this is what makes digital advertising more useful and valuable. On the other hand, for marketers, we have gone way past the 50% of the advertising going wasted era. This means efficiency and resources used to improve other important marketing factors with customer service being the number one priority. Again, a good end result for consumers. Subject to privacy issues being handled carefully, I believe that we are heading into the Golden Age of Marketing. In this golden age every consumer will be treated as a VIP.
Will Facebook become the “entry point” for the web and for contextual advertising? Time spent on Facebook is already bigger than time spent on Google in several countries. Add mobile and this difference gets even bigger. Checking Facebook has long been one of the first activities people do when waking up. As far as targeting is concerned, I would only say that Facebook has a much wider and more meaningful relationship with its users and the friends of those users. This gives the Facebook platform a competitive advantage over Google. It is no surprise that Social has long been one of the key struggles for Google and I tend to believe that access to this precious and meaningful connections and the data they generate is partly what is at stake. 14
What are the main strong points for Facebook from an advertiser and digital agency point of view? Facebook is about human connections. For marketers, it’s the power of those human connections and the authentic conversations they enable that unlock Facebook’s potential. People have always relied on friends to help them make decisions and to discover what’s interesting, where to go, what to see, and what to buy. That’s key for businesses because as we all know: “It’s always better for someone else to say nice things about you than it is for you to say nice things about yourself.” On Facebook, when people hear about a business through a friend, they are 65% more likely to remember the ad. If into the simple intimacy of trusted connections between friends you add Facebook’s global scale, and the precision of direct marketing, you get to understand what an effective marketing platform Facebook can be.
What is Thinkdigital doing on the Facebook front? Thinkdigital has always been about Connecting Brands to Consumers in the best possible way. Our partnership with Facebook in 6 European markets empowers us to deliver this promise. We are working closely with Facebook as local evangelists on how brands and advertising agencies can use advertising on Facebook to build meaningful engagement with their consumers, increase their purchase intent and drive sales. So far the interest and excitement in every market has been overwhelming. Advertisers and agencies in CEE and South-East Europe are really eager to partner with Thinkdigital to maximize the return of their investment on Facebook.
What are the dangers of using a social media platform that you don’t control in its entirety, like Facebook? This is a question that comes very often not just for Facebook but for social media in general. There is one simple answer. Brands need to adapt to a new era where they don’t necessarily have the full control. What they need to do when marketing on social media and Facebook, because they have to, is to engage into an honest dialogue, keep true to the brand’s DNA and always think on the ways to add value.
How to talk to the female brain Nancy Nemes will hold a presentation on this topic on May 16 in Panel 3.1
There has never been a better time for brands to get in touch with their feminine side, especially customer wise. We talked to Nancy Nemes, CMO Consumer Marketing, Microsoft, about why companies should strive to capture the female brain. GABRIEL BARLIGA
They control over $20 trillion in annual consumer spending annually, yet many brands don’t really try to talk to them. Women are a growth market bigger than China and India combined and every marketer should have a clear understanding of differences between male and female brains, since they affect how we make purchasing decisions.
study, 84% of the social sites have more female than male users: average 47% male, 53% female. Twitter - 59% female users and Facebook 57%. 18-34 year old are VERY social, but 55+ users are catching up very fast. In fact, the fastest growing segment on Facebook is women 55-65 year old.
Behind every great brand lies a female brain?
Do you think social media is bringing people together or rather pushing them apart in real life?
Neuroscience tells us that men and women share 99% of the same DNA. The remaining 1% difference is of particular interest to scientists because it informs how each gender responds to nuances in language, emotional triggers and perceptions. For brands, it is crucial to connect messaging with both male and female consumers. Many brands still continue to address the male brain but they should really think about capturing the female brain. Globally, women control over $20 trillion in annual consumer spending, and that figure could climb as high as $28 trillion in the next five years (HBR). Their $13 trillion in total yearly earnings could reach $18 trillion in the same period. In aggregate, women represent a growth market bigger than China and India combined - more than twice as big. Given those numbers, the importance of the female consumer is clear. And yet many companies just ignore them. Cutting edge neuroscience models can help improve the understanding of the male/female brain and therefore impact sales through shifting to audiencecentric consumer marketing. Every marketer should have a clear understanding of the differences between male/female brains because they DO affect how we make purchasing decisions.
Social media is bringing us closer together and further apart at the same time. Broad social networks like Facebook get us widely connected but also result into formation of weak ties, while narrow social networks such as Path can help us cultivate more meaningful ties. Relating the quality of a relationship in real life based on one's social network leads to wrong conclusions.
Will augmented reality and new technologies shape the world around us to look more like the social platforms we use? This is a complex question. Again, based on neuroscience, women are more socially inclined than men and one might argue that they use social media in ways that may change their psyche in a different way than men experience. People and landscapes will be heavily impacted by the combination of location based services, augmented reality and social networking. Marketers will have amazing opportunities, especially in branding, customer service efforts. The applications are endless and we will have a lot of fun observing how augmented reality and social networking will be impacting our lives. This is really just the beginning of it all!
Is social media empowering women to bridge the perceived digital gender divide?
How deep should a brand go in customizing its messages?
