The Redemptorists in Ireland
The Redemptorists in Ireland
SAFEGUARDING POLICY STATEMENT The participation of children and young people in our pastoral ministry, and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development, is valued and encouraged by all Redemptorists, our co-workers, and volunteers. As people ministering under the auspices of the Redemptorists of the Dublin Province, we undertake to do all in our power to create a safe environment for children and young people and to ensure their protection from neglect and from physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
AND ALL WHO WORK WITH OR FOR THEM ARE COMMITTED TO: Best practice in ensuring the safeguarding of children and young people. Creating safe environments and minimising risks in order to safeguard the interests of children and young people. Ensuring that all Redemptorists, our co-workers, and volunteers are carefully recruited, selected, trained, supported and supervised. Ensuring that all Redemptorists, our co-workers, and volunteers are aware of, trained in, and work to the Code of Behaviour for Adults. Supporting all victims of abuse. Working closely with statutory authorities to ensure that all allegations of abuse are dealt with justly and promptly and that offenders are brought to account.
WHO IS A CHILD? A child is defined as a person under the age of 18 years, excluding a person who is or has been married.
WHAT IS CHILD ABUSE? There are four primary types of child abuse: neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse (a child may be subjected to one or more forms of abuse at any given time). Neglect includes any omission where a child suffers significant harm or impairment of development. Emotional abuse involves any persistent emotional ill-treatment of children. Physical abuse includes any actions that cause physical harm to children. It also involves the failure to act to protect children. Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities.
RESPONDING TO CHILD ABUSE Anyone who has grounds for concern about the welfare of a child must act immediately. If the concern involves Church personnel (including volunteers), you can contact either the Redemptorist Designated Liaison Person on 353-(0)87-2252415 or one of the statutory authorities (the HSE or the Gardai in the Republic; the PSNI or the local Gateway Team in Northern Ireland). If the concern does not involve Church personnel, you can contact the statutory authorities directly. If you are unsure what to do in any situation, the Designated Liaison Person will be glad to offer advice and support.
REDEMPTORIST MINISTRY WITH CHILDREN Redemptorist ministry with children and young people includes: School retreats Meitheal Youth missions Youth Outreach Work Children’s liturgy Altar servers Pilgrimages Youth clubs Volunteer programmes Music ministry In all of these ministries the Redemptorists are committed to promoting the welfare of children and young people and creating safe environments for them.
The Redemptorists are committed to organising all activities involving children and young people in such a way as to ensure their safety, as well as that of the adults working with them. This involves the implementation of four key policies: 1. OPERATE SAFE RECRUITING AND VETTING PRACTICES All co-workers and volunteers working with children will: •Apply in writing •Undergo Vetting by the Gardai or (in Northern Ireland) by Access NI •Provide the names of two referees Visiting priests must provide evidence that they are not the subject of any child protection concerns.
2. OBSERVE THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CO-WORKERS AND VOLUNTEERS It is important that all co-workers and volunteers: •Treat all children in a way that fully respects their dignity and rights •Behave in a way that sets an example of the good conduct you wish others to follow •Be visible to others when working with children •Respect each child or young person’s boundaries •Help children to develop an awareness of their own rights and those of others •Provide children with information on how, and from whom, they can seek help •Challenge & report behaviour that is potentially abusive or in conflict with this Code •Develop a culture where children can talk openly about contacts with staff/others In general, it is inappropriate to: •Spend excessive time alone with children away from others •Take children to your own home, especially where they will be alone with you •Use alcohol, tobacco or non-prescription drugs in the company of children or to attend a youth event under the influence of any mood altering substance •Give personal contact information (e.g. mobile or email address) to a young person •Befriend a child or young person on Facebook or other social networking site You must never: •Hit or otherwise physically assault or abuse a child •Develop a sexual relationship with a child
•Develop a relationship with a child which could be deemed exploitative or abusive •Act in ways that may be abusive or may place a child at risk of abuse 3. ENSURE ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE ARE SAFE Staff and Volunteers will: •Obtain written parental consent for all activities with children and young people where appropriate or ensure that the sending group (e.g. parish or school) has done so. •Ensure the child or young person has agreed to a written Code of Conduct •Ensure that adequate insurance is in place for activities and associated transport •Ensure that adequate gender-appropriate supervision is in place for activities and trips away from home •Ensure that parents/guardians have access to the contact number of the person in charge of the activity •Ensure that health and safety standards are adhered to •Ensure that parents/guardians and children are aware of the Complaints Procedure 4. OPERATE THE COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE All staff and volunteers will ensure that all relevant parties are made aware that a complaints procedure is in place. Complaints should be made in writing to either the local Superior or the Designated Person.
TO SAFEGUARD CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE The following structures are in place to implement the Redemptorist Safeguarding Policy and Procedures: The Local Safeguarding Representative: Each Redemptorist Community has in place at least one Local Safeguarding Representative whose role is to oversee the implementation of all safeguarding policies in the local Redemptorist community and its pastoral activities. The Rector / Coordinator / Parish Priest has overall responsibility for safeguarding children involved with the community / parish. The role of the Province Safeguarding Committee is primarily focused on creating, maintaining and monitoring a safe environment for children in all aspects of Redemptorist life and activity. Individual Communities may also have a local Safeguarding Committee. Advisory Panel: Advises the Provincial in respect of allegations of child abuse. This function is served by the Case Management Reference Group of the National Board for Safeguarding Children. The Designated Liaison Person is appointed by the Provincial to receive information about a child protection concern involving a Redemptorist or an employee of, or volunteer with, the Redemptorists, and to report that concern to the civil authorities. The Designated Liaison Person will liaise appropriately with the statutory authorities (i.e. the Gardai and the HSE in the Republic or the PSNI and the Gateway Teams in Northern Ireland), as well as with the Redemptorist Provincial and the National Board for Safeguarding Children. You can contact the Redemptorist Designated Liaison Person at any time on 353-(0)87-2252415.
A Support Person may be appointed by the Provincial to assist anyone making a disclosure/allegation of abuse. An Adviser may be appointed by the Provincial to represent the needs of any one against whom an allegation of child abuse has been made.
GENERAL CONTACT INFORMATION An Garda Siochana, Sexual Crime Management Unit (Dublin): 01 666 3430 Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), Protection Unit (Belfast): 028 906 50222 Gateway Services: Child Protection (Belfast): 028 905 07000 HSE National Counselling Service: 1800 235 234 Child and Family Agency: TUSLA (Dublin): 01 635 2854 Towards Healing: 1800 303416 ISPCC – Childline: 1800 666 666
REDEMPTORIST CONTACT INFORMATION BELFAST: Clonard Monastery 028-90445950 BELFAST: St Gerard’s 028-90774833 CORK: Scala 021-4358800 DUBLIN: Provincial Residence / Marianella 01-4067100 DUBLIN: Cherry Orchard 01-6267930 DUBLIN: Ballyfermot 01-5356977 DUNDALK: St Joseph’s 042-9334042 ESKER: St Patrick’s 091-844007 LIMERICK: Mount Saint Alphonsus 061-315099 Other/local contact information is available from the Local Safeguarding Representatives at the above numbers
Published by Redemptorist Communications, 75 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6. Telephone: 00353-1-4922488 ©REDEMPTORIST COMMIUNICATIONS 2014