Redstar November 2012

Page 5

Calling Local Scorcese

tuán gòu

Group purchase

Basically Groupon in Chinese, the words literally mean 'groupshop', and it's also the name of China's version of A popular means of obtaining discounts, the phrase has entered the vernacular in a way that its Western counterpart has not - it's perfectly acceptable to 'tuangou' at restaurants with friends or group together to get discounts on products such as electronics. 字面意思就是团体购物,可以看作Groupon.com的中文版。 一些互不相识的消费者联合起来,以求的最优价格的购物方式-与 朋友或者其他人一起“团购”餐厅套餐和诸如电子产品之类的物品 可以获得很大的优惠折扣。

Do you want to group purchase these HTC 1Xs? If we by 10, we can get 15% off. 你想团购HTC 1X吗?如果我们团10台,可以打八五折。 nǐ xiǎng tuán gòu HTC 1X ma? rú guǒ wǒ men tuán 10 tái, kě yǐ dǎ bā wǔ zhé.

寻找创意导演 The Qingdao International Drama Group is looking for a new director for the annual Pantomime. The 5-years young Qingdao institution unites between 50-100 domestic and international residents every year, including actors, musicians, stage hands, promoters and technicians, and has successfully retold classic stories including Sondheim’s Into The Woods, Robin Hood, Cinderella and Robinson Crusoe. To apply, contact

青岛国际戏剧社团正为年度戏剧寻找新导演。成立五年的青 岛国际戏剧社团,每年集结了包括演员、音乐家、舞台布置、宣 传、技术人员在内的50-100位国内外人士,成功再现了走进森 林、罗宾汉、灰姑娘和鲁滨逊漂流记经典故事。申请请联系

Tianyan Chinese Language Centre 135 8927-8775 See listings for address

In Another Country

Turn to page 08 to read Josh Martin’s recommendations for watching new releases in China.

在异国 Directed by Hong Sangsoo 导演:洪尚秀 The main characters rarely work in Hong Sangsoo’s films. He’s not interested in work, but in the other punishing rituals people put themselves through in their supposed ‘leisure’ time: awkward flirtation; the group-drinking sessions that lead to it, or to exploding tempers and macho one-upmanship; and vacations that fall apart as couples and friends air grievances they’ve been too busy to express. But this isn’t Curb Your Enthusiasm-type cringe comedy, as Hong always retains his good humour and empathy. He can also throw a curveball like few others. For In Another Country, he brings a foreigner to his usual Korean turf—three foreigners, no less, but all named Anne and all played by Isabelle Huppert. Anne #1 is a filmmaker visiting a Korean colleague, while Anne #2 is a rich executive’s wife meeting her lover, and Anne #3 is a newly-minted divorcee traveling with a friend. Viewers will probably spot some uncanny details. There’s the Western obsession with Eastern mysticism, failed attempts at cross-cultural sarcasm, and the fuzzy line between polite formula and genuine sentiment. Hong also captures the locals’ habit of unburdening themselves to foreign guests: the wife of the first Anne’s colleague views this French visitor as a competitor, but also as a sounding board for her complaints about Korean men. (“They just love foreign women. They’re so curious, you know? I’m sick of them.”) The battle of the sexes may or may not trump nationality, but Hong finds new angles to approach both, and cuts across Mars/Venus and East/West. Josh Martin

很少在洪尚秀电影中出现的人物角色。他对工作不感兴趣,却对 那些人们假想出来的“空闲”时间饶有兴趣:尴尬的调情;开会时聚 众饮酒,或是情绪失控和大男子主义;假期中分离的情侣和朋友一直 忙于诉苦。 不过这不是《抑制热情》式的谄媚喜剧,洪保留了自己的幽默和共 感,当然还有一些其他的变化。《在异国》中,他向我们展示了外国人 在韩国-由伊莎贝尔·于佩尔饰演的三个性格迥异的都叫Anne的外国女 人。1号Anne是探访韩国同事的著名制片人,2号Anne是婚外恋中的阔 太太,3号Anne是与朋友旅行的刚刚离婚的女人。 读者可能会指出一些奇怪的细节。这是伴有东方神秘主义的西方困 扰,跨文化讽刺的失败尝试,客套话和真诚的感悟模糊交错。洪同样捕 捉了当地人向外籍游客吐露心声的习惯:第一个Anne的同事的妻子既把 这位法国游客看作竞争对手,又把她作为抱怨韩国男人的对象。(“他们 就喜欢外国女人,他们都很好奇,你知道吗?我受够他们了。”)性别之 战或能或不能超越国籍,不过洪却发现了接近或跨越火星/金星和东方/ 西方的全新视角。


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