Reel West Magazine Winter 2014

Page 30

T h e W indow

Directors  share  their  favourite  acts


w rit t e n By Mark Le ire n-Yo u ng y favourtie part

It’s not the rehearsals, or the shoot-

I, coming up with a concept that

there ‘cause they’ve got a good sto-

of interviewing

ing, or the preproduction. The only

we love and just trying to subvert

ry, there was a good story to be told.



thing I can tell you is there’s one part

it, you know? Take what is an es-

So I focus a lot on the writing.”



of it that’s the dullest part that I don’t

tablished convention and twist it



like -- and that’s the mix. That’s where

on its head. You know what they

Michael McGowan

why they do what they do. What do

you put all the soundtracks together.

say, they say there are only a cer-

Score: A Hockey Musical

they love about it? So almost every

But other than that, everything else

tain amount of stories and they’ve

“The most real part is the writing.

time I’ve interviewed a director I’ve

is fun. You’ve always got the specific-

all been told before. And all it is

The most fun is directing - you’re

asked about their favourite part of

ity of what you’re doing -whether it’s

is rehashing that same story, but

the closest to being a rock star that

making a movie.

in the shooting style, whether it’s the

dressing it differently. And that is

you’re ever going to be.”

Kevin Smith (aka Silent Bob and

way you want to cast it. It’s the won-

true. And Leigh and I always try to

the Vancouver Film School’s most

derful thing about our work, that it’s

make the effort, man. Sometimes

Jean-Pierre Jeunet

famous dropout) joked that his fa-

never boring.”

we fail, sometimes we succeed, but


we definitely make the effort to try

“Everything. It’s true. I love to write.

vourite part of making a movie is the question and answer session

Lasse Hallstrom

and do something that feels fresh.

I love to shoot. I love to rehearse. I

after it screens. Or maybe he wasn’t

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

I think that’s very important. It’s

love everything - because I love so

joking. This is a guy who does Q&As

“It starts to become more and more

okay to sit down and think about

much to make. I am really a film-

– minus the movies - where he’ll

shooting. It used to be something I

a movie and think about what’s

maker. When I was eight I built a

field questions for anywhere from

hated or really had a problem with

something different that someone

small theatre with puppets and my

four to eight hours.

because it was a combination of

hasn’t seen before?”

parents paid to see the theatre. I

Here are a few of my other favou-

war and circus. But now I’m enjoy-

rite answers. The credit for each di-

ing it more and more. It used to be

Amy Berg

was producer too. But I love to make – the sound, the picture, the colour,

rector (many of whom wear multiple

my least favourite part. Editing is

West of Memphis

everything. All the process.”

hats on their projects) indicates the

probably still the most fun, because

I love the research. I love shooting. I

Jeunet was so excited when we

movie I was meeting them about.

that’s when I really start directing.”

love writing. I love editing. I think if

talked that I had to ask if there was

someone had to make me pick one,

anything he disliked about making

Sidney Lumet

Richard Linklater

it would probably be editing - but I


Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead

Waking Life

can’t do that without all the other

“No.” Then he reconsidered, rat-


I feel lucky because I

“The fun part’s working with the ac-

stuff. And I do love really getting a

tled off some rapid fire French to the

can’t think of a better profession. I

tors, coming up with all the business.”

good interview. I like it all.”

translator and turned back to me

to spend their time. I’m sure there are

James Wan

Michael Moore

ration is less interesting because

better professions, better ways for


Capitalism: A Love Story

sometimes you can’t find a set, you

people to spend their time, but I can’t

“The best part is always, for Leigh

“I’m a writer. My filmmaking comes

can’t find an actress. That’s not my

see it… There’s no best time for me.

(Whannell, his writing partner) and

from my writing. All good films are

favourite part, the preparation.” n

can’t think of a better way for anybody

to continue in English. “The prepa-

@reelwestmag 30

Reel West Winter 2014

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