Investor's Guide Turkey 2014

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European City Investment Prospects Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate Europe 2014 Note: Investment prospects for existing investments

The competition for prime assets in

The report highlights that investors are

other recovering markets, such as

Europe’s major real estate markets is

becoming increasingly comfortable with

Spain. The report highlights that 67%

leading investors to turn to recovering

taking more risk in search of returns.

of respondents believe that there

markets such as Ireland and Spain,

One of the biggest beneficiaries of this

are now good buying opportunities

regional cities and secondary property

is Dublin, which has raised dramatically

in Spain, with the acquisition of the

in search of returns, according to

in the city investment rankings, moving

Parque Principado shopping center

Emerging Trends in Real Estate Europe

up from 20th in last year’s report to

in Oviedo by Intu and the Canadian

2014, an annual report published jointly

second in 2014. Dublin’s real estate

Pension Plan Investment Board for EUR

by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and

market has been transformed from

162 million highlighted as an indicator

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

a “no-go” location among investors

of mainstream interest in the market.

only two years ago, to being one of the

However, skeptics argue that debt is

The report finds that 71% of

hottest markets in Europe, with both

very hard to attain and that it is a risky

respondents think that a shortage of

domestic and international investors

market to invest in before there are

suitable assets for acquisition will have

attracted by pricing levels and Ireland’s

signs of any growth.

a moderate or significant impact on

improving economic outlook. The report

their business during 2014. As a result

finds that 51% of respondents now see

The competition for core assets has also

of this increasing competition, 59%

good buying opportunities in Ireland.

led to an increase in investors looking

of respondents believe that prime

beyond prime assets in major European

property in Europe’s core markets has

The weight of international capital

markets such as London, Munich and

now become over-priced.

is leading investors to also turn to

Paris, and instead buying solid income

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