DAIM - daring to push the boundaries (Preview)

Page 31



TEXT: by Lena Mwinkand, Mirko Reisser, Sarah Behrend PHOTO POST PRODUCTION: Mirko Reisser TRANSLATION: Lena Mwinkand, Sarah Behrend, Catherine Besendahl CORRECTION (GERMAN): Trigge and Heiko, Sarah Behrend CORRECTION (ENGLISH): Susan Farell (Art- Crimes), Sarah Behrend, Catherine Besendahl PDF CHECK : Jens Neugebauer (kompage)

Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil des Werkes darf in irgendeiner Form ohne schriftliche Genehmigung von DAIM reproduziert oder unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme verarbeitet oder verbreitet werden.

PRINT: eurodruck PRINTED ON: 150 g/m² ProfiSilk

PHOTOS: Mirko Reisser EXCEPT: Andreas Gehrke (page 28 / 29, 40 / 41, 44 / 45), Lutz Fischmann (page 35), Asylm (page 10), Claus Winkler (page 32)

EDITORIAL: Mirko Reisser LAYOUT: baroness

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission by DAIM.

THANKS: Sarah Behrend, Trigge und Heiko, Jens Neugebauer, André Stange, Ralf Kotthoff, Timo Macke, Gerrit Peters, Heiko Zahlmann, Christoph Häßler, Claus Winkler, Mathias Köhler, Miro Milasinovic, Darco Gellert, Susan Farell (Art- Crimes), Ata Bosaci, Pius Portmann, Peter Michalski, Sascha Siebdraht, Lothar Knode and all those who did not mention but did not forget.

© 2004 DAIM PUBLISHER: Mirko » DAIM « Reisser Billhorner Brückenstraße 40 20539 Hamburg / Germany Fax: +49 - 40 - 780736 - 22 daim@daim.org www.daim.org FIRST EDITION: 11.2004 COPIES: 4000

PRINTED IN GERMANY ISBN 3- 00 - 014155 -3

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