Brit Flats Insurance Policy wording - pre June 2019

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14 Mortgagees and lessors It is agreed that any increase in the risk of damage resul ng from any act or neglect of any mortgagor, leaseholder, lessee or occupier of the Insured Property will not prejudice the interest of any mortgagee, freeholder or lessor provided such increase in risk is without their prior knowledge or authority and that We are no fied immediately they become aware of such increase in risk and pay an appropriate addi onal premium if required. General Condi on 14 does not apply to Sec ons 3 - 6.

15 Observance Observance of the terms of this Policy rela ng to anything to be done or complied with by You or other prospec ve claimant is a condi on precedent to Our liability under the Policy, except in so far as is necessary to comply with the requirements of any legisla on enacted in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man rela ng to the compulsory insurance of legal liability to employees under the Employers' Liability Sec on. Further, where an indemnity is provided to any other party, You will arrange for each party to comply with the terms, condi ons and condi ons precedent of this insurance so far as they can apply provided always that the other party complies with the terms as noted under ‘Claims Informa on – 1. Sec ons 1-6'. Condi ons precedent to liability must be sa sfied before We become liable to make any payment to You or other claimant under this Policy. In the event of the Insured's breach of any of the condi ons precedent in respect of any claim, We shall be en tled to decline liability and shall not be required to make any payment for such claim. Any waiver by Us of any provision will not prevent Us from relying on such term or condi on or condi on precedent in the future. In the event of a breach of any condi on in the Policy, and without prejudice to any of Our other rights, We may reduce claims connected with the breach providing We can demonstrate some prejudice.

16 Other Interests The interest of such other par es including, as the case may be, lessors, mortgagees, banks and hire purchase companies is noted in this insurance but only to the extent of their financial interest in the Insured Property In the event of any claim: a. You will immediately declare to Us the names of such interested par es; and, b. We will consult with such declared interested par es as regards the manner and method of any indemnity so as to protect the direct financial interests of such par es.

17 Reasonable Precautions You must take reasonable precau ons to avoid loss or Damage to any property insured by this Policy and to avoid any incident that might result in liability as indemnified by this Policy.

18 Reinstatement of sum insured A er We have admi ed liability for a claim We will automa cally reinstate the Sum Insured and/or Special Benefit limits to their pre-loss amount without any addi onal Premium having to be paid. This condi on does not apply: a. when We pay a total loss; b. when We pay the full Sum Insured. General Condi on 18 does not apply to Sec ons 3 – 6

19 Sanction limitation and exclusion We shall not provide cover nor be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose Us or any member of Our group to any sanc on, prohibi on or restric on under United Na ons resolu ons or the trade or economic sanc ons, laws or regula ons of any country.

20 Subrogation In the event of a payment under Sec ons 1 - 6 to You or on Your behalf, We will be subrogated to all Your rights of recovery against all persons or organisa ons.


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