Yes. The digital divide is a pervasive problem, but within the larger issue, social media is one way to bridge it. Gender, location, and class all play a role in creating obstacles and opportunities. Women consumers dominate the social media space and brands should provide the platform for women to engage. This is why Pinterest is so successful, they managed to provide a platform that is appealing to women. According to a Royal Pingdom
Let me try to put it in two words: “Think personal”! Marketers need to deeply understand the multi-dimensional profile of every consumer and act effectively on their human behavior. How? By developing the right local communities, providing the appropriate glocal messages and aiming to respond to people’s needs in real time. The success of a business strategy depends upon the understanding and addressing of the individual consumer.
From the third screen to number one First it was the TV screen, then the one on your computer. Today, there’s a third screen, the one in your pocket that is grabbing most of the headlines. Here’s how the smartphone is winning the battle for your attention. GABRIEL BARLIGA
The race for miniaturization has seen TVs going flatter, computers getting thinner and mobile phones growing more powerful than ever. We live in a world dominated more and more by digital screens of all shapes and sizes and they all fight for one thing: your attention. While TV has dominated the information world since the 50’s throughout the 90’s, the last decade has seen the rise of the computer in everything from the workplace to home entertainment. But computers could only go so far in terms of global penetration, mainly because, in developing countries, their price is still too high. By contrast, the communication revolution started by the mobile phone, driven by cheaper and cheaper devices, has reached a point where, today, 80 percent of the world’s population owns a mobile phone - there are no less than 5 billion of them in the entire world. However, the real revolution in terms of “screen competition” is still underway. Out of the 5 billion mobile phones, a little over 1 billion are smartphones, devices that are mini-computers capable of doing e-mail, internet browsing, video, gaming, instant messaging and everything in between. And everything is run by the app ecosystem. “The applications market is booming, and going from strength to strength as customers have embraced this new phenomenon, because it satisfies demand from mobile customers,” says Dominic Lobo, Director for Application Shops at Orange / FT Group. And let’s not forget the growing tablet market, that reached 66 million units in 2011, a staggering 260 percent growth compared to 2010, and it is
Battle of the platforms Platform
Android iPhone Microsoft Blackberry
Average data consumption
Apps downloaded
582 MBs/Month 492 MBs/Month 317 MBs/Month 127 MBs/Month
35/Month 48/Month 17/Month 15/Month Source:
estimated to grow up to 250 million units sold annually by 2017, according to a report from In-Stat. The screen wars couldn’t have missed one of its main combatants, the advertisers. “Mobile campaigns have become essential, since consumers are no longer online only on their work or home computer. They go online on the iPad and on their mobiles, via a classic browser but also increasingly through apps,” says Adrian Stanescu, Managing Partner Romania & Moldavia at Thinkdigital.
Customized and organized
What sets the smartphone apart from other devices we use is the fact that it’s a very personal piece of tech. For users, it’s becoming their truly individual window into their own digital world. For advertisers, combining this with localization tools makes the smartphone the perfect customized ad vehicle, but it also raises profound privacy issues – remember the mall scene from Minority Report? “Mobile devices are, by definition, more intimate pieces of technology and the use of computing itself becomes more personal over time. That, and the emergence of user location as a widely shared and valuable
there are lots of similar ones available, and developers who are finding it hard to make their apps standout from the crowd,” says Orange’s Lobo. And the operator has made it its mission to be the digital coach for all its customers, consumers, professionals and enterprises, helping them in the discovery, downloading and regular use of their preferred applications. Orange seeks to make its customers’ discovery and purchase of the best apps on the market easier. In each country, it offers a local selection of high quality applications accessible from its mobile portals, Orange App Shop, but also through exclusive spaces in Microsoft Marketplace and Nokia Store. Developers are also competing in a very crowded marketplace, so the operator set up the Orange Partner program, giving all mobile app developers the opportunity to market their applications to all the Group’s customers.
The Platform Wars
But there is a bigger war for the third screen going on right now. You read about it on the web, you hear about it on TV – it’s the battle of the mobile platforms. In a nutshell, it’s Google versus Apple versus Microsoft, or Android versus iOS versus Windows Phone. Microsoft is lagging behind at the
5 Billion
1.08 Billion
of the world’s population has a mobile phone
mobile phones in the world
smartphones in the world
piece of data, are at the heart of current concerns about privacy,” says Yorgos Panzaris, Co-founder at AthensBook & GEO/ADS, a platform for location-based interactive mobile advertising. Panzaris adds that there are many challenges for such services, mentioning among them connectivity, legal challenges, the large number of competing platforms, and especially monetization, since now most such services are free to the end user. In the digital age, there is such a thing called social media fatigue. People find it difficult to keep up with the plethora of platforms, from blogging, to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Pinterest. And in the mobile world the avalanche of apps confuses and overwhelms users. “In the face of this explosion in applications and all of the choice this brings the challenge for customers to find the best application when
moment, with a 5.2 percent share of the market, despite the partnership with Nokia that is supposed to bring both companies back in the smartphone game. But nothing is written in stone (or digital code in this case). Apple’s iPhone is still going strong, with a 28.7 percent market share, while Google’s Android, boosted by its myriad of phone makers, is the leader at 46.9 percent. BlackBerry, with a pretty strong 16.6 percent share, is seen by many as losing ground and a possible acquisition target for one of the other major players. In the Android camp, however, there is a strong player emerging that might change the game. Samsung is closing in on Nokia’s number one spot in mobile phone sales worldwide, after it already surpassed Apple on the highly lucrative smartphone segment. It seems that everyone’s making a play at your mobile’s screen these days. 19
The digital ad challenge Brands, advertisers and marketers are fighting the uphill battle of gaining visibility in a user-centric world where ads can be blocked, ignored or mocked at leisure. But technology comes to the rescue. GABRIEL BARLIGA
es, it’s the same technology that drove many marketers to despair. In today’s online environment, there is little the user can’t do to control his experience on the web. And that could spell bad news for advertisers accustomed to controlling the medium they use to get their messages across. But those who understand the new connected world and adapt to it can only gain from what it has to offer: unparalleled access to their target audience.
