Rs sep 2013 [low res]

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广告 • 特辑


Photo credit © Nick Ballon

Meet Nelly Ben Hayoun, experience designer Nelly Ben Hayoun is not your ordinary designer; she designs experiences. And her ideas are out of this world. Once called “the Willy Wonka of design and science,” she is the Designer of Experiences at SETI Institute and the director of the International Space Orchestra. Ben Hayoun made her China debut at the Beijing International Design Triennial in 2011. The “what if” themed exhibition curated by Dunne & Raby, presented her work The Physics of the Impossible at the National Museum of China. It showcased a series of interactive experiences, including a chair recreating the stages of a rocket launch and a raft ride simulating a sonic boom. For Beijing Design Week 2013, Ben Hayoun will present a feature documentary of her International Space Orchestra, at 4 pm, September 27, at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing. The film’s preview screening is supported by the British Council, Architecture/ Design Department, Cultural and Education British Embassy in China.

The International Space Orchestra An experience designer, Ben Hayoun doesn’t just think outside of the box, she reaches for the stars – literally. “Nothing is impossible!” Ben Hayoun said.

Photo credit © Neil Berrett

The International Space Orchestra (ISO) is Ben Hayoun’s most ambitious project yet. Designed during the summer of 2012, the ISO is an “experiential and hybrid research laboratory, where space scientists have been invited to implement, perform and design musical acts in a control room,” according to The orchestra’s current cast is

Ben Hayoun doesn’t just think outside of the box, she reaches for the stars – literally. Ben Hayoun的思维和 想象力真可谓是天马行空, 甚至连行星和太空都能成为 她的设计素材和主题。 composed of space scientists from the NASA Ames Research Centre the SETI Institute, Singularity University and the International Space University.

Nelly Ben Hayoun:体验设计师 这位女士希望在2013北京国际设计展 上能跟行星和银河打上交道。 Nelly Ben Hayoun可不是位普通的设 计师。她被称为设计和科学界的威利·旺 卡,她是SETI(地外智慧生物搜寻)协会 的设计师,同时还是国际太空管弦乐团的 艺术总监。Ben Hayoun首次亮相中国,是 在2011年于中国国家博物馆举行的北京国 际设计三年展上。在由Dunne&Raby工作 室策划的主题展“可能的世界”中,她的 作品《无所不能的物理》获得了展出。她 的作品获展出的还有《联盟号座椅》和《 超级神冈音爆》等交互式体验作品。 9月27日下午4点整,在北京尤伦斯当 代艺术中心,Ben Hayoun将为我们展示她 为2013北京国际设计展带来的国际太空管 弦乐团活动纪录片。影片试映由英国文化 委员会建筑/设计部及英国驻华大使馆文化 教育处支持。 国际太空管弦乐团 作为一名体验设计师,Ben Hayoun 的思维和想象力真可谓是天马行空,甚至 连行星和太空都能成为她的设计素材和主 题。 “一切皆有可能!”Ben


示。 国际太空管弦乐团(ISO)是Ben Hayoun目前最宏大的作品。据她自己的网


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