Terra Firma magazine - Winter 2022

Page 1

American Beauty Stunning images

from RLI members




DC Insider: Tax Plans & 1031 Exchanges Happy Camper: Geoff Hurdle’s RV Odyssey “Buy Dirt” Strikes a Chord NLC22 Preview W I N T E R 2 0 2 2 • V O L . 7 6 N O. 1 • R L I L A N D . C O M

Hot Tips from Top Land Producers



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Contents A Note from President Saunders


RLI News Briefs


2021 By The Numbers


Chapter News


LANDU Education


2022 National Land Conference


NLC Preview: Economist Mark Dotzour 18

Happy Camper

Making a Splash: WOTUS Rule

Terra Firma Winter 2022 Edition REALTORS® Land Institute 430 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 1.800.441.5263 rli@nar.realtor rliland.com


ALC Achievers


Tax Update


American Beauty: Member Photos


Confessions of a Land Pro


My Land Story



Publisher Aubrie Kobernus, mba, rce ChiexeE f tiv uc %c O e re Editorial Director Phil Newman, rce, c2ex, e-pro Communications Manager On the cover: Ryan McCue, alc captures a sunrise and seals the deal on our American Beauty cover photo contest.

Contributing Authors Amanda Morrone, mshc, Education Manager Gerry Berish, cae, Chapter & Membership Relations Manager Evan M. Liddiard, CPA, Director of Federal Tax Policy, nar Russell Riggs, Government A"airia L s is,no nar

“Buy Dirt”


Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Views expressed within the publication are not necessarily endorsed by the REALTORS® Land Institute and information should not be construed as recommendations for any course of action regarding financial, legal, or accounting matters. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.


A Note from the President


Dear Fellow Members,


It is my privilege to serve as your RLI National President for 2022, and I am excited to see all that the year has in store for us as land professionals and advocates for our industry. I would like to thank 2022 Immediate Past President Renee Harvey, ALC for her outstanding leadership in 2021, as we continued to navigate the ha c ge ne l the fo s paic medn its dna "ee tscha en R. I LR de vr s ruo dna membership with the highest level of caring and excellence. he T ga el y c thaty m wo l e f %c o bodnair sred a yin rtocae ra s gwaro f d r is a strong one. RLI is as healthy as the institute has ever been, and yet we know we have so much more potential to build on our key role as The Voice of Land. Through the challenges of the past two years, RLI has continued to grow stronger and hone our focus on providing members with the expertise, camaraderie and prestige that form the foundation for becoming the best brokers and agents in the land industry. As we move into 2022, our membership has surpassed 1,800 and is on an upward trajectory toward 2,000 in the year ahead. This is a testament to thepaio s ic de na tio a tha n tas dna testrueldoa"v reuo poin ru to making RLI great every day. Over the past year, our LANDU Education program reached more than 850 learners through national and Chapter-led courses, including our signature LANDU Education Week. The number of Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) Designees also rose steadily, and 586 have now attained theis d tintio c tha n tign s i5etha s ttheythe e ra ite le g noma theite le indnal real estate. I know you will enjoy this issue of Terra Firma,whichis5lwith de l the in k taed fo d ilpd u de tea he dna s tfra tle tos ie r tha s t6ee r tc thebrth dae fo our membership and the depth of our commitment to make a positive i"e d tin sal e va l dna e cn r gin kram in ruo trsud y. As always, the best is yet to come, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve as your president and work alongside you in 2022.


Dean Saunders, ALC RLI National President P.S.—I hope to see you in San Antonio March 23-25 for our 2022 National Land Conference (NLC)! This first in-person conference since 2019 promises to be one for the ages. Be sure to sign up at rliland.com/nlc. 2

Terra Firma

Meet the 2022 Executive Team Luke Worrell, alc

2022 RLI President


Worrell Land Services, LLC Jacksonville, IL lukew@worrell-landservices.com Luke has been a member of RLI since 2009 and earned the prestigious ALC Designation in 2012. He has an extensive record of service to the organization, having served as Chair of both the Education and Budget and Finance committees, as Treasurer, and on the Board of Directors. Luke also has served as President of the RLI Illinois Chapter. Luke brings a wealth of industry and community leadership experience. Among his many accomplishments, he has twice served as President of the Jacksonville Area Association of REALTORS®; was 2021 Chair of the Illinois Farmland Values and Lease Trends Conference; and served a six-year term on the Morgan County Fair Board. Luke received RLI’s 2018 Rising Star Award, and the 2017 RLI ALC-to-ALC Networking Award for the largest ALC-to-ALC land transaction nationwide based on sales volume. He was a member of the APEX Producers Club in years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. Luke is the owner and managing broker of Worrell Land Services, Inc. in Jacksonville, IL.

Sam Bowers, alc

Renee Harvey, alc

2022 RLI Immediate Past President

2022 Vice President Bowers and Burns Real Estate Company Newnan, GA sbowers@bowersandburns.com Sam is a long-time member of RLI and earned the elite ALC Designation in 2002. He brings a wealth of industry and community leadership experience to his role. Among numerous accolades in both residential and land real estate, Sam was named 2003 Georgia Land REALTOR® of the Year by the Georgia Chapter of RLI. He served as President of the Georgia chapter in 2017 and as its Treasurer in 2021. At the national level, Sam has served on RLI’s Budget and Finance and Governmental A"airitte m o c s the no d a se tio aN Foks .e c rCoTa denacL l nre f Sam is a President of Bowers and Burns Real Estate in Newnan, GA.


2022 RLI President-Elect

SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Lakeland, FL dean@saundersrealestate.com Dean has been a member of RLI since 1998 and earned the elite ALC Designation in 2001. His extensive record of service to RLI includes Chair of the Gotanem r v A"a l irCos itte m beme the , fo r ALCDeign s tio a n Committee, and on the Board of Directors. He has also served as the President of the RLI Florida Chapter and continues to be an active chapter member. As part of the RLI APEX Awards Program, he was an APEX Top Twenty Producer in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 and was the Top National Producer in 2018 and 2020. He has also been recognized as the Florida REALTOR® of the Year by the RLI Florida Chapter and earned #1 Sales Professional annual recognition in the CoCowedrle kia ncaBrelm %l a l iatetwoen 5vkr tim e De.se is na the founder and managing director of SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler in Lakeland, FL. As President, Dean seeks to continue focus on ha ne in cn gIs LR trs e rogths cne "eo , in r gxce ptio e tio acude lan dna , providing top-notch networking opportunities to land professionals.


Dean Saunders, alc, ccim

Century 21 Harvey Properties, Inc. Paris, TX rharvey@c21php.com Renee has been a member of RLI since 2003 and earned the prestigious ALC Designation in 2011. Renee has served as Chair of the RLI National Education Committee in 2013, 2014, and 2017. She has also served as Vice Chair of the I LR tio aN Golan temnr v A"airCos itte m in e both2051 dna 2018, and on the National Land Conference Planning Committee in 2010. She’s been a licensed broker in Texas for 30+ years with %c o in se is ra P Cl, il vskra ha noB d a ,el As.m /Ore ko rB wnCefo re tun y r 21 Harvey Properties, her brokerage has attained the prestigious Centurion Award for sales production from Century 21 Real Estate for the past 13 years.

Follow RLI on Social Stay on top of the latest updates: new blog posts, industry updates, partner offers and more. Facebook




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Winter 2022


Randy Hertz, alc

NAR Executive Committee Representative


Hertz Real Estate Services Nevada, IA • randy.hertz@hertz.ag

Dean Saunders, alc



2022 Board of Directors SVN Saunders Ralston Danzler Lakeland, FL dean@svn.com

Worrell Land Services, Inc. Jacksonville, IL lukew@worrell-landservices.com

Sam Bowers, alc

Renee Harvey, alc

Bowers and Burns Real Estate Company Newnan, GA sbowers@bowersandburns.com

Century 21 Harvey Properties, Inc. Paris, TX rharvey@c21php.com

Thomas Krajewski, ALC

Daniel Crocker, alc

RLI President

RLI Vice President


National Land Realty Knoxville, TN thomask@nationallandrealty.com

Dan Murphy, alc

Education Committee Chair M4 Ranch Group, LLC Lake City, CO dan@m4ranchgroup.com

RLI Immediate Past President

ALC Designation Committee Chair Crocker Realty, Inc. Thomasville, GA crocker@rose.net