Up, close, and personal
Remember that scene in “Minority Report” when Tom Cruise’s character walks into a mall and, after a retina scan, ads addressed directly to him start running on big displays? Well, think a little about the online ads you have encountered lately when surfing the Internet and you’ll see that precisely targeted ads are already here. Of course, they need some fine tuning, but the principle is already active. “That scene obviously depicts a dystopian view. But yes, we are moving in that general direction, albeit at a slow pace - one that will make the realization that we are, in fact, there less shocking than the prediction that we may, at some point, get there,” says Yorgos Panzaris, Co-Founder of Athens Book & GEO/ADS, who will talk more on this very topic on May 17, in Panel 3.2. Personalization and interaction is key for today’s online environment and even formats deemed obsolete, like the banner ad, can take advantage of the latest technologies to get a new lease of life. As Nick 20
Palmer, Head of Content Strategy EMEA at MediaCom, puts it, technology is driving creativity in display advertising and vastly improving the accuracy with which we can hyper target (and retarget) consumers. Nick will give a more in-depth look on the issue on May 16, in Panel 1.1. He believes the great benefit that digital display has over traditional offline media is the ability to “be social” and brands should strive to “socialize” display advertising. Interactivity is also highlighted by IAB Romania chairman Cristian Petriceanu: “We will see more and more formats from the ‘IAB Rising Stars’ category that will become the new standards, as they will prove more effective than the current ones”. Petriceanu also sees the advent of now poorly monetized video content, especially from advertisers that are still favoring TV. These might push for online audience measurement systems similar to those in TV. It won’t mean the death of site-centric measurement systems. Instead, media buying online will be based mainly on the audience a website or a network of sites can deliver for a certain campaign. And, all this time, advertising must morph into becoming a pathway to “a deeper, more rewarding, brand experience; which is most likely to take place on a social profile,” says Nick Palmer. Of course, the main concern is privacy, especially in the post-PC era, where connectivity is no longer limited to a desktop machine or to home and the workplace. Smartphones make us walking targets for
advertisers, especially when location-based services are thrown into the mix. The debate will certainly result in regulatory efforts that will make things reach a state of equilibrium. “New technologies catalyze a process of societal adjustment whereby our definitions and expectations of privacy change over time. We are slowly moving towards a state of radical transparency, but at the same time – thanks to new tools and stronger regulation – a state of strengthened personal control over the ever-shrinking domain of the truly private,” says Yorgos Panzaris. The movement to mobile poses other challenges for advertisers, since everything must be redesigned for this environment.
Regional views
While on the global scale, the Internet has become a powerhouse in terms of advertising budgets, markets such as those in Central and Eastern Europe are still lagging behind. And that’s not at all because they lack talent, creativity or development skills. “What is fundamentally different are the budgets currently being spent in those markets compared to what is happening
in other, more developed Western ones. This is true both in terms of the absolute numbers but also in terms of the relative percentage of the digital advertising spend compared to the total,” says Odysseas Ntotsikas, Managing Director & Founder at Thinkdigital. But things are changing fast, with CEE and South Eastern European markets growing faster than any other market in Europe and closing the gap. “A regional event like RoNewMedia is a testament of this,” says Ntotsikas. MediaCom’s Nick Palmer sees the digital gap as the main reason CEE is lagging in this area. “Penetration of technology (mobile, tablet and broadband) hold the CEE region back from being where Western Europe is today. While the buzzword in WE at the moment would be So Lo Mo (Social, Local, Mobile) I don’t think that this would be unilaterally true for CEE”. Again, the mobile trends will change things here, as smartphones will become cheaper, increasing access to Internet in regions previously unreachable mainly because of the costs involved. RoNewMedia will be a great opportunity for regional and global players to present their strategies for making this future a reality.
Cristian Petriceanu is a member of the jury of the IAB MIXX Awards, to be announced on May 17
RoNewMedia presents the IAB MIXX Awards! For the first time in Romania, the local interactive industry will get the award show it deserves. IAB Romania chairman, Cristian Petriceanu, gave us the details about the IAB MIXX Awards that will take place on the evening of May 17.
You cannot miss the Silver Church Club extravaganza on May 17, starting at 19:00, with the first edition of the Romanian IAB MIXX Awards. Bucharest will be, from now, on the map right beside the US, Belgium, Turkey, Poland, Italy and Spain. Hosted by TV personality Andi Moisescu in the Silver Church Club, IAB MIXX Awards is a "must see" event for the regional digital industry. The event will be opened by a debate and followed by the traditional RoNewMedia Party.
