Ivana Borovnjak DAE IM masters thesis research 06/07
Reality: Logic of language vs World of objects
Reality =
everything that exists
Reality =
everything that exists
World of objects
Language Logic
Reality =
everything that exists
World of objects
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic
Reality =
everything that exists
World of objects
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
WORD = basic unit
Reality =
everything that exists
World of objects
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
Structuralism Sr / Sd = SIGN (de Saussare)
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Richard Wentworth, “Local color�
With the conventional functional nexus, table and plate undeniably belong together. Here they appear strangely unconnected. The terrible crowdness of the table top turns the whole tale into a pedestal on top of which the plates become a self-referential sign, a monument.
Reality = everything that
World of objects Magritte (Surrealism)
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning was the word... Babel allegory
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Structuralism Sd / Sr = SIGN (de Saussare) arbitrariness of the sign / linearity of the signifier (different than in the world of objects)
Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of association heretofore neglected, in the omnipotence of the dream, and in the disinterested play of thought. It leads to the permanent destruction of all other psychic mechanisms and to its substitution for them in the solution of the principal problems of life.
Rene Magritte, The Treason of Im ages ("This is Not a Pipe"), 1928-29, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Reality =
everything that exists
World of objects Magritte (Surrealism)
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Structuralism Sd / Sr = SIGN (de Saussare) arbitrarimess of the sign / linearity of the signifier (different than in the world of objects) What permits meaningfull thinking? The structure of language Meaning = product of the system of representation which is itself meaningless.
Reality = everything that
World of objects Magritte (Surrealism)
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
Chains of supplements
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Sd / Sr = SIGN (de Saussare) (Barthes) arbitrarimess of the sign / linearity of the signifier (different than in the world of objects) What permits meaningfull thinking? The structure of language Meaning = product of the system of representation which is itself meaningless.
Reality = everything that
World of objects Magritte (Surrealism)
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
Chains of supplements
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Sd / Sr = SIGN (de Saussare) (Barthes) arbitrarimess of the sign / linearity of the signifier (different than in the world of objects) What permits meaningfull thinking? The structure of language Meaning = product of the system of representation which is itself meaningless.
Deconstructivism (Derrida – against certainity of meaning;structures of meaning include observers)
Reality = everything that
World of objects Magritte (Surrealism)
Kosuth Chains of supplements
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Sd / Sr = SIGN (de Saussare) (Barthes)
arbitrarimess of the sign / linearity of the signifier
(different than in the world of objects) What permits meaningfull thinking? The structure of language Meaning = product of the system of representation which is itself meaningless.
Deconstructivism (Derrida – against certainity of meaning;structures of meaning include observers)
Marijn Bolink
Vika Mitrichenka
Lawrence Weiner 1966
Reality = everything that
World of objects Magritte (Surrealism)
Kosuth Chains of supplements
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Sd / Sr = SIGN (de Saussare) (Barthes)
arbitrarimess of the sign / linearity of the signifier
(different than in the world of objects) What permits meaningfull thinking? The structure of language Meaning = product of the system of representation which is itself meaningless.
Wittgenstein Meaning of words should be understood by the way in which they are used
Deconstructivism (Derrida – against certainity of meaning;structures of meaning include observers)
Reality = everything that
World of objects Magritte (Surrealism)
Kosuth Chains of supplements
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Sd / Sr = SIGN (de Saussare) (Barthes)
arbitrarimess of the sign / linearity of the signifier
(different than in the world of objects) What permits meaningfull thinking? The structure of language Meaning = product of the system of representation which is itself meaningless.
Wittgenstein Meaning of words should be understood by the way in which they are used
Deconstructivism (Derrida – against certainity of meaning;structures of meaning include observers)
Reality = everything that
World of objects Magritte (Surrealism)
Kosuth Chains of supplements
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Sd / Sr = SIGN (de Saussare) (Barthes)
arbitrarimess of the sign / linearity of the signifier
(different than in the world of objects) What permits meaningfull thinking? The structure of language Meaning = product of the system of representation which is itself meaningless.
(Derrida – against certainity of meaning;structures of meaning include observers)
Meaning of words should beunderstood by the way in which they are used
Words that do not depict the name PREPOSITIONS
Prepositions are interconnections between words. Locators in time and space. Word by itelf means nothing, it gains meaning only through relation wtih another word, yet meaning is different for every person. There we already distinguish two levels of realities. aboard about above absent across after against along alongside amid amidst among amongst around as astride at atop before behind below beneath beside besides beyond but by despite down during except following for from in inside into like mid minus near nearest notwithstanding of off on onto opposite out outside over past re round save since than through throughout till to toward towards under underneath unlike until up upon via with within without according to ahead of as to aside from because of close to due to far from in to inside of instead of on to out of outside of owing to near to next to prior to subsequent to as far as as well as by means of in accordance with in addition to in front of in place of in spite of on account of on behalf of on top of with regard to anti betwixt circa cum in lieu of per qua sans unto versus visàvis concerning considering regarding apart from but except plus save ago apart aside away hence notwithstanding on through withal
Reality = everything that
World of objects Magritte (Surrealism)
Kosuth Chains of supplements
Language= lf (R) Its function is to picture reality Logic λόγος (logos), originally meaning the word , or what is spoken (thought, reason) ...in the beginning there was a word... Babel allegory
WORD = basic unit Presents itself through signs
Sd / Sr = SIGN (de Saussare) (Barthes)
arbitrarimess of the sign / linearity of the signifier
(different than in the world of objects)
Inner structure and hierarchy of objects in within the systematization of the same Objects are in the constant process of attraction to each other
What permits meaningfull thinking? The structure of language Meaning = product of the system of representation which is itself meaningless.
(Derrida – against certainity of meaning;structures of meaning include observers)
Meaning of words should beunderstood by the way in which they are used
Words that do not depict the name PREPOSITIONS
Systematization - classification of objects Classification of objects: Pekka Harni classifies after the manner of Linnaeus. He distinguishes families and species and displays them according to their external correspondences He thinks in functions and appearances, which is typical of a designer
I will continue to abuse the power of language, and its underlying structure as well as its internal logic, as an imaginative tool for generating new logical and illogical forms as a part of my own working design methodology.
Bibliography. Wentworth, Richard. London, Freiburg, Goppingen, Bonn. Germany: Verlag fur moderne Kunst Nurnberg, die Herausgeber und Autoren, 1997. Foster, Hall . The return of the real. The avantgarde at the end of the century. An OCTOBER book, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 1996. Heaton, John & Groves, Judy. Wittgenstein za početnike. Icon Books Ltd., Cambridge, Unitef Kingdom. Copyright za hrvatsko izdanje . Naklada Jesenski turk, 1994. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Tractatus Logico Philosophicus. Gutenberg project, Intenet resource, 2006. Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark. Metaphors we live by. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2003. Foucault, Michel. The order of things: Vintage; Reissue edition, 1994. Internet resources