Richard Dempsey, alc Government Affairs Committee Chair

CBC Saunders Real Estate Lakeland, FL richard@saundersrealestate.com

Drew Ary, alc

Eshenbaugh Land Company Tampa, FL ryan@thedirtdog.com

Ary Land Co | KW Advantage Land Coweta, OK drew@aryland.com

Mike Garrett, alc

Geoff Hurdle, alc

Garrett Land Brokers Cartersville, GA mike@garrettlandbrokers.com

Hurdle Land & Realty Chattanooga, TN thelandman@geoffhurdle.com



Russell Riggs

Aubrie Kobernus, mba, rce

500 New Jersey Avenue NW Washington D.C. 20001-2020 rriggs@nar.realtor

430 N Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60611 akobernus@realtors.org

At-Large Director (2022–2023)

National Association of REALTORS®

Terra Firma

RLI President-Elect

Ryan Sampson, alc

Future Leaders Committee Chair


Luke Worrell, alc

At-Large Director (2021–2022)

At-Large Director (2021–2022)

REALTORS® Land Institute


Meet the Staff Aubrie Kobernus, mba, rce

Melissa Lutz

312.329.8837 • akobernus@nar.realtor

312.329.8574 • mlutz@nar.realtor

Gerry Berish, cae

Melissa Lutz (rhymes with roots) is responsible for the overall programming and coordination of RLI’s meetings and events, including our largest annual event, the National Land Conference. Her role also works in conjunction with our Communications and Education Managers, overseeing topics and programming for RLI communications, gin an m gthebeme %n a r ityprgr o wedna m binpr ra gr o dna ,m in vres gtas a "ia l istono theFuCostureda L itte em r is leM . as has been with RLI since October 2021.

Amanda Morrone, mshc

Chapter & Membership Relations Manager

Education Manager

312.329.8519 • gberish@nar.realtor

312.329.8441 • amorrone@nar.realtor

Gerry manages the relationships between RLI National and its chapter organizations as well as serves as the main point of contact for RLI members. Members may contact him with general inquiries boa tu I LR beme dnaber 5ts en boa ro tu tas tin r gjoro iningI LR na chapter. RLI chapter leaders and administrators are encouraged to use Gerry as their main point of contact at RLI National with any inquiries related to managing or developing their chapter and its programs. He is also the main point of contact for members working toward earning the elite ALC Designation. Gerry has been with RLI since September 2019.

Karen Calarco

Manager of Operations 312.329.8287 • kcalarco@nar.realtor Karen handles, manages, and controls expenditures within the set budget as well as member records. Members may contact her for assistance changing their intio amro f pa ,n yingwesna d ,sin erud g5nia cna in l ir uq ieboa s tu their account. Karen has been with RLI since September 2007.


Aubrie is responsible for the overall management of the Institute. This includes working together with the Board of Directors to develop the vision, goals, objectives, and related policies for RLI. Within that framework, Kobernus organizes and ir d tsce thetas ",prgr o 5n,sma ia cna pe l tiv ca dn ,e cnamro f itiehe S .s is designated by the National Association of REALTORS® as a REALTOR® Ceti5e r xeE d tiv uc (Re CE).bemeM y am sr tano c tc heif r theyhay na e v questions or concerns. Aubrie has been with RLI since March 2016.

Programming & Events Manager


Chief Executive Officer

As the Education Manager, Amanda manages all matters pertaining to RLI’s LANDU Education Program. She is responsible for scheduling courses and gin an m gintrs tocutio ale r hips sn he S . the sa e vr s o la tas " liaison for the Education Committee. Members may contact her with any questions about the LANDU Education Program. Amanda has been with RLI since February 2019.

Phil Newman, rce, c2ex, e-pro Communications Manager

312.329.8353 • pnewman@nar.realtor As Communications Manager, Phil manages all matters pertaining to communications and marketing for the organization. He is responsible for managing the website, creating digital and print marketing materials, and managing the organization’s brand as well as press and social media campaigns. the sHea e vr s o la tas "ia l isthe ro f no ito d E ia r dna le P l theGotnem r v A"airCos itte m bemeM .y am sr tano c tc him with any member or Chapter news regarding awards or accomplishments, for publishing a blog post, for contributing to or advertising in the Terra Firma magazine, or with questions about RLI logo use policy. Phil has been with RLI since August 2021.

Winter 2022



RLI News Briefs 2022 RLI Leaders Inaugurated in San Diego


At NAR’s 2021 REALTORS® Conference and Expo, Nov. 11-15 in San Diego, RLI leaders and members met to discuss key land-industry topics and officially inaugurated the Institute’s 2022 officers. As of 2022, officers will serve a calendar-year term beginning Jan. 1. Thanks to all who attended our events and represented RLI and the land industry well at NAR Annual.


Terra Firma

2021 by the Numbers RLI members (vs. 1,550 a year ago)


registrants for 2021 LANDU Education Week

254 individual courses taken

new RLI members


of RLI members participating in RPAC


applicants for 2020 APEX Production Awards





new Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs)

total ALCs

attendees at 2021 Virtual National Land Conference

partners (sponsors) for 2021 Virtual National Land Conference

Strategic Plan (2021-2023) Highlights


1,800+ 370


As of press time in late November 2021

Mission RLI elevates the level of professionalism in the land industry. Vision To be the Voice of Land by being the destination for land industry expertise. Strategic Goals 1. Land Data Investigate options for access to national land data and the facilitation of a nationwide land data exchange. 2. Recruitment Prepare to implement a robust member recruitment/prospect awareness strategy. 3. Diversity and Inclusion Create a taskforce to ensure RLI’s membership is diverse and inclusive with varied member demographics and that anyone who wants to work in the land real estate industry feels welcome at RLI.

Winter 2022





Chapter News Colorado • coloradorli.com

Illinois • rliillinoischapter.com

Kansas • rlikansaschapter.com

The RLI Colorado Chapter had a great September meeting in Grand Junction. Congratulations to the 2022 President-Elect, Bill Davis, ALC. Congrats also to the new directors elected to serve: John Feeney, Reese Lovell, Craig Townsend and Kem Winternitz, ALC.

The Illinois Chapter held its Annual Meeting at Baxter’s American Grille in Bloomington, IL. The group was thrilled to be able to join for another in-person meeting. In addition to some great discussion regarding the current market, the 2022 Board of Directors was sworn in.

The Kansas Chapter held its membership meeting October 14 and elected Brandy Criss Engler as 2022 President-Elect. Kendal McGuire was elected as a new director on the board, while Kelvin Heck, ALC, and Brian Pine were re-elected to the board.

The Chapter’s 2022 calendar will start with a meeting January 13-14 in Denver. This meeting falls during the National Western Stock Show, which runs January 8-23. The other dates and locations for the Chapter’s 2022 calendar are on the chapter website the rednu Catin e M & radnel gs/Etsne v tab.

he T 2022%c o y a R e ra s e wno rB 5eAL,d l C, President; Rob Warmbir, ALC, Vice President; Tucker Wood, ALC, Secretary-Treasurer; and John Leezer, ALC, Immediate Past President. Directors include Elizabeth Strom; Jason Lestina, ALC; Monte Van Kooten; Michael Lauher, ALC; Spencer Smith; Gene Curtis, ALC; Craig Thompson; and Luke Worrell, ALC. (Luke is the new RLI National PresidentElect! The group is proud to have him on the chapter board.)

Congratulations to Colorado Chapter’s 2021 Land REALTOR® of the YEAR: Russell Hickey, ALC. Russell received the chapter’s traveling trophy for this award from Colorado Chapter President and one of last year’s recipients, Dan Murphy, ALC.

Georgia • rligeorgiachapter.com The Georgia Chapter had a successful last part of 2021, hosting RLI Instructor Bobby Mink, Master Builder for LANDU course Subdivision Development in September, with 21 in attendance. Chapter members had a booth at the Sunbelt Ag Fest, October 19-21 in Moultrie, GA. The chapter also hosted a multi-state event November 11-12 at Calloway Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA. he T tne v "eo twode r 3-hoCEru,se ruo c one each day, and multiple networking opportunities. The Georgia Chapter’s Annual Meeting In dna tas tio al wen fo n%ctosre ko place December 9 at the Georgia Forestry Association in Forsyth, GA. KC Conway, Economist, was the guest speaker. The Georgia Chapter LANDU courses for 2022 will be posted on the chapter website, rligeorgiachapter.com.

Thank you to all who were able to attend. The chapter looks forward to a prosperous and productive year!

Iowa • rliiowachapter.com On September 29, the Iowa Chapter held a very successful Land Law Update class in conjunction with the Iowa Association of REALTORS®. That was followed by the annual leadership installation and member social. The new 2022 leadership team consists of President Andrew Zellmer, President-Elect David Whitaker, ALC, and Vice President Rachelle Heller, ALC. The 2021-2022 hip sreda l tewama wos in nr to%c o by e Iowa Chapter member and past National RLI President Kyle Hansen, ALC. The Iowa Chapter will host a Land 101 class in Debeme c in r Coil cnu "sulB IA. , he T ha c pter ispl osla in n a gitsASFMA/R R I L in oJ tpr S ing Seminar and Annual Dinner in March in Ankeny, IA.