How important is for IAB Romania and the local advertising industry to organize the IAB MIXX Awards in Bucharest? IAB MIXX Awards is a prestigious contest in the global online industry. Romania is joining countries like the United States, Belgium, Turkey, Poland, Italy, and IAB Europe in organizing such an event. It is a great opportunity for the local industry to gain global visibility and recognition. Also, by organizing the IAB MIXX Awards we can establish best practice examples, reward and encourage creativity, and efficiency in the online segment. It's a clear sign that the market is maturing and getting closer to international standards. It means a lot to us that IAB US is supporting our endeavor and we hope that this will make participants understand that this is a highly professional contest. For IAB Romania, it is another stepping stone in consolidating our position as an association for the online advertising industry and our commitment to support the growth of the Romanian online advertising market.
How did you choose the ten categories? Each local event has its own number of categories, depending on the size of the market and its specific conditions. We chose the most relevant categories for the Romanian online industry at this point. We may add others next year. For example, MIXX Awards Europe 2012, taking place during Interact Barcelona 2012, has seven categories this year, up from six last year.
Why did you partner with RoNewMedia? RoNewMedia already has a tradition on the Romanian market and it is an important event for our industry. When we talked 22
about a possible partnership with the organizers, we talked about adding value beyond a simple media or brand support. We have been trying for some time to bring the awards to Romania and RoNewMedia is the right choice, since it has all the requirements in terms of status and wide scope we were looking for.
How did the local interactive industry respond to your initiative? We are still waiting for the final tally of submitted entries. We want the broadest possible number of responses, since the Romanian online advertising industry must prove its worth. Especially since the campaigns will be judged by US specialists.
What can you tell us about the selection process and the judges? The selection has two stages. The first, done by IAB Romania, will check the validity of the submitted entries. The second is the judging itself, taking place on May 11. We follow the IAB US rules. The judging will be made based on the information submitted with the entry form, so applicants must be very thorough when filling it. The Romanian judges, alongside David Doty, VP at IAB US, and Gina Imperato, Manager MIXX Awards US, will also have a say in picking the winners for each category. The whole judging process will be monitored by an independent company. The judges include top managers from digital agencies that worked on the biggest online campaigns in Romania, marketers from brands with the most prominent online presence in Romania, leaders from the biggest media and online companies, the chairman of IAB Romania. The chairman of the jury is the vice-president of IAB US. The judges are Alex Visa Managing Partner Hyperactive, Stefan Iordache - COO Leo Burnett, Radu Ionescu – Founder and Creative Director Kinecto, Bogdana Butnar - Business Development, Head of Telco/eCommerce Google Romania, Alin Zainescu - Business Development Manager TradeAds Interactive, Orlando Nicoara - General Manager Mediafax Group, Oana Iliescu - Online Proposition and Web Development Manager Romtelecom, Robert Anghel Online Sales & Care Manager Orange Romania, Radu Apostolescu – Founder eMag, and myself.
Social media will be part of everything we do Yann Gourvennec will reveal 10 major trends in corporate social media management on May 16 in Panel 2.1
Coordinating a 200 people team in charge of community management, Yann Gourvennec, Director for Web Digital Media & Social Media at Orange, believes social media should come naturally to any company today. Here is how Orange tackles that challenge all over the world.
How important is social media now for companies and brands? Well, to start with, we’ve been at it for five years, so social media is not something new at Orange. We’ve been working around this subject for more than five years. So it’s really important, and we’re now in the third stage of the development of social media at Orange. The first stage was around convincing management that something had to be done, so we had to prove a point, and prove a concept really. Then the second stage was around the development of our communities. To an extent, a lot of companies are still there at this moment. We’ve moved on to another stage which is the structuring of our social media initiatives, whether it be at Group level or country level.
How do you see the role of social media in the near future? I see it as really evolving. I see the future of social media a bit like the future of the Internet. When we were talking about the Internet 15 years ago, we were talking about something which was done for experts. So a certain number of people, usually geeks, were doing Internet stuff and nobody else understood it. Now, the Internet is in everything we do. You can’t actually think about doing marketing without doing online marketing. Online has now become part of everything we do, and social media will be just like that. I suspect that within three to five years, we won’t talk about social media anymore. You won’t have a social media in one particular social media team, but it will be spread across the entire organization.
How does Orange manage its social media activity? To start with, the social media activity at Orange group is something which is very dynamic and which involves a lot of people. I think there are about 200 people in charge of community management at Orange, at different levels, in different parts of the organization in all parts of the world. We have 35 countries, and Orange Business Service in 220 countries and territories. Most of my role is about the coordination of this. It’s not something which you can actually scale at Group level, so it wouldn’t make sense for us to manage social media for the entire world, it 24
wouldn’t be possible for anyone to do this. What we do is we liaise and create some sort of network of people working in with social media in the whole world.
What does that mean at Group level? At Group level it means we have a team here which is aimed at developing our social media presence and attraction, as engagement is very important, but just in isolation. We work on social media engagement in order to work within the entire system of what we do online. So I don’t understand social media as something being separate from the rest of the digital online activities, so here we do absolutely everything. From the website down to Pinterest, everything is covered by the team. We don’t have one special community manager on each and every thing; we actually manage several communities and link everything together, which makes it easier. Another part of our work, which is probably more than 50% of what we do, is to work on coordination and governance, and liaise with others through what we call the “Social Media Champions”. This program is aimed at turning all our employees into ambassadors for the Group and the brand, as long as they want it.
