Responsible Reima

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Responsible Reima

We promise




Our products are always non-toxic and safe to use.

Our products are durable so they can be used by several kids.

We only do business with socially and environmentally responsible firms.

Design for future generations BY P ROT ECT I N G K I DS F RO M K N OW N A N D P OT E N T I A L LY H A RM F U L C H E M I CA LS W E A LSO H E L P P ROT ECT T H E E N V I RO N M E N T N E A R FACTO RI ES .

Reima’s responsible design principles: • Reima Restricted Substances List (RRSL) restricts the use of known and potentially harmful chemicals in the end-products as well as the manufacturing process. We aways comply with local standards. • No nanotechnology e.g. nanofinishing, nor antibacterial finishes: to protect kids and our biosphere. • Animal welfare: We don’t use real fur, the down we use is always certified (RDS), and we require the wool production to be cruelty-free, too. Kids love animals, and so do we! • No PFCs (perfluorinated carbons) in clothing, nor their production lines, to prevent their potentially harmful accumulation in natural systems.

• Easy care: Water and dirt repellent outdoor gear needs less washing – simply wipe clean! This helps save your time and money and is better for the environment. • Durability: Good outdoor wear withstands rough play and is still in good condition for the next kid – whether donated or sold. Using a product for longer helps save fresh water, energy and land!

Human rights & the environment in the supply chain W E A RE C O M M I T T E D TO U N A N D I LO C O N V E N T I O N S O N H U M A N A N D L A BO R RI G H TS .

Reima’s responsible sourcing principles: • No child labour • No bonded labour • No discrimination • The rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining • Fair wages • Decent working hours • Occupational health and safety • No precarious employment • Environmental protection

Reima ensures compliance with these principles with regular assessments and third-party audits of factories. We encourage and support the suppliers to continuously improve their social and environmental practices. Reima is a member of amfori, the world’s leading business association for open and sustainable trade. We aim for 100% audited finished goods suppliers in risk countries, of which 85% in the Amfori BSCI scheme, at all times. Reima selects the material suppliers. This helps us ensure that the fabrics and materials fulfill our quality and safety criteria, and that their production processes are as sustainable as possible. In case misconduct comes to our attention, we support the supplier in fixing the issue. This way we, as a customer, also take responsibility for buying from trustworthy suppliers. Simply discontinuing the business relationship wouldn’t help fix the wrongdoing.

Environmental footprint & collaboration

COLLABORATION WITH EMMY.FI: Finland’s largest online second-hand store In 2018, air freight, the most polluting shipping method, accounted for ONLY

2% OF SHIPPING WEIGHT. We’re working to decrease this further to reduce our carbon footprint.


Reima collaborates with Protect Our Winters Finland to make sure even the future generations can enjoy the four seasons, and especially the wonders and joy of playing in the snow.

We helped save the carbon emissions of 3,000 items by collecting used Reima items in our stores for resale in Emmy. THAT’S THE CO2 EQUIVALENT OF OVER TWO AROUND-THEWORLD FLIGHTS!

Reima’s Finnish offices are WWF Green Office certified and we are working to expand the program to all our offices.

Sustainability sneak peek


OUR NEW MONOMATERIAL JACKET, VOYAGER, WILL BE INTRODUCED IN 2020 Technical wear that is easily recycled without laborious separation and sorting! It will also be traceable with a unique ID.

Starting 2019, we will start following the greenhouse gas emissions of Reima’s own operations and of the products, in order to decrease them.

MORE ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIALS: In 2018, 2% of our sold products contained eco-friendly materials (lyocell, organic cotton, recycled fibres). 13% OF OUR SPRING/SUMMER 2020 STYLES CONTAIN ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIALS

#OURSEA PROJECT #OurSea project: In 2020, we will donate 10 € for every Voyager jacket produced to cleaning up blue-green algae from the Baltic Sea. Each 10 € removes 50 kg of algae.

THE NEW RECYCLED POLYESTER SWIMWEAR HELPS KEEP OUR OCEANS CLEAN: 1 swim overall with SPF is made from 4 large plastic bottles.

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