RLI Iowa Chapter RLI Iowa Chapter Members Kyle Hansen, ALC; Andrew Zellmer; David Whitaker, ALC; Rachelle Heller, ALC; and Ryan Kay, ALC.


Terra Firma

The Kansas Chapter planned to hold a tour of two local operations December 10, the xtge eN Can ttl"au B Coe lmu P dna o.l Ranch in the Manhattan area, featuring a presentation by the Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment on the status of hemp in Kansas. The course was set to be approved for Kansas Real Estate Commission continuing education credits. Check the RLI Kansas Chapter website, www.rlikansaschapter, for more information.

Oklahoma • rlioklahomachapter.com Chapter members had a busy day on September 21. Not only did they hold the annual membership meeting with elections, but a tour of the ranch where the meeting was held had been arranged. The property owner, an expert on cows and natural grazing, even gave the group a seminar on intensive grazing. He also went on the tour and showed the group examples. Cogr n tua tio al tosn the%c o tecel rso ef d 2022 and beyond: Will Bellis, ALC, PresidentElect; Bethany Kreutzer, Secretary; and directors Chuck Bellatti, Lance Chamberlain, Mike Stone and Eric Zellers.


RLI Pacific Northwest Chapter Brian Meece, ALC; Glenda Hall, ALC; Flo Sayre, ALC with guests Beth and Karen

Texas • rlitexaschapter.com

Upper Midwest Chapter


Congratulations to the 2022 RLI Texas Chapte%c o r he T !sre ha c ptehe r iv l a dl e installation luncheon November 1 in Brenham, TX, with special guest Renee Harvey, ALC, the 2021 RLI National President.


Inteal pte eS bem the , r i5c ca P thwe roN ts Chapter hosted the 2021 NLC Cowboy tio cua 5sn hingtripthe no Cobia mul iv R re between Oregon and Washington. Glenda Hall, ALC, from Waco, TX, was the high bidder and brought her sister and sister-in-law along tworo f ys ad 5sfo hingHa.nuf dna ppily,they ght uac 5shwednable r toe hip s thebam kc to Texas. Chapter leadership also took the ladies on a tour of the area through the wheat 5ein ,sdl in dulc gtos a pta thehn oJ Dayiv R re where the Oregon Trail crossed heading west in the late 1800s. Also in the fall, the chapter hosted an educational session in Coeur d’Alene, ID. The course was Land Investment Analysis, taught by Ben Crosby, ALC, and the participants were excited to attend in-person where they could ask questions and get help. Lots of numbers to absorb! Not to mention the CE credits and 24 credit hours toward the ALC designation. The class had 10 attendees, and the chapter is on track to host more live courses as it moves forward in these challenging times. Chapter leadership is committed to a Spring 2022 education and marketing session.

The Texas Chapter has held three inclassroom courses with great attendance. The last class of 2021 was Land 101 in November in Georgetown, TX. Another highlight of 2021: Albert Allen, ALC, approached Scott T. Doggett with Baker Moran Doggett Ma & Dobbs LLP out of Plano, TX, to write a three-hour CE Contracts course for the RLI Texas Chapter. The class was held in April via Zoom with over 80 students!

Upcoming events: In late January or y lrae Febry, rau theha c ptewil r "eo l the r Recreational Land course. From July 24-27, 2022,theha c ptewil r wol tokr "eo the r Transitional Land course as part of its annual conference. Internal items accomplished include the addition of Stripe to the Chapter website, tha os ttne v /odna the o r bed luo c se f r collected online. The chapter also now has an ad-hoc admin who can assist with special events.

On another note: What a wonderful travel toby ru Ge"o HuAL,e lds ren C,Te .a k Land Man! RLI Texas Chapter was very blessed thatGe"otos lare v sps edam thrgho uo tu Texas to visit with many Texas members. What an inspiring and encouraging way to promote ha c-s o rc ptewso l e f rhip!ha T yo kn Ge,u "!o The chapter invites you to like its FB Page (fboe ca/rmo c .ko ite l xaha cs pter ) and visit the website (rlitexaschapter.com). Or go the “oldfashioned way” and give them a call!

Tennessee • rlitennesseechapter.com Wyoming • rliwyomingchapter.com

The Tennessee Chapter met during September’s Tennessee REALTORS® annual convention in Chattanooga, led by President Shawn Massey, ALC, of Memphis. he T ha c ptehe r pd u na d ra tea Gemo rf "o Hurdle, ALC, after his summer RV tour. (See the feature article in this issue on page 38.) Everyone loved getting to meet RLI’s new Communications Manager, Phil Newman, a fellow Tennessean!


Pacific Northwest

The Wyoming Chapter held a successful ranch tour last summer in beautiful Cody, ho"au B fo em il B o l Atte .l is v se dn itelare v s d ranches and heard speakers on relevant topics. On one property, attendees heard about the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust Conservation Easement Program. On another, the Irrigation District gave an overview of management and operations in conjunction with the Bureau of Reclamation. Contact Maggie at rliwyomingchapter@ gmail.com for more information about the Wyoming Chapter.

RLI Tennessee Chapter

RLI Pacific Northwest Chapter

RLI Instructor Ben Crosby, alc, teaches Land Investment Analysis to RLI members in Idaho.

Winter 2022



“As the nation’s premier land magazine, The Land Report’s partnership with the REALTORS® Land Institute provides invaluable public recognition of excellence through the annual APEX Awards. The professional expertise of RLI brokers across the country becomes even more vital for

landowners during challenging times. The Land Report and RLI are dedicated to the education and service ethic that keep the land industry thriving as a foundation of our nation’s economy.”

As Seen In

—Dean Saunders, ALC, Saunders Ralston Dantzler

“RLI, The Land Report, and our industry is built on relationships, professional knowledge, integrity, and capability. Whether you are a top producer at KW, Dean Saunders, or an independent brokerage, all of the featured professionals that are part of the APEX Awards are neighborhood players, building and bringing communities together. I feel very fortunate to be an active participant in RLI and The Land Report’s APEX Awards since its inception; winning the National Top Producer one year to ‘thank you for playing’ the next year. No matter what our individual

production is year to year, a program such as the APEX Awards helps bring national focus on the huge impact our industry brings to our regions and the US economy. The APEX Award Program gives each of us an opportunity to define, encourage and appreciate the hard work and stunning accomplishments of what are considered ‘True Land Professionals.’ Set your goals, define your markets, encourage success, make an impact, and be a part of APEX.”

— Dan Murphy, ALC, M4 Ranch Group

“Support shown by The Land Report for RLI through the years has been tremendous! Sponsoring the APEX Awards is a perfect example of the strategic alliance between two extremely important partners for land

professionals. The Land Report continues to be ambitious and create both value and insight for every land professional in the business.”

— Dan Ward, ALC, Legendary Land Co.

“As the publisher of The Land Report, my No. 1 job is to put my client’s marketing message and listings in front of the most high-net-worth, investment-minded individuals as I can. And for 15 plus years that’s all we have strived to accomplish through a targeted, rifle-shot approach.

— Founder & Publisher, Eddie Lee Rider, Jr.



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LANDU Education: New Course, Steady Growth, and a Critical Need New, High-Energy Land Course In 2022, RLI Land University will introduce a new course to our curriculum: Valuation and Transactions of Commercial Energy Assets. The course will focus on ownership, leases, valuation of property rights (oil and gas, solar, wind, water, mining), and conservation easements. This course will be offered in both VILT and in-person formats. For those working toward their Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) designation, the course will be considered an elective worth 16 ALC Credit Hours. RLI collaborated with LandGate to create the course. Along with writing the content, Yoann Hispa, Craig Kaiser, and Dan McCue will also instruct the course. Here’s a little more about them: Yoann Hispa is CEO and founder of LandGate, and former President of Optimix Energy Corp where he worked as COO for Private Investors, Private Equities, and small E&P companies in oil and gas evaluations, acquisitions, divestitures, and drilling. Yoann has 15 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry. He holds an Executive MBA from the University of Colorado, an MS in Petroleum Eng. from the University of Texas at Austin, an MS in Geomechanics from the University of Birmingham (UK), an MSc in Civil Engineering from ESTP (Paris, France), and a BS equivalent inth/P aM hysicHe.s pe s 6uska tne gl nE ish, French, Spanish, and Czech.