How do you personally use social media for your job? I’ve been using social media for quite a long time now. I’ve been writing online for 17 years, and if I consider the rise of social media in 2004, then I’ve been using social media ever since, beginning with LinkedIn, and then Twitter, in the year 2006 or 2007, and then Facebook and other systems. I use social media all the time, and it probably means that I work all the time! I use it a lot for my business and for a variety of things; in fact, it’s a bit like my backbone. Social networks and social activity is the backbone of marketing. Marketing is about talking to people, interacting with people. Before I come to work in the morning, I usually write on my blog,, and I’ve been doing this for a long time now and honestly, I wouldn’t understand life without this, because everything you want to do you want to share with people. So sharing is my middle name.
Zynga, publisher of FarmVille, posted revenues of $321 million in Q1, 2012
Games people p(l)ay Millions of people are toiling every day on their farms, planting, harvesting, collecting milk from their cows and making original wine recipes. However, their crops never make it on your table. It’s all virtual and highly social. It’s the world of FarmVille, the runaway success game on Facebook developed by Zynga. And it’s only a taste of how social media is reshaping the gaming industry. Games started with one-player and two-player games played by people in the same room. Then networked games opened the world for multiplayer, followed by the Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Games (MMORPG) such as the smash hit World of Warcraft. This evolution showed that gamers were actually looking for something else besides perfect physics and graphic realism: human interaction. Social networks like Facebook seized on this trend and publishers and game developers like Zynga took the world by storm.
Socializing and mobile-izing
This changes things for publishers, but it’s not all fun and games. “It is the trend now to socialize your gaming offer. In some cases this has improved the gaming experience but in others it has made the experience clunky and annoying. Consumer experience must be put ahead of ‘viralability’. Developers need to concentrate on why I would share something rather than how many share points to put in to a games mechanics,” says Philip Macartney, Director of New and Social Media Strategy at SG Gaming. However, he concedes that social media should be considered for every game being developed from now on. Also, he sees the future of gaming as an exclusive online experience, since there is virtually no loss in game experience with online games now and the advantages of distribution, shareability, etc.
are obvious. Philip will have more to say on this during his presentation at RoNewMedia on May 16, in Panel 3.1. Another game changer is mobile. Smartphones have surpassed the 1 billion mark worldwide and are ever more powerful. In the new app environment, mobile games have established a firm hold and publishers like Rovio, with its Angry Birds franchise, are looking to conquer every platform available. “Mobile has disrupted the industry of desktop/console but those brands have to move with the times,” says Macartney. The big issue is, always, payment. Games based on social networks have managed to build a market for virtual items that can be purchased with real money, so the business model is pretty clear. Zynga just posted revenues of $321 million in the first quarter of 2012, up 32 percent from last year. For mobile players, there are several prevailing methods of getting money out of their games. One is to charge a flat fee for the game, but this only works best for well-established publishers, like Electronic Arts. The other prevailing model is freemium: offering a free version with limited features to convince people to pay for the full version. Why does it work? “Once you find yourself enjoying a game you’re going to be more willing to spend your money to continue the experience. For example with complex games that require the user to invest time and energy to progress, in app purchasing enables ‘impatient’ users to spend money to progress faster in the game,” says Dominic Lobo, Director for Application Shops at Orange / FT Group. The freemium model is something that is not just used for games but also for many mobile apps. Another model requires the use of advertising to pay for the games and keep them free for the users.
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Babies performing incredible dance stunts on roller-skates – that’s all it took for a YouTube video to become the most viewed online advertisement in history back in 2009, with over 100 million views. Evian generated the content but the Internet took over to make it a worldwide sensation. It’s a textbook example of how a simple thing like a video can become something else in the digital age we live in. Sure, anyone will tell you that making a viral like Evian’s is never an exact science. There is also the debate that the video didn’t necessarily make people all over the world take the stores by storm to buy Evian, a rather expensive mineral water bottled in France. But the exposure generated by this rather traditional video ad was one that few media budgets could buy.
How to be happy with your content At the core of social media lies a simple concept: sharing. So, to be successful here you must have something worthwhile to share. But how can you generate content that will make your brand stand out from the madding online crowd? 26
But you can’t build your whole marketing budget on the base that one piece of content you generate is going to become viral. You can, however, devise a clear strategy and enough quality content that will allow you to achieve your goals. And above all, if you’re a brand, you need consistency. “In order to keep customers interested and not confuse them, the messages must be consistent. No matter how many social media mediums you choose to use, if the key messages aren’t the same across all of them, customers will get confused and stop listening,” says Galvea Kelly, Social Media Consultant at Mercury 360, who will hold a presentation at RoNewMedia about gamification on May 17, in the third panel of the day. She adds that, while social media might seem like a simple enough concept, it’s really all about strategy and execution and unless you have access to the
correct staff with the requisite social media experience you can communicate mixed messages to your customers. Gamification is one way to generate content and also take back control of the brand experience by engaging users, encouraging them to join a community, share, and even recruit friends in that community. A common mistake for brands is to think of social media as just another marketing channel and try to push messages just like they do in TV for example. So, instead of trying to adapt things for social media, online-savvy brands do things for social media that fit their promise to the customer. Take KLM, for example. Their KLM Surprise campaign was simple: reward people that travel with the airline. People who tweeted that they were flying with KLM received a surprise gift just before their flight. Imagine what they shared afterwards, and how users got the ball rolling. Also, KLM had great content (videos of the surprises, tweets, shares by users) that was talking about the brand. It wasn’t a bland message about how great it was to fly with KLM, it was a shared real-life experience of that.