Terra Firma

Craig Kaiser is President and VP Geosciences of LandGate, and Owner and Chairman of Kamara Kaiser Mining Company, a West African precious minerals mining organization. Over the past 12 years Craig has Anwotrw5e e r o N P f, m du e k l r o a d l Exploration, Lion Mountain Mining Co., Sovereign Energy, and Bran-Dex Wireline Services. Craig grew up in and around the oil 5etesae foCosndrlHe. odariv el c r . c S B a d e in Geosciences from Chadron State College, where he also earned NCAA Football First Team All-Conference honors. He earned an MSc. In Petroleum Geology from the Colorado School of Mines. His thesis, The Graneros-Greenhorn Petroleum System: Greater Wattenberg Area, Denver Basin, Colorado, was later published and won 2014 Paper of the Year in the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists. He and his wife Elizabeth have been blessed with three beautiful little girls.

Dan McCue is VP of Land and co-founder of LandGate. A successful Energy Professional for over 40 years, he specializes in developing access strategies and closing exploration and production opportunities in all US Basins. Dan played a major role in the transformation of BP America’s US assets into an autonomous subsidiary of BP to build a competitive organization in the Lower 48. For the past 27 years, he has held the position of Adjunct Professor at the University of Texas Department of Continuing Education. He currently teaches Energy Resource Fundamentals. Dan has twice been published by UT for Fundamentals of Petroleum (Fifth Edition, 2011) and Land and Leasing (Second Edition, 2013). Visit the LANDU Instructor Center at rliland.com for a list of instructors and for information on becoming an approved LANDU instructor.


LANDU Education Week June 2-10 • Grensboro, NC


We are thrilled that our 2022 LANDU Education Week will be held at the Greensboro Regional REALTORS® Association in Greensboro, NC, from June 2 -10, 2022. RLI will work with the RLI Carolinas Chapter in hosting this event. LANDU Education Week offers land professionals the opportunity to network with peers and greatly enhance their expertise by taking all six courses needed to earn the Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) Designation in one place, at one time. Learn more: rliland.com/education/landu-education-week

2021 LANDU Education Recap:

935 Students!

In 2021, RLI National hosted 20 LANDU virtual instructor-led training (VILT) courses and LANDU Education Week in Murfreesboro, TN. RLI Chapters and Corporate Providers hosted 15 LANDU courses. Overall, the education outreach extended to over 935 students. If you are interested in hosting a LANDU course in your area for your chapter, please contact RLI Education Manager Amanda Morrone at amorrone@nar.realtor or (312) 329-8411.

ALCs: Is This YOUR Time to Teach? We hate to admit that we’re desperate... but we are. RLI needs more instructors to teach virtual LANDU courses including Agricultural Land, Site Selection, Subdivision Development, Timberland, and Transitional Land. Courses are held live on Zoom for four weeks, two hours/week. Compensation is provided. LANDU Instructors are ambassadors for RLI and our industry, sharing expertise to help others become the best of the best. Ready to learn more? ALCs, contact Amanda Morrone at amorrone@nar.realtor or (312) 329-8441.

Don’t take our word for the impact you’ll have as a LANDU instructor: “Being on the RLI faculty is a great opportunity to be seen as an industry expert, provides networking opportunities with the o ge a dn l r tsn "eo dna ,ha c a em sr toe cn xpa e y m dn knowledge base by interacting with program participants. I invite you to join us as I believe you, too, will share the same rewarding experiences.” – Phil McGinnis, ALC, LANDU Instructor

“After seven years as an active RLI member, I saw the way my business thrived as a result of my professional connections with RLI contacts across the country. When I was asked to consider being an instructor, I immediately knew that it was a way for me to give back to both the organization and my peers. It is fun and enjoyable being be in front of students who choose to be there.” – Justin Osborn, ALC, LANDU Instructor

Winter 2022




National Land Conference 2022 Join us in San Antonio, TX MARCH 23-25, 2022 Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk The annual RLI National Land Conference (NLC) is a can’tmiss event for land professionals who are serious about growing their business, more confidently assisting clients, and closing more deals. NLC is the premier industry event for land real estate agents and professionals to share ideas, see the latest innovations, and gain the expertise needed to head back to their businesses with new inspiration.


Terra Firma


CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS Get the full schedule at rliland.com/NLC


Welcome Reception at The Alamo Tuesday, March 22 5:30-7:30 p.m. CT Enjoy appetizers, cocktails, and networking with fellow attendees at one of the nation’s most historic landmarks. The welcome reception is a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. Eric Francis • Unsplash

Howdy Partner Happy Hour Wednesday, March 23, 5 p.m. CT

Join us in the Expo Hall of the Grand Hyatt for appetizers and drinks at Howdy Partner Happy Hour, where we will thank our 2022 RLI Partners for making NLC22 possible. Mix and mingle with fellow attendees and—most important at this event—our valuable partners! Take full advantage of this opportunity to network while discovering the latest and greatest land technology and service providers in the industry to help you grow your business and close more deals.

The Cowboy Auction • Wednesday, March 23, 6 p.m. CT Saddle up and get ready to ride…and lasso in some great items at our 2022 Cowboy Auction, sponsored by United Country Real Estate! Enjoy your opportunity to take home a piece of NLC22. This fun event is brimming with energy, drinks, and laughter. Place your bids on exclusive items like hunting trips, autographed memorabilia, vacation packages, and unique items. Auctioneers are sure to drive excitement and bids throughout the evening. Donated items contribute to the success of the Cowboy Auction. All auction proceeds benefit the Land Education Foundation (LEF), which provides financial scholarship grants for assistance in land-based education opportunities, including the pursuit of the elite ALC Designation through RLI’s LANDU Education Program. To learn more, or donate, tap the Cowboy Auction icon at rliland.com/NLC.

Let’s Make Deal$

Thursday, March 24, 8:45-10:45 a.m. CT Have a tough property to sell? Have a buyer looking for a unique piece of land? Let’s Make Deal$ is the perfect place to make deals happen! Join fellow land professionals interested in presenting and finding properties for their clients—and close more deals for your clients. As a presenter, you can let your client know their property will be showcased to other land agents from across the country with interested buyers. Presentation spots are limited and available on a first come, first served basis. Submissions will open in February 2022.

Winter 2021


N AT I O N A L L A N D C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 2 2 C O N F E R E N C E

RLI APEX Production Awards Dinner Sponsored by The Land Report


Thursday, March 24, 6 p.m. (must purchase ticket separately)

Recognizing Industry Excellence This very special annual event will recognize the highest performing land real estate professionals in the country for their accomplishments. Those who apply to the APEX Awards Program will have their ticket included in their application fee and do not need to purchase an additional ticket. Anyone who is not personally applying to the program and wishes to attend the dinner must purchase their own dinner ticket.


Terra Firma

APPLY FOR THE APEX AWARDS Applications open January 2022. All applicants who attend the conference receive a free ticket to the dinner included in their application fee. Visit the APEX Awards tab from rliland.com/NLC.

This Year’s NLC Speakers L A N D

More speakers will be announced soon. For more details, tap the Speakers icon from rliland.com/NLC.





Mark Dotzour Real Estate Economist

Gay Cororaton NAR Senior Economist

Russell Riggs NAR, Washington, DC

Joe Michaletz & Mike O’Toole Discipline Advisors


Get ready for a wealth of insights, ideas and expertise from our top-tier lineup of guest speakers who will share their secrets to success on a wide range of timely industry topics.

Thank you to our 2022 Partners Platinum




Winter 2022



Welcome to the New Age


One of my favorite songs during the darkest part of the COVID-19 era was “Radioactive”, performed by a group called Imagine Dragons. The chorus goes: I’m waking up, I feel it in my bones Enough to make my systems blow Welcome to the new age, to the new age Welcome to the new age, to the new age.

By Dr. Mark G. Dotzour Real Estate Economist and NLC 2022 Speaker

After nearly two years of pandemic-induced changes in the way we live, we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. It will be good to be done with all things COVID-related: fear, death, masks, mandates, eviction moratoriums, shortages, hoarding…and on and on. But as we come out of the tunnel and into the light of the postCOID V the ,are wowesa dwlornk itisi"e d t.ne r Welcome to the new age. I’ve always felt that you have to recognize and accept new realities to make good investment decisions and help your clients make wise decisions too. So here is my perspective on the landscape of the new age we enter in 2022. Whether you like it or not, it’s the cards we have all been dealt, and our job is to make the most out of it.

In no particular order, here are some of the factors that are likely to affect land real estate and other facets of the US economy in the year ahead: » Americans have never been richer. » Pent-up demand in the US could be bigger than anything we have seen after World War II. » Debt service as a percent of disposable income has never been lower. » Low interest rates are causing people all over the world to save more. » The velocity of money in the US has collapsed. » China’s economic future has peaked. They are no longer a reliable subcontractor to the US. » The Phoenix of Mexico is rising; jobs lost to China for the past 20 years will return. » The federal government cannot allow interest rates to increase very much.