Deliver Then, there are brands that have a lot of content available, and their challenge is to get it across platforms in the most effective way. One such global player is the BBC, and Stuart McLennan, Director of Central and Eastern European Markets, recognizes the problem. “Offering a coherent user experience online is indeed a challenge for an organization that creates as much content, on as many platforms, as the BBC. This has been at the forefront of recent
drives to unite as much as possible our online offerings on, so that content from BBC World News, BBC World Service, and relating to all our News brands, is found in the same place,” says McLennan. The big plus for the online content is the interactivity, offering also a mix - text, image, video, graphic etc. - as well as providing tools to share the experience with others in a way not instantly possible offline. Stuart McLennan’s will talk more on this on May 18, in Panel 3.3. Seizing the opportunities of the online world, a regional player emerged on the regional video-on-demand (VoD) market. Voyo is an online VoD service
Instead of trying to adapt things for social media, online-savvy brands do things for social media that fit their promise to the customer. launched by CME, the region’s biggest TV player. It’s a bold proposition for a market plagued by piracy, and Robert Berza, Head of Internet Division at CME, acknowledges that. “A movie like ‘Men in Black 3’ will premiere on May 25 and will at best be available on Voyo in the summer of 2013, 15 months after being illegally distributed online and seen for free by the average user. A legal service like Voyo is fighting an uphill battle in building a relevant AND PAID proposition for users.” While players like Voyo have a hard time competing with piracy in terms of international content (readily available on torrent sites), the service has found a niche in distributing its own
content – the content generated by CME across the region. Robert Berza will talk more on that during his presentation on May 18, in Panel 1.3.
Get paid We reach a thorny issue for the Internet today: paid content. Big global players like News Corp. are trying their hand at making people pay for online content with limited success. However markets such as the Romanian one also see an opportunity in it, especially for niches like business information. That is why “Ziarul Financiar”, the country’s leading business daily, is launching ZF, a subscription based online platform giving access to news, statistical data, infographics and in-depth business analysis produced by Ziarul Financiar and Mediafax, the country’s leading news agency. Other markets in our region have opted for an approach called the paywall. Piano Media in Slovakia has managed to unite the publishers and offer access to all their content via a flat 3.90 Euros fee. It works a lot like cable access – you pay a subscription and get access to multiple sources. Tomas Bella, CEO of Piano Media, will be at RoNewMedia to talk more about the system’s success, on May 18, Panel 3.3. Other players, like HBO, leverage their huge content offering with innovative services. The company just launched HBO GO in Romania, a service offering movies and T.V. series online for a monthly fee of 1 euro for subscribers to its digital cable and DTH services. Users also get early access to some parts of the HBO content, like the critically acclaimed “Game of Thrones”. 27
World Press Photo returns to Romania
1st prize Contemporary Issues Stories Stephanie Sinclair, USA, VII Photo Agency for National Geographic magazine; “Child brides”, Hajjah, Yemen
World Press Photo of the Year 2011 Samuel Aranda, Spain, for The New York Times; Sanaa, Yemen, 15 October 2011; Fatima al-Qaws cradles her son Zayed (18), who is suffering from the effects of tear gas after participating in a street demonstration.
The images that haunt us, move us and sometimes enchant us are coming to Romania after an absence of 17 years.
1st prize General News Singles Alex Majoli, Italy, Magnum Photos for Newsweek “Mubarak steps down”, Cairo, Egypt, 10 February 2011
1st Prize Portraits Singles Laerke Posselt, Denmark, for Politiken; “Danish and Iranian culture”, Copenhagen, Denmark
World Press Photo, the most important international exhibition dedicated to photojournalism, with over 170 award-winning works, will hold its Romanian exhibition between May 17 and June 10, in the new building of the National Library of Romania. A series of related events and workshops will take place in the same period. WorldPressPhotoRomania. In 2012 the contest attracted 5,247 participants from 124 countries, who sent 101,254 photos. In Romania, the event is organized by Eidos Foundation, set-up by the renowned photographer Cristian Movila, who is working with magazines like National Geographic, Newsweek, The New York Times Magazine, Paris Match, and others. Cristian is known also for the campaign “Unfinished Dreams”, which started with an impressive photo documentary of the
1st prize Spot News Singles Yuri Kozyrev, Russia, Noor Images for Time “On revolution road”, Ras Lanuf, Libya, 11 March 2011
hospital “Marie Curie”, after which he managed to collect 3.2 million euros to help children with cancer. World Press Photo Romania is supported by: Enel, Microsoft, American Embassy, The Kingdom of The Netherlands Embassy, The World Bank, Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii, British Council. Main media partner: SanomaHearst Romania. Media partners: Radio Guerrilla, BeWhere, Decat o Revista,,, Romania Business Insider, Partners: Crucea Rosie Romana, Aspen Institute Romania, RoNewMedia, Biblioteca Nationala a Romaniei, Ministerul Culturii si Patrimoniului National. Headvertising, BORTUN•OLTEANU. World Press Photo receives support from the Dutch Postcode Lottery and is sponsored worldwide by Canon.