» Mortgage rates will stay low and then go even lower when we have the next recession. » The single-family housing shortage is permanent. » Government health officials can take private-property rights without compensating the owner. » Americans are getting older. The US birthrate has never been lower. » We need lots of immigrants, but politicians aren’t capable of creating a system for legal immigration. » Low interest rates encourage investment in automation technology. » The severe labor shortage will increase the pace of automation. » Many people can work and live

This is what I see looking at the cards I have been dealt. This is the prism through which I view the investment horizon. There will be a lot to talk about at the National Land Conference in San Antonio. I look forward to seeing you then. Welcome to the new age! Dr. Mark G. Dotzour is a real estate economist who served for 18 years as Chief Economist of the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University in College Station. He has given more than 1,800 presentations to more than 330,000 people and has written over 90 articles for magazines and journals. His research findings have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Money Magazine and Business Week.


Terra Firma

anywhere they can get Wi-Fi. » Urban centers that can maintain a positive urban vibe will thrive. » Urban centers that lose the vibe will see an exodus of businesses and talented workers. » Small cities that feel safe and pleasant will grow dramatically. » Green energy is variable and works well when the sun shines and the wind blows. » Rolling blackouts aren’t fun when you need the internet to complete your work. » Teens don’t dig rolling blackouts either—when they can’t play their video games. » Underinvestment in oil and gas will lead to a supply/demand mismatch.

Editor’s Note: Mark Dotzour has become a popular speaker at our National Land Conference, and he will join us again to wrap up NLC 2022 on March 25 in San Antonio, Texas. To hear Mark’s insights and enjoy the rest of the conference, register at www.il lr /nmo c.dna cl .

Winter 2022



Congratulations to Our New Accredited Land Consultants!


ccredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most experienced, most accomplished and highest-performing land real estate experts in the nation. Conferred exclusively by the REALTORS® Land Institute, and the only land-specific designation backed by the National Association of REALTORS®, the ALC is the gold standard of achievement in the land sales profession.

The individuals highlighted below completed their ALC designations from June 2021 to November 2021. William M. Bellis, Jr., alc Whitetail Properties Real Estate

Whitetail Properties Real Estate

Wilmington, NC

Pittsfield, IL

Neil Colbert, alc

Charles Richard Davis, alc

Colter DeVries, alc

Southern Properties Agency

Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Partners

Colter DeVries Ag Investments

Fort Payne, AL

Newnan, GA

Billings, MT

Brent A Grosse, alc

Adam Hunnicutt, alc

Clay Lockard, alc

Whitetail Properties Real Estate

Clearwater Group of NC

Whitetail Properties Real Estate

La Porte City, IA

Eden, NC

Eolia, MO

Ryan McCue, alc

Josh Monk, alc

Geoff Mead, alc Wingert Realty & Land Services Mankato, MN

Terra Firma

Gary E. Carty, alc

National Land Realty

Kellyville, OK


Cailein Campbell, alc


Whitetail Properties Real Estate

Columbia, SC

Pittsfield, IL

4 Steps

to Become a Prestigious Accredited Land Consultant

Costnem riuq RnoitacudEeht lpm

Cooil frt Paelipm

Applicants must complete six LANDU courses, for a total of 104 contact hours, which are divided into three categories. Once the education requirements are met, applicants must pass a comprehensive exam which covers the three required courses.

noitcud rP em lo V eht M Larofstnem riuq R selaSdn Applicants must complete a minimum of 1 $ 0M in land transactions within the five years before their application, or complete 25 separate land transactions. A transaction is considered a land transaction if the value of the land, including improvements that are agricultural in nature, account for at least 51 of the total sale of the transaction. Agricultural improvements include, but are not limited to, barns, livestock operations, equine facilities, etc.

Applicants must compile a portfolio documenting the completion of the education, experience and volume requirements.

Ap eht imbuS noita c lp ® Applicants must submit their portfolio to the REALTORS Land Institute Designation Committee and oard of Directors for final review and approval.


Ready to start your path to becoming an Accredited Land Consultant? Visit rliland.com/ALC for more information.

Alan Mullinax, alc

Sean O’Grady, alc

Carolina One New Homes

Whitetail Properties Real Estate

Charleston, SC

Stillwater, OK

Alamosa, CO

John Sweeney, alc

Cade Taylor, alc

James Rothermich, alc, mai, ara Iowa Appraisal and Research Corporation Des Moines, IA

Preston Porter, alc Porter Realty, Inc.

Sweeney Real Estate

Whitetail Properties Real Estate

Waukon, IA

Albany, LA

Keat Waldron, alc

SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate

Ben Wellons, alc

Tucker Wood, alc

Wellons Real Estate

Farmers National Company

Lakeland, FL

Roland, AK

Brocton, IL

Jack Brown, alc

Robert Pahmiyer, alc

Whitetail Properties Real Estate, LLC

TDR Real Estate Group

New Alexandria, PA

Marble Falls, TX

Winter 2022


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Making a Splash Biden Moves Forward with New WOTUS Rule


Terra Firma


by Russell Riggs Senior Policy Representative, National Association of REALTORS®

On the Surface


n June 2021, the Biden administration announced its intention to develop a new rule governing the definition of the “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) in the Clean Water Act. The change could have a profound effect on private property rights and land professionals—particularly on the development side.

Trump’s WOTUS rule also maintained protections for clean water, expanded exemptions for waters from federal jurisdiction, preserved state authority over waters in their state, and required the best science for all regulatory procedures.


The new rule would replace the current Navigable Waters Protection Rule, which was enacted in 2020 by the Trump Administration. Developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and theAry m Cops r gin nE fo this ,sre i5e ralc e ur whic d hwatewesr e r regulated by the federal government and which waters were regulated by states and localities.

RLI applauded the Trump WOTUS rule as a commonsense gu e r tio al tha n ty lrae c 5ned wha se twabje teu s e ra s tc tolared f jurisdiction and what waters are subject to state and local protection. However, because of federal legal action in Arizona, the Trump WOTUS Rule is no longer in force, and federal agencies are using regulatory guidance used prior to the Obama Rule to make wetlands jurisdictional determinations. EPA has committed to developing a new WOTUS rule, and is now in the process of gathering public input and comment into what that regulation might look like.


Winter 2022


Pros and Cons Proponents of a new rule say it will offer better environmental protections; opponents say it will extend government overreach and slow economic growth. Both sides seem to agree that any rule the Biden Administration develops will likely result in more waters falling under federal control. RLI is among those watching closely and will have concerns if the definition of WOTUS is expanded to bring more waters under jurisdiction of the federal government. Federal control over more waters means more onerous permitting, red tape and bureaucracy, which could hinder needed real estate development. More red tape could be of particular concern to the multifamily sector. Additional federal control could hamper the creation of much-needed new housing supply, including multifamily units. Affordable housing for low- and moderate-income renters is already scarce. In addition, new commercial development across all sectors could be curtailed by a rule change, slowing growth in a time when businesses are marching toward a post-pandemic recovery. A new WOTUS rule that expands federal-government control over more waters will hinder new commercial development by requiring additional cumbersome and expensive permitting.


Terra Firma

Impact on Private Property

Bottom Line

A Biden WOTUS rule could also extend federal protection to thousands of small streams, wetlands, and other waterways, some of which cross farmland, commercial properties, and other private prpe o ty— r to"ee sre vda t,c the sa waes tebor ie d y dae rla e ra s protected by state and local regulations. Farms and small businesses could become subject to regulatory takings of land and property.

tim lU tea y, l id na woelurbrdaleu ing"ea l tec pa d tie r in —s in dulc g developers and business interests—to the table to hammer out a regulation that would stop the pendulum swings that have occurred as administrations change hands. The constant back-and-forth has created additional burdens for farmers, businesses, and developers. For more than 20 years, questions about the scope of federal authority over WOTUS have resulted in litigation and regulatory uncertainty, which ultimately is bad for development and bad for water protections.

What makes increased federal control even more frustrating is that it may do very little to protect water quality. The Safe Drinking Water Act protects public health by regulating the nation’s public drinking water supply, including multiple barriers against pollution—treatment, distribution system integrity, public information, and source protection. The WOTUS rule does not impact those protective requirements.

Russell Riggs is RLI’s Government Affairs Liaison and is a Senior Policy Representative for the National Association of REALTORS®, working with the Land Use and Property Rights Committee and the Resort and Second Homes Committee. Russell has a Bachelors degree in Political Science from Virginia Commonwealth University, a Masters in Public Policy from Tufts University, and a Masters in Public Administration from New York University.

Winter 2022



Did 1031 LikeKind Exchanges Dodge a Bullet?


By Evan M. Liddiard, CPA – Director of Federal Tax Policy National Association of REALTORS®


n the run-up to the 2020 election, alarm bells started ringing in the real estate world when Joe Biden’s campaign suggested that one way to help pay for his massive spending plans, if elected, would be to phase out the like-kind exchange (LKE) for higher-income Americans. Many progressives have long painted section 1031 as a tax giveaway for real estate moguls with few redeeming qualities for anyone else. Thus, many saw it as a chance to raise revenue to pay for childcare and Medicaid expansion while adding equity to the tax law. Fast forward to November 2021. Now-President Biden presented his Democratic colleagues in Congress with a scaled-back framework of the “Build Back Better” act that seemed on the verge of passing the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate.

t,Ye 3101 g nol go a "o l e f theis l tthe fo y lraen $2trilio l pa n ge akc fo tax increases, even though the Biden Administration put it forward as an integral part of the plan this spring. What happened?

The Myth of the Loophole To answer this question, we need to dig deeper into political perceptions. The fact is, Section 1031 has long been poorly tosrednu by do poic l ym t,lu se r a5ns ,dna sre ka its sd a no fle perennial list of so-called “loopholes” that should be stricken from the law. This is because far too few Members of Congress have a solid understanding of how LKEs work. Thus, when left-wing groups brand 1031 as “tax free” or “improper,” it is easy for the uninformed to believe this is just one more “freebie” in a tax code tilted toward the rich. Fortunately, proponents of preserving the like-kind exchange had recent experience in defending it against repeal.

Kelly Sikkema • Unsplash

A Fight for the Like-Kind Four years ago, the provision was in danger from the other side of the aisle. Republicans pushing for tax reform decided that the LKE was not needed in a world of immediate expensing for real estate. Trade grps uo the o dna ic uq sr y lk itio lao c demro f ton 5ghtim le intio a he T .n tlu se rin fo te"oe sn tha e tsrom re v o ye a n wara tha s t3101 wade vas for real estate, even though it was lost for personal property. However, success in 2017 taught defenders of the LKE that there are two keys to its preservation: education and data. The coalition commissioned two economic studies—one from a pair of respected ic medac the dna s the o in dael mo rf gtin nuo c a g5rhe T .m ,es together with recent surveys of REALTORS® that showed just how pervasive exchanges are on Main Street America, told a tale far i"e d tne rthe mo rf yths m boa tu howitic rc xce la hage n toe ra s job creation, neighborhood improvement, and economic growth at all levels.

A Coalition Reconnected When the Biden campaign started the repeal drumroll again in 2020, the coalition quickly regrouped. The studies and surveys were updated, and new members were recruited that could better carry messages that appeal to Democrats, such as how 1031 helps with land conservation and assisting minority business wno in sre 5nin cna gxpa e io sn .n Altogether, more than three dozen groups participated in an intense crusade to educate Congress. REALTORS® and others in home states and districts of key Members of Congress also weighed in. By the time the White House put forward its proposals, the coalition’s message had reached every key Democrat on Capitol Hill. A critical level of support for limiting 1031 evaporated and the provision dropped out of the bill. So, does this mean that LKE supporters can now relax? Not at all. We must remain vigilant and ready to continue the education process on the value of Section 1031.

Refresher: What is an LKE? “ Like-kind exchanges, also referred to as 1031 exchanges, have been in the tax code since 1921 and have allowed for taxpayers to exchange prpe o ty r thatisim s ilthe re f d na r gn o ce r itioga fo n inhe T . juti5c s tio a in dnuo r u s n gthega fo lar e f d inisthattaa xpayewho r tene in sr to the exchange is merely changing their investment vehicle. Based on the mechanics of the provision, the taxpayer’s gain that would have been recognized had they sold the property outright is embedded in the property received. In other words, the asset appreciation on the exchange is not eliminated, but merely deferred until a later point in time when the taxpayer eventually sells the property received in the exchange.” — Forbes, September 2021


Terra Firma

Winter 2022


RLI members relate to Jordan Davis’ country hit featuring Luke Bryan by Phil Newman


aren Foster’s ears perked up when she heard the smooth baritone of country artist Jordan Davis singing his late-summer 2021 hit song “Buy Dirt”. The words that poured out as Davis sang from the heart—with help from his friend, country superstar Luke Bryan—immediately resonated with Foster.

he W I n 5rts was thethe fo eman g nos y m no io dar the ,ne rcs n listened to the words, I immediately knew it could have been written for my RLI family and me as a theme song,” says Foster, ALC, of "eeJ il vnosr In ,el ia d he T .an g nos pe s toska thetrin naem u gfo why we do what we do. It’s not the sale. It’s the experiences we help people create in their lives—the lifestyle they dream of.” Foster was far from alone in her praise for the hit tune. Many other RLI members chimed in on social media and via email as “Buy Dirt” landed on the country-radio airwaves and online music channels. Atprtim s e beTu ie uv Yo ,e wsthe fo gsnos %c o iaio dua l (3.6il m io l )n and video (5.8 million) were still rising. “RLI theme song!” the Texas RLI Chapter posted on Facebook, with in l a tok theg. nos CathyCoAL,el C(Texa),s Gedna "o HuAL,eld r C (Tennessee), joined Foster in alerting RLI’s leadership about the song and its close connections to land real estate. Luke Bryan, whom Davis invited to share vocals on “Buy Dirt”, 6ee r tec the no d gsnos in naem gin rud gtheid v ho s oe to mraf no south of Nashville, near Bryan’s own spread, just as he and Davis returned from a Jeep ride “frollickin’ around lookin’ at turkeys tus dna ".


Terra Firma

“Having your own land to raise your kids on is pretty special. The song really captures all of that. It’s an important message.” —Luke Bryan

Rooted in the Truth The chorus of Jordan Davis’ hit song “Buy Dirt” says a lot about who we are and what we do as land pros:

Buy dirt Find the one you can’t live without Get a ring, let your knee hit the ground

“This song truly is something that I can join in and believe,” Bryan says. “As your family grows up, having your own land to raise your kids on is pretty special. The song really captures all of that. It’s an important message.”

Do what you love but call it work

As for Davis, the native of Shreveport, LA, was surrounded by music from a young age; his parents played instruments, and he sang in his church choir. Although Davis had excelled at football and baseball ha dna "eo d tosr ply a ge e l o c po s tsr he , pte o tod ttea whe , USL dn e r he studied resource conservation. After graduating, he worked as an environmental consultant in Baton Rouge. However, his passion for music and songwriting eventually brought him to Nashville in 2012. From there, his career has advanced steadily upward.

And watch their pencil marks

“Buy Dirt” is the title track of his recently released second album— but it’s more than that. “It’s also the centerpiece,” according to his biota www.jois v adn r %c o iaitte rW .mo c .l id ma n ts theha c dna so uncertainty of Covid-19, ‘Buy Dirt’ focuses on the things that truly tteam he T. r g nos 5nits sd toar n ittin sr gbaa no po kc h c r withhis grandfather, listening to the old man dispense pearls of wisdom betweips s ne ho fo t"eo c .e

And throw a little money in the plate at church Send your prayers up and your roots down deep Add a few limbs to your family tree And the grass in the yard all grow up ’Cause the truth about it is It all goes by real quick You can’t buy happiness But you can buy dirt Songwriters: Matt Jenkins / Jordan Davis / Joshua Cole Jenkins / Jacob J. Davis Buy Dirt lyrics ©Universal Music Corp., Smackworks Music, Jordan Davis Music, Combustion Five, Big Blue Nation Music, Jenktown, Anthem Music Publishing Ii, Bentprop Pub.

For Davis, the story goes even deeper. “When Covid hit, I was worried that I’d lost a career that I’d spent my entire life building,” he says. “It took me a couple months to realize I already had everything I needed—a roof over my head, a beautiful daughter that I could watch grow up, and an amazing wife. I had my family, faith, and friends. As humans, we always want what we don’t have…but it’s good to take a step back and refocus on what’s really important.” Those who know, love, and review country music have also been enthusiastic about the power and magnitude of “Buy Dirt.” For example, in the publication Sounds Like Nashville, Chris Parton wrote of the video featuring Davis and Bryan: “Backed by the song’s gentle acoustic sound and with Davis’ muddy Mississippi vocal making room for Bryan’s Georgian drawl, the clip is as serene as it is simple. The two stars stand together on a rolling hillside, with Davis playing guitar and a series of pure-country tsnemo 6ahin s gbyik l ha e ppyie rome id K .s pl s yin a gtogether A.mraf npl ou c wae in kl ghain dn hathr dn gh uo ha a y5edna ,d l more, all adding up to the song’s make-a-place-for-yourself hook: tnac u buYo yhappin/s e tu B yobunac u yir d t. To that sentiment, our RLI family echoes a resounding, “Amen!”