Mihai Paun: “We strive to build apps for our enterprise customers without painting ourselves into a corner” A local company developing complex apps for both enterprises and mass market takes advantage of current trends in the mobile world to grow its business and empower its customers. We talked to Mihai Paun, CEO of Ascend NetSolutions, to find out how. In the last couple of years we all saw wireless computing exploding in every direction, as mobile hardware is getting cheaper and more powerful and the market being so huge. Businesses continue their move toward virtual workforces, and the developers are struggling to meet their need for increased mobility, with old software architectures that are not optimized for mobile and with little expertise to adapt quickly to new requirements.
What is the most common request from enterprise customers and how is Ascend NetSolutions addressing their demands? Enterprise customers want to get their mobile apps to market quickly, and they want to see these apps integrated with existing software infrastructure – CRM or ERP. What they don’t want is yet another piece outside of their puzzle created by releasing a standalone app. It is not easy to address these needs, and we are used to start by designing a reference architecture that will bridge the gap between existing systems and mobile requirements. It isn’t always possible to do that, and a couple of times we had to say no to our customers, because the projects proposed were merely a patch, impossible to adapt seamlessly to their existing software environment. We want total satisfaction at the end of the project from both sides, and we are committed to allow our clients to be flexible and switch to our tools with no strings attached, as new technologies evolve. We strive to build apps for our enterprise customers without painting ourselves into a corner.
Let’s talk a bit about mass market apps and app monetization. What method of monetizing apps do you think is the most effective and why? Based on our experience, the paid apps and paid content may be a good revenue stream, as long as you market it well – for example, it is a good practice when marketing a paid app to develop a free app too, but with limited functionality. Our paid apps for end users, like the interactive stories for kids, are bought by our customers because they tried the free version of
the app, they liked it and they wanted more, so they paid for it. Globally, looking at the market, I do have a feeling that in-app purchases billed by the carrier are likely to be the strongest monetization stream right now.
What are your thoughts on the future of mobile? Mobile devices, and more importantly apps, are completely reshaping the way we access not just the internet, but all information. This has led to a complete paradigm shift in technology that will be around for many years, as mobile is doing two things very well: geo-location and push notification, the Mihai Paun features that allow companies to CEO of Ascend NetSolutions target specific audiences and push simple messages in a matter of seconds. And most importantly, once Google took the lid off “Project Glass,” we all saw the huge potential of mobile tech if we foray more into augmented reality.
How do you see the company you are managing in the next five years? Our success as a company is based on staying focused and building for the future. For us, now is the time to ramp up our marketing efforts and maximize our in-house efficiency to become the largest app developer in Romania. We will continue to build apps for our enterprise customers, but we’ll never lose focus on our in-house projects. In the past year we unveiled a couple of projects that we think in the next five years will gain maturity, as the local market is growing constantly. For example, we see eChiosc, our digital newsstand for iPad, gaining a well worth notoriety in the future. We are now working on another very interesting in-house project, preparing to launch it in the next quarter. Without revealing too much, let’s just say this will be the new twist on an already classic business idea that we saw flourishing in the last years. Stay tuned to our website for more information. 29
Meet some of the speakers For this edition of RoNewMedia, over 40 speakers, trainers and guests will take the digital stage of the National Library and The Silver Church Club. Here are several of our speakers, in alphabetical order. You will find all the speakers and their complete list of biographies at
NILS ANDRES Founder, Brand Science Institute He is also Associate Editor for practicing marketers of the Association of Consumer Research and a Committee Member of INFORMS.
BRUCE BALE Country Manager - Central & Eastern Europe, Facebook He joined Facebook in October 2011, managing global marketing solutions activity in the CEE region.
DANNY BERMANT Founder, Brainstorm Digital He founded the company in 2000 and over the past eleven years has focused on ways in which the Internet can be used to convert website visitors into customers.
ROBERT BERZA Head of New Media Division, CME He now focuses on establishing Voyo as a strategic regional project, launching the first wave of subscription VoD in all CME territories.
DAN BULUCEA Country Manager, Google Romania He is responsible for developing Google's presence and strategy in Romania, after 12 years at Microsoft.
JUSTIN DEWHIRST Area Executive Producer in CEEMEA, MSN Justin works with strategic partners across 12 key markets where MSN delivers engaging portal propositions to over 40M online users.
STEFFEN EHRHARDT Display Expert EMEA, Google He was amongst the first employees of Google in Europe and has seen this company evolve these last 8 years.
EMI GAL Co-founder, Brainient Two years ago he started Brainient, a video advertising technology company together with Andrei Baragan. Prior to Brainient he started two other companies.
RADU GEORGESCU Founder, GECAD Group Serial entrepreneur and angel investor in technology and internet ventures. In 2003, he sold RAV Antivirus to Microsoft and in 2010 had another major exit, when MIH/Naspers
JASON GOODMAN Founder, Albion After founding DDB’s interactive marketing business Tribal DDB in 1996, Jason went on to launch Albion.
YANN GOURVENNEC Director for Web Digital Media & Social Media, Orange He created in 1996 . After working for Phillips, Unisys and Cap Gemini, he is now director of web, digital and social media for Orange.
GALVEA KELLY Social Media Consultant, Mercury360 Responsible for many successful social strategies for companies worldwide, Galvea is a popular speaker, researcher, consultant and digital video producer.
MARTA KLEPKA PR & Communications Director, Gemius She is pivotal in helping the company's development on the international scene as well as with sales and marketing on the foreign markets.
PAWEL KOLENDA Reasearch Manager, IAB Poland For 18 years he is profesionally linked to market research (inter alia: MillwardBrown SMG/KRC, Nielsen BASES, Grupa IQS). For the last 4 years he focused on online environment.