Phil Newman is the Communications Manager for RLI.

“It’s not the sale. It’s the experiences we help people create in their lives-the lifestyle they dream of.” —Karen Foster

Winter 2022


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Windmill Wonders Jennifer Janet, ALC Perryville, MO

American Beauty RLI members share stunning photos of our great land, from sea to shining sea

“Wow—just wow!” That has been the reaction upon beholding many of the original photogrphs a bmu s itteby d I LR beme in sr po se r toesn in na ita v tio5rn ts issued late last summer. What began as a hope to gather striking land photos to share on RLI’s social-media channels evolved into a call to publish the images you now see within these pages of Terra Firma.

Stream & Sky Traci Phillips Wimberley, TX

Not only that, but as photos began arriving, the idea emerged to hold a cover contest for this issue of the magazine. As voted on by members serving on the RLI Editorial Panel, the winner of the contest and the photographer of the image on this edition’s cover is Ryan McCue, ALC, of Columbia, SC. Congratulations, Ryan, and thanks for your beautiful sunlight and mist photo! Congratulations to Ryan—but congratulations (and thanks) as well to all of the members who submitted photographs. Each image is inspiring in its own way, and together they serve as vivid reminders of the breathtaking beauty on display throughout the nation and beyond. They capture and illustrate the truth that this land is my land, your land, and our land. It’s no woweredn 5nit d w,o woW oin .s u rdn ju—de ts wow.


Terra Firma

To submit your original photo(s) for consideration for future social media posts, please attach them as image files to an email and send to Phil Newman, pnewman@nar.realtor, with the subject line PHOTO.

Purple Sunrise Majesty Rick Bourne Greenville, AL

Dog Days

Joseph Towns Georgetown, TX

Rooms with a View Ben Richardson, ALC Leesburg, AL

Winter 2022


American Beauty Montana Majesty Fay Ranches Bozeman, MT

Sunray Bales Jennifer Janet, ALC Perryville, MO

Sunflower Power Geoff Hurdle, ALC Shelby Farms Park, TN


Terra Firma

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RLI member and ALC Geoff Hurdle hits the road on a summer RV adventure

If there’s a lesson in every story, the story of Geoff Hurdle and his 2021 RV tour might include this one: Be careful what you post on Facebook. When Hurdle, of Chattanooga, TN, an RLI board member, casually threw out the idea of traveling around the ite nU taS d who dtee ksa dn s ight m ik l is v a e it,the6oga do tepe o s wol e fI dLnRa e beme he sur in d . ha d u Yo tho e v ght u Iid as Iwagiv s ingtuo $1bil 0 Huys a,s le d r withgh. u al Anin , os d the20fteoal rem21u s he , tes "o the uos m rf joa no e tsy anru Te thatwore v o c d lu more than 5,100 miles and 11 states in 23 days of travel. (See graphic.) Along the way, he connected with 54 fellow land professionals and other friends, enjoyed cuisine ranging 5nmo rf in d e ingtogrilbude l ge r ippe s,r ythin re v d gCodlo c might L sr f o towege a-l whis d y e k t,aen narrowly avoided a catastrophe that would have wrecked the RV and Jeep it was towing, and, with some timely assistance, handled a property closing back home by phone, email and FedEx.


Terra Firma

Hurdle’s Highlights » Stayed two nights in Paris, TX, with Renee Harvey, ALC, 2021 RLI president, where he toured the Harveys’ cattle operations and observed Texas-sized baling in hay meadows. » Enjoyed a visit from Wendy Johnson, ALC, who drove the 70 miles from Royse City, east of Dallas, to Paris. » Also in Paris, met up with Clayton Pilgrim, ALC, who “took me through sorghum and soybean fields and other cattle operations and auction houses.” » Had a great breakfast while visiting with George Clift, ALC, discussing the history of RLI in Amarillo, TX.

» Connected with fellow LANDU Education Week classmate Wendy Cline, ALC, and her husband, Donald, for breakfast in Hempstead, TX. “We laughed about the fact that they got married after 2018 LANDU week, because she postponed her wedding to attend LANDU. That’s dedication.” » Made it to fabled Luckenbach, TX, “which I have always wanted to do.” (Waylon and Willie and the boys were out of town, unfortunately.) » Toured orchards, vineyards and irrigation systems with Gary Hubbell, ALC, in Hotchkiss, CO. “He cooked dinner with everything locally harvested, beef included!” » Visited friend and fellow RLI member Norma Nisbet, ALC, in St. Louis. » Hit a gun range with Angelina Lawson of Prairie Village, KS. “I had so much fun shooting. Never owned an AR-15, always wanted one, and bought one in KC.”

» Greeted Mark James—a LANDU grad from 2021 in Murfreesboro, TN, which Hurdle and team hosted—in Rolla, MO. “We went to a couple listings, talked real estate, pulled out the new AR-15 and shot at some targets.” » Received gifts of spirits including wine, whiskey, ciders and beer. “Drew and Eric picked me up at my campsite, said ‘Welcome to Oklahoma, get in,’ and we rode the dirt roads looking at listings. Afterward we met up with Drew’s wife, Trish, for dinner. I didn’t get back to camp until almost midnight.” » Enjoyed perfect weather, other than a little rain coming into Jeffersonville, IN, to visit with Karen Foster, ALC, and Stephen Davis, who rode over from Lexington, KY.

“Driving alone across America in a motor home is an absolutely phenomenal experience,” Hurdle says. “I wanted to get out and see my I LR pepl o I .e tem withto l a the fo I LR hip sreda l the o dna beme r /sr friends I hadn’t been able to see for so long, and I was fortunate to meet many new friends.” Hurdle was surprised by the enthusiastic response his initial post stirred, but not by the warm reception he received at every stop. “I expected it, because I’ve always known that our RLI family is a hospitable bunch,” he says. “There wasn’t a town where I wasn’t welcomed with open arms, big smiles, meals, gifts of wine, books, "eo c gs um e ha dna ts(o, htheI LR hatwae v otrls g) no "eo dna tosr stay over. I was overwhelmed by all of the kindness and generosity.” Hurdle says that when Steve Fryar of Brownwood, TX, and his wife, Dianne, welcomed him for dinner, Steve said “he couldn’t believe I would come all the way out to Brownwood to see them,” Hurdle recalls. “But it was my honor to be there. On Steve’s arrival to meet me at camp, he brought beer to replenish what Drew Ary, ALC, and Eric Zellers had provided. As I left, he and Dianne gifted me wine.” READ ON »

Winter 2022


“I was excited to see every member I came into contact with and wish I could list them all here,” Hurdle says. “I cannot say enough about the hospitality each and every one brought.” Meanwhile, business back home continued. “I am blessed with a real estate development company and a brokerage company. My daughter, itta rB y, n hathe de l n y ad toy ad withthebrge are ko 5ry m dna ,m ghte uad is rK , r teFuge an m ,l es the d pm o le v d tne %c o I .e wabla s e to leave town for an extended period with no worries about work.” Hurdle did have to maneuver some tight turns—not only in the RV, but while executing a closing from Fredericksburg, TX. RLI member LeeAnn Bailey stepped up to assist. “I was the seller. My attorney in il ame s en Te the de in so lc gpat,e kc Iprinteit d ta Ane L%c o s n ,e she notarized it, I signed and FedExed it back. They wired the proceeds into my account and I never skipped a beat,” Hurdle says. “I was grateful for the technology and the help that made it possible.” One of the aspects of the trip that left the strongest impression on Hurdle was the new knowledge he gained. “I’ve been a transitional land guy for over 30 years. I don’t know much about irrigation, farming, cattle operations, and so on, so I enjoyed getting to see all of the i"e d tne r typeits dna l fo s in se u tio ca .n He adds, “Not only did I get to see America, or at least the heart of it,butIt.o l a denraI l the de v o l i"e d tne rpe acsdnal if l dna s tyl se I .se enjoyed seeing where our members work from and meeting their team members. I highly recommend a trip like this and hope others enjoy the story at least a fraction as much as I did living it.”

Fr6amo tltosdna highplin a tos tanuom ingrthe , ruedna toV R ko Hurdle as high as 11,158 feet above sea level, through the Eisenhower Memorial Tunnel, about 60 miles west of Denver on Interstate 70. While in Colorado, he celebrated his birthday while visiting brothers Dan Murphy, ALC, and Michael Murphy, ALC, in Lake City. The next day he talked alpacas and land sales with Sally Ball in Conifer. Then they tem p u withFaithCo"lteos W -y odlJ na in bodraB o f ru . ren After visiting Gary Hubbell, ALC, and leaving Hotchkiss, disaster almost struck. Hurdle “looked in the right mirror and saw the Jeep—and I wasn’t supposed to be seeing it.” The Jeep had come loose from its hitch. Heading downhill, he slowed the rig as the Jeep began banging against the side of the motorhome. Finally easing to a stop, he jumped out to discover that the hitch had sheared in half. He was able to attach an extra hitch he had on board, hook the Jeep back up and keep rolling. Damage was minimal and no one was hurt. i"e d rednU tne r ir c tajosamuc ,id secan r tne ha dluo c telu se r .dv But Hurdle and the RV lived to tell the story—and they might be telling another story in the not-too-distant future. “Flo Sayre [ALC] wanted me to come visit her up in Washington, and I wanted to go, but that would have added more than eight days to the trip,” Hurdle says. “I did what I could. I’m thinking about doing it again next spring. We’ll see.” If he does, it won’t surprise him when RLI welcome mats appear across the land once again.

“Not only did I get to see America, or at least the heart of it, but I learned a lot. I loved the different landscapes and lifestyles. I enjoyed seeing where our members work from and meeting their team members. I highly recommend a trip like this and hope others enjoy the story at least a fraction as much as I did living it.”


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“Confessions” Series Unearths Gems of Wisdom


LI’s “Confessions of a Land Pro” video blog series was a big hit throughout 2021. The brainchild of RLI’s Future Leaders Committee, the series paired a committee member with a land real estate professional at the top of their game. To give a sense of the quality of gems that emerged during the series, here are some of the ideas and tips shared by Randy Hertz, ALC, in his conversation with Eric Zellers. Hertz Real Estate Services is based in Iowa but has a footprint spanning several Corn Belt states and averages a little over one farm sale every day of the year.

Featuring interviews with top producers from various regions and markets, “Confessions” uncovered these all-stars’ journey to the apex of an ever-changing industry. The series paired Bill Eshenbaugh, ALC, of Tampa, FL, with interviewer Ryan Sampson, ALC, also of Tampa; Andy Flack, ALC, of Huntsville, TX, with Clayton Pilgrim, ALC, of Paris, TX; Drew Ary, ALC, of Tulsa, OK, in a conversation with Chuck Wingert, ALC, of Mankato, MN; Randy Hertz, ALC, of Nevada, Iowa, interviewed by Eric Zellers of Tulsa, OK; and Christy Belton, ALC, of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, interviewed by Courtney Tschanz, a fellow Coloradan from Glenwood Springs. The series then wrapped with an all-star Roundtable conversation featuring Clayton, Randy, Bill, Andy and Christy.

» Use video to the fullest. Hertz works with 34 commercial drone pilots to take a birds’-eye view of the properties they manage and sell. They recently hired a full-time video editor to manage shooting, cutting and sharing clips of properties on the market. » Communicate clearly and seek to understand the emotional complexities of many big farm and land deals. “The families we work with aren’t always functional,” Hertz says. “If there are brothers and sisters involved in their parents’ land, they don’t always see eye to eye. Sometimes we’ve got to be the glue that helps them navigate the process.” » Embrace technology. From Lidar topographical tools that can idtif ne ypr a pe o ty r wnod totheinh, c toGP/mS ppin a gtoto,slo online auctions, to 360-degree land tours (made possible by the drones mentioned above), look for ways to optimize your business and better serve your clients through technological advancements. » Keep an “ear to the soil” by maintaining contacts with prospective clients well before and after a sale. Hertz keeps a database of 65,000-plus farmland owners who receive newsletters and check-ins. “We keep a dialogue open, because you never know when a life change happens and they may need us,” Hertz says. » Look to connect with emerging generations. “About half of farm owners are 70 years old or older. There are some big transitions ahead as land is passed down to the next generations.” » Be ready to change not only one life but the life of a family for years to come. In one case, Hertz helped a widow properly value the farm she was preparing to sell, resulting in an increase from $150, to0 $3,pe 0 i"e d a—e rca r tha e cn r tweol a he d tor teign ase rc om a i5ctna 5nia cna ga el y c he ro f dna flesr her loved ones. That is just a taste of the depth and richness of the “Confessions” series. To watch all of the videos, go to www.il lr /bl mo c .dna g o . Special thanks to the Future Leaders Committee and to the Accredited Land Consultants who gave of their time and expertise to share their secrets to success.


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Winter 2022





A Legacy of Carolina Crops and Rocky Mountain Trout By Phil Newman

Phil with his Great Uncle Ned and sister Julie on the farm in South Carolina


ometime between 1760 and 1772, a Welsh planter named William Jones I moved south from Roanoke, VA, and settled on hundreds of sandy, wooded South Carolina acres that would become his family’s farm for eight-plus generations.

Later, after a job change moved us to suburban Denver, Dad bought 11 acres of valley and mountainside near Florissant, CO.

As described in a Jones family anthology, Will was one of many pe o ru E "eo snaya o R a de r GrdnaL l tna inthein w—edNlro W this,esac for a rural outpost of a colonial territory later known as Kershaw, SC, roughly halfway between Columbia and Charlotte. His sons William II and Samuel would battle the British in the Revolutionary War. Family tritio da ho n tha sd l tthe5rts tiv ale r in e theAmic re wasa Chr s istopher Ca,senoJ ptainthe fo y6o aM we(Ye. the r ,s in l is k te).suo n

Clin so gy m ye e ga a s inI , brma thin ae gis rc pir a wednal o"ea tio c y l an dubbed “The Rockpile.” I feel the tug on my line in the stream when a rainbow trout takes the hook. I traverse the boulders leading to the top of the ridge. I hear Dad’s voice teaching me about the BLM land in dnuo r u s gthe ,su xin e v gbetle in e tase f tiothe ,n 5rwoe wedo wiltuc l tomorrow. I taste the sweetly singed marshmallows roasted over a p5r mac in lkcar s e gbemep u dnes r pa s toskr is k the s py onac tas fo sr above.

On page 137 of Book II of that history, the name “Philip F., son of B. Joye Sowell Jones Newman,” appears. Seeing it brings a smile, because I’m not just an observer of this rich history; I’m a participant. Reading it tabaem s tok c boyhoys ad o blmar ingthe5ewotha d n a f so d l t farm, two centuries after my great-great-great-great-grandfather settled there.

Under all is the land, and the land under my feet in those formative years steadied my steps into adulthood. The acreage I’ve been blessed to behold—whether as a toe-headed boy skipping over hot rows Cafo in lo r ps o rc a teain lero ne gin5sa hy kco R a mo rf tanuoM in brook—is woven into me, as it is for so many of us.

he W I n y m eso lc ye e Im ,s grippingjanosaM 5lr with de l icwae ter poured by my precious Great Aunt Polly, running barefoot over rows izzl s fo ingil os 5n, y l a iv r a ingta thetrde r-detoacf iv rd by ne y m beloved Great Uncle Ned (pictured above right with my sister Julie and me), watching him remove his wide-brimmed hat, wipe his brow, guzzle the water, and wink at me as he hands the jar back and resumes plwin o gthe5epe fo sd l buro ,sa tte.nrbeo c ro ,sna My immediate family moved a lot—from Carolina to Massachusetts, Virginia, Washington, Colorado, and Tennessee—but summer visits to Kershaw (and to another family farm two hours south, where my grandparents had moved in the 1930s) anchored me. It was familiar, reliable ground. It welcomed me back each June.


Itode v olif s t6owith ru Grtae GrHaamdn ttiethe ro f bisits uc he s baked, feed the chickens as they scurried around the coop, shell peas and shuck corn, walk the road to cousin J.W. Sowell’s country store— withitswdas tsu pl6okna bodna sro ttlis d a os-de peno kco r dna—resn they kae rc s mraf poh c r win s gwhilga e zingthe re v o 5efates dnlo r thunder clouds rolled in carrying drought-breaking rain.

Terra Firma

ha re P psik l yo e y m ,u tos dnal y r 5ly m sl hetra withpridwo,e redn gratitude, and perspective. It is among the many reasons I’m thankful to be part of an organization that supports and champions the vital work of land real estate professionals. On this page in future issues of Terra Firma, we will invite RLI members to share your own land stories. Look for details in our monthly LANDNews and on social media. hy? W this esuaceB its dna— l pl e d ytle f in6uh cae no cne —su fo is worth celebrating.

Phil Newman, RCE, e-PRO, C2EX, serves as RLI’s Communications Manager. He joined the staff team in August 2021.

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