DOMINIC LOBO Director, Application Shops, Orange / FT Group He worked for the likes of Nokia and Motorola before joining Orange / FT Group, where he was Head of Device Platforms and then Director for Mobile Multimedia at France Telecom.
PHILIP MACARTNEY Director of New and Social Media Strategy, SG Gaming He has a wealth of experience in social media, having headed up the largest social media platform in Ireland, Bebo.
ODYSSEAS NTOTSIKAS Managing Director and Founder, Thinkdigital After co-founding one of the most successful Internet start-ups in the region, yellownetroad, he launched Thinkdigital in 2006.
SALLY O’ROURKE Managing Director Europe, Communispace Sally has spent almost 20 years working at senior levels providing extensive leadership running large global operations.
NICK PALMER Head of Content Strategy EMEA, MediaCom He is responsible for creating content centric strategies for international clients in addition to supporting the set up and expansion of MediaCom across the EMEA region.
YORGOS PANZARIS Co-founder, AthensBook & GEO/ADS In 2009, he co-founded GEO/ADS, an innovative platform for location-based interactive mobile advertising, and AthensBook, a popular mobile smart city guide.
ROBERT PEFANIS Regional Sales Director, Thinkdigital With vast experience in Marketing, Advertising and Media Sales, he has worked for companies like Adel/Saatchi & Saatchi, Spot/JWThompson.
ALESSANDRO PETRILLI Client Partner Central & Eastern Europe, Facebook Alex joined Facebook in March 2010, initially based in the Italian market. He transferred to the CEEMEA team in 2011.
ADRIAN STANESCU Managing Partner Romania & Moldavia, Mediamind He launched third party adserving leading solution EYEBLASTER (Mediamind), and launched the world's most powerful online sports betting
ERIK SZABĂ“ Deputy CEO, Carnation Group From 2000 he was a consultant of the Carnation Plc and made a great contribution to the international expansion of the company. Last year he became deputy CEO.
JUSTINE TOMS Manager Business Development, ABC Design & Communication She is engaged in online media and online marketing from the late 90's, teaching, writing articles and books on the subject.
Got an idea? We have investors Ana-Maria Andronic is co-founder of VentureConnect, aimed at helping entrepreneurs meet potential investors
A law firm saw the opportunity to help their corporate clients and help the local entrepreneurs grow their business. VentureConnect is a bridge between start-ups and investors. Co-founder Ana-Maria Andronic is the soul of this operation and the brains that got it started.
How was VentureConnect born? The project was born in 2010, when my colleagues from Biris Goran and I understood that we were placed at the crossroads of two very important communities. On one side there were the investors, business angels and venture capital funds we worked for, and on the other side there was a growing community of Romanian entrepreneurs looking for investors. VentureConnect wants to give these entrepreneurs a chance to meet potential investors and help them interact and exchange know-how. Along with the VentureConnect board, which includes skilled entrepreneurs such as Radu Georgescu, Marius Ghenea, Orlando Nicoara, Peter Barta and Dragos Roua, we started making a difference in Romanian entrepreneurship. We believe that we will be able to create the proper environment for these entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and for the investors to find projects worth investing in. And we’re doing all of this with help from successful foundations such as the Post-Privatization Foundation. VentureConnect’s next meeting is supported by Allegro Group Romania and the Post-Privatization Foundation, and it will take place on May 31. Entrepreneurs still have a chance to present their projects until May 18.
Foundation, which will help us keep in touch with people who attended the VentureConnect events in the past. Also, we have recently started a series of monthly mentorship meetings – Venture Mentoring – and a digital business angels community for Romania and South-East Europe, called Angel Connect.
Do you plan on expanding at a regional level? Yes, we plan on doing that. We actually started growing at a national level. Last year we hosted two meetings in Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara. They were both very efficient, considering the fact that the entrepreneurs had the opportunity to take advice from foreign investors such as Doug Richard and Nelson Gray. For 2013 we’re planning on expanding the already running projects. We might hold mentorship and pitching regional sessions (we already have requests from Bulgaria and Hungary) or develop VentureConnect in other areas of interest. Also, the VentureConnect Foundation is working on new initiatives.
Do Romanian entrepreneurs know how to pitch their ideas to potential investors? They’re doing quite well at the pitching sessions and we are trying to constantly support them through soft skills, public speaking and presentation advice.
What are the project’s main achievements so far? We started off in 2010 and so far we managed to complete two successful investments. The first was the Tjobs project – an online recruitment platform financed by Andreas Cser, Alexis Bonte and the Post-Privatization Foundation. The second one was this year, when BITTNET Systems, the network training leader in Romania, received funding from Romanian business angel Razvan Ciprian. Moreover, in the past year we received some projects from South-East and Central Europe. This shows us that in the future we can transform the VentureConnect meetings in an investment hub for this part of the world. We have even more ambitious plans for 2012. First off, we set up the VentureConnect 32
Which are Romania’s strengths in the digital area? First of all, Romanians have great technical skills. But I’d like for the young Romanians to step out of the "great developers" zone into that of great, intuitive entrepreneurs, ready to face a dynamic business environment.
What role does education play in the VentureConnect project? We started off wanting to educate, motivate and create opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors. All the board’s members are very active, despite their busy schedule, and this shows how serious we are regarding this project. I’m very confident that we’ll pull it off!